Daemonite's Material UI is a cross-platform and fully responsive front-end interface based on Google Material Design. This lightweight framework is built using Bootstrap 4. The basic idea behind this project is to combine the visual language of Google Material Design with the front-end technology of the popular Bootstrap framework.
A visual language for our users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. This is material design. http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html
Detailed documentation site is work in progress. Let us know what you think at the Daemon Labs forum.
The primary goal of this project is to give all Bootstrap components and elements a Material Design look, so it allows web developers to continue using the exact same Bootstrap HTML markup they are familiar with, but presents a final outcome that is in line with the principles and specifics of Google Material Design.
Therefore, the Bootstrap's documentation can serve as a valid documentation for this project as well. Replacing bootstrap.min.css
on the site with material.min.css
from this project without any other changes will transform all components and elements into a materialised look.
A secondary goal of this project is to add support of some unique Material Design components such as floating action buttons, pickers and steppers to name a few, which cannot be achieved by transforming existing Bootstrap components or elements.
Because these components will require additional markup (some may require additional JavaScript), they will be documented separately in Material's documentation (work-in-progress).
Currently based on Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6.
Bootstrap 4 Components | Equivalent Material Design Components |
Alerts | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Breadcrumb | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Buttons | Buttons |
Button group | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Cards | Cards |
Carousel | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Collapse | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Dropdowns | Menus |
Forms | Text fields |
Input group | Text fields |
Jumbotron | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
List group | Expansion panels |
Modal | Dialogs |
Navs | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Navbar | Toolbars |
Pagination | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Popovers | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Progress | Progress & activity |
Scrollspy | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
Tags | Chips |
Tooltips | Tooltips |
Utility classes | None, but supported with our own interpretation |
- Bootstrap 4's grid system is supported, but breakpoints have been changed according to Material Design Responsive UI Guidlines.
- Bootstrap 4's responsive utilities are all supported.
- Bootstrap 4's typography classes and HTML tags (also including code, figures and images) are all supported.
Material Components | Equivalent Bootstrap 4 Components | Additional Information |
Bottom navigation | None | Todo: currently not supported. |
Bottom sheets | None | Todo: currently not supported. |
Buttons | Buttons | .btn for raised buttons, .btn-flat and .btn-outline for flat buttons. |
Buttons: Floating Action Button | None | Add .btn-float on top of a .btn for floating action buttons. |
Cards | Cards | Additional .card-actions added to style supplemental action area. |
Chips | Tags | Both .chip (Material) and .tag (Bootstrap) work the same. Bootstrap 4's .tag-pill is not supported. |
Data tables | Tables | Todo: .table-inverse , .table-reflow and .table-sm . |
Dialogs | Modal | Both .dialog (Material) and .modal (Bootstrap) work the same. |
Dividers | None | Generally, use <hr> with margin utility classes to create dividers. Some specific components have dividers built in that may (e.g. navigation drawers) or may not (e.g. expansion panel) require .*-divider classes. |
Expansion panels | List group | Both .expansion-panel (Material) and .list-group (Bootstrap) work the same. Collapsed and expanded panels require .expansion-panel-collapse class. |
Grid lists | None | Use Bootstrap 4's grid with padding utility classes to create grid lists. |
Lists | Media object | Margin, padding, and vertical-alignment utility classes may be required. |
Lists: Controls | Media object | Margin, padding, and vertical-alignment utility classes may be required. |
Menus | Dropdowns | Both .dropdown-menu (Bootstrap) and .menu (Material) work the same apart from their opening positions as .menu overlays the dropdown toggler. .dropdown-menu-sm and .menu-cascading are added for a cascading menu variation defined in Material Design Gudielines. |
Navigation drawer | None | A default navigation drawer always opens above all other content with a tranparent black backdrop. Permanent (including its different variations), persistent, and temporary navigation drawers are supported, but the mini variant is currently not supported. |
Pickers | None | Only date picker is currently supported. Todo: landscape picker. |
Progress & activity | Progress | Linear progress bar's buffer variation is currently not supported. |
Selection controls | Forms | The on/off slide toggle defined in Material Design Guidelines is supported with .custom-switch . |
Sliders | None | Todo: currently not supported. |
Snackbars & toasts | None | Todo: add snackbars & toasts support back. |
Steppers | None | Only non-clickable stepper is currently supported. |
Subheaders | None | Use colour and typography utility classes to create subheaders. |
Tabs | Navs | .nav-tabs-bordered , .nav-tabs-centered , .nav-tabs-fixed , and .nav-tabs-scrollable are added to create certain variations of a tab bar based on Material Design Guidelines. |
Text fields | Forms | .floating-label is required on top of Bootstrap 4's markup to create a text field with a floating label. .textarea-autosize is required to create a multi-line text field that automatically breaks to a new line for overflow text. |
Toolbars | Navbar | Both .navbar (Bootstrap) and .toolbar (Material) work the same. .toolbar-clipped is equivalent to .navbar-fixed-top . .toolbar-waterfall requires some custom Javascript to add/remove .waterfall class on scroll since Bootstrap 4 removes the affix plugin. |
Tooltips | Tooltips | |
Widgets | None | This component is not really relevant to web development, so we probably will not actively look into adding support in this framework. |