Hyperspectral Image Analysis tool
See directory doc
for documentation and dist_archive
for Windows builds.
for required python packages, see src/requirements.txt
cd [repo-root]/src
python main.py
- Download the latest
archive fromdist_archive
- unpack
- run
Known issue: some overly ambitions anti-virus softwares might put some of the necessary files in quarantine when unpacking... then the applications does not start properly.
for required python packages, see requirements.txt
building with pyinstaller currently only works up to python 3.9
for building with pyinstaller on Windows, cd to /hyperlyse/src/ and run build.bat
- Data loading: if a "scale factor" is found in ENVI .hdr file, the values of the data cube are scaled accordingly. No other transformations/scalings are applied.
- PCA visualizations: only the wavelengths selected sith the wavelength comparison slider are used (this is useful, if noisy upper and lower ends of the spectrum lead to "pure noise" components)
- bugfix: crash on save similarity image
- default filename for spetrum export now only contains the object name once
- R009 brightness adjustment slider for visualization image
- R010 UI element for y-range
- configuration in config.json
- semitransparent markers
- R011 define custom spectral range (x-axis) used for all comparison operations (with UI element)
- R012 select spectrum by rectangle (average)
- R013 new database architecture
- load and save, portable db format
- select, display and compare specific DB spectrum
- extended fields/metadata for database spectra
- image of source material
- based on file system
- for each spectrum, store:
- jcamp-dx file with spectrum data and metadata
- png image with visualization of source
- load database -> recursivly parse arbitryry folder, or load single file
- save to database -> just save anywhere
- delete from database -> delete from filesystem
- portable -> just copy filesystem
- new fields and where they are stored in jcamp-dx:
- name/id ==> ##TITLE
- origin (e.g. name of color poster or manuscript) ==> ##TITLE
- original HSI file ==> ##SOURCE REFERENCE
- rectangle of measurement ==> ##SOURCE REFERENCE
- measurement device ==> ##SPECTROMETER/DATASYSTEM
- pigment intensity (light, medium, dark) ==> ##SAMPLE DESCRIPTION
- in the process: lots of internal refactoring
- Migration to Qt6 (also updated the other python packages)
- Zooming: Slider instead of combo box - smaller increments
- R005 higher zoom level by default (--> make windows larger upon startup, make image fill whole area
- R006 no automatic scaling of y-axis (graph)
- R008 support for general envi files (not only from Specim IQ)
- R008.A comparison of spectra with different bands
- R007 PCA - without much user control. might be added on request.
- R001 export image with marked samplepoint together with spectrum
- R002 zoom (for precise point selection)
- R003 export to JCAMP format
- R004 make spectra exports perfectly compatible with exports from SpecimIQ Studio
- spectral databases and spectra comparison features (experimental)
- advanced image view modes