Website for relaunch after 12.9.2024
DiTAH Digitale Transformation der Österreichisches Geisteswissenschaften Austrian Cooperation Project Project-Lead: Graz, Prof. Georg Vogeler [email protected]
Append-1.0.0 Template from free Bootstrap templates Color code: #004567 Every projects has its own html
Project-Carousel in every html is the carousel for the project pitches which have to be changed manually
Navbar Navbar is hard coded in the index.html and in a separate html with a js for all subpages including the navbar search field and result modal: navbarsearch.html + navbarsearch.js
side nav (aside element): infooverlay.html is loaded with infooverlay.js in all htmls (index.html too) to show the side nav everywhere overlay.js is for opening and closing the items in the side nav in an overlay
Footer is loaded with footer.js and created with footer.html
Elisabeth Raunig [email protected] Maximilian Vogeltanz [email protected]