From 92e5bf70ede33b75aedf5130fa770d1d4a158149 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cirx <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:27:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update zh_TW translations
_locales/zh_TW/messages.json | 17 +++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json
index 415e66c4..c982db3a 100644
--- a/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
"timeline_type": { "message": "時間軸類型" },
"show_topic_tweets": { "message": "顯示話題推文(僅限推薦演算法)" },
"show_colors_in_timeline": { "message": "在首頁時間軸中顯示使用者的自訂連結顏色" },
+ "always_show_link_color": { "message": "總是顯示自訂連結顏色,而非僅在懸停時顯示" },
"enable_twemoji": { "message": "啟用 Twemoji" },
"hearts_instead_stars": { "message": "顯示心型(喜歡),而非星型(收藏)" },
"dark_mode": { "message": "深色主題" },
@@ -405,6 +406,8 @@
"why_you_cant_see_block_user": { "message": "你無法追蹤和查看 @$SCREEN_NAME$ 的推文。", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"nonexistent_user": { "message": "此帳號不存在" },
"nonexistent_user_desc": { "message": "嘗試搜尋其他帳號。" },
+ "suspended_user": { "message": "此帳號已被停用" },
+ "suspended_user_desc": { "message": "你正在嘗試查看的個人資料已被停用。 要返回首頁,請點一下這裡。" },
"you_blocked_user": { "message": "你已封鎖 @$SCREEN_NAME$", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"do_you_want_see_blocked_user": { "message": "是否繼續查看這些推文?你不會因此解除封鎖 @$SCREEN_NAME$。", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"I_want_see_blocked_user": { "message": "是,查看個人資料" },
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@
"autotranslation_help5": { "message": "選擇「黑名單模式」但不設定任何語言等同於自動翻譯所有推文。
建議把你能理解的語言加入到黑名單中,以避免不必要地翻譯。" },
"go_back_to_top": { "message": "返回頂部" },
"follow_system_settings_dark_mode": { "message": "跟隨系統自動設定的深色/淺色主題" },
- "replacer_post_to_tweet": { "message": "發布->推文", "description": "This string will be used to replace word 'post' with 'tweet' in various places. If, in your language, this replacement is very context-based, you can add multiple substitutions and separate them with a | (example: posts->tweet|post->tweet). On the left side of a substitution, use the word for 'post' that Twitter officially uses in your language (open notifications and you'll probably see 'someone liked your post' in your language, find that word (in this case 'post') and place it on the left side, before the '->', and then on the right side insert the translated 'tweet' word, so when replaced it'll look like 'someone liked your tweet'. The substitution terms on the left can also be regex expressions (don't insert them as '/expression/g' though, just 'expression'). For example, 'epic$' will only replace the word 'epic' if it's at the end of a sentence (because the $ character indicates the end of a string in regex). However, if, even after all these substitutions, it sounds bad in your language, you can ignore this." },
+ "replacer_post_to_tweet": { "message": "貼文->推文", "description": "This string will be used to replace word 'post' with 'tweet' in various places. If, in your language, this replacement is very context-based, you can add multiple substitutions and separate them with a | (example: posts->tweet|post->tweet). On the left side of a substitution, use the word for 'post' that Twitter officially uses in your language (open notifications and you'll probably see 'someone liked your post' in your language, find that word (in this case 'post') and place it on the left side, before the '->', and then on the right side insert the translated 'tweet' word, so when replaced it'll look like 'someone liked your tweet'. The substitution terms on the left can also be regex expressions (don't insert them as '/expression/g' though, just 'expression'). For example, 'epic$' will only replace the word 'epic' if it's at the end of a sentence (because the $ character indicates the end of a string in regex). However, if, even after all these substitutions, it sounds bad in your language, you can ignore this." },
"replacer_repost_to_retweet": { "message": "轉發->轉推", "description": "If 'retweet', either the noun or the verb, is different than 'tweet' in your language, you should change this. If this replacement is very context-based in your language, you can also add multiple substitutions and separate them with a | (example: repost->retweet|ripostato->ritwittato). The substitution terms on the left can also be regex expressions (don't insert them as '/expression/g' though, just 'expression'). For example, 'epic$' will only replace the word 'epic' if it's at the end of a sentence (because the $ character indicates the end of a string in regex)." },
"mute_user": { "message": "靜音 @$SCREEN_NAME$", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"unmute_user": { "message": "取消靜音 @$SCREEN_NAME$", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
@@ -630,5 +633,15 @@
"accepted_conversation": { "message": "接受了對話" },
"anniversary_tweet": { "message": "記得你是何時加入 Twitter 的嗎?我記得!#我的Twitter週年紀念日" },
"you_shared_tweet": { "message": "你分享了一則推文" },
- "user_shared_tweet": { "message": "$NAME$ 分享了一則推文", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "Display Name" } } }
+ "user_shared_tweet": { "message": "$NAME$ 分享了一則推文", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "Display Name" } } },
+ "transition_profile_banner": { "message": "將過渡效果套用於個人資料橫幅" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate": { "message": "自訂下載檔案名稱格式" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_text": { "message": "可自訂下載推文媒體時的檔案名稱格式。" },
+ "save_downloadtemplate": { "message": "儲存檔案名稱格式" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintName1": { "message": "{user_name}
: 使用者的名字。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintName2": { "message": "{user_screen_name}
: 使用者名稱。(例如:@dril)" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintTime": { "message": "{timestamp}
: 推文發布的日期和時間。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintExtension": { "message": "{extension}
: 下載的檔案副檔名。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintID": { "message": "{id}
: 推文的 ID。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintIndex": { "message": "{index}
: 每個待下載檔案的索引號碼。(僅限於有多個媒體的推文)" }
From 147ef08a48fa32fe364156c8678bf99f218f8f2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cirx <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:29:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update zh_CN translations
_locales/zh_CN/messages.json | 15 ++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json
index d6b2de91..2bed26de 100644
--- a/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json
+++ b/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
"timeline_type": { "message": "时间线类型" },
"show_topic_tweets": { "message": "显示话题推文(仅限算法)" },
"show_colors_in_timeline": { "message": "在主页时间线中显示用户的自定义链接颜色" },
+ "always_show_link_color": { "message": "始终显示自定义链接颜色,而不是仅在悬停时显示" },
"enable_twemoji": { "message": "启用 Twemoji" },
"hearts_instead_stars": { "message": "显示心形(喜欢)而不是星形(收藏)" },
"dark_mode": { "message": "深色主题" },
@@ -405,6 +406,8 @@
"why_you_cant_see_block_user": { "message": "您无法关注和查看 @$SCREEN_NAME$ 的推文。", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"nonexistent_user": { "message": "此账户不存在" },
"nonexistent_user_desc": { "message": "尝试搜索其他账户。" },
+ "suspended_user": { "message": "此账户已被冻结" },
+ "suspended_user_desc": { "message": "您正在尝试查看的个人资料已被冻结,要返回主页,请点击这里。" },
"you_blocked_user": { "message": "您已屏蔽 @$SCREEN_NAME$", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"do_you_want_see_blocked_user": { "message": "您确定要查看这些推文吗?查看这些推文不会解除对 @$SCREEN_NAME$ 的屏蔽。", "placeholders": { "screen_name": { "content": "CoolPerson2000" } } },
"I_want_see_blocked_user": { "message": "是,查看个人资料" },
@@ -630,5 +633,15 @@
"accepted_conversation": { "message": "接受了对话" },
"anniversary_tweet": { "message": "还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日" },
"you_shared_tweet": { "message": "你分享了一则推文" },
- "user_shared_tweet": { "message": "$NAME$ 分享了一则推文", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "Display Name" } } }
+ "user_shared_tweet": { "message": "$NAME$ 分享了一则推文", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "Display Name" } } },
+ "transition_profile_banner": { "message": "将过渡效果应用于个人资料横幅" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate": { "message": "自定义下载文件名格式" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_text": { "message": "允许您自定义下载推文媒体时的文件名格式。" },
+ "save_downloadtemplate": { "message": "保存文件名格式" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintName1": { "message": "{user_name}
: 用户名称(昵称)。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintName2": { "message": "{user_screen_name}
: 用户名。(示例:@dril)" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintTime": { "message": "{timestamp}
: 推文的发送日期和时间。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintExtension": { "message": "{extension}
: 下载的文件扩展名。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintID": { "message": "{id}
: 推文的 ID。" },
+ "custom_downloadtemplate_hintIndex": { "message": "{index}
: 每个待下载文件的索引号。(仅适用于具有多个媒体的推文)" }