Improved error handling compatible with standard library
package main
import (
goerr "errors"
func someerrfunc() error {
return goerr.New("some error")
func DoSomething() error {
return errors.Newi(someerrfunc(), "something went wrong")
func DoSomethingTwoReturns() error {
return errors.CheckAny(TwoReturns())(
// This callback is called if TwoReturns() returns result, nil
func(result int) error {
// do something with result
return nil
func TwoReturns() (int, error) {
result := 223
return result, errors.Newm("something went wrong")
func main() {
// Simple use which prints stack trace
if err := DoSomething(); err != nil {
// Dual return values
if err := DoSomethingTwoReturns(); err != nil {