A bookmarklet which, when clicked from a GitHub repository, opens a graph of the number of open pull requests at any point in history for the repository. May be useful for those wishing to visualise the contribution activity of a repository over a period of time.
- When multiple events occur in the same commit their data points are visually distinct but only one is clickable
- When the density of data points is too high, no markers are displayed
- Only 60 pages of pull requests can be requested per IP address per hour (limitation of un-authenticated API requests)
- Build graph from current time backwards (requires access to current number of open pull requests (API only exposes for issues))
- Request multiple pages of pull request info in parallel
- Invite user to authenticate with GitHub once API call limit has been reached
- Extend to issues as well as pull requests
- Put display options in url for copying the graph with options
- CanvasJS - plotting
- spin.js - loading spinner
- jQuery - date pickers
- Graph by dw from the Noun Project - favicon