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David Fahlander edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 11 revisions


table.where(indexOrPrimKey).noneOf([key1, key2, keyN, ...])


indexOrPrimKey: String Name of an index or primary key registered in Version.stores()
key Array of keys to compare with. Each key MUST be a Number, String, Date or Array instance. Booleans are not accepted as valid keys

Return Value

Collection or WriteableCollection depending on table type


Queries the collection for all valid values that does not match given value. Note that you will only find values that are valid indexedDB keys.

Given the following data:

{ id: 1, shoeSize: 9 }
{ id: 2, shoeSize: 10 }
{ id: 3, shoeSize: 11 }
{ id: 4 }
{ id: 5, shoeSize: null }
{ id: 6, shoeSize: "abc" }
{ id: 7, shoeSize: false }
{ id: 8, shoeSize: ["a","b","c"]}

And the following query:

db.people.where('shoeSize').noneOf([10,11]).each(function(x) {
    console.log("Found: " + JSON.stringify(x));

We get the following result:

Found: "{id:1,shoeSize:9}"
Found: "{id:6,shoeSize:\"abc\"}"
Found: "{id:8,shoeSize:[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]}"

Note that id 4, 5 and 7 wasn't included in the result. This is because indexedDB uses sparse indexes and will not index records where a key is invalid. A valid key is a key of type string, number, Date or Array<string | number | Date>.

Practical Limitations

In Dexie version < 1.3.0, WhereClause.noneOf() will launch a parallell query for each item being searched for so it is not suited for looking for large sets. This has been improved in Dexie v1.3.0 (can be previewed in branch "es6").

Also notice that WhereClause.noneOf() will NOT find records with invalid keys, such as null, booleans, undefined etc. It can only search keys that indexedDB supports: string, number, Date or Array<string | number | Date>.

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