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David Fahlander edited this page Nov 27, 2016 · 27 revisions

Since Dexie 2.0.0-beta.5


Dexie.waitFor(promise, timeout=60000)
Dexie.waitFor(promiseReturningFunction, timeout=60000)

Return Value



This method makes it possible execute asynchronic non-indexedDB work while still keeping current transaction alive. To accomplish this, a separate "thread" will keep the transaction alive by propagating dummy-requests on the transaction while the given promise or async function is being executed. Use this method with caution as it may keep a transaction alive for a long time in case the given promise is late to resolve. Keeping transaction alive means that it will block operations from other transactions while being locked.

This method kind of violate a "holy principle" with IndexedDB. At the same time, it is in line with the new indexeddb-promises proposal where this will be possible. So in a future version if the proposal goes live, Dexie will start ride upon that new API if the browser supports it.

NOTE: indexeddb-promises currently has a slightly different method, waitUntil(), that works almost like this method, except that transaction is committed once the promise completes (as the proposal is today). The reason for naming it differently in Dexie is to distinguish it from the proposal's behavior.

Sample 1

function sleep (ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
await db.transaction('rw', db.friends, async ()=> {
    await Dexie.waitFor(sleep(100)); // Sleeps 100 milliseconds
    await db.friends.put({id: 1, name: "Åke"});
    await Dexie.waitFor(sleep(100)); // Sleeps 100 milliseconds
    let theMan = await db.friends.get(1);
    alert (`I still got the man: ${}`);

The above sample shows that you can wait for non-IndexedDB Promises to complete while still keeping transaction alive. Note that while that promise is being executed, the transaction will not be guaranteed to be in an active state (may be temporarily inactive after the return from a foreign promise), so the operation must NOT involve operations on the transaction. But when the waitFor() promise resolves, the transaction is guaranteed to be in active state again.

await db.transaction('rw', db.friends, async ()=> {
    await Dexie.waitFor(mixedOperations());

    async function mixedOperations () {
        await sleep(100);
        await db.friends.get(1)
        .catch('TransactionInactiveError', ex => {
            // This will happen!

    await db.friends.get(1); // Will succeed though.

What to keep in mind is this:

  • Don't access your own transaction in the operation you wait for using Dexie.waitFor().
  • Just access non-IndexedDB work, OR another transaction separate from your own. For example, you MAY start a new top-level transaction or wait on other databases
// This example shows that you could actually lock different tables on different levels
// in a single atomic operation.
// We are only locking db.friends for readwrite initially. But then later in the flow,
// we also lock db.pets in readonly mode and query it atomically.
db.transaction('rw', db.friends, () => {
    return db.friends.get({name: "Bert"}).then (bert => {
        return Dexie.waitFor(db.transaction('r!', db.pets, async () => {
            return db.pets.where({owner:}).toArray();
        })).then(bertsPets => {
            bert.pets = bertsPets;
            return bert;
    }).then(bertWithPets => {
        // bertWithPets is now a "friend" with a 'pets' property added to it, that
        // is an array of the pets that is owned by Bert.
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