- The problem with sass fixed.
sass ^1.56.1
- The problem with npm install/ building the project was fixed.
chakra-ui/system 1.12.1
chakra-ui/icons 1.0.14 → 1.1.5
chakra-ui/react 1.6.5 → 1.8.8
chakra-ui/theme-tools 1.1.9 → 1.3.6
- The problem with npm install/ building the project was solved. Until the plugins we used are updated for React v17.0.2 we are reverting to 16.14.0 for the moment.
- Most of the console errors are solved and should not appear anymore.
react 17.0.2 → 16.14.0
react-datetime 3.0.4 → 3.1.1
react-dom 17.0.2 → 16.14.0
react-router-dom 6.2.1 → 5.2.1
react-swipeable-views 0.13.9 → 0.14.0
stylis-plugin-rtl 2.0.1 → 2.1.1
- Added Chakra UI as base framework