This is a starter app for Rails 7. It includes:
- ESBuild
- Sass
- Devise
- RSpec
- Capybara
- FactoryBot
- Faker
- Rubocop
To get started, clone the repo and then install the needed gems:
$ bundle install
$ rails db:create && rails db:migrate
$ yarn install
$ EDITOR="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit
📝 we will need to set SECRET_KEY_BASE
in the production host to the value of secret_key_base
seen when running the bin/rails credentials:edit
command above.
Devise [docs]
$ rails generate devise:install
$ rails generate devise:views
$ rails generate devise User
To run the tests:
First, install RSpec:
$ rails generate rspec:install
Then run tests with:
$ rspec