Add snakemake processing pipelines for handling single cell RNA seq experiments for the ENCODE project.
There's two classes of workflow one for 10x style experiments, two for handling parse biosystem splitseq experiments.
The 10x pipeline is in workflow/process-encode-10x.snakefile
A splitseq pipeline designed to work on a single subpool at a time is in workflow/process-encode-splitseq.snakefile
And a splitseq pipeline designed to handle multiple subpools and then produced a merged quantification matrix is in workflow/process-encode-split-subpool.snakefile
The first two pipelines use singularity for their reproducibility, but the later one uses conda.
Internally the genome triple columns in the metadata table have been replaced with a genome_name parameter which is just a name used searched
Extend make_trackhub to support multiple genomes in one run.
There is also an untested prototype bulk RNA-seq snakemake workflow in workflow/process-encode-bulk-rna-star-rsem.snakefile
It was decided that splitseq should only submit the unfiltered files and not STAR's empty drops filtered set. This led to a bunch of refactoring to remove repeated code and get the rules to properly fire for attaching the QC matrix to the unfiltered EM count matrix.
The count matrix merging code memory limits were set too low for a few datasets and needed to be increased.
This is the version used to process single-cell RNA-seq 10x multiome and splitseq experiments for the ENCODE4 2021 January freeze.
Use released mex_gene_archive==0.2.1 and encoded-client==0.1.1 packages.
Try to catch cases where a file to be uploaded has already been uploaded by md5sum. If it has been uploaded provide the uuid and accession and skip doing a new upload.
Unfortunately, the pipeline isn't always binary reproducable, so sometimes there will still be duplication.
Use encoded_client to download the genome_index_url in case it hasn't been released yet.
Implement the Snakemake split-seq pipeline launched from workflow/process-encode-splitseq.snakefile. There was some extra complexity added due to how split-seq needs collapsing two cell barcodes into a single logical cell. Though the STAR matrices contain the two barcodes, the real barcodes are merged into their logical cells when building the mex_gene_archives.
The code to handle the merging is located in woldrnaseq/
Additional work on being able to download indexes and inclusion lists from the ENCODE DCC portal.
Support posting the count violin plot to the DCC.
Changed to PEP517/PEP518 project layout.
Fixed some issues in the unit tests for the condor based pipeline.
The processing pipeline process-encode-10x.snakefile is handling processing 10x v2 v3 and GEX+ATAC protocols pretty well, and can post the results to the DCC, when the lab, award, genome index and inclusion list accessions are available in the config.yaml file.
Snakemake is looking to be a much more popular workflow language than condor_dagman and I started implementing some workflows in snakemake instead.
The most important of right now is a 10x pipeline using STAR Solo that will hopefully be useful for processing the ENCODE 4 single cell RNA-seq experiments.
"workflows/starsolo.snakemake" is a minimal viable product in that given a configuration file with some ENCODE fastq accession IDs in it will download them from the ENCODE portal, process them and leave archives containing the results in our directory.
The next phase of development will to automate generating the configuration files from ENCODE metadata and preparing to submit the archived results to the portal
Renamed project from long-rna-seq-condor to woldlab-rna-seq, because this was always intended for illumina sized reads, it was only ever long compared to some especially short ENCODE 3 fragments.
The new url is
And I dropped condor because I've been starting to port to snakemake.
- Support generating stranded bigwigs
- Requires GeorgiScripts 1.1 (available from )
- Generate coverage plots directly from bam files
- Avoid leaving intermediate bedgraph files in the analysis directory.
- Include the star genome index size in the estimate of STAR's memory footprint.
- Add --merge-lanes to to combine fastqs from multiple lanes into a single file.
- Requires bokeh ~ 0.12.15
- Requires GeorgiScripts 1.0 (available from )
- Improved sorting on compute hosts
- Support more gff/gtf variants.
- Add gene_coverage_detail plot
- Convert makersemcsv to use --genome-dir instead of needing to provide path to a genome cache file
- Adjust QC coverage script to to single gene model, with each gene normalized to its max expression, and requiring at least 1.0 in the STAR normalized bedgraph file
- Support processing stranded libraries. Set 'stranded' attribute for a library in the library metadata file. If not present we default to to unstranded.
- Estimate the disk space needed for a star alignment instead of using a hard coded 60G requirement.
- Requires bokeh ~ 0.12.9
- Generate bam comments for STAR run
- Supports running report & summary generator in a different directory than where the result files are found. (See --root argument to madqc and report)
- Changes to Report
- Report is heavily modified to now use bokeh plots
- The genes detected plot was added to the standard report
- The per library spike in scatter plot was removed
- The per experiment scatter box plot was removed (at least temporarily)
This introduces several backwards incompatible changes.
wold-rna-seq-condor now
- has a script
- requires samtools >= 1.3
- components were moved into a package
- Support paired end reads Libraries have a read_2 column to specify what fastqs are the second read
- makersemcsv can output either genome or transcriptome summary files the filenames have changed slightly to avoid colliding
- Added support for # as a comment charater in experiment and library files
- Now require path to UCSC tools (add ucsc_tools_dir to .htsworkflow.ini)
- long-rna-seq-condors version number is written to the dagman script
- Uses condor scratch directories for STAR, RSEM, and sorting. This should lower NFS load, and leave fewer temp files around that need to be cleaned.
Adjust script to take different arguments. -e now specifies an experiment table like some of the other scripts. To get the old early behavior (or if you don't have an experiment table), you can use -n or --experiment-name to specify a name for an experiment along with a list of replicates.
Add script to read rsem files and write out a csv file for some column of interest in various libraries.
Date: 2015 Dec 9
This version introduces three new required parameters so it can be installed on someone elses compute cluster.
The previous version had a number of hard coded paths in the condor scripts.
So now you'll need to define
- star_dir
- rsem_dir
- georgi_dir
To define the paths where the pipline code expects to find several pieces of software.
Initial release. It works in my hands, and my coworkers who sits on the other side of the room from me.