From f6f85ba915ea8f7b9cc92fd38dcf7f475e35beac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vishal-deriv <> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:58:16 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Update outsystems-runtime-core.js Testing --- .../scripts/outsystems-runtime-core.js | 16905 +--------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 16904 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 29b8d522e..f3229c5b9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,16904 +1 @@ -(function(global, factory) { - if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { - define("@outsystems/runtime-core-js", ["exports", "@outsystems/logger-js", "@outsystems/settings-js", "@outsystems/auth-js", "@outsystems/communication-js"], factory); - } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { - factory(exports, require("@outsystems/logger-js"), require("@outsystems/settings-js"), require("@outsystems/auth-js"), require("@outsystems/communication-js")); - } else { - var mod = { - exports: {} - }; - factory(mod.exports, global.loggerJs, global.settingsJs, global.authJs, global.communicationJs); - global.outsystemsRuntimeCoreJs = mod.exports; - } -})(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function(_exports, _loggerJs, _settingsJs, _authJs, _communicationJs) { - "use strict"; - - Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { - value: true - }); - _exports.useVersionsManager = _exports.useSettingsManager = _exports.useBaseApplication = _exports.useAuthConfigsManager = _exports.runPreInitialization = _exports.runPostInitialization = _exports.WidgetNaming = _exports.WebSQLUtils = _exports.WebSQLSerializer = _exports.VersionDefinition = _exports.Version = _exports.Validation = _exports.UrlUtils = _exports.Transitions = _exports.TransitionAnimation = _exports.TableInfoUtils = _exports.SystemStructures = _exports.SystemActions = _exports.StringUtils = _exports.StorageProvider = _exports.SettingsNames = _exports.ServiceNames = _exports.ScriptsManager = _exports.ScreenStateCache = _exports.RequireManager = _exports.Public = _exports.Performance = _exports.ObjectExtensions = _exports.Navigation = _exports.NativeHelper = _exports.Model = _exports.MappingWithDefaultService = _exports.Logger = _exports.LocaleService = _exports.LightImmutable = _exports.LanguageResources = _exports.JSONUtils = _exports.Interfaces = _exports.Injector = _exports.IndexedDBUtils = _exports.IndexedDBSerializer = _exports.Format = _exports.Flow = _exports.FeedbackMessageService = _exports.Exceptions = _exports.EventDispatcher = _exports.ErrorScreen = _exports.ErrorHandling = _exports.Entities = _exports.DebuggerBase = _exports.DebuggerAPI = _exports.DataTypes = _exports.DataConversion = _exports.Controller = _exports.CommunicationHeaders = _exports.Communication = _exports.ClientVariables = _exports.BuiltinFunctions = _exports.Authorization = _exports.Authentication = _exports.ApplicationInfo = _exports.Application = void 0; - - function y(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s = arguments.length, - a = s < 3 ? t : null === r ? r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n) : r; - if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate) a = Reflect.decorate(e, t, n, r); - else - for (var o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)(i = e[o]) && (a = (s < 3 ? i(a) : s > 3 ? i(t, n, a) : i(t, n)) || a); - return s > 3 && a && Object.defineProperty(t, n, a), a; - } - - function b(e, t, n, r) { - return new(n || (n = Promise))(function(i, s) { - function a(e) { - try { - l(; - } catch (e) { - s(e); - } - } - - function o(e) { - try { - l(r.throw(e)); - } catch (e) { - s(e); - } - } - - function l(e) { - var t; - e.done ? i(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n(function(e) { - e(t); - })).then(a, o); - } - l((r = r.apply(e, t || [])).next()); - }); - } - - function T(e, t, n, r) { - if ("a" === n && !r) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); - if ("function" == typeof t ? e !== t || !r : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); - return "m" === n ? r : "a" === n ? : r ? r.value : t.get(e); - } - - function w(e, t, n, r, i) { - if ("m" === r) throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); - if ("a" === r && !i) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); - if ("function" == typeof t ? e !== t || !i : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); - return "a" === r ?, n) : i ? i.value = n : t.set(e, n), n; - } - var E; - "function" == typeof SuppressedError && SuppressedError, - function(e) { - e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Default = 1] = "Default", e[e.Fade = 2] = "Fade", e[e.SlideFromLeft = 3] = "SlideFromLeft", e[e.SlideFromRight = 4] = "SlideFromRight", e[e.SlideFromBottom = 5] = "SlideFromBottom", e[e.SlideFromTop = 6] = "SlideFromTop"; - }(E || (E = {})); - var I = _exports.TransitionAnimation = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get TransitionAnimation() { - return E; - } - }); - const A = E; - class N { - constructor() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ""; - = e; - } - } - const S = new N(), - D = new N("fade"), - R = new N("slide-from-left"), - C = new N("slide-from-right"), - x = new N("slide-from-bottom"), - L = new N("slide-from-top"); - let O = new N(); - - function _(e) { - O = e; - } - - function M(e, t) { - if ("string" == typeof e) return new N(e); - switch (e) { - case A.None: - return S; - case A.Fade: - return D; - case A.SlideFromLeft: - return R; - case A.SlideFromRight: - return C; - case A.SlideFromBottom: - return x; - case A.SlideFromTop: - return L; - case A.Default: - return O; - default: - return t; - } - } - var U = _exports.Transitions = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get Default() { - return O; - }, - Transition: N, - TransitionAnimation: A, - createTransition: M, - reverseTransition: function(e) { - if (!(null == e ? void 0 : return new N(""); - switch ( { - case - return new N(; - case - return new N(; - case - return new N(; - case - return new N(; - case - return new N(; - default: - return new N( + "-back"); - } - }, - sanitizeTransition: function(e) { - return new N(e ? : ""); - }, - setDefaultTransition: _ - }); - const F = ""; - let $ = { - applicationKey: F, - applicationName: F, - userProviderName: F, - debugEnabled: !1, - debugUseWebSockets: !1, - homeModuleName: F, - homeModuleKey: F, - modules: {}, - homeModuleControllerName: F, - homeModuleLanguageResourcesName: F, - clientEntitiesModules: [], - serverRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds: void 0, - isWeb: !1, - frontendBuildWorkerVersion: F, - clientRuntimeVersion: F, - appVersion: "" - }; - - function P(e) { - $ = e; - } - - function V() { - return $.applicationKey; - } - - function B() { - return $.applicationName; - } - - function k() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.databaseName) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - } - - function z(e) { - $.modules = e; - } - - function H() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.modules) && void 0 !== e ? e : {}; - } - - function j(e) { - const t = $.modules; - return !(null == t ? void 0 : t[e]) && t && (t[e] = { - moduleName: null, - homeScreenName: null, - splashScreenName: null, - screens: [], - staticEntities: {} - }), null == t ? void 0 : t[e]; - } - - function q(e) { - return (null == e ? void 0 : e.homeScreenName) ? Z(e, e.homeScreenName) : (null == e ? void 0 : e.screens) && e.screens.length > 0 ? e.screens[0] : null; - } - - function G() { - return $.clientEntitiesModules; - } - - function W() { - return $.clientEntitiesModuleImporter; - } - - function K(e) { - $.clientEntitiesModules = e; - } - - function J(e) { - $.databaseName = e; - } - - function Y() { - return $.homeModuleName; - } - - function X() { - return $.homeModuleKey; - } - - function Q() { - if ($.homeModuleName && $.modules) { - const e = $.modules[$.homeModuleKey]; - return e || null; - } - return null; - } - - function Z(e, t) { - for (const n of e.screens) - if (n.screenName === t) return n; - return null; - } - - function ee() { - return $.userProviderName; - } - - function te() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.debugEnabled) && void 0 !== e && e; - } - - function ne() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.debugUseWebSockets) && void 0 !== e && e; - } - - function re() { - return $.homeModuleControllerName; - } - - function ie() { - return $.homeModuleControllerImporter; - } - - function se() { - return $.homeModuleLanguageResourcesName; - } - - function ae() { - return $.homeModuleLanguageResourcesImporter; - } - - function oe() { - return $.serverRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds; - } - - function le(e) { - $.serverRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds = e; - } - - function ue() { - var e; - return M(A[null !== (e = $.defaultTransition) && void 0 !== e ? e : A.None]); - } - - function ce() { - return $.errorPageConfig; - } - - function de() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.isWeb) && void 0 !== e && e; - } - - function he() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.frontendBuildWorkerVersion) && void 0 !== e ? e : F; - } - - function ge() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.clientRuntimeVersion) && void 0 !== e ? e : F; - } - - function pe() { - var e; - return null !== (e = $.useESM) && void 0 !== e && e; - } - - function fe() { - let { - applicationHomeModule: e = Y - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - var t, n; - return `/${null !== (n = null === (t = ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : globalThis).OutSystemsApp) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.basePath) && void 0 !== n ? n : e()}/`.replace(/\/(\/)+/gm, "/"); - } - - function me() { - let { - windowLocation: e = window.location, - applicationHomeModule: t = Y - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return `${e.protocol}//${}${fe({ - applicationHomeModule: t - })}`; - } - - function ve() { - return $.appVersion; - } - var ye = _exports.ApplicationInfo = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - debugUseWebSockets: ne, - getAppUrl: me, - getAppVersion: ve, - getApplicationKey: V, - getApplicationName: B, - getBasePath: fe, - getClientEntitiesModuleImporter: W, - getClientEntitiesModules: G, - getClientRuntimeVersion: ge, - getDatabaseName: k, - getDefaultModuleHomeScreenURL: function() { - const e = Q(), - t = q(e); - return t ? `/${null == e ? void 0 : e.moduleName}/${t.screenUrl}` : null; - }, - getDefaultTransition: ue, - getErrorPageConfig: ce, - getFrontendBuildWorkerVersion: he, - getHomeModuleControllerImporter: ie, - getHomeModuleControllerName: re, - getHomeModuleDefinition: Q, - getHomeModuleKey: X, - getHomeModuleLanguageResourcesImporter: ae, - getHomeModuleLanguageResourcesName: se, - getHomeModuleName: Y, - getHomeScreen: q, - getModuleFromKey: j, - getModules: H, - getScreenDefinitionFromScreenName: Z, - getScreensDefinition: function() { - return $.screensDefinition; - }, - getServerRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds: oe, - getUserProviderName: ee, - isDebugEnabled: te, - isWebApplication: de, - moduleBelongsToApp: function(e) { - var t, n; - const r = null !== (t = $.modules) && void 0 !== t ? t : {}; - return (null === (n = Object.keys(r).map(e => r[e]).filter(t => t.moduleName === e)[0]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.ownerAppKey) === V(); - }, - setApplicationDefinition: P, - setClientEntitiesModules: K, - setDatabaseName: J, - setModules: z, - setServerRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds: le, - useESM: pe - }); - - function be(e) { - if ("undefined" == typeof require) throw new Error("requirejs is not defined"); - return require; - } - - function Te(e) { - return be().defined(e); - } - const we = new Proxy({}, { - get: (e, t) => { - var n, r; - return null === (r = null === (n = be()) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.s) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r[t]; - } - }), - Ee = "$"; - - function Ie(e) { - return e.filter(e => "string" == typeof e).length === e.length; - } - const Ae = new class { - constructor() { - this.scriptMap = {}, this.baseUrl = ""; - } - setErrorHandler(e) { - this.errorHandler = e; - } - loadModule(e, t, n) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n) { - var _this = this; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : e => import(e); - return function*() { - var i; - try { - let n; - if (Ie(e)) n = => { - var t; - return r(null !== (t = _this.scriptMap[e]) && void 0 !== t ? t : `${_this.baseUrl ? _this.baseUrl + "/" : ""}${e}`); - }); - else { - if (! function(e) { - return e.filter(e => "function" == typeof e).length === e.length; - }(e)) throw new Error("'moduleNames' must be either a list of module names or module loaders. The list contains mixed elements."); - n = => e()); - } - const i = yield Promise.all(n); - null == t || t(...i); - } catch (e) { - null === (i = null != n ? n : _this.errorHandler) || void 0 === i || i(e); - } - }(); - }); - } - configure(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "scripts"; - this.scriptMap = e, this.baseUrl = t; - } - }(); - - function Ne() { - pe() || Se(); - } - - function Se() { - ! function() { - var e; - const t = null !== (e = we.contexts) && void 0 !== e ? e : {}; - Object.keys(t).forEach(e => { - const n = t[e]; - if (!n._osNameToUrlPatched) { - const e = n.nameToUrl; - n.nameToUrl = function(t, r, i) { - return t.indexOf(Ee) > 0 && -1 === t.indexOf("?") && (t = t.split(Ee, 2)[0]), e.apply(n, [t, r, i]); - }, n._osNameToUrlPatched = !0; - } - }); - }(); - } - - function De(e) { - pe() ? Ae.setErrorHandler(e) : function(e) { - be().onError = e; - }(e); - } - - function Re(e, t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : require; - let i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - var s; - if (pe()) Ae.loadModule(e, t, n, i); - else if (Ie(e)) r(e, t, n); - else { - const e = new Error("A list of module names is required when ESM is switched off. The list of modules to load contains other type of elements."); - null === (s = null != n ? n : be().onError) || void 0 === s || s(e); - } - } - - function Ce(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "scripts"; - if (pe()) Ae.configure(e, t); - else { - const r = { - baseUrl: t, - paths: {}, - waitSeconds: 30 - }; - if (e) { - for (const t in e) n = t, (be().specified(n) || Te(t)) && delete e[t]; - r.paths = e; - }! function(e) { - be().config(e); - }(r), Se(); - } - var n; - } - var xe = _exports.RequireManager = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - configure: Ce, - initialize: Ne, - loadModule: Re, - setErrorHandler: De - }); - const Le = new Map(), - Oe = "Client Runtime Packages"; - let _e; - - function Me(e, t) { - _e = null, Le.set(e, t); - } - const Ue = _ref => { - let { - versionsMap: e = Le, - packageKey: t - } = _ref; - var n; - return null !== (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) && void 0 !== n ? n : null; - }; - var Fe, - $e = _exports.VersionDefinition = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - clientRuntimeKey: Oe, - getPackageVersion: Ue, - registerPackage: Me, - toObject: function() { - if (!_e) { - const e = { - "Client Runtime Packages": "" - }; - Le.forEach((t, n) => { - t && n && (e[Oe] += `${n}= ${t};`); - }), _e = e; - } - return _e; - } - }); - ! function(e) { - e[e.Persistent = 0] = "Persistent", e[e.Session = 1] = "Session"; - }(Fe || (Fe = {})); - var Pe = Fe; - class Ve { - get length() { - return Object.keys(this.storageObj).length; - } - clear() { - this.storageObj = {}; - } - getItem(e) { - return this.storageObj.hasOwnProperty(e) ? this.storageObj[e] : null; - } - key(e) { - const t = Object.keys(this.storageObj); - return e < t.length ? t[e] : null; - } - removeItem(e) { - this.storageObj.hasOwnProperty(e) && delete this.storageObj[e]; - } - setItem(e, t) { - this.storageObj[e] = t; - } - constructor(e) { - if (this.storageObj = {}, e) { - let t = 0, - n = e.key(t); - for (; null !== n;) this.storageObj[n] = e.getItem(n), n = e.key(++t); - } - } - } - const Be = "$OS_"; - let ke = "OS"; - - function ze() { - return ke; - } - - function He(e) { - ke = e; - } - const je = "undefined" == typeof window ? void 0 : window.localStorage, - qe = "undefined" == typeof window ? void 0 : window.sessionStorage, - Ge = e => e === Pe.Persistent ? je : qe; - let We = Je(Pe.Persistent) ? Ge(Pe.Persistent) : new Ve(), - Ke = Je(Pe.Session) ? Ge(Pe.Session) : new Ve(); - - function Je(e) { - const t = Be + "test"; - try { - const n = Ge(e); - n.setItem(t, "1"); - const r = "1" === n.getItem(t); - return n.removeItem(t), r; - } catch (e) { - return !1; - } - } - - function Ye() { - return We; - } - - function Xe() { - return Ke; - } - const Qe = Object.freeze(Object()); - class Ze { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - this.storageType = e, this.key = t, this.defaultValue = n, this.getStorageName = () => ze(), this.clearCache(), r && (this.getStorageName = r); - } - get() { - return this.getValue(); - } - set(e) { - this.setValueInStorage(e); - } - remove() { -, this.clearCache(); - } - isDefined() { - const e =; - return null != e && "undefined" !== e; - } - get storageKey() { - return Be + this.getStorageName() + "$" + this.key; - } - get storage() { - return this.storageType === Pe.Persistent ? Ye() : Xe(); - } - getValue() { - return this.cachedValue === Qe && (this.cachedValue = this.getValueFromStorage()), this.cachedValue; - } - getValueFromStorage() { - const e =; - return null === e ? this.defaultValue : "undefined" === e || void 0 === e ? void 0 : JSON.parse(e); - } - setValueInStorage(e) { - const t = this.storageKey, - n = JSON.stringify(e), - r =; - if (!(null == r ? void 0 : r.setItem)) throw Error("The storage object for " + this.key + " is invalid."); - try { - r.setItem(t, n), this.cachedValue = e; - } catch (e) { - if (!((i = this.storageType) === Pe.Persistent && We !== je ? (console.warn("The localStorage is full... Proceding with a static Javascript object"), We = new Ve(We), 1) : i === Pe.Session && Ke !== qe && (console.warn("The sessionStorage is full... Proceding with a static Javascript object"), Ke = new Ve(Ke), 1))) throw e; -, n); - } - var i; - } - clearCache() { - this.cachedValue = Qe; - } - } - var et, - tt = _exports.StorageProvider = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - DummyStorage: Ve, - StorageObject: Ze, - StorageType: Pe, - getDefaultStorageNamespace: ze, - getPersistentStorage: Ye, - getSessionStorage: Xe, - setCustomPersistentStorage: function(e) { - We = e; - }, - setCustomSessionStorage: function(e) { - Ke = e; - }, - setDefaultStorageNamespace: He - }); - class nt { - constructor(e) { - this._device = e; - } - get device() { - return this._device; - } - } - class rt { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o) { - this._platform = e, this._version = t, this._manufacturer = n, this._model = r, this._uuid = i, this._serial = s, this._cordova = a, this._isVirtual = o; - } - get platform() { - return this._platform; - } - get version() { - return this._version; - } - get manufacturer() { - return this._manufacturer; - } - get model() { - return this._model; - } - get uuid() { - return this._uuid; - } - get serial() { - return this._serial; - } - get cordova() { - return this._cordova; - } - get isVirtual() { - return this._isVirtual; - } - }! function(e) { - function t(e) { - if (e) return { - platform: e.platform, - version: e.version, - manufacturer: e.manufacturer, - model: e.model, - uuid: e.uuid, - serial: e.serial, - cordova: e.cordova, - isVirtual: e.isVirtual - }; - } - e.serializeClientInfo = function(e) { - const n = function(e) { - if (!e) return; - return { - device: e.device ? t(e.device) : void 0 - }; - }(e); - if (n) return JSON.stringify(n); - }, e.deserializeClientInfo = function(e) { - let t; - try { - t = JSON.parse(e); - } catch (e) {} - if (t) return function(e) { - if (!e) return; - return new nt(function(e) { - if (!e) return; - return new rt("string" == typeof e.platform ? e.platform : void 0, "string" == typeof e.version ? e.version : void 0, "string" == typeof e.manufacturer ? e.manufacturer : void 0, "string" == typeof e.model ? e.model : void 0, "string" == typeof e.uuid ? e.uuid : void 0, "string" == typeof e.serial ? e.serial : void 0, "string" == typeof e.cordova ? e.cordova : void 0, "boolean" == typeof e.isVirtual ? e.isVirtual : void 0); - }(e.device)); - }(t); - }; - }(et || (et = {})); - const it = new Ze(Pe.Persistent, "ClientInfo"); - var st; - - function at(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : ""; - return t === st.Exception || e instanceof t && ("" === n || !!e.specificType && e.specificType === n); - } - - function ot(e) { - if (void 0 === e) return ""; - if (e instanceof Error) return e.message; { - const t = e.toString(); - return "[object SQLError]" === t ? e.message.toString() : t; - } - } - - function lt(e) { - return (void 0 !== e.extraStack ? e.extraStack + "\r\n " : "") + (e.stack || "") || ""; - } - - function ut(e) { - var t, n, r; - return { - name:, - message: ot(e), - stack: lt(e), - extraStack: null !== (t = e.extraStack) && void 0 !== t ? t : void 0, - errorCode: null !== (n = e.errorCode) && void 0 !== n ? n : "OS-CLRT-00000", - category: null !== (r = e.category) && void 0 !== r ? r : void 0 - }; - } - - function ct(e) { - return ? e.specificType ? new st[](e.specificType, e.message, e.extraStack, e.errorCode, e.category) : new st[](e.message, e.extraStack, e.errorCode, e.category) : new st.Exception(e.message, e.extraStack, e.errorCode, e.category); - } - - function dt(e) { - return at(e, st.SystemException); - } - - function ht(e) { - return at(e, st.LicensingException); - }! function(e) { - e.CustomError = function(e) { - const t =, e); - "function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, this.constructor.prototype) : t.__proto__ = this.constructor.prototype, "stack" in this && "" !== this.stack || (Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = t.stack); - }, e.CustomError.prototype = Error.prototype; - class t extends e.CustomError { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(null != e ? e : ""), this.extraStack = t, this.message = null != e ? e : "", = "Exception", this.errorCode = n, this.category = r; - } - } - e.Exception = t; - e.ServerException = class extends t { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(t, n, r), this.specificType = e, = e; - } - }; - class n extends t { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(t, n, r), this.specificType = e, = e; - } - } - e.DataBaseException = n; - e.OpenDatabaseException = class extends n { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super("OpenDatabaseException", e, t, n); - } - }; - e.CommunicationException = class extends t { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(e, t, n, r), = "CommunicationException"; - } - }; - e.NumberOverflowException = class extends t { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "NumberOverflowException"; - } - valueOf() { - return + ": " + this.message; - } - }; - e.InvalidJavascriptType = class extends t { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "InvalidJavascriptType"; - } - valueOf() { - return + ": " + this.message; - } - }; - class r extends t { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, t, n), = "SecurityException"; - } - } - e.SecurityException = r; - e.InvalidLoginException = class extends r { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, t, n), = "InvalidLoginException"; - } - }; - e.NotRegisteredException = class extends r { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(t, n, r), this.specificType = e, = e; - } - }; - class i extends t { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "SystemException"; - } - } - e.SystemException = i; - class s extends i { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "IgnorableSystemException"; - } - } - e.IgnorableSystemException = s; - e.ViewHasChangedException = class extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "ViewHasChangedException"; - } - }; - e.OutOfContextException = class extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "OutOfContextException"; - } - }; - e.RedirectOccurredException = class extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "RedirectOccurredException"; - } - }; - class a extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException"; - } - get handleErrorResult() { - return this._handleErrorResult; - } - static create(e, t, n) { - const r = new a(t, n); - return r._handleErrorResult = e, r; - } - static ignore(e) { - if (!at(e, a)) throw e; - } - } - e.UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException = a; - e.AbortedRequestException = class extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "AbortedRequestException"; - } - }; - e.ApplicationBackendUnavailableException = class extends i { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "ApplicationBackendUnavailableException"; - } - }; - e.LicensingException = class extends i { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "LicensingException"; - } - }; - e.IncompatibleProducerException = class extends i { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "IncompatibleProducerException"; - } - }; - e.ControllerDisposedException = class extends s { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t), = "ControllerDisposedException"; - } - }; - e.AbortActivityChangeException = class extends t { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, t, n), = "AbortActivityChangeException"; - } - }; - e.UserException = class extends t { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i) { - super(t, n, r, i), this.specificType = e, = e; - } - }; - }(st || (st = {})); - var gt = _exports.Exceptions = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get Exceptions() { - return st; - }, - getException: ct, - getExceptionInfo: ut, - getMessage: ot, - getStack: lt, - isApplicationOffline: ht, - isInstanceOf: at, - isSystem: dt - }); - class pt { - constructor(e) { - this.returnValue = e; - } - } - const ft = new Object(), - mt = new Object(); - - function vt(e) { - const t = e; - return t && "function" == typeof t.then && "function" == typeof t.catch; - } - - function yt(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case mt: - return e(); - case ft: - return; - default: - return Promise.reject(t); - } - } - - function bt(e) { - return e() ? Promise.resolve(void 0) : Et(); - } - - function Tt(e) { - return new Promise(e); - } - - function wt(e) { - return Promise.resolve(e); - } - - function Et() { - return Promise.reject(ft); - } - - function It(e) { - return At(e); - } - - function At(e, t) { - let n, r; - const i = () => { - throw r; - }, - s = () => { - clearTimeout(t), t = window.setTimeout(i, 0); - }; - - function a(e, a) { - return r ? a ? (clearTimeout(t), At(() => a(r))) : (s(), At(i, t)) : At(e ? () => e(n) : () => n); - } - try { - n = e(); - } catch (e) { - r = e, s(); - } - return vt(n) ? n : { - then: (e, t) => a(e, t), - catch: e => a(void 0, e) - }; - } - - function Nt(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : e => Promise.reject(e); - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : () => Promise.resolve(void 0); - return It(e).catch(t).then(e => It(n).then(t => null != t ? t : e), e => It(n).then(() => Promise.reject(e))); - } - - function St(e, t) { - return Nt(e, t, void 0); - } - - function Dt(e, t) { - return Nt(e, void 0, t); - } - - function Rt(e, t) { - return function n() { - return bt(e).then(t).then(n, yt.bind(null, n)); - }(); - } - const Ct = Rt.bind(null, () => !0); - - function xt(e) { - return e instanceof pt ? e.returnValue : Promise.reject(e); - } - var Lt, - Ot = _exports.Flow = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - breakAsync: Et, - continueAsync: function() { - return Promise.reject(mt); - }, - doWhileAsync: function(e, t) { - function n() { - return bt(e).then(r, yt.bind(null, r)); - } - - function r() { - return It(t).then(() => bt(e)).then(r, yt.bind(null, n)); - } - return r(); - }, - executeAsyncFlow: function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : () => {}; - return It(e).catch(xt); - }, - executeSequence: It, - forEachAsync: function(e, t) { - let n = 0; - return Rt(() => n < e.length, () => { - const r = e[n++]; - return t(r); - }); - }, - isPromiseCompatible: vt, - promise: Tt, - resolve: wt, - returnAsync: function(e) { - return Promise.reject(new pt(e)); - }, - throwAsync: function(e) { - return Promise.reject(e); - }, - tryCatch: St, - tryCatchFinally: Nt, - tryFinally: Dt, - whileAsync: Rt, - whileTrueAsync: Ct - }); - ! function(e) { - e[e.No = 0] = "No", e[e.Yes = 1] = "Yes", e[e.YesIfEmpty = 2] = "YesIfEmpty"; - }(Lt || (Lt = {})); - var _t, - Mt = Lt; - ! function(e) { - e[e.TEXT = 0] = "TEXT", e[e.BINARY_DATA = 1] = "BINARY_DATA", e[e.BOOLEAN = 2] = "BOOLEAN", e[e.INTEGER = 3] = "INTEGER", e[e.LONGINTEGER = 4] = "LONGINTEGER", e[e.DECIMAL = 5] = "DECIMAL", e[e.DATE_TIME = 6] = "DATE_TIME", e[e.DATE = 7] = "DATE", e[e.TIME = 8] = "TIME", e[e.UNKNOWN = 9] = "UNKNOWN"; - }(_t || (_t = {})); - var Ut, - Ft, - $t, - Pt, - Vt = _t; - ! function(e) { - var t; - (t = e.InitializationType || (e.InitializationType = {}))[t.Full = 0] = "Full", t[t.Minimal = 1] = "Minimal"; - }(Ut || (Ut = {})), - function(e) { - e.AutoNumber = Mt, e.DBDataType = Vt; - }(Ft || (Ft = {})), - function(e) { - var t; - (t = e.DataFetchStatus || (e.DataFetchStatus = {}))[t.Fetching = 0] = "Fetching", t[t.Fetched = 1] = "Fetched", t[t.Error = 2] = "Error"; - }($t || ($t = {})), - function(e) { - ! function(e) { - e[e.Info = 0] = "Info", e[e.Success = 1] = "Success", e[e.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 3] = "Error"; - }(e.FeedbackMessageType || (e.FeedbackMessageType = {})); - }(Pt || (Pt = {})); - var Bt = _exports.Interfaces = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get Application() { - return Ut; - }, - get ClientDB() { - return Ft; - }, - get FeedbackMessage() { - return Pt; - }, - get Model() { - return $t; - } - }); - - function kt(e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = {}); - for (var n = function(e) { - for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length;) { - var r = e[n]; - if ("*" !== r && "+" !== r && "?" !== r) { - if ("\\" !== r) { - if ("{" !== r) { - if ("}" !== r) { - if (":" !== r) { - if ("(" !== r) t.push({ - type: "CHAR", - index: n, - value: e[n++] - }); - else { - var i = 1, - s = ""; - if ("?" === e[o = n + 1]) throw new TypeError('Pattern cannot start with "?" at '.concat(o)); - for (; o < e.length;) - if ("\\" !== e[o]) { - if (")" === e[o]) { - if (0 == --i) { - o++; - break; - } - } else if ("(" === e[o] && (i++, "?" !== e[o + 1])) throw new TypeError("Capturing groups are not allowed at ".concat(o)); - s += e[o++]; - } else s += e[o++] + e[o++]; - if (i) throw new TypeError("Unbalanced pattern at ".concat(n)); - if (!s) throw new TypeError("Missing pattern at ".concat(n)); - t.push({ - type: "PATTERN", - index: n, - value: s - }), n = o; - } - } else { - for (var a = "", o = n + 1; o < e.length;) { - var l = e.charCodeAt(o); - if (!(l >= 48 && l <= 57 || l >= 65 && l <= 90 || l >= 97 && l <= 122 || 95 === l)) break; - a += e[o++]; - } - if (!a) throw new TypeError("Missing parameter name at ".concat(n)); - t.push({ - type: "NAME", - index: n, - value: a - }), n = o; - } - } else t.push({ - type: "CLOSE", - index: n, - value: e[n++] - }); - } else t.push({ - type: "OPEN", - index: n, - value: e[n++] - }); - } else t.push({ - type: "ESCAPED_CHAR", - index: n++, - value: e[n++] - }); - } else t.push({ - type: "MODIFIER", - index: n, - value: e[n++] - }); - } - return t.push({ - type: "END", - index: n, - value: "" - }), t; - }(e), r = t.prefixes, i = void 0 === r ? "./" : r, s = t.delimiter, a = void 0 === s ? "/#?" : s, o = [], l = 0, u = 0, c = "", d = function(e) { - if (u < n.length && n[u].type === e) return n[u++].value; - }, h = function(e) { - var t = d(e); - if (void 0 !== t) return t; - var r = n[u], - i = r.type, - s = r.index; - throw new TypeError("Unexpected ".concat(i, " at ").concat(s, ", expected ").concat(e)); - }, g = function() { - for (var e, t = ""; e = d("CHAR") || d("ESCAPED_CHAR");) t += e; - return t; - }, p = function(e) { - var t = o[o.length - 1], - n = e || (t && "string" == typeof t ? t : ""); - if (t && !n) throw new TypeError('Must have text between two parameters, missing text after "'.concat(, '"')); - return !n || function(e) { - for (var t = 0, n = a; t < n.length; t++) { - var r = n[t]; - if (e.indexOf(r) > -1) return !0; - } - return !1; - }(n) ? "[^".concat(Ht(a), "]+?") : "(?:(?!".concat(Ht(n), ")[^").concat(Ht(a), "])+?"); - }; u < n.length;) { - var f = d("CHAR"), - m = d("NAME"), - v = d("PATTERN"); - if (m || v) { - var y = f || ""; - - 1 === i.indexOf(y) && (c += y, y = ""), c && (o.push(c), c = ""), o.push({ - name: m || l++, - prefix: y, - suffix: "", - pattern: v || p(y), - modifier: d("MODIFIER") || "" - }); - } else { - var b = f || d("ESCAPED_CHAR"); - if (b) c += b; - else if (c && (o.push(c), c = ""), d("OPEN")) { - y = g(); - var T = d("NAME") || "", - w = d("PATTERN") || "", - E = g(); - h("CLOSE"), o.push({ - name: T || (w ? l++ : ""), - pattern: T && !w ? p(y) : w, - prefix: y, - suffix: E, - modifier: d("MODIFIER") || "" - }); - } else h("END"); - } - } - return o; - } - - function zt(e, t) { - return function(e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = {}); - var n = jt(t), - r = t.encode, - i = void 0 === r ? function(e) { - return e; - } : r, - s = t.validate, - a = void 0 === s || s, - o = { - if ("object" == typeof e) return new RegExp("^(?:".concat(e.pattern, ")$"), n); - }); - return function(t) { - for (var n = "", r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { - var s = e[r]; - if ("string" != typeof s) { - var l = t ? t[] : void 0, - u = "?" === s.modifier || "*" === s.modifier, - c = "*" === s.modifier || "+" === s.modifier; - if (Array.isArray(l)) { - if (!c) throw new TypeError('Expected "'.concat(, '" to not repeat, but got an array')); - if (0 === l.length) { - if (u) continue; - throw new TypeError('Expected "'.concat(, '" to not be empty')); - } - for (var d = 0; d < l.length; d++) { - var h = i(l[d], s); - if (a && !o[r].test(h)) throw new TypeError('Expected all "'.concat(, '" to match "').concat(s.pattern, '", but got "').concat(h, '"')); - n += s.prefix + h + s.suffix; - } - } else if ("string" != typeof l && "number" != typeof l) { - if (!u) { - var g = c ? "an array" : "a string"; - throw new TypeError('Expected "'.concat(, '" to be ').concat(g)); - } - } else { - h = i(String(l), s); - if (a && !o[r].test(h)) throw new TypeError('Expected "'.concat(, '" to match "').concat(s.pattern, '", but got "').concat(h, '"')); - n += s.prefix + h + s.suffix; - } - } else n += s; - } - return n; - }; - }(kt(e, t), t); - } - - function Ht(e) { - return e.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|/\\])/g, "\\$1"); - } - - function jt(e) { - return e && e.sensitive ? "" : "i"; - } - - function qt(e, t, n) { - return function(e, t, n) { - void 0 === n && (n = {}); - for (var r = n.strict, i = void 0 !== r && r, s = n.start, a = void 0 === s || s, o = n.end, l = void 0 === o || o, u = n.encode, c = void 0 === u ? function(e) { - return e; - } : u, d = n.delimiter, h = void 0 === d ? "/#?" : d, g = n.endsWith, p = "[".concat(Ht(void 0 === g ? "" : g), "]|$"), f = "[".concat(Ht(h), "]"), m = a ? "^" : "", v = 0, y = e; v < y.length; v++) { - var b = y[v]; - if ("string" == typeof b) m += Ht(c(b)); - else { - var T = Ht(c(b.prefix)), - w = Ht(c(b.suffix)); - if (b.pattern) { - if (T || w) { - if ("+" === b.modifier || "*" === b.modifier) { - var E = "*" === b.modifier ? "?" : ""; - m += "(?:".concat(T, "((?:").concat(b.pattern, ")(?:").concat(w).concat(T, "(?:").concat(b.pattern, "))*)").concat(w, ")").concat(E); - } else m += "(?:".concat(T, "(").concat(b.pattern, ")").concat(w, ")").concat(b.modifier); - } else { - if ("+" === b.modifier || "*" === b.modifier) throw new TypeError('Can not repeat "'.concat(, '" without a prefix and suffix')); - m += "(".concat(b.pattern, ")").concat(b.modifier); - } - } else m += "(?:".concat(T).concat(w, ")").concat(b.modifier); - } - } - if (l) i || (m += "".concat(f, "?")), m += n.endsWith ? "(?=".concat(p, ")") : "$"; - else { - var I = e[e.length - 1], - A = "string" == typeof I ? f.indexOf(I[I.length - 1]) > -1 : void 0 === I; - i || (m += "(?:".concat(f, "(?=").concat(p, "))?")), A || (m += "(?=".concat(f, "|").concat(p, ")")); - } - return new RegExp(m, jt(n)); - }(kt(e, n), 0, n); - } - - function Gt(e, t, n) { - return e instanceof RegExp ? function(e) { - return e; - }(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? function(e, t, n) { - var r = { - return Gt(e, t, n).source; - }); - return new RegExp("(?:".concat(r.join("|"), ")"), jt(n)); - }(e, t, n) : qt(e, 0, n); - } - const Wt = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : navigator; - var t; - return null !== (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.userAgent) && void 0 !== t ? t : ""; - }, - Kt = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : window; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : globalThis; - return null != e ? e : t; - }; - class Jt { - constructor(e, t) { - this._groups = e, this._index = t - this._groups[0].length; - } - get value() { - return this._groups[0]; - } - get index() { - return this._index; - } - get length() { - return this._groups[0].length; - } - get groups() { - return this._groups; - } - } - - function Yt(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - const r = [], - i = new RegExp(t, "g" + (n ? "i" : "")); - let s = i.exec(e); - for (; s;) r.push(new Jt(s, i.lastIndex)), s = i.exec(e); - return r; - } - - function Xt(e, t, n, r) { - const i = Yt(e, t, n); - let s = e, - a = 0; - for (let e = 0; e < i.length; e++) { - const t = i[e], - n = r(t); - s = s.substr(0, t.index + a) + n + s.substr(a + t.index + t.length), a += n.length - t.length; - } - return s; - } - - function Qt(e) { - return e ? e.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&") : e; - } - const Zt = (e, t, n) => { - if (t.toLowerCase() === n.toLowerCase()) return e; - const r = new RegExp(`^${Qt(t)}`, "i"); - return e.replace(r, n); - }, - en = (e, t) => `${e}${t}`, - tn = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : window; - var t, n; - return null !== (n = null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.location) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.href) && void 0 !== n ? n : ""; - }, - nn = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : window; - var t, n, r; - return null !== (r = null === (n = null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.location) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.protocol) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.replace(/:/g, "")) && void 0 !== r ? r : ""; - }, - rn = e => e.replace(/([^:]\/)\/+/g, "$1"), - sn = e => e.replace(/((outsystems|https|http):\/\/[^ ]*?)\?[^ ]*/g, "$1"); - var an = _exports.UrlUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - buildURLFromVersionedResource: en, - getCurrentUrl: tn, - getHttpScheme: nn, - removeQueryParametersFromUrls: sn, - replaceBasePath: Zt, - sanitizeUrl: rn - }); - - function on(e) { - return !!(null == e ? void 0 : e.OutSystemsNative); - } - const ln = "Injector", - un = {}, - cn = {}; - - function dn(e, t) { - try { - pi(ln, `Registering ${e} service`); - const n = t(); - return un[e] = n, e in cn && cn[e].forEach(t => t(e, n)), !0; - } catch (t) { - return mi(ln, `Failed to initialize ${e} service: ${t}`), !1; - } - } - - function hn(e) { - return un[e]; - } - const gn = _exports.Injector = { - register: dn, - unregister: function(e) { - delete un[e]; - }, - resolve: hn, - addRegistrationListener: function(e, t) { - e in cn ? cn[e].push(t) : cn[e] = [t]; - }, - removeRegistrationListener: function(e, t) { - e in cn && (cn[e] = cn[e].filter(e => e !== t)); - } - }; - var pn; - ! function(e) { - e.DeviceHelperClassProvider = "DeviceHelperClassProvider", e.ClientVariablesService = "ClientVariablesService", e.TranslationsService = "TranslationsService", e.LocaleService = "LocaleService", e.EntityService = "EntityService", e.GlobalExceptionHandler = "GlobalExceptionHandler", e.SettingsManager = "SettingsManager", e.AuthConfigsManager = "AuthConfigsManager", e.Auth = "Auth", e.HttpClient = "HttpClient", e.UnauthenticatedHttpClient = "UnauthenticatedHttpClient", e.DebuggerHttpClient = "DebuggerHttpClient", e.NonDebuggerHttpClient = "NonDebuggerHttpClient", e.LoggerHttpClient = "LoggerHttpClient", e.NativeStatus = "NativeStatus", e.LifecycleEventsManager = "LifecycleEventsManager", e.Debugger = "Debugger", e.InstrumentationFactory = "InstrumentationFactory"; - }(pn || (_exports.ServiceNames = pn = {})); - const fn = "NativeStatus"; - class mn { - constructor() { - let { - win: e = window, - isRunningOnNativeFn: t = bn, - deviceReadyPromise: n = An - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - this.cachedReadyValue = null, = e, this.isRunningOnNativeFn = t, this.deviceReadyPromise = n; - } - raiseCordovaNotLoadedError() { - const t = "Running on native but cordova wasn't loaded"; - throw vi(fn, t, "OS-CLRT-00000", void 0, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), new Error(t); - } - ensureIsReady() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return null === this.cachedReadyValue ? (pi(fn, "Waiting for 'deviceready' event"), this.isRunningOnNativeFn() ? void 0 === ? (this.cachedReadyValue = !1, this.raiseCordovaNotLoadedError()) : (yield this.deviceReadyPromise(), this.cachedReadyValue = !0, !0) : (pi(fn, "'deviceready' event wait ignored"), this.cachedReadyValue = !0, !0)) : !!this.cachedReadyValue || this.raiseCordovaNotLoadedError(); - }); - } - } - const vn = "Android", - yn = "iOS", - bn = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : navigator; - return !(!e || !new RegExp("OutSystemsApp", "i").test(e.userAgent)); - }, - Tn = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : window; - var t; - return null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.device) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.platform; - }, - wn = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : bn; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : window; - return t() && Tn(n) === e; - }, - En = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : bn; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : window; - return wn(vn, e, t); - }, - In = function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : document; - return !!(null == n ? void 0 : n.addEventListener) && (n.addEventListener(e, t), !0); - }, - An = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : document; - return new Promise((t, n) => { - In("deviceready", () => t(), e) || t(); - }); - }, - Nn = () => { - let e = gn.resolve(pn.NativeStatus); - return e || (gn.register(pn.NativeStatus, () => new mn()), e = gn.resolve(pn.NativeStatus)), e.ensureIsReady(); - }, - Sn = function(e, t) { - for (var _len = arguments.length, n = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) { - n[_key - 2] = arguments[_key]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, t, ...n], void 0, function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Nn; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : In; - return function*() { - yield n(), r(e, t); - }(); - }); - }, - Dn = function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : En; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : navigator; - return !!e() && (, !0); - }, - Rn = function() { - for (var _len2 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { - e[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : Nn; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Cn; - return function*() { - var n, r; - try { - yield e(); - const i = t(); - return null !== (r = null === (n = null == i ? void 0 : i.OutSystemsNative) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.OTLogger) && void 0 !== r ? r : null; - } catch (e) { - return console.error("Native is not ready", e), null; - } - }(); - }); - }, - Cn = () => window; - var xn = _exports.NativeHelper = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - addNativeEventListener: Sn, - ensureNativeReady: Nn, - exitApp: Dn, - getNativeOTLogger: Rn, - getPlatformName: Tn, - isAndroid: En, - isIOS: function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : bn; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : window; - return wn(yn, e, t); - }, - isRunningOnNative: bn, - whenDeviceReady: An - }); - const Ln = e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref2) { - let { - url: e, - redirectUri: t, - w: n, - awaitNative: r - } = _ref2; - return function*() { - var i; - const s = yield(e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref3) { - let { - w: e = window, - awaitNative: t = Nn - } = _ref3; - return function*() { - if (yield t(), on(e) && e.OutSystemsNative.Auth) return e.OutSystemsNative.Auth; - throw new Error("Could not find the OSAuth plugin."); - }(); - }))({ - w: n, - awaitNative: r - }); - try { - return yield s.startFlow(e, t); - } catch (e) { - throw vi("NativeAuthPlugin", null !== (i = e.message) && void 0 !== i ? i : "Error starting the external auth flow", "OS-CLRT-40100", e instanceof Error ? e : void 0), new Error("Error starting the external auth flow"); - } - }(); - }), - On = "Navigation", - _n = new RegExp("/([^/]*)"), - Mn = new RegExp(/\/(\/)+/gm), - Un = 10, - Fn = 1e3, - $n = ["localhost", ""], - Pn = "POP", - Vn = [], - Bn = [], - kn = new class { - constructor() { - this.stack = [], = {}, this.counter = 0; - } - push(e) { - const t = this.counter++; - return this.stack.push(t),[t] = e, t; - } - remove(e) { - const t = this.stack.indexOf(e), - n = t > -1; - return n && (this.stack.splice(t, 1), delete[e]), n; - } - pop() { - if (0 === this.stack.length) throw new Error("IndexedStack: pop from empty stack."); - const e = this.stack.pop(), - t =[e]; - return delete[e], t; - } - clear() { - this.stack = [], = {}; - } - get isEmpty() { - return 0 === this.stack.length; - } - }(); - let zn; - - function Hn(e) { - if (!jn(e)) throw new st.OutOfContextException(); - } - - function jn(e) { - return !e || !e.isOutOfContext; - } - - function qn(e) { - if (e) throw new st.RedirectOccurredException(); - } - - function Gn(e) { - Bn.push(e); - } - - function Wn() { - return Bn[Bn.length - 1]; - } - - function Kn() { - return Bn.pop(); - } - let Jn = !1, - Yn = !1; - - function Xn() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - pi(On, "Next navigation will force a reload..."), Jn = !0, Yn = e; - } - let Qn = () => { - const { - protocol: e, - pathname: t, - href: n, - search: r - } = window.location; - return { - protocol: e, - pathname: t, - href: n, - search: r, - hostname: window.location.hostname ||":")[0] - }; - }; - const Zn = e => { - if (void 0 === e) return null; - return gr([e]; - }; - let er = function(e) { - let { - getLocation: t = Qn, - getBasePath: n = fe - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - if (!("http:" === e.protocol || "https:" === e.protocol || "outsystems:" === e.protocol)) return !1; - const r = t().hostname; - if (r !== ("" !== e.hostname ? e.hostname : r)) return !1; - const i = _n.exec(e.pathname); - if (!i || i.length < 2) return !1; - return new RegExp(`^${Qt(n())}`, "i").test(`${e.pathname}/`); - }, - tr = function(e) { - const t = document.createElement("a"); - return t.href = e, t; - }, - nr = !1; - - function rr() { - return nr; - } - let ir = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !1; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Kt(); - t && (e = ar(e)); - const i = sn(e); - pi(On, `Reloading application with url: '${i}' (replace = ${n})`); - const s = () => { - n ? r.location.replace(e) : r.location.href = e; - }; - return nr = !0, Ti().then(s).catch(s); - }; - - function sr() { - return "undefined" != typeof window &&"_ts") >= 0; - } - - function ar(e) { - const t = `${e.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&"}_ts=${new Date().valueOf()}`, - n = e.indexOf("#"); - return n >= 0 ? [e.slice(0, n), t, e.slice(n)].join("") : `${e}${t}`; - } - - function or() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - const t = Ar(); - ir(t, e); - } - - function lr() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - ir(Qn().href, e, !0); - } - - function ur(e) { - return kn.push(e); - } - - function cr(e) { - kn.remove(e); - } - - function dr(e) { - zn = e; - } - const hr = function(e) { - let t, - n = !1, - r = "", - i = e; - const s = -1 !== e.indexOf(":") || 0 === e.indexOf("/"), - a = i.indexOf("#"); - - 1 !== a && (t = i.substr(a + 1).trim(), i = i.substr(0, a)); - const o = i.indexOf("?"); - if (-1 !== o && (r = i.substr(o + 1).trim(), i = i.substr(0, o)), s) { - const e = tr(i); - n = er(e), n && (i = e.pathname); - } else i = function(e) { - return Ar(fe(), e); - }(i), n = !0; - return { - url: e, - isInternal: n, - path: i, - queryParams: gr(r), - hash: t - }; - }; - - function gr(e) { - const t = {}; - return e.length > 0 && e.split("&").forEach(e => { - const n = e.split("="); - if (2 === n.length) { - const e = pr(n[0]), - r = pr(n[1]); - t[e] = r; - } - }), t; - } - - function pr(e) { - return decodeURIComponent(e.replace(/\+/g, " ")); - } - - function fr(e, t, n) { - return t.replace(/\/$/, "") === e || n.screens.some(n => Gt(Ar(t, n.screenUrl)).test(e)); - } - - function mr() { - de() && window.stop && "complete" === document.readyState && (pi(On, "Stopping all currently pending resources."), window.stop()); - } - - function vr(t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; - let i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - let s = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - if (Hn(r), function(t) { - const n = new Date().getTime(), - r = n - Fn; - for (; Vn.length > 0 && Vn[0].timestamp < r;) Vn.shift(); - if (Vn.reduce(function(e, n) { - return n.url === t ? e + 1 : e; - }, 0) < Un) return Vn.push({ - timestamp: n, - url: t - }), !1; { - const n = sn(t); - return fi(On, `Identified a recursive navigation to '${n}'.`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), !0; - } - }(t)) throw Error("Too many redirects."); - i || mr(); - const a = hr(t); - if (Bn && Wn().goTo && a.isInternal) Wn().goTo(a, n, s); - else { - if (bn() && Jr({ - url: t - })) return function(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, n, r; - const i = null !== (t = e.queryParams.redirect_uri) && void 0 !== t ? t : e.queryParams.post_logout_redirect_uri; - if (!i) throw new Error("Can't perform an external login without a redirect URI"); - const s = yield Ln({ - url: e.url, - redirectUri: i - }), - [a] = i.split("?"), - o = fe(), - l = null !== (r = null === (n = a.match(new RegExp(`${o}.*`))) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n[0]) && void 0 !== r ? r : ""; - ir(s ? `${l}?${s}` : l); - }); - }(a); - ir(t); - } - qn(i); - } - - function yr(e, t, n) { - Hn(t), n || mr(), Bn && Wn().goBack ? Wn().goBack(e) : window.history.back(), qn(n); - } - - function br(e, t, n) { - Hn(t), n || mr(), Bn && Wn().goForward ? Wn().goForward(e) : window.history.forward(), qn(n); - } - - function Tr(e, t, n) { - return n + e.substring(t.length); - } - - function wr() { - const e = Qn(); - if ("http:" === e.protocol.toLocaleLowerCase()) { - const t = e.hostname.toLocaleLowerCase(); - if (!$n.includes(t)) { - const t = Tr(e.href, e.protocol, "https:"); - return ir(t, !1, !0), !0; - } - console.warn(On, `Accessing through http://${t} is not supported. Please access the application using the hostname instead.`); - } - return !1; - } - - function Er(e) { - return e.action.toUpperCase() === Pn; - } - - function Ir(e) { - return "" === e || null == e; - } - - function Ar() { - for (var _len3 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { - e[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; - } - return (0 === e.length ? fe() : "/" + e.join("/")).replace(Mn, "/"); - } - var Nr; - ! function(e) { - let t = e => e; - e.setUrlVersionProvider = function(e) { - t = e; - }, e.getVersionedUrl = function(e) { - return t(e); - }; - }(Nr || (Nr = {})); - var Sr = _exports.Navigation = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - NAVIGATE_FROM_HISTORY_ACTION: Pn, - NAVIGATE_TO_URL_ACTION: "PUSH", - SCREEN_URL_PART_SEPARATOR: "-", - get VersionedURL() { - return Nr; - }, - addInvalidationSuffixToUrl: ar, - buildApplicationRelativeUrl: Ar, - changeWindowLocation: ir, - currentLocationHasTimestamp: sr, - ensureRequestSecurity: wr, - forceReloadOnNextNavigation: Xn, - generateScreenURL: function(e, t, n) { - let r, - i = e, - s = e; - return "string" == typeof t ? (s = t, r = function(e, t, n) { - const r = function(e, t) { - const n = kt(t); - return Object.keys(e).filter(e => !n.some(t => "string" != typeof t && === e)).reduce((t, n) => (t[n] = e[n], t), {}); - }(null != n ? n : {}, t), - i = (s = null != n ? n : {}, a = r, Object.keys(s).filter(e => "" !== s[e] && !(e in a)).reduce((e, t) => (e[t] = s[t], e), {})); - var s, a; - return function(e, t) { - const n = kt(t), - r = n.filter(e => "string" != typeof e && "?" === e.modifier).map(t => { - var n; - return { - name:, - value: null !== (n = e[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : "" - }; - }); - let i, - s = !1; - r.forEach(e => { - if (s && !Ir(e.value)) throw new Error(`Error processing optional parameters on path ${t}. The parameter ${} has an empty value while ${} has a non-empty value. All optional parameters before ${} must have a value when ${} has a value.`); - Ir(e.value) && (i = e, s = !0); - }); - }(i, t), - function(e, t, n, r) { - const i = Object.keys(r).map(e => `${encodeURIComponent(e)}=${encodeURIComponent(r[e])}`).join("&"); - try { - const r = zt(t, { - encode: e => encodeURIComponent(e), - validate: !1 - })(n); - return function(e, t) { - const n = fe(), - r = t.replace(/^\//, ""), - i = Y(); - return e === i ? `${n}${r}` : `/${e}/${r}`; - }(e, `${r}${i.length > 0 ? `?${i}` : ""}`); - } catch (n) { - const r = new RegExp('^Expected "(.*)" to be a string$', "g").exec(n.message); - if (r) { - const i = r[1]; - return void xi({ - category: e, - errorCode: "OS-CLRT-00000", - clientMessage: `Error building URL for ${t}. Parameter ${i} is missing or has an empty value`, - internalMessage: `Error building URL: parameter ${i} is missing or has an empty value`, - errorObj: n instanceof Error ? n : void 0 - }); - } - throw n; - } - }(e, t, i, r); - }(i, s, n)) : (i = "", r = function(e, t) { - const n = Object.keys(t).map(e => `${encodeURIComponent(e)}=${encodeURIComponent(t[e])}`).join("&"), - r = `${e}${n.length > 0 ? `?${n}` : ""}`; - return r; - }(s, n = t)), r; - }, - getCurrentLocation: Qn, - getLocationFromUrl: tr, - getNavigationCallbacks: Wn, - getSearchParameterValue: Zn, - getUrlInfo: hr, - hasPendingReload: rr, - isValidContext: jn, - locationReachedFromHistory: Er, - navigateBack: yr, - navigateForward: br, - navigateTo: vr, - onBeforeNavigate: function(e, t) { - if (! function(e) { - var t; - if (e && zn) try { - const n = (e, t, n) => vr(e, M(t, O), null, !1, n); - return null !== (t = zn(e, n)) && void 0 !== t && t; - } catch (e) { - const t = "Error while executing navigation callback"; - return xi({ - category: Y(), - errorCode: "OS-CLRT-00000", - clientMessage: t, - internalMessage: t, - errorObj: e instanceof Error ? e : void 0 - }), !1; - } - return !0; - }(e.pathname + return !1; - const n = Jn; - if (Jn && (Jn = !1), t && !kn.isEmpty) { - return St(kn.pop(), e => { - vi(Y(), "Error while navigating back without an empty stack", "OS-CLRT-00000", e); - }), !1; - } - const r = Er(e); - if (r || n) { - const t = hr(e.pathname), - i = H(), - s = fe(); - let a; - if (t.isInternal) { - a = !0; - for (const e in i) - if (i.hasOwnProperty(e)) { - const n = t.url.replace(/\/$/, ""), - r = i[e]; - if (fr(n, Ar(s), r) || r.moduleName !== Y() && r.moduleName && fr(n, r.moduleName, r)) { - a = !1; - break; - } - } - } else a = !1; - if (n || a) { - let t; - if (a) t = Ar(); - else { - const n = || ""; - t = s === e.pathname && "" === n ? /\/$/.test(e.pathname) ? e.pathname : `${e.pathname}/` : e.pathname + n; - } - return ir(t, Yn, r), !a; - } - } - return kn.clear(), !0; - }, - registerBackNavigationHandler: ur, - registerNavigationHandler: dr, - reloadApplication: or, - reloadCurrentLocation: lr, - removeNavigationCallbacks: Kn, - resetReloadState: function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !1; - Jn = e, Yn = t; - }, - setNavigationCallbacks: Gn, - switchUrlProtocol: Tr, - throwRedirectOccurredExceptionIfNeeded: qn, - unregisterBackNavigationHandler: cr, - urlBelongsToCurrentApplication: er, - urlBelongsToPrefix: fr, - validateContext: Hn, - willReloadInNextNavigation: function() { - return Jn; - } - }); - - function Dr() { - var e; - const t = window; - if (null === (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.OutSystemsNative) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.ApplicationInfo) return t.OutSystemsNative.ApplicationInfo; - } - const Rr = "Authentication", - Cr = "_RedirectLogin", - xr = "_RedirectLogout", - Lr = e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref4) { - let { - path: e, - params: t = { - isRunningOnNative: bn, - getAppUrl: me, - getHost: () => { - var e; - return null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.location) || void 0 === e ? void 0 :; - }, - getPlatform: () => Tn(), - getPackageId: () => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return (yield function() { - for (var _len4 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) { - e[_key4] = arguments[_key4]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let { - nativeReady: e = Nn, - nativeApplicationInfo: t = Dr - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return function*() { - return yield e(), new Promise((e, n) => { - const r = t(); - return r ? r.getAppPackageIdentifier(e, n) : n(new Error("NativeAppInfo API is not available")); - }); - }(); - }); - }()).toLowerCase(); - }), - getBasePath: fe - } - } = _ref4; - return function*() { - var n, r, i, s, a; - if (t.isRunningOnNative()) { - const a = yield null === (n = t.getPackageId) || void 0 === n ? void 0 :, - o = null === (r = t.getHost) || void 0 === r ? void 0 :, - l = null === (i = t.getPlatform) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :, - u = null === (s = t.getBasePath) || void 0 === s ? void 0 :; - if (!a) throw new Error("Could not get the package id"); - if (!o) throw new Error("Could not get host name"); - if (!l) throw new Error("Could not get the platform"); - if (!u) throw new Error("Could not get the base path"); - return rn(`${a}://${o}/${l}/${u}/${e}`); - } { - const n = null === (a = t.getAppUrl) || void 0 === a ? void 0 :; - if (!n) throw new Error("Could not get the application url"); - return rn(`${n}/${e}`); - } - }(); - }), - Or = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return Lr({ - path: Cr, - params: e - }); - }), - _r = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return Lr({ - path: xr, - params: e - }); - }), - Mr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - callbackUrl: n = "", - redirectUrlParams: r, - redirectUri: i = Or(r), - authConfigs: s, - auth: a = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.External, s), - actionName: l = "getExternalLoginUrl" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Retrieving the external login url."), !a) throw Yr(l); - const e = Xr(l, a), - t = yield i; - return e.getLoginUrl({ - redirectUri: t, - callbackUrl: n - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error retrieving the external login url.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Ur = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - callbackUrl: n = "", - redirectUrlParams: r, - redirectUri: i = Or(r), - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.External), - actionName: a = "externalLogin" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "External login flow started."), !s) throw Yr(a); - const e = Xr(a, s), - t = yield i; - yield e.login({ - redirectUri: t, - callbackUrl: n, - navigationHandler: vr - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error in the external login flow.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), new st.InvalidLoginException("Login Failed", lt(e)); - } - }), - Fr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, - n, { - username: r, - password: i, - persistLogin: s, - auth: a = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: l = "builtinLogin" - } = e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Builtin login flow started."), !a) throw Yr(l); - return yield Qr(l, a).login({ - username: r, - password: i, - persistLogin: s - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error in the builtin login flow.", null !== (n = e.errorCode) && void 0 !== n ? n : "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - $r = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - callbackUrl: n = "", - redirectUrlParams: r, - redirectUri: i = _r(r), - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(), - actionName: a = "logout" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Logout flow started."), !s) throw Yr(a); - const e = yield i; - yield Qr(a, s, "Use GetExternalLogoutURL instead.").logout({ - redirectUri: e - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error in the logout flow.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Pr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - callbackUrl: n = "", - redirectUrlParams: r, - redirectUri: i = _r(r), - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.External), - actionName: a = "getExternalLogoutUrl" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Retrieving the external logout url."), !s) throw Yr(a); - const e = yield i; - return yield Xr(a, s).getLogoutUrl({ - redirectUri: e, - callbackUrl: n - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error retrieving the external logout url.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Vr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - auth: n = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance() - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Refresh flow started."), !n) throw Yr("refreshTokens"); - yield n.refreshTokens(); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error in the refresh flow.", "OS-CLRT-40103", e), e; - } - }), - Br = e => { - var t, - n, { - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance() - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - return null !== (n = null == r ? void 0 : r.getUserId()) && void 0 !== n ? n : ""; - }, - kr = e => { - var t, - n, { - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance() - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - return null !== (n = null == r ? void 0 : r.isAuthenticated()) && void 0 !== n && n; - }, - zr = e => { - var t, { - auth: n = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: r = "getPasswordComplexityPolicy" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (!n) throw Yr(r); - return Qr(r, n).getPasswordComplexityPolicy(); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error getting the password complexity policy", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }, - Hr = e => { - var t, { - password: n, - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: i = "validatePasswordComplexity" - } = e; - try { - if (!r) throw Yr("validatePasswordComplexity"); - return Qr(i, r).validatePasswordComplexityPolicy(n); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error validating the password complexity", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }, - jr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - resetToken: r, - newPassword: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: a = "finishResetPassword" - } = e; - try { - if (!s) throw Yr(a); - return yield Qr(a, s).finishResetPassword({ - username: n, - resetToken: r, - newPassword: i - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error finishing reset password", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - qr = e => { - var t, { - auth: n = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(), - actionName: r = "isExternalUser" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (!n) throw Yr(r); - return n.isExternalUser(); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error determining if user is external", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }, - Gr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - password: r, - temporaryPassword: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: a = "finishUserRegistration" - } = e; - try { - if (!s) throw Yr(a); - return yield Qr(a, s).confirmRegistration({ - username: n, - password: r, - code: i - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error completing user registration", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Wr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - oldPassword: r, - newPassword: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: a = "changePassword" - } = e; - try { - if (!s) throw Yr("changePassword"); - return yield Qr(a, s).changePassword({ - username: n, - oldPassword: r, - newPassword: i - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error changing password", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Kr = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - auth: n = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(), - actionName: r = "getUserProfile" - } = void 0 === e ? {} : e; - try { - if (!n) throw Yr(r); - return yield n.getUserInfo(); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error getting user profile", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - Jr = e => { - var t, - n, { - url: r, - auth: i = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(), - actionName: s = "isAuthEndpoint" - } = e; - try { - return null !== (n = null == i ? void 0 : i.isAuthEndpoint(r)) && void 0 !== n && n; - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error checking if a url corresponds to an auth endpoint", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }, - Yr = t => { - const n = `Error '${t}': User is not authenticated.`, - r = new Error(n); - return vi(Rr, n, "OS-CLRT-40100", r, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), r; - }, - Xr = (t, n, r) => { - if (!(e => void 0 !== e.resumeLogin)(n)) { - const n = `Error '${t}': only supported for external authentication. ${r}`, - i = new Error(n); - throw vi(Rr, n, "OS-CLRT-40100", i, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), i; - } - return n; - }, - Qr = (t, n, r) => { - if (!(e => void 0 !== e.finishResetPassword)(n)) { - const n = `Error '${t}': only supported for builtin authentication. ${r}`, - i = new Error(n); - throw vi(Rr, n, "OS-CLRT-40100", i, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), i; - } - return n; - }; - var Zr, - ei = _exports.Authentication = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - LOGIN_REDIRECT_PATH: Cr, - LOGOUT_REDIRECT_PATH: xr, - builtinLogin: Fr, - changePassword: Wr, - externalLogin: Ur, - finishResetPassword: jr, - finishUserRegistration: Gr, - getExternalLoginUrl: Mr, - getExternalLogoutUrl: Pr, - getPasswordComplexityPolicy: zr, - getUserId: Br, - getUserProfile: Kr, - isAuthEndpoint: Jr, - isAuthenticated: kr, - isExternalUser: qr, - logout: $r, - refreshTokens: Vr, - resetPassword: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - resetToken: r, - newPassword: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: a = "resetPassword" - } = e; - try { - if (!s) throw Yr(a); - return yield Qr(a, s).resetPassword({ - username: n, - resetToken: r, - newPassword: i - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error resetting password", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - resumeLogin: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - url: n, - redirectUrlParams: r, - redirectUri: i = Or(r), - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.External), - actionName: a = "resumeLogin" - } = e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Login flow resumed."), !s) throw Yr(a); - const e = yield i; - return yield Xr(a, s).resumeLogin({ - url: n, - redirectUri: e - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error while resuming login.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), new st.InvalidLoginException("Login Failed", lt(e)); - } - }), - resumeLogout: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - url: n, - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.External), - actionName: i = "resumeLogout" - } = e; - try { - if (pi(Rr, "Logout flow resumed."), !r) throw Yr("resumeLogout"); - return yield Xr(i, r).resumeLogout({ - url: n - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error while resuming logout.", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), new st.InvalidLoginException("Logout Failed", lt(e)); - } - }), - sendResetPasswordEmail: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: i = "sendResetPasswordEmail" - } = e; - try { - if (!r) throw Yr(i); - return yield Qr(i, r).sendResetPasswordEmail({ - username: n - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error sending reset password email", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - updateUser: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, { - username: n, - name: r, - pictureUrl: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance(_authJs.AuthType.Builtin), - actionName: a = "updateUser" - } = e; - try { - if (!s) throw Yr(a); - return yield Qr(a, s).updateUser({ - username: n, - name: r, - pictureUrl: i - }); - } catch (e) { - throw vi(Rr, "Error updating user", "OS-CLRT-40100", e), e; - } - }), - validatePasswordComplexity: Hr - }); - - function ti() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : Kt; - var t; - const n = e(); - return (null == n ? void 0 : n.cordova) && (null === (t = null == n ? void 0 : n.navigator) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.connection) ? "none" !== n.navigator.connection.type : n.navigator.onLine; - } - - function ni(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : window; - t.addEventListener("online", e); - }! function(e) { - e.AuthNConfigs = "AuthNConfigs", e.ForceXhrCommunication = "ForceXhrCommunication", e.CanDisableAutoUpgrade = "CanDisableAutoUpgrade", e.LogLevel = "LogLevel", e.EnvironmentKey = "EnvironmentKey", e.TenantID = "TenantID", e.LoggerApiKey = "LoggerApiKey", e.LoggingTagID = "LoggingTagID", e.LoggerSchedulerTimeInterval = "LoggerSchedulerTimeInterval", e.EnableOpenTelemetryTraces = "EnableOpenTelemetryTraces", e.EnableSpanAggregation = "EnableSpanAggregation", e.HealthCheckInterval = "HealthCheckInterval"; - }(Zr || (_exports.SettingsNames = Zr = {})); - const ri = { - HealthCheckInterval: "1800", - LogLevel: "Information" - }, - ii = "os_default_id", - si = "DEV_"; - - function ai(e, t) { - const n = function(e) { - return Object.entries(e).reduce((e, _ref5) => { - let [t, n] = _ref5; - return t.startsWith(si) && "string" == typeof n && (e[t.replace(si, "")] = n), e; - }, {}); - }(t); - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), n); - } - var oi; - const li = "SettingsManager", - ui = !1, - ci = { - Debug: _loggerJs.LogType.Debug, - Information: _loggerJs.LogType.Info, - Warning: _loggerJs.LogType.Warning, - Error: _loggerJs.LogType.Error - }; - class di { - constructor() { - let { - getBasePath: e, - httpClient: t = gn.resolve(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient), - getAppKey: n = V, - initialSettings: r = ri, - settingsHash: i = "", - overrideStorage: s = sessionStorage, - cacheName: a = `${n()}-clientsettings`, - cacheStorage: o = localStorage, - onSettingsUpdated: l - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - oi.set(this, void 0), this.getBasePath = null != e ? e : () => fe(), this.httpClient = t, this.settingsValue = ai(r, s), this.settingsHash = i, this.overrideStorage = s, this.cacheName = a, this.cacheStorage = o, w(this, oi, l, "f"); - } - update(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, n; - try { - if (!e || this.settingsHash !== e) { - const e = yield this.httpClient.get({ - url: "/moduleservices/clientsettingsinfo", - baseURL: null === (t = this.getBasePath) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : - }); - if (e) { - const { - clientSettingsHash: t, - clientSettings: r - } = e; - this.settingsHash = t; - const i = ai(r, this.overrideStorage); - this.settingsValue = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.settingsValue), i), this.cacheSettings(r), null === (n = T(this, oi, "f")) || void 0 === n ||, this); - } else this.fetchCachedSettings(); - } - } catch (e) { - vi(li, `Error retrieving settings from endpoint: ${e.message}`, "OS-CLRT-61001"), this.fetchCachedSettings(); - } - }); - } - settingExists(e) { - return Object.keys(this.settingsValue).includes(e); - } - cacheSettings(e) { - this.cacheStorage.setItem(this.cacheName, JSON.stringify(e)); - } - fetchCachedSettings() { - try { - const e = this.cacheStorage.getItem(this.cacheName); - if (e) { - pi(li, "Loading client settings from cache"); - const t = ai(JSON.parse(e), this.overrideStorage); - this.settingsValue = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.settingsValue), t); - } else mi(li, "No settings stored in cache, keeping previous values"); - } catch (e) { - vi(li, "Error retrieving settings from cache, keeping previous values", "OS-CLRT-61000", e); - } - } - readString(e) { - var t; - return this.settingExists(e) ? null !== (t = this.settingsValue[e]) && void 0 !== t ? t : "" : (pi(li, `Value for setting ${e} was not found.`), ""); - } - readNumber(e) { - var t; - return this.settingExists(e) ? null !== (t = Number(this.settingsValue[e])) && void 0 !== t ? t : 0 : (pi(li, `Value for setting ${e} was not found.`), 0); - } - readBool(e) { - var t; - return this.settingExists(e) ? "true" === (null !== (t = this.settingsValue[e]) && void 0 !== t ? t : "false").toLowerCase() : (pi(li, `Value for setting ${e} was not found.`), ui); - } - readLogLevel() { - const e = this.settingsValue.LogLevel, - n = ci[e]; - return null != n ? n : _loggerJs.LogType.Info; - } - } - oi = new WeakMap(); - const hi = function() { - for (var _len5 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) { - e[_key5] = arguments[_key5]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let { - isRunningOnNative: e = bn(), - basePath: t = fe, - frontendBuildWorkerVersion: n = he, - getUserId: i = Br, - getLibVersion: s = Ue, - getHttpScheme: a = nn, - getUserAgent: o = Wt, - getCurrentUrl: l = tn, - getNativeLogger: u = Rn, - getDatabaseSuffix: c = V, - isOnlineMethod: d = ti, - httpClient: h = gn.resolve(pn.LoggerHttpClient) - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return function*() { - try { - const g = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Si(i, s, n)), { - "http.scheme": a, - "http.url": l, - "http.user_agent": o - }), - p = new _loggerJs.InstrumentationFactory({ - databaseNameSuffix: c(), - isOnline: d, - baseLogAttributes: g, - baseSpanAttributes: g, - staticSpanAttributes: ["http.scheme", "http.user_agent", "outsystems.client.runtime.core.version", "outsystems.client.runtime.widgets.version", "outsystems.client.runtime.reactview.version", "outsystems.compiler.version"] - }); - gn.register(pn.InstrumentationFactory, () => p), yield p.init(); - const f = ci[ri.LogLevel]; - if (e) { - const e = yield u(); - e && p.useNativeLoggerTransport({ - plugin: e, - logTypeBaseline: f - }); - } else p.useOpenTelemetryLoggerTransport({ - resourceAttributes: {}, - logTypeBaseline: f, - collectorBaseUrl: t(), - tagId: "", - httpClient: h - }); - p.useConsoleLoggerTransport(f); - } catch (e) { - console.error("Error while initializing the logger.", e); - } - }(); - }); - }, - gi = e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref6) { - let { - version: e, - getCurrentScreenName: t = () => "", - applicationName: n = B, - applicationKey: r = V, - clientRuntimeVersion: i = ge, - basePath: o = fe, - getAppVersionMethod: l = ve, - isWebApplication: u = de, - usePwaServiceWorkerTracer: c = _settingsJs.FeaturesManager.isEnabled(_settingsJs.FeatureKeys.ServiceWorkerTraces), - serviceWorkerContainer: d = navigator.serviceWorker, - settingsManager: h = gn.resolve(pn.SettingsManager), - instrumentationFactory: g = gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory), - httpClient: p = gn.resolve(pn.LoggerHttpClient) - } = _ref6; - return function*() { - try { - g || (yield hi(), g = gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory)), g.setAggregateSpansStatus(null == h ? void 0 : h.readBool("EnableSpanAggregation")), g.setLogLevel(null == h ? void 0 : h.readLogLevel()); - const s = (null == h ? void 0 : h.readString("LoggingTagID")) || (null == h ? void 0 : h.readString("LoggerApiKey")); - g.setTagId(s), g.getTracer().addBaseSpanAttributes({ - "outsystems.runtime.screen": t - }); - const a = { - "": "ClientRuntime", - "service.version": i(), - "": n(), - "": e, - "": r(), - "outsystems.env.key": null == h ? void 0 : h.readString("EnvironmentKey"), - "outsystems.tenant.key": null == h ? void 0 : h.readString("TenantID"), - "": l() - }; - g.setResourceAttributes(a), u() && (null == h ? void 0 : h.readBool("EnableOpenTelemetryTraces")) && (c && void 0 !== d ? g.useServiceWorkerTracerTransport({ - resourceAttributes: a, - collectorBaseUrl: o(), - tagId: s, - enabled: !0, - aggregateSpans: null == h ? void 0 : h.readBool("EnableSpanAggregation") - }) : g.useOpenTelemetryTracerTransport({ - resourceAttributes: a, - collectorBaseUrl: o(), - tagId: s, - enabled: !0, - httpClient: p - })); - const f = null == h ? void 0 : h.readNumber("LoggerSchedulerTimeInterval"); - f > 0 && Ei(f, g); - } catch (e) { - console.error("Error while updating the logger configurations.", e); - } - }(); - }), - pi = function(e, t, n, r) { - for (var _len6 = arguments.length, i = new Array(_len6 > 4 ? _len6 - 4 : 0), _key6 = 4; _key6 < _len6; _key6++) { - i[_key6 - 4] = arguments[_key6]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, t, n, r, ...i], void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - const s = Di(e), - a = Ri(t); - yi(i, null == i ? void 0 : i.logDebug, null != s ? s : "", null != a ? a : "") || (yield null == i ? void 0 : i.logDebug({ - category: s, - message: Ri(t), - visibility: n, - attributes: r - })); - }(); - }); - }, - fi = function(e, t, n, r) { - for (var _len7 = arguments.length, i = new Array(_len7 > 4 ? _len7 - 4 : 0), _key7 = 4; _key7 < _len7; _key7++) { - i[_key7 - 4] = arguments[_key7]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, t, n, r, ...i], void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - yi(i, null == i ? void 0 : i.logInfo, e, t) || (yield null == i ? void 0 : i.logInfo({ - category: e, - message: t, - visibility: n, - attributes: r - })); - }(); - }); - }, - mi = function(e, t, n, r) { - for (var _len8 = arguments.length, i = new Array(_len8 > 4 ? _len8 - 4 : 0), _key8 = 4; _key8 < _len8; _key8++) { - i[_key8 - 4] = arguments[_key8]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, t, n, r, ...i], void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - yi(i, null == i ? void 0 : i.logWarning, e, t) || (yield null == i ? void 0 : i.logWarning({ - category: e, - message: t, - visibility: n, - attributes: r - })); - }(); - }); - }, - vi = function(t, n, r, i, s, a) { - for (var _len9 = arguments.length, o = new Array(_len9 > 6 ? _len9 - 6 : 0), _key9 = 6; _key9 < _len9; _key9++) { - o[_key9 - 6] = arguments[_key9]; - } - return b(void 0, [t, n, r, i, s, a, ...o], void 0, function(t, n, r, i, s, a) { - let o = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - var l; - const { - error: u, - message: c - } = Ci(n, i); - if (!yi(o, null == o ? void 0 : o.logError, t, null != c ? c : "")) { - const n = ("OS-CLRT-00000" === r || null == r) && null !== (l = u.errorCode) && void 0 !== l ? l : r; - t = null != t ? t : u.category, at(u, st.UserException) && (s = _loggerJs.Visibility.Client), yield null == o ? void 0 : o.logError({ - category: t, - message: c, - error: u, - errorCode: n, - visibility: s, - attributes: a - }); - } - }(); - }); - }, - yi = (e, t, n, r) => (!e && _settingsJs.FeaturesManager.isEnabled(_settingsJs.FeatureKeys.NoInstrumentationFactoryLogs) ? console.warn(`No instrumentation factory: ${n} - ${r}`) : !t && _settingsJs.FeaturesManager.isEnabled(_settingsJs.FeatureKeys.NoInstrumentationFactoryLogs) && console.warn(`Factory function not defined: ${n} - ${r}`), !e || !t), - bi = function() { - for (var _len10 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len10), _key10 = 0; _key10 < _len10; _key10++) { - e[_key10] = arguments[_key10]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - yield null == e ? void 0 : e.flushInstrumentationData(); - }(); - }); - }, - Ti = function() { - for (var _len11 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len11), _key11 = 0; _key11 < _len11; _key11++) { - e[_key11] = arguments[_key11]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return function*() { - yield null == e ? void 0 : e.flushLogs(); - }(); - }); - }, - wi = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - null == t || t.setLogLevel(e); - }, - Ei = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - null == t || t.setSchedulerTimerInterval(e); - }; - - function Ii(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return s ? s.startActiveSpan(e, t, n, r, i) : t(void 0); - } - - function Ai() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - const t = null == e ? void 0 : e.getActiveSpan(); - null == t || t.setAttribute(_loggerJs.KnownAttributes.IsNonAggregable, "true"); - } - - function Ni(e, t, n, r) { - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - return null == i ? void 0 : i.startSpan(e, t, n, r); - } - const Si = (e, t, n) => ({ - "": e, - "outsystems.client.runtime.core.version": () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = t({ - packageKey: "client-runtime-core" - })) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - }, - "outsystems.client.runtime.widgets.version": () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = t({ - packageKey: "client-runtime-widgets" - })) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - }, - "outsystems.client.runtime.reactview.version": () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = t({ - packageKey: "client-runtime-view-framework-react" - })) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - }, - "outsystems.compiler.version": () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = n()) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - } - }), - Di = e => { - if (e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) return e; { - const t =; - return "Function" === t ? : t; - } - } - }, - Ri = e => { - if (e) return "string" == typeof e ? e : e(); - }, - Ci = (e, t) => { - const n = null != t ? t : "string" == typeof e ? new Error(e) : e; - let r = t && "string" == typeof e ? e : void 0; - return n.message === r && (r = void 0), { - error: n, - message: r - }; - }, - xi = _ref7 => { - let { - category: t, - errorCode: n, - clientMessage: r, - internalMessage: i, - instrumentationFactory: s = gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory), - errorObj: a, - attributes: o - } = _ref7; - return Promise.all([vi(t, r, n, a, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client, o, s), vi(t, i, n, void 0, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal, o, s)]); - }; - var Li = _exports.Logger = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - clientError: xi, - debug: pi, - error: vi, - flush: bi, - flushLogs: Ti, - log: fi, - registerInstrumentationFactory: hi, - setActiveSpanAsNonAggregable: Ai, - setLogLevel: wi, - setSchedulerTimerInterval: Ei, - startActiveSpan: Ii, - startSpan: Ni, - updateInstrumentationFactory: gi, - warning: mi - }); - class Oi { - constructor(e) { - this.callback = e; - } - } - class _i extends Oi { - constructor(e) { - super(e), this.callback = e; - } - } - class Mi extends Oi { - constructor(e) { - super(e), this.callback = e; - } - } - const Ui = "TxExecutor"; - class Fi { - constructor(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - this.tx = e, this.allowTraces = t, this.chain = [], this.pendingResult = null, this.hasPendingResult = !1, this.pendingError = null, this.hasPendingError = !1, this.parent = null; - } - cloneForNext() { - const e = new Fi(this.tx, this.allowTraces); - return e.parent = this, e; - } - andThen(e) { - return this.hasPendingError || (this.chain.push(new _i(e)), this.triggerPendingResults()), this; - } - withoutTraces(e) { - return this.andThen((t, n) => (t.allowTraces = !1, e(t, n))); - } - andThenAll(e) { - return this.andThen((t, n) => { - const r = e(n); - let i = t.feed(void 0); - if (r) - for (let e = 0; e < r.length; e++) i = i.andThen(r[e]); - return i.andThen(() => {}); - }); - } - extractScalar(e) { - const t = Object.keys(e); - if (1 === t.length) { - return e[t[0]]; - } - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Invalid use of 'extractScalar': the row should have a single column, but found '${t.join("', '")}'`); - } - executeScalar(e, t) { - return this.executeQueryRaw(e, t).andThen((e, t) => 0 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.rows.length) ? void 0 : this.extractScalar(null == t ? void 0 : t.rows.item(0))); - } - executeQuery(e, t, n) { - return this.executeQueryRaw(e, n).andThen((e, n) => { - const r = new Array(n.rows.length); - for (let e = 0; e < n.rows.length; e++) { - const i = n.rows.item(e); - r[e] = t(i); - } - return r; - }); - } - executeNonQuery(e, t) { - return this.executeQueryRaw(e, t).andThen((e, t) => {}); - } - executeQueryRaw(e, t) { - const n = Fi.queryCount++, - r = null != t ? t : []; - return this.traceQuery(n, e, r), this.tx.executeSql(e, t, (e, t) => { - try { - this.continueWithNext(t); - } catch (t) { - this.abortExplicitly(e, t); - } - }, (e, t) => (mi(Ui, `SQL command #${n} failed with error ${t.message}`), this.abort(t))), this; - } - feed(e) { - return this.hasPendingResult = !0, this.pendingResult = e, this; - } - onError(e) { - return this.chain.push(new Mi(e)), this.triggerPendingError(), this; - } - nextCallback(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < this.chain.length; t++) - if (e(this.chain[t])) { - const e = this.chain[t].callback; - return this.chain = this.chain.slice(t + 1, this.chain.length), e; - } - return null; - } - nextErrorCallback() { - return this.nextCallback(e => e instanceof Mi); - } - hasErrorCallback() { - return this.chain.some(e => e instanceof Mi); - } - nextSuccessCallback() { - return this.nextCallback(e => e instanceof _i); - } - abort(e) { - const t = this.nextErrorCallback(); - if (t) { - this.pendingError = null, this.hasPendingError = !1; - try { - let n = !1; - const r = t(e, () => { - n = !0; - }); - return n ? this.chain = [] : this.continueWithNext(r), n; - } catch (e) { - if (this.hasErrorCallback()) return this.abort(e); - if (this.parent) return this.parent.abort(e); - throw e; - } - } else this.pendingError = e, this.hasPendingError = !0; - return !this.parent || this.parent.abort(e); - } - abortExplicitly(e, t) { - this.abort(t) && e.executeSql("ABORT_TRANSACTION", void 0, () => {}, () => !0); - } - continueWithNext(e) { - if (this.hasPendingResult = !1, e instanceof Fi) e.andThen((e, t) => { - this.continueWithNext(t); - }); - else if (e instanceof Array && 0 !== e.length && e[0] instanceof Fi) { - let t = 0; - const n = () => { - t < e.length ? (e[t].andThen(n), t++) : this.continueWithNext(e); - }; - n(); - } else { - if (this.chain.length > 0) { - const t = this.nextSuccessCallback(); - if (t) return void this.continueWithNext(this.tryNextItem(t, this.cloneForNext(), e)); - } - this.hasPendingResult = !0, this.pendingResult = e; - } - } - tryNextItem(e, t, n) { - try { - return e(t, n); - } catch (e) { - this.abortExplicitly(this.tx, e); - } - } - triggerPendingResults() { - this.hasPendingResult && (this.hasPendingResult = !1, this.continueWithNext(this.pendingResult)); - } - triggerPendingError() { - this.hasPendingError && (this.hasPendingError = !1, this.abort(this.pendingError)); - } - traceQuery(t, n, r) { - this.allowTraces && pi(Ui, () => { - const e = (r || []).map(e => String(e).substring(0, 80)); - return `Executing SQL command #${t}: ${n} with arguments ${e}`; - }, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - } - static - for (e) { - return new Fi(e); - } - } - Fi.queryCount = 0; - const $i = "SqlDatabase"; - class Pi { - constructor(e, t) { - this.dbName = e, this.db = t, this.txCount = 0, this.setDispose(); - } - setDispose() { - const e = this.db; - window && e && e.close && window.addEventListener("unload", () => { - this.debug(`Closing database ${}`), e.close(() => this.debug(`Database ${} closed successfully`), e => vi("SqlDatabase", `Database ${} failed to close`, "OS-CLRT-60400", e)); - }, !1); - } - get name() { - return this.dbName; - } - get isMock() { - return !1; - } - executeTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return this.innerExecuteTransaction(e, !1, t); - } - executeReadTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return this.innerExecuteTransaction(e, !0, t); - } - innerExecuteTransaction(e, t, n) { - const r = t ? "READ" : "WRITE", - i = t ? this.db.readTransaction : this.db.transaction, - s = ++this.txCount; - return Tt((t, a) => { - let o, l; - this.debug(`Opening local storage ${r} transaction #${s} on database ${}`, n),, t => { - this.debug(`Executing local storage ${r} transaction #${s} on database ${}`, n); - let i = Fi.for(t).feed(void 0); - return i = n ? i.andThen(e) : i.withoutTraces(e), i.andThen((e, t) => o = t).onError((e, t) => { - l = e, t(); - }); - }, e => { - l = l || e; - const t = (null == l ? void 0 : l.message) ? l : new Error(l), - i = `Rolled back local storage ${r} transaction #${s} on database ${}: ${t.message}`; - return n && mi($i, i), a(new st.DataBaseException("", t.message.toString())), !0; - }, () => { - this.debug(`Committed local storage ${r} transaction #${s} on database ${}`, n), t(o); - }); - }); - } - testConnection() { - let t = 0; - return fi($i, "Starting to test on database connections. Performing #5 test queries.", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), Promise.all(Array.apply(null, { - length: 5 - }).map((e, n) => new Promise(e => { - this.executeTransaction(e => e.executeQueryRaw("SELECT 1").onError((e, n) => { - Bi(e), t++; - })).catch(e => { - Bi(e), t++; - }).then(() => { - e(); - }); - }))).then(() => { - fi($i, `Finished tests on database connections. #${5 - t} out of #5 successfull queries.`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal); - }); - } - debug(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - t && pi($i, e); - } - } - class Vi { - constructor(e) { - this.dbName = e; - } - get name() { - return this.dbName; - } - get isMock() { - return !0; - } - executeTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return wt(); - } - executeReadTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return wt(); - } - testConnection() { - return Promise.resolve(); - } - } - - function Bi(e) { - vi("Database", "Failed to execute canary query (probably due to zombie transaction)", "OS-CLRT-60407"), "undefined" != typeof SQLError && e instanceof SQLError ? vi("Database", `SQLError ${e.code}: ${e.message}`, "OS-CLRT-60407") : vi("Database", "Error while executing a transaction", "OS-CLRT-60400", e); - } - const ki = "Could not open database", - zi = "SqlDbProviderClass"; - const Hi = new class { - constructor() { - this.dbCache = {}; - } - debug(e) { - pi(zi, e); - } - asSafeDbName(e) { - return e || ""; - } - openDb(e) { - return e = this.asSafeDbName(e), Tt((t, n) => { - this.dbCache[e] ? t(this.dbCache[e]) : Nn().then(() => { - if ("undefined" == typeof window) return n(new st.SystemException("Database is only available in the browser/web view")); - const r = window; - if (bn()) { - if (r.sqlitePlugin) { - this.debug(`Opening database '${e}'`); - try { - r.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({ - name: e, - location: "default" - }, r => { - r ? (this.debug(`Database '${e}' opened successfully`), this.dbCache[e] = new Pi(e, r), t(this.dbCache[e])) : (mi(zi, `Error opening database '${e}'`), n(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${ki} '${e}'`))); - }, t => { - mi(zi, `Error opening database '${e}' : ${t.message}`), n(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${ki} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`)); - }); - } catch (t) { - n(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${ki} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`)); - } - } else n(new st.OpenDatabaseException("No database driver available")); - } else if (r.openDatabase) try { - this.debug(`Opening database '${e}'`); - const i = r.openDatabase(e, "1.0", e, 5242880); - i ? (this.debug(`Database '${e}' opened successfully`), this.dbCache[e] = new Pi(e, i), t(this.dbCache[e])) : (mi(zi, `Error opening database '${e}'`), n(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${ki} '${e}'`))); - } catch (t) { - n(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${ki} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`)); - } else { - const e = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent), - t = !!, - i = "Your app requires native access to a Local Storage database that is not available in your browser.\n\nPlease test your app in your mobile device" + (e || t ? "" : ", or use Google Chrome or Safari web browsers") + "."; - alert(i), n(new st.SystemException(i)); - } - }).catch(n); - }); - } - mockDb(e) { - return wt(new Vi(e)); - } - }(); - var ji; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Full = 0] = "Full", e[e.Type = 1] = "Type", e[e.Length = 3] = "Length", e[e.Decimals = 5] = "Decimals"; - }(ji || (ji = {})); - const qi = new class { - tableExists(e, t) { - return e.executeReadTransaction(e => e.executeScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = UPPER(?)", [t]).andThen((e, t) => 0 !== t)); - } - columnExists(e, t, n) { - return e.executeReadTransaction(e => e.executeScalar(`SELECT "${t}"."${n}" FROM "${t}" LIMIT 1`)).then(() => !0).catch(() => !1); - } - dbTypeFromSchemaType(e) { - switch ((e = e || "").toUpperCase()) { - case "INTEGER": - return Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER; - case "BIGINT": - return Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER; - case "REAL": - return Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL; - case "BOOLEAN": - return Ft.DBDataType.BOOLEAN; - case "TEXT": - return Ft.DBDataType.TEXT; - case "DATE": - return Ft.DBDataType.DATE; - case "TIME": - return Ft.DBDataType.TIME; - case "DATETIME": - return Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME; - case "BLOB": - return Ft.DBDataType.BINARY_DATA; - default: - return Ft.DBDataType.UNKNOWN; - } - } - pragmaToTableInfo(e, t, n) { - return { - tableName: e, - idIsAutoNumber: (t = t || "").search(/INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/i) >= 0 ? Ft.AutoNumber.YesIfEmpty : Ft.AutoNumber.No, - attributes: => { - const t = Yt(e.type, "^([a-z]+)(\\(([0-9]+)(\\,([0-9]+))?\\))?$", !0).shift(); - if (t) { - const n = this.dbTypeFromSchemaType(t.groups[1]); - return { - name:, - columnName: ? : null, - type: n, - length: t.groups[3] ? parseInt(t.groups[3], 10) : void 0, - decimals: t.groups[5] ? parseInt(t.groups[5], 10) : void 0, - isEntityReference: "NULL" === e.dflt_value && this.isIdentifierUnderlyingType(n), - isPrimaryKey: 1 === - }; - } - }) - }; - } - isIdentifierUnderlyingType(e) { - switch (e) { - case Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER: - case Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER: - case Ft.DBDataType.TEXT: - return !0; - default: - return !1; - } - } - introspectTableInfo(e, t) { - if (!bn()) return e.feed(null); - let n; - return e.executeScalar(`SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '${t}'`).andThen((e, t) => n = t).andThen((e, n) => e.executeQuery(`PRAGMA table_info('${t}')`, e => e)).andThen((e, r) => this.pragmaToTableInfo(t, n, r)); - } - }(); - /*! - * decimal.js v10.4.3 - * An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript. - * - * Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Mclaughlin - * MIT Licence - */ - var Gi, - Wi, - Ki = 9e15, - Ji = 1e9, - Yi = "0123456789abcdef", - Xi = "2.3025850929940456840179914546843642076011014886287729760333279009675726096773524802359972050895982983419677840422862486334095254650828067566662873690987816894829072083255546808437998948262331985283935053089653777326288461633662222876982198867465436674744042432743651550489343149393914796194044002221051017141748003688084012647080685567743216228355220114804663715659121373450747856947683463616792101806445070648000277502684916746550586856935673420670581136429224554405758925724208241314695689016758940256776311356919292033376587141660230105703089634572075440370847469940168269282808481184289314848524948644871927809676271275775397027668605952496716674183485704422507197965004714951050492214776567636938662976979522110718264549734772662425709429322582798502585509785265383207606726317164309505995087807523710333101197857547331541421808427543863591778117054309827482385045648019095610299291824318237525357709750539565187697510374970888692180205189339507238539205144634197265287286965110862571492198849978748873771345686209167058", - Qi = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185480744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091736371787214684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099605187072113499999983729780499510597317328160963185950244594553469083026425223082533446850352619311881710100031378387528865875332083814206171776691473035982534904287554687311595628638823537875937519577818577805321712268066130019278766111959092164201989380952572010654858632789", - Zi = { - precision: 20, - rounding: 4, - modulo: 1, - toExpNeg: -7, - toExpPos: 21, - minE: -Ki, - maxE: Ki, - crypto: !1 - }, - es = !0, - ts = "[DecimalError] ", - ns = ts + "Invalid argument: ", - rs = ts + "Precision limit exceeded", - is = ts + "crypto unavailable", - ss = "[object Decimal]", - as = Math.floor, - os = Math.pow, - ls = /^0b([01]+(\.[01]*)?|\.[01]+)(p[+-]?\d+)?$/i, - us = /^0x([0-9a-f]+(\.[0-9a-f]*)?|\.[0-9a-f]+)(p[+-]?\d+)?$/i, - cs = /^0o([0-7]+(\.[0-7]*)?|\.[0-7]+)(p[+-]?\d+)?$/i, - ds = /^(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, - hs = 1e7, - gs = 7, - ps = Xi.length - 1, - fs = Qi.length - 1, - ms = { - toStringTag: ss - }; - - function vs(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = e.length - 1, - s = "", - a = e[0]; - if (i > 0) { - for (s += a, t = 1; t < i; t++) r = e[t] + "", (n = gs - r.length) && (s += Rs(n)), s += r; - a = e[t], (n = gs - (r = a + "").length) && (s += Rs(n)); - } else if (0 === a) return "0"; - for (; a % 10 == 0;) a /= 10; - return s + a; - } - - function ys(e, t, n) { - if (e !== ~~e || e < t || e > n) throw Error(ns + e); - } - - function bs(e, t, n, r) { - var i, s, a, o; - for (s = e[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10) --t; - return --t < 0 ? (t += gs, i = 0) : (i = Math.ceil((t + 1) / gs), t %= gs), s = os(10, gs - t), o = e[i] % s | 0, null == r ? t < 3 ? (0 == t ? o = o / 100 | 0 : 1 == t && (o = o / 10 | 0), a = n < 4 && 99999 == o || n > 3 && 49999 == o || 5e4 == o || 0 == o) : a = (n < 4 && o + 1 == s || n > 3 && o + 1 == s / 2) && (e[i + 1] / s / 100 | 0) == os(10, t - 2) - 1 || (o == s / 2 || 0 == o) && !(e[i + 1] / s / 100 | 0) : t < 4 ? (0 == t ? o = o / 1e3 | 0 : 1 == t ? o = o / 100 | 0 : 2 == t && (o = o / 10 | 0), a = (r || n < 4) && 9999 == o || !r && n > 3 && 4999 == o) : a = ((r || n < 4) && o + 1 == s || !r && n > 3 && o + 1 == s / 2) && (e[i + 1] / s / 1e3 | 0) == os(10, t - 3) - 1, a; - } - - function Ts(e, t, n) { - for (var r, i, s = [0], a = 0, o = e.length; a < o;) { - for (i = s.length; i--;) s[i] *= t; - for (s[0] += Yi.indexOf(e.charAt(a++)), r = 0; r < s.length; r++) s[r] > n - 1 && (void 0 === s[r + 1] && (s[r + 1] = 0), s[r + 1] += s[r] / n | 0, s[r] %= n); - } - return s.reverse(); - } - ms.absoluteValue = ms.abs = function() { - var e = new this.constructor(this); - return e.s < 0 && (e.s = 1), Es(e); - }, ms.ceil = function() { - return Es(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 2); - }, ms.clampedTo = ms.clamp = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - r = n.constructor; - if (e = new r(e), t = new r(t), !e.s || !t.s) return new r(NaN); - if ( throw Error(ns + t); - return n.cmp(e) < 0 ? e : n.cmp(t) > 0 ? t : new r(n); - }, ms.comparedTo = ms.cmp = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s = this, - a = s.d, - o = (e = new s.constructor(e)).d, - l = s.s, - u = e.s; - if (!a || !o) return l && u ? l !== u ? l : a === o ? 0 : !a ^ l < 0 ? 1 : -1 : NaN; - if (!a[0] || !o[0]) return a[0] ? l : o[0] ? -u : 0; - if (l !== u) return l; - if (s.e !== e.e) return s.e > e.e ^ l < 0 ? 1 : -1; - for (t = 0, n = (r = a.length) < (i = o.length) ? r : i; t < n; ++t) - if (a[t] !== o[t]) return a[t] > o[t] ^ l < 0 ? 1 : -1; - return r === i ? 0 : r > i ^ l < 0 ? 1 : -1; - }, ms.cosine = ms.cos = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n.d ? n.d[0] ? (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + Math.max(n.e, + gs, r.rounding = 1, n = function(e, t) { - var n, r, i; - if (t.isZero()) return t; - r = t.d.length, r < 32 ? i = (1 / $s(4, n = Math.ceil(r / 3))).toString() : (n = 16, i = "2.3283064365386962890625e-10"); - e.precision += n, t = Fs(e, 1, t.times(i), new e(1)); - for (var s = n; s--;) { - var a = t.times(t); - t = a.times(a).minus(a).times(8).plus(1); - } - return e.precision -= n, t; - }(r, Ps(r, n)), r.precision = e, r.rounding = t, Es(2 == Wi || 3 == Wi ? n.neg() : n, e, t, !0)) : new r(1) : new r(NaN); - }, ms.cubeRoot = ms.cbrt = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c = this, - d = c.constructor; - if (!c.isFinite() || c.isZero()) return new d(c); - for (es = !1, (s = c.s * os(c.s * c, 1 / 3)) && Math.abs(s) != 1 / 0 ? r = new d(s.toString()) : (n = vs(c.d), (s = ((e = c.e) - n.length + 1) % 3) && (n += 1 == s || -2 == s ? "0" : "00"), s = os(n, 1 / 3), e = as((e + 1) / 3) - (e % 3 == (e < 0 ? -1 : 2)), (r = new d(n = s == 1 / 0 ? "5e" + e : (n = s.toExponential()).slice(0, n.indexOf("e") + 1) + e)).s = c.s), a = (e = d.precision) + 3;;) - if (u = (l = (o = r).times(o).times(o)).plus(c), r = ws(,, a + 2, 1), vs(o.d).slice(0, a) === (n = vs(r.d)).slice(0, a)) { - if ("9999" != (n = n.slice(a - 3, a + 1)) && (i || "4999" != n)) { - +n && (+n.slice(1) || "5" != n.charAt(0)) || (Es(r, e + 1, 1), t = !r.times(r).times(r).eq(c)); - break; - } - if (!i && (Es(o, e + 1, 0), o.times(o).times(o).eq(c))) { - r = o; - break; - } - a += 4, i = 1; - } - return es = !0, Es(r, e, d.rounding, t); - }, ms.decimalPlaces = ms.dp = function() { - var e, - t = this.d, - n = NaN; - if (t) { - if (n = ((e = t.length - 1) - as(this.e / gs)) * gs, e = t[e]) - for (; e % 10 == 0; e /= 10) n--; - n < 0 && (n = 0); - } - return n; - }, ms.dividedBy = ms.div = function(e) { - return ws(this, new this.constructor(e)); - }, ms.dividedToIntegerBy = ms.divToInt = function(e) { - var t = this.constructor; - return Es(ws(this, new t(e), 0, 1, 1), t.precision, t.rounding); - }, ms.equals = ms.eq = function(e) { - return 0 === this.cmp(e); - }, ms.floor = function() { - return Es(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 3); - }, ms.greaterThan = = function(e) { - return this.cmp(e) > 0; - }, ms.greaterThanOrEqualTo = ms.gte = function(e) { - var t = this.cmp(e); - return 1 == t || 0 === t; - }, ms.hyperbolicCosine = ms.cosh = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i, - s = this, - a = s.constructor, - o = new a(1); - if (!s.isFinite()) return new a(s.s ? 1 / 0 : NaN); - if (s.isZero()) return o; - n = a.precision, r = a.rounding, a.precision = n + Math.max(s.e, + 4, a.rounding = 1, (i = s.d.length) < 32 ? t = (1 / $s(4, e = Math.ceil(i / 3))).toString() : (e = 16, t = "2.3283064365386962890625e-10"), s = Fs(a, 1, s.times(t), new a(1), !0); - for (var l, u = e, c = new a(8); u--;) l = s.times(s), s = o.minus(l.times(c.minus(l.times(c)))); - return Es(s, a.precision = n, a.rounding = r, !0); - }, ms.hyperbolicSine = ms.sinh = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i = this, - s = i.constructor; - if (!i.isFinite() || i.isZero()) return new s(i); - if (t = s.precision, n = s.rounding, s.precision = t + Math.max(i.e, + 4, s.rounding = 1, (r = i.d.length) < 3) i = Fs(s, 2, i, i, !0); - else { - e = (e = 1.4 * Math.sqrt(r)) > 16 ? 16 : 0 | e, i = Fs(s, 2, i = i.times(1 / $s(5, e)), i, !0); - for (var a, o = new s(5), l = new s(16), u = new s(20); e--;) a = i.times(i), i = i.times(; - } - return s.precision = t, s.rounding = n, Es(i, t, n, !0); - }, ms.hyperbolicTangent = ms.tanh = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n.isFinite() ? n.isZero() ? new r(n) : (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + 7, r.rounding = 1, ws(n.sinh(), n.cosh(), r.precision = e, r.rounding = t)) : new r(n.s); - }, ms.inverseCosine = ms.acos = function() { - var e, - t = this, - n = t.constructor, - r = t.abs().cmp(1), - i = n.precision, - s = n.rounding; - return -1 !== r ? 0 === r ? t.isNeg() ? Ss(n, i, s) : new n(0) : new n(NaN) : t.isZero() ? Ss(n, i + 4, s).times(.5) : (n.precision = i + 6, n.rounding = 1, t = t.asin(), e = Ss(n, i + 4, s).times(.5), n.precision = i, n.rounding = s, e.minus(t)); - }, ms.inverseHyperbolicCosine = ms.acosh = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n.lte(1) ? new r(n.eq(1) ? 0 : NaN) : n.isFinite() ? (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + Math.max(Math.abs(n.e), + 4, r.rounding = 1, es = !1, n = n.times(n).minus(1).sqrt().plus(n), es = !0, r.precision = e, r.rounding = t, n.ln()) : new r(n); - }, ms.inverseHyperbolicSine = ms.asinh = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return !n.isFinite() || n.isZero() ? new r(n) : (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(n.e), + 6, r.rounding = 1, es = !1, n = n.times(n).plus(1).sqrt().plus(n), es = !0, r.precision = e, r.rounding = t, n.ln()); - }, ms.inverseHyperbolicTangent = ms.atanh = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i = this, - s = i.constructor; - return i.isFinite() ? i.e >= 0 ? new s(i.abs().eq(1) ? i.s / 0 : i.isZero() ? i : NaN) : (e = s.precision, t = s.rounding, r =, Math.max(r, e) < 2 * -i.e - 1 ? Es(new s(i), e, t, !0) : (s.precision = n = r - i.e, i = ws(, new s(1).minus(i), n + e, 1), s.precision = e + 4, s.rounding = 1, i = i.ln(), s.precision = e, s.rounding = t, i.times(.5))) : new s(NaN); - }, ms.inverseSine = ms.asin = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i = this, - s = i.constructor; - return i.isZero() ? new s(i) : (t = i.abs().cmp(1), n = s.precision, r = s.rounding, -1 !== t ? 0 === t ? ((e = Ss(s, n + 4, r).times(.5)).s = i.s, e) : new s(NaN) : (s.precision = n + 6, s.rounding = 1, i = i.div(new s(1).minus(i.times(i)).sqrt().plus(1)).atan(), s.precision = n, s.rounding = r, i.times(2))); - }, ms.inverseTangent = ms.atan = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u = this, - c = u.constructor, - d = c.precision, - h = c.rounding; - if (u.isFinite()) { - if (u.isZero()) return new c(u); - if (u.abs().eq(1) && d + 4 <= fs) return (a = Ss(c, d + 4, h).times(.25)).s = u.s, a; - } else { - if (!u.s) return new c(NaN); - if (d + 4 <= fs) return (a = Ss(c, d + 4, h).times(.5)).s = u.s, a; - } - for (c.precision = o = d + 10, c.rounding = 1, e = n = Math.min(28, o / gs + 2 | 0); e; --e) u = u.div(u.times(u).plus(1).sqrt().plus(1)); - for (es = !1, t = Math.ceil(o / gs), r = 1, l = u.times(u), a = new c(u), i = u; - 1 !== e;) - if (i = i.times(l), s = a.minus(i.div(r += 2)), i = i.times(l), void 0 !== (a = += 2))).d[t]) - for (e = t; a.d[e] === s.d[e] && e--;); - return n && (a = a.times(2 << n - 1)), es = !0, Es(a, c.precision = d, c.rounding = h, !0); - }, ms.isFinite = function() { - return !!this.d; - }, ms.isInteger = ms.isInt = function() { - return !!this.d && as(this.e / gs) > this.d.length - 2; - }, ms.isNaN = function() { - return !this.s; - }, ms.isNegative = ms.isNeg = function() { - return this.s < 0; - }, ms.isPositive = ms.isPos = function() { - return this.s > 0; - }, ms.isZero = function() { - return !!this.d && 0 === this.d[0]; - }, ms.lessThan = = function(e) { - return this.cmp(e) < 0; - }, ms.lessThanOrEqualTo = ms.lte = function(e) { - return this.cmp(e) < 1; - }, ms.logarithm = ms.log = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u = this, - c = u.constructor, - d = c.precision, - h = c.rounding; - if (null == e) e = new c(10), t = !0; - else { - if (n = (e = new c(e)).d, e.s < 0 || !n || !n[0] || e.eq(1)) return new c(NaN); - t = e.eq(10); - } - if (n = u.d, u.s < 0 || !n || !n[0] || u.eq(1)) return new c(n && !n[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != u.s ? NaN : n ? 0 : 1 / 0); - if (t) - if (n.length > 1) s = !0; - else { - for (i = n[0]; i % 10 == 0;) i /= 10; - s = 1 !== i; - } - if (es = !1, a = _s(u, o = d + 5), r = t ? Ns(c, o + 10) : _s(e, o), bs((l = ws(a, r, o, 1)).d, i = d, h)) - do { - if (a = _s(u, o += 10), r = t ? Ns(c, o + 10) : _s(e, o), l = ws(a, r, o, 1), !s) { - +vs(l.d).slice(i + 1, i + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (l = Es(l, d + 1, 0)); - break; - } - } while (bs(l.d, i += 10, h)); - return es = !0, Es(l, d, h); - }, ms.minus = ms.sub = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g = this, - p = g.constructor; - if (e = new p(e), !g.d || !e.d) return g.s && e.s ? g.d ? e.s = -e.s : e = new p(e.d || g.s !== e.s ? g : NaN) : e = new p(NaN), e; - if (g.s != e.s) return e.s = -e.s,; - if (u = g.d, h = e.d, o = p.precision, l = p.rounding, !u[0] || !h[0]) { - if (h[0]) e.s = -e.s; - else { - if (!u[0]) return new p(3 === l ? -0 : 0); - e = new p(g); - } - return es ? Es(e, o, l) : e; - } - if (n = as(e.e / gs), c = as(g.e / gs), u = u.slice(), s = c - n) { - for ((d = s < 0) ? (t = u, s = -s, a = h.length) : (t = h, n = c, a = u.length), s > (r = Math.max(Math.ceil(o / gs), a) + 2) && (s = r, t.length = 1), t.reverse(), r = s; r--;) t.push(0); - t.reverse(); - } else { - for ((d = (r = u.length) < (a = h.length)) && (a = r), r = 0; r < a; r++) - if (u[r] != h[r]) { - d = u[r] < h[r]; - break; - } - s = 0; - } - for (d && (t = u, u = h, h = t, e.s = -e.s), a = u.length, r = h.length - a; r > 0; --r) u[a++] = 0; - for (r = h.length; r > s;) { - if (u[--r] < h[r]) { - for (i = r; i && 0 === u[--i];) u[i] = hs - 1; - --u[i], u[r] += hs; - } - u[r] -= h[r]; - } - for (; 0 === u[--a];) u.pop(); - for (; 0 === u[0]; u.shift()) --n; - return u[0] ? (e.d = u, e.e = As(u, n), es ? Es(e, o, l) : e) : new p(3 === l ? -0 : 0); - }, ms.modulo = ms.mod = function(e) { - var t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return e = new r(e), !n.d || !e.s || e.d && !e.d[0] ? new r(NaN) : !e.d || n.d && !n.d[0] ? Es(new r(n), r.precision, r.rounding) : (es = !1, 9 == r.modulo ? (t = ws(n, e.abs(), 0, 3, 1)).s *= e.s : t = ws(n, e, 0, r.modulo, 1), t = t.times(e), es = !0, n.minus(t)); - }, ms.naturalExponential = ms.exp = function() { - return Os(this); - }, ms.naturalLogarithm = ms.ln = function() { - return _s(this); - }, ms.negated = ms.neg = function() { - var e = new this.constructor(this); - return e.s = -e.s, Es(e); - }, = ms.add = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d = this, - h = d.constructor; - if (e = new h(e), !d.d || !e.d) return d.s && e.s ? d.d || (e = new h(e.d || d.s === e.s ? d : NaN)) : e = new h(NaN), e; - if (d.s != e.s) return e.s = -e.s, d.minus(e); - if (u = d.d, c = e.d, o = h.precision, l = h.rounding, !u[0] || !c[0]) return c[0] || (e = new h(d)), es ? Es(e, o, l) : e; - if (s = as(d.e / gs), r = as(e.e / gs), u = u.slice(), i = s - r) { - for (i < 0 ? (n = u, i = -i, a = c.length) : (n = c, r = s, a = u.length), i > (a = (s = Math.ceil(o / gs)) > a ? s + 1 : a + 1) && (i = a, n.length = 1), n.reverse(); i--;) n.push(0); - n.reverse(); - } - for ((a = u.length) - (i = c.length) < 0 && (i = a, n = c, c = u, u = n), t = 0; i;) t = (u[--i] = u[i] + c[i] + t) / hs | 0, u[i] %= hs; - for (t && (u.unshift(t), ++r), a = u.length; 0 == u[--a];) u.pop(); - return e.d = u, e.e = As(u, r), es ? Es(e, o, l) : e; - }, ms.precision = = function(e) { - var t, - n = this; - if (void 0 !== e && e !== !!e && 1 !== e && 0 !== e) throw Error(ns + e); - return n.d ? (t = Ds(n.d), e && n.e + 1 > t && (t = n.e + 1)) : t = NaN, t; - }, ms.round = function() { - var e = this, - t = e.constructor; - return Es(new t(e), e.e + 1, t.rounding); - }, ms.sine = ms.sin = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n.isFinite() ? n.isZero() ? new r(n) : (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + Math.max(n.e, + gs, r.rounding = 1, n = function(e, t) { - var n, - r = t.d.length; - if (r < 3) return t.isZero() ? t : Fs(e, 2, t, t); - n = (n = 1.4 * Math.sqrt(r)) > 16 ? 16 : 0 | n, t = t.times(1 / $s(5, n)), t = Fs(e, 2, t, t); - for (var i, s = new e(5), a = new e(16), o = new e(20); n--;) i = t.times(t), t = t.times(; - return t; - }(r, Ps(r, n)), r.precision = e, r.rounding = t, Es(Wi > 2 ? n.neg() : n, e, t, !0)) : new r(NaN); - }, ms.squareRoot = ms.sqrt = function() { - var e, - t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a = this, - o = a.d, - l = a.e, - u = a.s, - c = a.constructor; - if (1 !== u || !o || !o[0]) return new c(!u || u < 0 && (!o || o[0]) ? NaN : o ? a : 1 / 0); - for (es = !1, 0 == (u = Math.sqrt(+a)) || u == 1 / 0 ? (((t = vs(o)).length + l) % 2 == 0 && (t += "0"), u = Math.sqrt(t), l = as((l + 1) / 2) - (l < 0 || l % 2), r = new c(t = u == 1 / 0 ? "5e" + l : (t = u.toExponential()).slice(0, t.indexOf("e") + 1) + l)) : r = new c(u.toString()), n = (l = c.precision) + 3;;) - if (r = (s = r).plus(ws(a, s, n + 2, 1)).times(.5), vs(s.d).slice(0, n) === (t = vs(r.d)).slice(0, n)) { - if ("9999" != (t = t.slice(n - 3, n + 1)) && (i || "4999" != t)) { - +t && (+t.slice(1) || "5" != t.charAt(0)) || (Es(r, l + 1, 1), e = !r.times(r).eq(a)); - break; - } - if (!i && (Es(s, l + 1, 0), s.times(s).eq(a))) { - r = s; - break; - } - n += 4, i = 1; - } - return es = !0, Es(r, l, c.rounding, e); - }, ms.tangent = ms.tan = function() { - var e, - t, - n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n.isFinite() ? n.isZero() ? new r(n) : (e = r.precision, t = r.rounding, r.precision = e + 10, r.rounding = 1, (n = n.sin()).s = 1, n = ws(n, new r(1).minus(n.times(n)).sqrt(), e + 10, 0), r.precision = e, r.rounding = t, Es(2 == Wi || 4 == Wi ? n.neg() : n, e, t, !0)) : new r(NaN); - }, ms.times = ms.mul = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c = this, - d = c.constructor, - h = c.d, - g = (e = new d(e)).d; - if (e.s *= c.s, !(h && h[0] && g && g[0])) return new d(!e.s || h && !h[0] && !g || g && !g[0] && !h ? NaN : h && g ? 0 * e.s : e.s / 0); - for (n = as(c.e / gs) + as(e.e / gs), (l = h.length) < (u = g.length) && (s = h, h = g, g = s, a = l, l = u, u = a), s = [], r = a = l + u; r--;) s.push(0); - for (r = u; --r >= 0;) { - for (t = 0, i = l + r; i > r;) o = s[i] + g[r] * h[i - r - 1] + t, s[i--] = o % hs | 0, t = o / hs | 0; - s[i] = (s[i] + t) % hs | 0; - } - for (; !s[--a];) s.pop(); - return t ? ++n : s.shift(), e.d = s, e.e = As(s, n), es ? Es(e, d.precision, d.rounding) : e; - }, ms.toBinary = function(e, t) { - return Vs(this, 2, e, t); - }, ms.toDecimalPlaces = ms.toDP = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - r = n.constructor; - return n = new r(n), void 0 === e ? n : (ys(e, 0, Ji), void 0 === t ? t = r.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8), Es(n, e + n.e + 1, t)); - }, ms.toExponential = function(e, t) { - var n, - r = this, - i = r.constructor; - return void 0 === e ? n = Is(r, !0) : (ys(e, 0, Ji), void 0 === t ? t = i.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8), n = Is(r = Es(new i(r), e + 1, t), !0, e + 1)), r.isNeg() && !r.isZero() ? "-" + n : n; - }, ms.toFixed = function(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i = this, - s = i.constructor; - return void 0 === e ? n = Is(i) : (ys(e, 0, Ji), void 0 === t ? t = s.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8), n = Is(r = Es(new s(i), e + i.e + 1, t), !1, e + r.e + 1)), i.isNeg() && !i.isZero() ? "-" + n : n; - }, ms.toFraction = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g = this, - p = g.d, - f = g.constructor; - if (!p) return new f(g); - if (u = n = new f(1), r = l = new f(0), a = (s = (t = new f(r)).e = Ds(p) - g.e - 1) % gs, t.d[0] = os(10, a < 0 ? gs + a : a), null == e) e = s > 0 ? t : u; - else { - if (!(o = new f(e)).isInt() || throw Error(ns + o); - e = ? s > 0 ? t : u : o; - } - for (es = !1, o = new f(vs(p)), c = f.precision, f.precision = s = p.length * gs * 2; d = ws(o, t, 0, 1, 1), 1 != (i =;) n = r, r = i, i = u, u =, l = i, i = t, t = o.minus(d.times(i)), o = i; - return i = ws(e.minus(n), r, 0, 1, 1), l =, n =, l.s = u.s = g.s, h = ws(u, r, s, 1).minus(g).abs().cmp(ws(l, n, s, 1).minus(g).abs()) < 1 ? [u, r] : [l, n], f.precision = c, es = !0, h; - }, ms.toHexadecimal = ms.toHex = function(e, t) { - return Vs(this, 16, e, t); - }, ms.toNearest = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - r = n.constructor; - if (n = new r(n), null == e) { - if (!n.d) return n; - e = new r(1), t = r.rounding; - } else { - if (e = new r(e), void 0 === t ? t = r.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8), !n.d) return e.s ? n : e; - if (!e.d) return e.s && (e.s = n.s), e; - } - return e.d[0] ? (es = !1, n = ws(n, e, 0, t, 1).times(e), es = !0, Es(n)) : (e.s = n.s, n = e), n; - }, ms.toNumber = function() { - return +this; - }, ms.toOctal = function(e, t) { - return Vs(this, 8, e, t); - }, ms.toPower = ms.pow = function(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o = this, - l = o.constructor, - u = +(e = new l(e)); - if (!(o.d && e.d && o.d[0] && e.d[0])) return new l(os(+o, u)); - if ((o = new l(o)).eq(1)) return o; - if (r = l.precision, s = l.rounding, e.eq(1)) return Es(o, r, s); - if ((t = as(e.e / gs)) >= e.d.length - 1 && (n = u < 0 ? -u : u) <= 9007199254740991) return i = Cs(l, o, n, r), e.s < 0 ? new l(1).div(i) : Es(i, r, s); - if ((a = o.s) < 0) { - if (t < e.d.length - 1) return new l(NaN); - if (1 & e.d[t] || (a = 1), 0 == o.e && 1 == o.d[0] && 1 == o.d.length) return o.s = a, o; - } - return (t = 0 != (n = os(+o, u)) && isFinite(n) ? new l(n + "").e : as(u * (Math.log("0." + vs(o.d)) / Math.LN10 + o.e + 1))) > l.maxE + 1 || t < l.minE - 1 ? new l(t > 0 ? a / 0 : 0) : (es = !1, l.rounding = o.s = 1, n = Math.min(12, (t + "").length), (i = Os(e.times(_s(o, r + n)), r)).d && bs((i = Es(i, r + 5, 1)).d, r, s) && (t = r + 10, +vs((i = Es(Os(e.times(_s(o, t + n)), t), t + 5, 1)).d).slice(r + 1, r + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (i = Es(i, r + 1, 0))), i.s = a, es = !0, l.rounding = s, Es(i, r, s)); - }, ms.toPrecision = function(e, t) { - var n, - r = this, - i = r.constructor; - return void 0 === e ? n = Is(r, r.e <= i.toExpNeg || r.e >= i.toExpPos) : (ys(e, 1, Ji), void 0 === t ? t = i.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8), n = Is(r = Es(new i(r), e, t), e <= r.e || r.e <= i.toExpNeg, e)), r.isNeg() && !r.isZero() ? "-" + n : n; - }, ms.toSignificantDigits = ms.toSD = function(e, t) { - var n = this.constructor; - return void 0 === e ? (e = n.precision, t = n.rounding) : (ys(e, 1, Ji), void 0 === t ? t = n.rounding : ys(t, 0, 8)), Es(new n(this), e, t); - }, ms.toString = function() { - var e = this, - t = e.constructor, - n = Is(e, e.e <= t.toExpNeg || e.e >= t.toExpPos); - return e.isNeg() && !e.isZero() ? "-" + n : n; - }, ms.truncated = ms.trunc = function() { - return Es(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 1); - }, ms.valueOf = ms.toJSON = function() { - var e = this, - t = e.constructor, - n = Is(e, e.e <= t.toExpNeg || e.e >= t.toExpPos); - return e.isNeg() ? "-" + n : n; - }; - var ws = function() { - function e(e, t, n) { - var r, - i = 0, - s = e.length; - for (e = e.slice(); s--;) r = e[s] * t + i, e[s] = r % n | 0, i = r / n | 0; - return i && e.unshift(i), e; - } - - function t(e, t, n, r) { - var i, s; - if (n != r) s = n > r ? 1 : -1; - else - for (i = s = 0; i < n; i++) - if (e[i] != t[i]) { - s = e[i] > t[i] ? 1 : -1; - break; - } - return s; - } - - function n(e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = 0; n--;) e[n] -= i, i = e[n] < t[n] ? 1 : 0, e[n] = i * r + e[n] - t[n]; - for (; !e[0] && e.length > 1;) e.shift(); - } - return function(r, i, s, a, o, l) { - var u, - c, - d, - h, - g, - p, - f, - m, - v, - y, - b, - T, - w, - E, - I, - A, - N, - S, - D, - R, - C = r.constructor, - x = r.s == i.s ? 1 : -1, - L = r.d, - O = i.d; - if (!(L && L[0] && O && O[0])) return new C(r.s && i.s && (L ? !O || L[0] != O[0] : O) ? L && 0 == L[0] || !O ? 0 * x : x / 0 : NaN); - for (l ? (g = 1, c = r.e - i.e) : (l = hs, g = gs, c = as(r.e / g) - as(i.e / g)), D = O.length, N = L.length, y = (v = new C(x)).d = [], d = 0; O[d] == (L[d] || 0); d++); - if (O[d] > (L[d] || 0) && c--, null == s ? (E = s = C.precision, a = C.rounding) : E = o ? s + (r.e - i.e) + 1 : s, E < 0) y.push(1), p = !0; - else { - if (E = E / g + 2 | 0, d = 0, 1 == D) { - for (h = 0, O = O[0], E++; - (d < N || h) && E--; d++) I = h * l + (L[d] || 0), y[d] = I / O | 0, h = I % O | 0; - p = h || d < N; - } else { - for ((h = l / (O[0] + 1) | 0) > 1 && (O = e(O, h, l), L = e(L, h, l), D = O.length, N = L.length), A = D, T = (b = L.slice(0, D)).length; T < D;) b[T++] = 0; - (R = O.slice()).unshift(0), S = O[0], O[1] >= l / 2 && ++S; - do { - h = 0, (u = t(O, b, D, T)) < 0 ? (w = b[0], D != T && (w = w * l + (b[1] || 0)), (h = w / S | 0) > 1 ? (h >= l && (h = l - 1), 1 == (u = t(f = e(O, h, l), b, m = f.length, T = b.length)) && (h--, n(f, D < m ? R : O, m, l))) : (0 == h && (u = h = 1), f = O.slice()), (m = f.length) < T && f.unshift(0), n(b, f, T, l), -1 == u && (u = t(O, b, D, T = b.length)) < 1 && (h++, n(b, D < T ? R : O, T, l)), T = b.length) : 0 === u && (h++, b = [0]), y[d++] = h, u && b[0] ? b[T++] = L[A] || 0 : (b = [L[A]], T = 1); - } while ((A++ < N || void 0 !== b[0]) && E--); - p = void 0 !== b[0]; - } - y[0] || y.shift(); - } - if (1 == g) v.e = c, Gi = p; - else { - for (d = 1, h = y[0]; h >= 10; h /= 10) d++; - v.e = d + c * g - 1, Es(v, o ? s + v.e + 1 : s, a, p); - } - return v; - }; - }(); - - function Es(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g = e.constructor; - e: if (null != t) { - if (!(d = e.d)) return e; - for (i = 1, o = d[0]; o >= 10; o /= 10) i++; - if ((s = t - i) < 0) s += gs, a = t, l = (c = d[h = 0]) / os(10, i - a - 1) % 10 | 0; - else if ((h = Math.ceil((s + 1) / gs)) >= (o = d.length)) { - if (!r) break e; - for (; o++ <= h;) d.push(0); - c = l = 0, i = 1, a = (s %= gs) - gs + 1; - } else { - for (c = o = d[h], i = 1; o >= 10; o /= 10) i++; - l = (a = (s %= gs) - gs + i) < 0 ? 0 : c / os(10, i - a - 1) % 10 | 0; - } - if (r = r || t < 0 || void 0 !== d[h + 1] || (a < 0 ? c : c % os(10, i - a - 1)), u = n < 4 ? (l || r) && (0 == n || n == (e.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : l > 5 || 5 == l && (4 == n || r || 6 == n && (s > 0 ? a > 0 ? c / os(10, i - a) : 0 : d[h - 1]) % 10 & 1 || n == (e.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), t < 1 || !d[0]) return d.length = 0, u ? (t -= e.e + 1, d[0] = os(10, (gs - t % gs) % gs), e.e = -t || 0) : d[0] = e.e = 0, e; - if (0 == s ? (d.length = h, o = 1, h--) : (d.length = h + 1, o = os(10, gs - s), d[h] = a > 0 ? (c / os(10, i - a) % os(10, a) | 0) * o : 0), u) - for (;;) { - if (0 == h) { - for (s = 1, a = d[0]; a >= 10; a /= 10) s++; - for (a = d[0] += o, o = 1; a >= 10; a /= 10) o++; - s != o && (e.e++, d[0] == hs && (d[0] = 1)); - break; - } - if (d[h] += o, d[h] != hs) break; - d[h--] = 0, o = 1; - } - for (s = d.length; 0 === d[--s];) d.pop(); - } - return es && (e.e > g.maxE ? (e.d = null, e.e = NaN) : e.e < g.minE && (e.e = 0, e.d = [0])), e; - } - - function Is(e, t, n) { - if (!e.isFinite()) return Ms(e); - var r, - i = e.e, - s = vs(e.d), - a = s.length; - return t ? (n && (r = n - a) > 0 ? s = s.charAt(0) + "." + s.slice(1) + Rs(r) : a > 1 && (s = s.charAt(0) + "." + s.slice(1)), s = s + (e.e < 0 ? "e" : "e+") + e.e) : i < 0 ? (s = "0." + Rs(-i - 1) + s, n && (r = n - a) > 0 && (s += Rs(r))) : i >= a ? (s += Rs(i + 1 - a), n && (r = n - i - 1) > 0 && (s = s + "." + Rs(r))) : ((r = i + 1) < a && (s = s.slice(0, r) + "." + s.slice(r)), n && (r = n - a) > 0 && (i + 1 === a && (s += "."), s += Rs(r))), s; - } - - function As(e, t) { - var n = e[0]; - for (t *= gs; n >= 10; n /= 10) t++; - return t; - } - - function Ns(e, t, n) { - if (t > ps) throw es = !0, n && (e.precision = n), Error(rs); - return Es(new e(Xi), t, 1, !0); - } - - function Ss(e, t, n) { - if (t > fs) throw Error(rs); - return Es(new e(Qi), t, n, !0); - } - - function Ds(e) { - var t = e.length - 1, - n = t * gs + 1; - if (t = e[t]) { - for (; t % 10 == 0; t /= 10) n--; - for (t = e[0]; t >= 10; t /= 10) n++; - } - return n; - } - - function Rs(e) { - for (var t = ""; e--;) t += "0"; - return t; - } - - function Cs(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s = new e(1), - a = Math.ceil(r / gs + 4); - for (es = !1;;) { - if (n % 2 && Bs((s = s.times(t)).d, a) && (i = !0), 0 === (n = as(n / 2))) { - n = s.d.length - 1, i && 0 === s.d[n] && ++s.d[n]; - break; - } - Bs((t = t.times(t)).d, a); - } - return es = !0, s; - } - - function xs(e) { - return 1 & e.d[e.d.length - 1]; - } - - function Ls(e, t, n) { - for (var r, i = new e(t[0]), s = 0; ++s < t.length;) { - if (!(r = new e(t[s])).s) { - i = r; - break; - } - i[n](r) && (i = r); - } - return i; - } - - function Os(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u = 0, - c = 0, - d = 0, - h = e.constructor, - g = h.rounding, - p = h.precision; - if (!e.d || !e.d[0] || e.e > 17) return new h(e.d ? e.d[0] ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : 1 / 0 : 1 : e.s ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : e : NaN); - for (null == t ? (es = !1, l = p) : l = t, o = new h(.03125); e.e > -2;) e = e.times(o), d += 5; - for (l += r = Math.log(os(2, d)) / Math.LN10 * 2 + 5 | 0, n = s = a = new h(1), h.precision = l;;) { - if (s = Es(s.times(e), l, 1), n = n.times(++c), vs((o =, n, l, 1))).d).slice(0, l) === vs(a.d).slice(0, l)) { - for (i = d; i--;) a = Es(a.times(a), l, 1); - if (null != t) return h.precision = p, a; - if (!(u < 3 && bs(a.d, l - r, g, u))) return Es(a, h.precision = p, g, es = !0); - h.precision = l += 10, n = s = o = new h(1), c = 0, u++; - } - a = o; - } - } - - function _s(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g = 1, - p = e, - f = p.d, - m = p.constructor, - v = m.rounding, - y = m.precision; - if (p.s < 0 || !f || !f[0] || !p.e && 1 == f[0] && 1 == f.length) return new m(f && !f[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != p.s ? NaN : f ? 0 : p); - if (null == t ? (es = !1, c = y) : c = t, m.precision = c += 10, r = (n = vs(f)).charAt(0), !(Math.abs(s = p.e) < 15e14)) return u = Ns(m, c + 2, y).times(s + ""), p = _s(new m(r + "." + n.slice(1)), c - 10).plus(u), m.precision = y, null == t ? Es(p, y, v, es = !0) : p; - for (; r < 7 && 1 != r || 1 == r && n.charAt(1) > 3;) r = (n = vs((p = p.times(e)).d)).charAt(0), g++; - for (s = p.e, r > 1 ? (p = new m("0." + n), s++) : p = new m(r + "." + n.slice(1)), d = p, l = a = p = ws(p.minus(1),, c, 1), h = Es(p.times(p), c, 1), i = 3;;) { - if (a = Es(a.times(h), c, 1), vs((u =, new m(i), c, 1))).d).slice(0, c) === vs(l.d).slice(0, c)) { - if (l = l.times(2), 0 !== s && (l =, c + 2, y).times(s + ""))), l = ws(l, new m(g), c, 1), null != t) return m.precision = y, l; - if (!bs(l.d, c - 10, v, o)) return Es(l, m.precision = y, v, es = !0); - m.precision = c += 10, u = a = p = ws(d.minus(1),, c, 1), h = Es(p.times(p), c, 1), i = o = 1; - } - l = u, i += 2; - } - } - - function Ms(e) { - return String(e.s * e.s / 0); - } - - function Us(e, t) { - var n, r, i; - for ((n = t.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (t = t.replace(".", "")), (r = > 0 ? (n < 0 && (n = r), n += +t.slice(r + 1), t = t.substring(0, r)) : n < 0 && (n = t.length), r = 0; 48 === t.charCodeAt(r); r++); - for (i = t.length; 48 === t.charCodeAt(i - 1); --i); - if (t = t.slice(r, i)) { - if (i -= r, e.e = n = n - r - 1, e.d = [], r = (n + 1) % gs, n < 0 && (r += gs), r < i) { - for (r && e.d.push(+t.slice(0, r)), i -= gs; r < i;) e.d.push(+t.slice(r, r += gs)); - t = t.slice(r), r = gs - t.length; - } else r -= i; - for (; r--;) t += "0"; - e.d.push(+t), es && (e.e > e.constructor.maxE ? (e.d = null, e.e = NaN) : e.e < e.constructor.minE && (e.e = 0, e.d = [0])); - } else e.e = 0, e.d = [0]; - return e; - } - - function Fs(e, t, n, r, i) { - var s, - a, - o, - l, - u = e.precision, - c = Math.ceil(u / gs); - for (es = !1, l = n.times(n), o = new e(r);;) { - if (a = ws(o.times(l), new e(t++ * t++), u, 1), o = i ? : r.minus(a), r = ws(a.times(l), new e(t++ * t++), u, 1), void 0 !== (a =[c]) { - for (s = c; a.d[s] === o.d[s] && s--;); - if (-1 == s) break; - } - s = o, o = r, r = a, a = s; - } - return es = !0, a.d.length = c + 1, a; - } - - function $s(e, t) { - for (var n = e; --t;) n *= e; - return n; - } - - function Ps(e, t) { - var n, - r = t.s < 0, - i = Ss(e, e.precision, 1), - s = i.times(.5); - if ((t = t.abs()).lte(s)) return Wi = r ? 4 : 1, t; - if ((n = t.divToInt(i)).isZero()) Wi = r ? 3 : 2; - else { - if ((t = t.minus(n.times(i))).lte(s)) return Wi = xs(n) ? r ? 2 : 3 : r ? 4 : 1, t; - Wi = xs(n) ? r ? 1 : 4 : r ? 3 : 2; - } - return t.minus(i).abs(); - } - - function Vs(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g = e.constructor, - p = void 0 !== n; - if (p ? (ys(n, 1, Ji), void 0 === r ? r = g.rounding : ys(r, 0, 8)) : (n = g.precision, r = g.rounding), e.isFinite()) { - for (p ? (i = 2, 16 == t ? n = 4 * n - 3 : 8 == t && (n = 3 * n - 2)) : i = t, (a = (c = Is(e)).indexOf(".")) >= 0 && (c = c.replace(".", ""), (h = new g(1)).e = c.length - a, h.d = Ts(Is(h), 10, i), h.e = h.d.length), s = l = (d = Ts(c, 10, i)).length; 0 == d[--l];) d.pop(); - if (d[0]) { - if (a < 0 ? s-- : ((e = new g(e)).d = d, e.e = s, d = (e = ws(e, h, n, r, 0, i)).d, s = e.e, u = Gi), a = d[n], o = i / 2, u = u || void 0 !== d[n + 1], u = r < 4 ? (void 0 !== a || u) && (0 === r || r === (e.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : a > o || a === o && (4 === r || u || 6 === r && 1 & d[n - 1] || r === (e.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), d.length = n, u) - for (; ++d[--n] > i - 1;) d[n] = 0, n || (++s, d.unshift(1)); - for (l = d.length; !d[l - 1]; --l); - for (a = 0, c = ""; a < l; a++) c += Yi.charAt(d[a]); - if (p) { - if (l > 1) - if (16 == t || 8 == t) { - for (a = 16 == t ? 4 : 3, --l; l % a; l++) c += "0"; - for (l = (d = Ts(c, i, t)).length; !d[l - 1]; --l); - for (a = 1, c = "1."; a < l; a++) c += Yi.charAt(d[a]); - } else c = c.charAt(0) + "." + c.slice(1); - c = c + (s < 0 ? "p" : "p+") + s; - } else if (s < 0) { - for (; ++s;) c = "0" + c; - c = "0." + c; - } else if (++s > l) - for (s -= l; s--;) c += "0"; - else s < l && (c = c.slice(0, s) + "." + c.slice(s)); - } else c = p ? "0p+0" : "0"; - c = (16 == t ? "0x" : 2 == t ? "0b" : 8 == t ? "0o" : "") + c; - } else c = Ms(e); - return e.s < 0 ? "-" + c : c; - } - - function Bs(e, t) { - if (e.length > t) return e.length = t, !0; - } - - function ks(e) { - return new this(e).abs(); - } - - function zs(e) { - return new this(e).acos(); - } - - function Hs(e) { - return new this(e).acosh(); - } - - function js(e, t) { - return new this(e).plus(t); - } - - function qs(e) { - return new this(e).asin(); - } - - function Gs(e) { - return new this(e).asinh(); - } - - function Ws(e) { - return new this(e).atan(); - } - - function Ks(e) { - return new this(e).atanh(); - } - - function Js(e, t) { - e = new this(e), t = new this(t); - var n, - r = this.precision, - i = this.rounding, - s = r + 4; - return e.s && t.s ? e.d || t.d ? !t.d || e.isZero() ? (n = t.s < 0 ? Ss(this, r, i) : new this(0)).s = e.s : !e.d || t.isZero() ? (n = Ss(this, s, 1).times(.5)).s = e.s : t.s < 0 ? (this.precision = s, this.rounding = 1, n = this.atan(ws(e, t, s, 1)), t = Ss(this, s, 1), this.precision = r, this.rounding = i, n = e.s < 0 ? n.minus(t) : : n = this.atan(ws(e, t, s, 1)) : (n = Ss(this, s, 1).times(t.s > 0 ? .25 : .75)).s = e.s : n = new this(NaN), n; - } - - function Ys(e) { - return new this(e).cbrt(); - } - - function Xs(e) { - return Es(e = new this(e), e.e + 1, 2); - } - - function Qs(e, t, n) { - return new this(e).clamp(t, n); - } - - function Zs(e) { - if (!e || "object" != typeof e) throw Error(ts + "Object expected"); - var t, - n, - r, - i = !0 === e.defaults, - s = ["precision", 1, Ji, "rounding", 0, 8, "toExpNeg", -Ki, 0, "toExpPos", 0, Ki, "maxE", 0, Ki, "minE", -Ki, 0, "modulo", 0, 9]; - for (t = 0; t < s.length; t += 3) - if (n = s[t], i && (this[n] = Zi[n]), void 0 !== (r = e[n])) { - if (!(as(r) === r && r >= s[t + 1] && r <= s[t + 2])) throw Error(ns + n + ": " + r); - this[n] = r; - } - if (n = "crypto", i && (this[n] = Zi[n]), void 0 !== (r = e[n])) { - if (!0 !== r && !1 !== r && 0 !== r && 1 !== r) throw Error(ns + n + ": " + r); - if (r) { - if ("undefined" == typeof crypto || !crypto || !crypto.getRandomValues && !crypto.randomBytes) throw Error(is); - this[n] = !0; - } else this[n] = !1; - } - return this; - } - - function ea(e) { - return new this(e).cos(); - } - - function ta(e) { - return new this(e).cosh(); - } - - function na(e, t) { - return new this(e).div(t); - } - - function ra(e) { - return new this(e).exp(); - } - - function ia(e) { - return Es(e = new this(e), e.e + 1, 3); - } - - function sa() { - var e, - t, - n = new this(0); - for (es = !1, e = 0; e < arguments.length;) - if ((t = new this(arguments[e++])).d) n.d && (n =; - else { - if (t.s) return es = !0, new this(1 / 0); - n = t; - } - return es = !0, n.sqrt(); - } - - function aa(e) { - return e instanceof Da || e && e.toStringTag === ss || !1; - } - - function oa(e) { - return new this(e).ln(); - } - - function la(e, t) { - return new this(e).log(t); - } - - function ua(e) { - return new this(e).log(2); - } - - function ca(e) { - return new this(e).log(10); - } - - function da() { - return Ls(this, arguments, "lt"); - } - - function ha() { - return Ls(this, arguments, "gt"); - } - - function ga(e, t) { - return new this(e).mod(t); - } - - function pa(e, t) { - return new this(e).mul(t); - } - - function fa(e, t) { - return new this(e).pow(t); - } - - function ma(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s = 0, - a = new this(1), - o = []; - if (void 0 === e ? e = this.precision : ys(e, 1, Ji), r = Math.ceil(e / gs), this.crypto) { - if (crypto.getRandomValues) - for (t = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(r)); s < r;)(i = t[s]) >= 429e7 ? t[s] = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] : o[s++] = i % 1e7; - else { - if (!crypto.randomBytes) throw Error(is); - for (t = crypto.randomBytes(r *= 4); s < r;)(i = t[s] + (t[s + 1] << 8) + (t[s + 2] << 16) + ((127 & t[s + 3]) << 24)) >= 214e7 ? crypto.randomBytes(4).copy(t, s) : (o.push(i % 1e7), s += 4); - s = r / 4; - } - } else - for (; s < r;) o[s++] = 1e7 * Math.random() | 0; - for (r = o[--s], e %= gs, r && e && (i = os(10, gs - e), o[s] = (r / i | 0) * i); 0 === o[s]; s--) o.pop(); - if (s < 0) n = 0, o = [0]; - else { - for (n = -1; 0 === o[0]; n -= gs) o.shift(); - for (r = 1, i = o[0]; i >= 10; i /= 10) r++; - r < gs && (n -= gs - r); - } - return a.e = n, a.d = o, a; - } - - function va(e) { - return Es(e = new this(e), e.e + 1, this.rounding); - } - - function ya(e) { - return (e = new this(e)).d ? e.d[0] ? e.s : 0 * e.s : e.s || NaN; - } - - function ba(e) { - return new this(e).sin(); - } - - function Ta(e) { - return new this(e).sinh(); - } - - function wa(e) { - return new this(e).sqrt(); - } - - function Ea(e, t) { - return new this(e).sub(t); - } - - function Ia() { - var e = 0, - t = arguments, - n = new this(t[e]); - for (es = !1; n.s && ++e < t.length;) n =[e]); - return es = !0, Es(n, this.precision, this.rounding); - } - - function Aa(e) { - return new this(e).tan(); - } - - function Na(e) { - return new this(e).tanh(); - } - - function Sa(e) { - return Es(e = new this(e), e.e + 1, 1); - } - ms[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = ms.toString, ms[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Decimal"; - var Da = ms.constructor = function e(t) { - var n, r, i; - - function s(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = this; - if (!(i instanceof s)) return new s(e); - if (i.constructor = s, aa(e)) return i.s = e.s, void(es ? !e.d || e.e > s.maxE ? (i.e = NaN, i.d = null) : e.e < s.minE ? (i.e = 0, i.d = [0]) : (i.e = e.e, i.d = e.d.slice()) : (i.e = e.e, i.d = e.d ? e.d.slice() : e.d)); - if ("number" === (r = typeof e)) { - if (0 === e) return i.s = 1 / e < 0 ? -1 : 1, i.e = 0, void(i.d = [0]); - if (e < 0 ? (e = -e, i.s = -1) : i.s = 1, e === ~~e && e < 1e7) { - for (t = 0, n = e; n >= 10; n /= 10) t++; - return void(es ? t > s.maxE ? (i.e = NaN, i.d = null) : t < s.minE ? (i.e = 0, i.d = [0]) : (i.e = t, i.d = [e]) : (i.e = t, i.d = [e])); - } - return 0 * e != 0 ? (e || (i.s = NaN), i.e = NaN, void(i.d = null)) : Us(i, e.toString()); - } - if ("string" !== r) throw Error(ns + e); - return 45 === (n = e.charCodeAt(0)) ? (e = e.slice(1), i.s = -1) : (43 === n && (e = e.slice(1)), i.s = 1), ds.test(e) ? Us(i, e) : function(e, t) { - var n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c; - if (t.indexOf("_") > -1) { - if (t = t.replace(/(\d)_(?=\d)/g, "$1"), ds.test(t)) return Us(e, t); - } else if ("Infinity" === t || "NaN" === t) return +t || (e.s = NaN), e.e = NaN, e.d = null, e; - if (us.test(t)) n = 16, t = t.toLowerCase(); - else if (ls.test(t)) n = 2; - else { - if (!cs.test(t)) throw Error(ns + t); - n = 8; - } - for ((s = > 0 ? (l = +t.slice(s + 1), t = t.substring(2, s)) : t = t.slice(2), a = (s = t.indexOf(".")) >= 0, r = e.constructor, a && (s = (o = (t = t.replace(".", "")).length) - s, i = Cs(r, new r(n), s, 2 * s)), s = c = (u = Ts(t, n, hs)).length - 1; 0 === u[s]; --s) u.pop(); - return s < 0 ? new r(0 * e.s) : (e.e = As(u, c), e.d = u, es = !1, a && (e = ws(e, i, 4 * o)), l && (e = e.times(Math.abs(l) < 54 ? os(2, l) : Da.pow(2, l))), es = !0, e); - }(i, e); - } - if (s.prototype = ms, s.ROUND_UP = 0, s.ROUND_DOWN = 1, s.ROUND_CEIL = 2, s.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, s.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, s.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, s.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, s.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, s.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, s.EUCLID = 9, s.config = s.set = Zs, s.clone = e, s.isDecimal = aa, s.abs = ks, s.acos = zs, s.acosh = Hs, s.add = js, s.asin = qs, s.asinh = Gs, s.atan = Ws, s.atanh = Ks, s.atan2 = Js, s.cbrt = Ys, s.ceil = Xs, s.clamp = Qs, s.cos = ea, s.cosh = ta, s.div = na, s.exp = ra, s.floor = ia, s.hypot = sa, s.ln = oa, s.log = la, s.log10 = ca, s.log2 = ua, s.max = da, s.min = ha, s.mod = ga, s.mul = pa, s.pow = fa, s.random = ma, s.round = va, s.sign = ya, s.sin = ba, s.sinh = Ta, s.sqrt = wa, s.sub = Ea, s.sum = Ia, s.tan = Aa, s.tanh = Na, s.trunc = Sa, void 0 === t && (t = {}), t && !0 !== t.defaults) - for (i = ["precision", "rounding", "toExpNeg", "toExpPos", "maxE", "minE", "modulo", "crypto"], n = 0; n < i.length;) t.hasOwnProperty(r = i[n++]) || (t[r] = this[r]); - return s.config(t), s; - }(Zi); - Xi = new Da(Xi), Qi = new Da(Qi); - var Ra = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}; - - function Ca(e) { - return e && e.__esModule &&, "default") ? e.default : e; - } - var xa, - La, - Oa = { - exports: {} - }; - xa = Oa, - function(e) { - function t(e) { - return e.prototype.toFormat = function(e, t, n) { - if (!this.e && 0 !== this.e) return this.toString(); - var r, - i, - s, - a, - o, - l, - u, - c, - d, - h, - g, - p, - f, - m, - v, - y = this.format || {}, - b = this.constructor.format || {}; - if (e != o ? "object" == typeof e ? (n = e, e = o) : t != o ? "object" == typeof t ? (n = t, t = o) : "object" != typeof n && (n = {}) : n = {} : n = {}, c = (r = this.toFixed(e, t).split("."))[0], d = r[1], l = (u = this.s < 0 ? c.slice(1) : c).length, (h = n.decimalSeparator) == o && (h = y.decimalSeparator) == o && (h = b.decimalSeparator) == o && (h = "."), (g = n.groupSeparator) == o && (g = y.groupSeparator) == o && (g = b.groupSeparator), g && ((p = n.groupSize) == o && (p = y.groupSize) == o && (p = b.groupSize) == o && (p = 0), (f = n.secondaryGroupSize) == o && (f = y.secondaryGroupSize) == o && (f = b.secondaryGroupSize) == o && (f = 0), f ? (i = +f, l -= s = +p) : (i = +p, s = +f), i > 0 && l > 0)) { - for (a = l % i || i, c = u.substr(0, a); a < l; a += i) c += g + u.substr(a, i); - s > 0 && (c += g + u.slice(a)), this.s < 0 && (c = "-" + c); - } - return d ? ((m = n.fractionGroupSeparator) == o && (m = y.fractionGroupSeparator) == o && (m = b.fractionGroupSeparator), m && ((v = n.fractionGroupSize) == o && (v = y.fractionGroupSize) == o && (v = b.fractionGroupSize) == o && (v = 0), (v = +v) && (d = d.replace(new RegExp("\\d{" + v + "}\\B", "g"), "$&" + m))), c + h + d) : c; - }, e.format = { - decimalSeparator: ".", - groupSeparator: ",", - groupSize: 3, - secondaryGroupSize: 0, - fractionGroupSeparator: "", - fractionGroupSize: 0 - }, e; - } - xa.exports ? xa.exports = t : (e || (e = "undefined" != typeof self && self && self.self == self ? self : window), noConflict = e.toFormat, t.noConflict = function() { - return e.toFormat = noConflict, t; - }, e.toFormat = t); - }(Ra), Ca(Oa.exports)(Da), - function(e) { - e[e.roundUp = 0] = "roundUp", e[e.roundDown = 1] = "roundDown", e[e.roundCeil = 2] = "roundCeil", e[e.roundFloor = 3] = "roundFloor", e[e.roundHalfUp = 4] = "roundHalfUp", e[e.roundHalfDown = 5] = "roundHalfDown", e[e.roundHalfEven = 6] = "roundHalfEven", e[e.roundHalfCeil = 7] = "roundHalfCeil", e[e.roundHalfFloor = 8] = "roundHalfFloor"; - }(La || (La = {})); - const _a = Da.config({ - precision: 30, - toExpNeg: -1024, - toExpPos: 1024, - rounding: Da.ROUND_HALF_EVEN - }); - class Ma { - constructor(e) { - this.add =, this.sub = this.minus, this.eq = this.equals, = this.lessThan, this.lte = this.lessThanOrEqualTo, = this.greaterThan, this.gte = this.greaterThanOrEqualTo; - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - this.internalValue = new _a(t); - } - static unwrapInputValue(e) { - return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? e : "internalValue" in e ? e.internalValue : e; - } - static max(e, t) { - const [n, r] = [Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), Ma.unwrapInputValue(t)], - i = _a.max(n, r); - return new Ma(i); - } - static min(e, t) { - const [n, r] = [Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), Ma.unwrapInputValue(t)], - i = _a.min(n, r); - return new Ma(i); - } - abs() { - const e = this.internalValue.abs(); - return new Ma(e); - } - neg() { - const e = this.internalValue.neg(); - return new Ma(e); - } - sqrt() { - const e = this.internalValue.sqrt(); - return new Ma(e); - } - trunc() { - const e = this.internalValue.trunc(); - return new Ma(e); - } - round() { - const e = this.internalValue.round(); - return new Ma(e); - } - isNaN() { - return this.internalValue.isNaN(); - } - isInteger() { - return this.internalValue.isInteger(); - } - decimalPlaces() { - return this.internalValue.decimalPlaces(); - } - plus(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n =; - return new Ma(n); - } - minus(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.minus(t); - return new Ma(n); - } - times(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.times(t); - return new Ma(n); - } - div(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.div(t); - return new Ma(n); - } - pow(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.pow(t); - return new Ma(n); - } - mod(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.mod(t); - return new Ma(n); - } - equals(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.equals(t); - } - lessThan(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.lessThan(t); - } - lessThanOrEqualTo(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.lessThanOrEqualTo(t); - } - greaterThan(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.greaterThan(t); - } - greaterThanOrEqualTo(e) { - const t = Ma.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.greaterThanOrEqualTo(t); - } - toString() { - return this.internalValue.toString(); - } - toNumber() { - return this.internalValue.toNumber(); - } - valueOf() { - return this.internalValue.valueOf(); - } - toFixed(e) { - return this.internalValue.toFixed(e); - } - toFormat() { - return this.internalValue.toFormat(...arguments); - } - toDecimalPlaces(e) { - const t = this.internalValue.toDecimalPlaces(e); - return new Ma(t); - } - } - Ma.rounding = _a.rounding, Ma.defaultValue = new Ma(0); - const Ua = {}; - - function Fa(e, t) { - const n = Ua[e]; - if (void 0 !== n) return n; - const r = e.replace(new RegExp("[" + t.join("") + "]", "gi"), "").substr(0, 1), - i = []; - let s; - for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++) i.push({ - index: e.toLowerCase().indexOf(t[s]), - character: t[s], - length: e.replace(new RegExp("[^" + t[s] + "]", "gi"), "").length - }); - i.sort((e, t) => e.index < t.index ? -1 : 1); - const a = { - format: e, - separator: r, - parts: {}, - regExp: "^" - }; - for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { - let t = ""; - switch (i[s].character.toLowerCase()) { - case "h": - case "m": - case "d": - t = "1,2"; - break; - case "s": - a.regExp += "(?" + r, t = "1,2"; - break; - default: - t = i[s].length; - } - s > 0 && (a.regExp += "\\" + r), a.regExp += "([0-9]{" + t + "})" + ("s" === i[s].character ? ")?" : ""),[i[s].character + "Index"] = s,[i[s].character + "Format"] = e.slice(i[s].index, i[s].index + i[s].length); - } - return a.regExp += "$", Ua[e] = a, a; - } - class $a { - static getDayName(e) { - return $a.DayNames[e]; - } - static getShortDayName(e) { - return $a.DayNames[e].slice(0, 3); - } - static getMonthName(e) { - return $a.MonthNames[e - 1]; - } - static getShortMonthName(e) { - return $a.MonthNames[e - 1].slice(0, 3); - } - static get12HourNotation(e) { - return e < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; - } - static getTimezoneInformationFull(e) { - return e = -e, $a.getTimezoneSignal(e) + $a.padLeadingZeros(Math.floor(e / 60).toString(), 2) + ":" + $a.padLeadingZeros(Math.floor(e % 60).toString(), 2); - } - static getTimezoneInformationHoursFull(e) { - return e = -e, $a.getTimezoneSignal(e) + $a.padLeadingZeros(Math.floor(e / 60).toString(), 2); - } - static getTimezoneInformationHoursShort(e) { - return e = -e, $a.getTimezoneSignal(e) + Math.floor(e / 60); - } - static getTimezoneSignal(e) { - return e < 0 ? "-" : "+"; - } - static padLeadingZeros(e, t) { - let n = e || ""; - for (; n.length < t;) n = "0" + n; - return n; - } - static removeTrailingZeros(e) { - return (e || "").replace(/0+$/gm, ""); - } - constructor(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : " "; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : ""; - this.dateFmt = function(e) { - return Fa(e, ["y", "m", "d"]); - }(e), this.timeFmt = function(e) { - return Fa(e, ["h", "m", "s"]); - }(t), this.dateTimeSep = n, this.tzInformation = r; - } - get dateFormat() { - return this.dateFmt.format; - } - get timeFormat() { - return this.timeFmt.format; - } - get dateTimeFormat() { - return this.dateFmt.format + this.dateTimeSeparator + this.timeFmt.format; - } - getRegExpForDate() { - return new RegExp(this.dateFmt.regExp, "i"); - } - get yearIndexForDate() { - return; - } - get monthIndexForDate() { - return; - } - get dayIndexForDate() { - return; - } - get yearFormatForDate() { - return; - } - get monthFormatForDate() { - return; - } - get dayFormatForDate() { - return; - } - get dateSeparator() { - return this.dateFmt.separator; - } - getRegExpForTime() { - return new RegExp(this.timeFmt.regExp, "i"); - } - get hoursIndexForTime() { - return; - } - get minutesIndexForTime() { - return; - } - get secondsIndexForTime() { - return; - } - get timeSeparator() { - return this.timeFmt.separator; - } - get dateTimeSeparator() { - return this.dateTimeSep; - } - getRegExpForDateTime() { - return new RegExp(this.dateFmt.regExp.substring(0, this.dateFmt.regExp.length - 1) + this.dateTimeSeparator + this.timeFmt.regExp.substring(1, this.timeFmt.regExp.length - 1) + this.tzInformation + "$", "i"); - } - get yearIndexForDateTime() { - return; - } - get monthIndexForDateTime() { - return; - } - get dayIndexForDateTime() { - return; - } - get hoursIndexForDateTime() { - return + 3; - } - get hoursFormatForTime() { - return; - } - get minutesFormatForTime() { - return; - } - get secondsFormatForTime() { - return; - } - get minutesIndexForDateTime() { - return + 3; - } - get secondsIndexForDateTime() { - return + 3; - } - } - $a.DayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], $a.MonthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; - class Pa { - constructor(e, t) { - this.decimalSep = e, this.groupSep = t, this.generateFormatRegExps(e, t); - } - generateFormatRegExps(e, t) { - const n = "\\" + e, - r = "(([0-9]{1,3}(" + (t ? "\\" + t : "") + "[0-9]{3})*)|([0-9]+))", - i = "[0-9]+"; - this.integerFmtRegExp = "^[-]?" + r + "$", this.decimalFmtRegExp = "^[-]?((" + r + "(" + n + "(" + i + ")?)?)|((" + r + ")?" + n + i + "))$"; - } - get decimalSeparator() { - return this.decimalSep; - } - get groupSeparator() { - return this.groupSep; - } - getRegExpForInteger() { - return new RegExp(this.integerFmtRegExp, "i"); - } - getRegExpForDecimal() { - return new RegExp(this.decimalFmtRegExp, "i"); - } - getRegExpForJSNumber() { - return new RegExp("^-?(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?$", "i"); - } - } - class Va { - constructor(e, t) { - this.defaultDateTimeFormats = [new $a("yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss"), new $a("yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss"), new $a("yyyy/MM/dd", "HH:mm:ss"), new $a("yyyy.MM.dd", "HH:mm:ss")], this.defaultNumberFmt = t, this.currentNumberFmt = t, this.defaultDateTimeFormats[0] = e; - } - get defaultDateTimeFormat() { - return this.defaultDateTimeFormats[0]; - } - get dateTimeFormats() { - return this.defaultDateTimeFormats; - } - set dateTimeFormat(e) { - this.defaultDateTimeFormats[0] = e; - } - get defaultNumberFormat() { - return this.defaultNumberFmt; - } - get numberFormat() { - return this.currentNumberFmt; - } - set numberFormat(e) { - this.currentNumberFmt = e; - } - } - var Ba = _exports.Format = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ApplicationFormatInfo: Va, - DateTimeFormatInfo: $a, - NumberFormatInfo: Pa - }); - - function ka(e) { - let t = e.length; - const n = new Array(t); - for (; t-- > 0;) n[t] = e[t]; - return n; - } - - function za(e) { - const t = Object.keys(e); - - function n(e) { - t.forEach(t => { - this[t] = e[t]; - }); - } - const r = class { - constructor(t) { - this._ = null != t ? t : e; - } - get(e) { - return this._[e]; - } - set(e, t) { - const i = new n(this._); - return i[e] = t, new r(i); - } - toJS() { - const e = {}; - return t.forEach(t => { - e[t] = this._[t]; - }), e; - } - }; - return r; - } - const Ha = 128; - class ja { - constructor(e, t) { - if (void 0 !== t) this._values = e, this._lengths = t; - else if (void 0 !== e) { - const t = ja.fromJS(e); - this._values = t._values, this._lengths = t._lengths; - } else this._values = [], this._lengths = []; - } - clear() { - return new ja(); - } - clone() { - return this; - } - count() { - let e = 0, - t = this._lengths.length; - for (; t-- > 0;) e += this._lengths[t]; - return e; - } - isEmpty() { - return 0 === this._lengths.length; - } - get(e) { - let t = 0, - n = e; - const r = this._lengths.length; - for (; t < r && e >= 0;) { - if (n < this._lengths[t]) return this._values[t][n]; - n -= this._lengths[t], t++; - } - } - set(e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = e; - const i = ka(this._values), - s = this._lengths, - a = s.length; - for (; n < a && e >= 0;) { - if (r < this._lengths[n]) return i[n] = ka(i[n]), i[n][r] = t, new ja(i, s); - r -= s[n], n++; - } - } - push(e) { - let t, - n, - r = this._values.length - 1; - r < 0 ? (r = 0, t = [ - [] - ], n = [0]) : (t = ka(this._values), n = ka(this._lengths)); - const i = t[r]; - if (i.length < Ha) { - const s = i.length, - a = new Array(s + 1); - let o = s; - for (; o-- > 0;) a[o] = i[o]; - a[s] = e, t[r] = a, n[r]++; - } else { - const r = [e]; - t.push(r), n.push(1); - } - return new ja(t, n); - } - insert(e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = e; - const i = ka(this._values), - s = ka(this._lengths); - let a = s.length; - for (; n < a && r >= 0;) { - if (r < s[n]) { - if (s[n] === Ha) { - const e = 64, - t = Ha - e; - s.splice(n, 1, e, t); - const r = new Array(e), - o = new Array(t); - for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) r[t] = i[n][t]; - for (let r = 0, s = e; r < t;) o[r++] = i[n][s++]; - i.splice(n, 1, r, o), a++; - continue; - } - let e = 0; - const o = s[n], - l = new Array(o + 1), - u = i[n]; - for (; e < r; e++) l[e] = u[e]; - l[r] = t; - let c = e + 1; - for (; e < o;) l[c++] = u[e++]; - return s[n]++, i[n] = l, new ja(i, s); - } - r -= s[n], n++; - } - return s.push(1), i.push([t]), new ja(i, s); - } - remove(e) { - let t = 0, - n = e; - const r = ka(this._lengths), - i = ka(this._values), - s = r.length; - for (; t < s && n >= 0;) { - if (n < r[t]) { - const e = --r[t], - s = new Array(e); - let a = 0, - o = 0; - for (; a < e;) a === n && o++, s[a++] = i[t][o++]; - return i[t] = s, 0 === r[t] && (r.splice(t, 1), i.splice(t, 1)), new ja(i, r); - } - n -= r[t], t++; - } - } - reduce(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n < this._values.length; n++) { - const r = this._values[n]; - for (let n = 0; n < r.length; n++) t = e(t, r[n]); - } - return t; - } - map(e) { - const t = new Array(this.count()); - let n = 0; - for (let r = 0; r < this._values.length; r++) { - const i = this._values[r]; - for (let r = 0; r < i.length; r++) t[n] = e(i[r], n), n++; - } - return t; - } - pushAll(e) { - if (0 === e.length) return this; - const t = new ja(e), - n = this._values.concat(t._values), - r = this._lengths.concat(t._lengths); - return new ja(n, r); - } - forEach(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < this._values.length; t++) { - const n = this._values[t]; - for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t++) e(n[t]); - } - } - addFromOther(e) { - if (0 === e.count()) return this; - if (0 === this._values.length) return e; - const t = new Array(this._lengths.length + e._lengths.length), - n = new Array(this._values.length + e._values.length); - let r = 0, - i = 0; - for (; r < this._values.length;) n[r] = this._values[r], t[r] = this._lengths[r], r++; - for (; i < e._values.length;) n[r] = e._values[i], t[r] = e._lengths[i], r++, i++; - return new ja(n, t); - } - static fromJS(e) { - const t = 0 | Math.ceil(e.length / Ha), - n = new Array(t), - r = new Array(t); - let i = 0, - s = 0; - for (let a = 0; a < t; a++) { - s = e.length - i; - const t = s > Ha ? Ha : s; - r[a] = t, n[a] = new Array(t); - for (let r = 0; r < t; r++) n[a][r] = e[i + r]; - i += t; - } - return new ja(n, r); - } - } - var qa = _exports.LightImmutable = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ImmutableList: ja, - defineRecordClass: za - }), - Ga = Ka, - Wa = null; - try { - Wa = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 13, 2, 96, 0, 1, 127, 96, 4, 127, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 3, 7, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 7, 50, 6, 3, 109, 117, 108, 0, 1, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 115, 0, 2, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 117, 0, 3, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 115, 0, 4, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 117, 0, 5, 8, 103, 101, 116, 95, 104, 105, 103, 104, 0, 0, 10, 191, 1, 6, 4, 0, 35, 0, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 126, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 127, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 128, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 129, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 130, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11])), {}).exports; - } catch (e) {} - - function Ka(e, t, n) { - this.low = 0 | e, this.high = 0 | t, this.unsigned = !!n; - } - - function Ja(e) { - return !0 === (e && e.__isLong__); - } - Ka.prototype.__isLong__, Object.defineProperty(Ka.prototype, "__isLong__", { - value: !0 - }), Ka.isLong = Ja; - var Ya = {}, - Xa = {}; - - function Qa(e, t) { - var n, r, i; - return t ? (i = 0 <= (e >>>= 0) && e < 256) && (r = Xa[e]) ? r : (n = eo(e, (0 | e) < 0 ? -1 : 0, !0), i && (Xa[e] = n), n) : (i = -128 <= (e |= 0) && e < 128) && (r = Ya[e]) ? r : (n = eo(e, e < 0 ? -1 : 0, !1), i && (Ya[e] = n), n); - } - - function Za(e, t) { - if (isNaN(e)) return t ? uo : lo; - if (t) { - if (e < 0) return uo; - if (e >= so) return fo; - } else { - if (e <= -ao) return mo; - if (e + 1 >= ao) return po; - } - return e < 0 ? Za(-e, t).neg() : eo(e % io | 0, e / io | 0, t); - } - - function eo(e, t, n) { - return new Ka(e, t, n); - } - Ka.fromInt = Qa, Ka.fromNumber = Za, Ka.fromBits = eo; - var to = Math.pow; - - function no(e, t, n) { - if (0 === e.length) throw Error("empty string"); - if ("NaN" === e || "Infinity" === e || "+Infinity" === e || "-Infinity" === e) return lo; - if ("number" == typeof t ? (n = t, t = !1) : t = !!t, (n = n || 10) < 2 || 36 < n) throw RangeError("radix"); - var r; - if ((r = e.indexOf("-")) > 0) throw Error("interior hyphen"); - if (0 === r) return no(e.substring(1), t, n).neg(); - for (var i = Za(to(n, 8)), s = lo, a = 0; a < e.length; a += 8) { - var o = Math.min(8, e.length - a), - l = parseInt(e.substring(a, a + o), n); - if (o < 8) { - var u = Za(to(n, o)); - s = s.mul(u).add(Za(l)); - } else s = (s = s.mul(i)).add(Za(l)); - } - return s.unsigned = t, s; - } - - function ro(e, t) { - return "number" == typeof e ? Za(e, t) : "string" == typeof e ? no(e, t) : eo(e.low, e.high, "boolean" == typeof t ? t : e.unsigned); - } - Ka.fromString = no, Ka.fromValue = ro; - var io = 4294967296, - so = io * io, - ao = so / 2, - oo = Qa(1 << 24), - lo = Qa(0); - Ka.ZERO = lo; - var uo = Qa(0, !0); - Ka.UZERO = uo; - var co = Qa(1); - Ka.ONE = co; - var ho = Qa(1, !0); - Ka.UONE = ho; - var go = Qa(-1); - Ka.NEG_ONE = go; - var po = eo(-1, 2147483647, !1); - Ka.MAX_VALUE = po; - var fo = eo(-1, -1, !0); - Ka.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE = fo; - var mo = eo(0, -2147483648, !1); - Ka.MIN_VALUE = mo; - var vo = Ka.prototype; - vo.toInt = function() { - return this.unsigned ? this.low >>> 0 : this.low; - }, vo.toNumber = function() { - return this.unsigned ? (this.high >>> 0) * io + (this.low >>> 0) : this.high * io + (this.low >>> 0); - }, vo.toString = function(e) { - if ((e = e || 10) < 2 || 36 < e) throw RangeError("radix"); - if (this.isZero()) return "0"; - if (this.isNegative()) { - if (this.eq(mo)) { - var t = Za(e), - n = this.div(t), - r = n.mul(t).sub(this); - return n.toString(e) + r.toInt().toString(e); - } - return "-" + this.neg().toString(e); - } - for (var i = Za(to(e, 6), this.unsigned), s = this, a = "";;) { - var o = s.div(i), - l = (s.sub(o.mul(i)).toInt() >>> 0).toString(e); - if ((s = o).isZero()) return l + a; - for (; l.length < 6;) l = "0" + l; - a = "" + l + a; - } - }, vo.getHighBits = function() { - return this.high; - }, vo.getHighBitsUnsigned = function() { - return this.high >>> 0; - }, vo.getLowBits = function() { - return this.low; - }, vo.getLowBitsUnsigned = function() { - return this.low >>> 0; - }, vo.getNumBitsAbs = function() { - if (this.isNegative()) return this.eq(mo) ? 64 : this.neg().getNumBitsAbs(); - for (var e = 0 != this.high ? this.high : this.low, t = 31; t > 0 && !(e & 1 << t); t--); - return 0 != this.high ? t + 33 : t + 1; - }, vo.isZero = function() { - return 0 === this.high && 0 === this.low; - }, vo.eqz = vo.isZero, vo.isNegative = function() { - return !this.unsigned && this.high < 0; - }, vo.isPositive = function() { - return this.unsigned || this.high >= 0; - }, vo.isOdd = function() { - return !(1 & ~this.low); - }, vo.isEven = function() { - return !(1 & this.low); - }, vo.equals = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), (this.unsigned === e.unsigned || this.high >>> 31 != 1 || e.high >>> 31 != 1) && this.high === e.high && this.low === e.low; - }, vo.eq = vo.equals, vo.notEquals = function(e) { - return !this.eq(e); - }, vo.neq = vo.notEquals, = vo.notEquals, vo.lessThan = function(e) { - return this.comp(e) < 0; - }, = vo.lessThan, vo.lessThanOrEqual = function(e) { - return this.comp(e) <= 0; - }, vo.lte = vo.lessThanOrEqual, vo.le = vo.lessThanOrEqual, vo.greaterThan = function(e) { - return this.comp(e) > 0; - }, = vo.greaterThan, vo.greaterThanOrEqual = function(e) { - return this.comp(e) >= 0; - }, vo.gte = vo.greaterThanOrEqual, = vo.greaterThanOrEqual, = function(e) { - if (Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), this.eq(e)) return 0; - var t = this.isNegative(), - n = e.isNegative(); - return t && !n ? -1 : !t && n ? 1 : this.unsigned ? e.high >>> 0 > this.high >>> 0 || e.high === this.high && e.low >>> 0 > this.low >>> 0 ? -1 : 1 : this.sub(e).isNegative() ? -1 : 1; - }, vo.comp =, vo.negate = function() { - return !this.unsigned && this.eq(mo) ? mo : this.not().add(co); - }, vo.neg = vo.negate, vo.add = function(e) { - Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)); - var t = this.high >>> 16, - n = 65535 & this.high, - r = this.low >>> 16, - i = 65535 & this.low, - s = e.high >>> 16, - a = 65535 & e.high, - o = e.low >>> 16, - l = 0, - u = 0, - c = 0, - d = 0; - return c += (d += i + (65535 & e.low)) >>> 16, u += (c += r + o) >>> 16, l += (u += n + a) >>> 16, l += t + s, eo((c &= 65535) << 16 | (d &= 65535), (l &= 65535) << 16 | (u &= 65535), this.unsigned); - }, vo.subtract = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), this.add(e.neg()); - }, vo.sub = vo.subtract, vo.multiply = function(e) { - if (this.isZero()) return lo; - if (Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), Wa) return eo(Wa.mul(this.low, this.high, e.low, e.high), Wa.get_high(), this.unsigned); - if (e.isZero()) return lo; - if (this.eq(mo)) return e.isOdd() ? mo : lo; - if (e.eq(mo)) return this.isOdd() ? mo : lo; - if (this.isNegative()) return e.isNegative() ? this.neg().mul(e.neg()) : this.neg().mul(e).neg(); - if (e.isNegative()) return this.mul(e.neg()).neg(); - if ( && return Za(this.toNumber() * e.toNumber(), this.unsigned); - var t = this.high >>> 16, - n = 65535 & this.high, - r = this.low >>> 16, - i = 65535 & this.low, - s = e.high >>> 16, - a = 65535 & e.high, - o = e.low >>> 16, - l = 65535 & e.low, - u = 0, - c = 0, - d = 0, - h = 0; - return d += (h += i * l) >>> 16, c += (d += r * l) >>> 16, d &= 65535, c += (d += i * o) >>> 16, u += (c += n * l) >>> 16, c &= 65535, u += (c += r * o) >>> 16, c &= 65535, u += (c += i * a) >>> 16, u += t * l + n * o + r * a + i * s, eo((d &= 65535) << 16 | (h &= 65535), (u &= 65535) << 16 | (c &= 65535), this.unsigned); - }, vo.mul = vo.multiply, vo.divide = function(e) { - if (Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), e.isZero()) throw Error("division by zero"); - var t, n, r; - if (Wa) return this.unsigned || -2147483648 !== this.high || -1 !== e.low || -1 !== e.high ? eo((this.unsigned ? Wa.div_u : Wa.div_s)(this.low, this.high, e.low, e.high), Wa.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this; - if (this.isZero()) return this.unsigned ? uo : lo; - if (this.unsigned) { - if (e.unsigned || (e = e.toUnsigned()), return uo; - if ( return ho; - r = uo; - } else { - if (this.eq(mo)) return e.eq(co) || e.eq(go) ? mo : e.eq(mo) ? co : (t = this.shr(1).div(e).shl(1)).eq(lo) ? e.isNegative() ? co : go : (n = this.sub(e.mul(t)), r = t.add(n.div(e))); - if (e.eq(mo)) return this.unsigned ? uo : lo; - if (this.isNegative()) return e.isNegative() ? this.neg().div(e.neg()) : this.neg().div(e).neg(); - if (e.isNegative()) return this.div(e.neg()).neg(); - r = lo; - } - for (n = this; n.gte(e);) { - t = Math.max(1, Math.floor(n.toNumber() / e.toNumber())); - for (var i = Math.ceil(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), s = i <= 48 ? 1 : to(2, i - 48), a = Za(t), o = a.mul(e); o.isNegative() ||;) o = (a = Za(t -= s, this.unsigned)).mul(e); - a.isZero() && (a = co), r = r.add(a), n = n.sub(o); - } - return r; - }, vo.div = vo.divide, vo.modulo = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), Wa ? eo((this.unsigned ? Wa.rem_u : Wa.rem_s)(this.low, this.high, e.low, e.high), Wa.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this.sub(this.div(e).mul(e)); - }, vo.mod = vo.modulo, vo.rem = vo.modulo, vo.not = function() { - return eo(~this.low, ~this.high, this.unsigned); - }, vo.and = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), eo(this.low & e.low, this.high & e.high, this.unsigned); - }, vo.or = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), eo(this.low | e.low, this.high | e.high, this.unsigned); - }, vo.xor = function(e) { - return Ja(e) || (e = ro(e)), eo(this.low ^ e.low, this.high ^ e.high, this.unsigned); - }, vo.shiftLeft = function(e) { - return Ja(e) && (e = e.toInt()), 0 == (e &= 63) ? this : e < 32 ? eo(this.low << e, this.high << e | this.low >>> 32 - e, this.unsigned) : eo(0, this.low << e - 32, this.unsigned); - }, vo.shl = vo.shiftLeft, vo.shiftRight = function(e) { - return Ja(e) && (e = e.toInt()), 0 == (e &= 63) ? this : e < 32 ? eo(this.low >>> e | this.high << 32 - e, this.high >> e, this.unsigned) : eo(this.high >> e - 32, this.high >= 0 ? 0 : -1, this.unsigned); - }, vo.shr = vo.shiftRight, vo.shiftRightUnsigned = function(e) { - if (Ja(e) && (e = e.toInt()), 0 === (e &= 63)) return this; - var t = this.high; - return e < 32 ? eo(this.low >>> e | t << 32 - e, t >>> e, this.unsigned) : eo(32 === e ? t : t >>> e - 32, 0, this.unsigned); - }, vo.shru = vo.shiftRightUnsigned, vo.shr_u = vo.shiftRightUnsigned, vo.toSigned = function() { - return this.unsigned ? eo(this.low, this.high, !1) : this; - }, vo.toUnsigned = function() { - return this.unsigned ? this : eo(this.low, this.high, !0); - }, vo.toBytes = function(e) { - return e ? this.toBytesLE() : this.toBytesBE(); - }, vo.toBytesLE = function() { - var e = this.high, - t = this.low; - return [255 & t, t >>> 8 & 255, t >>> 16 & 255, t >>> 24, 255 & e, e >>> 8 & 255, e >>> 16 & 255, e >>> 24]; - }, vo.toBytesBE = function() { - var e = this.high, - t = this.low; - return [e >>> 24, e >>> 16 & 255, e >>> 8 & 255, 255 & e, t >>> 24, t >>> 16 & 255, t >>> 8 & 255, 255 & t]; - }, Ka.fromBytes = function(e, t, n) { - return n ? Ka.fromBytesLE(e, t) : Ka.fromBytesBE(e, t); - }, Ka.fromBytesLE = function(e, t) { - return new Ka(e[0] | e[1] << 8 | e[2] << 16 | e[3] << 24, e[4] | e[5] << 8 | e[6] << 16 | e[7] << 24, t); - }, Ka.fromBytesBE = function(e, t) { - return new Ka(e[4] << 24 | e[5] << 16 | e[6] << 8 | e[7], e[0] << 24 | e[1] << 16 | e[2] << 8 | e[3], t); - }; - var yo = Ca(Ga); - class bo { - constructor(e, t, n) { - this.neg = this.negate, this.eq = this.equals, = this.lessThan, this.lte = this.lessThanOrEqual, = this.greaterThan, this.gte = this.greaterThanOrEqual, this.internalValue = new yo(e, t, n); - } - static fromNumber(e) { - const t = new bo(0); - return t.internalValue = yo.fromNumber(e), t; - } - static fromString(e) { - const t = new bo(0); - return t.internalValue = yo.fromString(e), t; - } - static fromValue(e) { - const t = "object" == typeof e ? e.internalValue : e, - n = new bo(0); - return n.internalValue = yo.fromValue(t), n; - } - static fromObject(e) { - const t = yo.fromValue(e); - return bo.fromString(t.toString()); - } - static unwrapInputValue(e) { - return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? e : "internalValue" in e ? e.internalValue : e; - } - negate() { - const e = this.internalValue.negate(); - return bo.fromObject(e); - } - add(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.add(t); - return bo.fromObject(n); - } - sub(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.sub(t); - return bo.fromObject(n); - } - mul(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.mul(t); - return bo.fromObject(n); - } - div(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.div(t); - return bo.fromObject(n); - } - and(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e), - n = this.internalValue.and(t); - return bo.fromObject(n); - } - equals(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.equals(t); - } - lessThan(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.lessThan(t); - } - lessThanOrEqual(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.lessThanOrEqual(t); - } - greaterThan(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.greaterThan(t); - } - greaterThanOrEqual(e) { - const t = bo.unwrapInputValue(e); - return this.internalValue.greaterThanOrEqual(t); - } - toNumber() { - return this.internalValue.toNumber(); - } - toString() { - return this.internalValue.toString(); - } - valueOf() { - return this.internalValue.valueOf(); - } - } - bo.defaultValue = bo.fromObject(yo.ZERO), bo.MIN_VALUE = bo.fromObject(yo.MIN_VALUE), bo.MAX_VALUE = bo.fromObject(yo.MAX_VALUE); - const To = "outsystems-"; - - function wo(e, t) { - if (t = null != t ? t : To, "object" != typeof e || null === e) return; - const n = {}; - for (const [r, i] of Object.entries(e)) n[t + r] = i; - return n; - } - - function Eo(e, t) { - const n = (t = null != t ? t : To).toLowerCase(); - if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) return {}; - const r = {}; - for (const [i, s] of Object.entries(e)) i.toLowerCase().startsWith(n) && (r[i.substring(t.length)] = s); - return r; - } - var Io = _exports.CommunicationHeaders = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - buildCustomHeaders: wo, - extractCustomHeaders: Eo - }); - const Ao = "Communication", - No = e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref8) { - let { - url: e, - params: t, - headers: n, - responseType: r, - useLocaleInfo: i, - timeout: s, - timeoutHandler: a, - baseURL: o, - httpClient: l = gn.resolve(pn.HttpClient) - } = _ref8; - return function*() { - if (!l) throw new Error("Could not resolve the http client instance."); - try { - return yield l.get({ - url: e, - params: t, - headers: n, - responseType: r, - useLocaleInfo: i, - timeout: s, - timeoutHandler: a, - baseURL: o - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Oo(e); - } - }(); - }), - So = e => Ro(e) || Co(e), - Do = e => null !== e && "object" == typeof e && "boolean" == typeof e.hasApiVersionChanged && "boolean" == typeof e.hasModuleVersionChanged, - Ro = e => null !== e && "object" == typeof e && (!e.hasOwnProperty("exception") || void 0 === e.exception) && "string" == typeof e.clientSettingsHash && "boolean" == typeof e.shouldRefreshToken && Do(e.versionInfo), - Co = e => null !== e && "object" == typeof e && "object" == typeof e.exception && "string" == typeof e.clientSettingsHash && ("number" == typeof e.status || void 0 === e.status) && "boolean" == typeof e.shouldRefreshToken && Do(e.versionInfo), - xo = t => b(void 0, [t], void 0, function(_ref9) { - let { - url: t, - payload: n, - params: r, - headers: i, - contentType: s, - timeout: a, - timeoutHandler: o, - useLocaleInfo: l, - baseURL: u, - responseHandler: h, - refreshAuthTokens: g = Vr, - httpClient: p = gn.resolve(pn.HttpClient), - lifecycleEventsManager: f = gn.resolve(pn.LifecycleEventsManager), - actionOrAggregateName: m - } = _ref9; - return function*() { - if (!p) throw new Error("Could not resolve the http client instance."); - const v = wo(i), - y = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, v), { - "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8" - }); - let b = []; - try { - const i = yield{ - url: t, - payload: n, - params: r, - headers: y, - contentType: null != s ? s : _communicationJs.ContentType.Json, - timeout: a, - timeoutHandler: o, - useLocaleInfo: l, - baseURL: u, - responseHandler: Lo(h) - }); - if ((null == i ? void 0 : i.shouldRefreshToken) && (fi(Ao, "Refresh Tokens initiated: Response from the server indicates that tokens should be refreshed.", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), yield g()), b = (e => { - const t = []; - if (So(e) && !e.versionInfo.hasModuleVersionChanged && e.versionInfo.hasApiVersionChanged) { - const e = "The application was unable to make a request to the server - the API version changed, but the module version did not."; - t.push({ - clientMessage: e, - internalMessage: e - }); - } - return t; - })(i), So(i) && _o(i, (e, t) => null == f ? void 0 : f.onNewVersion(e, t)), Co(i)) throw Mo(i, m); - return null == i ? void 0 :; - } catch (e) { - throw Oo(e); - } finally { - for (const { - clientMessage: e, - internalMessage: t - } of b) xi({ - category: Ao, - clientMessage: e, - internalMessage: t, - errorCode: _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Internal_Server_Error - }); - } - }(); - }), - Lo = e => { - if ("function" == typeof e) return _ref10 => { - let { - data: t, - responseHeaders: n - } = _ref10; - const r = Eo(n); - e({ - data: t, - responseHeaders: r - }); - }; - }, - Oo = t => { - var n, r, i, s, a, o; - if ("OS-CLRT-40103" === t.errorCode) throw vi(Ao, "User is not logged in", t.errorCode, t, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), new st.SecurityException("Not authorized", lt(t)); - if ((o = t.errorCode) && Object.values(_communicationJs.ErrorCodes).includes(o)) { - const e = null !== (r = null === (n = t.response) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.exception) && void 0 !== r ? r : t; - throw new st.CommunicationException(`CommunicationException: ${null !== (i = e.message) && void 0 !== i ? i : t.message}`, lt(e), t.errorCode, t.category); - } - return t.errorCode = null !== (s = t.errorCode) && void 0 !== s ? s : _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Default, t.category = null !== (a = t.category) && void 0 !== a ? a : Ao, t; - }, - _o = (e, t) => { - if (e.versionInfo.hasModuleVersionChanged) { - if (e.versionInfo.hasApiVersionChanged) throw t(!0, !!e.versionInfo.isAutoUpgradeEnabled), new st.ViewHasChangedException("View has changed."); - t(!1, !!e.versionInfo.isAutoUpgradeEnabled); - } - }, - Mo = (t, n) => { - var r, i; - const s = ct(t.exception), - a = `Post request ${n ? `issued by '${n}' ` : ""}failed: ${s.message}`, - o = "Post request failed", - l = {}; - return t.status && (l["http.status_code"] = t.status), 250 === t.status ? vi(Ao, o, null !== (r = s.errorCode) && void 0 !== r ? r : _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Default, void 0, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal, l) : xi({ - category: Ao, - clientMessage: a, - internalMessage: o, - errorCode: null !== (i = s.errorCode) && void 0 !== i ? i : _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Default, - errorObj: s, - attributes: l - }), s; - }; - var Uo = _exports.Communication = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - SCREEN_SERVICES_EXCEPTION_HTTP_STATUS_CODE: 250, - get: No, - getResponseUrl: e => b(void 0, [e], void 0, function(_ref11) { - let { - url: e, - params: t, - headers: n, - useLocaleInfo: r, - timeout: i, - timeoutHandler: s, - baseURL: a, - httpClient: o = gn.resolve(pn.HttpClient) - } = _ref11; - return function*() { - if (!o) throw new Error("Could not resolve the http client instance."); - return o.getResponseUrl({ - url: e, - params: t, - headers: n, - useLocaleInfo: r, - timeout: i, - timeoutHandler: s, - baseURL: a - }); - }(); - }), - post: xo - }); - const Fo = "__cache"; - - function $o(e, t) { - return null == e ? t : e; - } - var Po; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Integer = 0] = "Integer", e[e.LongInteger = 1] = "LongInteger", e[e.Decimal = 2] = "Decimal", e[e.Currency = 3] = "Currency", e[e.Text = 4] = "Text", e[e.PhoneNumber = 5] = "PhoneNumber", e[e.Email = 6] = "Email", e[e.Boolean = 7] = "Boolean", e[e.Date = 8] = "Date", e[e.DateTime = 9] = "DateTime", e[e.Time = 10] = "Time", e[e.Record = 11] = "Record", e[e.RecordList = 12] = "RecordList", e[e.BinaryData = 13] = "BinaryData", e[e.Object = 14] = "Object"; - }(Po || (Po = {})); - const Vo = e => { - switch (e) { - case Po.Integer: - return "Integer"; - case Po.LongInteger: - return "Long Integer"; - case Po.Decimal: - return "Decimal"; - case Po.Currency: - return "Currency"; - case Po.Text: - return "Text"; - case Po.PhoneNumber: - return "Phone Number"; - case Po.Email: - return "Email"; - case Po.Boolean: - return "Boolean"; - case Po.Date: - return "Date"; - case Po.DateTime: - return "Date Time"; - case Po.Time: - return "Time"; - case Po.Record: - return "Record"; - case Po.RecordList: - return "List"; - case Po.BinaryData: - return "Binary Data"; - case Po.Object: - return "Object"; - default: - return `Unknown: ${e}`; - } - }; - class Bo { - constructor(e, t, n) { - this._url = t, this.getOfflineContent = n, this._cachedBlob = null, this.authenticatedUrlsRegex = [/screenservices\/.*\/_BinaryContent\/.*/], "undefined" != typeof Blob && e instanceof Blob ? (this._cachedBlob = e, this.getOfflineContent = () => this._content ? Promise.resolve(this._content) : Bo.blobToBase64(this._cachedBlob)) : this._content = e || null; - } - get url() { - return this._url; - } - set url(e) { - this._url = e, this.clearCachedBlob(); - } - get cachedBlob() { - return this._cachedBlob; - } - get content() { - return this._content; - } - set content(e) { - this._content = e, this.clearCachedBlob(); - } - needsAuthentication() { - var e; - const t = null !== (e = this._url) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - return this.authenticatedUrlsRegex.some(e => e.test(t)); - } - loadBlobData() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var e; - const t = yield No({ - url: null !== (e = this._url) && void 0 !== e ? e : "", - responseType: "blob" - }); - return null != t ? t : new Blob(); - }); - } - loadContent() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return this.needsAuthentication() ? this.loadBlobData().then(e => (this._cachedBlob = e, Promise.resolve(this))) : this.getOfflineContent ? this.getOfflineContent().then(e => (this.content = e, Promise.resolve(this))) : It(() => this); - }); - } - hasContent() { - return !!(this._url && !this.needsAuthentication() || this._content); - } - fastEquals(e) { - return e && this.constructor === e.constructor && this._url === e._url && this._content === e._content && (!!this.getOfflineContent && !!e.getOfflineContent || !this.getOfflineContent && !e.getOfflineContent); - } - base64toHex(e) { - const t = atob(e); - let n = ""; - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { - const r = t.charCodeAt(e).toString(16); - n += 2 === r.length ? r : "0" + r; - } - return n; - } - getContentType() { - if (this._content) { - const e = this.base64toHex(this._content.substr(0, 16)); - return "00000100" === e.substr(0, 8) ? "image/x-icon" : "ffd8ffdb" === e.substr(0, 8) || "ffd8ffe0" === e.substr(0, 8) || "ffd8ffe1" === e.substr(0, 8) ? "image/jpeg" : "49492a00" === e.substr(0, 8) || "4d4d002a" === e.substr(0, 8) ? "image/tiff" : "424d" === e.substr(0, 4) ? "image/bmp" : "474946" === e.substr(0, 6) ? "image/gif" : "89504e47" === e.substr(0, 8) ? "image/png" : "application/octet-stream"; - } - return null; - } - toDataURI() { - return this._content ? `data:${this.getContentType()};base64,${this._content}` : null; - } - toBlob() { - var e; - if (!this._cachedBlob && this._content) { - const t = null !== (e = this.getContentType()) && void 0 !== e ? e : void 0; - this._cachedBlob = Bo.base64toBlob(this._content, t); - } - return this._cachedBlob; - } - toArrayBuffer() { - return this._content ? Bo.base64ToArrayBuffer(this._content) : null; - } - get length() { - const e = this.toBlob(); - return e ? e.size : 0; - } - static blobToBase64(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - const r = new FileReader(); - r.readAsDataURL(e), r.onload = () => { - const e = r.result; - t(e.substring(e.indexOf(",") + 1)); - }, r.onerror = () => { - n(r.error); - }; - }); - } - static base64toBlob(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 512; - const r = atob((e || "").replace(/\s/g, "")), - i = []; - for (let e = 0; e < r.length; e += n) { - const t = r.slice(e, e + n), - s = new Array(t.length); - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) s[e] = t.charCodeAt(e); - const a = new Uint8Array(s); - i.push(a); - } - return new Blob(i, { - type: t - }); - } - static base64ToArrayBuffer(e) { - return Uint8Array.from(atob(e), e => e.charCodeAt(0)).buffer; - } - clearCachedBlob() { - this._cachedBlob = null; - } - } - Bo.defaultValue = new Bo(); - class ko { - static get defaultValue() { - return ko.defaultValueField; - } - constructor(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - if (0 === arguments.length) = new Date(1900, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); - else if (1 === arguments.length) { - if (e instanceof Date || "[object Date]" === { - const t = e.getTime(); - isNaN(t) ? = new Date(1900, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) : = new Date(t); - } else = new Date(e); - } else $o(e, 1900) < 100 ? ( = new Date(100, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),$o(e, 1900)),$o(t, 1) - 1),$o(n, 1)),$o(r, 0)),$o(i, 0)),$o(s, 0)),$o(a, 0))) : = new Date($o(e, 1900), $o(t, 1) - 1, $o(n, 1), $o(r, 0), $o(i, 0), $o(s, 0), $o(a, 0)); - } - get year() { - return; - } - get month() { - return + 1; - } - get day() { - return; - } - get hours() { - return; - } - get minutes() { - return; - } - get seconds() { - return; - } - get milliseconds() { - return; - } - get weekDay() { - return; - } - addYears(e) { - const t = new ko(this.year + e, this.month,, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds); - return 2 === this.month && 29 === && 3 === t.month ? new ko(t.year, 2, 28, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds) : t; - } - daysInMonth(e, t) { - return new Date(t, e, 0).getDate(); - } - addMonths(e) { - const t = new ko(this.year, this.month + e,, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds); - return === ? t : new ko(t.year, t.month - 1, this.daysInMonth(t.month - 1, t.year), t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds); - } - addDays(e) { - return new ko(this.year, this.month, + e, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds); - } - addHours(e) { - return new ko(this.year, this.month,, this.hours + e, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds); - } - addMinutes(e) { - return new ko(this.year, this.month,, this.hours, this.minutes + e, this.seconds, this.milliseconds); - } - addSeconds(e) { - return new ko(this.year, this.month,, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds + e, this.milliseconds); - } - addMilliseconds(e) { - return new ko(this.year, this.month,, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds + e); - } - equals(e) { - return !!e && ===; - } - eq(e) { - return this.equals(e); - } - greaterThan(e) { - return >; - } - gt(e) { - return this.greaterThan(e); - } - greaterThanOrEqualTo(e) { - return >=; - } - gte(e) { - return this.greaterThanOrEqualTo(e); - } - lessThan(e) { - return <; - } - lt(e) { - return this.lessThan(e); - } - lessThanOrEqualTo(e) { - return <=; - } - lte(e) { - return this.lessThanOrEqualTo(e); - } - toNative() { - return new Date(; - } - getTime() { - return; - } - valueOf() { - return; - } - static fromISODate(e) { - return zo.RFC3339_DATEPART.test(e) ? ko.internalFromUTCWithoutConversion(e + "T00:00:00Z") : ko.defaultValue; - } - toISODate() { - return this.toString(zo.RFC3339_DATEPART_FORMAT); - } - static fromISOTime(e) { - return zo.RFC3339_TIMEPART.test(e) ? ko.internalFromUTCWithoutConversion("1900-01-01T" + e + "Z") : ko.defaultValue; - } - toISOTime() { - return this.toString(zo.RFC3339_TIMEPART_FORMAT); - } - static fromISODateTime(e) { - if ("" === (e = e || "") || e.indexOf("1900-01-01") >= 0 && e.indexOf("00:00:00") >= 0) return ko.defaultValue; - if (e.indexOf("T") > 0 && !/([+\-]\d{2}((:\d{2})|(\d{2})?)|Z)$/.test(e)) return ko.internalFromUTCWithoutConversion(e.trim() + "Z"); - e = e.replace(/([+-]\d{2})$/, function(e) { - return e + "00"; - }); - const t = Date.parse(e); - return isNaN(t) ? ko.defaultValue : new ko(t); - } - static internalFromUTCWithoutConversion(e) { - const t = Date.parse(e); - if (!isNaN(t)) { - const e = new Date(t); - return new ko(e.getUTCFullYear(), e.getUTCMonth() + 1, e.getUTCDate(), e.getUTCHours(), e.getUTCMinutes(), e.getUTCSeconds(), e.getUTCMilliseconds()); - } - return ko.defaultValue; - } - getMillisecondsString() { - return (this.milliseconds / 1e3).toFixed(3).substring(2, 5); - } - toString(e) { - return void 0 === e ? this.equals(ko.defaultValue) ? "1900-01-01T00:00:00" : : e.replace(/(\\.)|dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|ff?f?|FF?F?|\.FF?F?|tt?|zz?z?/g, e => { - if (0 === e.indexOf("\\")) return e.substring(1); - switch (e) { - case "hh": - case "h": - const t = this.hours < 13 ? this.hours : this.hours - 12; - return $a.padLeadingZeros((0 === this.hours ? 12 : t).toString(), e.length); - case "HH": - case "H": - return $a.padLeadingZeros(this.hours.toString(), e.length); - case "mm": - case "m": - return $a.padLeadingZeros(this.minutes.toString(), e.length); - case "ss": - case "s": - return $a.padLeadingZeros(this.seconds.toString(), e.length); - case "fff": - return this.getMillisecondsString(); - case "ff": - return this.getMillisecondsString().substring(0, 2); - case "f": - return this.getMillisecondsString().substring(0, 1); - case ".FFF": - case ".FF": - case ".F": - return 0 === this.milliseconds ? "" : "." + $a.removeTrailingZeros(this.getMillisecondsString()); - case "FFF": - return $a.removeTrailingZeros(this.getMillisecondsString()); - case "FF": - return $a.removeTrailingZeros(this.getMillisecondsString()).substring(0, 2); - case "F": - return $a.removeTrailingZeros(this.getMillisecondsString()).substring(0, 1); - case "yyyy": - case "yyy": - const n = this.year.toString(); - return "0" === n.charAt(0) ? this.year.toString().substring(1) : n; - case "yy": - return this.year.toString().substring(2, 4); - case "y": - return Number(this.year.toString().substring(2, 4)).toString(); - case "dddd": - return $a.getDayName(this.weekDay); - case "ddd": - return $a.getShortDayName(this.weekDay); - case "dd": - case "d": - return $a.padLeadingZeros(, e.length); - case "MMMM": - return $a.getMonthName(this.month); - case "MMM": - return $a.getShortMonthName(this.month); - case "MM": - case "M": - return $a.padLeadingZeros(this.month.toString(), e.length); - case "t": - return $a.get12HourNotation(this.hours).substring(0, 1); - case "tt": - return $a.get12HourNotation(this.hours); - case "zzz": - return $a.getTimezoneInformationFull(; - case "zz": - return $a.getTimezoneInformationHoursFull(; - case "z": - return $a.getTimezoneInformationHoursShort(; - default: - return e; - } - }); - } - } - var zo; - ko.defaultValueField = new ko(), - function(e) { - e.RFC3339_TIMEPART = /^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9](\.\d+)?)?$/, e.RFC3339_DATEPART = /^\d{4,}-(0\d|1[012])-([0-2]\d|3[01])$/, e.RFC3339_TIMEPART_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss", e.RFC3339_DATEPART_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd", e.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE = -2147483648, e.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE = 2147483647, e.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE = bo.MIN_VALUE, e.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE = bo.MAX_VALUE, e.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE = new Ma("2").pow(96).neg(), e.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE = new Ma("2").pow(96).minus(1), e.MIN_DATE_VALUE = new ko(1753, 1, 1), e.MAX_DATE_VALUE = new ko(9999, 12, 31), e.MIN_TIME_VALUE = ko.defaultValue, e.MAX_TIME_VALUE = ko.defaultValue.addHours(23).addMinutes(59).addSeconds(59), e.MIN_DATETIME_VALUE = new ko(1753, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), e.MAX_DATETIME_VALUE = new ko(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), e.DEFAULT_INTEGER = 0, e.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER = bo.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_DECIMAL = Ma.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_CURRENCY = Ma.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_TEXT = "", e.DEFAULT_PHONENUMBER = "", e.DEFAULT_EMAIL = "", e.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN = !1, e.DEFAULT_DATE = ko.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_DATETIME = ko.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_TIME = ko.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_BINARYDATA = Bo.defaultValue, e.DEFAULT_OBJECT = null, e.FORMAT = new Va(new $a("yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss"), new Pa(".", "")), e.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP = /^\d{4,}-(0\d|1[012])-([0-2]\d|3[01])([T ]\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d+)?(([+\-]\d{2}((:\d{2})|(\d{2})?))|Z)?)?)?$/i; - }(zo || (zo = {})); - class Ho { - constructor() { - = {}; - } - getItem(e) { - return[e]; - } - setItem(e, t) { -[e] = t; - } - invalidate(e) { - void 0 === e ? = {} : this.setItem(e, void 0); - } - clone() { - const e = new Ho(); - for (const t in e.setItem(t,[t]); - return e; - } - } - class jo { - constructor() { - this.list = []; - } - getItem(e) { - if (!(e >= this.length)) return this.list[e]; - } - append(e) { - this.list.push(e); - } - appendMultiple(e) { - this.list = this.list.concat(new Array(e)); - } - setItem(e, t) { - this.list[e] = t; - } - insert(e, t) { - this.list.splice(e, 0, t); - } - invalidate(e) { - void 0 === e ? this.list = [] : this.list.splice(e, 1); - } - get length() { - return this.list.length; - } - } - - function qo(e, t) { - if ("string" == typeof e) { - const n = t; - return e.localeCompare(n); - } - return "number" == typeof e ? e - t : "boolean" == typeof e ? !e && t ? -1 : e && !t ? 1 : 0 : e.lessThan(t) ? -1 : e.greaterThan(t) ? 1 : 0; - } - - function Go(e, t) { - return e && t && t.equals instanceof Function ? t.equals(e) : t === e; - } - - function Wo(e) { - switch (e) { - case Po.Integer: - return zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - case Po.LongInteger: - return zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - case Po.Decimal: - return zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - case Po.Currency: - return zo.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; - case Po.Text: - return zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - case Po.PhoneNumber: - return zo.DEFAULT_PHONENUMBER; - case Po.Email: - return zo.DEFAULT_EMAIL; - case Po.Date: - return zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - case Po.DateTime: - return zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME; - case Po.Time: - return zo.DEFAULT_TIME; - case Po.Boolean: - return zo.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN; - case Po.BinaryData: - return zo.DEFAULT_BINARYDATA; - case Po.Object: - return zo.DEFAULT_OBJECT; - default: - throw new TypeError("Records and Record lists are not basic types"); - } - } - class Ko { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (this.emptyListItem = e, = null != t ? t : new ja(), this.itemIds = null != n ? n : new ja(), this._itemIdSeed = null != r ? r : 0, this._modelId = i || Ko.nextModelId++, t && !n) - for (let e = 0, t =; e < t; e++) this.itemIds = this.itemIds.push(this._itemIdSeed), this._itemIdSeed = this._itemIdSeed + 1 | 0; - } - get modelId() { - return this._modelId; - } - push(e) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.push(this._itemIdSeed), this._itemIdSeed + 1 | 0, this._modelId); - } - addFromOther(e) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.pushAll( => this._itemIdSeed++)), this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - pushAll(e) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.pushAll( => this._itemIdSeed++)), this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - remove(e) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.remove(e), this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - insert(e, t) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, t), this.itemIds.insert(e, this._itemIdSeed), this._itemIdSeed + 1 | 0, this._modelId); - } - sort(e, t, n) { - const r =, r) => ({ - item: e(r), - itemId: this.itemIds.get(r), - by: t(e(r)) - })), - i = n ? 1 : -1; - r.sort((e, t) => i * qo(,; - const s = ja.fromJS( => e.item)), - a = ja.fromJS( => e.itemId)); - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem, s, a, this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - getEmptyListItem() { - return this.emptyListItem; - } - setEmptyListItem(e) { - return new Ko(e,, this.itemIds, this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - get(e) { - return; - } - getId(e) { - return `${this.modelId}_${this.itemIds.get(e)}`; - } - count() { - return; - } - isEmpty() { - return; - } - set(e, t) { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, t), this.itemIds, this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - clear() { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.clear(), this._itemIdSeed, this._modelId); - } - forEach(e) { -; - } - reduce(e, t) { - return, t); - } - static fromJS(e, t) { - return new Ko(t, ja.fromJS(e)); - } - static fromJSON(e, t) { - return new Ko(t, ja.fromJS(e)); - } - clone() { - return new Ko(this.emptyListItem,, this.itemIds.clone(), this._itemIdSeed); - } - } - Ko.nextModelId = 1; - class Jo { - constructor() { - this.writePropagateHandler = this.defaultWritePropagate, this.propagationParent = this; - } - static getData(e) { - if (void 0 !== e && e.constructor !== Ko) return; - } - static setPropagationHandler(e, t, n, r) { - e.writePropagateHandler = r, Jo.setPropagationParent(e, t), Jo.setPropagationKey(e, n); - } - static setPropagationParent(e, t) { - e.propagationParent = t; - } - static setPropagationKey(e, t) { - e.propagationKey = t; - } - writePropagate(e, t) { - var n; - if ((null === (n = || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.constructor) !== (null == e ? void 0 : e.constructor)) throw new Error("Unexpected new data type"); - = e, this.writePropagateHandler.apply(this.propagationParent, [this.propagationKey, e, t]); - } - defaultWritePropagate(e, t, n) { - this.onDefaultWritePropagate(n); - } - onDefaultWritePropagate(e) {} - } - class Yo extends Jo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(), this.cache = null != t ? t : new Ho(), = e || this.constructor.createDefaultData(); - } - static createDefaultData() { - const e = this.RecordClass; - if (e) return new e(); - } - getBasicProperty(e) { - return; - } - setBasicProperty(e, t, n, r) { - !== t && (Yo.checkType(n, t, r), this.writePropagate(, t), this.cache), this.onPropertyValueChanged(e)); - } - onPropertyValueChanged(e) {} - getComplexProperty(e, t) { - let n = this.cache.getItem(e); - if (n) return Yo.setPropagationParent(n, this), n; - const r =, - i = this.cache.getItem(e + Fo); - return n = new t(r, i || null), this.cache.setItem(e, n), i && this.cache.invalidate(e + Fo), Yo.setPropagationHandler(n, this, e, this.internalSetComplexProperty), n; - } - setComplexProperty(e, t, n, r) { - this.setProperties([{ - name: e, - value: t, - expectedType: n, - valueType: r, - isBasicType: !1 - }]); - } - internalSetComplexProperty(e, t, n) { - this.internalSetProperties([{ - name: e, - value: t, - isBasicType: !1 - }], n); - } - setProperties(e) { - var t; - const n = []; - for (const r of e) { - const e = null !== (t = Yo.getData(r.value)) && void 0 !== t ? t : r.value; - !== e && (void 0 !== r.expectedType && Yo.checkType(r.expectedType, r.value, r.valueType), n.push({ - name:, - value: e, - isBasicType: r.isBasicType - })); - } - n.length > 0 && this.internalSetProperties(n); - } - internalSetProperties(e, t) { - let n =; - const r = this.cloneCache(); - for (const i of e) n = n.set(, i.value), i.isBasicType || (r.invalidate(, r.invalidate( + Fo), t && r.setItem( + Fo, t)); - this.writePropagate(n, r); - for (const t of e) this.onPropertyValueChanged(; - } - cloneCache() { - return this.cache.clone(); - } - onDefaultWritePropagate(e) { - this.cache = e; - } - static checkType(e, t, n) { - switch (e) { - case Po.Integer: - Yo.ensureValidInteger(t); - break; - case Po.LongInteger: - Yo.ensureValidLongInteger(t); - break; - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - Yo.ensureValidDecimal(t); - break; - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - Yo.ensureValidText(t); - break; - case Po.Email: - Yo.ensureValidEmail(t); - break; - case Po.Boolean: - Yo.ensureValidBoolean(t); - break; - case Po.Date: - Yo.ensureValidDate(t); - break; - case Po.Time: - Yo.ensureValidTime(t); - break; - case Po.DateTime: - Yo.ensureValidDateTime(t); - break; - case Po.Record: - case Po.RecordList: - Yo.ensureValidComplexType(t, n); - break; - case Po.BinaryData: - Yo.ensureValidBinaryData(t); - break; - case Po.Object: - break; - default: - throw new TypeError("Unexpected data type: " + e); - } - } - static ensureValidBinaryData(e) { - if (!("string" == typeof e || e instanceof Bo)) throw new TypeError("Expecting a Binary Data, found: " + e); - } - static ensureValidInteger(e) { - if ("number" != typeof e || isNaN(e) || e % 1 != 0) throw new TypeError("Expecting an Integer, found: " + e); - if (e < zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE) throw new TypeError("Integers must be greater than " + zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE + ", found: " + e); - if (e > zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE) throw new TypeError("Integers must be lower than " + zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE + ", found: " + e); - } - static ensureValidLongInteger(e) { - if (!e || e.constructor !== bo) throw new TypeError("Expecting a LongInteger, found: " + e); - if (e.lessThan(zo.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE)) throw new TypeError("Long Integers must be greater than " + zo.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString() + ", found: " + e.toString()); - if (e.greaterThan(zo.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE)) throw new TypeError("Long Integers must be lower than " + zo.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString() + ", found: " + e.toString()); - } - static ensureValidDecimal(e) { - if (!e || e.constructor !== Ma) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Decimal, found: ${e}`); - if (e.lessThan(zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE)) throw new TypeError("Decimals must be greater than " + zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE.toString() + ", found: " + e.toString()); - if (e.greaterThan(zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE)) throw new TypeError("Decimals must be lower than " + zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE.toString() + ", found: " + e.toString()); - } - static ensureValidText(e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Text, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidEmail(e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(`Expecting an Email, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidBoolean(e) { - if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Boolean, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidDate(e) { - if (!e || e.constructor !== ko) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Date, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidTime(e) { - if (!e || e.constructor !== ko) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Time, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidDateTime(e) { - if (!e || e.constructor !== ko) throw new TypeError(`Expecting a DateTime, found: ${e}`); - } - static ensureValidComplexType(e, t) { - if (e) { - if (e.constructor === t) return; - if (void 0 !== e.isCompatibleWith) { - if (e.isCompatibleWith(t)) return; - throw new TypeError(`Expecting a ${} type, found: ${}`); - } - } - throw new TypeError(`Expecting a Record or RecordList, found: ${e}`); - } - replaceWith(e) { - const t = Yo.getData(e); - this.writePropagate(t, new Ho()); - } - fastEquals(e) { - return this === e; - } - equals(e) { - return !(!e || this.constructor !== e.constructor); - } - static defineRecordClass(e) { - return za(e); - } - clone() { - return new(0, this.constructor)(, this.cloneCache()); - } - } - class Xo { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l) { - = e, this.attrName = t, this.nameForJson = n, this.mandatory = r, this.ignoreForServer = i, this.dataType = s, this.optimizeList = o, this.complexType = l, this.defaultValue = a(); - } - } - class Qo { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l) { - = e, this.attrName = t, this.nameForJson = n, this.mandatory = r, this.ignoreForServer = i, this.dataType = s, this.defaultValueGetter = a, this.optimizeList = o, this.complexType = l; - } - get defaultValue() { - return this.defaultValueGetter(); - } - } - class Zo extends Yo { - static get isGenericRecordType() { - return !0; - } - getAttributes() { - return this.constructor.Attributes || []; - } - static getAttributes() { - return this.Attributes || []; - } - static isAnonymousRecord() { - return this._isAnonymousRecord; - } - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attr(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - let o = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : !0; - let l = arguments.length > 8 ? arguments[8] : undefined; - let u; - return "boolean" != typeof o ? (l = o, u = !0) : u = o, s === Po.DateTime || s === Po.Date || s === Po.Time ? new Qo(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, u, l) : new Xo(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, u, l); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return []; - } - static init() { - const e = this, - t = e.attributesToDeclare(); - e.Attributes = t, t.forEach(t => { - t.attrName in e.prototype || (t.dataType === Po.Record || t.dataType === Po.RecordList ? e.defineComplexProperty(t.attrName, t.dataType, t.complexType) : e.defineBasicProperty(t.attrName, t.dataType)); - }), e.RecordClass = Yo.defineRecordClass(t.reduce((e, t) => (e[t.attrName] = null, e), {})), e.prototype.equals = function(e) { - let n =, e); - return t.forEach(t => { - var r; - (r = t.dataType) === Po.Record || r === Po.RecordList || r === Po.LongInteger || r === Po.Decimal || r === Po.Currency || r === Po.DateTime || r === Po.Time || r === Po.Date ? n && (n = this[t.attrName].equals(e[t.attrName])) : n && (n = this[t.attrName] === e[t.attrName]); - }), n; - }; - } - static createDefaultData() { - const e = this, - t = e.RecordClass; - if (t) { - const n = {}; - for (const t of e.Attributes) t.dataType === Po.Record || t.dataType === Po.RecordList ? n[t.attrName] = Yo.getData(t.defaultValue) : n[t.attrName] = t.defaultValue; - return new t(n); - } - } - static defineBasicProperty(e, t) { - Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, e, { - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - get() { - return this.getBasicProperty(e); - }, - set(n) { - this.setBasicProperty(e, n, t); - } - }); - } - static defineComplexProperty(e, t, n) { - Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, e, { - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - get() { - return this.getComplexProperty(e, n); - }, - set(r) { - this.setComplexProperty(e, r, t, n); - } - }); - } - static isCompatibleWith(e) { - return this === e || this.isAnonymousRecord() && e.isAnonymousRecord() && this.UniqueId === e.UniqueId; - } - isCompatibleWith(e) { - return e.prototype instanceof Zo && this.constructor.isCompatibleWith(e); - } - getNonSerializableAttributes() { - return this.getAttributes().filter(e => e.dataType === Po.Object).map(e => e.attrName); - } - } - Zo.UniqueId = "", Zo._isAnonymousRecord = !1; - class el extends Jo { - static getItemType() { - return this.itemType; - } - getCache() { - return null; - } - newItem(e) { - throw new Error("@abstract"); - } - resetEmptyListItem() { - =; - } - get emptyListItem() { - return this.isEmpty ? :; - } - set emptyListItem(e) { - if (this.isEmpty) { - if ( === e) return; - this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } else { - if ( === e) return; - this.writePropagate(, e), this.getCache()); - } - } - get modelId() { - return; - } - get isEmpty() { - return; - } - get length() { - return; - } - isValidIndex(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !1; - return e % 1 == 0 && e >= 0 && e < this.length + (t ? 1 : 0); - } - checkIndex(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !1; - if (!this.isValidIndex(e, t)) { - let t = "Index out of bounds. Index " + e + " for "; - throw this.isEmpty ? t += "empty list." : t += "bounds [0, " + (this.length - 1) + "].", new Error(t); - } - } - idOf(e) { - return this.checkIndex(e),; - } - append(e) { - this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } - appendAll(e) { - e.length > 0 && this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } - pushAll(e) { - e.length > 0 && this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } - insert(e, t) { - this.checkIndex(e, !0), this.writePropagate(, t), this.getCache()); - } - remove(e) { - this.checkIndex(e), 1 === this.length && this.resetEmptyListItem(), this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } - clear() { - this.resetEmptyListItem(), this.writePropagate(, this.getCache()); - } - indexOf(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++) - if (e(this.getItem(t))) return t; - return -1; - } - any(e) { - return -1 !== this.indexOf(e); - } - all(e) { - return !this.any(t => !e(t)); - } - filter(e) { - const t = new this.constructor(), - n = []; - for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { - const r = this.getItem(t); - e(r) && n.push(r); - } - return t.pushAll(n), t; - } - distinct() { - const e = new this.constructor(), - t = new Array(); - for (let n = 0; n < this.length; n++) { - const r = this.getItem(n); - let i = !0; - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) - if (Go(r, this.getItem(t[e]))) { - i = !1; - break; - } - i && (t.push(n), e.append(r)); - } - return e; - } - sort(e, t) { - const n = []; - for (let e = 0; e < this.length; e++) n[e] = this.getItem(e); - const r = t ? 1 : -1; - n.sort((t, n) => r * qo(e(t), e(n))), this.clear(), this.pushAll(n); - } - getCurrent(e) { - if (this.isEmpty) return this.emptyListItem; { - const t = this.getCurrentRowNumber(e); - return this.getItem(t); - } - } - getCurrentRowNumber(e) { - return e.getCurrentRowNumber(this); - } - getItem(e) { - return this.checkIndex(e),; - } - setCurrent(e, t) { - if (this.isEmpty) this.emptyListItem = t; - else { - const n = this.getCurrentRowNumber(e); - this.setItem(n, t); - } - } - setItem(e, t) { - this.checkIndex(e), !== t && this.writePropagate(, t), this.getCache()); - } - fastEquals(e) { - return this === e; - } - equals(e) { - if (!e || this.constructor !== e.constructor || this.length !== e.length) return !1; - if (this.isEmpty) { - return Go(this.emptyListItem, e.emptyListItem); - } - for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { - if (!Go(this.getItem(t), e.getItem(t))) return !1; - } - return !0; - } - } - class tl extends el { - constructor(e) { - super(), = e || new Ko(this.newItem()); - } - static get isBasicTypeListType() { - return !0; - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - throw new Error("Not implemented: getTypeDefaultValue"); - } - newItem() { - return this.constructor.getTypeDefaultValue(); - } - clone() { - return new(0, this.constructor)(; - } - } - class nl extends el { - constructor(e, t) { - if (super(), this._recordType = this.constructor.getItemType(), !this._recordType) throw new TypeError("GenericRecordLists must define a RecordType"); - = e || new Ko(Zo.getData(this.newItem())), this.cache = null != t ? t : new jo(); - } - static get isGenericRecordListType() { - return !0; - } - getCache() { - return this.cache; - } - newItem(e) { - return new(this.getRecordType())(e); - } - resetEmptyListItem() { - =; - } - getRecordType() { - return this._recordType; - } - get emptyListItem() { - return this.internalGetItem(0, this.isEmpty); - } - set emptyListItem(e) { - this.isEmpty ? this.internalSetEmptyListItem(0, e) : this.internalSetItem(0, e); - } - append(e) { - this.isEmpty && this.cache.invalidate(0), super.append(Zo.getData(e)), this.cache.append(void 0); - } - appendAll(e) { - this.isEmpty && this.cache.invalidate(0), super.appendAll(e), this.cache.appendMultiple(e.length); - } - pushAll(e) { - this.isEmpty && this.cache.invalidate(0), super.pushAll( => Yo.getData(e))), this.cache.appendMultiple(e.length); - } - insert(e, t) { - this.checkIndex(e, !0), this.isEmpty && this.cache.invalidate(0), super.insert(e, Zo.getData(t)), this.cache.insert(e, void 0); - } - getItem(e) { - return this.internalGetItem(e, !1); - } - internalGetItem(e, t) { - t || this.checkIndex(e); - let n = this.cache.getItem(e); - return n ? (nl.setPropagationParent(n, this), nl.setPropagationKey(n, e), n) : (t ? (n = this.newItem(, nl.setPropagationHandler(n, this, e, this.internalSetEmptyListItem)) : (n = this.newItem(, nl.setPropagationHandler(n, this, e, this.internalSetItem)), this.cache.setItem(e, n), n); - } - setItem(e, t) { - this.internalSetItem(e, t); - } - internalSetItem(e, t, n) { - var r; - const i = null !== (r = Zo.getData(t)) && void 0 !== r ? r : t; - this.checkIndex(e), !== i && (this.writePropagate(, i), this.cache), this.cache.setItem(e, void 0)); - } - internalSetEmptyListItem(e, t, n) { - var r; - const i = null !== (r = Zo.getData(t)) && void 0 !== r ? r : t; - !== i && (this.writePropagate(, this.cache), this.cache.setItem(e, void 0)); - } - remove(e) { - super.remove(e), this.cache.invalidate(e); - } - clear() { - super.clear(), this.cache.invalidate(); - } - readAll(e, t) { - const n = []; - for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { - const i = this.newItem(); - e(i, t.item(r)), n.push(i); - } - this.pushAll(n); - } - clone() { - return new(0, this.constructor)(; - } - static isCompatibleWith(e) { - return this === e || this.getItemType().isCompatibleWith(e.getItemType()); - } - isCompatibleWith(e) { - return e.prototype instanceof nl && this.constructor.isCompatibleWith(e); - } - } - class rl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - } - } - rl.itemType = Po.Integer; - class il extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - } - } - il.itemType = Po.LongInteger; - class sl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - } - } - sl.itemType = Po.Date; - class al extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME; - } - } - al.itemType = Po.DateTime; - class ol extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_TIME; - } - } - ol.itemType = Po.Time; - class ll extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - } - } - ll.itemType = Po.Decimal; - class ul extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; - } - } - ul.itemType = Po.Currency; - class cl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_EMAIL; - } - } - cl.itemType = Po.Email; - class dl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_PHONENUMBER; - } - } - dl.itemType = Po.PhoneNumber; - class hl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN; - } - } - hl.itemType = Po.Boolean; - class gl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_BINARYDATA; - } - } - gl.itemType = Po.BinaryData; - class pl extends tl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - static getTypeDefaultValue() { - return zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - } - pl.itemType = Po.Text; - class fl { - constructor(e) { - this.varValue = e; - } - get value() { - return this.varValue; - } - set value(e) { - this.setValue(e); - } - setValue(e) { - this.varValue = e; - } - } - - function ml() { - return e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }; - } - let vl = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("JSON", "jSONOut", "jSONOut", !0, !0, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - vl = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], vl); - let yl = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("ExceptionMessage", "exceptionMessageAttr", "exceptionMessageAttr", !0, !0, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - yl = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], yl); - class bl { - constructor() { - this.typeDefinitions = new Map(), this.typeCache = new Map(); - } - isTypeRegistered(e) { - return void 0 !== this.typeDefinitions.get(e); - } - registerTypeDefinition(e, t) { - this.typeDefinitions.set(e, t); - } - getType(e) { - const t = this.typeCache.get(e); - if (t) return t; - const n = this.typeDefinitions.get(e); - if (!n) throw new TypeError(`Type ${e} was not registered`); - let r = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return n ? => { - var t, n, r; - return this.attr(, e.attrName, e.nameForJson || e.attrName, null !== (t = e.mandatory) && void 0 !== t && t, null === (n = e.ignoreForServer) || void 0 === n || n, e.dataType, e.defaultValue, null === (r = e.optimizeList) || void 0 === r || r, e.complexType); - }).concat(super.attributesToDeclare()) : []; - } - }; - return r = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], r), this.typeCache.set(e, r), r; - } - } - class Tl extends bl { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(), this.mainAttributeName = e, this.mainAttributeAttrName = t, this.additionalAttributes = n; - } - registerTypeDefinition(e, t) { - throw new Error("Invalid operation"); - } - createMainAttributeInfo(e) { - return { - name: this.mainAttributeName, - attrName: this.mainAttributeAttrName, - mandatory: !0, - dataType: this.getDataType(e), - defaultValue: this.getDefaultValue(e), - complexType: this.getComplexType(e) - }; - } - registerTypeIfNeeded(e) { - if (!this.isTypeRegistered(e)) { - let t = [this.createMainAttributeInfo(e)]; - this.additionalAttributes && (t = t.concat(this.additionalAttributes)), super.registerTypeDefinition(e, t); - } - } - getType(e) { - return this.registerTypeIfNeeded(e), super.getType(e); - } - } - class wl extends Tl { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, t, n); - } - getDataType(e) { - return e; - } - getDefaultValue(e) { - return () => Wo(e); - } - getComplexType(e) {} - } - class El extends Tl { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, t, n); - } - getDataType(e) { - return Po.Record; - } - getDefaultValue(e) { - return () => Jo.getData(new e()); - } - getComplexType(e) { - return e; - } - } - var Il; - ! function(e) { - function t(e) { - return e && e.constructor === Ma; - } - - function n(e) { - return "string" == typeof e; - } - - function r(e) { - return "boolean" == typeof e; - } - - function i(e) { - return s(e) && !isNaN(e); - } - - function s(e) { - return "number" == typeof e; - } - - function a(e) { - return e && e.constructor === bo; - } - - function o(e) { - return e instanceof ko; - } - - function l(e) { - return o(e) && !isNaN(e.getTime()); - } - - function u(e) { - return e instanceof Date || "[object Date]" ===; - } - e.isDecimal = t, e.isBinaryData = function(e) { - var t; - return (null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.value) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.constructor) === Bo; - }, e.isValidDecimal = function(e) { - return t(e) && !e.isNaN(); - }, e.isWithinDecimalRange = function(e) { - return zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE.lessThanOrEqualTo(e) && zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE.greaterThanOrEqualTo(e); - }, e.isText = n, e.isBoolean = r, e.isBasicType = function(e) { - return n(e) || s(e) || r(e) || o(e) || a(e) || t(e); - }, e.isValidInteger = function(e) { - return i(e) && e % 1 == 0; - }, e.isValidJsNumber = i, e.isJsNumber = s, e.isWithinIntegerRange = function(e) { - return e >= zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE && e <= zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE; - }, e.isValidLongInteger = function(e) { - return a(e); - }, e.isLongInteger = a, e.isValidDate = function(e) { - return l(e) && e.hours === zo.DEFAULT_DATE.hours && e.minutes === zo.DEFAULT_DATE.minutes && e.seconds === zo.DEFAULT_DATE.seconds; - }, e.isValidTime = function(e) { - return l(e) && e.year === zo.DEFAULT_TIME.year && e.month === zo.DEFAULT_TIME.month && ===; - }, e.isDateTime = o, e.isValidDateTime = l, e.isJsDate = u, e.isValidJsDate = function(e) { - return u(e) && !isNaN(e.getTime()); - }, e.hasBinaryDataInterface = function(e) { - return !!e && (void 0 !== e.content || void 0 !== e.url); - }; - const c = 9007199254740991, - d = -9007199254740991; - e.ensureNumberInsideBounds = function(e) { - let t = "", - n = ""; - if (e.greaterThan(c)) t = "maximum", n = c.toString(); - else { - if (!e.lessThan(d)) return; - t = "minimum", n = d.toString(); - } - const r = `Unable to convert ${e.toString()} to the Javascript Number type since exceeds the ${t} value allowed which is ${n}.`; - throw new st.NumberOverflowException(r); - }, e.ensureNumberPrecision = function(e) { - if (e.decimalPlaces() > 16) { - const t = `Unable to convert ${e.toString()} to the Javascript Number type because it will lead to precision loss. The maximum safe number of digits after the decimal point is 16.`; - throw new st.NumberOverflowException(t); - } - }; - class h { - static get None() { - return ""; - } - static get Minimum() { - return "minimum"; - } - static get Maximum() { - return "maximum"; - } - } - - function g(e, t, n, r) { - let i = h.None, - s = ""; - const a = Math.max(t, d), - o = Math.min(n, c); - if (e < a) i = h.Minimum, s = a.toString(); - else { - if (!(e > o)) return; - i = h.Maximum, s = o.toString(); - } - throw new st.NumberOverflowException(function(e, t, n, r) { - return `Unable to convert ${e} to the ${t} type since it exceeds the ${n} value allowed which is ${r}.`; - }(e.toString(), r, i, s)); - } - e.ensureIntegerInsideBounds = function(e) { - g(e, zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE, zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE, "Integer"); - }, e.ensureLongIntegerInsideBounds = function(e) { - g(e, zo.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toNumber(), zo.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toNumber(), "Long Integer"); - }, e.ensureDecimalInsideBounds = function(e) { - g(e, zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE.toNumber(), zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE.toNumber(), "Decimal"); - }; - }(Il || (Il = {})); - var Al = _exports.DataTypes = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BasicTypeKeyedTypeFactory: wl, - BasicTypeList: tl, - BasicVariableHolder: fl, - BinaryData: Bo, - BinaryDataList: gl, - BooleanList: hl, - Cache: Ho, - ComplexTypeKeyedTypeFactory: El, - get Constants() { - return zo; - }, - CurrencyList: ul, - get DataTypes() { - return Po; - }, - DateList: sl, - DateTime: ko, - DateTimeList: al, - Decimal: Ma, - DecimalList: ll, - EmailList: cl, - get ErrorHandlerOutputType() { - return yl; - }, - GenericRecord: Zo, - GenericRecordList: nl, - ImmutableBase: Jo, - ImmutableListWithTracking: Ko, - IntegerList: rl, - get JSONSerializeOutputType() { - return vl; - }, - List: el, - ListCache: jo, - LongInteger: bo, - LongIntegerList: il, - PhoneNumberList: dl, - Record: Yo, - RecordTypeFactory: bl, - RecordWithStaticConstructor: ml, - TextList: pl, - TimeList: ol, - TypeKeyedTypeFactory: Tl, - get TypeValidations() { - return Il; - }, - VariableHolder: class extends fl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - setValue(e) { - super.setValue(e ? e.clone() : e); - } - }, - areBinaryNulls: function(e, t) { - return !e.hasContent() && !t.hasContent(); - }, - compare: qo, - defaultForType: Wo, - equals: Go, - mapDataTypeToName: Vo - }); - const Nl = "Authorization"; - var Sl = _exports.Authorization = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ensureUserHasRole: e => { - var t, - n, - r, { - roles: i, - auth: s = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance() - } = e; - if (!(null == s ? void 0 : s.isAuthenticated())) throw pi(Nl, "Not authorized: User is not logged in"), new st.SecurityException("Not authorized", "User is not logged in"); - if (!i.find(e => !!e && s.hasRole(e.roleKey))) throw pi(Nl, "Not authorized: No roles found on current user"), null !== (r = null === (n = i[i.length - 1]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.roleException) && void 0 !== r ? r : new st.SecurityException("Not authorized", "User doesn't have the required role"); - }, - hasRole: e => { - var t, { - roleKey: n, - auth: r = null === (t = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.getInstance() - } = e; - return (null == r ? void 0 : r.isAuthenticated()) ? r.hasRole(n) : (pi(Nl, "Not authorized: User is not logged in"), !1); - } - }); - - function Dl() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat; - return { - year: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.yearIndexForDate + 1)], 10), - month: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.monthIndexForDate + 1)], 10), - day: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.dayIndexForDate + 1)], 10) - }; - } - - function Rl() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat; - const t = parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.secondsIndexForTime + 1)], 10); - return { - hours: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.hoursIndexForTime + 1)], 10), - minutes: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.minutesIndexForTime + 1)], 10), - seconds: isNaN(t) ? 0 : t - }; - } - - function Cl() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat; - const t = parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.secondsIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10); - return { - year: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.yearIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10), - month: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.monthIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10), - day: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.dayIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10), - hours: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.hoursIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10), - minutes: parseInt(RegExp["$" + (e.minutesIndexForDateTime + 1)], 10), - seconds: isNaN(t) ? 0 : t - }; - } - const xl = `[${String.fromCharCode(55296)}-${String.fromCharCode(56319)}]`, - Ll = new RegExp(xl, "g"); - - function Ol(e) { - const t = e.match(Ll); - return e.length - (t ? t.length : 0); - } - - function _l(e, t, n) { - var r; - let i = Ol(e); - if (!(t >= 0 && n > 0 && i > t)) return zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - i = Math.min(i - t, n); - const s = e.match(Ll) ? null === (r = e.match(new RegExp("(" + xl + ".|.){" + t + "}((" + xl + ".|.){" + i + "})"))) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r[2] : e.substring(t, t + i); - return null != s ? s : ""; - } - - function Ml(e) { - const t = new Date(e.getTime()); - return t.setMinutes(e.getMinutes() - e.getTimezoneOffset()), t.getTime(); - } - - function Ul(e, t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !1; - const i = n <= 36e5, - s = n <= 6e4, - a = n <= 1e3, - o = Fl(e, i, s, a).toNative(), - l = Fl(t, i, s, a).toNative(), - u = Date.UTC(o.getUTCFullYear(), o.getUTCMonth(), o.getUTCDate(), o.getUTCHours(), o.getUTCMinutes(), o.getUTCSeconds(), 0), - c = Date.UTC(l.getUTCFullYear(), l.getUTCMonth(), l.getUTCDate(), l.getUTCHours(), l.getUTCMinutes(), l.getUTCSeconds(), 0), - d = r ? Ml(l) - Ml(o) : c - u; - return Math.floor(d / n); - } - - function Fl(e, t, n, r) { - return new ko(e.year, e.month,, t ? e.hours : 0, n ? e.minutes : 0, r ? e.seconds : 0); - } - - function $l(e, t, n) { - const r = new ko(1900, 1, 1, e, t, n); - return r.hours === e && r.minutes === t && r.seconds === n; - } - - function Pl(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - const a = new ko(e, t, n, r, i, s); - return a.year === e && a.month === t && === n && a.hours === r && a.minutes === i && a.seconds === s; - } - - function Vl(e) { - return e ? 1 : 0; - } - - function Bl(e) { - return e ? bo.fromNumber(1) : bo.fromNumber(0); - } - - function kl(e) { - return new Ma(e ? 1 : 0); - } - - function zl(e) { - return !0 === e ? "True" : !1 === e ? "False" : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - - function Hl(e) { - return new ko(e.year, e.month,; - } - - function jl(e) { - return new ko(1900, 1, 1, e.hours, e.minutes, e.seconds); - } - - function ql(e) { - return e.toString(zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat.dateTimeFormat); - } - - function Gl(e) { - return e.toString(zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat.dateFormat); - } - - function Wl(e) { - return Il.isValidDecimal(e) ? e.toString() : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - - function Kl(e) { - return e.gte(zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE) && e.lte(zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE); - } - - function Jl(e) { - return Kl(e) ? e.round().toNumber() : zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - } - - function Yl(e) { - return e.gte(zo.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString()) && e.lte(zo.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString()); - } - - function Xl(e) { - return Yl(e) ? bo.fromString(e.round().toString()) : zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - } - - function Ql(e) { - return Il.isWithinIntegerRange(e.toNumber()); - } - - function Zl(e) { - return Il.isValidLongInteger(e) ? e.toString() : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - - function eu(e) { - return Il.isValidInteger(e) ? e.toString() : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - - function tu(e, t) { - let n = t.getRegExpForDate().test(e); - if (n) { - const e = Dl(t), - r = new ko(e.year, e.month,; - n = r.year === e.year && r.month === e.month && ===; - } - return n; - } - - function nu(e, t) { - if (!tu(e, t)) return ko.defaultValue; - const n = Dl(t); - return new ko(n.year, n.month,; - } - - function ru(e, t) { - let n = t.getRegExpForDateTime().test(e); - if (n) { - const e = Cl(t); - n = Pl(e.year, e.month,, e.hours, e.minutes, e.seconds); - } - return n; - } - - function iu(e, t) { - if (!ru(e, t)) return ko.defaultValue; - const n = Cl(t); - return new ko(n.year, n.month,, n.hours, n.minutes, n.seconds); - } - - function su(e) { - return /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?:T|t)\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?)?(?:Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?$/.test(e); - } - - function au(e) { - return -1 !== e.indexOf(" "); - } - - function ou(e) { - const t = e.toUpperCase().search("T| "); - return -1 !== t && (e = e.substring(0, t)), e; - } - - function lu(e) { - const t = zo.FORMAT.dateTimeFormats; - e = ou(e); - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) - if (tu(e, t[n])) return !0; - return !1; - } - - function uu(e) { - const t = zo.FORMAT.dateTimeFormats; - e = ou(e); - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { - const r = nu(e, t[n]); - if (!r.eq(ko.defaultValue)) return r; - } - return ko.defaultValue; - } - - function cu(e) { - return !su(e) || !isNaN(Date.parse(e)); - } - - function du(e) { - const t = zo.FORMAT.dateTimeFormats; - if (su(e)) return cu(e); - au(e) || (e += " 00:00:00"); - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) - if (ru(e, t[n])) return !0; - return !1; - } - - function hu(e) { - const t = zo.FORMAT.dateTimeFormats; - if (su(e)) return ko.fromISODateTime(e); - au(e) || (e += " 00:00:00"); - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { - const r = iu(e, t[n]); - if (!r.eq(ko.defaultValue)) return r; - } - return ko.defaultValue; - } - - function gu(e) { - const t = e.indexOf(" "); - return -1 !== t && (e = e.substring(t + 1, e.length)), e; - } - - function pu(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat; - if (su(e)) return cu(e); - au(e) && (e = gu(e)); - let n = t.getRegExpForTime().test(e); - if (n) { - const e = Rl(t); - n = $l(e.hours, e.minutes, e.seconds); - } - return n; - } - - function fu(e) { - if (su(e)) { - const t = ko.fromISODateTime(e); - return new ko(1900, 1, 1, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds); - } - return au(e) && (e = gu(e)), - function(e, t) { - if (!pu(e, t)) return ko.defaultValue; - const n = Rl(t); - return new ko(1900, 1, 1, n.hours, n.minutes, n.seconds); - }(e, zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat); - } - - function mu(e) { - return e.toString(zo.FORMAT.defaultDateTimeFormat.timeFormat); - } - - function vu(e) { - if (zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForInteger().test(e)) { - const t = parseInt(e, 10); - if (!isNaN(t) && t >= zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE && t <= zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE) return t; - } - return null; - } - - function yu(e) { - if (zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForDecimal().test(e)) { - const t = new Ma(e); - if (!t.isNaN() && t.gte(zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE) && t.lte(zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE)) return t; - } - return null; - } - - function bu(e) { - if (!zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForInteger().test(e)) return null; - const t = "-" === e.charAt(0); - if (t && e.length < zo.MIN_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString().length || !t && e.length < zo.MAX_LONGINTEGER_VALUE.toString().length || Yl(new Ma(e))) try { - return bo.fromString(e); - } catch (e) {} - return null; - } - - function Tu(e) { - return null !== yu(e); - } - - function wu(e) { - return null === yu(e) ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : new Ma(e); - } - - function Eu(e) { - return null !== vu(e); - } - - function Iu(e) { - const t = vu(e); - return null === t ? zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER : t; - } - - function Au(e) { - return null !== bu(e); - } - - function Nu(e) { - const t = bu(e); - return null === t ? zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER : t; - } - - function Su(e) { - return "true" === e.toLowerCase(); - } - - function Du(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e || Il.isLongInteger(e) || Il.isDecimal(e)) return new Ma(e.toString()).round().toNumber(); - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'Integer'"); - } - - function Ru(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e || Il.isLongInteger(e) || Il.isDecimal(e)) return bo.fromString(new Ma(e.toString()).round().toString()); - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'LongInteger'"); - } - - function Cu(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e || Il.isLongInteger(e) || Il.isDecimal(e)) return new Ma(e.toString()); - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'Decimal'"); - } - - function xu(e, t, n) { - if (e instanceof ko || "[object Date]" === { - const r = new ko(e.getTime()), - i = t ? r.year : 1900, - s = t ? r.month : 1, - a = t ? : 1, - o = n ? r.hours : 0, - l = n ? r.minutes : 0, - u = n ? r.seconds : 0; - return new ko(i, s, a, o, l, u); - } - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'DateTime'"); - } - - function Lu(e, t, n, r) { - return t < 0 ? zo.DEFAULT_TEXT : (n.length > 1 && (n = n.substr(0, 1)), r.length > 1 && (r = r.substr(0, 1)), e.toFormat(t, Ma.rounding, { - decimalSeparator: n, - groupSeparator: r - })); - } - const Ou = "[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\\-/=?^_`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*", - _u = "([0-9a-zA-Z\\\\= ]*|=\\?([^?]*)\\?([qQbB])\\?([^?]*)\\?=)", - Mu = new RegExp("^" + Ou + "$"), - Uu = new RegExp("^" + _u + "[ ]*<" + Ou + ">$"), - Fu = new RegExp('^\\"' + _u + '\\"[ ]*<' + Ou + ">$"); - var $u = _exports.BuiltinFunctions = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - abs: function(e) { - const t = e.abs(); - return t.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : t; - }, - addDays: function(e, t) { - return e.addDays(t); - }, - addHours: function(e, t) { - return e.addHours(t); - }, - addMinutes: function(e, t) { - return e.addMinutes(t); - }, - addMonths: function(e, t) { - return e.addMonths(t); - }, - addSeconds: function(e, t) { - return e.addSeconds(t); - }, - addYears: function(e, t) { - return e.addYears(t); - }, - booleanToDecimal: kl, - booleanToInteger: Vl, - booleanToLongInteger: Bl, - booleanToText: zl, - buildDateTime: function(e, t) { - return new ko(e.year, e.month,, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds); - }, - chr: function(e) { - return e >= 0 && e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - }, - concat: function(e, t) { - return (e || "") + (t || ""); - }, - currDate: function() { - const e = new ko(new Date()); - return new ko(e.year, e.month,; - }, - currDateTime: function() { - return new ko(new Date()); - }, - currTime: function() { - const e = new ko(new Date()); - return new ko(1900, 1, 1, e.hours, e.minutes, e.seconds); - }, - dateTimeToDate: Hl, - dateTimeToText: ql, - dateTimeToTime: jl, - dateToDateTime: function(e) { - return e; - }, - dateToText: Gl, - day: function(e) { - return; - }, - dayOfWeek: function(e) { - return e.weekDay; - }, - decimalToBoolean: function(e) { - return !e.eq(new Ma(0)); - }, - decimalToInteger: Jl, - decimalToIntegerValidate: Kl, - decimalToLongInteger: Xl, - decimalToLongIntegerValidate: Yl, - decimalToText: Wl, - diffDays: function(e, t) { - return Ul(e, t, 864e5, !0); - }, - diffHours: function(e, t) { - return Ul(e, t, 36e5); - }, - diffMinutes: function(e, t) { - return Ul(e, t, 6e4); - }, - diffSeconds: function(e, t) { - return Ul(e, t, 1e3); - }, - emailAddressValidate: function(e) { - return "" === e || !/\.@/.test(e) && (Mu.test(e) || Uu.test(e) || Fu.test(e)); - }, - encodeHtml: function(e) { - return void 0 === e ? "" : function(e) { - if (void 0 === e || "" === e) return e; - const t = [], - n = " ".charCodeAt(0), - r = "\n".charCodeAt(0); - e.charCodeAt(0) === n ? t[0] = " " : t[0] = e.charAt(0); - for (let i = 1; i < e.length - 1; ++i) e.charCodeAt(i) !== n || e.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== r && e.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== n ? t[i] = e.charAt(i) : t[i] = " "; - return 1 !== e.length && (e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1) === n ? t[e.length - 1] = " " : t[e.length - 1] = e.charAt(e.length - 1)), t.join(""); - }(function(e) { - const t = []; - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { - const r = e.charCodeAt(n); - 60 === r ? t.push("<") : 62 === r ? t.push(">") : 38 === r ? t.push("&") : 34 === r ? t.push(""") : 39 === r ? t.push("'") : r >= 160 && r <= 255 ? t.push("&#" + r + ";") : t.push(e.charAt(n)); - } - return t.join(""); - }(e)).replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\n/g, "
").replace(/ /g, "
"); - }, - encodeJavascript: function(e) { - return e.replace(/\\/g, "\\x5c").replace(/'/g, "\\x27").replace(/\"/g, "\\x22").replace("&", "\\x26").replace("<", "\\x3c").replace(/>/g, "\\x3e").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n"); - }, - encodeUrl: function(e) { - return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/'/g, "%27").replace(/%20/g, "+"); - }, - formatCurrency: function(e, t, n, r, i) { - const s = Lu(e, n, r, i); - return s === zo.DEFAULT_TEXT ? zo.DEFAULT_TEXT : t + s; - }, - formatDateTime: function(e, t) { - return e.toString(t); - }, - formatDecimal: Lu, - formatPercent: function(e, t, n) { - try { - return t < 0 ? "" : (n.length > 1 && (n = n.substr(0, 1)), e.times(100).toFormat(t, Ma.rounding, { - decimalSeparator: n, - groupSeparator: "" - }) + "%"); - } catch (e) { - return ""; - } - }, - formatPhoneNumber: function(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - try { - return /^\d+$/.test(e) ? e.length !== t + n + r ? e : i + e.substr(0, t) + s + e.substr(t, n) + a + e.substr(t + n, r) : e; - } catch (e) { - return ""; - } - }, - formatText: function(e, t, n, r, i) { - try { - const s = Ol(e); - if (s < t) { - i = _l(i, 0, 1); - let n = t - s; - for (; n-- > 0;) r ? e = i + e : e += i; - return e; - } - return s > n ? _l(e, r ? s - n : 0, n) : e; - } catch (e) { - return ""; - } - }, - getAppName: function() { - return B(); - }, - getBookmarkableURL: function() { - return window.location.href; - }, - getCurrentLocale: function() { - let { - localeService: e = hn(pn.LocaleService) - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return e ? e.getCurrentLocale() : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - }, - getOwnerURLPath: function() { - return Ar(); - }, - getUserAgent: function() { - return navigator.userAgent; - }, - getUserId: function() { - const e = Br(); - return pi("RolesInfo", `Checking User's ID: ${e}`), e; - }, - hour: function(e) { - return e.hours; - }, - identifierToInteger: function(e) { - return e; - }, - identifierToLongInteger: function(e) { - return e; - }, - identifierToText: function(e) { - return e; - }, - iif: function(e, t, n) { - return e ? t : n; - }, - index: function(e, t, n, r, i) { - var s; - try { - if (0 === t.length || n < 0 || n > Ol(e)) return -1; - let a; - i && (e = e.toLocaleLowerCase(), t = t.toLocaleLowerCase()), n && n > 0 && (a = null === (s = e.match(new RegExp("(" + xl + ".|.){" + n + "}"))) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s[0].length); - const o = r ? e.lastIndexOf(t, a || e.length) : e.indexOf(t, a || 0); - return o < 0 ? -1 : Ol(e.substr(0, o)); - } catch (e) { - return -1; - } - }, - integerToBoolean: function(e) { - return 0 !== e; - }, - integerToDecimal: function(e) { - return new Ma(e); - }, - integerToIdentifier: function(e) { - return e; - }, - integerToLongInteger: function(e) { - return bo.fromNumber(e); - }, - integerToText: eu, - length: Ol, - like: function(e, t) { - if (!t) return !1; - const n = t.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&").replace(/%/g, ".*").replace(/_/g, "."); - return RegExp(`^${n}$`, "gi").test(e); - }, - longIntegerToDecimal: function(e) { - return new Ma(e.toString()); - }, - longIntegerToIdentifier: function(e) { - return e; - }, - longIntegerToInteger: function(e) { - const t = e.toNumber(); - return Il.isWithinIntegerRange(t) ? t : zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - }, - longIntegerToIntegerValidate: Ql, - longIntegerToText: Zl, - max: function(e, t) { - const n = Ma.max(e, t); - return n.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : n; - }, - min: function(e, t) { - const n = Ma.min(e, t); - return n.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : n; - }, - minute: function(e) { - return e.minutes; - }, - mod: function(e, t) { - const n = e.mod(t); - return n.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : n; - }, - month: function(e) { - return e.month; - }, - newDate: function(e, t, n) { - return Pl(e, t, n, 0, 0, 0) ? new ko(e, t, n) : zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - }, - newDateTime: function(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - return Pl(e, t, n, r, i, s) ? new ko(e, t, n, r, i, s) : zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME; - }, - newTime: function(e, t, n) { - return $l(e, t, n) ? new ko(1900, 1, 1, e, t, n) : zo.DEFAULT_TIME; - }, - nullBinary: function() { - return zo.DEFAULT_BINARYDATA; - }, - nullDate: function() { - return zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - }, - nullIdentifier: function() { - return 0; - }, - nullObject: function() { - return null; - }, - nullTextIdentifier: function() { - return ""; - }, - objectToBoolean: function(e) { - if ("boolean" == typeof e) return e; - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'Boolean'"); - }, - objectToDate: function(e) { - return xu(e, !0, !1); - }, - objectToDateTime: function(e) { - return xu(e, !0, !0); - }, - objectToDecimal: Cu, - objectToInteger: Du, - objectToLongInteger: Ru, - objectToText: function(e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) return e; - throw new TypeError("Cannot convert type '" + typeof e + "' to 'Text'"); - }, - objectToTime: function(e) { - return xu(e, !1, !0); - }, - power: function(e, t) { - const n = e.pow(t); - return n.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : n; - }, - replace: function(e, t, n) { - const r = t.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); - return e.replace(new RegExp(r, "g"), n); - }, - round: function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; - const n = e.toDecimalPlaces(t); - return n.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : n; - }, - second: function(e) { - return e.seconds; - }, - sign: function(e) { - const t = new Ma(0); - return e.eq(t) || e.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER : e > t ? 1 : -1; - }, - sqrt: function(e) { - try { - const t = e.sqrt(); - return t.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : t; - } catch (e) { - return zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - } - }, - substr: _l, - textToBoolean: Su, - textToDate: uu, - textToDateTime: hu, - textToDateTimeValidate: du, - textToDateValidate: lu, - textToDecimal: wu, - textToDecimalValidate: Tu, - textToIdentifier: function(e) { - return e; - }, - textToInteger: Iu, - textToIntegerValidate: Eu, - textToLongInteger: Nu, - textToLongIntegerValidate: Au, - textToTime: fu, - textToTimeValidate: pu, - timeToText: mu, - toLower: function(e) { - return e.toLowerCase(); - }, - toObject: function(e) { - return e; - }, - toUpper: function(e) { - return e.toUpperCase(); - }, - trim: function(e) { - return e.trim(); - }, - trimEnd: function(e) { - let t = e.length - 1; - for (; - " " === e[t];) t--; - return e.substr(0, t + 1); - }, - trimStart: function(e) { - let t = 0; - for (; - " " === e[t];) t++; - return e.substr(t); - }, - trunc: function(e) { - const t = e.trunc(); - return t.isNaN() ? zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL : t; - }, - year: function(e) { - return e.year; - } - }); - const Pu = { - [Po.Integer]: Vt.INTEGER, - [Po.LongInteger]: Vt.LONGINTEGER, - [Po.Decimal]: Vt.DECIMAL, - [Po.Currency]: Vt.DECIMAL, - [Po.Text]: Vt.TEXT, - [Po.PhoneNumber]: Vt.TEXT, - [Po.Email]: Vt.TEXT, - [Po.Boolean]: Vt.BOOLEAN, - [Po.Date]: Vt.DATE, - [Po.DateTime]: Vt.DATE_TIME, - [Po.Time]: Vt.TIME, - [Po.Record]: Vt.UNKNOWN, - [Po.RecordList]: Vt.UNKNOWN, - [Po.BinaryData]: Vt.BINARY_DATA, - [Po.Object]: Vt.UNKNOWN - }; - - function Vu(e) { - switch (e) { - case Vt.INTEGER: - case Vt.LONGINTEGER: - case Vt.DECIMAL: - case Vt.TEXT: - case Vt.BOOLEAN: - case Vt.DATE: - case Vt.DATE_TIME: - case Vt.TIME: - case Vt.BINARY_DATA: - return Wo(Bu(e)); - default: - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to determine default value for type ${ku(e)}`); - } - } - - function Bu(e) { - switch (e) { - case Vt.TEXT: - return Po.Text; - case Vt.BINARY_DATA: - return Po.BinaryData; - case Vt.BOOLEAN: - return Po.Boolean; - case Vt.DATE: - return Po.Date; - case Vt.DATE_TIME: - return Po.DateTime; - case Vt.TIME: - return Po.Time; - case Vt.DECIMAL: - return Po.Decimal; - case Vt.INTEGER: - return Po.Integer; - case Vt.LONGINTEGER: - return Po.LongInteger; - default: - throw new Error(`Missing case for conversion of DB data type '${e}' to a model data type.`); - } - } - - function ku(e) { - const t = Bu(e); - return Po[t]; - } - - function zu(e) { - const t = Pu[e]; - return null != t ? t : Vt.UNKNOWN; - } - - function Hu(e) { - return !!e.isGenericRecordType; - } - - function ju(e) { - return !!e.isGenericRecordListType; - } - - function qu(e) { - return !!e.isBasicTypeListType; - } - var Gu, Wu, Ku, Ju, Yu; - ! function(e) { - const t = new Map(), - n = new Map(); - - function r(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - return e; - case Po.LongInteger: - return Zl(e); - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - return Wl(e); - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - return e; - case Po.Date: - return e.toISODate(); - case Po.DateTime: - return e.toString(); - case Po.Time: - return e.toISOTime(); - case Po.Boolean: - return e; - case Po.Record: - case Po.RecordList: - throw new TypeError("Records and Record lists are not basic types"); - case Po.BinaryData: - return "string" == typeof e ? e : e.content; - case Po.Object: - default: - return e; - } - } - - function i(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - return Il.ensureIntegerInsideBounds(e), 0 | e; - case Po.LongInteger: - return "string" == typeof e ? bo.fromString(e) : bo.fromNumber(e); - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - return new Ma(e || "0"); - case Po.Boolean: - return "string" == typeof e ? Su(e) : e; - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - return void 0 === e ? "" : e + ""; - case Po.Date: - return e instanceof Date ? new ko(e) : ko.fromISODate(e); - case Po.DateTime: - return e instanceof Date ? new ko(e) : ko.fromISODateTime(e); - case Po.Time: - return e instanceof Date ? new ko(e) : ko.fromISOTime(e); - case Po.Record: - case Po.RecordList: - throw new TypeError("Records and Record lists are not basic types"); - case Po.BinaryData: - return Il.hasBinaryDataInterface(e) ? new Bo(e.content, e.url) : new Bo(e); - case Po.Object: - default: - return e; - } - } - = function e(n) { - let i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Po.Record; - let s = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - let a = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !1; - if (null == n) return; - let o, - l = Po.Record; - if ("number" != typeof i ? (a = !0 === s, o = i, l = Po.Record) : (l = i, "boolean" != typeof s && (o = s)), n instanceof Zo) { - const i = n, - s = i.constructor; - let l = t.get(s); - if (!l) { - const n = i.getAttributes(); - l = (t, i, s) => n.reduce((a, o, l) => (o.ignoreForServer || (o.dataType === Po.Record || o.dataType === Po.RecordList ? a[] = e(t[o.attrName], i, o.optimizeList && s) : o.dataType !== Po.Object && (a[] = r(t[o.attrName], n[l].dataType))), a), {}), t.set(s, l); - } - return l(n, o, a); - } - if (n instanceof el) { - const t = n, - r = t.constructor.getItemType(), - i = { - List: [] - }; - if (a && o) { - if (t.length > 0 && o) { - const s = o.iterationContext.getCurrentRowNumber(n); - i.List.push(e(t.getItem(s), r, o, a)); - } - } else - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) i.List.push(e(t.getItem(n), r)); - return t.isEmpty && (i.EmptyListItem = e(t.emptyListItem, r, o, a)), i; - } - return l !== Po.Object ? r(n, l) : void 0; - }, e.from = function e(t, r) { - if (Hu(r)) { - const s = r; - let a = n.get(s); - if (!a) { - const t = s.getAttributes(); - a = n => { - null != n || (n = {}); - const r = t.reduce((r, s, a) => (s.dataType === Po.Record || s.dataType === Po.RecordList ? r[s.attrName] = Zo.getData(e(n[], t[a].complexType)) : s.dataType === Po.BinaryData ? r[s.attrName] = i({ - content: n[], - url: n[`_${}URL`] - }, t[a].dataType) : r[s.attrName] = i(n[], t[a].dataType), r), {}); - return new s(new s.RecordClass(r)); - }, n.set(s, a); - } - return a(t); - } - if (ju(r) || qu(r)) { - if (void 0 === r.getItemType() || null === r.getItemType()) throw Error("A List can only be deserialized if its ItemType is defined."); - const n = new r(); - return 0 === t.List.length ? n.emptyListItem = e(t.EmptyListItem, r.getItemType()) : n.pushAll( => e(t, r.getItemType()))), n; - } - return i(t, r); - }; - }(Gu || (Gu = {})), - function(e) { - function t(e) { - return !!(Il.isValidJsNumber(e) && e >= zo.MIN_INTEGER_VALUE && e <= zo.MAX_INTEGER_VALUE) || (Il.isLongInteger(e) ? Ql(e) : Il.isDecimal(e) ? Kl(e) : Il.isText(e) ? Eu(e) : !!Il.isBoolean(e)); - } - - function n(e) { - return !!Il.isValidJsNumber(e) || !!Il.isValidLongInteger(e) || (Il.isValidDecimal(e) ? Yl(e) : Il.isText(e) ? Au(e) : !!Il.isBoolean(e)); - } - - function r(e) { - return !!Il.isValidJsNumber(e) || !!(Il.isValidDecimal(e) && zo.MIN_DECIMAL_VALUE.lte(e) && zo.MAX_DECIMAL_VALUE.gte(e)) || !!Il.isValidLongInteger(e) || (Il.isText(e) ? Tu(e) : !!Il.isBoolean(e)); - } - - function i(e) { - return Il.isJsNumber(e) ? Il.isValidJsNumber(e) : Il.isLongInteger(e) ? Il.isValidLongInteger(e) : Il.isDecimal(e) ? Il.isValidDecimal(e) : !!Il.isText(e) || !!Il.isBoolean(e) || (Il.isDateTime(e) ? Il.isValidDateTime(e) : !!Il.isJsDate(e) && Il.isValidJsDate(e)); - } - - function s(e) { - return i(e); - } - - function a(e) { - return Il.isJsNumber(e) ? Il.isValidJsNumber(e) : Il.isLongInteger(e) ? Il.isValidLongInteger(e) : Il.isDecimal(e) ? Il.isValidDecimal(e) : Il.isText(e) ? /^(true|false)$/gi.test(e) : !!Il.isBoolean(e); - } - - function o(e) { - if (Il.isValidDateTime(e) && e.gte(zo.MIN_DATE_VALUE) && e.lte(zo.MAX_DATE_VALUE)) return !0; - if (Il.isValidJsDate(e) && new ko(e).gte(zo.MIN_DATE_VALUE) && new ko(e).lte(zo.MAX_DATE_VALUE)) return !0; - if (Il.isText(e)) { - if (zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e)) { - const t = new ko(new Date(e)); - return t.gte(zo.MIN_DATE_VALUE) && t.lte(zo.MAX_DATE_VALUE); - } - if (lu(e)) { - const t = uu(e); - return t.gte(zo.MIN_DATE_VALUE) && t.lte(zo.MAX_DATE_VALUE); - } - return !1; - } - return !1; - } - - function l(e) { - return !!Il.isValidDateTime(e) || !!Il.isValidJsDate(e) || !!Il.isText(e) && (!(!zo.RFC3339_TIMEPART.test(e) && !zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e)) || pu(e)); - } - - function u(e) { - if (Il.isValidDateTime(e) && e.gte(zo.MIN_DATETIME_VALUE) && e.lte(zo.MAX_DATETIME_VALUE)) return !0; - if (Il.isValidJsDate(e) && new ko(e).gte(zo.MIN_DATETIME_VALUE) && new ko(e).lte(zo.MAX_DATETIME_VALUE)) return !0; - if (Il.isText(e)) { - if (zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e)) { - const t = new ko(new Date(e)); - return t.gte(zo.MIN_DATETIME_VALUE) && t.lte(zo.MAX_DATETIME_VALUE); - } - if (du(e)) { - const t = hu(e); - return t.gte(zo.MIN_DATETIME_VALUE) && t.lte(zo.MAX_DATETIME_VALUE); - } - return !1; - } - return !1; - } - - function c(e) { - if (r(e)) { - if (Il.isJsNumber(e)) return Cu(e); - if (Il.isLongInteger(e)) return Cu(e); - if (Il.isDecimal(e)) return Cu(e); - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return wu(e); - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return kl(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - } - - function d(e) { - if (i(e)) { - if (Il.isJsNumber(e)) return Il.isValidInteger(e) ? eu(e) : Wl(new Ma(e)); - if (Il.isLongInteger(e)) return Zl(e); - if (Il.isDecimal(e)) return Wl(e); - if (Il.isText(e)) return e; - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return zl(e); - if (Il.isValidDate(e)) return Gl(e); - if (Il.isValidTime(e)) return mu(e); - if (Il.isDateTime(e)) return ql(e); - if (Il.isJsDate(e)) { - const t = new ko(e); - return Il.isValidDate(t) ? Gl(t) : Il.isValidTime(t) ? mu(t) : ql(t); - } - } - return zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - } - e.isConvertibleTo = function(e, c) { - switch (c) { - case Po.Integer: - return t(e); - case Po.LongInteger: - return n(e); - case Po.Decimal: - return r(e); - case Po.Currency: - return function(e) { - return r(e); - }(e); - case Po.Text: - return i(e); - case Po.PhoneNumber: - return function(e) { - return i(e); - }(e); - case Po.Email: - return s(e); - case Po.Boolean: - return a(e); - case Po.Date: - return o(e); - case Po.Time: - return l(e); - case Po.DateTime: - return u(e); - case Po.BinaryData: - return function(e) { - return Il.isBinaryData(e); - }(e); - default: - return !1; - } - }, e.isDefault = function(e) { - return Il.isValidJsNumber(e) && e === zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER || Il.isValidLongInteger(e) && e.equals(zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER) || Il.isValidDecimal(e) && e.equals(zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL) || Il.isText(e) && e === zo.DEFAULT_TEXT || Il.isBoolean(e) && e === zo.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN || Il.isValidDateTime(e) && e.equals(zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME); - }, e.convertTo = function(e, r) { - switch (r) { - case Po.Integer: - return function(e) { - if (t(e)) { - if (Il.isJsNumber(e)) return Du(e); - if (Il.isLongInteger(e)) return Du(e); - if (Il.isDecimal(e)) return Du(e); - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return Iu(e); - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return Vl(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - }(e); - case Po.LongInteger: - return function(e) { - if (n(e)) { - if (Il.isJsNumber(e)) return Ru(e); - if (Il.isLongInteger(e)) return Ru(e); - if (Il.isDecimal(e)) return Ru(e); - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return Nu(e); - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return Bl(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - }(e); - case Po.Decimal: - return c(e); - case Po.Currency: - return function(e) { - return c(e); - }(e); - case Po.Text: - return d(e); - case Po.PhoneNumber: - return function(e) { - return d(e); - }(e); - case Po.Email: - return function(e) { - return s(e) && Il.isText(e) ? e : zo.DEFAULT_EMAIL; - }(e); - case Po.Boolean: - return function(e) { - if (a(e)) { - if (Il.isJsNumber(e)) return 0 !== e; - if (Il.isLongInteger(e)) return !e.eq(0); - if (Il.isDecimal(e)) return !e.eq(0); - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return !/^(false)$/gi.test(e); - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return e; - } - return zo.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN; - }(e); - case Po.Date: - return function(e) { - if (o(e)) { - if (Il.isDateTime(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(t.year, t.month,; - } - if (Il.isJsDate(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth() + 1, t.getDate()); - } - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return zo.RFC3339_DATEPART.test(e) ? ko.fromISODate(e) : zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e) ? Hl(ko.fromISODateTime(e)) : uu(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - }(e); - case Po.Time: - return function(e) { - if (l(e)) { - if (Il.isDateTime(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(null, null, null, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds); - } - if (Il.isJsDate(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(null, null, null, t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds()); - } - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return zo.RFC3339_TIMEPART.test(e) ? ko.fromISOTime(e) : zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e) ? jl(ko.fromISODateTime(e)) : fu(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_TIME; - }(e); - case Po.DateTime: - return function(e) { - if (u(e)) { - if (Il.isDateTime(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(t.year, t.month,, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds, t.milliseconds); - } - if (Il.isJsDate(e)) return new ko(e); - if (Il.isText(e) && "" !== e) return zo.ISO_DATE_FORMAT_REGEXP.test(e) ? ko.fromISODateTime(e) : hu(e); - } - return zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME; - }(e); - case Po.BinaryData: - return e; - default: - return null; - } - }, e.typeConvertRecord = function(e, t, n) { - return n(e, t); - }, e.typeConvertRecordList = function(e, t, n) { - let r = 0; - for (; r < e.length;) t.append(n(e.getItem(r), t.newItem())), r++; - return t; - }; - }(Wu || (Wu = {})), - function(e) { - function t(e) { - return e - e % 1; - } - = function(e, t) { - return function(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - return e; - case Po.LongInteger: - const t = e; - return Il.ensureNumberInsideBounds(t), t.toNumber(); - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - const n = e; - return Il.ensureNumberPrecision(n), Il.ensureNumberInsideBounds(n), n.toNumber(); - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - return e; - case Po.Date: - case Po.DateTime: - case Po.Time: - return e.toNative(); - case Po.Boolean: - return e; - case Po.Record: - case Po.RecordList: - throw new TypeError("Records and Record lists are not basic types"); - case Po.BinaryData: - return "string" == typeof e ? e : e.content; - case Po.Object: - default: - return e; - } - }(e, t); - }, e.from = function(e, n) { - return function(e, n) { - switch (n) { - case Po.Integer: - if (Il.isValidJsNumber(e)) return Il.ensureIntegerInsideBounds(e), t(e); - break; - case Po.LongInteger: - if (Il.isValidJsNumber(e)) return Il.ensureLongIntegerInsideBounds(e), bo.fromNumber(t(e)); - break; - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - if (Il.isValidJsNumber(e)) return Il.ensureDecimalInsideBounds(e), new Ma(e); - break; - case Po.Boolean: - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return e; - break; - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - if (Il.isText(e)) return e; - if (Il.isValidJsNumber(e)) return Il.ensureDecimalInsideBounds(e), Wl(new Ma(e)); - if (Il.isBoolean(e)) return zl(e); - break; - case Po.Date: - if (Il.isValidJsDate(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth() + 1, t.getDate()); - } - break; - case Po.DateTime: - if (Il.isValidJsDate(e)) return new ko(e); - break; - case Po.Time: - if (Il.isValidJsDate(e)) { - const t = e; - return new ko(null, null, null, t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds(), t.getMilliseconds()); - } - break; - case Po.BinaryData: - return Il.hasBinaryDataInterface(e) ? new Bo(e.content, e.url) : new Bo(e); - case Po.Object: - return e; - } - throw new st.InvalidJavascriptType(`Cannot assign a JavaScript ${typeof e} with value ${null == e ? JSON.stringify(e) : e.toString()} to an output parameter of type ${Po[n]}`); - }(e, n); - }; - }(Ku || (Ku = {})), - function(e) { - const t = new Map(); - - function n(e, t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !0; - let i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - let s = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : !1; - if (!1 !== r || s || !Go(e, n)) switch (t) { - case Po.Time: - return e.toISOTime(); - case Po.Date: - return e.toISODate(); - case Po.DateTime: - return !0 === i ? "" + Math.floor(e.getTime() / 1e3) : e.toString().replace(/\.\d+/, ""); - case Po.LongInteger: - const t = e; - return Il.ensureNumberInsideBounds(t), t.toNumber(); - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - const n = e; - return Il.ensureNumberPrecision(n), Il.ensureNumberInsideBounds(n), n.toNumber(); - case Po.Record: - case Po.RecordList: - throw new TypeError("Records and Record lists are not basic types"); - case Po.BinaryData: - return "string" == typeof e ? e : e.content; - default: - return e; - } - } - - function r(_ref12) { - let { - value: e, - serializeDefaultValues: t = !0, - useUnixDateFormat: i = !1, - dataType: s = Po.Record, - defaultValue: a, - enforceDefaultValueSerializationAtThisLevel: o = !1 - } = _ref12; - if (null != e) return e instanceof Zo ? function(e, t, i) { - let s = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !1; - const a = e.getAttributes().reduce((s, a) => { - if (a.dataType === Po.Record || a.dataType === Po.RecordList) { - const n = r({ - value: e[a.attrName], - serializeDefaultValues: t, - useUnixDateFormat: i - }); - n && (s[a.nameForJson] = n); - } else { - const r = n(e[a.attrName], a.dataType, a.defaultValue, t, i); - void 0 !== r && (s[a.nameForJson] = r); - } - return s; - }, {}); - if (0 !== Object.keys(a).length || s) return a; - }(e, null != t && t, null != i && i, o) : e instanceof el ? function(e, t, n) { - let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !1; - const s = [], - a = e.constructor.getItemType(); - for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) s.push(r({ - value: e.getItem(i), - serializeDefaultValues: t, - useUnixDateFormat: n, - dataType: a, - enforceDefaultValueSerializationAtThisLevel: !0 - })); - if (s.length > 0 || t || i) return s; - }(e, null != t && t, null != i && i, o) : n(e, s, null != a ? a : Wo(s), t, i, o); - } - - function i(e, t, n, r) { - if (null == e) return n; - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - return function(e) { - let t; - zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForInteger().test(e) ? t = new Ma(e) : zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForJSNumber().test(e) && (t = new Ma(+e)); - if (void 0 === t || !t.isInteger() || !Kl(t)) throw new st.Exception("Could not convert '" + e + "' to Integer"); - return Jl(t); - }(e); - case Po.LongInteger: - return function(e) { - let t; - zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForInteger().test(e) ? t = new Ma(e) : zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForJSNumber().test(e) && (t = new Ma(+e)); - if (void 0 === t || !t.isInteger() || !Yl(t)) throw new st.Exception("Could not convert '" + e + "' to Long Integer"); - return Xl(t); - }(e); - case Po.Currency: - case Po.Decimal: - return function(e) { - let t; - zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForInteger().test(e) ? t = new Ma(e) : zo.FORMAT.numberFormat.getRegExpForJSNumber().test(e) && (t = new Ma(+e)); - if (void 0 === t || || throw new st.Exception("Could not convert '" + e + "' to Decimal"); - return t; - }(e); - case Po.DateTime: - return function(e, t) { - if (!t) { - if (!Wu.isConvertibleTo(e, Po.DateTime)) throw new st.Exception("Could not convert '" + e + "' to DateTime"); - return Gu.from(e, Po.DateTime); - } - e instanceof Date && (e = new ko(e.getTime())); - try { - return new ko(1e3 * +e); - } catch (t) { - throw new st.Exception("Could not convert '" + e + "' to DateTime"); - } - }(e, r); - default: - return Gu.from(e, t); - } - } - = r, e.from = function e(n, r, s, a) { - if (Hu(r)) { - const a = r; - let o = t.get(a); - if (!o) { - const n = a.getAttributes(); - o = (t, s) => { - null != t || (t = {}); - const a = n.reduce((r, a, o) => ("" !== a.nameForJson && (a.dataType === Po.Record || a.dataType === Po.RecordList ? r[a.attrName] = Zo.getData(e(t[a.nameForJson], n[o].complexType, s)) : r[a.attrName] = i(t[a.nameForJson], n[o].dataType, n[o].defaultValue, s)), r), {}); - return new r(new r.RecordClass(a)); - }, t.set(a, o); - } - return o(n, s); - } - if (ju(r) || qu(r)) { - if (void 0 === r.getItemType() || null === r.getItemType()) throw Error("A List can only be deserialized if its ItemType is defined."); - let t = n; - if (null == t && (t = []), t.constructor !== Array) throw new TypeError("Could not convert '" + t + "' to List"); - const i = new r(); - return i.pushAll( => e(t, r.getItemType(), s))), i; - } - return i(n, r, void 0 === a ? Wo(r) : a, s); - }; - }(Ju || (Ju = {})), - function(e) { - e.typeDefaultValue = Vu, e.convertToModelDataType = Bu, e.typeDisplayName = ku; - const t = "1900-01-01 00:00:00", - n = new Map(); - - function r(e) { - const t = Pu[e]; - return void 0 === t ? Ft.DBDataType.UNKNOWN : t; - } - - function i(t, n, i, s) { - return e.deserializeFromDB(t["o" + n], r(s)); - } - - function s(t, n, i, s) { - return e.deserializeFromDB(t[i], r(s)); - } - - function a(e, t) { - const n = t.length, - r = e.toString(); - return t.substr(0, Math.max(0, n - r.length)) + r; - } - e.from = function e(t, r, a, o) { - var l; - if (Hu(r)) { - const l = t, - u = r, - c = a; - let d = n.get(u); - if (!d) { - const t = u.getAttributes(); - d = (n, i, s, a) => { - const o = {}; - return a && a.length > 0 ? (t.forEach(e => { - e.dataType !== Po.RecordList && (o[e.attrName] = null); - }), a.forEach(r => { - const a = t.filter(e => e.attrName === r)[0]; - a.complexType ? o[r] = e(n, a.complexType, i) : o[r] = s(n, i.value++,, a.dataType); - })) : t.forEach((a, l) => { - a.dataType !== Po.RecordList && (a.dataType === Po.Record && r.isAnonymousRecord() ? o[a.attrName] = e(n, t[l].complexType, i) : o[a.attrName] = s(n, i.value++, t[l].name, t[l].dataType)); - }), new r.RecordClass(o); - }, n.set(u, d); - } - return d(l, c, r.isAnonymousRecord() ? s : i, o); - } - if (ju(r)) { - if (void 0 === r.getItemType() || null === r.getItemType()) throw Error("A List can only be deserialized if its ItemType is defined."); - const e = t, - n = r.getItemType(), - i = a, - s = new r(), - o = []; - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) o.push(new n(i(null, e.item(t)))); - return s.pushAll(o), s; - } { - const e = r; - throw new Error(`Unable to read data from Local Storage. Unknown type ${null !== (l = null == e ? void 0 : && void 0 !== l ? l : e}`); - } - }, e.serializeToDB = function(n, r) { - if (r.isEntityReference && Go(n, e.typeDefaultValue(r.type))) return null; - switch (r.type) { - case Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER: - return n; - case Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER: - return n ? n.toString() : null; - case Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL: - const e = n; - return r.decimals ? e.toFixed(r.decimals) : e.toString(); - case Ft.DBDataType.TEXT: - return n; - case Ft.DBDataType.BOOLEAN: - return n ? 1 : 0; - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME: - let i = n.toNative(); - return n.eq(ko.defaultValue) ? t : (i = n.toNative(), a(i.getUTCFullYear(), "0000") + "-" + a(i.getUTCMonth() + 1, "00") + "-" + a(i.getUTCDate(), "00") + " " + a(i.getUTCHours(), "00") + ":" + a(i.getUTCMinutes(), "00") + ":" + a(i.getUTCSeconds(), "00")); - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE: - const s = n.toNative(); - return a(s.getFullYear(), "0000") + "-" + a(s.getMonth() + 1, "00") + "-" + a(s.getDate(), "00"); - case Ft.DBDataType.TIME: - const o = n.toNative(); - return "1900-01-01 " + a(o.getHours(), "00") + ":" + a(o.getMinutes(), "00") + ":" + a(o.getSeconds(), "00"); - case Ft.DBDataType.BINARY_DATA: - const l = n; - return void 0 === l.content ? null : l.content; - default: - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to serialize ${n} to a database value.`); - } - }, e.deserializeFromDB = function(n, r) { - if (null === n) return e.typeDefaultValue(r); - switch (r) { - case Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER: - return n; - case Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER: - return bo.fromValue(n); - case Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL: - return new Ma(n); - case Ft.DBDataType.TEXT: - return n; - case Ft.DBDataType.BOOLEAN: - return 0 !== n; - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME: - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE: - case Ft.DBDataType.TIME: - const e = /^((\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}))?\s?((\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?$/.exec(n), - i = new Date(); - switch (r) { - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME: - if (n === t) return ko.defaultValue; - i.setUTCFullYear(parseInt(e[2], 10), parseInt(e[3], 10) - 1, parseInt(e[4], 10)), i.setUTCHours(parseInt(e[6], 10) || 0, parseInt(e[7], 10) || 0, parseInt(e[8], 10) || 0, 0); - break; - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE: - i.setFullYear(parseInt(e[2], 10), parseInt(e[3], 10) - 1, parseInt(e[4], 10)), i.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - break; - case Ft.DBDataType.TIME: - i.setFullYear(1900, 0, 1), i.setHours(parseInt(e[6], 10) || 0, parseInt(e[7], 10) || 0, parseInt(e[8], 10) || 0, 0); - } - return new ko(i); - case Ft.DBDataType.BINARY_DATA: - return new Bo(n); - default: - throw new st.DataBaseException("", "Unable to deserialize " + n + " to a runtime value."); - } - }, e.deserializeLazyBinaryFromDB = function(e) { - return new Bo(void 0, void 0, e); - }; - }(Yu || (Yu = {})); - var Xu = _exports.DataConversion = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get JSConversions() { - return Wu; - }, - get JSNodeParamConverter() { - return Ku; - }, - get JSONConverter() { - return Ju; - }, - get LocalStorageConverter() { - return Yu; - }, - get ServerDataConverter() { - return Gu; - } - }); - const Qu = "BACKUP_"; - - function Zu(e) {} - var ec, tc, nc, rc; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Unchanged = 0] = "Unchanged", e[e.Deleted = 1] = "Deleted", e[e.Recreated = 2] = "Recreated", e[e.New = 3] = "New"; - }(ec || (ec = {})), - function(e) { - const t = [{ - columnName: "Id", - options: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL" - }, { - columnName: "Key", - options: "UNIQUE NOT NULL" - }, { - columnName: "Value" - }]; - e.TABLE_NAME = "OSSYS_PERSISTENTKEYVALUE"; - const n = `"${ => e.columnName).join('", "')}"`, - r = => "'" + e.columnName + (e.options ? "' " + e.options : "'")).join(", "); - - function i(t) { - return t.executeNonQuery(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "${e.TABLE_NAME}" (${r})`); - } - e.initialize = function(t, n) { - return = new s(n), i(t); - }, e.create = i; - class s { - constructor(e) { - this.db = e; - } - isReady() { - return Promise.resolve(!0); - } - getValue(t) { - return this.db.executeTransaction(n => n.executeScalar(`SELECT VALUE FROM ${e.TABLE_NAME} WHERE Key = ?`, [t])); - } - setValue(t, r) { - return this.db.executeTransaction(i => i.executeNonQuery(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${e.TABLE_NAME} (${n}) VALUES (COALESCE((SELECT Id FROM ${e.TABLE_NAME} WHERE Key = ?), null), ?, ?)`, [t, t, r])); - } - } - e.PersistentKeyValueStorage = s; - }(tc || (tc = {})), - function(e) { - const t = "Metamodel"; - - function n(e, t) { - return !! function(e, t) { - if (void 0 === e) return !0; - if (e === t) return !1; - switch (e) { - case Ft.DBDataType.BOOLEAN: - return t !== Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER && t !== Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER; - case Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER: - return t !== Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER && t !== Ft.DBDataType.TEXT; - case Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER: - return t !== Ft.DBDataType.TEXT; - default: - return !0; - } - }(e.type, t.type) || !e.isEntityReference != !t.isEntityReference || void 0 !== e.length && void 0 !== t.length && (void 0 !== e.decimals && void 0 !== t.decimals ? e.length - e.decimals > t.length - t.decimals : e.length > t.length); - } - - function r(t, n, r, i) { - if (r) { - const s = function(e, t) { - const n =, - r = t.attributes.filter(e => === n); - return 0 === r.length ? null : r[0]; - }(n, r); - if (null !== s) { - if (i && (null == s ? void 0 : s.type) === Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME) { - const r = i.attrs[]; - if (r) return e.upgradeDbValue(t, r, n); - } - return e.upgradeDbValue(t, s, n); - } - } - const s = i.attrs[]; - return s ? e.upgradeDbValue(t, s, n) : t; - } - - function i(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; - let i, - s = t; - return r && t.type === Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME && (s = r), i = e.isPrimaryKey && s.isPrimaryKey && n ? !!(Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER !== e.type && Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER !== e.type || Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER !== s.type && Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER !== s.type) : e.type !== s.type, i || s.type !== Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL && s.length !== e.length || s.type !== Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL && s.decimals !== e.decimals || !s.isEntityReference != !e.isEntityReference && !e.isPrimaryKey; - }! function(e) { - const n = "OSSYS_ENTITY", - r = `${Qu}${n}`, - i = [{ - name: "SS_Key" - }, { - name: "Module_SS_Key" - }, { - name: "Name" - }, { - name: "Physical_Table_name" - }, { - name: "Hash" - }, { - name: "Extra_Info", - defaultValue: "'{\"attrs\":{}}'" - }, { - name: "Upgrade_Status", - defaultValue: 0. toString() - }], - s = `"${ =>'", "')}"`; - - function a(e, t) { - return e.executeNonQuery(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "${t}" (${s}, UNIQUE (SS_Key, Module_SS_Key))`); - } - - function o(e, t) { - let n = !0; - const r = => `"ent"."${}"`); - return e.executeQueryRaw(`SELECT ${r.join(", ")} FROM "${t}" "ent" LIMIT 0`).onError(e => { - n = !1; - }).andThen(() => n); - } - - function l(e, t, i) { - return u(e, n, t, i).andThen(e => u(e, r, t, i)); - } - - function u(e, t, n, r) { - let i = !1; - return e.feed(null).andThenAll(() => [e => e.executeNonQuery(`SELECT "ent"."${n}" FROM ${t} "ent" LIMIT 0`).onError(e => { - i = !0; - }), e => i ? e.executeNonQuery(`ALTER TABLE ${t} ADD "${n}"`).andThen(e => r ? e.executeNonQuery(`UPDATE ${t} SET "${n}" = ${r}`) : e.feed(null)) : e.feed(null)]); - } - - function c(e) { - pi(t, `Extracting metadata for table ${e.tableName} (${})`); - const n = { - v: 0, - idIsAutoNumber: e.idIsAutoNumber, - attrs: {} - }; - for (const t of e.attributes) n.attrs[] = d(t); - return n; - } - - function d(e) { - const t = { - type: e.type - }; - return void 0 !== e.decimals && (t.decimals = e.decimals), void 0 !== e.length && (t.length = e.length), e.isPrimaryKey && (t.isPrimaryKey = e.isPrimaryKey), e.isEntityReference && (t.isEntityReference = e.isEntityReference), t; - } - e.getDefaultMetaData = function() { - return { - v: -1, - attrs: {} - }; - }, e.create = function(e) { - return a(e, n).andThen(e => a(e, `${Qu}${n}`)); - }, e.innerCreate = a, e.verifyColumns = function(e) { - return o(e, n).andThen(e => o(e, r)); - }, e.innerVerifyColumns = o, e.addMissingColumns = function(e) { - return e.feed(null).andThenAll(e => => t => l(t,, e.defaultValue))); - }, e.addColumnIfNeeded = l, e.copyMetaInfo = function(e, t, i) { - const a = i ? r : n, - o = i ? n : r; - let l = e.executeNonQuery(`DELETE FROM ${o} WHERE Physical_Table_name = ?`, [t]).andThen(e => e.executeNonQuery(`INSERT INTO ${o}(${s}) SELECT ${s} FROM ${a} WHERE Physical_Table_name = ?`, [t])); - return i && (l = l.andThen(e => e.executeNonQuery(`DELETE FROM ${a} WHERE Physical_Table_name = ?`, [t]))), l; - }, e.extractEntityMetadata = c, e.updateEntity = function(e, r, i) { - const s = c(r); - pi(t, `Updating metadata for table ${r.tableName} (${})`); - const a = new dc(); - return a.add("Hash", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, r.hash), a.add("Name", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT,, a.add("Physical_Table_name", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, r.tableName), a.add("Extra_Info", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, JSON.stringify(s)), a.add("Key", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, r.key), a.add("ModuleKey", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, i), e.executeNonQuery(`UPDATE ${n} SET Hash = ?, Name = ?, Physical_Table_name = ?, Extra_Info = ? WHERE SS_Key = ? AND Module_SS_Key = ?`, a.toArray()); - }, e.insertEntity = function(e, t, r) { - const i = c(t), - s = new dc(); - return s.add("Key", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, t.key), s.add("ModuleKey", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, r), s.add("Name", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT,, s.add("TableName", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, t.tableName), s.add("Hash", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, t.hash), s.add("Extra_Info", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, JSON.stringify(i)), s.add("Upgrade_Status", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, 3), e.executeNonQuery(`INSERT INTO ${n}(SS_Key, Module_SS_Key, Name, Physical_Table_name, Hash, Extra_Info, Upgrade_Status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, s.toArray()); - }; - }(e.Metamodel || (e.Metamodel = {})), e.upgradeDbValue = function(e, t, r) { - if (n(t, r)) { - const n = Yu.deserializeFromDB(e, t.type), - i = Yu.convertToModelDataType(r.type), - s = function(e, t, n, r) { - let i = e, - s = t; - const a = function(e) { - switch (e) { - case Ft.DBDataType.TEXT: - return "Text"; - case Ft.DBDataType.BINARY_DATA: - return "Binary Data"; - case Ft.DBDataType.BOOLEAN: - return "Boolean"; - case Ft.DBDataType.INTEGER: - return "Integer"; - case Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER: - return "Long Integer"; - case Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL: - return "Decimal"; - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE_TIME: - return "DateTime"; - case Ft.DBDataType.DATE: - return "Date"; - case Ft.DBDataType.TIME: - return "Time"; - default: - return "Unknown"; - } - }(n), - o = Po[r]; - "string" == typeof e && e && (i = e.substr(0, 50) + ` (length:${e.length})`); - if (Il.isText(t)) { - const e = t; - s = e.substr(0, 50) + ` (length:${e.length})`; - } - if (t instanceof Bo) { - const e = t.content; - s = e.substr(0, 50) + ` (length:${e.length})`; - } - return `convert databaseValue:'${i}'/deserializedValue:'${s}' from type ${a} to ${o}`; - }(e, n, t.type, i); - if (Wu.isConvertibleTo(n, i)) { - const e = Wu.convertTo(n, i), - t = Yu.serializeToDB(e, r); - return cc(t, r, s), t; - } - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${s}.`); - } - return e; - }, e.upgradeDbRecord = function(e, t, n, i) { - const s = {}; - for (const t of Object.keys(e)) s[t.toLowerCase()] = e[t]; - ! function(e, t) { - var n; - for (const r of t.attributes) { - const t =; - if (void 0 === e[t]) { - const i = null !== (n = r.default) && void 0 !== n ? n : Yu.typeDefaultValue(r.type); - e[t] = Yu.serializeToDB(i, r); - } - } - }(s, t); - const a = {}; - for (const e of t.attributes) try { - const t =, - o = s[t]; - a[t] = r(o, e, n, i); - } catch (t) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to upgrade attribute '${}' data type to '${Yu.typeDisplayName(e.type)}':\n${ot(t)}`); - } - return a; - }, e.requiresFullUpgrade = function(e, t, n) { - let r; - if (r = t ? t.idIsAutoNumber : n.idIsAutoNumber, r !== e.idIsAutoNumber) return !0; - return function(e, t, n) { - const r = {}; - for (const t of e.attributes) { - const e =; - r[e] = {}, r[e].entityAttribute = t; - } - for (const e of Object.keys(n.attrs)) { - const t = e.toLowerCase(); - r[t] = r[t] || {}, r[t].dbMetaAttribute = n.attrs[e]; - } - if (t) - for (const e of t.attributes) { - const t = null == e ? void 0 :; - r[t] = r[t] || {}, r[t].dbAttribute = e; - } - return Object.keys(r).map(e => r[e]); - }(e, t, n).some(e => !e.entityAttribute || (e.dbAttribute || e.dbMetaAttribute ? function(e, t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : !1; - if (t) { - return !(void 0 === n || void 0 === n.type || n.type === e.type) || i(e, t, r, n) || !t.isPrimaryKey != !e.isPrimaryKey; - } - return i(e, n, r) || !n.isPrimaryKey != !e.isPrimaryKey; - }(e.entityAttribute, e.dbAttribute, e.dbMetaAttribute, r !== Ft.AutoNumber.No) : e.entityAttribute.isPrimaryKey)); - }; - }(nc || (nc = {})), - function(e) { - e[e.Auto = 0] = "Auto", e[e.Single = 1] = "Single", e[e.Bulk = 2] = "Bulk"; - }(rc || (rc = {})); - const ic = new wl("Id", "idOut"), - sc = new El("Record", "recordOut"), - ac = "WebSQLStorage"; - class oc { - constructor() {} - getDatabase() { - return this._db ? Promise.resolve(this._db) : (this.dbReadyPromise || (this.dbReadyPromise = new Promise(e => { - this.onDbInit = () => e(this._db); - })), this.dbReadyPromise); - } - initDb(e) { - pi(ac, `Setting platform database to '${e ? : "none"}'`), this._db = e, this.onDbInit && (this.onDbInit(), this.onDbInit = null); - } - clearDb() { - this._db = null; - } - initModule(e, t, n) { - return this.recoverBackupTables(t, e, n).andThen(t => 0 === e.length ? t.feed(null) : this.dropInconsistentTables(t, e, n)).andThen(t => this.backupDeletedTables(t, e, n)).andThen(e => { - const t = new dc(); - return t.add("ModuleKey", Ft.DBDataType.TEXT, n), e.executeQuery("SELECT SS_Key, Hash, Extra_Info FROM OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE Module_SS_Key = ?", e => ({ - hash: e.Hash, - extraInfo: JSON.parse(e.Extra_Info || "{}"), - ssKey: e.SS_Key - }), t.toArray()); - }).andThenAll(t => => { - const r = t.filter(t => t.ssKey === e.key); - return t => this.createOrUpgradeTable(t, e, 1 === r.length ? r[0] : void 0, n); - })); - } - initMetamodel(e) { - return nc.Metamodel.create(e).andThen(e => nc.Metamodel.verifyColumns(e)).andThen((e, t) => { - if (!t) return nc.Metamodel.addMissingColumns(e); - }); - } - createOrUpgradeTable(e, t, n, r) { - pi(ac, `Checking the status of table ${t.tableName} (${})`), n || (n = { - hash: null, - extraInfo: nc.Metamodel.getDefaultMetaData() - }); - const { - hash: i, - extraInfo: s - } = n; - return i ? i !== t.hash ? qi.introspectTableInfo(e, t.tableName).andThen((e, n) => nc.requiresFullUpgrade(t, n, s) ? (pi(ac, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and will be fully upgraded`), this.recreateTable(e, t, n, r, s)) : (pi(this, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and will be incrementally upgraded`), this.upgradeTable(e, t, n, r, s))) : (pi(ac, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and is up to date`), null) : (pi(ac, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) does not exist and will be created`), this.createTable(e, t, r).andThen(e => nc.Metamodel.insertEntity(e, t, r))); - } - recreateTable(e, t, n, r, i) { - return e.executeQuery(`SELECT * FROM "${t.tableName}"`, e => e).onError(e => { - throw mi(ac, `Unable to upgrade the definition of entity '${}':\n${ot(e)}`), new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to upgrade the definition of entity '${}':\n${ot(e)}`); - }).andThen((e, s) => this.backupTable(e, t.tableName, 2).andThen(e => this.createTable(e, t, r)).andThenAll(() => => { - const r = nc.upgradeDbRecord(e, t, n, i), - s = new dc(!0); - for (const e of t.attributes) s.add(, e.type, r[]); - return e => e.executeNonQuery(t.insert.sql, s.toArray()); - }))).andThen(e => nc.Metamodel.updateEntity(e, t, r)); - } - upgradeTable(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : null; - return e.feed(null).andThenAll(() => { - const e = t.attributes.filter(e => n ? !n.attributes.some(t => === : !Object.keys(i.attrs).some(t => t ===; - return pi(this, `Entity '${}' - newAttributes - ${JSON.stringify(e)} - hash - ${s} - info.hash - ${t.hash}`), => n => { - let r = n.executeNonQuery(e.addColumn.sql); - if (void 0 !== e.default) { - const n = new dc(); - n.add("value", e.type, e.default), r = r.andThen(r => r.executeNonQuery(`UPDATE "${t.tableName}" SET "${}" = ?`, n.toArray())); - } - return r; - }); - }).andThen(e => nc.Metamodel.updateEntity(e, t, r)); - } - switchModule(e, t) { - return this.dropBackupTables(e, t); - } - recoverBackupTables(e, t, n) { - return this.doForEachTable(e, e => (pi(ac, `Recovering table ${e}`), t.filter(t => t.tableName === e), t => this.recoverBackupTable(t, e)), n, "Upgrade_Status <> 0"); - } - dropInconsistentTables(e, t, n) { - return this.doForEachTable(e, e => (pi(this, `Dropping inconsistent table ${e} (same key, different physical table name)`), t => this.dropTableIfExists(t, e).andThen(t => t.executeNonQuery(`DELETE FROM OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE upper(Physical_Table_name) = '${e}'`))), n, "Upgrade_Status = 0" + (0 === t.length ? "" : ` AND SS_Key IN (${ => "'" + e.key + "'").join(", ")}) AND Physical_Table_name NOT IN (${ => "'" + e.tableName + "'").join(", ")})`)); - } - dropBackupTables(e, t) { - return this.doForEachTable(e, e => (pi(ac, `Dropping table ${e}`), t => this.dropBackupTable(t, e)), t, "Upgrade_Status <> 0"); - } - backupDeletedTables(e, t, n) { - return this.doForEachTable(e, e => (pi(ac, `Backing up old table ${e}`), t => this.backupTable(t, e, 1)), n, "Upgrade_Status = 0" + (0 === t.length ? "" : ` AND Physical_Table_name NOT IN (${ => "'" + e.tableName + "'").join(", ")})`)); - } - doForEachTable(e, t, n, r) { - let i = `SELECT Physical_Table_name as name FROM OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE Module_SS_Key = '${n}'`; - return r && (i += " AND " + r), e.executeQuery(i, e => => { - const n = []; - return e.forEach(e => { - n.push(t(e)); - }), n; - }); - } - dropTableIfExists(e, t) { - return e.executeNonQuery(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "${t}"`); - } - createTable(e, t, n) { - return pi(ac, `createTable '${t.createTable.sql}'`), e.executeNonQuery(t.createTable.sql); - } - backupTable(e, t, n) { - return pi(ac, `backupTable '${t}'`), nc.Metamodel.copyMetaInfo(e, t, !1).andThen(e => this.dropTableIfExists(e, this.getBackupTableName(t))).andThen(e => this.renameTableAndSetStatus(e, t, this.getBackupTableName(t), t, n)); - } - recoverBackupTable(e, t) { - let n = !0; - return this.dropTableIfExists(e, t).andThen(e => e.executeScalar(`SELECT 1 FROM ${this.getBackupTableName(t)}`)).onError(e => { - e && (n = !1); - }).andThen(e => { - if (n) return this.renameTableAndSetStatus(e, this.getBackupTableName(t), t, t, 0); - }).andThen(e => nc.Metamodel.copyMetaInfo(e, t, !0)); - } - dropBackupTable(e, t) { - return this.dropTableIfExists(e, this.getBackupTableName(t)).andThen(e => e.executeScalar(`SELECT Upgrade_Status FROM OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE upper(Physical_Table_name) = '${t}'`)).andThen((e, n) => e.executeNonQuery(1 === n ? `DELETE FROM OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE upper(Physical_Table_name) = '${t}'` : `UPDATE OSSYS_ENTITY SET Upgrade_Status = 0 WHERE upper(Physical_Table_name) = '${t}'`)).andThen(e => e.executeNonQuery(`DELETE FROM ${Qu}OSSYS_ENTITY WHERE Physical_Table_name = ?`, [t])); - } - renameTableAndSetStatus(e, t, n, r, i) { - return pi(ac, `renameTableAndSetStatus '${r} to ${n}'`), this.renameTable(e, t, n).andThen(e => this.setTableUpgradeStatus(e, r, i)); - } - renameTable(e, t, n) { - return e.executeNonQuery(`ALTER TABLE "${t}" RENAME TO "${n}"`); - } - setTableUpgradeStatus(e, t, n) { - return e.executeNonQuery(`UPDATE OSSYS_ENTITY SET Upgrade_Status = ${n} WHERE upper(Physical_Table_name) = '${t}'`); - } - getBackupTableName(e) { - return Qu + e; - } - executeNonQuery(e, t) { - return this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeTransaction(n => n.executeNonQuery(e, null == t ? void 0 : t.toArray()))); - } - executeQuery(e, t, n, r) { - return this.getDatabase().then(i => i.executeReadTransaction(i => i.executeQueryRaw(e, null == r ? void 0 : r.toArray()).andThen((e, r) => Yu.from(r.rows, t, n)))); - } - rawExecuteQuery(e, t, n) { - return this.getDatabase().then(r => r.executeReadTransaction(r => r.executeQueryRaw(e, null == n ? void 0 : n.toArray()).andThen((e, n) => { - const r = new Array(n.rows.length); - for (let e = 0; e < n.rows.length; e++) { - const i = n.rows.item(e); - r[e] = t(i); - } - return r; - }))); - } - executeCount(e, t) { - return this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeReadTransaction(n => n.executeScalar(e, null == t ? void 0 : t.toArray()).andThen((e, t) => Yu.deserializeFromDB(t, Ft.DBDataType.LONGINTEGER)))); - } - rawExecuteScalar(e, t) { - return this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeReadTransaction(n => n.executeQueryRaw(e, null == t ? void 0 : t.toArray()).andThen((e, t) => 0 === t.rows.length ? null : function(e) { - for (const t in e) - if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return e[t]; - return null; - }(t.rows.item(0))))); - } - create(e, t) { - return uc(e, t, "create"), this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeTransaction(n => this.createInner(n, e, t, !0))); - } - createInner(e, t, n, r) { - var i, s; - const a = null === (s = (i = t.insert).getArguments) || void 0 === s ? void 0 :, n); - return e.executeQueryRaw(t.insert.sql, null == a ? void 0 : a.toArray()).andThen((e, i) => { - if (null === t.getIdAttribute()) return null; - (t.idIsAutoNumber === Ft.AutoNumber.No || t.idIsAutoNumber === Ft.AutoNumber.YesIfEmpty && !t.hasNullId(n)) && (r = !1); - const s = t.getIdAttribute().type, - a = Yu.convertToModelDataType(s), - o = new(ic.getType(a))(); - let l; - return l = r ? Yu.deserializeFromDB(i.insertId, s) : t.getIdFromRecord(n), o.idOut = l, o; - }); - } - update(e, t) { - var n, r; - uc(e, t, "update"); - const i = null === (r = (n = e.update).getArguments) || void 0 === r ? void 0 :, t); - return this.executeNonQuery(e.update.sql, i); - } - createOrUpdate(e, t) { - return this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeTransaction(n => this.createOrUpdateInner(n, e, t, !0))); - } - createOrUpdateInner(e, t, n, r) { - var i, s; - if (uc(t, n, "create or update"), t.hasNullId(n)) return this.createInner(e, t, n, !0); - const a = null === (s = (i = t.upsert).getArguments) || void 0 === s ? void 0 :, n); - return e.executeQueryRaw(t.upsert.sql, null == a ? void 0 : a.toArray()).andThen((e, r) => { - const i = t.getIdFromRecord(n), - s = t.getIdAttribute().type, - a = Yu.convertToModelDataType(s), - o = new(ic.getType(a))(); - return o.idOut = i, o; - }); - } - createOrUpdateAll(e, t) { - return this.getDatabase().then(n => n.executeTransaction(n => oc.ForceCreateOrUpdateAllMethod === rc.Bulk || oc.ForceCreateOrUpdateAllMethod === rc.Auto && 0 === e.attributes.filter(e => e.type === Ft.DBDataType.BINARY_DATA).length ? this.createOrUpdateAllBulk(n, e, t) : this.createOrUpdateAllSingle(n, e, t)).then(Zu)); - } - createOrUpdateAllBulk(e, t, n) { - var r, i, s, a; - const o = [], - l = (e, t) => o.push(n => n.executeQueryRaw(e, t)), - u = Math.floor(oc.MaxQueryParameters / t.attributes.length); - if (0 === u) return this.createOrUpdateAllSingle(e, t, n); - const c = Math.ceil(n.length / u); - for (let e = 0; e < c; e++) { - let o = [], - c = 0; - for (; c < u;) { - const s = e * u + c; - if (s === n.length) break; - const a = n.getItem(s); - uc(t, a, "create or update"), o = o.concat(null === (i = (r = t.upsert).getArguments) || void 0 === i ? void 0 :, a).toArray()), c++; - } - l(null === (a = (s = t.upsert).getBulkSql) || void 0 === a ? void 0 :, c), o); - } - return e.feed(null).andThenAll(() => o); - } - createOrUpdateAllSingle(e, t, n) { - const r = [], - i = e => r.push(n => this.createOrUpdateInner(n, t, e, !1)); - for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { - i(n.getItem(e)); - } - return e.feed(null).andThenAll(() => r); - } - get(e, t) { - const n = e.getIdAttribute(), - r = new dc(); - return r.add(, n.type, t), this.rawExecuteQuery(, e.dbRecordToRecord, r).then(n => { - if (0 === n.length) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `${} with id ${t} was not found`); { - const e = new(sc.getType(n[0].constructor))(); - return e.recordOut = n[0], e; - } - }); - } - delete(e, t) { - const n = e.getIdAttribute(), - r = new dc(); - return r.add(, n.type, t), this.executeNonQuery(e.delete.sql, r); - } - deleteAll(e) { - return this.executeNonQuery(e.deleteAll.sql); - } - getBinary(e, t, n) { - const r = e.getIdAttribute(), - i =, - s = r.type, - a = `SELECT "${t}" FROM "${e.tableName}" WHERE "${i}" = ?`, - o = new dc(); - return o.add(i, s, n), Yu.deserializeLazyBinaryFromDB(() => this.getDatabase().then(e => e.executeReadTransaction(e => e.executeScalar(a, o.toArray())))); - } - replaceEntityReferencesInOrderBy(e, t, n) { - let r = Yt(e = e.trim(), '(^|\\s|\\.)(\\[|"|)(ossys_|osltm_|oslog_|osevt_|osusr_|osext_)', !0); - if (r.length > 0) { - const e = r[0]; - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `'${e.groups[2] + e.groups[3]}' found in 'Order By' parameter is a reserved prefix`); - } - if ("" !== e && (r = Yt(e, "((((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)(( )*,( )*(((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)*", !0), 1 !== r.length || r[0].value !== e)) throw new st.DataBaseException("", "Invalid syntax in 'Order By' parameter."); - let i = Xt(e, "(\\{\\w+\\}|\\w+\\.)", !1, e => this.replaceEntityNameInOrderBy(e, t, n)); - return i = Xt(i, "(\\[\\w+\\])", !1, e => this.replaceAttributeName(e)), i; - } - replaceEntityNameInOrderBy(e, t, n) { - let r = ""; - const i = this.getEntityNameFromMatch(e); - let s = !1; - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) - if (t[e].toLowerCase() === i.toLowerCase()) { - s = !0, r = '"' + n[e] + '"'; - break; - } - if (!s) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `'${i}' found in 'Order By' parameter is an invalid Entity`); - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? r + "." : r; - } - replaceAttributeName(e) { - const t = e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2); - return t ? ('"' === t.charAt(0) ? "" : '"') + t + ('"' === t.charAt(t.length - 1) ? "" : '"') : ""; - } - getEntityNameFromMatch(e) { - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? e.value.substr(0, e.value.length - 1) : e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2); - } - getOrderByColumnsWithoutDuplicates(e) { - return this.filterDuplicateOrderByColumns(e).join(", "); - } - filterDuplicateOrderByColumns(e) { - const t = new Array(), - n = {}; - return e.forEach(e => { - const r = e.trim(); - if ("" !== r) { - const e = r.replace(new RegExp("\b((ASC)|(DESC))$", "im"), "").replace('"', "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim().toLowerCase(); - !0 !== n[e] && (t.push(r), n[e] = !0); - } - }), t; - } - } - oc.MaxQueryParameters = 500, oc.ForceCreateOrUpdateAllMethod = rc.Auto; - const lc = new oc(); - - function uc(e, t, n) { - const r = e.getAllAttributesFromRecord(t).toArray(); - for (let t = 0; t < e.attributes.length; t++) { - const i = e.attributes[t]; - cc(r[t], i, `${n} '${}.${}'`); - } - } - - function cc(e, t, n) { - if (t.type === Ft.DBDataType.TEXT) { - if (null === e || void 0 === t.length) return; - const r = e.length - t.length; - if (r > 0) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${n} because it exceeds the maximum allowed length by ${r} characters.`); - } else if (t.type === Ft.DBDataType.DECIMAL && void 0 !== t.length && void 0 !== t.decimals) { - const r = e.split(".")[0].length - (t.length - t.decimals); - if (r > 0) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${n} because it exceeds the maximum allowed length by ${r} characters.`); - } - } - class dc { - constructor(e) { - this.skipConversion = e, this.argumentList = [], this.existingArguments = {}; - } - add(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if (!this.existingArguments[e]) - if (this.existingArguments[e] = !0, void 0 === n) this.argumentList.push(null); - else { - let e; - e = this.skipConversion ? n : Yu.serializeToDB(n, { - type: t, - length: r, - decimals: i, - isEntityReference: s - }), this.argumentList.push(e); - } - } - toArray() { - return this.argumentList; - } - } - var hc = _exports.Entities = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BACKUP_TABLE_PREFIX: Qu, - Entity: class { - constructor(e, t, n) { - = e, = t, this.moduleKey = n, this.getBinary = (e, t, n) => n.hasContent() ? n :, e, t); - } - getStorage() { - return; - } - getInfo() { - return; - } - create(e) { - return, e); - } - createOrUpdate(e) { - return, e); - } - createOrUpdateAll(e) { - return, e); - } - update(e) { - return, e); - } - get(e) { - return, e); - } - delete(e) { - return, e); - } - deleteAll() { - return; - } - }, - get PersistentKeyValue() { - return tc; - }, - QueryArgumentsList: dc, - get Upgrades() { - return nc; - }, - WebSQLStorage: oc, - webSQLStorageInstance: lc - }); - const gc = "_error.html", - pc = { - errorCode: "UNHANDLED" - }, - fc = { - errorCode: "IGNORED" - }, - mc = "ErrorHandling", - vc = { - errorPageMessage: new Ze(Pe.Session, "ErrorPageMessage", ""), - errorPageExtraMessage: new Ze(Pe.Session, "ErrorPageExtraMessage", ""), - errorPageExceptionInfo: new Ze(Pe.Session, "ErrorPageExceptionInfo") - }; - - function yc(t) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : ""; - let i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - var s, a; - if (!rr() && (t && (Ac(t) ? Nc(t) : vi(null !== (s = t.category) && void 0 !== s ? s : mc, t.message || "Navigating to Error page", null !== (a = t.errorCode) && void 0 !== a ? a : "OS-CLRT-00000", t, _loggerJs.Visibility.External)), jn(i))) { - const e = Nr.getVersionedUrl(gc); - vc.errorPageMessage.set(n), vc.errorPageExtraMessage.set(r), t ? vc.errorPageExceptionInfo.set(ut(t)) : vc.errorPageExceptionInfo.remove(), ir(e); - } - } - - function bc(e, t) { - var n; - const r = ce(); - yc(e, (null === (n = null == r ? void 0 : r.messages) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.incompatibleProducer) || e.message, void 0, t); - } - - function Tc(e) { - var t; - const n = ce(); - yc(void 0, (null === (t = null == n ? void 0 : n.messages) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.appOffline) || "This application is temporarily unavailable. Try reloading or contact the administrator.", void 0, e); - } - - function wc(t, n) { - pi(mc, "Error thrown by the application: " + t, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client), ht(t) ? Tc(n) : at(t, st.IncompatibleProducerException) ? bc(t, n) : yc(t, void 0, void 0, n); - } - - function Ec(e, t) { - return !!at(e, st.IgnorableSystemException) || !!ht(e) && (Tc(t), !0); - } - - function Ic(e) { - return e === pc || e === fc; - } - - function Ac(e) { - return e && "string" == typeof e.requireType; - } - - function Nc(t) { - var n; - let r = "OS-CLRT-RJS-00000", - i = _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal; - if ("timeout" === t.requireType) r = "OS-CLRT-RJS-00005"; - else if ("mismatch" === t.requireType) r = -1 !== t.message.indexOf("anonymous define()") ? "OS-CLRT-RJS-00004" : "OS-CLRT-RJS-00003", i = _loggerJs.Visibility.External; - else if ("scripterror" === t.requireType) { - r = /Script error for.*?, needed by:.*/gm.test(t.message) ? "OS-CLRT-RJS-00002" : "OS-CLRT-RJS-00001", i = _loggerJs.Visibility.External; - } - vi(mc, null !== (n = t.message) && void 0 !== n ? n : "Error loading script by RequireJS", r, t, i); - } - var Sc = _exports.ErrorHandling = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ERROR_PAGE_HTML: gc, - ErrorHandlingStorage: vc, - IGNORED_ERROR_RESULT: fc, - UNHANDLED_ERROR_RESULT: pc, - defaultErrorHandler: function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : (e, t) => wc(e, t); - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : (e, t) => Ec(e, t); - return ot(e) && mi(mc, ot(e)), e instanceof st.NotRegisteredException ? (Ur({ - callbackUrl: fe() - }), pc) : r(e, t) ? fc : (n(e, t), pc); - }, - handleError: wc, - ignoreError: Ec, - isRequireJSError: Ac, - isSpecialHandleErrorResult: Ic, - navigateToAppOffline: Tc, - navigateToErrorPage: yc, - navigateToIncompatibleProducer: bc, - reportRequireJSError: Nc - }); - let Dc, - Rc, - Cc = !0; - - function xc(e) { - Cc = e; - } - - function Lc(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !0; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : ""; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : !0; - let s = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : undefined; - if (!Cc) return; - const a = () => Dc.showMessage(e, t, n, r, i, s); - Dc ? a() : Rc = a; - } - - function Oc() { - if (!Cc) return; - Dc ? Dc.closeMessage() : Rc = null; - } - var _c, - Mc, - Uc, - Fc, - $c = _exports.FeedbackMessageService = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - closeFeedbackMessage: Oc, - registerFeedbackMessageService: function(e) { - Dc = e, Rc && (Rc(), Rc = null); - }, - setEnabled: xc, - showFeedbackMessage: Lc - }); - class Pc { - constructor() { - _c.set(this, 0); - } - create() { - return w(this, _c, T(this, _c, "f") + 1, "f"), T(this, _c, "f"); - } - shouldAbort(e) { - return e !== T(this, _c, "f"); - } - } - - function Vc(e, t, n) { - var _this2 = this; - return function() { - for (var _len12 = arguments.length, r = new Array(_len12), _key12 = 0; _key12 < _len12; _key12++) { - r[_key12] = arguments[_key12]; - } - return b(_this2, void 0, void 0, function*() { - ! function(e, t, n) { - const { - responseHandler: r - } = n[0]; - n[0].responseHandler = function() { - e.shouldAbort(t) || null == r || r(...arguments); - }; - }(e, t, r); - try { - if (e.shouldAbort(t)) return { - completed: !1 - }; - const i = yield n(...r); - return e.shouldAbort(t) ? { - completed: !1 - } : { - completed: !0, - data: i - }; - } catch (n) { - if (e.shouldAbort(t)) return { - completed: !1 - }; - throw n; - } - }); - }; - } - _c = new WeakMap(); - class Bc { - constructor() { - Mc.add(this), Uc.set(this, new Map()); - } - create(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : xo; - const n = T(this, Mc, "m", Fc).call(this, e), - r = n.create(); - return { - ref: r, - post: Vc(n, r, t) - }; - } - } - Uc = new WeakMap(), Mc = new WeakSet(), Fc = function(e) { - let t = T(this, Uc, "f").get(e); - return t || (t = new Pc(), T(this, Uc, "f").set(e, t)), t; - }; - const kc = "ResourceCache"; - class zc { - constructor() { - this.isCaching = !1, this.errorMessages = [], this.onFinishListeners = [], this.onErrorListeners = [], this.onProgressListeners = []; - } - onFinish() { - this.isCaching = !1, this.onFinishListeners.forEach(e => e()), this.onFinishListeners = [], this.onErrorListeners = [], this.onProgressListeners = []; - } - onError(e) { - this.errorMessages.push(e), this.onErrorListeners.forEach(t => t(e)); - } - onProgress(e, t) { - this.onProgressListeners.forEach(n => n(e, t)); - } - listen(e, t, n) { - this.errorMessages.length > 0 && t && t(this.errorMessages.join("\n")), !this.isCaching && e && e(), this.isCaching && (e && this.onFinishListeners.push(e), t && this.onErrorListeners.push(t), n && this.onProgressListeners.push(n)); - } - start(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - if (!this.isCaching) try { - this.isCaching = !0, this.errorMessages = [], this.innerStart(e); - } catch (e) { - return this.onError(e.message), void n(e.message); - } - const r = { - finished: !1 - }; - this.listen(() => { - r.finished || (r.finished = !0, t()); - }, e => { - r.finished || (r.finished = !0, n(e)); - }, null); - }); - } - switch (e) { - this.innerSwitch(e); - } - } - class Hc extends zc { - constructor() { - super(), this.isNativeReady = !1, this.isCacheAvailable = !1, Nn().then(() => { - this.isNativeReady = !0, this.isCacheAvailable = "undefined" != typeof OSCache, this.isCacheAvailable ? (OSCache.addEventListener("onfinish", e => this.onFinish()), OSCache.addEventListener("onerror", e => this.onError(e.message)), OSCache.addEventListener("onprogress", e => this.onProgress(e.loaded, : console.error(kc, Hc.OSCacheNotFoundMessage); - }, e => { - console.error(kc, "OSCache was not initialized because Cordova was not loaded.", e); - }); - } - checkOSCacheAndDeferCall(e, t) { - return this.isNativeReady ? !!this.isCacheAvailable || (e && this.onError(Hc.OSCacheNotFoundMessage), !1) : (Nn().then(t), !1); - } - getCacheName() { - return "Native Cache"; - } - innerStart(e) { - if (!this.checkOSCacheAndDeferCall(!0, () => this.innerStart(e))) return; - const t = fe(), - n = `/${Y()}/`, - r = []; - for (const i of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e.urlVersions)) r.push(en(Zt(i, n, t), e.urlVersions[i])); - OSCache.startCaching(e.versionToken, r, e.urlMappings, e.urlMappingsNoCache); - } - innerSwitch(e) { - if (this.checkOSCacheAndDeferCall(!1, () => this.innerSwitch(e))) try { - OSCache.switchToVersion(e); - } catch (e) { - console.error(kc, e); - } - } - } - Hc.OSCacheNotFoundMessage = "OSCache not found (is a native plugin missing?)"; - class jc extends zc { - constructor() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : No; - super(), this.requested = 0, this.resourceQueue = [], this.count = 0, = 0, this.getMethod = e; - } - getCacheName() { - return "Preloader"; - } - innerStart(e) { - if (this.isOngoing()) return; - if (this.count = this.requested = = 0, this.resources = e.urlVersions, !this.resources) return; - if (this.resourceQueue = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.resources), = this.resourceQueue.length, this.resourceQueue.length <= 0) return; - const t = `/${Y()}/`; - for (let e = 0; e < jc.DefaultWindowSize; ++e) this.prefetchNext(t, ""); - } - innerSwitch(e) {} - isOngoing() { - return this.requested > 0 || this.resourceQueue.length > 0; - } - request(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - yield this.getMethod({ - url: e, - timeout: jc.DefaultResourceTimeout, - responseType: "none" - }); - } catch (t) { - this.onError && this.onError(`Failed to load resource '${e}'.`); - } - this.onProgress && this.onProgress(++this.count,, this.requested--, 0 === this.resourceQueue.length && 0 === this.requested ? this.onFinish && this.onFinish() : this.resourceQueue.length > 0 && this.prefetchNext(t, n); - }); - } - prefetchNext(e, t) { - const n = this.resourceQueue.pop(); - if (!n) throw new Error("No resource to fetch next."); - const r = en(Zt(n, e, t), this.resources[n]); - this.request(r, e, t), this.requested++; - } - } - jc.DefaultWindowSize = 2, jc.DefaultResourceTimeout = 2e4; - class qc extends zc { - getCacheName() { - return "Dummy"; - } - innerStart(e) { - this.onFinish(); - } - innerSwitch(e) {} - } - let Gc = "undefined" == typeof document ? new qc() : bn() ? new Hc() : new jc(); - var Wc, Kc; - ! function(e) { - e[e.TransitionStart = 0] = "TransitionStart", e[e.TransitionEnd = 1] = "TransitionEnd", e[e.NavigationStart = 2] = "NavigationStart"; - }(Wc || (Wc = {})), - function(e) { - e[e.Success = 0] = "Success", e[e.Failure = 1] = "Failure"; - }(Kc || (Kc = {})); - let Jc = 0; - const Yc = (() => { - const e = [], - t = Object.keys(Wc).length / 2; - for (let n = 0; n < t; n++) e.push({}); - return e; - })(); - var Xc; - ! function(e) { - function t(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - const r = "_" + Jc++; - return Yc[e][r] = { - listenOnce: n, - callback: t - }, { - type: e, - id: r - }; - } - - function n(e, t) { - return delete Yc[e][t]; - } - e.listen = t, e.listenOnce = function(e, n) { - return t(e, n, !0); - }, e.unregister = function(e) { - return e && n(e.type,; - }, e.dispatch = function(e) { - let t; - const r = Yc[e.type]; - for (const i in r) { - const s = r[i]; - s.listenOnce && n(e.type, i); - const a = s.callback(e.args); - void 0 !== a && (t = a); - } - return t; - }; - }(Xc || (Xc = {})); - var Qc = _exports.EventDispatcher = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get EventDispatcher() { - return Xc; - }, - get EventType() { - return Wc; - }, - get TransitionEndResult() { - return Kc; - } - }); - - function Zc(e) { - return "name" in e && "registerInitializer" in e && "initialize" in e && "initializerCleanup" in e && "testConnection" in e && "close" in e && "executeReadTransaction" in e && "executeTransaction" in e && "executeUpgradeTransaction" in e; - } - class ed extends Error { - constructor(_ref13) { - let { - message: e, - errorCode: t, - category: n - } = _ref13; - super(e), this.errorCode = t, this.category = n; - } - } - const td = "moduleservices", - nd = `${td}/moduleinfo`, - rd = `${td}/moduleversioninfo`; - class id { - constructor() { - let { - getBasePath: e = () => fe(), - getMethod: t = No, - prefetchedVersion: n - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - this.getBasePath = null != e ? e : () => fe(), this.getMethod = t, this.prefetchedVersion = n; - } - init() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - this.prefetchedVersion = yield this.getLatestVersion(); - } catch (e) { - pi("ManifestLoader", `Failed to prefetch latest version. ${e}`); - } - }); - } - getVersionTokenParameter(e) { - return e ? `?${e}` : ""; - } - getPrefetchedVersion() { - return this.prefetchedVersion; - } - getLatestManifest(e, t) { - return this.getManifest(e, t); - } - getCachedManifest(e) { - return this.getManifest("cached", e); - } - getManifest(e) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e) { - var _this3 = this; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : gn.resolve(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient); - return function*() { - var n; - const r = `${nd}${_this3.getVersionTokenParameter(e)}`; - return null !== (n = yield _this3.getMethod({ - url: r, - timeout: 1e4, - baseURL: _this3.getBasePath(), - httpClient: t - })) && void 0 !== n ? n : {}; - }(); - }); - } - getLatestVersion() { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function() { - var _this4 = this; - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Date().getTime().toString(); - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : gn.resolve(pn.HttpClient); - return function*() { - var n; - const r = `${rd}?${e}`; - return null !== (n = yield _this4.getMethod({ - url: r, - timeout: 1e4, - baseURL: _this4.getBasePath(), - httpClient: t - })) && void 0 !== n ? n : {}; - }(); - }); - } - } - - function sd() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const e = yield function() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - return yield Nn(), on(window) ? window.OutSystemsNative.Prebundle : null; - } catch (e) { - return null; - } - }); - }(); - return e ? new Promise((t, n) => { - e.getManifest(t, n); - }) : null; - }); - } - const ad = "undefined" != typeof __PERFORMANCE; - - function od(e) { - ad && __PERFORMANCE.start(e); - } - - function ld(e) { - ad && __PERFORMANCE.end(e); - } - var ud = _exports.Performance = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - clear: function() { - if (ad) return __PERFORMANCE.clear(); - }, - dump: function() { - if (ad) return __PERFORMANCE.dump(); - }, - end: ld, - start: od - }); - const cd = "VersionsManager", - dd = "__"; - var hd, gd; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Generic = 0] = "Generic", e[e.Resources = 1] = "Resources", e[e.DataModel = 2] = "DataModel"; - }(hd || (hd = {})), - function(e) { - e[e.Idle = 0] = "Idle", e[e.Upgrading = 1] = "Upgrading", e[e.UpgradeSuccess = 2] = "UpgradeSuccess", e[e.UpgradeFailed = 3] = "UpgradeFailed"; - }(gd || (gd = {})); - const pd = { - applicationInfo: new Ze(Pe.Persistent, "ApplicationInfo"), - upgradeStatus: new Ze(Pe.Session, "UpgradeStatus", 0) - }, - fd = e => { - const t = e.lastIndexOf(dd); - return -1 !== t ? e.substring(0, t) : e.replace(".js", ""); - }, - md = (e, t) => `/${t}/${e}`, - vd = (e, t, n) => n ? n[md(e, t)] : void 0, - yd = function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - const r = ((e, t) => { - let n = e.replace(/(.*)(\?[^?]+)$/, "$1").replace(/(.*)(\.[^.]+)$/, "$1"); - return t && (n = n.replace(/(.*)(__[^_]+)$/, "$1")), n; - })(e, n), - i = Qt(r), - s = Qt((e => { - const t = e.indexOf("?"), - n = e.substring(0, t >= 0 ? t : void 0); - return n.substring(n.lastIndexOf(".")); - })(e)), - a = Qt(dd), - o = new RegExp(`${i}${a}.*${s}$`), - l = t ? Object.keys(t).find(e => o.exec(e)) : void 0; - return l ? { - matchedUrlVersion: l, - relativeUrlWithoutHashAndExtension: r - } : n ? {} : yd(e, t, !0); - }, - bd = function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !1; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Y; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : fe; - const s = r(), - a = i(), - o = ((e, t, n) => { - const { - matchedUrlVersion: r, - relativeUrlWithoutHashAndExtension: i - } = yd(e, t); - if (n && r && i) { - const e = r.lastIndexOf(dd); - return `${i}${r.substring(e)}`; - } - return e; - })(e, t, n), - l = vd(o, s, t); - if (l) { - const e = en(md(o, s), null != l ? l : ""); - return Zt(e, `/${s}/`, a); - } - return o; - }; - class Td { - constructor() { - let { - manifestLoader: e = new id() - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - this._isAutoUpgradeEnabled = !0, this.checkedCachedInfoConsistency = !1, this.manifestLoader = e; - } - get cachedAppInfo() { - let e = pd.applicationInfo.get(); - if (e && !this.checkedCachedInfoConsistency) { - try { - Td.validateApplicationInfo(e); - } catch (t) { - e = void 0, pd.applicationInfo.remove(); - } - this.checkedCachedInfoConsistency = !0; - } - return e; - } - set cachedAppInfo(e) { - pd.applicationInfo.set(e); - } - get currentAppInfo() { - var e, t; - return null !== (t = null === (e = this.fetchedApplicationInfo) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.manifest) && void 0 !== t ? t : this.cachedAppInfo; - } - get upgradeStatus() { - return pd.upgradeStatus.get(); - } - set upgradeStatus(e) { - pd.upgradeStatus.set(e); - } - initializeManifestLoader() { - return this.manifestLoader.init(); - } - initialize() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - pi(cd, "Initializing VersionsManager"), this.initialUpgradeStatus = this.upgradeStatus; - if (!Y()) return Promise.reject(Error("Home module not defined!")); - this.enableBackgroundCheckForNewVersions(), this.fetchedApplicationInfo = yield this.fetchApplicationManifest(); - }); - } - upgradeVersion(t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.onVersionReady = n.onVersionReady || (() => {}), this.onUpgradeFinished = n.onUpgradeFinished || (e => {}), this.onNewVersionDetected = !this.isUpgradeDisabled && n.onNewVersionDetected || (e => Promise.resolve()); - const r = n.onAppInfoReady || (e => {}), - i = this.fetchedApplicationInfo.manifest, - s = this.fetchedApplicationInfo.isFromPrebundle; - if (r(i), Ce(function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Y; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : fe; - const i = `/${n()}/`, - s = r(); - return Object.keys(e).filter(e => /\.js$/i.test(e)).reduce((t, n) => { - const r = e[n], - a = Zt(n, i, s), - o = a.split("/"), - l = fd(o[o.length - 1]); - return t.hasOwnProperty(l) || (t[l] = en(a, r)), t; - }, {}); - }(i.manifest.urlVersions, i.manifest.versionToken)), this.isNewVersion(i.manifest, s)) { - if (!this.isUpgradeDisabled && this.usingStaleIndex(i)) return lr(!0), fi(cd, "Reloading application - index.html was changed in the server", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), !1; - yield this.upgrade(i, t); - } else this.initDataModel(t); - return !0; - }); - } - initDataModel(e) { - pi(cd, "Initializing data model"), e.then(e => this.upgradeDataModel(e).then(() => this.switchDataModel(e)).then(() => { - this.onVersionReady(); - })).then(() => this.setUpgradeStatus(0)).catch(e => this.handleInitError(e)); - } - cacheResourcesInBackground(e) { - return pi(cd, "Caching resources in the background..."), this.fetchApplicationManifest(!1).then(_ref14 => { - let { - manifest: t, - isFromPrebundle: n - } = _ref14; - const r = this.usingStaleIndex(t); - if (e && e(r), Xn(r), this.isNewVersion(t.manifest, n)) return this.upgradeResources(t); - }).catch(e => mi(cd, `Error caching resources for new version in the background: ${e}`)); - } - getResourceVersionToken(e, t) { - if (this.currentAppInfo) return vd(e, t, this.currentAppInfo.manifest.urlVersions); - } - isNewVersion(e, t) { - const n = e.versionToken, - r = this.getLastApplicationVersionToken(), - i = n !== r; - if (this.canDisableNativeAutoUpgrade) { - const e = this.isAutoUpgradeEnabled, - s = i && (e || t); - return pi(cd, () => i ? `Version check found a new version '${n}' from ${t ? "prebundle" : "server"} with auto-upgrade ${e ? "enabled" : "disabled"} and decided it is ${s ? "" : "not "}upgradable. Current version has token '${r}'` : `Version check found the same version '${n}'.`), s; - } - return i; - } - getLastApplicationVersionToken() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - var t; - if (e && (null === (t = this.fetchedApplicationInfo) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.manifest)) return this.fetchedApplicationInfo.manifest.manifest.versionToken; - const n = this.cachedAppInfo; - return n ? n.manifest.versionToken : ""; - } - getVersionToken(e, t) { - return this.getResourceVersionToken(e, t); - } - getVersionedUrl(e) { - var t, n; - return bd(e, null === (t = this.currentAppInfo) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.manifest.urlVersions, null === (n = this.currentAppInfo) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.manifest.cdnUrlVersioning); - } - static getJSONParseErrorMessage() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ""; - return "Error parsing manifest JSON " + (e ? `, missing or invalid field: ${e}.` : "."); - } - static validateApplicationInfo(e) { - if (!e) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage()); - if (!e.manifest) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("manifest")); - const t = e.manifest; - if (!t.versionToken || "string" != typeof t.versionToken) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("manifest.versionToken")); - if (!t.urlVersions || "object" != typeof t.urlVersions) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("manifest.urlVersions")); - if (!t.urlMappings || "object" != typeof t.urlMappings) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("manifest.urlMappings")); - if (!t.urlMappingsNoCache || "object" != typeof t.urlMappingsNoCache) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("manifest.urlMappingsNoCache")); - if (! throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("data")); - const n =; - if (!n.modules || "object" != typeof n.modules) throw Error(this.getJSONParseErrorMessage("data.modules")); - } - getLatestVersionFromServer() { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function() { - var _this5 = this; - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - return function*() { - var t; - const n = yield e && _this5.manifestLoader.getPrefetchedVersion() || _this5.manifestLoader.getLatestVersion(); - return _this5.canDisableNativeAutoUpgrade && (_this5._isAutoUpgradeEnabled = null !== (t = n.isAutoUpgradeEnabled) && void 0 !== t && t), n.versionToken || vi(cd, "Error retrieving version token from module version info.", "OS-CLRT-60301"), n; - }(); - }); - } - checkForNewVersion() { - this.isUpgradeDisabled || this.isUpgradingVersion || !pd.applicationInfo.isDefined() || this.getLatestVersionFromServer(!1).then(e => { - this.getLastApplicationVersionToken() !== e.versionToken && this.isAutoUpgradeEnabled && this.onNewVersionDetected(!1, this.isAutoUpgradeEnabled); - }, e => { - mi(cd, `Error checking for new version: ${e}`); - }); - } - upgrade(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - pi(cd, "New application version detected, starting upgrade..."), this.setUpgradeStatus(1); - const n = this.supportsResourceCache().then(t => t ? this.upgradeResources(e).catch(e => this.handleUpgradeError(e, 1, Promise.resolve(void 0))) : Promise.resolve()), - r = t.then(e => this.upgradeDataModel(e)).catch(e => this.handleUpgradeError(e, 2, n)); - yield Promise.all([n, r]).then(() => { - 1 === this.upgradeStatus && this.commitNewVersion(e, t).then(e => { - e && this.onVersionReady(); - }); - }).catch(e => this.handleUpgradeError(e)); - }); - } - supportsResourceCache() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var e; - if (de()) { - const t = !!(null === (e = Q()) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.splashScreenName); - return pi(cd, "Web app - Resource pre-caching is " + (t ? "enabled" : "disabled")), t; - } { - const e = yield this.serviceWorkerIsAvailable(), - t = bn() || !e; - return pi(cd, "Mobile app - Pre-caching resources with " + (t ? "Resource Cache" : "Service Worker")), t; - } - }); - } - serviceWorkerIsAvailable() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - if (!("serviceWorker" in navigator)) return !1; - return null !== (yield navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations()); - } catch (e) { - return !1; - } - }); - } - commitNewVersion(e, t) { - return t.then(e => this.switchDataModel(e)).then(() => this.switchResourcesVersion(e.manifest.versionToken)).then(() => { - const t = !this.cachedAppInfo; - return this.cachedAppInfo = e, this.setUpgradeStatus(t ? 0 : 2), !0; - }); - } - setManifestLoader(e) { - this.manifestLoader = e; - } - upgradeResources(e) { - return od("VersionsManager upgradeResources"), Dt(() => Gc.start(e.manifest), () => ld("VersionsManager upgradeResources")); - } - upgradeDataModel(e) { - return od("VersionsManager upgradeDataModel"), Zc(e) ? (pi(cd, `Initializing data model on ${e.engineName} database.`), Dt(() => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = yield this.getAllEntityModules(), - n = gn.resolve(pn.EntityService); - for (const e of t) n.registerInitializer(e.getEntityInfos()); - yield e.initialize(); - }), () => ld("VersionsManager upgradeDataModel"))) : (pi(cd, "Initializing data model on SQLite/WebSQL database."), Dt(() => this.doForEachClientEntitiesModule(e, (e, t) => t.init(e)), () => ld("VersionsManager upgradeDataModel"))); - } - getAllEntityModules() { - const e = [], - t = W(), - n = t ? [t] : G(); - if (n) - for (const t of n) pi(cd, `Fetching entity module '${t}'.`), e.push(new Promise((e, n) => { - Re([t], t => e(t), n); - })); - return Promise.all(e); - } - doForEachClientEntitiesModule(e, t) { - return e.isMock ? Promise.resolve() : this.getAllEntityModules().then(n => e.executeTransaction(e => e.feed(null).andThenAll(() => => n => t(n, e))))); - } - switchResourcesVersion(e) { - Gc.switch(e); - } - switchDataModel(e) { - return Zc(e) ? (pi(cd, "Finishing initialization of data model on IndexedDB database."), e.initializerCleanup()) : (pi(cd, "Finishing initialization of data model on SQLite/WebSQL database."), this.doForEachClientEntitiesModule(e, (e, t) => t.switch(e))); - } - handleInitError(t) { - const n = this.isUpgradeDisabled ? "Upgrade failed and rollback isn't possible at this time" : "Unable to load the data model"; - vi(cd, n, "OS-CLRT-60303", t, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), wc(t); - } - handleUpgradeError(t) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Promise.resolve(void 0); - return at(t, st.OpenDatabaseException) ? (vi(cd, "Upgrade failed - unable to open the database.", "OS-CLRT-60302", t), wc(t), Promise.resolve(void 0)) : rr() || 3 === this.initialUpgradeStatus ? 3 === this.initialUpgradeStatus ? (wc(t), Promise.resolve(void 0)) : (mi(cd, "Upgrade failed - ignoring error due to concurrent navigation."), 3 !== this.upgradeStatus && this.setUpgradeStatus(0), Promise.resolve(void 0)) : (vi(cd, "Upgrade failed - rolling back to previous application version.", "OS-CLRT-60302", t, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), this.rollBackApplicationVersion(n, r)); - } - get isUpgradingVersion() { - return 1 === this.upgradeStatus; - } - setUpgradeStatus(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; - return this.upgradeStatus = e, pi(cd, "Upgrade status changed to: " + e), 2 === e ? this.onUpgradeFinished(!0) : 3 === e ? this.onUpgradeFinished(!1, t) : void 0; - } - rollBackApplicationVersion(e, t) { - return this.loadCachedManifest().then(_ref15 => { - let { - manifest: n - } = _ref15; - if (this.setUpgradeStatus(3, e), 1 !== e) return t.then(() => Gc.start(n.manifest)); - }).then(() => { - or(!1); - }).catch(e => { - wc(e); - }); - } - get isUpgradeDisabled() { - return 3 === this.upgradeStatus; - } - get isAutoUpgradeEnabled() { - return this._isAutoUpgradeEnabled; - } - get canDisableNativeAutoUpgrade() { - return gn.resolve(pn.SettingsManager).readBool("CanDisableAutoUpgrade") && bn() && this.isRunningCachedIndex(); - } - isRunningCachedIndex() { - const e = OSManifestLoader.indexVersionToken, - t = this.getIndexVersion(this.cachedAppInfo); - return !!t && e === t; - } - usingStaleIndex(e) { - if (sr()) return !1; - return (OSManifestLoader.indexVersionToken || this.getIndexVersion(this.cachedAppInfo)) !== this.getIndexVersion(e); - } - getIndexVersion(e) { - if (!e) return ""; - const t = vd("index.html", Y(), e.manifest.urlVersions); - return t ? t.substr(1) : ""; - } - loadCachedManifest() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var e; - if (this.canDisableNativeAutoUpgrade) { - const t = this.innerLoadPrebundledManifest(), - n = this.innerLoadCachedManifest(); - let r = null, - i = null, - s = null; - try { - r = yield t; - } catch (t) { - mi(cd, `Error loading prebundled manifest: ${null !== (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.message) && void 0 !== e ? e : t}`); - } - try { - i = yield n; - } catch (e) { - s = e; - } - try { - i = yield this.innerLoadCachedManifest(); - } catch (e) { - s = e; - } - if (!(null == r ? void 0 : r.manifest.versionSequence)) { - if (i) return { - manifest: i, - isFromPrebundle: !1 - }; - throw s; - } - return i && i.manifest.versionSequence >= r.manifest.versionSequence ? { - manifest: i, - isFromPrebundle: !1 - } : { - manifest: r, - isFromPrebundle: !0 - }; - } - return { - manifest: yield this.innerLoadCachedManifest(), - isFromPrebundle: !1 - }; - }); - } - innerLoadCachedManifest() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (yield this.ensureCachedManifest(), this.cachedAppInfo) return this.cachedAppInfo; { - const e = yield this.manifestLoader.getCachedManifest(); - return Td.validateApplicationInfo(e), e; - } - }); - } - innerLoadPrebundledManifest() { - return sd(); - } - ensureCachedManifest() { - if (bn() || this.cachedAppInfo) return Promise.resolve(void 0); { - this.setUpgradeStatus(0); - const e = new ed({ - message: "No cached manifest found. It's not possible to rollback to a previous version.", - errorCode: "OS-CLRT-60304" - }); - return Promise.reject(e); - } - } - getLatestManifestFromServer(e) { - return this.manifestLoader.getLatestManifest(e).then(e => (Td.validateApplicationInfo(e), { - manifest: e, - isFromPrebundle: !1 - })); - } - fetchApplicationManifest() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !0; - return od("VersionsManager fetchApplicationManifest"), this.isUpgradeDisabled ? this.loadCachedManifest() : this.getLatestVersionFromServer(e).then(e => this.isNewVersion(e, !1) ? this.getLatestManifestFromServer(e.versionToken) : this.loadCachedManifest()).catch(() => this.loadCachedManifest()).then(e => (ld("VersionsManager fetchApplicationManifest"), e)); - } - enableBackgroundCheckForNewVersions() { - let e = !1; - Xc.listen(Wc.NavigationStart, () => e = !0), Xc.listen(Wc.TransitionEnd, () => { - e = !1, setTimeout(() => { - e || this.checkForNewVersion(); - }, 1e3); - }); - } - } - const wd = new Td(); - - function Ed(e, t) { - fi("Public", `'${e}' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Consider using '${t}' instead.`); - } - const Id = $u; - var Ad, Nd; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Info = 0] = "Info", e[e.Success = 1] = "Success", e[e.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 3] = "Error"; - }(Ad || (Ad = {})), - function(e) { - e.showFeedbackMessage = function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !0; - let r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : !0; - let s = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : undefined; - return Lc(e, function(e) { - switch (e) { - case Ad.Info: - return 0; - case Ad.Success: - return 1; - case Ad.Warning: - return 2; - case Ad.Error: - return 3; - default: - throw new Error("Don't know how to convert " + e); - } - }(t), n, r, i, s); - }, e.closeFeedbackMessage = function() { - return Oc(); - }; - }(Nd || (Nd = {})); - let Sd = class { - constructor(e) { - this._model = e; - } - setWidgetAsInvalid(e, t) { - var n; - const r = null === (n = this._model) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.widgets.get(e); - r.validAttr = !1, r.validationMessageAttr = t; - } - setWidgetAsValid(e) { - var t; - const n = null === (t = this._model) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.widgets.get(e); - n.validAttr = !0, n.validationMessageAttr = ""; - } - isWidgetValid(e) { - var t; - return !0 === (null === (t = this._model) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.widgets.get(e)).validAttr; - } - }; - var Dd, Rd, Cd; - ! function(e) { - e.whenReady = function() { - return An(); - }; - }(Dd || (Dd = {})), - function(e) { - e.isUpgradingVersion = function() { - return wd.isUpgradingVersion; - }, e.listen = function(e) { - pi("ApplicationLifecycle", "Registering listeners for the application load process."), e && (e.onLoadComplete && $p.waitForAppReady().then(() => { - var t; - return null === (t = e.onLoadComplete) || void 0 === t ? void 0 :; - }), e.onUpgradeProgress && Gc.listen(null, null, (t, n) => { - var r; - return null === (r = e.onUpgradeProgress) || void 0 === r ? void 0 :, t, n); - })); - }; - }(Rd || (Rd = {})); - class xd { - constructor(e) { - this._context = e; - } - navigateTo(e, t, n) { - vr(e, this.getTransitionObject(t, O), this._context, !1, n); - } - navigateBack(e) { - yr(this.getTransitionObject(e), this._context, !1); - } - navigateForward(e) { - br(this.getTransitionObject(e), this._context, !1); - } - navigatedFromHistory() { - return (Zd.activeScreen ? Zd.activeScreen.modelContext : { - viewName: "", - navigatedFromHistory: !1, - viewWasRestoredFromCache: !1 - }).navigatedFromHistory; - } - registerBackNavigationHandler(e) { - return ur(e); - } - unregisterBackNavigationHandler(e) { - cr(e); - } - registerNavigationHandler(e) { - return dr(e); - } - getTransitionObject(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; - return M(e, t); - } - }! function(t) { - t.log = function(t, n) { - fi(t, n, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - }, t.error = function(t, n, r) { - vi(t, n, void 0, r, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - }; - }(Cd || (Cd = {})); - class Ld { - constructor(e) { - this._model = e; - } - static get ActiveScreenCssClass() { - return "active-screen"; - } - getCurrentScreenRootElement() { - return document.querySelector("." + Ld.ActiveScreenCssClass); - } - render() { - return new Promise(e => { - requestAnimationFrame(() => { - setTimeout(e, 1); - }); - }); - } - wasCurrentViewRestoredFromCache() { - return !!this._model && this._model.context.viewWasRestoredFromCache; - } - registerDeviceClassGetter(e) { - return dn(pn.DeviceHelperClassProvider, () => e); - } - } - class Od { - static getCurrentContext() { - const e = th(); - return { - applicationKey: V() || "", - applicationName: B() || "", - screenKey: e ? e.screenKey : "", - screenName: e ? e.screenName : "", - isReady: $p.isReady - }; - } - } - class _d { - static get Instance() { - return _d; - } - static get isUpgradingVersion() { - return Ed("ApplicationLoad.isUpgradingVersion", "ApplicationLifecycle.isUpgradingVersion()"), Rd.isUpgradingVersion(); - } - static listen(e) { - Ed("ApplicationLoad.listen()", "ApplicationLifecycle.listen()"), Rd.listen(e); - } - } - var Md, - Ud = _exports.Public = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ApplicationContext: Od, - get ApplicationLifecycle() { - return Rd; - }, - ApplicationLoad: _d, - BuiltinFunctions: Id, - get Device() { - return Dd; - }, - get FeedbackMessage() { - return Nd; - }, - get FeedbackMessageType() { - return Ad; - }, - get Logger() { - return Cd; - }, - Navigation: xd, - Validation: Sd, - View: Ld - }); - class Fd { - constructor(e, t) { - this._model = e, this._navigationContext = t; - } - get BuiltinFunctions() { - return $u; - } - get Validation() { - return this._validation || (this._validation = new Sd(this._model)), this._validation; - } - get FeedbackMessage() { - return Nd; - } - get Device() { - return Dd; - } - get ApplicationLifecycle() { - return Rd; - } - get ApplicationContext() { - return Od; - } - get ApplicationLoad() { - return _d; - } - get Navigation() { - return this._navigation || (this._navigation = new xd(this._navigationContext)), this._navigation; - } - get Logger() { - return Cd; - } - get View() { - return this._view || (this._view = new Ld(this._model)), this._view; - } - }! function(e) { - e[e.Block = 0] = "Block", e[e.IteratorItem = 1] = "IteratorItem", e[e.None = 2] = "None"; - }(Md || (Md = {})); - const $d = "-"; - class Pd { - constructor(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Md.None; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; - switch (this._ownerService = e, n) { - case Md.Block: - this._namespace = "b"; - break; - case Md.IteratorItem: - this._namespace = "l"; - break; - default: - this._namespace = ""; - } - if (this._namespace += t, e) { - const t = r ? r + $d : ""; - this._namespace = e.namespace + this._namespace + $d + t; - } else this._namespace && (this._namespace = this._namespace + $d); - } - getId(e) { - return e ? this.namespace + e : null; - } - static nameFromId(e) { - return e.substring(e.lastIndexOf($d) + 1); - } - get namespace() { - return this._namespace; - } - get ownerService() { - return this._ownerService; - } - } - var Vd = _exports.WidgetNaming = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - get NamespaceKind() { - return Md; - }, - WidgetIdService: Pd - }); - class Bd { - constructor(e, t) { - this.model = e, this.messagesProvider = t, this.updatingValidations = !1, this.disposed = !1, e.hasValidationWidgets && (this.widgets = {}, this.widgetChildren = {}, this.oldModelWidgets = this.model.widgets, this.model.subscribeWrites(() => { - this.updatingValidations || this.oldModelWidgets === this.model.widgets || this.recalculateAggregatorsState(""), this.oldModelWidgets = this.model.widgets; - }, !0)); - } - getWidgetRecord(e) { - return this.model.widgets.get(e); - } - updateWidgetValidationsProperties(e, t, n) { - const r = this.updatingValidations; - this.updatingValidations = !0; - try { - if (e.isWebBlockInstance) { - e.valid = t; - } else { - const r = this.getWidgetRecord(e.getId()); - r.validAttr !== t && (r.validAttr = t), void 0 !== n && r.validationMessageAttr !== n && (r.validationMessageAttr = n); - } - } finally { - this.updatingValidations = r; - } - } - validateWidget(e) { - let t = !0; - for (const n in this.widgetChildren[e]) !0 !== this.validateWidget(n) && (t = !1); - const n = this.widgets[e]; - if (n) { - let e; - n.isValidationAggregator ? e = new kd(t) : n.validate && (e = n.validate()), e && (this.updateWidgetValidationsProperties(n, e.valid, e.validationMessage), e.valid || (t = !1)); - } - return t; - } - recalculateAggregatorsState(e) { - let t = !0; - for (const n in this.widgetChildren[e]) this.recalculateAggregatorsState(n) || (t = !1); - const n = this.widgets[e]; - if (n) { - if (n.isWebBlockInstance) return n.valid; - if (!n.isValidationAggregator) return this.getWidgetRecord(e).validAttr; - this.updateWidgetValidationsProperties(n, t); - } - return t; - } - register(e) { - if (this.model.hasValidationWidgets && e) { - const t = e.getId(); - if (t) { - this.widgets[t] = e; - const n = e.validationParentId || ""; - let r = this.widgetChildren[n]; - if (r || (r = {}, this.widgetChildren[n] = r), r[t] = 1, !e.isWebBlockInstance) { - const n = e, - r = this.model.widgets.create(t); - r.generationNode = n.generationNode, this.model.widgets.add(r); - } - } - } - } - unregister(e) { - if (!e || this.disposed || !this.model.hasValidationWidgets) return; - const t = this.widgets[e], - n = (t ? t.validationParentId : null) || ""; - delete this.widgets[e], delete this.widgetChildren[n][e], t && this.model.widgets.remove(e); - } - isRegistered(e) { - return !!this.widgets && void 0 !== this.widgets[e]; - } - validate(e) { - if (!this.model.hasValidationWidgets) return !0; - let t = this.validateWidget(e || ""); - return e && (t = this.recalculateAggregatorsState("")), this.model.flush(), t; - } - getMandatoryValueMessage() { - return this.messagesProvider.getMandatoryValueMessage(); - } - getInvalidValueMessage(e) { - return this.messagesProvider.getInvalidValueMessage(e); - } - getNameById(e) { - return Pd.nameFromId(e); - } - getWidgetChildren() { - return this.widgetChildren; - } - dispose() { - this.disposed = !0; - } - } - class kd { - constructor(e, t) { - this.valid = e, this.validationMessage = t; - } - get valid() { - return this._valid; - } - set valid(e) { - this._valid = null == e || e; - } - get validationMessage() { - return this._validationMessage; - } - set validationMessage(e) { - this._validationMessage = e || ""; - } - } - var zd = _exports.Validation = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ValidationResult: kd, - ValidationService: Bd - }); - const Hd = () => {}; - class jd { - constructor(e, t) { - this.controllerClass = e, this.messagesProvider = t; - } - create(e, t) { - return new this.controllerClass(e, this.messagesProvider, t); - } - static executeWithNavigationCallbacks(e, t, n) { - Gn(t); - return Dt(e, () => { - t.dispose(n), Kn(); - }); - } - initialize(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const a = Zd.activeScreen, - o = a ? a.callContext() : n.callContext(); - try { - kr() && (yield new Promise(e => { - new Fd(null, null).ApplicationLifecycle.listen({ - onLoadComplete: e - }); - }), yield Kr()), this.controllerClass.checkPermissions(); - } catch (e) { - const t = { - permissionsOk: !1 - }; - return jd.executeWithNavigationCallbacks(() => n.handleError(e, o), r, o).then(() => t, e => t); - } - const l = t.create(e), - u = this.create(l, new Pd(null)); - u.setAsActiveScreen(); - const c = jd.executeWithNavigationCallbacks(() => u.fireInitialize({ - rootSpan: s - }), i, u.callContext()), - d = { - permissionsOk: !0, - controller: u, - model: l - }; - return c.then(() => d, e => at(e, st.UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException) && e.handleErrorResult === pc ? { - permissionsOk: !0 - } : d); - }); - } - get activeScreenController() { - return Zd.activeScreen; - } - } - class qd { - constructor() { - this._iterationContext = new Gd(), this._id = ++qd.currentId; - } - get id() { - return this._id; - } - get viewName() { - return this._viewName; - } - get timeout() { - return this._timeout; - } - get iterationContext() { - return this._iterationContext; - } - set iterationContext(e) { - this._iterationContext = e; - } - withViewName(e) { - return this._viewName !== e ? this.innerClone({ - _viewName: { - value: e - } - }) : this; - } - withTimeout(e) { - return this._timeout !== e ? this.innerClone({ - _timeout: { - value: e - } - }) : this; - } - clone() { - const e = this.innerClone(); - return e._id = ++qd.currentId, e; - } - innerClone(e) { - const t = Object.create(this, null != e ? e : {}); - return t.iterationContext = this.iterationContext.clone(), t; - } - get isOutOfContext() { - return !!Zd.activeScreen && this.viewName !== Zd.activeScreen.viewName; - } - } - qd.currentId = 0; - class Gd { - getCurrentRowNumber(e) { - const t = this.getIterator(e); - return t ? t.currentRowNumber : 0; - } - setCurrentRowNumber(e, t) { - this.getIteratorForSet(e).currentRowNumber = t; - } - isBeingIterated(e) { - const t = this.getIterator(e); - return !!t && t.isBeingIterated; - } - registerIterationStart(e) { - const t = this.getIteratorForSet(e); - if (t.isBeingIterated) throw new Error("List is already being iterated in this context"); - t.currentRowNumber = e.length - 1, t.isBeingIterated = !0; - } - registerIterationEnd(e) { - const t = this.getIteratorForSet(e); - if (!t.isBeingIterated) throw new Error("List was redefined while being iterated"); - t.isBeingIterated = !1; - } - getIterator(e) { - return this.iterators ? this.iterators.get(e.modelId) : null; - } - getIteratorForSet(e) { - this.iterators || (this.iterators = new Map()); - let t = this.getIterator(e); - return t || (t = { - currentRowNumber: 0, - isBeingIterated: !1 - }, this.iterators.set(e.modelId, t)), t; - } - clone() { - const e = new Gd(); - return this.iterators && (e.iterators = function(e, t) { - const n = new Map(); - return e.forEach((e, r) => { - const i = t(e); - n.set(r, i); - }), n; - }(this.iterators, e => Object.create(e))), e; - } - } - const Wd = new bl(), - Kd = new El("Data", "dataOut"), - Jd = new El("List", "listOut", [{ - name: "Count", - attrName: "countOut", - mandatory: !0, - dataType: Po.LongInteger, - defaultValue: () => bo.defaultValue - }]), - Yd = "BaseController"; - class Xd { - constructor(e) { - if (this.isExecutingJSNode = !1, this.localeChangeHandler = e => { - var t; - const n = gn.resolve(pn.TranslationsService), - r = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (n) { - (null !== (t = e.localeFamily) && void 0 !== t ? t : [e.localeCode]).forEach(e => { - var t, i; - this.translationResources[e] ? (pi(Yd, `Adding translations for ${e} locale.`), n.add(null !== (t = this.translationResources[e].translations) && void 0 !== t ? t : {}), r.setCurrentLocaleRTL(null !== (i = this.translationResources[e].isRTL) && void 0 !== i && i)) : pi(Yd, `No translations found for ${e} locale.`); - }); - } - }, this.translationResources = null != e ? e : this.translationResources, this.translationResources) { - const e = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (e) { - const t = e.getCurrentLocale(), - n = e.getCurrentLocaleFamily(); - this.localeChangeHandler({ - localeCode: t, - localeFamily: n - }), pi(Yd, "Subscribing handler for locale service."), e.subscribe(this.localeChangeHandler); - } - } - } - get publicApiHelper() { - return this._publicApiHelper || (this._publicApiHelper = this.createPublicApiHelper()), this._publicApiHelper; - } - getDefaultTimeout() { - throw new Error("Controllers must implement getDefaultTimeout"); - } - createPublicApiHelper() { - return new Fd(null, this.callContext()); - } - get default() { - return this; - } - get controller() { - return this; - } - callContext() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new qd(); - return e; - } - safeExecuteJSNode(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - let o = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : !1; - const l = e => { - const r = `Check the JavaScript node '${t}' of the action '${n}'.`; - throw ((e = e || new Error(r)) instanceof st.NumberOverflowException || e instanceof st.InvalidJavascriptType) && (e.message = e.message + " " + r), e; - }, - u = this.isExecutingJSNode, - c = (r ? [r] : []).concat(s, a, this.publicApiHelper); - e = e.bind(null, ...c); - try { - if (this.isExecutingJSNode = !0, o) return e().then(() => i(r)).catch(l); - try { - return e(), i(r); - } catch (e) { - l(e); - } - } finally { - this.isExecutingJSNode = u; - } - } - safeExecuteAsyncJSNode(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - return this.safeExecuteJSNode(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, !0); - } - executeActionInsideJSNode(t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Hd; - let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Hd; - let s = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : ""; - const a = e => { - if (!Ec(e, n)) throw e; - }; - try { - if (s) try { - this.ensureControllerAlive(s); - } catch (t) { - throw vi("Controller", `Invalid call of action '${s}'`, "OS-CLRT-60801", t, _loggerJs.Visibility.External), t; - } - const o = t(n); - return o instanceof Promise ? o.then(e => (i(), r(e))).catch(e => { - i(), a(e); - }) : r(o); - } catch (e) { - a(e); - } finally { - this.isExecutingJSNode || i(); - } - } - getInitialPayloadObject(e, t) { - return { - versionInfo: { - moduleVersion: wd.getLastApplicationVersionToken(!0), - apiVersion: t - }, - viewName: e.viewName ? e.viewName : "*" - }; - } - getEffectiveTimeoutForServerCall(e) { - const t = oe(); - return (null != e ? e : 0) || (null != t ? t : 0) || this.getDefaultTimeout(); - } - callServerAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - let o = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : !1; - return this.innerCallServerAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o); - } - innerCallServerAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - let o = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : !1; - const l = this.getEffectiveTimeoutForServerCall(i.timeout), - u = this.getInitialPayloadObject(i, n); - u.inputParameters = r; - const c = "The timeout of " + l + "s was reached while executing this server action."; - return xo({ - url: t, - payload: u, - timeout: l, - timeoutHandler: () => Promise.resolve((() => { - throw mi(e, c), new st.Exception(c, e); - })()), - responseHandler: Xd.createPostResponseHandler(a), - headers: s, - useLocaleInfo: o, - actionOrAggregateName: e - }).then(e => e || {}).catch(t => { - throw t.extraStack = e, t; - }); - } - static checkPermissions() { - throw new Error("Screen Controllers must implement checkPermissions"); - } - static handlePostResponse(e) { - const t = gn.resolve(pn.ClientVariablesService); - t && t.checkSessionExpires(); - const n = gn.resolve(pn.SettingsManager); - if (n && void 0 !== e.clientSettingsHash && null !== e.clientSettingsHash) { - n.update(e.clientSettingsHash), wi(n.readLogLevel()); - const t = n.readNumber("LoggerSchedulerTimeInterval"); - t > 0 && Ei(t); - } - } - static createPostResponseHandler(e) { - return _ref16 => { - let { - data: t, - responseHeaders: n - } = _ref16; - Xd.handlePostResponse(t), e && e(t, n); - }; - } - executeClientAggregate(e, t) { - return It(() => e()).then(e => { - const n = t(); - n.listOut = e.list, n.countOut = e.count; - }); - } - ensureControllerAlive(e) {} - static getJSONDeserializeOutputType(e) { - return Kd.getType(e); - } - static getAggregateOutputType(e) { - return Jd.getType(e); - } - static registerVariableGroupType(e, t) { - Wd.registerTypeDefinition(e, t); - } - static getVariableGroupType(e) { - return Wd.getType(e); - } - } - const Qd = "BaseViewController"; - class Zd extends Xd { - fireEvent(e) { - return It(() => { - if (e) return, this.callContext()); - }).then(e => { - if (Ic(e)) throw st.UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException.create(e); - }); - } - fireEventAndForget(e) { - this.fireEvent(e).catch(st.UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException.ignore); - } - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(r), this.model = e, this.messagesProvider = t, this._idService = n, this.instanceId = Zd.globalInstanceId++, this.isDisposed = !1, this.shouldSendClientVarsToDataSources = !1, this.fetchReadySources = e => { - const t = []; - (void 0 === e ? this.dataFetchActionNames : this.dataFetchDependentsGraph[e]).forEach(n => { - e && this.dataFetchDependencies[n]--, 0 === this.dataFetchDependencies[n] && t.push(n); - }), t.forEach(e => { - this.remainingFetchesCount++, this.dataFetchDependencies[e] = -1, this.executeDataFetchAction(e).then(() => this.fetchReadySources(e)); - }); - }, this.clientVariablesHandler = e => { - this.model.clientVariablesGeneration++, this.model.scheduleFlush(); - }, this.localeDependencyHandler = e => { - this.model.currentLocale = e.localeCode, this.model.scheduleFlush(); - }; - const i = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - this.linearRequest = new Bc(), i && this.translationResources && (this.model.currentLocale = i.getCurrentLocale()), this.validationServiceInstance = new Bd(e, t); - } - createPublicApiHelper() { - return new Fd(this.model, this.callContext()); - } - static get activeScreen() { - return Zd.activeScreenInstance; - } - setAsActiveScreen() { - Zd.activeScreenInstance = this; - } - callContext(e) { - return super.callContext(e).withViewName(this.viewName); - } - get validationService() { - return this.validationServiceInstance; - } - get viewName() { - var e; - return null === (e = this.modelContext) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.viewName; - } - fetchData() { - let e = !1; - pi(Qd, "Using Improved data fetching with dependencies"), e = this.innerFetchDataWithDependencies(), e && this.model.flush(); - } - executeDataFetchAction(e) { - return pi(Qd, "Fetching " + e), It(() => this[e]()).then(() => { - this.remainingFetchesCount--, clearTimeout(this.flushTimeoutHandle), pi(Qd, "Fetched " + e), this.remainingFetchesCount > 0 ? this.flushTimeoutHandle = window.setTimeout(() => this.model.flush(), 50) : this.model.flush(); - }, e => { - this.remainingFetchesCount--, this.model.flush(), this.handleError(e); - }); - } - innerFetchDataWithDependencies() { - return !(!this.dataFetchActionNames || 0 === this.dataFetchActionNames.length) && (this.dataFetchDependencies = Object.assign({}, this.dataFetchDependenciesOriginal), this.flushTimeoutHandle = 0, this.remainingFetchesCount = 0, this.fetchReadySources(), !0); - } - get idService() { - return this._idService; - } - fireInitialize() { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function() { - var _this6 = this; - let { - rootSpan: t, - startActiveSpan: n = Ii, - setAttributeToSpan: r = this.setAttributesToSpan - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return function*() { - const i = gn.resolve(pn.ClientVariablesService); - i && i.subscribe(_this6.clientVariablesHandler); - const s = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (s && s.subscribe(_this6.localeDependencyHandler), !t) return yield _this6.fireEvent(_this6.onInitializeEventHandler), void _this6.fetchData(); - const a = t.getContext().attributes; - yield n(`${t.getSpanInformation().name}__initialize`, e => b(_this6, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - r(e, a), yield this.fireEvent(this.onInitializeEventHandler); - } finally { - null == e || e.end(); - } - this.fetchData(); - }), _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal, t); - }(); - }); - } - setAttributesToSpan(e, t) { - var n, r, i; - e && t && (e.setAttribute("code.function", t["code.function"]), e.setAttribute("outsystems.function.key", null !== (n = t["outsystems.function.key"]) && void 0 !== n ? n : ""), e.setAttribute("", null !== (r = t[""]) && void 0 !== r ? r : ""), e.setAttribute("outsystems.function.owner.key", null !== (i = t["outsystems.function.owner.key"]) && void 0 !== i ? i : ""), e.setAttribute("outsystems.function.type", t["outsystems.function.type"]), t.screen && e.setAttribute("outsystems.runtime.screen", t["outsystems.runtime.screen"])); - } - fireAfterViewReady() { - this.fireEvent(this.onReadyEventHandler).then(() => this.fireEvent(this.onRenderEventHandler)).catch(st.UnhandledOrIgnoredErrorInEventException.ignore); - } - fireAfterInputsChanged() { - this.fireEventAndForget(this.onParametersChangedEventHandler); - } - fireAfterViewRender() { - let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - if (this.onRenderEventHandler) return this.fireEvent(n => { - if (!t) return this.onRenderEventHandler(n); - vi("View", `Render loop avoided. This is likely due to the model of the screen/block '${this.viewName}' being changed inside its 'On Render' client action. Avoid changes to the model inside 'On Render' client actions.`, "OS-CLRT-60800", void 0, _loggerJs.Visibility.External); - }); - } - fireAfterViewDestroy() { - let { - clientVariablesService: e = gn.resolve(pn.ClientVariablesService), - localeService: t = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService) - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - e && e.unsubscribe(this.clientVariablesHandler), t && t.unsubscribe(this.localeDependencyHandler), this.fireEventAndForget(this.onDestroyEventHandler); - } - registerClientAction(e, t) { - this[e] = t; - } - innerCallAggregate(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c, d) { - let h = arguments.length > 12 && arguments[12] !== undefined ? arguments[12] : !1; - const g = this.getEffectiveTimeoutForServerCall(o); - return pi(Qd, `Calling ${e} aggregate with start index endpoint`), this.callServerDataSource(e, t, n, s, a, e => { - e.inputParameters = { - StartIndex: i, - MaxRecords: r - }; - }, g, l, u, c, d, h); - } - callAggregateWithStartIndexAndClientVars(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c, d) { - let h = arguments.length > 12 && arguments[12] !== undefined ? arguments[12] : !1; - return this.innerCallAggregate(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c, d, h); - } - callAggregateWithStartIndex(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c) { - return this.innerCallAggregate(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c); - } - callAggregate(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u) { - return this.innerCallAggregate(e, t, n, r, 0, i, s, a, o, l, u); - } - callDataAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u) { - let c = arguments.length > 10 && arguments[10] !== undefined ? arguments[10] : !1; - return this.innerCallDataAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c); - } - innerCallDataAction(e, t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u) { - let c = arguments.length > 10 && arguments[10] !== undefined ? arguments[10] : !1; - const d = this.getEffectiveTimeoutForServerCall(s); - return this.callServerDataSource(e, t, n, r, i, void 0, d, a, o, l, u, c); - } - callServerDataSource(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : void 0; - let a = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : 0; - let o = arguments.length > 7 ? arguments[7] : undefined; - let l = arguments.length > 8 ? arguments[8] : undefined; - let u = arguments.length > 9 ? arguments[9] : undefined; - let c = arguments.length > 10 ? arguments[10] : undefined; - let d = arguments.length > 11 && arguments[11] !== undefined ? arguments[11] : !1; - const h = this.getInitialPayloadObject(this.callContext(), n); - pi(Qd, `Calling ${e} data source with optimized on payload`), h.screenData = { - variables:, u, !0) - }, s && s(h), this.shouldSendClientVarsToDataSources && c && (h.clientVariables = c.serialize()), r(0); - return Tt((n, s) => this.linearRequest.create(e).post({ - url: t, - payload: h, - timeout: a, - timeoutHandler: () => Promise.resolve((() => { - const t = `The timeout of ${a}s was reached while fetching this screen data.`; - throw mi(e, t), new st.Exception(t); - })()), - responseHandler: Xd.createPostResponseHandler(l), - headers: o, - useLocaleInfo: d - }).then(e => this.handleServerDataSourceResponse({ - res: e, - reject: s, - resolve: n, - setDataFromJS: i, - setDataFetchStatus: r - })).catch(e => { - const t = at(e, st.ViewHasChangedException) || at(e, st.AbortedRequestException); - if (!this.isDisposed) return t || r(2), s(e); - })); - } - handleServerDataSourceResponse(_ref17) { - let { - res: e, - reject: t, - resolve: n, - setDataFromJS: r, - setDataFetchStatus: i - } = _ref17; - if (!this.isDisposed) { - if (e.completed) { - return r(, i(1), n(); - } - return t(new st.AbortedRequestException()); - } - } - handleError(e) { - throw new Error("@abstract"); - } - safeExecuteAsyncJSNode(e, t, n, r, i, s, a) { - return this.model.flush(), super.safeExecuteAsyncJSNode(e, t, n, r, i, s, a); - } - executeActionInsideJSNode(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Hd; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Hd; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : "UNKNOWN"; - return super.executeActionInsideJSNode(e, t, n, () => { - r(), this.model.flush(); - }, i); - } - dispose() { - this.validationService.dispose(), this.isDisposed = !0; - } - ensureControllerAlive(e) { - if (this.isDisposed) { - const t = new st.ControllerDisposedException(`Invalid call of the '${e}' client action of the '${this.viewName}' since the latter is not currently active. This is likely due to a platform's client action being used as an event handler or in a setTimeout function. Consider removing this call by using the 'On Destroy' event of the screen/block or moving your logic to a global client action.`); - throw mi("Controller", t.message), t; - } - } - safeExecuteClientAction(e, t) { - for (var _len13 = arguments.length, n = new Array(_len13 > 2 ? _len13 - 2 : 0), _key13 = 2; _key13 < _len13; _key13++) { - n[_key13 - 2] = arguments[_key13]; - } - return Nt(() => e.apply(this, n.concat(this.callContext(t))), e => this.handleError(e), () => this.model.flush()); - } - get modelContext() { - return this.model.context; - } - executeScreenClientAggregate(e, t, n) { - return It(() => (t().dataFetchStatusAttr = 0, e())).then(e => { - if (!this.isDisposed) return t().bulkSet(e.list, 1, e.count), It(n); - }, e => { - if (!this.isDisposed) throw t().dataFetchStatusAttr = 2, e; - }); - } - static downloadBinary(e, t) { - const n = e.toBlob() || new Blob([]), - r = document.createElement("a"); - = "none", document.body.appendChild(r), n.type && (r.type = n.type); - const i = window.URL.createObjectURL(n); - r.href = i, = t,, setTimeout(() => window.URL.revokeObjectURL(i), 500), r.remove(); - } - } - Zd.globalInstanceId = 0; - var eh = _exports.Controller = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BaseController: Xd, - BaseModuleController: class extends Xd { - constructor() { - super(...arguments), this.fireApplicationResumeSingletonCallback = this.fireApplicationResume.bind(this); - } - registerEventHandler(e, t, n) { - n(() => new Promise((t, n) => { - Re([e], t, n); - }).then(() => { - const e = this[t], - r = () => Promise.resolve().then(() =>; - return n(r), r(); - })); - } - registerOnApplicationReadyHandler(e, t) { - this.registerEventHandler(e, t, e => this.onApplicationReadyHandler = e); - } - registerOnApplicationResumeHandler(e, t) { - this.registerEventHandler(e, t, e => this.onApplicationResumeHandler = e); - } - fireApplicationReady() { - return this.onApplicationReadyHandler ? this.onApplicationReadyHandler().then(() => this.setupOnApplicationResumeListener()) : (this.setupOnApplicationResumeListener(), Promise.resolve(void 0)); - } - setupOnApplicationResumeListener() { - this.onApplicationResumeHandler && Sn("resume", this.fireApplicationResumeSingletonCallback); - } - fireApplicationResume() { - return this.onApplicationResumeHandler ? this.onApplicationResumeHandler() : Promise.resolve(void 0); - } - }, - BaseViewController: Zd, - CallContext: qd, - ControllerFactory: jd, - IterationContext: Gd - }); - const th = () => { - const e = Zd.activeScreen; - if (e) { - const t = j(X()); - if (t) return Z(t, e.viewName); - } - return null; - }, - nh = () => { - var e; - const t = th(); - return null !== (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.screenName.split(".").pop()) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - }, - rh = function() { - for (var _len14 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len14), _key14 = 0; _key14 < _len14; _key14++) { - e[_key14] = arguments[_key14]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let { - application: e = $p, - initType: t = 0, - executeRequiredScripts: n - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return function*() { - if (yield gi({ - version: wd.getLastApplicationVersionToken(), - getCurrentScreenName: nh - }), 1 === t) return !0; - const r = e.initializeDatabase(); - let i = !1, - s = () => { - i = !0; - }; - const a = new Promise(e => { - if (i) e(); - else { - const t = s; - s = () => { - t(), e(); - }; - } - }), - o = a.then(() => e.triggerApplicationReadyEvent()), - l = { - onVersionReady: () => { - r.then(t => e.onDatabaseReady(t)).then(() => a).then(() => o).then(() => e.onApplicationReady()); - }, - onUpgradeFinished: (t, n) => e.onUpgradeFinished(t, n), - onNewVersionDetected: (t, n) => e.onNewVersionDetected(t, n), - onAppInfoReady: t => e.onAppInfoReady(t) - }; - return yield e.tryUpgrade(r, l, s, n); - }(); - }); - }; - _exports.runPostInitialization = rh; - - function ih() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - return yield Nn(), on(window) ? window.OutSystemsNative.Http : null; - } catch (e) { - return null; - } - }); - } - - function sh() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const e = yield ih(), - t = gn.resolve(pn.SettingsManager); - return !(null == t ? void 0 : t.readBool("ForceXhrCommunication")) && !!e; - }); - } - - function ah() { - var e; - if (!gn.resolve(pn.SettingsManager).readBool("EnableOpenTelemetryTraces")) return; - const t = gn.resolve(pn.InstrumentationFactory); - if (!t) return; - const n = t.getActiveSpan(); - if (!n) return; - const r = n.getContext(); - if (!r) return; - const i = Object.keys(null !== (e = r.attributes) && void 0 !== e ? e : {}).reduce((e, t) => { - var n; - return "function" == typeof(null === (n = r.attributes[t]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.toString) && (e[t] = r.attributes[t].toString()), e; - }, {}); - return { - spanId: r.spanId, - traceId: r.traceId, - attributes: i, - sampled: r.sampled - }; - } - const oh = To + "locale"; - - function lh() { - const e = hn(pn.LocaleService); - if (e) return e.getCurrentLocale(); - } - - function uh(e) { - const t = hn(pn.LocaleService); - t && t.setCurrentLocale(e); - } - const ch = { - isHealthy: !0, - healthCheckIntervalInSeconds: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, - healthCheckEndpoint: "/moduleservices/ping", - healingTimeoutDelayInSeconds: 30 - }, - dh = (e, t, n) => { - const r = t ? new _communicationJs.PathFilter({ - acceptionRules: [t, /^[^/]/], - rejectionRules: [/^[a-z0-9]+:\/\//i] - }) : void 0; - return new _communicationJs.HttpClientWithHealthCheck(e, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ch), { - healthCheckNeededPathFilter: r, - logger: n - })); - }; - class hh { - static getHttpClientLogger() { - let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : Li; - return { - setActiveSpanAsNonAggregable: () => t.setActiveSpanAsNonAggregable(), - debug: _ref18 => { - let { - category: e, - message: n - } = _ref18; - return t.debug(null != e ? e : "", null != n ? n : ""); - }, - error: _ref19 => { - let { - category: n, - message: r, - errorCode: i, - error: s - } = _ref19; - return t.error(null != n ? n : "", null != r ? r : "", null != i ? i : _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Default, s, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal); - }, - clientError: _ref20 => { - let { - category: e, - clientMessage: n, - internalMessage: r, - errorCode: i, - error: s - } = _ref20; - return t.clientError({ - category: null != e ? e : "", - clientMessage: null != n ? n : "", - internalMessage: null != r ? r : "", - errorCode: null != i ? i : _communicationJs.ErrorCodes.Communication_Default, - errorObj: s - }); - }, - startActiveClientSpan: (n, r) => t.startActiveSpan(n, r, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal, void 0, _loggerJs.SpanKind.Client) - }; - } - static build() { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function() { - let { - baseUrl: e, - headers: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - logger: o = this.getHttpClientLogger(), - usesNativeHttpPlugin: l = sh, - getNativeHttpPluginInstance: u = ih, - loadTrace: c = ah, - getToken: d, - withHealthCheck: p = !1, - healthCheckPathScope: f - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return function*() { - let m; - if (!_settingsJs.FeaturesManager.isEnabled(_settingsJs.FeatureKeys.WebHttpClientForNative) && (yield l())) { - const s = yield u(); - if (!s) { - const e = new Error("Unable to get native http plugin instance."); - throw null == o || o.error({ - category: "HttpClientFactory", - message: e.message, - error: e - }), e; - } - m = new _communicationJs.NativeHttpClient({ - baseUrl: e, - headers: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - logger: o, - httpClientInstance: s, - loadTrace: c, - getToken: d - }); - } else m = new _communicationJs.HttpClient({ - baseUrl: e, - headers: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - logger: o, - loadTrace: c, - getToken: d - }); - return p ? dh(m, f, o) : m; - }(); - }); - } - static buildWithDebugger(_ref21) { - let { - alternateHttpClient: e, - appUrl: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - logger: s = { - setActiveSpanAsNonAggregable: () => Ai(), - debug: _ref22 => { - let { - category: e, - message: t - } = _ref22; - return pi(null != e ? e : "", null != t ? t : ""); - }, - error: _ref23 => { - let { - category: e, - message: t, - error: n - } = _ref23; - return vi(null != e ? e : "", null != t ? t : "", "OS-CLRT-00000", n); - } - }, - getToken: a, - withHealthCheck: o = !1, - healthCheckPathScope: l - } = _ref21; - if (t) { - const u = new _communicationJs.DebuggerHttpClient({ - appUrl: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - logger: s, - alternateHttpClientInstance: e, - getToken: a - }); - return o ? dh(u, l, s) : u; - } - return e; - } - static buildLoggerHttpClient() { - let { - baseUrl: e, - headers: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - loadTrace: s = ah, - getToken: a - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return new _communicationJs.LoggerHttpClient({ - baseUrl: e, - headers: t, - localeHeader: n, - getLocale: r, - setLocale: i, - loadTrace: s, - getToken: a - }); - } - static updateHealthCheckConfig(e) { - let { - healthCheckIntervalInSeconds: t - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - if (e instanceof _communicationJs.HttpClientWithHealthCheck) { - const n = void 0 === t || t < 0 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : t; - e.setHealthCheckInterval(n); - } - } - } - const gh = (e, t) => b(void 0, [e, t], void 0, function(e, _ref24) { - let { - applicationDefinition: t, - application: n = $p - } = _ref24; - return function*() { - wr(), t.useESM || function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : globalThis; - try { - ! function(e) { - const t = e.requirejs, - n = e.define; - if (!t || "function" != typeof n) return; - const r = "OutSystems/ClientRuntime/Main", - i = "@outsystems/runtime-core-js"; - t.defined(r) || (n(r, [i], function(e) { - return e; - }), t([r])); - }(e); - } catch (e) { - console.error("Failed to apply RequireJS fix", e); - } - }(), n.setApplicationDefinition(t), yield hi(), yield(e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = yield{ - withHealthCheck: !0, - healthCheckPathScope: fe() - }); - e.register(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient, () => t); - const n = yield{ - baseUrl: fe(), - getToken: Up, - getLocale: () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = lh()) && void 0 !== e ? e : null; - }, - setLocale: e => uh(e), - localeHeader: oh, - withHealthCheck: !0, - healthCheckPathScope: fe() - }); - if (e.register(pn.HttpClient, () => n), te() && ne()) { - const t = hh.buildWithDebugger({ - alternateHttpClient: n, - appUrl: me(), - getToken: Up, - getLocale: () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = lh()) && void 0 !== e ? e : null; - }, - setLocale: e => uh(e), - localeHeader: oh, - withHealthCheck: !0 - }); - e.register(pn.DebuggerHttpClient, () => t), e.register(pn.NonDebuggerHttpClient, () => n); - const r = e.resolve(pn.Debugger); - (null == r ? void 0 : r.isSessionActive()) && e.register(pn.HttpClient, () => e.resolve(pn.DebuggerHttpClient)); - } - const r = hh.buildLoggerHttpClient({ - baseUrl: fe(), - getToken: e => Up(e, !1), - getLocale: () => { - var e; - return null !== (e = lh()) && void 0 !== e ? e : null; - }, - setLocale: e => uh(e), - localeHeader: oh - }); - e.register(pn.LoggerHttpClient, () => r); - }))(e); - }(); - }); - _exports.runPreInitialization = gh; - class ph { - static addKey(e) { - this.cache[e] = { - components: {} - }, this.cacheKeys.push(e); - const t = this.cacheKeys.length - ph.MaxCacheSize; - if (t > 0) - for (let e = 0; e < t; e++) this.removeKey(this.cacheKeys[e]); - } - static removeKey(e) { - delete this.cache[e], this.cacheKeys.splice(this.cacheKeys.indexOf(e), 1); - } - static save(e, t, n, r) { - this.cache[e] || this.addKey(e), this.cache[e].components[t] = { - state: n, - customProperties: r - }; - } - static load(e, t) { - const n = ph.loadScreenCache(e); - return n ? n.components[t] : null; - } - static loadScreenCache(e) { - return this.cache[e] || void 0; - } - static clear(e) { - e ? this.cache[e] && this.removeKey(e) : (this.cache = {}, this.cacheKeys = []); - } - } - ph.MaxCacheSize = 20, ph.cache = {}, ph.cacheKeys = []; - var fh = _exports.ScreenStateCache = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - ScreenStateCache: ph - }); - const mh = "ServiceWorker", - vh = e => "log" === e.kind, - yh = e => window.location.origin === e, - bh = _ref25 => { - let { - log: t, - loggerMethods: n - } = _ref25; - if ("error" === t.severity) n.error(mh, t.message, t.errorCode, t.error, _loggerJs.Visibility.External); - else if ("info" === t.severity), t.message, _loggerJs.Visibility.External); - else { - (0, n[t.severity])(mh, t.message); - } - }, - Th = "Argument 'handler' cannot be null or undefined"; - class wh { - constructor(e, t) { - this.moduleName = e, this.context = t, this.subscribers = []; - } - subscribe(e) { - if (!e) throw new Error(Th); - for (let t = 0; t < this.subscribers.length; t++) - if (this.subscribers[t] === e) return !1; - return this.subscribers.push(e), pi(this.moduleName, `Subscribing handler for ${this.context}`), !0; - } - unsubscribe(e) { - if (!e) throw new Error(Th); - for (let t = 0; t < this.subscribers.length; t++) - if (this.subscribers[t] === e) return this.subscribers.splice(t, 1), pi(this.moduleName, `Unsubscribing handler for ${this.context}`), !0; - return !1; - } - publish(e) { - for (const t of this.subscribers) t(e); - pi(this.moduleName, `Notifying subscribers for ${this.context}`); - } - } - const Eh = "true", - Ih = "false"; - - function Ah(e) { - return `Unsupported data type (${e}) for client variable`; - } - - function Nh(e, t) { - if (null == e) throw new TypeError(`Value ${e} is not a valid value for a client variable.`); - if (! function(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - return Il.isValidInteger(e); - case Po.LongInteger: - return Il.isValidLongInteger(e); - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - return Il.isValidDecimal(e); - case Po.Boolean: - return Il.isBoolean(e); - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - return Il.isText(e); - case Po.Date: - return Il.isValidDate(e); - case Po.DateTime: - return Il.isValidDateTime(e); - case Po.Time: - return Il.isValidTime(e); - default: - const n = Ah(Vo(t)); - throw new TypeError(n); - } - }(e, t)) { - const n = Vo(t); - throw new TypeError(`Value ${e} is not a valid value for a client variable of the specified type (${n}).`); - } - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - case Po.LongInteger: - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - return e.toString(); - case Po.Boolean: - return e ? Eh : Ih; - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - return e; - case Po.Date: - return e.toISODate(); - case Po.DateTime: - return e.toString(); - case Po.Time: - return e.toISOTime(); - default: - throw new TypeError(Ah(`${t}`)); - } - } - const Sh = "Client Variables", - Dh = "$SESSION_USER_ID"; - - function Rh(e) { - return null == e; - } - class Ch { - constructor(e) { - this.namespace = e, this.publisher = new wh(Sh, e), this.fullKeyMatcher = new RegExp(`^${Qt(Be)}${Qt(this.namespace)}\\$[^$]*\\$ClientVars\\$`), this.checkSessionExpires(), this.innerSetVariable(Dh, "", Po.Text, Br()); - } - subscribe(e) { - return this.publisher.subscribe(e); - } - unsubscribe(e) { - return this.publisher.unsubscribe(e); - } - getFullKey(e, t) { - return `${Be}${this.namespace}$${t}$ClientVars$${e}`; - } - getVariable(e, t, n, r) { - return this.checkSessionExpires(), this.innerGetVariable(e, t, n, r); - } - innerGetVariable(e, t, n, r) { - const i = window.localStorage.getItem(this.getFullKey(e, t)); - return pi(Sh, `Reading Client Variable ${e} of module ${t} for ${this.namespace}`), Rh(i) ? Rh(r) ? Wo(n) : r : function(e, t) { - switch (t) { - case Po.Integer: - const t = Number(e); - return Il.isValidInteger(t) && Il.isWithinIntegerRange(t) ? t : zo.DEFAULT_INTEGER; - case Po.LongInteger: - if (!e) return zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - const n = bo.fromString(e); - return Il.isValidLongInteger(n) ? n : zo.DEFAULT_LONGINTEGER; - case Po.Decimal: - if (!e) return zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - const r = new Ma(e); - return Il.isValidDecimal(r) && Il.isWithinDecimalRange(r) ? r : zo.DEFAULT_DECIMAL; - case Po.Currency: - if (!e) return zo.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; - const i = new Ma(e); - return Il.isValidDecimal(i) && Il.isWithinDecimalRange(i) ? i : zo.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; - case Po.Boolean: - return e === Eh || e !== Ih && zo.DEFAULT_BOOLEAN; - case Po.Text: - return Il.isText(e) ? e : zo.DEFAULT_TEXT; - case Po.PhoneNumber: - return Il.isText(e) ? e : zo.DEFAULT_PHONENUMBER; - case Po.Email: - return Il.isText(e) ? e : zo.DEFAULT_EMAIL; - case Po.Date: - const s = ko.fromISODate(e); - return Il.isValidDate(s) ? s : zo.DEFAULT_DATE; - case Po.DateTime: - const a = ko.fromISODateTime(e); - return Il.isValidDateTime(a) ? a : zo.DEFAULT_DATETIME; - case Po.Time: - const o = ko.fromISOTime(e); - return Il.isValidTime(o) ? o : zo.DEFAULT_TIME; - case Po.Record: - throw new TypeError(Ah("Record")); - case Po.RecordList: - throw new TypeError(Ah("List")); - case Po.BinaryData: - throw new TypeError(Ah("Binary Data")); - case Po.Object: - throw new TypeError(Ah("Object")); - default: - throw new TypeError(Ah(`Unknown: ${e}`)); - } - }(i, n); - } - setVariable(e, t, n, r) { - this.checkSessionExpires(), this.innerSetVariable(e, t, n, r), this.publisher.publish({ - key: e, - module: t, - value: r - }); - } - innerSetVariable(e, t, n, r) { - window.localStorage.setItem(this.getFullKey(e, t), Nh(r, n)), pi(Sh, `Set Client Variable ${e} of module ${t} for ${this.namespace}`); - } - removeAllVariables() { - const e = []; - for (let t = 0; t < window.localStorage.length; t++) { - const n = window.localStorage.key(t); - n && this.fullKeyMatcher.test(n) && e.push(n); - } - if (e.length > 0) { - for (const t of e) window.localStorage.removeItem(t); - this.publisher.publish(); - } - } - checkSessionExpires() { - const e = this.innerGetVariable(Dh, "", Po.Text); - Br() !== e && ("" !== e && (pi(Sh, `Removing all Client Variables for user provider ${this.namespace}`), this.removeAllVariables()), this.innerSetVariable(Dh, "", Po.Text, Br())); - } - } - const xh = "BACKUP_", - Lh = "OSSYS_ENTITY"; - - function Oh(e) { - return e ? e.toUpperCase() : e; - } - - function _h(e, t) { - var n; - return null !== (n = e.attributes.filter(e => (null == e ? void 0 : ===[0]) && void 0 !== n ? n : null; - } - - function Mh(e) { - var t; - return null !== (t = Uh(e)[0]) && void 0 !== t ? t : null; - } - - function Uh(e) { - return e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey); - } - - function Fh(e) { - const t = Uh(e); - return t.length > 0 ? => { - var t; - return null !== (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName) && void 0 !== t ? t : null; - }) : null; - } - - function $h(e, t) { - const n = Mh(e); - return n && t.getAttributes().filter(e => ===[0] || null; - } - - function Ph(e, t) { - const n = Mh(e); - if (!n) return null; - const r = t.getAttributes().filter(e => ===[0]; - return r ? t[r.attrName] : null; - } - var Vh = _exports.TableInfoUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BACKUP_TABLE_PREFIX: xh, - METADATA_TABLE_NAME: Lh, - formatObjectName: Oh, - getIdentifierAttribute: $h, - getIdentifierColumn: Mh, - getIdentifierColumnNames: Fh, - getIdentifierColumns: Uh, - getIdentifierValue: Ph, - getMatchingColumn: _h, - hasNullIdentifier: function(e, t) { - const n = Mh(e); - if (!n) return !0; - const r = t.getAttributes().filter(e => ===[0]; - return !r || Go(t[r.attrName], Wo(r.dataType)); - } - }); - const Bh = { - tableName: Lh, - idIsAutoNumber: Mt.No, - attributes: [{ - name: "Key", - columnName: "KEY", - type: Vt.TEXT, - isPrimaryKey: !0 - }, { - name: "ModuleKey", - columnName: "MODULEKEY", - type: Vt.TEXT, - isPrimaryKey: !0 - }, { - name: "UpgradeStatus", - columnName: "UPGRADESTATUS", - type: Vt.INTEGER - }, { - name: "Name", - columnName: "NAME", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "TableName", - columnName: "TABLENAME", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Hash", - columnName: "HASH", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "ExtraInfo", - columnName: "EXTRAINFO", - type: Vt.TEXT - }] - }, - kh = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Bh), { - tableName: `${xh}${Lh}` - }), - zh = "MetadataTableInitializer", - Hh = { - isNeeded: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return !(yield e.existsTable(Bh)); - }), - run: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - pi(zh, "Running initializer for entity meta info table."), yield e.createTable(Bh), yield e.createTable(kh), pi(zh, "Initializer for entity meta info table ran successfully."); - }) - }; - var jh; - ! function(e) { - e[e.Unchanged = 0] = "Unchanged", e[e.Deleted = 1] = "Deleted", e[e.Recreated = 2] = "Recreated", e[e.New = 3] = "New"; - }(jh || (jh = {})); - var qh = jh; - - function Gh(e, t, n) { - for (const r of t.getAttributes()) Wh(t[r.attrName], _h(e, r), `${n} '${e.tableName}.${}'`); - } - - function Wh(e, t, n) { - if (t.type === Vt.TEXT && void 0 !== t.length) { - if (!e) return; - const r = e.length - t.length; - if (r > 0) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${n} because it exceeds the maximum allowed length by ${r} characters.`); - } else if (t.type === Vt.DECIMAL && void 0 !== t.length && void 0 !== t.decimals) { - const r = e.trunc().abs().toString().length - (t.length - t.decimals); - if (r > 0) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${n} because it exceeds the maximum allowed length by ${r} characters.`); - } - } - const Kh = "EntityModelUtils"; - - function Jh(e) { - return e[0]; - } - - function Yh(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return yield e.findRecords(Bh, { - MODULEKEY: t - }); - }); - } - - function Xh(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var i; - let s; - pi(Kh, `Checking the status of table ${t.tableName} (${})`); - let a = {}; - if (n && (s = n.HASH, a = JSON.parse(null !== (i = n.EXTRAINFO) && void 0 !== i ? i : "{}")), s) { - if (s !== t.hash) return function(e, t) { - if (t.idIsAutoNumber !== e.idIsAutoNumber) return !0; - const n = function(e, t) { - var n, r; - const i = {}; - for (const t of e.attributes) { - const e = t.columnName; - i[e] = {}, i[e].entityAttr = t; - } - for (const e of Object.keys(null !== (n = t.attrs) && void 0 !== n ? n : {})) i[e] = i[e] || {}, i[e].metadataAttr = null === (r = t.attrs) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r[e]; - return Object.keys(i).map(e => i[e]); - }(e, t); - return n.some(e => !e.entityAttr || (e.metadataAttr ? function(e, t) { - return function(e, t) { - return e.type !== t.type || t.length !== e.length || t.decimals !== e.decimals || !!t.isEntityReference != !!e.isEntityReference && !e.isPrimaryKey; - }(e, t) || !t.isPrimaryKey != !e.isPrimaryKey; - }(e.entityAttr, e.metadataAttr) : e.entityAttr.isPrimaryKey)); - }(t, a) ? (pi(Kh, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and will be fully upgraded`), lg(e, t, a, r)) : (pi(Kh, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and will be incrementally upgraded`), function(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var i; - const s = t.attributes.filter(e => { - var t; - return !Object.keys(null !== (t = n.attrs) && void 0 !== t ? t : {}).some(t => t === e.columnName); - }); - pi(Kh, `Upgrading table ${t.tableName} (${}) with new attributes (${JSON.stringify(s)}) and new hash (${t.hash})`); - for (const n of s) { - const s = r.serialize(null !== (i = n.default) && void 0 !== i ? i : Vu(n.type), n); - yield e.addColumn(t, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n), { - serializedDefault: s - })); - } - yield og(e, t); - }); - }(e, t, a, r)); - pi(Kh, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) exists and is up to date`); - } else pi(Kh, `Table ${t.tableName} (${}) does not exist and will be created`), yield ag(e, t, r), yield function(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = hg(t); - n.UPGRADESTATUS = qh.New, pi(Kh, `Creating metadata for table ${t.tableName} (${})`), yield e.insertRecord(Bh, n); - }); - }(e, t); - }); - } - - function Qh(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return tg(e, e => (pi(Kh, `Recovering table ${e} from backup`), t => function(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield rg(e, t); - (yield e.existsTable(sg(t))) && (yield ig(e, sg(t), t, t, qh.Unchanged)), yield dg(e, t, !0); - }); - }(t, e)), n, e => e.UPGRADESTATUS !== qh.Unchanged); - }); - } - - function Zh(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return tg(e, e => (pi(Kh, `Dropping inconsistent table ${e} (same key, different physical table name)`), t => function(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield rg(e, t); - const n = Jh(yield e.findRecords(Bh, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - n && (yield e.removeRecord(Bh, [n.KEY, n.MODULEKEY])); - }); - }(t, e)), n, e => { - const n = e.UPGRADESTATUS === qh.Unchanged, - r = t.some(t => t.key === e.KEY), - i = !t.some(t => t.tableName === e.TABLENAME), - s = 0 === t.length || r && i; - return n && s; - }); - }); - } - - function eg(e, t) { - return tg(e, e => (pi(Kh, `Dropping backup table for ${e}`), t => function(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield rg(e, sg(t)); - const n = Jh(yield e.findRecords(Bh, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - n && (n.UPGRADESTATUS === qh.Deleted ? yield e.removeRecord(Bh, [n.KEY, n.MODULEKEY]): (n.UPGRADESTATUS = qh.Unchanged, yield e.updateRecord(Bh, n))); - const r = Jh(yield e.findRecords(kh, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - r && (yield e.removeRecord(kh, [r.KEY, r.MODULEKEY])); - }); - }(t, e)), t, e => e.UPGRADESTATUS !== qh.Unchanged); - } - - function tg(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const i = yield e.findRecords(Bh, { - MODULEKEY: n - }); - let s = []; - if (r) - for (const e of i) r(e) && s.push(e); - else s = i; - for (const n of s) yield t(n.TABLENAME)(e); - }); - } - - function ng(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return pi(Kh, `Backing up table '${t}'`), yield dg(e, t, !1), yield rg(e, sg(t)), ig(e, t, sg(t), t, n); - }); - } - - function rg(e, t) { - return e.deleteTableIfExists(t); - } - - function ig(e, t, n, r, i) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return pi(Kh, `Renaming table '${t}' to '${n}' and setting status to ${qh[i]}`), yield function(e, t, n) { - return e.renameTable(t, n); - }(e, t, n), - function(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = Jh(yield e.findRecords(Bh, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - return r.UPGRADESTATUS = n, e.updateRecord(Bh, r); - }); - }(e, r, i); - }); - } - - function sg(e) { - return `${xh}${e}`; - } - - function ag(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return pi(Kh, `Creating table ${t.tableName} (${})`), e.createTable(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { - attributes: [ => { - var t; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), { - serializedDefault: n.serialize(null !== (t = e.default) && void 0 !== t ? t : Vu(e.type), e) - }); - })] - })); - }); - } - - function og(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - pi(Kh, `Updating metadata for table ${t.tableName} (${})`); - const n = yield e.getRecord(Bh, [t.key, t.moduleKey]), - r = hg(t); - r.UPGRADESTATUS = n.UPGRADESTATUS, r.LASTIDENTIFIER = n.LASTIDENTIFIER, yield e.updateRecord(Bh, r); - }); - } - - function lg(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - const i = yield e.getAllRecords(t); - yield ng(e, t.tableName, qh.Recreated), yield ag(e, t, r); - for (const s of i) { - const i = ug(s, t, n, r); - yield e.insertRecord(t, i); - } - yield og(e, t); - } catch (e) { - const n = `Unable to upgrade the definition of entity '${}':\n${ot(e)}`; - throw mi(Kh, n), new st.DataBaseException("", n); - } - }); - } - - function ug(e, t, n, r) { - const i = {}; - for (const s of t.attributes) try { - const t = s.columnName, - a = e[t]; - i[t] = cg(a, s, n, r); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to upgrade attribute '${}' data type to '${ku(s.type)}':\n${ot(e)}`); - } - return function(e, t, n) { - var r; - for (const i of t.attributes) { - const t = i.columnName; - if (void 0 === e[t]) { - const s = null !== (r = i.default) && void 0 !== r ? r : Vu(i.type); - e[t] = n.serialize(s, i); - } - } - }(i, t, r), i; - } - - function cg(e, t, n, r) { - var i; - const s = null === (i = n.attrs) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i[t.columnName]; - return s ? function(e, t, n, r) { - if (r.isConversionNeeded(t, n)) { - const i = r.deserialize(e, t), - s = Bu(n.type), - a = function(e, t) { - const n = Po[Bu(e.type)], - r = Po[Bu(t.type)]; - return `convert column '${}' from type ${n} to ${r}`; - }(t, n); - if (Wu.isConvertibleTo(i, s)) { - const e = Wu.convertTo(i, s); - Wh(e, n, a); - return r.serialize(e, n); - } - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to ${a}.`); - } - return e; - }(e, s, t, r) : e; - } - - function dg(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = n ? kh : Bh, - i = n ? Bh : kh, - s = Jh(yield e.findRecords(i, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - s && (yield e.removeRecord(i, [s.KEY, s.MODULEKEY])); - const a = Jh(yield e.findRecords(r, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - if (a && (yield e.insertRecord(i, a)), n) { - const n = Jh(yield e.findRecords(r, { - TABLENAME: t - })); - n && (yield e.removeRecord(r, [n.KEY, n.MODULEKEY])); - } - }); - } - - function hg(e) { - const t = function(e) { - const t = {}; - return e.attributes.forEach(e => { - t[e.columnName] = { - type: e.type, - isPrimaryKey: e.isPrimaryKey, - length: e.length, - decimals: e.decimals, - isEntityReference: e.isEntityReference - }; - }), { - v: 2, - idIsAutoNumber: e.idIsAutoNumber, - attrs: t - }; - }(e), - n = Mh(e), - r = (null == n ? void 0 : n.type) === Vt.INTEGER ? 0 : "0"; - return { - KEY: e.key, - MODULEKEY: e.moduleKey, - UPGRADESTATUS: qh.Unchanged, - NAME:, - TABLENAME: e.tableName, - HASH: e.hash, - LASTIDENTIFIER: n && e.idIsAutoNumber !== Mt.No ? r : void 0, - EXTRAINFO: JSON.stringify(t) - }; - } - const gg = "EntityModelInitializer"; - class pg { - constructor(e, t) { - this.entityInfos = e, this.serializer = t; - } - isNeeded(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (this.hasEntityInfos()) { - if (!(yield e.existsTable(Bh))) return !0; - const t = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey, - n = yield Yh(e, t); - for (const e of this.entityInfos) { - const t = Jh(n.filter(t => t.KEY === e.key)); - if (!t || t.HASH !== e.hash || t.UPGRADESTATUS !== qh.Unchanged || t.TABLENAME !== e.tableName) return !0; - } - for (const e of n) - if (!this.entityInfos.some(t => t.key === e.KEY)) return !0; - } - return !1; - }); - } - run(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (!this.hasEntityInfos()) return; - const t = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey; - pi(gg, `Running initializer for entities of module '${t}'.`), yield Qh(e, this.entityInfos, t), this.entityInfos.length > 0 && (yield Zh(e, this.entityInfos, t)), yield function(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return tg(e, e => (pi(Kh, `Backing up table ${e} before deletion`), t => ng(t, e, qh.Deleted)), n, e => e.UPGRADESTATUS === qh.Unchanged && !t.some(t => t.tableName === e.TABLENAME)); - }); - }(e, this.entityInfos, t); - const n = yield Yh(e, t); - for (const t of this.entityInfos) { - const r = t, - i = Jh(n.filter(e => e.KEY === r.key)); - yield Xh(e, r, i, this.serializer); - } - pi(gg, `Initializer for entities of module '${t}' ran successfully.`); - }); - } - cleanup(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (!this.hasEntityInfos()) return; - const t = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey; - pi(gg, `Running initializer cleanup for entities of module '${t}'.`), yield eg(e, t), pi(gg, `Initializer cleanup for entities of module '${t}' ran successfully.`); - }); - } - hasEntityInfos() { - return this.entityInfos && this.entityInfos.length > 0; - } - } - const fg = new wl("Id", "idOut"), - mg = new El("Record", "recordOut"), - vg = "EntityService"; - class yg { - constructor(e) { - this._serializer = e; - } - get database() { - return this._database; - } - get serializer() { - return this._serializer; - } - setDatabase(e) { - pi(vg, "Registering initializer for entity meta info table."), this._database = e, this._database.registerInitializer(Hh); - } - getDatabase() { - return this.databasePromise || (this.databasePromise = new Promise(e => { - this.releaseDatabaseForUse = () => e(this.database); - })), this.databasePromise; - } - registerInitializer(e) { - if (e && e.length > 0) { - pi(vg, `Registering initializer for entities of module '${e[0].moduleKey}'.`); - const t = new pg(e, this.serializer); - this.database.registerInitializer(t); - } - } - setReady() { - pi(vg, "Releasing the database as ready for use."), this.databasePromise ? this.releaseDatabaseForUse() : this.databasePromise = Promise.resolve(this.database); - } - static wrap(e, t) { - const n = t.getAttributes()[0], - r = new t(); - return r[n.attrName] = e, r; - } - static unwrap(e) { - const t = e.getAttributes()[0]; - return e[t.attrName]; - } - static getWrappedType(e) { - return e.getAttributes()[0].complexType; - } - create(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(), - r = yg.unwrap(t); - let i; - Gh(e, r, "create"); - try { - i = yield n.executeTransaction(t => this.innerCreate(t, e, r), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - if (null === i) return null; - const s = $h(e, r), - a = new(fg.getType(s.dataType))(); - return a.idOut = i, a; - }); - } - innerCreate(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = yield e.insertRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(n, t)), - i = Mh(t); - return i ? this.serializer.deserialize(r, i) : null; - }); - } - update(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(), - r = yg.unwrap(t); - Gh(e, r, "update"); - try { - yield n.executeTransaction(t => this.innerUpdate(t, e, r), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - innerUpdate(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return e.updateRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(n, t)); - }); - } - createOrUpdate(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(), - r = yg.unwrap(t); - let i; - Gh(e, r, "create or update"); - try { - i = yield n.executeTransaction(t => this.innerCreateOrUpdate(t, e, r), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - const s = $h(e, r), - a = new(fg.getType(s.dataType))(); - return a.idOut = i, a; - }); - } - innerCreateOrUpdate(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = yield e.upsertRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(n, t)), - i = Mh(t); - return i ? this.serializer.deserialize(r, i) : null; - }); - } - createOrUpdateAll(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(), - r = []; - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - const i = t.getItem(n), - s = yg.unwrap(i); - Gh(e, s, "create or update"), r.push(s); - } - try { - yield n.executeTransaction(t => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return this.innerCreateOrUpdateAll(t, e, r); - }), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - innerCreateOrUpdateAll(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return e.upsertAllRecords(t, => this.serializer.serialize(e, t))); - }); - } - get(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(); - let r = null; - try { - r = yield n.executeReadTransaction(n => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return this.innerGet(n, e, t); - }), !0, [e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - if (r) { - const t = new(mg.getType(e.implicitAnonymousType))(); - return t.recordOut = yg.wrap(r, e.implicitAnonymousType), t; - } - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `${e.tableName} with id ${t} was not found`); - }); - } - innerGet(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = Mh(t), - i = yield e.getRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(n, r)); - return i ? this.serializer.deserialize(i, t, yg.getWrappedType(t.implicitAnonymousType)) : null; - }); - } - delete(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(); - try { - yield n.executeTransaction(n => this.innerDelete(n, e, t), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - innerDelete(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = Mh(t); - return e.removeRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(n, r)); - }); - } - deleteAll(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = yield this.getDatabase(); - try { - yield t.executeTransaction(t => this.innerDeleteAll(t, e), !0, [Bh, e]); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - innerDeleteAll(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return e.removeAllRecords(t); - }); - } - } - const bg = "1900-01-01 00:00:00", - Tg = "Serializer"; - class wg { - static get NULLDATE_IN_DB() { - return bg; - } - static maskValue(e, t) { - const n = t.length, - r = e.toString(); - return t.substr(0, Math.max(0, n - r.length)) + r; - } - static maskFourZeroes(e) { - return wg.maskValue(e, "0000"); - } - static maskTwoZeroes(e) { - return wg.maskValue(e, "00"); - } - constructor() { - this.serializers = new Map(), this.deserializers = new Map(), this.serializers.set(Vt.BINARY_DATA, (e, t) => this.serializeBinaryData(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.BOOLEAN, (e, t) => this.serializeBoolean(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.DATE, (e, t) => this.serializeDate(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.DATE_TIME, (e, t) => this.serializeDateTime(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.DECIMAL, (e, t) => this.serializeDecimal(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.INTEGER, (e, t) => this.serializeInteger(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.LONGINTEGER, (e, t) => this.serializeLongInteger(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.TEXT, (e, t) => this.serializeText(e, t)), this.serializers.set(Vt.TIME, (e, t) => this.serializeTime(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.BINARY_DATA, (e, t) => this.deserializeBinaryData(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.BOOLEAN, (e, t) => this.deserializeBoolean(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.DATE, (e, t) => this.deserializeDate(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.DATE_TIME, (e, t) => this.deserializeDateTime(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.DECIMAL, (e, t) => this.deserializeDecimal(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.INTEGER, (e, t) => this.deserializeInteger(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.LONGINTEGER, (e, t) => this.deserializeLongInteger(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.TEXT, (e, t) => this.deserializeText(e, t)), this.deserializers.set(Vt.TIME, (e, t) => this.deserializeTime(e, t)); - } - serialize(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Mt.No; - return e instanceof Zo ? this.serializeRecord(e, t) : this.serializeBasicType(e, t, n); - } - serializeRecord(e, t) { - pi(Tg, "Starting to serialize a record"); - const n = {}; - return e.getAttributes().forEach(r => { - const i = _h(t, r); - n[i.columnName] = this.serializeBasicType(e[r.attrName], i, i.isPrimaryKey ? t.idIsAutoNumber : Mt.No); - }), pi(Tg, "Finished serializing a record"), n; - } - serializeInteger(e, t) { - return null != e ? e : 0; - } - serializeText(e, t) { - return null != e ? e : ""; - } - serializeBoolean(e, t) { - return e ? 1 : 0; - } - serializeLongInteger(e, t) { - return e ? e.toString() : "0"; - } - serializeDecimal(e, t) { - return t.decimals ? e.toFixed(t.decimals) : e.toString(); - } - serializeDate(e, t) { - const n = e.toNative(); - return wg.maskFourZeroes(n.getFullYear()) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getDate()); - } - serializeTime(e, t) { - const n = e.toNative(); - return wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getHours()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getMinutes()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getSeconds()); - } - serializeDateTime(e, t) { - if (e.eq(ko.defaultValue)) return bg; - const n = e.toNative(); - return wg.maskFourZeroes(n.getUTCFullYear()) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCDate()) + " " + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCHours()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCSeconds()); - } - innerSerializeBasicType(e, t, n) {} - serializeBasicType(e, t, n) { - if (pi(Tg, `Serializing a value of type ${t.type}`), !this.serializers.has(t.type)) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to serialize ${t.type} to a database value.`); - const r = this.innerSerializeBasicType(e, t, n); - if (void 0 !== r) return r; - return this.serializers.get(t.type)(e, t); - } - deserialize(e, t, n) { - return n ? this.deserializeRecord(e, t, n) : this.deserializeBasicType(e, t); - } - deserializeRecord(e, t, n) { - const r = new n(); - return n.getAttributes().forEach(n => { - const i = _h(t, n); - r[n.attrName] = this.deserializeBasicType(e[i.columnName], i); - }), r; - } - deserializeInteger(e, t) { - return e; - } - deserializeLongInteger(e, t) { - return bo.fromValue(e); - } - deserializeDecimal(e, t) { - return new Ma(e); - } - deserializeText(e, t) { - return e; - } - deserializeBoolean(e, t) { - return 0 !== e; - } - deserializeDateTime(e, t) { - if (e === bg) return ko.defaultValue; - const n = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/.exec(e), - r = new Date(); - return r.setUTCFullYear(parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(n[3], 10)), r.setUTCHours(parseInt(n[4], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[5], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[6], 10) || 0, 0), new ko(r); - } - deserializeDate(e, t) { - const n = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/.exec(e), - r = new Date(); - return r.setFullYear(parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(n[3], 10)), r.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), new ko(r); - } - deserializeTime(e, t) { - const n = /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/.exec(e), - r = new Date(); - return r.setFullYear(1900, 0, 1), r.setHours(parseInt(n[1], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[2], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[3], 10) || 0, 0), new ko(r); - } - innerDeserializeBasicType(e, t) {} - deserializeBasicType(e, t) { - if (!this.deserializers.has(t.type)) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Unable to deserialize ${t} to a runtime value.`); - const n = this.innerDeserializeBasicType(e, t); - if (void 0 !== n) return n; - if (null === e) return Vu(t.type); - return this.deserializers.get(t.type)(e, t); - } - } - class Eg extends wg { - serializeBinaryData(e, t) { - return e.toArrayBuffer() || null; - } - deserializeBinaryData(e, t) { - const n = e instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Blob([e]) : e; - return new Bo(n); - } - isConversionNeeded(e, t) { - return !!this.isConversionNeededBetweenDBDataTypes(e.type, t.type) || !!e.isEntityReference != !!t.isEntityReference || void 0 !== e.length && void 0 !== t.length && (void 0 !== e.decimals && void 0 !== t.decimals ? e.length - e.decimals > t.length - t.decimals : e.length > t.length); - } - isConversionNeededBetweenDBDataTypes(e, t) { - if (void 0 === e) return !0; - if (e === t) return !1; - switch (e) { - case Vt.BOOLEAN: - return t !== Vt.INTEGER; - case Vt.LONGINTEGER: - return t !== Vt.TEXT; - default: - return !0; - } - } - } - var Ig = _exports.IndexedDBSerializer = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - default: Eg - }); - const Ag = "IndexedDBMetadataV2Upgrader"; - class Ng { - constructor(e, t) { - this.entityInfos = e, this.serializer = t, this.VERSION = 2; - } - isNeeded(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t, n; - if (this.hasEntityInfos()) { - if (!(yield e.existsTable(Bh))) return !1; - const r = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey, - i = yield Yh(e, r); - for (const e of this.entityInfos) { - const r = Jh(i.filter(t => t.KEY === e.key)); - if (r && (null !== (n = JSON.parse(null !== (t = r.EXTRAINFO) && void 0 !== t ? t : "{}").v) && void 0 !== n ? n : 0) < this.VERSION) return !0; - } - } - return !1; - }); - } - run(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var t; - if (!this.hasEntityInfos()) return; - const n = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey, - r = yield Yh(e, n); - for (const i of this.entityInfos) { - pi(Ag, `Running initializer for entities of module '${n}'.`); - const s = Jh(r.filter(e => e.KEY === i.key)); - let a = {}, - o = !0, - l = !0; - s && (a = JSON.parse(null !== (t = s.EXTRAINFO) && void 0 !== t ? t : "{}"), o = s.UPGRADESTATUS === qh.Unchanged, l = s.UPGRADESTATUS === qh.Recreated), o ? (pi(this, `Table ${i.tableName} (${}) exists and will be fully upgraded`), yield lg(e, i, a, this.serializer)) : pi(Ag, `Table ${i.tableName} (${}) exists and will be skipped`), (l || o) && i.attributes.some(e => e.isEntityReference) ? (pi(this, `Table ${i.tableName} (${}) exists and have its defaults upgraded`), yield this.upgradeDefaults(e, i, a, this.serializer)) : pi(Ag, `Table ${i.tableName} (${}) wasn't upgraded`); - } - }); - } - cleanup(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (!this.hasEntityInfos()) return; - const t = Jh(this.entityInfos).moduleKey; - pi(Ag, `Running initializer cleanup for entities of module '${t}'.`), yield eg(e, t), pi(Ag, `Initializer cleanup for entities of module '${t}' ran successfully.`); - }); - } - upgradeDefaults(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - const n = yield e.getAllRecords(t); - for (const e of n) this.fillWithDefaultsIfNull(e, t, r); - yield e.upsertAllRecords(t, n); - } catch (e) { - const n = `Unable to upgrade the definition of entity '${}':\n${ot(e)}`; - throw mi(Ag, n), new st.DataBaseException("", n); - } - }); - } - fillWithDefaultsIfNull(e, t, n) { - var r; - for (const i of t.attributes) { - const t = i.columnName; - if (i.isEntityReference && null === e[t]) { - const s = null !== (r = i.default) && void 0 !== r ? r : Vu(i.type); - e[t] = n.serialize(s, i); - } - } - } - hasEntityInfos() { - return this.entityInfos && this.entityInfos.length > 0; - } - } - class Sg extends yg { - constructor() { - super(new Eg()); - } - executeAggregate(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield this.getDatabase(); - try { - return yield n.executeQuery(e, !0, t); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - innerCreate(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = yield this.getMetadataRecord(e, t), - i = $h(t, n), - s = n.clone(); - if (t.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty) { - const a = this.getRecordIdAndUpdateLastIdentifier(r, t, n); - yield this.updateMetadataTable(e, r), s[i.attrName] = a; - } - return yield e.insertRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(s, t)), i ? s[i.attrName] : null; - }); - } - getRecordIdAndUpdateLastIdentifier(e, t, n) { - const r = Mh(t), - i = $h(t, n); - let s = Ph(t, n); - if (t.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty) { - let t = void 0 !== e.LASTIDENTIFIER ? this.serializer.deserialize(e.LASTIDENTIFIER, r) : Wo(i.dataType); - Go(s, Wo(i.dataType)) ? (t instanceof bo ? t = t.add(1) : "number" == typeof t && (t += 1), s = t, e.LASTIDENTIFIER = this.serializer.serialize(s, r)) : qo(s, t) > 0 && (e.LASTIDENTIFIER = this.serializer.serialize(s, r)); - } - return s; - } - innerCreateOrUpdate(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = n.clone(); - if (t.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty) { - const i = yield this.getMetadataRecord(e, t), - s = this.getRecordIdAndUpdateLastIdentifier(i, t, n); - yield this.updateMetadataTable(e, i); - r[$h(t, n).attrName] = s; - } - const i = yield e.upsertRecord(t, this.serializer.serialize(r, t)), - s = Mh(t); - return s ? this.serializer.deserialize(i, s) : null; - }); - } - innerCreateOrUpdateAll(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = yield this.getMetadataRecord(e, t); - let i; - const s = => { - i = null != i ? i : $h(t, e); - const n = e.clone(); - if (t.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty) { - const s = this.getRecordIdAndUpdateLastIdentifier(r, t, e); - n[i.attrName] = s; - } - return this.serializer.serialize(n, t); - }); - return yield this.updateMetadataTable(e, r), e.upsertAllRecords(t, s); - }); - } - registerInitializer(e) { - if (super.registerInitializer(e), e && e.length > 0) { - pi("IndexedDBEntityService", `Registering V2 upgrader for entities of module '${e[0].moduleKey}'.`); - const t = new Ng(e, this.serializer); - this.database.registerInitializer(t); - } - } - getMetadataRecord(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = yield e.getRecord(Bh, [t.key, t.moduleKey]); - if (!n) throw new Error(`Unable to fetch record with key ${t.key} and moduleKey ${t.moduleKey} from \n metadata table ${Bh.tableName}.`); - return n; - }); - } - updateMetadataTable(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (void 0 !== t.LASTIDENTIFIER) return e.updateRecord(Bh, t); - }); - } - } - const Dg = { - tableName: Lh, - idIsAutoNumber: Mt.No, - attributes: [{ - name: "SS_Key", - columnName: "SS_Key", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Module_SS_Key", - columnName: "Module_SS_Key", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Name", - columnName: "Name", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Physical_Table_name", - columnName: "Physical_Table_name", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Hash", - columnName: "Hash", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Extra_Info", - columnName: "Extra_Info", - type: Vt.TEXT - }, { - name: "Upgrade_Status", - columnName: "Upgrade_Status", - type: Vt.INTEGER - }] - }, - Rg = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Dg), { - tableName: `${xh}${Lh}` - }); - - function Cg(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = (yield e.getAllRecords(t)).map(e => function(e) { - const t = JSON.parse(e.Extra_Info), - n = { - v: 2, - idIsAutoNumber: t.idIsAutoNumber, - attrs: Object.keys(t.attrs).reduce((e, n) => (e[n.toUpperCase()] = t.attrs[n], e), {}) - }; - return { - KEY: e.SS_Key, - MODULEKEY: e.Module_SS_Key, - UPGRADESTATUS: e.Upgrade_Status, - NAME: e.Name, - TABLENAME: e.Physical_Table_name, - HASH: e.Hash, - EXTRAINFO: JSON.stringify(n) - }; - }(e)); - yield e.deleteTableIfExists(t), yield e.createTable(n), yield e.upsertAllRecords(n, r); - }); - } - const xg = { - isNeeded: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = e; - let n = !1; - return (yield e.existsTable(Dg)) && (n = yield t.executeQuery(e => { - var t, n, r, i; - return n = e, r = Dg.tableName, i = null === (t = Dg.attributes[0]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.columnName, new Promise(e => { - n.executeSql(`SELECT "${r}"."${i}" FROM "${r}" LIMIT 1`, void 0, () => { - e(!0); - }, () => (e(!1), !1)); - }); - })), n; - }), - run: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = [{ - v0TableInfo: Dg, - v2TableInfo: Bh - }, { - v0TableInfo: Rg, - v2TableInfo: kh - }].map(_ref26 => { - let { - v0TableInfo: t, - v2TableInfo: n - } = _ref26; - return Cg(e, t, n); - }); - yield Promise.all(t); - }), - cleanup: e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield e.deleteTableIfExists(Dg), yield e.deleteTableIfExists(Rg), yield e.renameTable(`${Bh.tableName}_V2`, Bh.tableName), yield e.renameTable(`${kh.tableName}_V2`, kh.tableName); - }) - }; - class Lg { - constructor() { - Lg.lastUpgraderRegistered = this; - } - isNeeded(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - let t = !1; - return Lg.lastUpgraderRegistered === this && (t = yield xg.isNeeded(e)), t; - }); - } - run(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = [{ - v2TableInfo: Bh, - v0TableInfo: Dg - }, { - v2TableInfo: kh, - v0TableInfo: Rg - }].map(_ref27 => { - let { - v2TableInfo: t, - v0TableInfo: n - } = _ref27; - return this.migrateToV0(e, t, n); - }); - yield Promise.all(t); - }); - } - migrateToV0(e, t, n) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = (yield e.getAllRecords(t)).map(e => function(e) { - const t = JSON.parse(e.EXTRAINFO), - n = { - v: 0, - idIsAutoNumber: t.idIsAutoNumber, - attrs: Object.keys(t.attrs).reduce((e, n) => (e[n.toLowerCase()] = t.attrs[n], e), {}) - }; - return { - SS_Key: e.KEY, - Module_SS_Key: e.MODULEKEY, - Name: e.NAME, - Physical_Table_name: e.TABLENAME, - Hash: e.HASH, - Extra_Info: JSON.stringify(n), - Upgrade_Status: e.UPGRADESTATUS - }; - }(e)); - yield e.deleteTableIfExists(`${t.tableName}_V2`), yield e.renameTable(t.tableName, `${t.tableName}_V2`), yield e.createTable(n), yield e.upsertAllRecords(n, r); - }); - } - cleanup() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - Lg.lastUpgraderRegistered = null; - }); - } - } - class Og extends wg { - constructor() { - super(...arguments), this.fromMethodCache = new Map(), this.attributeReaderImplementation = (e, t, n, r) => { - const i = { - type: zu(r) - }; - return this.deserialize(e["o" + t], i); - }, this.namedAttributeReaderImplementation = (e, t, n, r) => { - const i = { - type: zu(r) - }; - return this.deserialize(e[n], i); - }, this.deserializeAggregate = (e, t, n, r) => { - var i; - if (this.isGenericRecordType(t)) { - const i = e, - s = t, - a = n; - let o = this.fromMethodCache.get(s); - if (!o) { - const e = s.getAttributes(); - o = this.makeConverterFunction({ - attributes: e, - fromLocalStorage: this.deserializeAggregate, - dataType: t - }), this.fromMethodCache.set(s, o); - } - return o(i, a, this.getAttributeReaderImplementation(t), r); - } - if (this.isGenericRecordListType(t)) { - const r = new t(), - i = e, - s = n, - a = []; - for (let e = 0; e < i.length; e++) a.push(r.newItem(s(null, i.item(e)))); - return r.pushAll(a), r; - } { - const e = t; - throw new Error(`Unable to read data from Local Storage. Unknown type ${null !== (i = null == e ? void 0 : && void 0 !== i ? i : e}`); - } - }; - } - isGenericRecordType(e) { - return !!e.isGenericRecordType; - } - isGenericRecordListType(e) { - return !!e.isGenericRecordListType; - } - getAttributeReaderImplementation(e) { - return e.isAnonymousRecord() ? this.namedAttributeReaderImplementation : this.attributeReaderImplementation; - } - makeAttributesDeclaration(e, t) { - t.forEach(t => { - t.dataType !== Po.RecordList && (e[t.attrName] = null); - }); - } - makeDeserializerForEachAttribute(_ref28) { - let { - data: e, - attributes: t, - dataType: n, - row: r, - indexRef: i, - readerImplementation: s, - fromLocalStorage: a - } = _ref28; - t.forEach((o, l) => { - o.dataType !== Po.RecordList && (o.dataType === Po.Record && n.isAnonymousRecord() ? e[o.attrName] = a(r, o.complexType, i) : e[o.attrName] = s(r, i.value++, t[l].name, t[l].dataType)); - }); - } - makeConverterFunction(_ref29) { - let { - attributes: e, - fromLocalStorage: t, - dataType: n - } = _ref29; - return (r, i, s, a) => { - const o = {}; - return a && a.length > 0 ? (this.makeAttributesDeclaration(o, e), a.forEach(n => { - const a = e.filter(function(e) { - return e.attrName === n; - })[0]; - a.complexType ? o[n] = t(r, a.complexType, i) : o[n] = s(r, i.value++,, a.dataType); - })) : this.makeDeserializerForEachAttribute({ - data: o, - attributes: e, - dataType: n, - row: r, - indexRef: i, - readerImplementation: s, - fromLocalStorage: t - }), new n.RecordClass(o); - }; - } - serializeDateTime(e, t) { - if (e.eq(ko.defaultValue)) return wg.NULLDATE_IN_DB; - const n = e.toNative(); - return wg.maskFourZeroes(n.getUTCFullYear()) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCDate()) + " " + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCHours()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + wg.maskTwoZeroes(n.getUTCSeconds()); - } - serializeBinaryData(e, t) { - return void 0 === e.content ? null : e.content; - } - deserializeDateTime(e, t) { - if (e === wg.NULLDATE_IN_DB) return ko.defaultValue; - const n = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/.exec(e), - r = new Date(); - return r.setUTCFullYear(parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(n[3], 10)), r.setUTCHours(parseInt(n[4], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[5], 10) || 0, parseInt(n[6], 10) || 0, 0), new ko(r); - } - deserializeBinaryData(e, t) { - return new Bo(e); - } - isConversionNeeded(e, t) { - return !!this.isConversionNeededBetweenDBDataTypes(e.type, t.type) || !!e.isEntityReference != !!t.isEntityReference || void 0 !== e.length && void 0 !== t.length && (void 0 !== e.decimals && void 0 !== t.decimals ? e.length - e.decimals > t.length - t.decimals : e.length > t.length); - } - isConversionNeededBetweenDBDataTypes(e, t) { - if (void 0 === e) return !0; - if (e === t) return !1; - switch (e) { - case Vt.BOOLEAN: - return t !== Vt.INTEGER && t !== Vt.LONGINTEGER; - case Vt.INTEGER: - return t !== Vt.LONGINTEGER && t !== Vt.TEXT; - case Vt.LONGINTEGER: - return t !== Vt.TEXT; - default: - return !0; - } - } - innerSerializeBasicType(e, t, n) { - return pi("WebSQLSerializer", `WebSQL serializing a value of type ${t.type}`), t.isPrimaryKey && n === Mt.YesIfEmpty && Go(e, Vu(t.type)) || t.isEntityReference && Go(e, Vu(t.type)) ? null : void 0; - } - } - var _g = _exports.WebSQLSerializer = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - default: Og - }); - class Mg extends yg { - constructor() { - super(new Og()), this.isMetadataV2UpgraderRegistered = !1; - } - registerInitializer(e) { - this.isMetadataV2UpgraderRegistered || (this.database.registerInitializer(xg), this.isMetadataV2UpgraderRegistered = !0), super.registerInitializer(e), this.database.registerInitializer(new Lg()); - } - executeAggregate(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = yield this.getDatabase(); - try { - return yield t.executeQuery(e); - } catch (e) { - throw new st.DataBaseException("", e.message, e.stack); - } - }); - } - } - class Ug { - constructor() { - let { - onNewVersionHandler: e - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - this.onNewVersionHandler = e; - } - setOnNewVersionHandler(e) { - this.onNewVersionHandler = e; - } - onNewVersion(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.onNewVersionHandler ? this.onNewVersionHandler(e, t) : mi("LifecycleHandlers", "onNewVersion triggered without handler defined."); - }); - } - } - const Fg = "en-US", - $g = !1, - Pg = /^[A-z]{2,3}([_-]([A-z]{4}|[\d]{3}))?([_-]([A-z]{2}|[\d]{3}))?$/; - class Vg { - constructor(e) { - this.currentLocaleStorage = new Ze(Pe.Persistent, "CurrentLocale", void 0, ee), this.publisher = new wh("Locale Service", e); - } - subscribe(e) { - return this.publisher.subscribe(e); - } - unsubscribe(e) { - return this.publisher.unsubscribe(e); - } - getCurrentLocale() { - var e, t; - return null !== (t = null === (e = this.currentLocaleStorage.get()) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.localeCode) && void 0 !== t ? t : Fg; - } - setCurrentLocale(e) { - const t = hn(pn.TranslationsService); - if (t && t.clear(), !this.isValidLocale(e)) throw new Error(`Value '${e}' isn't a valid locale.`); { - const t = { - localeCode: e, - isRTL: $g - }; - this.currentLocaleStorage.set(t); - } - const n = this.getCurrentLocaleFamily(); - this.publisher.publish({ - localeCode: e, - localeFamily: n - }); - } - getCurrentLocaleFamily() { - var e; - const t = [], - n = null !== (e = this.getCurrentLocale()) && void 0 !== e ? e : ""; - return n.indexOf("-") > 0 && t.push(n.split("-")[0]), t.push(n), t; - } - isValidLocale(e) { - return Pg.test(e); - } - isCurrentLocaleRTL() { - var e, t; - return null !== (t = null === (e = this.currentLocaleStorage.get()) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.isRTL) && void 0 !== t ? t : $g; - } - setCurrentLocaleRTL(e) { - var t; - const n = null !== (t = this.currentLocaleStorage.get()) && void 0 !== t ? t : { - localeCode: Fg, - isRTL: $g - }; - n.isRTL = e, this.currentLocaleStorage.set(n); - } - } - var Bg = _exports.LocaleService = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - default: Vg - }); - const kg = "MappingWithDefaultService"; - class zg { - constructor() { - this.messages = {}; - } - getMessage(e, t) { - pi(kg, `Getting message for key ${e} with default message ${t}`); - const n = this.messages[e]; - return null != n ? n : t; - } - setMessage(e, t) { - pi(kg, `Setting message for key ${e} with value ${t}`), this.messages[e] = t; - } - add(e) { - if (!e) throw new Error("Messages cannot either null or undefined"); - const t = Object.keys(e); - pi(kg, `Adding ${t.length} messages`), t.forEach(t => this.setMessage(t, e[t])); - } - clear() { - pi(kg, "Clearing cached messages"), this.messages = {}; - } - } - const Hg = "Application", - jg = function(e) { - for (var _len15 = arguments.length, t = new Array(_len15 > 1 ? _len15 - 1 : 0), _key15 = 1; _key15 < _len15; _key15++) { - t[_key15 - 1] = arguments[_key15]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, ...t], void 0, function(e) { - let { - dateTimeFormat: t, - numberFormat: n, - application: r = $p - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - return function*() { - He(V()); - const i = Wg(); - (function() { - let { - serviceWorker: e = navigator.serviceWorker, - loggerMethods: t = { - debug: pi, - info: fi, - warning: mi, - error: vi - } - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - e ? e.addEventListener("message", e => { - yh(e.origin) ? vh( && bh({ - log:, - loggerMethods: t - }) : pi(mh, "The received message is not from a secure Service Worker and will be ignored"); - }) : mi(mh, "Service Worker API is not available"); - })(), pi(Hg, "Initializing Application"), e.register(pn.LifecycleEventsManager, () => new Ug({ - onNewVersionHandler: (e, t) => r.onNewVersionDetected(e, t) - })), De(e => { - if (wd.isUpgradingVersion && !dt(e)) return mi(Hg, "RequireJS error during upgrade, treating as an upgrade error."), void wd.handleUpgradeError(e, 1); - wc(e); - }), ph.clear(), _(ue()), qg(t, n), yield i, e.register(pn.ClientVariablesService, () => new Ch(ee())), Kg(e), e.register(pn.TranslationsService, () => new zg()), e.register(pn.LocaleService, () => new Vg(Y())), Gg(); - }(); - }); - }, - qg = (e, t) => { - e && (zo.FORMAT.dateTimeFormat = e), t && (zo.FORMAT.numberFormat = t); - }, - Gg = () => { - const e = Kt(); - e && (Object.defineProperty(e, "OutSystemsApp", { - value: { - get public() { - var e; - return new Fd(null, null === (e = Zd.activeScreen) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.callContext()); - } - }, - configurable: !0 - }), e.dispatchEvent(new Event("ospublicapiready"))); - }, - Wg = () => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - (yield sh()) && (yield ih()); - }), - Kg = e => { - bn() ? e.register(pn.EntityService, () => new Mg()) : e.register(pn.EntityService, () => new Sg()); - }, - Jg = "/moduleservices/auth/configs", - Yg = "AuthConfigsManager", - Xg = "os-runtime-authconfigs"; - _exports.useBaseApplication = jg; - class Qg { - constructor() { - let { - httpClient: e = gn.resolve(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient), - initialConfigs: t, - getBasePath: n = () => fe(), - cacheName: r = "os-builtin-authconfigs", - cacheStorage: i = localStorage - } = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - var s; - this.isOnlineListenerRegistered = !1, this.httpClient = e, this.getBasePath = n, this.cacheStorage = i, ((e, t, n) => { - const r = e.getItem(t); - r && (e.setItem(n, r), e.removeItem(t)); - })(this.cacheStorage, r, Xg), this.cacheName = Xg, this.authConfigs = null !== (s = null != t ? t : this.fetchCachedConfigs()) && void 0 !== s ? s : []; - } - cacheConfigs(e) { - this.cacheStorage.setItem(this.cacheName, JSON.stringify(e)); - } - fetchCachedConfigs() { - try { - const e = this.cacheStorage.getItem(this.cacheName); - if (e) return JSON.parse(e); - mi(Yg, "No auth configs stored in cache"); - } catch (e) { - vi(Yg, "Error retrieving auth configs from cache", "OS-CLRT-40100", e); - } - } - update() { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function() { - var _this7 = this; - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ni; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : gn.resolve(pn.Auth); - return function*() { - var n; - try { - const e = yield _this7.httpClient.get({ - url: Jg, - baseURL: _this7.getBasePath() - }), - r = null == e ? void 0 : e.authConfigurations; - if (!Array.isArray(r)) throw new Error("Did not receive an array of configurations"); - if (_this7.authConfigs = r, _this7.cacheConfigs(_this7.authConfigs), !(null === (n = t.getInstance()) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.isAuthenticated())) { - const [e] = _this7.readAuthConfigs(ii); - e && t.updateConfig(e.configs); - } - } catch (t) { - vi(Yg, "Error while fetching auth configs", "OS-CLRT-40100", t), _this7.isOnlineListenerRegistered || (e(() => b(_this7, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return this.update(); - })), _this7.isOnlineListenerRegistered = !0); - } - }(); - }); - } - readAuthConfigs(t) { - let { - suppressExternalWarnings: n = !1 - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - try { - t !== ii || this.authConfigs.find(e => e.type === ii) || (mi(Yg, `${ii} not available, fallback to cognito`), t = "cognito"); - const r = t ? this.authConfigs.filter(e => e.type === t) : this.authConfigs; - if (r.length < 1) { - return mi(Jg, `No identity provider configurations found${t ? ` for type "${t}"` : ""}.`, n ? _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal : _loggerJs.Visibility.External), []; - } - return => { - var t, n, r, i, s, a, o, l, u, c, d, h, g; - return { - key: e.key, - type: e.type, - kc_hint: null !== (t = e.kc_hint) && void 0 !== t ? t : "cognito", - configs: { - identityProvider: null !== (n = e.kc_hint) && void 0 !== n ? n : e.type, - scope: "openid", - clientId: null !== (r = e.configs.amplifyClientId) && void 0 !== r ? r : e.configs.clientId, - poolId: e.configs.poolId, - region: e.configs.region, - tenantId: e.configs.tenantId, - passwordComplexityPolicy: { - minimumLength: null !== (s = null === (i = e.configs.passwordPolicy) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.minimumLength) && void 0 !== s ? s : 12, - lowerCaseLetterRequired: null === (o = null === (a = e.configs.passwordPolicy) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.requireLowercase) || void 0 === o || o, - upperCaseLetterRequired: null === (u = null === (l = e.configs.passwordPolicy) || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.requireUppercase) || void 0 === u || u, - numberRequired: null === (d = null === (c = e.configs.passwordPolicy) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.requireNumbers) || void 0 === d || d, - specialCharacterRequired: null === (g = null === (h = e.configs.passwordPolicy) || void 0 === h ? void 0 : h.requireSymbols) || void 0 === g || g - } - } - }; - }); - } catch (e) { - return mi(Yg, "Couldn't read auth configurations"), []; - } - } - } - const Zg = { - info: _ref30 => { - let { - category: t, - message: n - } = _ref30; - fi(null != t ? t : "", null != n ? n : "", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal); - }, - error: _ref31 => { - let { - category: e, - message: t, - error: n, - code: r, - visibility: i - } = _ref31; - var s; - vi(null != e ? e : "", null != t ? t : "", null !== (s = r) && void 0 !== s ? s : "OS-CLRT-40100", n, i); - }, - warning: _ref32 => { - let { - category: e, - message: t - } = _ref32; - mi(null != e ? e : "", null != t ? t : ""); - }, - debug: _ref33 => { - let { - category: e, - message: t - } = _ref33; - pi(null != e ? e : "", null != t ? t : ""); - } - }, - ep = e => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - e.register(pn.AuthConfigsManager, () => new Qg()); - const t = e.resolve(pn.AuthConfigsManager), - [n] = t.readAuthConfigs(ii, { - suppressExternalWarnings: !0 - }); - e.register(pn.Auth, () => { - var t; - return new _authJs.AuthFactory({ - appKey: V(), - appUrl: fe(), - region: null == n ? void 0 : n.configs.region, - poolId: null == n ? void 0 : n.configs.poolId, - clientId: null == n ? void 0 : n.configs.clientId, - scope: "openid", - identityProvider: null !== (t = null == n ? void 0 : n.kc_hint) && void 0 !== t ? t : null == n ? void 0 : n.type, - passwordComplexityPolicy: null == n ? void 0 : n.configs.passwordComplexityPolicy, - logger: Zg, - httpClient: e.resolve(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient), - isOnline: () => ti() - }); - }), yield t.update(); - }); - _exports.useAuthConfigsManager = ep; - class tp { - constructor(e, t) { - this.databaseName = e, this.databaseEngineName = t, this.isInitialized = !1, this.allInitializers = [], this.initializersToRun = []; - } - get name() { - return this.databaseName; - } - get engineName() { - var e; - return null !== (e = this.databaseEngineName) && void 0 !== e ? e : "Unknown"; - } - registerInitializer(e) { - if (this.isInitialized) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Cannot register a database initializer on the already initialized database '${}'`); - this.allInitializers.push(e); - } - initialize() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (this.isInitialized) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Cannot initialize the already initialized database '${}'`); - this.markInitialized(), yield this.identifyNeededInitializers(), yield this.runNeededInitializers(); - }); - } - initializerCleanup() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (!this.isInitialized) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Cannot perform database initializer cleanup on the non-initialized database '${}'`); - yield this.cleanupNeededInitializers(); - }); - } - identifyNeededInitializers() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.allInitializers && this.allInitializers.length > 0 && (yield this.executeReadTransaction(e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - for (const t of this.allInitializers)(yield t.isNeeded(e)) && this.initializersToRun.push(t); - }))), this.releaseUnneededInitializers(); - }); - } - runNeededInitializers() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.initializersToRun.length > 0 && (yield this.executeUpgradeTransaction(e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - for (const t of this.initializersToRun) yield; - }))); - }); - } - cleanupNeededInitializers() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.initializersToRun.length > 0 && (yield this.executeUpgradeTransaction(e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - for (const t of this.initializersToRun) t.cleanup && (yield t.cleanup(e)); - })), this.releaseNeededInitializers()); - }); - } - markInitialized() { - this.isInitialized = !0; - } - releaseUnneededInitializers() { - this.allInitializers = []; - } - releaseNeededInitializers() { - this.initializersToRun = []; - } - } - - function np(e, t) { - if (null !== t) return t; - } - - function rp(e) { - const t = e.replace(/(?:"([^\\"]|\\.)*")|(?:'([^\\']|\\.)*')|(-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)|(\w+)\s*:/g, function(e, t, n, r, i) { - return r ? '"' + r + '"' : n ? '"' + e.substring(1, e.length - 1) + '"' : i ? '"' + i + '":' : e; - }); - return JSON.parse(t); - } - - function ip(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 3; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - let r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - let i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - n = null != n ? n : sp, t = isNaN(+t) ? 1 : t; - const s = new WeakMap(); - return JSON.stringify(function e(t, r, a, o, l) { - var u; - return t && "object" == typeof t ? (l = s.has(t), s.set(t, !0), o = Array.isArray(t), l ? a = null !== (u = null == i ? void 0 : i(t)) && void 0 !== u ? u : null : JSON.stringify(t, function(i, s) { - if (o || r > 0) { - if (n && (s = n(i, s)), !i) return o = Array.isArray(s), t = s; - (a = a || (o ? [] : {}))[i] = e(s, o ? r : r - 1); - } - }), void 0 === a ? o ? [] : "(...)" : a) : t; - }(e, t), null, r); - } - - function sp(e, t) { - if ("" === e) { - if (Array.isArray(t)) { - let e = t; - return e.length >= 10 && (e = e.slice(0, 9), e.push("(...)")), e; - } - const e = function(e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = !1; - const i = Object.keys(e).reduce(function(i, s) { - return n++, n <= t ? i[s] = e[s] : r = !0, i; - }, {}); - r && (i["..."] = "(...)"); - return i; - }(t, 10); - return e; - } - if ("string" == typeof t) { - const e = t; - return e.length > 25 ? e.substring(0, 19) + " (...)" : e; - } - return t; - } - var ap = _exports.JSONUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - deserializeFromJSON: function(e, t, n) { - try { - let r; - return e && (r = rp(e)), Ju.from(r, t, n); - } catch (e) { - throw "Failed to deserialize JSON to " + + ": " + e.message; - } - }, - filterJSONValues: np, - mergeJS: function e(t, n) { - let r, i, s, a; - for (const o in n) { - r = t[o], i = n[o]; - i && r && ("object" == typeof i || (s = Array.isArray(i))) ? (s ? (s = !1, a = Array.isArray(r) ? r : []) : a = "object" == typeof r ? r : {}, t[o] = e(a, i)) : void 0 !== i && (t[o] = i); - } - return t; - }, - parseJSON: rp, - serializeObjectForLog: ip, - serializeToJSON: function(e, t, n, r) { - const i ={ - value: e, - serializeDefaultValues: t, - useUnixDateFormat: n, - dataType: r, - enforceDefaultValueSerializationAtThisLevel: !0 - }); - return JSON.stringify(i, np); - } - }); - const op = "IndexedDBTransactionWithoutObjectStores"; - class lp { - constructor(e, t) { - this.allowTraces = e, this.database = t, this.allowTraces && pi(op, `Starting transaction ${this.transactionId} over ${t.objectStoreNames.length} store(s)`); - } - createTable(e) { - return new Promise(t => { - var n, r, i; - this.debug(`Creating table '${e.tableName}'`); - const s = Fh(e), - a = this.database.createObjectStore(e.tableName, { - autoIncrement: !s, - keyPath: s - }); - this.debug(`Creating columns for '${e.tableName}' table`); - for (let t = 0; t < e.attributes.length; t++) this.debug(`Creating column '${null === (n = e.attributes[t]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 :}'`), a.createIndex(null === (r = e.attributes[t]) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.columnName, null === (i = e.attributes[t]) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.columnName); - t(); - }); - } - deleteTableIfExists(e) { - let t; - return t = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.tableName, new Promise((e, n) => { - if (this.debug(`Deleting table '${t}'`), !this.database.objectStoreNames.contains(t)) return this.debug(`Table '${t}' does not exist`), e(); - try { - this.database.deleteObjectStore(t), this.debug(`Table '${t}' deleted successfuly`); - } catch (e) { - return this.warning(`Error deleting table '${t}'`, e), n(e); - } - e(); - }); - } - existsTable(e) { - const t = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.tableName; - return Promise.resolve(this.database.objectStoreNames.contains(t)); - } - renameTable(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - addColumn(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - existsColumn(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - }); - } - getRecord(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - insertRecord(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - updateRecord(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - upsertRecord(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - upsertAllRecords(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - removeRecord(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - removeAllRecords(e) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - findRecords(e, t) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - getAllRecords(e) { - throw new Error("You can't execute this method on a database without object stores."); - } - debug(t) { - this.allowTraces && pi(op, `${t} on transaction ${this.transactionId}`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - } - warning(t, n) { - mi(op, `${t} on transaction ${this.transactionId}${n ? `: ${n.message}` : ""}`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - } - } - - function up(e, t) { - const n = e.trim(); - if ("" === n) return []; { - const e = Yt(n, "((((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)(( )*,( )*(((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)*", !0); - if (1 !== e.length || e[0].value !== n) throw new st.DataBaseException("", "Invalid syntax in 'Order By' parameter."); - } - let r = Xt(n, "(\\{\\w+\\}|\\w+\\.)", !1, e => function(e, t) { - const n = function(e) { - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? e.value.substr(0, e.value.length - 1) : e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2); - }(e), - r = t.some(e => e.toLowerCase() === n.toLowerCase()) ? n : ""; - if ("" === r) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `'${n}' found in 'Order By' parameter is an invalid Entity`); - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? r + "." : r; - }(e, t)); - r = Xt(r, "(\\[\\w+\\])", !1, e => e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2)); - return r.split(/, ?/).map(e => { - const t = e.trim().split(" "), - n = 2 !== t.length || "asc" === t[1].toLowerCase(); - return { - attributeParts: t[0].split("."), - isAscending: n - }; - }); - } - - function cp(e) { - e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(); - } - - function dp(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (e instanceof el) - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { - const n = e.getItem(t); - yield hp(n); - } else e instanceof Zo && (yield hp(e)); - }); - } - - function hp(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = e.getAttributes().map(t => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = e[t.attrName]; - if (t.dataType === Po.Record) yield hp(n); - else if (t.dataType === Po.BinaryData) { - const e = n; - yield e.loadContent(); - } - })); - yield Promise.all(t); - }); - } - var gp = _exports.IndexedDBUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - getDynamicSortsObjGenerator: function(e, t) { - const n = up(e, t); - return e => => { - let n = e; - for (let e = 0; e < t.attributeParts.length; e++) { - const i = (r = t.attributeParts[e], r.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + r.substr(1) + "Attr").toLowerCase(), - s = n.getAttributes().filter(e => e.attrName.toLowerCase() === i); - if (0 === s.length) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Invalid attribute in 'Order By' parameter: ${t.attributeParts.join(".")}`); - n = n[s[0].attrName]; - } - var r; - return { - value: n, - isAscending: t.isAscending - }; - }); - }, - loadBinaryDataContent: dp, - markEventAsHandled: cp - }); - const pp = "IndexedDBTransaction"; - class fp extends lp { - set onComplete(e) { - this.transaction.oncomplete = () => (this.allowTraces && pi(pp, `Committing transaction ${this.transactionId}`), e()); - } - set onAbort(e) { - this.transaction.onabort = () => (mi(pp, `Aborting transaction ${this.transactionId}: ${this.transaction.error}`), e(this.transaction.error)); - } - executeQuery(e) { - return e(this.transaction); - } - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, n), this.transaction = t, fp.lastTransactionId = (fp.lastTransactionId + 1) % 1e12, this.transactionId = fp.lastTransactionId + 1; - } - renameTable(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.transaction.objectStore(e).name = t; - }); - } - getRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Getting record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).get(fp.wrapKeyIfNeeded(t, e)); - i.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Retrieved record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(i.result || null); - }, i.onerror = n => { - this.warning(`Error retrieving record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`, this.transaction.error), cp(n), r(this.transaction.error); - }; - }); - } - removeRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Deleting record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).delete(fp.wrapKeyIfNeeded(t, e)); - i.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Deleted record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(); - }, i.onerror = n => { - this.warning(`Error deleting record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`, i.error), cp(n), r(i.error); - }; - }); - } - removeAllRecords(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - this.debug(`Deleting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`); - const r = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).clear(); - r.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Deleted all records from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), t(); - }, r.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error deleting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`, r.error), cp(t), n(r.error); - }; - }); - } - insertRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Inserting record on table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).add(t); - i.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Inserted record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(fp.unwrapKeyIfNeeded(i)); - }, i.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error inserting record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i.error), cp(t), r(i.error); - }; - }); - } - upsertRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Adding/Updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).put(t); - i.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Added/Updated record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(fp.unwrapKeyIfNeeded(i)); - }, i.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error adding/updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i.error), cp(t), r(i.error); - }; - }); - } - upsertAllRecords(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.debug(`Adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}'`); - try { - for (const n of t) yield this.upsertRecord(e, n); - this.debug(`Added/updated ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`); - } catch (n) { - throw this.warning(`Error adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}'`, n), n; - } - }); - } - updateRecord(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - const i = Fh(e); - if (0 === (null == i ? void 0 : i.length)) { - const t = new Error(`Cannot perform an update on table '${e.tableName}' since it has no primary key column`); - return this.warning(t.message), r(t); - } - this.debug(`Checking if record exists on table '${e.tableName}'`); - const s = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).get(null == i ? void 0 : => t[e])); - s.onsuccess = () => { - try { - if (!s.result) { - const t = new Error(`Record to update does not exist on table '${e.tableName}'`); - return this.warning(t.message), r(t); - } - this.debug(`Updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).put(t); - i.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Updated record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(); - }, i.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i.error), cp(t), r(i.error); - }; - } catch (t) { - this.warning(`Error updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, t), r(t); - } - }, s.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error checking if record exists on table '${e.tableName}'`, s.error), cp(t), r(s.error); - }; - }); - }); - } - addColumn(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Adding column '${ip(t)}' on table '${e.tableName}'`); - try { - this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).createIndex(t.columnName, t.columnName), n(); - } catch (n) { - this.warning(`Error adding column '${ip(t)}' on table '${e.tableName}'`, n), r(n); - } - }); - const n = yield this.getAllRecords(e); - for (const r of n) r[t.columnName] = t.serializedDefault, yield this.upsertRecord(e, r); - }); - } - existsColumn(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Checking if column '${t}' exists on table '${e}'`); - try { - n(this.transaction.objectStoreNames.contains(e) && this.transaction.objectStore(e).indexNames.contains(t)); - } catch (n) { - this.warning(`Error checking if column '${t}' exists on table '${e}'`, n), r(n); - } - }); - }); - } - findRecords(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Searching for all records on table '${e.tableName}' that match the specified criteria.`); - const i = [], - s = Uh(e).length > 0, - a = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).openCursor(); - a.onsuccess = () => { - const r = a.result; - if (r) { - let e = r.value; - s || (e = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), { - $KEY: r.primaryKey - })); - Object.keys(t).reduce((n, r) => n && t.hasOwnProperty(r) && e[Oh(r)] === t[r], !0) && i.push(e), r.continue(); - } else this.debug(`Search on table '${e.tableName}' found ${i.length} record(s) matching the specified criteria.`), n(i); - }, a.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error searching for records on table '${e.tableName}'`, a.error), cp(t), r(a.error); - }; - }); - } - getAllRecords(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - this.debug(`Getting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`); - const r = this.transaction.objectStore(e.tableName).getAll(); - r.onsuccess = () => { - this.debug(`Retrieved all the records from table '${e.tableName}'`), t(r.result); - }, r.onerror = t => { - this.warning(`Error retrieving all the records from table '${e.tableName}'`, r.error), cp(t), n(r.error); - }; - }); - } - static wrapKeyIfNeeded(e, t) { - return Uh(t).length > 0 ? e instanceof Array ? e : [e] : e; - } - static unwrapKeyIfNeeded(e) { - return e.result instanceof Array ? e.result[0] : e.result; - } - } - fp.lastTransactionId = 0; - const mp = "IndexedDBDatabase"; - class vp extends tp { - static asSafeDbName(e) { - return e || ""; - } - static executeTransactionPromiseWithRetry(e) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 3; - return function*() { - let n, - r = !0, - i = 0; - for (; r;) { - i++; - try { - n = yield new Promise(e), r = !1; - } catch (e) { - if (!/the transaction is inactive or finished/i.test(e.message) || i >= t) throw e; - } - } - return n; - }(); - }); - } - static open(e, t) { - return e = this.asSafeDbName(e), new Promise((n, r) => { - if (this.cache[e]) n(this.cache[e]); - else { - if ("undefined" == typeof window) return r(new st.SystemException("Database is only available in the browser/web view")); - if (!("indexedDB" in window)) return pi(mp, "This browser doesn't support IndexedDB"), r(new st.SystemException("This browser doesn't support IndexedDB")); - if (i = navigator.userAgent, /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(i) && function(e) { - try { - return e.self !==; - } catch (e) { - return !0; - } - }(window)) { - const e = "Your app requires native access to a Local Storage database that is not available in your browser while using an iframe.\nPlease test your app in your mobile device or use Google Chrome"; - return alert(e), r(new st.SystemException(e)); - } - pi(mp, `Opening database '${e}' on IndexedDB`); - const s =; - s.onsuccess = () => { - pi(mp, `Database '${e}' opened successfully with version '${s.result.version}'`); - const r = s.result; - this.cache[e] = new vp(e, r, t), n(this.cache[e]); - }, s.onerror = () => { - mi(mp, `Error opening database '${e}'`), r(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`Could not open database '${e}'`)); - }; - } - var i; - }); - } - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(e, "IndexedDB"), this.databaseImplementation = t, this.onNewDatabaseVersionDetected = n, this.setOnVersionChangeEvent(); - } - setOnVersionChangeEvent() { - this.databaseImplementation.onversionchange = () => { - this.databaseImplementation.close(), this.onNewDatabaseVersionDetected && this.onNewDatabaseVersionDetected(); - }; - } - close() { - return pi(mp, `Closing database ${} with version '${this.databaseImplementation.version}'`), this.databaseImplementation.close(), delete vp.cache[], Promise.resolve(); - } - testConnection() { - return Promise.resolve(); - } - executeQuery(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - return this.executeReadTransaction(t => t.executeQuery(e), t, n); - } - executeTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - return this.innerExecuteDMLTransaction(e, t, "readwrite", n); - } - executeReadTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - return this.innerExecuteDMLTransaction(e, t, "readonly", n); - } - innerExecuteDMLTransaction(e, t, n, r) { - return 0 === this.databaseImplementation.objectStoreNames.length ? this.innerExecuteIDBTransactionWithoutObjectStores(e, t) : this.innerExecuteIDBTransaction(e, t, n, r); - } - innerExecuteIDBTransaction(e, t, n, r) { - return vp.executeTransactionPromiseWithRetry((i, s) => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - let a = null, - o = null; - const l = r ? => e.tableName) : []; - if (0 === l.length) - for (let e = 0; e < this.databaseImplementation.objectStoreNames.length; e++) l.push(this.databaseImplementation.objectStoreNames.item(e)); - const u = this.databaseImplementation.transaction(l, n), - c = new fp(t, u, this.databaseImplementation); - c.onComplete = () => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield dp(a), i(a); - }), c.onAbort = e => s(null != o ? o : e); - try { - a = yield e(c); - } catch (e) { - o = e, null == u || u.abort(); - } - })); - } - innerExecuteIDBTransactionWithoutObjectStores(e, t) { - return e(new lp(t, this.databaseImplementation)); - } - executeUpgradeTransaction(e) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e) { - var _this8 = this; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return function*() { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - let i = null, - s = null; - const a = _this8.databaseImplementation.version; - _this8.databaseImplementation.close(); - const o =, a + 1); - o.onsuccess = () => (_this8.debug(`Database '${}' opened successfully with version '${a + 1}'`, t), _this8.databaseImplementation = o.result, _this8.setOnVersionChangeEvent(), n(i)), o.onerror = () => (mi(mp, `Error opening '${}' database with version '${a + 1}'`), r(null != s ? s : o.error)), o.onupgradeneeded = () => { - _this8.debug(`Upgrading database '${}' with version '${a + 1}'`, t), _this8.databaseImplementation = o.result; - const n = new fp(t, o.transaction, o.result); - n.onAbort = e => s = null != s ? s : e, e(n).then(e => i = e).catch(e => { - var t; - s = e, null === (t = o.transaction) || void 0 === t || t.abort(); - }); - }; - }); - }(); - }); - } - debug(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - t && pi(mp, e); - } - } - var yp; - vp.cache = {}, - function(e) { - e[e.Read = 0] = "Read", e[e.Write = 1] = "Write", e[e.Upgrade = 2] = "Upgrade"; - }(yp || (yp = {})); - var bp = yp; - const Tp = new Map(); - - function wp(e) { - var t; - return null !== (t = Tp.get(e)) && void 0 !== t ? t : ""; - } - Tp.set(Vt.BINARY_DATA, "BLOB"), Tp.set(Vt.BOOLEAN, "BOOLEAN"), Tp.set(Vt.DATE, "DATE"), Tp.set(Vt.DATE_TIME, "DATETIME"), Tp.set(Vt.DECIMAL, "REAL"), Tp.set(Vt.INTEGER, "INTEGER"), Tp.set(Vt.LONGINTEGER, "BIGINT"), Tp.set(Vt.TEXT, "TEXT"), Tp.set(Vt.TIME, "TIME"); - const Ep = "The transaction is read-only", - Ip = "The database is not running a version change transaction", - Ap = "WebSQLTransaction"; - class Np { - get transactionId() { - return this._transactionId; - } - constructor(e, t, n) { - this.allowTraces = e, this.transaction = t, this.mode = n, Np.lastTransactionId = (Np.lastTransactionId + 1) % 1e12, this._transactionId = Np.lastTransactionId + 1, this.allowTraces && pi(Ap, `Starting transaction ${this.transactionId}`); - } - executeQuery(e) { - return e(this.transaction); - } - getColumnDeclaration(e, t) { - let n, - r = `${wp(t.type)}`; - if (t.isPrimaryKey) { - if (e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty || e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.Yes) return t.type === Vt.LONGINTEGER && (r = `${wp(Vt.INTEGER)}`), r += " PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL", { - declaration: `"${t.columnName}" ${r}` - }; - n = `"${t.columnName}"`; - } - if (t.length && (r += `(${t.length}${t.decimals ? "," + t.decimals : ""})`), void 0 !== t.serializedDefault) { - let e = t.serializedDefault; - "string" == typeof e && (e = `'${e.replace("'", "''")}'`), r += ` DEFAULT ${e}`; - } - return { - declaration: `"${t.columnName}" ${r}`, - primaryKeyDeclaration: n - }; - } - createTable(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - if (this.debug(`Creating table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Upgrade) { - const t = new Error(Ip); - return this.warning(`Error creating table '${e.tableName}'`, t), n(t); - } - const r = => this.getColumnDeclaration(e, t)), - i = r.filter(e => !!e.primaryKeyDeclaration).map(e => e.primaryKeyDeclaration), - s = => e.declaration); - i.length > 0 && s.push(`PRIMARY KEY (${i.join(",")})`), this.transaction.executeSql(`CREATE TABLE "${e.tableName}" (${s.join(",")})`, void 0, (n, r) => { - this.debug(`Table '${e.tableName}' created with success`), t(); - }, (t, r) => { - const i = new Error(r.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error creating table '${e.tableName}'`, i), n(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - deleteTableIfExists(e) { - let t; - return t = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.tableName, new Promise((e, n) => { - if (this.debug(`Deleting table '${t}'`), this.mode < bp.Upgrade) { - const e = new Error(Ip); - return this.warning(`Error deleting table '${t}'`, e), n(e); - } - this.transaction.executeSql(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "${t}"`, void 0, (n, r) => { - this.debug(`Table '${t}' deleted with success`), e(); - }, (e, r) => { - const i = new Error(r.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error deleting table '${t}'`, i), n(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - renameTable(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (this.debug(`Renaming table '${e}'`), this.mode < bp.Upgrade) { - const t = new Error(Ip); - return this.warning(`Error renaming table '${e}'`, t), r(t); - } - this.transaction.executeSql(`ALTER TABLE "${e}" RENAME TO "${t}"`, void 0, (r, i) => { - this.debug(`Table '${e}' renamed to '${t}' with success`), n(); - }, (t, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error renaming table '${e}'`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - })); - } - existsTable(e) { - let t; - return t = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.tableName, new Promise((e, n) => { - this.debug(`Checking if table '${t}' exists`); - this.transaction.executeSql(`SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND UPPER(name) = UPPER("${t}")`, void 0, (n, r) => { - this.debug(`Table '${t}' checked with success`), e(r.rows.length > 0); - }, (e, r) => { - const i = new Error(r.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error checking if table '${t}' exists`, i), n(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - addColumn(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const i = ip(t); - if (this.debug(`Adding column '${i}' on table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Upgrade) { - const e = new Error(Ip); - return this.warning(`Error adding column '${i}'`, e), r(e); - } - const s = (e, t) => { - this.debug(`Column '${i}' added with success`), n(); - }, - a = (e, t) => { - const n = new Error(t.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error adding column '${i}'`, n), r(n), !1; - }; - this.transaction.executeSql(`ALTER TABLE "${e.tableName}" ADD ${this.getColumnDeclaration(e, t).declaration}`, void 0, (n, r) => { - n.executeSql(`UPDATE "${e.tableName}" SET "${t.columnName}" = ?`, [t.serializedDefault], s, a); - }, a); - })); - } - existsColumn(e, t) { - return new Promise(n => { - this.debug(`Checking if column '${t}' exists on table '${e}'`); - this.transaction.executeSql(`SELECT "${e}"."${t}" FROM "${e}" LIMIT 0`, void 0, () => { - this.debug(`Column '${t}' exists on table '${e}'`), n(!0); - }, () => (this.debug(`Column '${t}' does not exist on table '${e}'`), n(!1), !1)); - }); - } - getRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Getting record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`); - const i = Np.wrapKeyIfNeeded(t), - s = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - a = `"${e.tableName}"`, - o = [...i], - l = e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey).map(e => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}" = ?`).join(" and "); - this.transaction.executeSql(`SELECT ${s} FROM ${a} WHERE ${l}`, o, (r, i) => { - this.debug(`Retrieved record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`); - const s = Np.convertSQLResultSetToDatabaseRecord(e, i); - n(s.length > 0 ? s[0] : null); - }, (n, i) => { - const s = new Error(i.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error retrieving record with keys '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`, s), r(s), !1; - }); - }); - } - insertRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - if (this.debug(`Inserting record on table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - return this.warning(`Error inserting record on table '${e.tableName}'`, t), r(t); - } - const i = e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey), - s = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - a = Np.concatenateMultipleTimes("?", e.attributes.length, ", "), - o = `"${e.tableName}"`, - l = => void 0 === t[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName] ? null : t[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName]); - this.transaction.executeSql(`INSERT INTO ${o} (${s}) VALUES (${a})`, l, (r, s) => { - var a, o; - let l; - this.debug(`Inserted record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), l = e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.No || e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty && null !== t[null === (a = i[0]) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.columnName] ? t[null === (o = i[0]) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.columnName] : s.insertId, n(l); - }, (t, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error inserting record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - updateRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - if (this.debug(`Updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - return this.warning(`Error updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, t), r(t); - } - const i = e.attributes.filter(e => !(null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey)), - s = e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey), - a = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}" = ?`).join(", "), - o = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}" = ?`).join(" and "), - l = `"${e.tableName}"`, - u = []; - i.forEach(e => u.push(t[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName])), s.forEach(e => u.push(t[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName])); - this.transaction.executeSql(`UPDATE ${l} SET ${a} WHERE ${o}`, u, (t, r) => { - 0 === r.rowsAffected ? this.debug(`Record to update does not exist on table '${e.tableName}'`) : this.debug(`Updated record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(); - }, (t, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - upsertRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - if (this.debug(`Adding/updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - return this.warning(`Error adding/updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, t), r(t); - } - const i = e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey), - s = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - a = Np.concatenateMultipleTimes("?", e.attributes.length, ", "), - o = `"${e.tableName}"`, - l = => t[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName]); - this.transaction.executeSql(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${o} (${s}) VALUES (${a})`, l, (r, s) => { - var a, o; - let l; - this.debug(`Added/updated record on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), l = e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.No || e.idIsAutoNumber === Mt.YesIfEmpty && null !== t[null === (a = i[0]) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.columnName] ? t[null === (o = i[0]) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.columnName] : s.insertId, n(l); - }, (t, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error adding/updating record on table '${e.tableName}'`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - upsertAllRecords(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if (this.debug(`Adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - throw this.warning(`Error adding/updating records on table '${e.tableName}'`, t), t; - } - try { - e.attributes.some(e => (null == e ? void 0 : e.type) === Vt.BINARY_DATA) ? yield this.innerUpsertAllSingle(e, t): yield this.innerUpsertAllBulk(e, t), this.debug(`Added/updated ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}' successfully`); - } catch (n) { - throw this.warning(`Error adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}'`, n), n; - } - }); - } - innerUpsertAllSingle(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - this.debug(`Adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}' one by one`); - for (const n of t) yield this.upsertRecord(e, n); - }); - } - innerUpsertAllBulk(e, t) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = Math.floor(Np.MaxQueryParameters / e.attributes.length); - if (0 === n) return this.innerUpsertAllSingle(e, t); - const r = [], - i = Math.ceil(t.length / n); - this.debug(`Adding/updating ${null == t ? void 0 : t.length} record(s) on table '${e.tableName}' in ${i} chunk(s) of ${n} record(s) each`); - for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) { - const i = []; - let a = 0; - for (; a < n;) { - const r = s * n + a; - if (r === t.length) break; - const o = t[r]; - e.attributes.forEach(e => i.push(o[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName])), a++; - } - const o = this.createUpsertBulkQuery(e, a); - r.push({ - query: o, - argList: i - }); - } - let s = 0; - for (const t of r) this.debug(`Adding/updating chunk ${++s} of ${i} on table '${e.tableName}'`), yield this.wrapExecuteSqlOnPromise(t, e); - }); - } - wrapExecuteSqlOnPromise(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.transaction.executeSql(e.query, e.argList, (e, r) => { - this.debug(`Added/Updated bulk of records on table '${t.tableName}' successfully`), n(); - }, (e, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error adding/updating bulk of records on table '${t.tableName}'`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - createUpsertBulkQuery(e, t) { - const n = => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - r = `"${e.tableName}"`, - i = `(${Np.concatenateMultipleTimes("?", e.attributes.length, ", ")})`; - return `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${r} (${n}) VALUES ${Np.concatenateMultipleTimes(i, t, ", ")}`; - } - removeRecord(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - if (this.debug(`Deleting record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - return this.warning(`Error deleting record from table '${e.tableName}'`, t), r(t); - } - const i = Np.wrapKeyIfNeeded(t), - s = `"${e.tableName}"`, - a = [...i], - o = e.attributes.filter(e => null == e ? void 0 : e.isPrimaryKey).map(e => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}" = ?`).join(" AND "); - this.transaction.executeSql(`DELETE FROM ${s} WHERE ${"" === o ? "ROWID = ?" : o}`, a, (r, i) => { - this.debug(`Deleted record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), n(); - }, (n, i) => { - const s = new Error(i.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error deleting record with key '${t}' from table '${e.tableName}'`, s), r(s), !1; - }); - }); - } - removeAllRecords(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - if (this.debug(`Deleting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`), this.mode < bp.Write) { - const t = new Error(Ep); - return this.warning(`Error deleting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`, t), n(t); - } - const r = `"${e.tableName}"`; - this.transaction.executeSql(`DELETE FROM ${r}`, void 0, (n, r) => { - this.debug(`Deleted all records from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`), t(); - }, (t, r) => { - const i = new Error(r.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error deleting all records from table '${e.tableName}'`, i), n(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - findRecords(e, t) { - return new Promise((n, r) => { - this.debug(`Searching for all records on table '${e.tableName}' that match the specified criteria`); - const i = (Uh(e).length > 0 ? "" : '"rowid" AS "ROWID", ') + => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - s = `"${e.tableName}"`; - let a = ""; - const o = []; - for (const e in t) - if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) { - a += `${a.length > 0 ? " AND " : ""}"${Oh(e)}" = ?`, o.push(t[e]); - } - this.transaction.executeSql(`SELECT ${i} FROM ${s} WHERE ${a}`, o, (t, r) => { - this.debug(`Search on table '${e.tableName}' found ${r.rows.length} record(s) matching the specified criteria`); - const i = Np.convertSQLResultSetToDatabaseRecord(e, r); - n(i); - }, (t, n) => { - const i = new Error(n.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error searching for records on table '${e.tableName}'\r\n${i}`, i), r(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - getAllRecords(e) { - return new Promise((t, n) => { - this.debug(`Getting all records on table '${e.tableName}'`); - const r = (Uh(e).length > 0 ? "" : '"rowid" AS "ROWID", ') + => `"${null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName}"`).join(", "), - i = `"${e.tableName}"`; - this.transaction.executeSql(`SELECT ${r} FROM ${i}`, void 0, (n, r) => { - this.debug(`Retrieved all records from table '${e.tableName}' successfully`); - const i = Np.convertSQLResultSetToDatabaseRecord(e, r); - t(i); - }, (t, r) => { - const i = new Error(r.message.toString()); - return this.warning(`Error retrieving all records from table '${e.tableName}'`, i), n(i), !1; - }); - }); - } - debug(e) { - this.allowTraces && pi(Ap, `${e} on transaction ${this.transactionId}`); - } - warning(t, n) { - mi(Ap, `${t} on transaction ${this.transactionId}${n ? `: ${n.message}` : ""}`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - } - static wrapKeyIfNeeded(e) { - return e instanceof Array ? e : [e]; - } - static convertSQLResultSetToDatabaseRecord(e, t) { - const n = Uh(e).length > 0, - r = []; - if (t.rows.length > 0) - for (let i = 0; i < t.rows.length; i++) { - const s = t.rows.item(i), - a = {}; - n || (a.$KEY = s.ROWID), e.attributes.forEach(e => { - a[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName] = s[null == e ? void 0 : e.columnName]; - }), r.push(a); - } - return r; - } - static concatenateMultipleTimes(e, t, n) { - return Array.apply(null, new Array(t)).map(() => e).join(`${n}`); - } - } - Np.MaxQueryParameters = 500, Np.lastTransactionId = 0; - const Sp = "Could not open database", - Dp = "WebSQLDatabase"; - class Rp extends tp { - static open(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - return this.cache[e] || (this.cache[e] = yield Rp.innerOpen(e)), this.cache[e]; - }); - } - static innerOpen(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - if ("undefined" == typeof window) throw new st.SystemException("Database is only available in the browser/web view"); - return bn() ? Rp.openPluginDatabase(e) : Rp.isWebSQLSupported() ? Rp.openWebSQLDatabase(e) : void Rp.throwDatabaseRequiredError(); - }); - } - static openPluginDatabase(e) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield Nn(); - const t = window; - if (t.sqlitePlugin) return pi(Rp, `Opening database '${e}'`), new Promise((n, r) => { - try { - t.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({ - name: e, - location: "default" - }, t => { - t ? (pi(Rp, `Database '${e}' opened successfully`), n(new Rp(e, t))) : (mi(Dp, `Error opening database '${e}'`), r(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${Sp} '${e}'`))); - }, t => { - mi(Dp, `Error opening database '${e}' ${t.message}`), r(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${Sp} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`)); - }); - } catch (t) { - r(new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${Sp} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`)); - } - }); - throw new st.OpenDatabaseException("No database driver available"); - }); - } - static openWebSQLDatabase(e) { - const t = window; - let n; - try { - pi(Rp, `Opening database '${e}'`), n = t.openDatabase(e, "1.0", e, 5242880); - } catch (t) { - throw new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${Sp} '${e}': ${t.message.toString()}`); - } - if (n) return pi(Rp, `Database '${e}' opened successfully`), new Rp(e, n); - throw mi(Dp, `Error opening database '${e}'`), new st.OpenDatabaseException(`${Sp} '${e}'`); - } - static isWebSQLSupported() { - return !!window.openDatabase; - } - static throwDatabaseRequiredError() { - const e = "Your app requires native access to a Local Storage database that is not available in your browser.\n\nPlease test your app in your mobile device" + (!! ? "" : ", or use Google Chrome web browser") + "."; - throw alert(e), new st.SystemException(e); - } - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, "WebSQL"), this.databaseImplementation = t; - } - testConnection() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - let t = 0; - fi(Dp, "Starting to test on database connections. Performing #5 test queries.", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), yield Promise.all(Array.apply(null, new Array(5)).map(() => new Promise(e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - try { - yield this.executeTransaction(e => e.executeQuery(e => new Promise((t, n) => { - e.executeSql("SELECT 1", void 0, () => t(), (e, t) => (n(new Error(t.message.toString())), !1)); - }))); - } catch (e) { - t++, vi("WebSQLDatabase", "Failed to execute canary query (probably due to zombie transaction)", "OS-CLRT-60407", e); - } finally { - e(); - } - })))), fi(Dp, `Finished tests on database connections. #${5 - t} out of #5 successfull queries.`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal); - }); - } - close() { - return this.databaseImplementation = null, delete Rp.cache[], Promise.resolve(); - } - executeQuery(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return this.executeReadTransaction(t => t.executeQuery(e), t); - } - executeTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - return this.innerExecuteTransaction(e, bp.Write, t, n); - } - executeReadTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - return this.innerExecuteTransaction(e, bp.Read, t, n); - } - executeUpgradeTransaction(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - return this.innerExecuteTransaction(e, bp.Upgrade, t); - } - innerExecuteTransaction(t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !0; - let i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - return new Promise((i, s) => { - let a, o, l; - this.innerExecuteTransactionInMode(n === bp.Read, e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - a = new Np(r, e, n); - try { - o = yield t(a); - } catch (t) { - l = t, e.executeSql("ABORT_TRANSACTION", void 0, () => {}, () => !0); - } - }), t => { - const n = null != l ? l : new Error(t.message.toString()); - r && mi(Dp, `Aborting transaction ${null == a ? void 0 : a.transactionId}: ${n}`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client), s(n); - }, () => { - this.debug(`Committing transaction ${null == a ? void 0 : a.transactionId}`, r), i(o); - }); - }); - } - innerExecuteTransactionInMode(e, t, n, r) { - var i, s; - e ? null === (i = this.databaseImplementation) || void 0 === i || i.readTransaction(t, n, r) : null === (s = this.databaseImplementation) || void 0 === s || s.transaction(t, n, r); - } - debug(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !0; - t && pi(Dp, e); - } - } - Rp.cache = {}; - const Cp = function() { - for (var _len16 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len16), _key16 = 0; _key16 < _len16; _key16++) { - e[_key16] = arguments[_key16]; - } - return b(void 0, [...e], void 0, function() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : wd; - return function*() { - yield e.initializeManifestLoader(), yield e.initialize(); - }(); - }); - }, - xp = function(e) { - for (var _len17 = arguments.length, t = new Array(_len17 > 1 ? _len17 - 1 : 0), _key17 = 1; _key17 < _len17; _key17++) { - t[_key17 - 1] = arguments[_key17]; - } - return b(void 0, [e, ...t], void 0, function(e) { - let { - onSettingsUpdated: t - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - return function*() { - e.register(pn.SettingsManager, () => new di({ - onSettingsUpdated: t - })); - const n = e.resolve(pn.SettingsManager); - yield n.update(); - }(); - }); - }; - _exports.useSettingsManager = xp; - _exports.useVersionsManager = Cp; - var Lp, Op; - const _p = "Application", - Mp = { - hasRenderedSplashInSession: new Ze(Pe.Session, "HasRenderedSplashInSession", !1), - pendingUpgradeFeedback: new Ze(Pe.Session, "PendingUpgradeFeedback") - }, - Up = (e, t, n) => b(void 0, void 0, void 0, function*() { - var r; - if (void 0 === n && (n = null === (r = gn.resolve(pn.Auth)) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.getInstance()), n) return yield n.getValidAccessToken(e, t); - }); - class Fp { - constructor() { - Lp.add(this), this.showingSplashScreen = !1, this.isApplicationReady = !1; - } - setApplicationDefinition(t) { - P(t), J(t.applicationKey), bn() && function(t) { - b(this, arguments, void 0, function(_ref34) { - let { - version: t, - ensureReady: n = Nn, - getNativeAppInfo: r = Dr - } = _ref34; - return function*() { - yield n(); - const i = r(); - if ("function" == typeof(null == i ? void 0 : i.setOSApplicationVersion)) try { - i.setOSApplicationVersion(t); - } catch (t) { - yield fi("Native", "Failed to set app version", _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal); - } - }(); - }); - }({ - version: t.appVersion - }); - } - tryUpgrade(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const i = yield wd.upgradeVersion(e, t); - return i && (yield null == r ? void 0 : r(), n()), i; - }); - } - processInitializationError(e, t) { - if (0 !== e) throw t; - this.handleError(t); - } - initialize(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; - let n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - let r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - let i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - return od("Application initialize"), Nt(() => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - yield gh(gn, { - applicationDefinition: e, - application: this - }); - const s = jg(gn, { - dateTimeFormat: n, - numberFormat: r - }), - a = xp(gn, { - onSettingsUpdated: T(this, Lp, "m", Op) - }), - o = ep(gn), - l = Cp(); - return yield Promise.all([s, a, o, l]), yield rh({ - initType: t, - executeRequiredScripts: i, - application: this - }); - }), e => this.processInitializationError(t, e), () => ld("Application initialize")); - } - triggerApplicationReadyEvent() { - var e; - const t = null !== (e = ie()) && void 0 !== e ? e : re(); - if (t) return pi(_p, "Calling application ready event handler for " + Y()), new Promise((e, n) => { - Re([t], e, n); - }).then(e => e.default.fireApplicationReady()).catch(e => { - this.handleError(e); - }); - } - initializeDatabase() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - let e; - pi(_p, "Initializing application database."); - const t = de(), - n = bn(); - if (t || "28f21196-030a-4be2-8241-5a4888fb3ca5" === X()) pi(_p, "Initializing database mock for NativeAppBuilder."), e = Hi.mockDb(k()); - else { - let t; - n ? (pi(_p, "Initializing WebSQL database service."), t = : (pi(_p, "Initializing IndexDB database service."), t =, () => this.onNewVersionDetected(!0))), e = t.then(e => b(this, void 0, void 0, function*() { - pi(_p, "Initializing entity service"); - return gn.resolve(pn.EntityService).setDatabase(e), e; - })); - } - return e; - }); - } - onDatabaseReady(e) { - if (Zc(e)) { - gn.resolve(pn.EntityService).setReady(); - } else lc.initDb(e); - pi(_p, "Database initialized successfully"); - } - onNewVersionDetected(e, t) { - const n = (null != t ? t : wd.isAutoUpgradeEnabled) || !bn(); - pi(_p, "New version detected, currentViewHasChanged = " + e); - let r = !0; - if (e && n) { - this.disableDocument(); - const e = () => ir(Ar(), r, !0), - t = e => e.getApplicationUpgradeRequiredMessage(this.canLoseDataInUpgrade()); - this.showFeedbackMessage(t, 2, "upgrade-required", e).then(() => xc(!1)); - } - return n ? wd.cacheResourcesInBackground(e => { - r = e; - }) : Promise.resolve(); - } - onAppInfoReady(e) { - try { - od("Application onAppInfoReady"), this.updateServerRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds(e), this.updateApplicationInfo(e), this.updateClientInfo(); - } finally { - ld("Application onAppInfoReady"); - } - } - updateServerRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds(e) { - var t; - le(null === (t = || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.serverRequestTimeoutOverrideInSeconds); - } - updateApplicationInfo(e) { - var t, n; - z(null === (t = || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.modules), K(null === (n = || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.entityModuleNames); - } - updateClientInfo() { - Nn().then(() => function() { - const e = window.device; - if (e) { - const t = new nt(new rt(e.platform, e.version, e.manufacturer, e.model, e.uuid, e.serial, e.cordova, e.isVirtual)); - it.set(et.serializeClientInfo(t)); - } - }()).catch(e => mi(_p, `Client info update failed: ${e}`)); - } - shouldRenderSplashScreen() { - const e = Q(); - return !!((null == e ? void 0 : e.splashScreenName) && e.splashScreenName.length > 0) && !Mp.hasRenderedSplashInSession.get(); - } - disableDocument() { - const e = document.createElement("div"); - e.classList.add("background-backdrop"), document.body.classList.add("disable-scroll"), document.body.appendChild(e); - } - canLoseDataInUpgrade() { - return document.getElementsByTagName("form").length > 0; - } - onUpgradeFinished(e, t) { - e ? pi(_p, "Upgrade finished successfully") : mi(_p, `Upgrade failed with reason: ${t}`); - const n = { - success: e, - failReason: t - }; - e && !this.isShowingSplashScreen ? this.showUpgradeFeedback(n) : Mp.pendingUpgradeFeedback.set(n); - } - waitForAppReady() { - return this.isApplicationReady ? Promise.resolve(void 0) : (this.appReadyPromise || (this.appReadyPromise = new Promise(e => { - this.onReady = () => e(); - })), this.appReadyPromise); - } - onApplicationReady() { - pi(_p, "Application ready"), ld("Application ready"), bi(), this.isApplicationReady = !0, this.onReady && (this.onReady(), this.onReady = null); - } - showUpgradeFeedback(e) { - let t, n, r; - if (e.success) n = 0, t = e => e.getApplicationUpgradeCompleteMessage(), r = "upgrade-success"; - else switch (n = 2, r = "upgrade-error", e.failReason) { - case 1: - t = e => e.getApplicationUpgradeFailedOnResourcesMessage(); - break; - case 2: - t = e => e.getApplicationUpgradeFailedOnDataModelMessage(); - break; - default: - t = e => e.getApplicationUpgradeFailedUnknownMessage(); - } - this.showFeedbackMessage(t, n, r); - } - showFeedbackMessage(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : ""; - let r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - return new Promise(i => { - var s; - Re([null !== (s = ae()) && void 0 !== s ? s : se()], s => { - const a = e(s); - a && Lc(a, t, !0, n, !0, r), i(); - }); - }); - } - get isReady() { - return this.isApplicationReady; - } - get isShowingSplashScreen() { - return this.showingSplashScreen; - } - set isShowingSplashScreen(e) { - e && Mp.hasRenderedSplashInSession.set(!0), this.showingSplashScreen = e; - } - handleError(e, t) { - wc(e, t); - } - exit() { - return !bn() || Dn(); - } - registerDefaultErrorHandler(e) { - return gn.register(pn.GlobalExceptionHandler, e); - } - } - Lp = new WeakSet(), Op = function(e) { - const t = e.readNumber("HealthCheckInterval"); - [gn.resolve(pn.HttpClient), gn.resolve(pn.UnauthenticatedHttpClient), gn.resolve(pn.DebuggerHttpClient), gn.resolve(pn.NonDebuggerHttpClient)].forEach(e => hh.updateHealthCheckConfig(e, { - healthCheckIntervalInSeconds: t - })); - }; - const $p = new Fp(); - Nr.setUrlVersionProvider(wd.getVersionedUrl.bind(wd)); - var Pp = _exports.Application = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - Application: Fp, - ApplicationStorage: Mp, - default: $p, - getToken: Up - }); - const Vp = "There was an error processing your request.", - Bp = "", - kp = "RELOAD", - zp = "#error-screen-message-text", - Hp = "#error-screen-message-text-extra", - jp = "#error-screen-message-reload-button", - qp = "#error-screen-spinner", - Gp = "#exception-detail", - Wp = "#error-screen-show-detail-button", - Kp = "#error-screen-exception-message", - Jp = "#error-screen-exception-stack", - Yp = "#exception-detail-text"; - - function Xp(e) { - var t, n, r; - const i = vc.errorPageMessage.get(), - s = vc.errorPageExtraMessage.get(), - a = vc.errorPageExceptionInfo.get(); - if (a) { - let n = a.message; - const r = lt(a); - if (r && (n += "\n" + r), console.error(n), "undefined" != typeof document && document.querySelector) { - document.querySelector(Kp).innerHTML = null !== (t = a.message) && void 0 !== t ? t : ""; - document.querySelector(Jp).innerHTML = r; - if (document.querySelector(Wp).addEventListener("click", () => function() { - if ("undefined" != typeof document && document.querySelector) { - const e = document.querySelector(Wp), - t = document.querySelector(Yp); - t.hidden ? (e.innerHTML = "Hide Detail", t.hidden = !1) : (e.innerHTML = "Show Detail", t.hidden = !0); - } - }()), null == e ? void 0 : e.showExceptionStack) { - document.querySelector(Gp).style.display = "block"; - } - } - } - if ("undefined" != typeof document && document.querySelector) { - const t = null === (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.messages) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.defaultMessage, - a = null == e ? void 0 : e.extraMessage; - document.querySelector(zp).innerHTML = i || t || Vp; - document.querySelector(Hp).innerHTML = s || a || Bp; - const o = document.querySelector(jp); - o.innerHTML = null !== (r = null == e ? void 0 : e.reloadLabel) && void 0 !== r ? r : kp, o.addEventListener("click", () => function() { - if ("undefined" != typeof document && document.querySelector) { - document.querySelector(jp).style.display = "none"; - document.querySelector(qp).style.display = "inline-block"; - } - setTimeout(() => { - or(); - }, 2e3); - }()); - } - } - var Qp = _exports.ErrorScreen = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - initializeErrorPage: function(t, n) { - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Xp; - return Promise.resolve().then(() => n.initialize(t, 1).then(() => { - var n; - r(t.errorPageConfig); - try { - const t = vc.errorPageExceptionInfo.get(), - r = t ? t.message : vc.errorPageMessage.get(); - vi("ErrorScreen", `${r}`, null !== (n = null == t ? void 0 : t.errorCode) && void 0 !== n ? n : "OS-CLRT-00000", void 0, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - } catch (e) { - vi("ErrorScreen", "Unable to retrieve error details", "OS-CLRT-00000"); - } - bi(); - }).catch(e => { - console.error(e); - })); - } - }); - const Zp = "BaseMessagesProvider"; - var ef; - ! function(e) { - e.MandatoryValue = "Validation.Mandatory", e.InvalidValuePrefix = "Validation.", e.UpgradeComplete = "UpgradeComplete", e.UpgradeRequiredDataLoss = "UpgradeRequiredDataLoss", e.UpgradeRequired = "UpgradeRequired", e.UpgradeFailedOnResources = "AppInitError.Resources", e.UpgradeFailedOnDataModel = "AppInitError.DataModel", e.UpgradeFailed = "AppInitError.Generic"; - }(ef || (ef = {})); - var tf = _exports.LanguageResources = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BaseMessagesProvider: class { - constructor(e) { - if (this.messages = {}, this.localeChangeHandler = e => { - var t; - const n = gn.resolve(pn.TranslationsService), - r = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (n) { - (null !== (t = e.localeFamily) && void 0 !== t ? t : [e.localeCode]).forEach(e => { - var t, i; - this.translationResources[e] ? (pi(Zp, `Adding translations for ${e} locale.`), n.add(null !== (t = this.translationResources[e].translations) && void 0 !== t ? t : {}), r.setCurrentLocaleRTL(null !== (i = this.translationResources[e].isRTL) && void 0 !== i && i)) : pi(Zp, `No translations found for ${e} locale.`); - }); - } - }, this.translationResources = null != e ? e : this.translationResources, this.translationResources) { - const e = gn.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (e) { - const t = e.getCurrentLocale(), - n = e.getCurrentLocaleFamily(); - this.localeChangeHandler({ - localeCode: t, - localeFamily: n - }), pi(Zp, "Subscribing handler for locale service."), e.subscribe(this.localeChangeHandler); - } - } - } - getMandatoryValueMessage() { - return this.getMessage(ef.MandatoryValue, "Required Value!"); - } - getInvalidValueMessage(e) { - return this.getMessage(ef.InvalidValuePrefix + Po[e], "Invalid Value!"); - } - getApplicationUpgradeCompleteMessage() { - return this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeComplete, ""); - } - getApplicationUpgradeRequiredMessage(e) { - return e ? this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeRequiredDataLoss, "") : this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeRequired, ""); - } - getApplicationUpgradeFailedOnResourcesMessage() { - return this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeFailedOnResources, ""); - } - getApplicationUpgradeFailedOnDataModelMessage() { - return this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeFailedOnDataModel, ""); - } - getApplicationUpgradeFailedUnknownMessage() { - return this.getMessage(ef.UpgradeFailed, ""); - } - getMessage(e, t) { - var n; - const r = null !== (n = this.messages[e]) && void 0 !== n ? n : t, - i = gn.resolve(pn.TranslationsService); - return i ? i.getMessage(e, r) : r; - } - setMessage(e, t) { - this.messages[e] = t; - } - }, - get ModuleMessageKeys() { - return ef; - } - }); - const nf = "idAttr", - rf = "nameAttr", - sf = "validAttr", - af = "validationMessageAttr"; - class of { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - this.type = e, this._value = t, this.setter = n, this.model = r; - } - get value() { - return this._value; - } - set value(e) { - const t = Wu.convertTo(e, this.type); - this.setter(t), this.model.flush(); - } - isAcceptable(e) { - return Wu.isConvertibleTo(e, this.type); - } - fastEquals(e) { - return e && this.constructor === e.constructor && this.value === e.value; - } - equals(e) { - return e && this.constructor === e.constructor && Go(this.value, e.value); - } - } - class lf extends Yo { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - get idAttr() { - return this.getBasicProperty(nf); - } - set idAttr(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(nf, e, Po.Text); - } - get nameAttr() { - return this.getBasicProperty(rf); - } - set nameAttr(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(rf, e, Po.Text); - } - get generationNode() { - return this.getBasicProperty(lf.WidgetGenerationNodeAttributeName); - } - set generationNode(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(lf.WidgetGenerationNodeAttributeName, e, Po.Object); - } - asReadOnly() { - return { - idAttr: this.idAttr, - nameAttr: this.nameAttr - }; - } - refreshGeneration() { - this.generationNode && (this.generationNode.generation = mf.currentGeneration); - } - } - lf.WidgetGenerationNodeAttributeName = "widgetGenerationNode", lf.RecordClass = Yo.defineRecordClass({ - idAttr: "", - nameAttr: "", - widgetGenerationNode: null - }); - class uf extends lf { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - get validAttr() { - return this.getBasicProperty(sf); - } - set validAttr(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(sf, e, Po.Boolean); - } - get validationMessageAttr() { - return this.getBasicProperty(af); - } - set validationMessageAttr(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(af, e, Po.Text); - } - onPropertyValueChanged(e) { - e !== sf && e !== af || this.refreshGeneration(); - } - asReadOnly() { - return { - idAttr: (e =, - nameAttr: e.get(rf), - validAttr: e.get(sf), - validationMessageAttr: e.get(af) - }; - var e; - } - } - uf.RecordClass = (() => { - const e = new lf.RecordClass().toJS(); - return e.validAttr = !0, e.validationMessageAttr = "", Yo.defineRecordClass(e); - })(); - class cf extends Yo { - constructor(e) { - super(e), this.widgetsIdToRecord =, this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache =; - } - static createDefaultData() { - return new cf.RecordClass({ - records: new Map(), - recordsCache: new Map() - }); - } - static getWidgetsType() { - return {}; - } - getWidgetsType() { - return this.constructor.getWidgetsType(); - } - getWidgetRecordType(e) { - return this.getWidgetsType()[e] || lf; - } - get(e) { - let t = this.widgetsIdToRecord.get(e); - return t || (t = this.create(e), this.add(t), t); - } - set(e, t) { - this.widgetsIdToRecord.set(e, t), this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache.delete(e), this.writePropagate(, null); - } - internalSet(e, t) { - this.widgetsIdToRecord.delete(e), this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache.set(e, t), this.writePropagate(, null); - } - create(e) { - const t = Pd.nameFromId(e), - n = new(this.getWidgetRecordType(t))(this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache.get(e)); - return n.idAttr = e, n.nameAttr = t, n; - } - add(e) { - cf.setPropagationHandler(e, this, e.idAttr, this.internalSet), this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache.delete(e.idAttr), this.widgetsIdToRecord.set(e.idAttr, e); - } - remove(e) { - this.widgetsIdToRecord.delete(e), this.widgetsIdToRecordDataCache.delete(e), this.writePropagate(, null); - } - } - cf.WidgetRecordsAttribute = "records", cf.WidgetRecordsDataCacheAttribute = "recordsCache", cf.RecordClass = Yo.defineRecordClass({ - records: null, - recordsCache: null - }); - class df extends Zo { - get dataFetchStatusAttr() { - return this.getBasicProperty(df.DataFetchStatusAttributeName); - } - set dataFetchStatusAttr(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(df.DataFetchStatusAttributeName, e, Po.Integer); - } - get isDataFetchedAttr() { - return 1 === this.dataFetchStatusAttr; - } - get hasFetchErrorAttr() { - return 2 === this.dataFetchStatusAttr; - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [Zo.attr("DataFetchStatus", df.DataFetchStatusAttributeName, "", !0, !1, Po.Integer, () => 0)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - replaceWith(e) { - const t = new this.constructor(Yo.getData(e)); - t.dataFetchStatusAttr = this.dataFetchStatusAttr, this.writePropagate(Yo.getData(t), new Ho()); - } - } - df.DataFetchStatusAttributeName = "dataFetchStatusAttr"; - class hf extends df { - get listOut() { - return this.getComplexProperty(hf.ListOutAttributeName, this.getRecordListType()); - } - set listOut(e) { - this.setComplexProperty(hf.ListOutAttributeName, e, Po.RecordList, this.getRecordListType()); - } - get countOut() { - return this.getBasicProperty(hf.CountOutAttributeName); - } - set countOut(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(hf.CountOutAttributeName, e, Po.LongInteger); - } - bulkSet(e, t, n) { - const r = [{ - name: hf.ListOutAttributeName, - value: e, - isBasicType: !1 - }, { - name: df.DataFetchStatusAttributeName, - value: t, - isBasicType: !0 - }]; - void 0 !== n && r.push({ - name: hf.CountOutAttributeName, - value: n, - isBasicType: !0 - }), this.setProperties(r); - } - getRecordListType() { - return this.constructor.RecordListType; - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [Zo.attr("List", hf.ListOutAttributeName, "List", !0, !1, Po.RecordList, () => !1, !0, this.RecordListType), Zo.attr("Count", hf.CountOutAttributeName, "Count", !0, !1, Po.LongInteger, () => bo.defaultValue)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - static init() { - if (!this.RecordListType) throw new TypeError("AggregateRecords must define a RecordListType"); - super.init(); - } - } - hf.ListOutAttributeName = "listOut", hf.CountOutAttributeName = "countOut"; - class gf extends Yo { - constructor(e) { - super(), this._context = e, this.writeSubscriptions = [], this.cachedValues = {}, this.modified = !1; - } - static createDefaultData() { - const e = this.newVariablesRecord(), - t = this.newWidgetsRecord(); - return new gf.RecordClass({ - variables: Yo.getData(e), - widgets: Yo.getData(t), - clientVariablesGeneration: 0, - currentLocale: null - }); - } - onDefaultWritePropagate(e) { - super.onDefaultWritePropagate(e), this.modified = !0, this.innerFlush(!0); - } - cloneCache() { - return this.cache; - } - get isModified() { - return this.modified; - } - scheduleFlush() { - this.pendingFlush || (this.pendingFlush = window.setTimeout(() => this.flush(), 0)); - } - flush() { - this.pendingFlush && (clearTimeout(this.pendingFlush), this.pendingFlush = void 0), this.modified && (this.modified = !1, mf.currentGeneration++, this.innerFlush(!1), pi("BaseViewModel", "Flushing model")); - } - innerFlush(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < this.writeSubscriptions.length; t++) { - const n = this.writeSubscriptions[t]; - n.immediate === e && n.handler(this); - } - } - subscribeWrites(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : !1; - return !(!this.hasVariables && !this.hasValidationWidgets && null === this.currentLocale && void 0 === this.currentLocale || !e) && (this.writeSubscriptions.push({ - handler: e, - immediate: t - }), !0); - } - unsubscribeWrites(e) { - if (e) { - let t = -1; - for (let n = 0, r = this.writeSubscriptions.length; n < r; n++) - if (this.writeSubscriptions[n].handler === e) { - t = n; - break; - } - if (t >= 0) return this.writeSubscriptions.splice(t, 1), !0; - } - return !1; - } - clearSubscriptions() { - this.writeSubscriptions = []; - } - static get hasVariables() { - return !0; - } - get hasVariables() { - return this.constructor.hasVariables; - } - static getVariablesRecordConstructor() { - throw new Error("@abstract"); - } - static newVariablesRecord(e) { - return this.hasVariables ? new(this.getVariablesRecordConstructor())(e) : void 0; - } - getVariables() { - const e = this.constructor; - if (this.hasVariables) return this.getComplexProperty(gf.VariablesPropertyName, e.getVariablesRecordConstructor()); - throw new Error("Model does not contain variables"); - } - get variables() { - return this.getVariables(); - } - set variables(e) { - const t = this.constructor; - this.setComplexProperty(gf.VariablesPropertyName, e, Po.Record, t.getVariablesRecordConstructor()); - } - get clientVariablesGeneration() { - return this.getBasicProperty(gf.ClientVariablesGenerationPropertyName); - } - set clientVariablesGeneration(e) { - this.setBasicProperty(gf.ClientVariablesGenerationPropertyName, e, Po.Integer); - } - static get hasValidationWidgets() { - return !0; - } - get hasValidationWidgets() { - return this.constructor.hasValidationWidgets; - } - get currentLocale() { - return this.getBasicProperty(gf.CurrentLocalePropertyName); - } - set currentLocale(e) { - this.currentLocale !== e && this.clearCachedValues(), this.setBasicProperty(gf.CurrentLocalePropertyName, e, Po.Text); - } - static getWidgetsRecordConstructor() { - throw new Error("@abstract"); - } - static newWidgetsRecord(e) { - return this.hasValidationWidgets ? new(this.getWidgetsRecordConstructor())(e) : void 0; - } - getWidgets() { - const e = this.constructor; - if (this.hasValidationWidgets) return this.getComplexProperty(gf.WidgetsPropertyName, e.getWidgetsRecordConstructor()); - throw new Error("Model does not contain validation widgets"); - } - get widgets() { - return this.getWidgets(); - } - set widgets(e) { - this.setComplexProperty(gf.WidgetsPropertyName, e, Po.Object); - } - hasCachedValue(e) { - return this.cachedValues.hasOwnProperty(e); - } - getCachedValue(e, t) { - let r = this.cachedValues[e]; - for (var _len18 = arguments.length, n = new Array(_len18 > 2 ? _len18 - 2 : 0), _key18 = 2; _key18 < _len18; _key18++) { - n[_key18 - 2] = arguments[_key18]; - } - const i =, t) => { - try { - return e(); - } catch (e) { - return gf.InvalidValue; - } - }); - return void 0 !== r && n.length === r.args.length && i.every((e, t) => e === r.args[t]) || (r = { - args: i, - value: t() - }, this.cachedValues[e] = r), r.value; - } - clearCachedValues() { - this.cachedValues = {}; - } - createVariable(e, t, n) { - return new of (e, t, n, this); - } - fromOther(e) { - this.fromImmutableData(; - } - toImmutableData() { - return; - } - fromImmutableData(e) { - = e, this.writePropagate(, this.cache), this.cache.invalidate(); - } - setInputs(e) { - throw new Error("@abstract"); - } - get widgetsGenerationsTree() { - return this._widgetsGenerationsTree || (this._widgetsGenerationsTree = new mf()), this._widgetsGenerationsTree; - } - getReadOnlyWidgetRecord(e) { - return this.widgets.get(e).asReadOnly(); - } - get context() { - return this._context; - } - sanitize(e) { - let t = e; - if (this.hasVariables) { - if (e.constructor !== throw new Error("Expected data to be the same type of this model data"); - const n = this.variables.getNonSerializableAttributes(); - if (n.length > 0) { - let e = t.get(gf.VariablesPropertyName); - n.forEach(t => e = e.set(t, null)), t = t.set(gf.VariablesPropertyName, e); - } - } - return t; - } - } - gf.VariablesPropertyName = "variables", gf.WidgetsPropertyName = "widgets", gf.ClientVariablesGenerationPropertyName = "clientVariablesGeneration", gf.CurrentLocalePropertyName = "currentLocale", gf.InvalidValue = new Object(), gf.RecordClass = Yo.defineRecordClass({ - variables: null, - widgets: null, - clientVariablesGeneration: 0, - currentLocale: null - }); - class pf extends gf { - static get hasVariables() { - return !1; - } - static get hasValidationWidgets() { - return !1; - } - setInputs() {} - static create(e, t, n) { - return new pf({ - viewName: e, - navigatedFromHistory: t, - viewWasRestoredFromCache: n - }); - } - } - class ff { - constructor(e) { - this._parent = e, this._generation = e ? e.generation : 0; - } - get parent() { - return this._parent; - } - get generation() { - return this._generation; - } - set generation(e) { - this.generation < e && (this._generation = e, this.parent && (this.parent.generation = e)); - } - addChild() { - return new ff(this); - } - } - class mf { - constructor() { - this._root = new ff(null), this._root.generation = mf.currentGeneration, mf.currentGeneration++; - } - get root() { - return this._root; - } - static get currentGeneration() { - return mf.generation; - } - static set currentGeneration(e) { - mf.generation = e; - } - } - mf.generation = 0; - var vf = _exports.Model = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - AggregateRecord: hf, - BaseViewModel: gf, - BaseWidgetRecordMap: cf, - DataSourceRecord: df, - DummyViewModel: pf, - ModelFactory: class { - constructor(e) { - this.modelClass = e; - } - create(e) { - return this.modelClass.hasVariables || this.modelClass.hasValidationWidgets ? new this.modelClass(e) : new pf(e); - } - get hasValidationWidgets() { - return this.modelClass.hasValidationWidgets; - } - }, - ValidationWidgetRecord: uf, - Variable: of , - VariablelessViewModel: class extends gf { - static get hasVariables() { - return !1; - } - setInputs() {} - }, - WidgetRecord: lf, - calculateDataFetchStatus: function() { - let t = 1; - for (var _len19 = arguments.length, e = new Array(_len19), _key19 = 0; _key19 < _len19; _key19++) { - e[_key19] = arguments[_key19]; - } - for (const n of e) switch (n) { - case 2: - return 2; - case 0: - t = 0; - } - return t; - } - }); - - function yf(e) { - const t = e.trim().split(" ")[0].split("."); - return t[t.length - 1].replace(/["]+/g, ""); - } - var bf = _exports.WebSQLUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - getAttributeFromOrderBy: yf, - getOrderByColumnsWithoutDuplicates: function(e) { - return function(e) { - const t = [], - n = {}; - return e.forEach(e => { - const r = e.trim(); - if ("" !== r) { - const e = r.replace(new RegExp("\b((ASC)|(DESC))$", "im"), "").replace('"', "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim().toLowerCase(); - !0 !== n[e] && (t.push(r), n[e] = !0); - } - }), t; - }(e).join(", "); - }, - replaceEntityReferencesInOrderBy: function(e, t, n) { - let r = Yt(e = e.trim(), '(^|\\s|\\.)(\\[|"|)(ossys_|osltm_|oslog_|osevt_|osusr_|osext_)', !0); - if (r.length > 0) { - const e = r[0]; - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `'${e.groups[2] + e.groups[3]}' found in 'Order By' parameter is a reserved prefix`); - } - if ("" !== e && (r = Yt(e, "((((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)(( )*,( )*(((\\{\\w+\\})|(\\w+)).)?((\\[\\w+\\])|(\\w+))(( )+(desc|asc))?)*", !0), 1 !== r.length || r[0].value !== e)) throw new st.DataBaseException("", "Invalid syntax in 'Order By' parameter."); - let i = Xt(e, "(\\{\\w+\\}|\\w+\\.)", !1, e => function(e, t, n) { - let r = ""; - const i = function(e) { - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? e.value.substr(0, e.value.length - 1) : e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2); - }(e); - let s = !1; - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) - if (t[e].toLowerCase() === i.toLowerCase()) { - s = !0, r = '"' + n[e] + '"'; - break; - } - if (!s) throw new st.DataBaseException("", `'${i}' found in 'Order By' parameter is an invalid Entity`); - return "." === e.value.charAt(e.value.length - 1) ? r + "." : r; - }(e, t, n)); - return i = Xt(i, "(\\[\\w+\\])", !1, e => function(e) { - const t = e.value.substr(1, e.value.length - 2); - return t ? ('"' === t.charAt(0) ? "" : '"') + t + ('"' === t.charAt(t.length - 1) ? "" : '"') : ""; - }(e)), i; - }, - validateQueryOrderBy: function(e, t) { - return t.forEach(t => { - const n = yf(t); - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { - if (e[t].attributes.some(e => === n.toLowerCase())) return !0; - } - throw new st.DataBaseException("", `Invalid attribute in 'Order By' parameter: ${t}`); - }), !0; - } - }); - - function Tf() { - return !0; - } - - function wf(e, t) { - return e && t && (n = e, !Il.isBasicType(n) || (null == n ? void 0 : n.equals) instanceof Function) ? e.fastEquals instanceof Function ? e.fastEquals(t) : Go(e, t) : e === t; - var n; - } - var Ef = _exports.ObjectExtensions = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - arrayShallowEquals: function(e, t) { - if (e === t) return !0; - if (!(null !== e && null !== t && e instanceof Array && t instanceof Array)) return !1; - if (e.length !== t.length) return !1; - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) - if (!wf(e[n], t[n])) return !1; - return !0; - }, - assign: function(e) { - if (null == e) throw new TypeError("ObjectHelper.assign target cannot be null or undefined"); - const n = Object(e), - r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - for (var _len20 = arguments.length, t = new Array(_len20 > 1 ? _len20 - 1 : 0), _key20 = 1; _key20 < _len20; _key20++) { - t[_key20 - 1] = arguments[_key20]; - } - for (const e of t) { - if (null == e) continue; - const t = Object(e); - for (const e in t), e) && (n[e] = t[e]); - } - return n; - }, - concatenateMultipleTimes: function(e, t, n) { - let r = e; - for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) r += t; - return r; - }, - getHashCode: function(e) { - let t = 0; - const n = e.length; - if (0 === n) return t; - for (let r = 0; r < n; r++) { - t = (t << 5) - t + e.charCodeAt(r), t |= 0; - } - return t; - }, - isEmptyObject: function(e) { - return !e || 0 === Object.keys(e).length; - }, - roughSizeOf: function(e) { - const t = [], - n = [e]; - let r = 0; - for (; n.length;) { - const e = n.pop(); - switch (typeof e) { - case "boolean": - r += 4; - break; - case "number": - r += 8; - break; - case "string": - r += 2 * e.length; - break; - case "object": - if (-1 !== t.indexOf(e)) continue; - t.push(e), Array.isArray(e) || (r += 2 * Object.keys(e).length); - for (const t in e) { - let r = null; - try { - r = e[t]; - } catch (e) {} - r && n.push(r); - } - } - } - return r; - }, - shallowEquals: function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Tf; - if (e === t) return !0; - if (null === e || null === t || "object" != typeof e || "object" != typeof t) return !1; - const r = Object.keys(e), - i = Object.keys(t); - if (r.length !== i.length) return !1; - const s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(t); - for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { - const a = r[i]; - if (n(e, a)) { - if (!s(a)) return !1; - if (!wf(e[a], t[a])) return !1; - } - } - return !0; - } - }); - let If = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailed", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidCredentials", "invalidCredentialsAttr", "invalidCredentials", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("TooManyFailedAttempts", "tooManyFailedAttemptsAttr", "tooManyFailedAttempts", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - If = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], If); - let Af = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("ChangePasswordFailureReason", "changePasswordFailureReasonAttr", "changePasswordFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new If()), If)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Af = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Af); - let Nf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailed", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidVerificationCode", "invalidVerificationCodeAttr", "invalidVerificationCode", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidEmail", "invalidEmailAttr", "invalidEmail", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Nf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Nf); - let Sf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("MinimumLength", "minimumLengthAttr", "minimumLength", !0, !1, Po.Integer, () => Wo(Po.Integer)), this.attr("UpperCaseLetterRequired", "upperCaseLetterRequiredAttr", "upperCaseLetterRequired", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("LowerCaseLetterRequired", "lowerCaseLetterRequiredAttr", "lowerCaseLetterRequired", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("NumberRequired", "numberRequiredAttr", "numberRequired", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("SpecialCharacterRequired", "specialCharacterRequiredAttr", "specialCharacterRequired", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Sf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Sf); - let Df = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("IsValid", "isValidAttr", "isValid", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("MissingMinimumLength", "missingMinimumLengthAttr", "missingMinimumLength", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("MissingUpperCaseLetter", "missingUpperCaseLetterAttr", "missingUpperCaseLetter", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("MissingLowerCaseLetter", "missingLowerCaseLetterAttr", "missingLowerCaseLetter", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("MissingNumber", "missingNumberAttr", "missingNumber", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("MissingSpecialCharacter", "missingSpecialCharacterAttr", "missingSpecialCharacter", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Df = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Df); - let Rf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("UserId", "userIdAttr", "userId", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("finishUserRegistrationFailureReason", "finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr", "finishUserRegistrationFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new Nf()), Nf)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Rf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Rf); - let Cf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("InvalidCredentials", "invalidCredentialsAttr", "invalidCredentials", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidName", "invalidNameAttr", "invalidName", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidPhotoURL", "invalidPhotoURLAttr", "invalidPhotoURL", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Cf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Cf); - let xf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("UpdateUserFailureReason", "updateUserFailureReasonAttr", "updateUserFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new Cf()), Cf)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - xf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], xf); - let Lf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Email", "emailAttr", "email", !0, !1, Po.Email, () => Wo(Po.Email)), this.attr("Name", "nameAttr", "name", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("PhotoURL", "photoURLAttr", "photoURL", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Lf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Lf); - let Of = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("InvalidCredentials", "invalidCredentialsAttr", "invalidCredentials", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("TooManyFailedLoginAttempts", "tooManyFailedLoginAttemptsAttr", "tooManyFailedLoginAttempts", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Of = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Of); - let _f = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("UserId", "userIdAttr", "userId", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("UserLoginFailureReason", "userLoginFailureReasonAttr", "userLoginFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new Of()), Of), this.attr("retryAfterSeconds", "retryAfterSecondsAttr", "retryAfterSeconds", !0, !1, Po.Integer, () => Wo(Po.Integer))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - _f = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], _f); - let Mf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("InvalidEmail", "invalidEmailAttr", "invalidEmail", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidName", "invalidNameAttr", "invalidName", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("UsernameAlreadyExists", "usernameAlreadyExistsAttr", "usernameAlreadyExists", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("UserAlreadyRegistered", "userAlreadyRegisteredAttr", "userAlreadyRegistered", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Mf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Mf); - let Uf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("StartUserRegistrationFailureReason", "startUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr", "startUserRegistrationFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new Mf()), Mf), this.attr("TemporaryPassword", "temporaryPasswordAttr", "temporaryPassword", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("UserId", "userIdAttr", "userId", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("VerificationCode", "verificationCodeAttr", "verificationCode", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Uf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Uf); - let Ff = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Name", "nameAttr", "name", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("PhotoURL", "photoURLAttr", "photoURL", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Ff = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Ff); - let $f = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("HasRole", "hasRoleOut", "hasRole", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - $f = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], $f); - let Pf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr", "passwordComplexityPolicyFailed", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidVerificationCode", "invalidVerificationCodeAttr", "invalidVerificationCode", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1), this.attr("InvalidEmail", "invalidEmailAttr", "invalidEmail", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => !1)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Pf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Pf); - let Vf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("FinishResetPasswordFailureReason", "finishResetPasswordFailureReasonAttr", "finishResetPasswordFailureReason", !0, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new Pf()), Pf)].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Vf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Vf); - let Bf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Success", "successAttr", "success", !0, !1, Po.Boolean, () => Wo(Po.Boolean)), this.attr("VerificationCode", "verificationCodeAttr", "verificationCode", !0, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - var kf; - Bf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Bf); - let zf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("FileName", "fileNameAttr", "FileName", !1, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text)), this.attr("FileContent", "fileContentAttr", "FileContent", !1, !1, Po.BinaryData, () => Wo(Po.BinaryData)), this.attr("MimeType", "mimeTypeAttr", "MimeType", !1, !1, Po.Text, () => Wo(Po.Text))].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - zf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], zf); - let Hf = kf = class extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Attachment", "attachmentAttr", "Attachment", !1, !1, Po.Record, () => Jo.getData(new zf()), zf)].concat(Zo.attributesToDeclare()); - } - }; - Hf._isAnonymousRecord = !0, Hf.fromStructure = function(e) { - return new kf(new kf.RecordClass({ - attachmentAttr: Jo.getData(e) - })); - }, Hf = kf = y([e => { - const t = e; - void 0 !== t.init && t.init(); - }], Hf); - class jf extends nl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - } - jf.itemType = zf; - class qf extends nl { - constructor(e) { - super(e); - } - } - qf.itemType = Hf; - var Gf = _exports.SystemStructures = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - AttachmentList: jf, - get AttachmentRec() { - return zf; - }, - get AttachmentRecord() { - return Hf; - }, - AttachmentRecordList: qf, - get ChangePasswordFailureReasonRec() { - return If; - }, - get ChangePasswordResultRec() { - return Af; - }, - get FinishResetPasswordFailureReasonRec() { - return Pf; - }, - get FinishResetPasswordResultRec() { - return Vf; - }, - get FinishUserRegistrationFailureReasonRec() { - return Nf; - }, - get FinishUserRegistrationResultRec() { - return Rf; - }, - get HasRoleResultRec() { - return $f; - }, - get PasswordComplexityPolicyRec() { - return Sf; - }, - get PasswordValidationResultRec() { - return Df; - }, - get StartResetPasswordResultRec() { - return Bf; - }, - get StartUserRegistrationFailureReasonRec() { - return Mf; - }, - get StartUserRegistrationResultRec() { - return Uf; - }, - get UpdateUserFailureReasonRec() { - return Cf; - }, - get UpdateUserResultRec() { - return xf; - }, - get UserInfoRec() { - return Lf; - }, - get UserLoginFailureReasonRec() { - return Of; - }, - get UserLoginResultRec() { - return _f; - }, - get UserUpdateInfoRec() { - return Ff; - } - }); - const Wf = "data-os-finished", - Kf = "ScriptsManager", - Jf = new Map(); - let Yf = !1, - Xf = null; - - function Qf(e) { - return e.replace(/.*\//, "").replace(/(.*)__.*/, "$1"); - } - - function Zf(e, t) { - const n = Qf(e), - r = Ni(n, void 0, t); - null == r || r.setAttribute("code.function", n), null == r || r.setAttribute("outsystems.function.type", "REQUIRED_SCRIPT"); - const i = null == t ? void 0 : t.getContext().attributes["outsystems.function.key"]; - i && (null == r || r.setAttribute("outsystems.function.owner.key", i)); - const s = null == t ? void 0 : t.getContext().attributes["code.function"]; - return s && (null == r || r.setAttribute("", s)), r; - } - - function em(e) { - let { - parentSpan: t, - dom: n = document - } = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - tm("Adding script", e), - function() { - if (Yf) return; - Yf = !0, Object.defineProperty(define, "amd", { - get: nm.bind(this, define.amd), - configurable: !0 - }); - }(); - const r = Jf.get(e); - if (r) return tm("Script already added", e), r.promise; - const i = Zf(e, t), - s = n.createElement("script"); - s.async = !1, s.setAttribute("src", e), s.setAttribute(Wf, "false"); - const a = new Promise((t, r) => { - const a = () => { - s.setAttribute(Wf, "true"), null == i || i.end(); - }; - s.onerror = s.onabort = t => { - a(), r(`Error adding script '${e}' to document '${n.baseURI}'`); - }, s.onload = n => { - tm("Script added", e), a(), t(n); - }; - }); - return (null == Xf ? void 0 : Xf.domElement.parentNode) ? Xf.domElement.parentNode.insertBefore(s, Xf.domElement.nextSibling) : n.head.appendChild(s), null == i || i.activate(), Jf.set(e, { - promise: a, - domElement: s - }), Xf = Jf.get(e), a; - } - - function tm(e, t) { - const n = sn(document.baseURI); - pi(Kf, `${e} '${t}' : document '${n}'`); - } - - function nm(e) { - const t = document.currentScript; - if (!(null == t ? void 0 : t.hasAttribute(Wf))) return e; - } - var rm = _exports.ScriptsManager = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - addScript: em, - clearScripts: function() { - Jf.clear(), Xf = null; - }, - createScriptSpan: Zf, - getScriptName: Qf, - scheduleCustomJsLoading: function(e, t) { - let { - parentSpan: n, - dom: r = document - } = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; - return Promise.all( => em(e, { - parentSpan: n, - dom: r - }).catch(t))); - } - }); - const im = new El("DuplicatedList", "duplicatedListOut"), - sm = new El("FilteredList", "filteredListOut"), - am = new El("DistinctList", "distinctListOut"), - om = new wl("ExternalLoginURL", "externalLoginURLOut"), - lm = new El("UserLoginResult", "userLoginResultOut"), - um = new wl("ExternalLogoutURL", "externalLogoutURLOut"), - cm = new El("PasswordComplexityPolicy", "passwordComplexityPolicyOut"), - dm = new El("PasswordValidationResult", "passwordValidationResultOut"); - new El("ResetPasswordResult", "resetPasswordResultOut"); - const hm = new wl("IsExternalUser", "isExternalUserOut"), - gm = new El("RegistrationResult", "registrationResultOut"), - pm = new El("ChangePasswordResult", "changePasswordResultOut"); - new El("UpdateUserResult", "updateUserResultOut"); - const fm = new El("UserInfo", "userInfoOut"), - mm = new El("FinishResetPasswordResult", "finishResetPasswordResultOut"); - class vm { - constructor() {} - getCurrentRowNumber(e) { - return 0; - } - setCurrentRowNumber(e, t) {} - isBeingIterated(e) { - return !1; - } - registerIterationStart(e) {} - registerIterationEnd(e) {} - getIterator(e) { - return null; - } - clone() { - return this; - } - } - - function ym(e, t, n) { - if (t.isBeingIterated(e)) throw new Error("List is being iterated: " + n + " is not allowed"); - } - - function bm(e, t, n, r) { - ym(e, t, n); - try { - return t.registerIterationStart(e), r(); - } finally { - t.registerIterationEnd(e); - } - } - - function Tm(e) { - return e ? e.iterationContext : new vm(); - } - class wm extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Result", "resultOut", "resultOut", !0, !0, Po.Boolean, () => {})].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - } - wm._constructor = void wm.init(); - class Em extends Zo { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e, t); - } - static attributesToDeclare() { - return [this.attr("Position", "positionOut", "positionOut", !0, !0, Po.Integer, () => {})].concat(super.attributesToDeclare()); - } - } - - function Im(t) { - const n = lt(t), - r = sn(t.message); - switch (vi("Login SystemAction", r, t.errorCode, t, _loggerJs.Visibility.Internal), t.errorCode) { - case "OS-CLRT-40109": - return new st.InvalidLoginException("Identity provider configurations missing.", n); - case "OS-ID-BIZ-40021": - return new st.InvalidLoginException("Error retrieving token from identity provider.", n); - default: - return new st.InvalidLoginException("Login Failed.", n); - } - } - - function Am(e, t) { - const n = e instanceof Error ? e.message : e; - xi({ - category: "SystemAction", - clientMessage: `Error in ${t}: ${"string" == typeof n ? n : "Unknown error"}`, - internalMessage: `Error in ${t}`, - errorCode: "OS-CLRT-00000", - errorObj: e instanceof Error ? e : void 0 - }); - } - - function Nm(t, n, r) { - const i = Ni(t, _loggerJs.Visibility.External); - null == i || i.setAttribute("code.function", t), null == i || i.setAttribute("outsystems.function.key", n), null == i || i.setAttribute("", "(System)"), null == i || i.setAttribute("outsystems.function.owner.key", "478870b9-2d60-4f73-9eb3-7cd8b994a737"), null == i || i.setAttribute("outsystems.function.type", "CLIENT_SYSTEM_ACTION"); - try { - return r(i); - } finally { - null == i || i.end(); - } - } - Em._constructor = void Em.init(); - var Sm = _exports.SystemActions = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - changePassword: function(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - var _this9 = this; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Wr; - return function*() { - return Nm("ChangePassword", "b17b5077-e564-4145-b640-9fcb359cbb07", () => b(_this9, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = new(pm.getType(Af))(); - try { - yield i({ - username: e, - oldPassword: n, - newPassword: t - }), r.changePasswordResultOut.successAttr = !0; - } catch (e) { - const t = e; - r.changePasswordResultOut.successAttr = !1, === _authJs.FailureReasons.PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed ? r.changePasswordResultOut.changePasswordFailureReasonAttr.passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidCredentials ? r.changePasswordResultOut.changePasswordFailureReasonAttr.invalidCredentialsAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.TooManyFailedAttempts && (r.changePasswordResultOut.changePasswordFailureReasonAttr.tooManyFailedAttemptsAttr = !0); - } - return r; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - finishResetPassword: function(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - var _this10 = this; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : jr; - return function*() { - return Nm("FinishResetPassword", "4c9a2d55-1e48-4a73-b6dd-197773173c84", () => b(_this10, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = new(mm.getType(Vf))(); - if (!t) return r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.successAttr = !1, r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.finishResetPasswordFailureReasonAttr.invalidVerificationCodeAttr = !0, r; - if (!e) return r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.successAttr = !1, r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.finishResetPasswordFailureReasonAttr.invalidEmailAttr = !0, r; - try { - yield i({ - username: e, - resetToken: t, - newPassword: n - }), r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.successAttr = !0; - } catch (e) { - const t = e; - r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.successAttr = !1; - const n = r.finishResetPasswordResultOut.finishResetPasswordFailureReasonAttr; - === _authJs.FailureReasons.PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed ? n.passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidToken ? n.invalidVerificationCodeAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidCredentials && (n.invalidEmailAttr = !0); - } - return r; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - finishUserRegistration: function(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - var _this11 = this; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Gr; - let s = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : Br; - return function*() { - return Nm("FinishUserRegistration", "44a8850b-2e2d-4f19-9ea4-e5f40a050b5b", () => b(_this11, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = new(gm.getType(Rf))(); - if (!n) return r.registrationResultOut.successAttr = !1, r.registrationResultOut.finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr.invalidVerificationCodeAttr = !0, r; - if (!e) return r.registrationResultOut.successAttr = !1, r.registrationResultOut.finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr.invalidEmailAttr = !0, r; - try { - yield i({ - username: e, - password: t, - temporaryPassword: n - }), r.registrationResultOut.successAttr = !0, r.registrationResultOut.userIdAttr = s(); - } catch (e) { - const t = e; - r.registrationResultOut.successAttr = !1, === _authJs.FailureReasons.PasswordComplexityPolicyFailed ? r.registrationResultOut.finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr.passwordComplexityPolicyFailedAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidToken ? r.registrationResultOut.finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr.invalidVerificationCodeAttr = !0 : === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidCredentials && (r.registrationResultOut.finishUserRegistrationFailureReasonAttr.invalidEmailAttr = !0); - } - return r; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - getExternalLoginURL: function(e, t, n) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n) { - var _this12 = this; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : Mr; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : gn.resolve(pn.AuthConfigsManager); - return function*() { - return Nm("GetExternalLoginURL", "da6adf2c-ff63-4d63-a90e-a58819b503eb", () => b(_this12, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const n = "" === e ? void 0 : e, - s = new(om.getType(Po.Text))(), - [a] = i.readAuthConfigs(t); - if (!a) { - const e = new Error(`The given identity provider '${t}' does not exist.`); - throw Am(e, "getExternalLoginURL"), e; - } - return s.externalLoginURLOut = yield r({ - callbackUrl: n, - authConfigs: t ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, a.configs), { - identityProvider: a.kc_hint - }) : void 0 - }), s; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - getExternalLogoutURL: function(e, t) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t) { - var _this13 = this; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Pr; - return function*() { - return Nm("GetExternalLogoutURL", "c5bd52b6-817c-4268-9d9b-7d2bfe7228fe", () => b(_this13, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const t = "" === e ? void 0 : e, - r = new(um.getType(Po.Text))(); - return r.externalLogoutURLOut = yield n({ - callbackUrl: t - }), r; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - getPasswordComplexityPolicy: function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : zr; - return Nm("GetPasswordComplexityPolicy", "dc6941b3-7f13-4266-92a7-afc438918f3f", () => { - const e = new(cm.getType(Sf))(), - n = t(); - return e.passwordComplexityPolicyOut.minimumLengthAttr = n.minimumLength, e.passwordComplexityPolicyOut.lowerCaseLetterRequiredAttr = n.lowerCaseLetterRequired, e.passwordComplexityPolicyOut.upperCaseLetterRequiredAttr = n.upperCaseLetterRequired, e.passwordComplexityPolicyOut.numberRequiredAttr = n.numberRequired, e.passwordComplexityPolicyOut.specialCharacterRequiredAttr = n.specialCharacterRequired, e; - }); - }, - getUserProfile: function(e) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e) { - var _this14 = this; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Kr; - return function*() { - return Nm("GetUserProfile", "a4d7f4ef-399a-4294-8ab4-cf1437699fe3", () => b(_this14, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const e = new(fm.getType(Lf))(), - n = yield t(); - return e.userInfoOut.emailAttr = n.username, e.userInfoOut.nameAttr =, e.userInfoOut.photoURLAttr = n.pictureUrl, e; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - isExternalUser: function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : qr; - return Nm("IsExternalUser", "5365bc0e-70f6-4e7f-90bf-6c6e12da81bb", () => { - const e = new(hm.getType(Po.Boolean))(); - return e.isExternalUserOut = t(), e; - }); - }, - listAll: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListAll", "22f2c626-25d5-4457-bbe7-94261470862e", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - return bm(e, r, "all", () => { - const n = new wm(); - return n.resultOut = e.all(t), n; - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listAll"), e; - } - }); - }, - listAny: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListAny", "d562e8a9-e680-48d3-8274-1e7e5437e4f8", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - return bm(e, r, "any", () => { - const n = new wm(); - return n.resultOut = e.any(t), n; - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listAny"), e; - } - }); - }, - listAppend: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListAppend", "aa5b021e-e937-4b80-a2b3-c95b4339a11d", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - ym(e, r, "append"), e.append(t); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listAppend"), e; - } - }); - }, - listAppendAll: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListAppendAll", "cfed0293-97ed-42f7-8d5a-5a2582ecb1da", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - ym(e, r, "appendAll"), e.appendAll(t); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listAppendAll"), e; - } - }); - }, - listClear: function(e, t) { - return Nm("ListClear", "c534e5bd-7032-4d4c-97e1-abbf1dee3fbf", () => { - try { - const n = Tm(t); - ym(e, n, "clear"), e.clear(), n.setCurrentRowNumber(e, 0); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listClear"), e; - } - }); - }, - listDistinct: function(e, t) { - return Nm("ListDistinct", "b54c6849-3ce4-455a-af15-ad7a37c9899f", () => { - try { - const n = Tm(t); - return bm(e, n, "distinct", () => { - const t = new(am.getType(e.constructor))(); - return t.distinctListOut = e.distinct(), t; - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listDistinct"), e; - } - }); - }, - listDuplicate: function(e, t) { - return Nm("ListDuplicate", "dbe15950-87da-4517-88b4-14c83bbe7d94", () => { - try { - const n = Tm(t); - ym(e, n, "duplicate"); - const r = new(im.getType(e.constructor))(); - return r.duplicatedListOut = e.clone(), r; - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listDuplicate"), e; - } - }); - }, - listFilter: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListFilter", "5137c152-4d59-48f6-b86e-b6b8e7b1e160", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - return bm(e, r, "filter", () => { - const n = new(sm.getType(e.constructor))(); - return n.filteredListOut = e.filter(t), n; - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listFilter"), e; - } - }); - }, - listIndexOf: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListIndexOf", "763a5d96-a42e-49b6-8129-b46525912667", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - return bm(e, r, "indexOf", () => { - const n = new Em(); - return n.positionOut = e.indexOf(t), n; - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listIndexOf"), e; - } - }); - }, - listInsert: function(e, t, n, r) { - return Nm("ListInsert", "6c6663d0-5b99-492d-80a5-284def1ceb8c", () => { - try { - const i = Tm(r); - ym(e, i, "insert"), e.insert(n, t); - const s = i.getCurrentRowNumber(e); - e.length > 1 && n <= s && i.setCurrentRowNumber(e, s + 1); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listInsert"), e; - } - }); - }, - listRemove: function(e, t, n) { - return Nm("ListRemove", "9a0ebe10-cdee-4774-9179-e3c439bb0d3a", () => { - try { - const r = Tm(n); - ym(e, r, "remove"); - const i = 1 === e.length; - let s; - i && (s = e.getItem(0)), e.remove(t), i && (e.emptyListItem = s); - const a = r.getCurrentRowNumber(e); - t < a ? r.setCurrentRowNumber(e, a - 1) : t === e.length && r.setCurrentRowNumber(e, Math.max(0, e.length - 1)); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listRemove"), e; - } - }); - }, - listSort: function(e, t, n, r) { - return Nm("ListSort", "c7db4ad0-51cc-44e5-aa36-50546face388", () => { - try { - const i = Tm(r); - return bm(e, i, "sort", () => { - e.sort(t, n); - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "listSort"), e; - } - }); - }, - logMessage: function(t, n, r) { - return Nm("LogMessage", "8c126211-5b78-442b-8a4d-fc2f72d10ef2", () => { - fi(n, t, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - }); - }, - login: function(e, t, n, r) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t, n, r) { - var _this15 = this; - let i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Fr; - return function*() { - return Nm("Login", "477c9f29-36c5-42a9-b910-3e5d70c7427e", () => b(_this15, void 0, void 0, function*() { - const r = new(lm.getType(_f))(); - try { - r.userLoginResultOut.userIdAttr = yield i({ - username: e, - password: t, - persistLogin: n - }), r.userLoginResultOut.successAttr = !0; - } catch (e) { - const t = e; - if (r.userLoginResultOut.userIdAttr = "", r.userLoginResultOut.successAttr = !1, r.userLoginResultOut.retryAfterSecondsAttr = 10, === _authJs.FailureReasons.InvalidCredentials) r.userLoginResultOut.userLoginFailureReasonAttr.invalidCredentialsAttr = !0; - else { - if ( !== _authJs.FailureReasons.TooManyFailedAttempts) throw Im(t); - r.userLoginResultOut.userLoginFailureReasonAttr.tooManyFailedLoginAttemptsAttr = !0; - } - } - return r; - })); - }(); - }); - }, - logout: function(e, t) { - return b(this, arguments, void 0, function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : $r; - return function*() { - return Nm("Logout", "41ac3c1a-dffd-4b4f-acc0-fa439a975601", () => n({ - callbackUrl: "string" == typeof e ? e : "" - })); - }(); - }); - }, - requireScript: function(e, t) { - return Nm("RequireScript", "388d4655-dd1c-4c5c-8d46-f420d0fe02a1", t => { - try { - return em(Nr.getVersionedUrl(e), { - parentSpan: t - }); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "requireScript"), e; - } - }); - }, - setCurrentLocale: function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : gn; - return Nm("SetCurrentLocale", "f2708145-60c0-49dc-9a1a-8b0f1fae5dce", () => { - try { - const t = n.resolve(pn.LocaleService); - if (!t) { - const e = new Error("Undefined locale service: can't set current locale."); - throw Am(e, "setCurrentLocale"), e; - } - t.setCurrentLocale(e); - } catch (e) { - throw Am(e, "setCurrentLocale"), e; - } - }); - }, - validatePasswordComplexity: function(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Hr; - return Nm("ValidatePasswordComplexity", "e11739ec-bce8-4f6c-a952-886e102ecac5", () => { - const t = new(dm.getType(Df))(), - r = n({ - password: e - }); - return t.passwordValidationResultOut.isValidAttr = r.isValid, t.passwordValidationResultOut.missingMinimumLengthAttr = r.missingMinimumLength, t.passwordValidationResultOut.missingUpperCaseLetterAttr = r.missingUpperCaseLetter, t.passwordValidationResultOut.missingLowerCaseLetterAttr = r.missingLowerCaseLetter, t.passwordValidationResultOut.missingNumberAttr = r.missingNumber, t.passwordValidationResultOut.missingSpecialCharacterAttr = r.missingSpecialCharacter, t; - }); - } - }); - var Dm, - Rm = _exports.StringUtils = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - StringUtils: class { - static safeParseInt(e) { - let t = e; - return e && !isNaN(Number(e)) && (t = parseInt(e, 10)), t; - } - } - }), - Cm = _exports.MappingWithDefaultService = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null - }); - ! function(e) { - e[e.Normal = 0] = "Normal", e[e.AtFunctionReturn = 1] = "AtFunctionReturn", e[e.BetweenAssignments = 2] = "BetweenAssignments"; - }(Dm || (Dm = {})); - const xm = "ccid", - Lm = "dbg-stop", - Om = "dbg-bkp"; - var _m, Mm; - ! function(e) { - e[e.StepOver = 0] = "StepOver", e[e.StepInto = 1] = "StepInto", e[e.StepOut = 2] = "StepOut", e[e.Continue = 3] = "Continue", e[e.ContinueToHere = 4] = "ContinueToHere", e[e.None = 5] = "None"; - }(_m || (_m = {})), - function(e) { - e[e.Unprepared = 0] = "Unprepared", e[e.WaitingForClient = 1] = "WaitingForClient", e[e.Prepared = 2] = "Prepared"; - }(Mm || (Mm = {})); - class Um { - constructor() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; - let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; - this.moduleKey = e, this.objectKey = t, this.compoundKey = n, this.debuggerHash = r; - } - init(e) { - if (!e) return; - const t = e.split(Um.SeparatorChar); - this.moduleKey = t[0], this.objectKey = t[1], this.compoundKey = t.length > 2 && t[2] ? t[2] : null, this.debuggerHash = t.length > 3 && t[3] ? t[3] : null; - } - static parse(e) { - if (!e) return null; - try { - const t = new Um(); - return t.init(e), t; - } catch (e) { - return null; - } - } - equals(e) { - return !!e && e.moduleKey === this.moduleKey && e.objectKey === this.objectKey; - } - toString() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : !1; - var t; - return e ? this.moduleKey + Um.SeparatorChar + (this.objectKey || "") + Um.SeparatorChar + (this.compoundKey || "") + Um.SeparatorChar + (this.debuggerHash || "") : this.moduleKey + Um.SeparatorChar + (null !== (t = this.objectKey) && void 0 !== t ? t : ""); - } - } - Um.SeparatorChar = ":"; - class Fm { - constructor() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : _m.None; - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1; - this._commandType = e, this._stackLevel = t; - } - resetCommandState() { - this._commandType = _m.None, this._stackLevel = -1; - } - get commandType() { - return this._commandType; - } - set commandType(e) { - this._commandType = e; - } - get stackLevel() { - return this._stackLevel; - } - set stackLevel(e) { - this._stackLevel = e; - } - } - class $m { - constructor(e, t, n, r, i) { - this.elementKey = e, this.moduleName = t, this.elementName = n, this.elementType = r, this.varBag = i, this.currentBreakpoint = null, this.previousBreakpoint = null, this.breakpointType = null, this.extraInfo = null, this.functionLeft = ""; - } - refreshLocalState(e, t, n) { - this.previousBreakpoint = this.currentBreakpoint, this.currentBreakpoint = e, this.breakpointType = t, this.extraInfo = n; - } - } - class Pm { - constructor() { - this.callStack = new Array(), this._command = new Fm(), this._continueToHereBreakpoint = void 0, this._stopImmediately = !1; - } - pushCallOnStack(e, t, n, r, i) { - this.callStack.push(new $m(e, t, n, r, i)); - } - popCallOnStack() { - const e = this.callStack.pop(), - t = this.peekLastCallOnStack(); - return this.callStack.length > 0 && t && (t.functionLeft = null == e ? void 0 : e.elementName), e; - } - peekLastCallOnStack() { - if (!(this.callStack.length <= 0)) return this.callStack[this.callStack.length - 1]; - } - getCallOnStack(e) { - if (!(e < 0 || e >= this.callStack.length)) return this.callStack[e]; - Vm("The received stack level is not valid. Received '" + e + "', current thread stack length '" + this.callStack.length + "'"); - } - refreshLastCallOnStack(e, t, n) { - var r; - null === (r = this.peekLastCallOnStack()) || void 0 === r || r.refreshLocalState(e, t, n); - } - set command(e) { - this._command = e; - } - get command() { - return this._command; - } - get stackLevel() { - return this.callStack.length; - } - get stopImmediately() { - return this._stopImmediately; - } - set stopImmediately(e) { - this._stopImmediately = e || !1; - } - get continueToBreakpoint() { - return this._continueToHereBreakpoint; - } - set continueToBreakpoint(e) { - this._continueToHereBreakpoint = e; - } - get threadStartName() { - return this._threadStartName || ""; - } - set threadStartName(e) { - this._threadStartName = e; - } - getThreadStack() { - return => { - var t; - return { - currentBreakpoint: null !== e.currentBreakpoint && void 0 !== e.currentBreakpoint ? e.currentBreakpoint.toString(!0) : null, - previousBreakpoint: null !== e.previousBreakpoint && void 0 !== e.previousBreakpoint ? e.previousBreakpoint.toString(!0) : null, - breakpointType: null !== (t = e.breakpointType) && void 0 !== t ? t : Dm.Normal, - extraInfo: e.extraInfo, - elementKey: null !== e.elementKey && void 0 !== e.elementKey ? e.elementKey.toString(!0) : null, - elementName: e.elementName, - elementType: e.elementType, - functionLeft: e.functionLeft, - moduleName: e.moduleName - }; - }); - } - } - - function Vm(e, t) { - pi("Debugger", e, t); - } - const Bm = /^([0-9]+)$/, - km = /\[[^\]]*[^0-9\]]+[^\]]*\]/; - class zm { - constructor() { - this.isInSession = !1, this.breakpoints = new Map(), this.callContexts = new Map(), this.initializationStatus = Mm.Unprepared, this._pauseOnAllExceptions = !1, this.exceptionsMap = new Map(), this.pausedOnAnException = !1, this.allowedModules = new Map(); - } - get BreakpointType() { - return Dm; - } - isPausedOnException() { - return this.pausedOnAnException; - } - get version() { - return 3; - } - isSessionActive() { - return this.isInSession; - } - startSession() { - if (this.isInSession) return void Vm("Debugger is already in session"); - this.pendingInitializationHandler && (this.initializationStatus = Mm.Prepared, this.pendingInitializationHandler(), this.pendingInitializationHandler = null), this.isInSession = !0; - const e = gn.resolve(pn.DebuggerHttpClient); - e && gn.register(pn.HttpClient, () => e); - } - endSession() { - if (!this.isInSession) return void Vm("Can't end an nonexisting session"); - this.isInSession = !1; - const e = gn.resolve(pn.NonDebuggerHttpClient); - e && gn.register(pn.HttpClient, () => e); - } - addBreakpoint(e) { - null !== Um.parse(e) ? this.breakpoints.get(e) ? Vm(`Breakpoint with id '${e}' already registered`) : this.breakpoints.set(e, !0) : Vm(`Cannot convert '${e}' to a BreakpointId`); - } - addBreakpoints(e) { - e.forEach(e => this.addBreakpoint(e)); - } - allowBreakpointsFromModule(e) { - this.allowedModules.get(e) ? Vm(`Application with key '${e}' is already allowed`) : this.allowedModules.set(e, !0); - } - removeBreakpoint(e) { - null !== Um.parse(e) ? this.breakpoints.delete(e) || Vm(`Breakpoint with id '${e}' isn't registered`) : Vm(`Cannot convert '${e}' to a BreakpointId`); - } - clearBreakpoints() { - this.breakpoints.clear(); - } - push(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - const a = Um.parse(e); - if (!a) return void Vm(`Error when parsing breakpointId '${e}'`); - let o = this.callContexts.get(i); - o || (o = new Pm(), this.callContexts.set(i, o)), o.pushCallOnStack(a, t, n, r, s); - } - pop(e, t) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - const n = Um.parse(e); - if (!n) return void Vm(`Error when parsing breakpointId '${e}'`); - const r = this.callContexts.get(t); - if (!r) return void Vm(`There is no action to end to callContextId '${t.toString()}'`); - const i = r.peekLastCallOnStack(); - (null == i ? void 0 : i.elementKey.equals(n)) ? (r.popCallOnStack(), r.stackLevel <= 0 && (this.callContexts.delete(t), this.exceptionsMap.delete(t))) : Vm(`Action to end didn't match to current running action. Running action key: '${null == i ? void 0 : i.elementKey.toString()}', tried to end: '${n.toString()}'`); - } - stepInto(e) { - this.fillCommandByCallContextId(e, _m.StepInto); - } - stepOver(e) { - this.fillCommandByCallContextId(e, _m.StepOver); - } - stepOut(e) { - this.fillCommandByCallContextId(e, _m.StepOut); - } - continue (e) { - this.fillCommandByCallContextId(e, _m.Continue); - } - continueToHere(e, t) { - const n = Um.parse(e); - if (!n) return void Vm(`Error when parsing breakpointId '${e}'`); - this.fillCommandByCallContextId(t, _m.ContinueToHere); - const r = this.callContexts.get(t); - r && (r.continueToBreakpoint = n); - } - pauseOnAllExceptions(e) { - this._pauseOnAllExceptions = e; - } - fillCommandByCallContextId(e, t) { - if (!this.isInSession) return void Vm("Cannot preform debug actions out of a session context"); - const n = this.callContexts.get(e); - n ? (n.command.commandType = t, n.command.stackLevel = n.stackLevel) : Vm(`No match for callContextId '${e}'`); - } - handleFunctionCall(e, t, n) { - var r; - const i = e(); - if (!this.isInSession) return i; - const s = this.callContexts.get(n); - if (!s) return Vm(`There is no callContext registered with Id '${n}'`), i; - const a = s.getCallOnStack(s.stackLevel - 1), - o = null !== (r = null == a ? void 0 : a.currentBreakpoint) && void 0 !== r ? r : null == a ? void 0 : a.elementKey; - return o && this.handleBreakpoint(o.toString(!0), n, Dm.AtFunctionReturn,, null == a ? void 0 : a.varBag.callContext, null, null, t)), i; - } - handleBreakpoint(e, t) { - let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Dm.Normal; - let r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; - if (!this.isInSession) return !0; - const i = Um.parse(e); - if (!i) return Vm(`Error when parsing breakpointId '${e}'`), !0; - const s = this.callContexts.get(t); - if (!s) return Vm(`Trying to handle breakpoint with id '${e}', \n but there is no callContext registered with Id '${t}'`), !0; - if (s.refreshLastCallOnStack(i, n, r), !this.allowedModules.get(i.moduleKey)) return pi("Debugger", `Skipping breakpoint '${e}' because breakpoints from app with key '${i.moduleKey}' are to be ignored.`), !0; - if (s.stopImmediately || this.breakpoints.get(e) && s.command.commandType !== _m.ContinueToHere && n === Dm.Normal) return s.stopImmediately = !1, this.resetStateAndCallDebugger(s, t), !0; - switch (s.command.commandType) { - case _m.StepInto: - this.resetStateAndCallDebugger(s, t); - break; - case _m.StepOut: - s.stackLevel < s.command.stackLevel && this.resetStateAndCallDebugger(s, t); - break; - case _m.StepOver: - s.stackLevel <= s.command.stackLevel && n === Dm.Normal && this.resetStateAndCallDebugger(s, t); - break; - case _m.ContinueToHere: - i.equals(s.continueToBreakpoint) && n === Dm.Normal && (s.continueToBreakpoint = void 0, this.resetStateAndCallDebugger(s, t)); - } - return !0; - } - resetStateAndCallDebugger(e, t) { - e.command.resetCommandState(), this.callDebugger(t); - } - handleException(t, n) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - if (dt(t)) return; - const r = this.callContexts.get(n), - i = ot(t); - if (!r) return void Vm(`Trying to handle Exception with message '${i}', but there is no callContext registered with Id '${n}'`, _loggerJs.Visibility.Client); - if (t !== this.exceptionsMap.get(n) && (this.exceptionsMap.set(n, t), this._pauseOnAllExceptions)) { - this.pausedOnAnException = !0; - try { - this.callDebugger(n); - } finally { - this.pausedOnAnException = !1; - } - } - } - getExceptionMessage(e) { - if (!this.getThreadState(e)) return; - const t = this.exceptionsMap.get(e); - if (void 0 !== t) return ot(t); - Vm(`There is no Exception associated to callContext with Id '${e}'`); - } - getThreadState(e) { - if (!this.isInSession) return void Vm("Cannot perform debug actions out of a session context"); - const t = this.callContexts.get(e); - if (t) return t; - Vm(`There is no callContext registered with Id '${e}'`); - } - getThreadStack(e) { - const t = this.getThreadState(e); - if (t) return t.getThreadStack(); - } - parse(e) { - return Um.parse(e); - } - initialize(e) { - switch (this.initializationStatus) { - case Mm.WaitingForClient: - return Promise.reject("Debugger already waiting for client initialization"); - case Mm.Prepared: - return Promise.reject("Debugger already initialized"); - } - return void 0 === e && (e = !!Zn("_waitForClient")), gn.register(pn.Debugger, () => this), new Promise((t, n) => { - e && !this.isInSession ? (this.initializationStatus = Mm.WaitingForClient, this.pendingInitializationHandler = t) : (this.initializationStatus = Mm.Prepared, t()); - }); - } - registerMetaInfo(e) { - this.metaInfoMap || (this.metaInfoMap = new Map()); - for (const t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && !this.metaInfoMap.get(t) && this.metaInfoMap.set(t, e[t]); - } - getRuntimeExpression(e, t) { - if (!this.metaInfoMap) return void Vm("MetaInfo not registered yet."); - const n = this.metaInfoMap.get(e); - if (n) return n; - Vm(`There is no mapping defined for variable with the key '${e}', that was evaluated in the context of the action with the key '${t}'.`); - } - innerEvaluateVariable(e, t, n, r) { - const i = this.getThreadState(e); - if (!i) return; - const s = i.getCallOnStack(t); - if (!s) return; - const a = this.getRuntimeExpression(r, n); - if (!a) return void Vm(`Failed to get runtime variable expression. CallContextId '${e}', stackLevel '${t}'`); - let o; - try { - o = a.getter(s.varBag, s.varBag.idService); - } catch (e) {} finally { - void 0 === o && Vm(`Couldn't evaluate variable with key '${r}', that was evaluated in the context of the action with key: '${n}' stackLevel: '${t}' callContextId: '${e}'.`); - } - return o; - } - splitPath(e) { - if (!km.test(e)) return e ? e.split(/[.\[\]]/).filter(e => "" !== e).slice(1) : void 0; - } - evaluateVariable(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if ("" === r && "$return" === i) { - const n = this.getThreadState(e); - if (!n) return; - const r = n.getCallOnStack(t); - if (!r) return; - return r.extraInfo; - } - const a = this.innerEvaluateVariable(e, t, n, r); - if (void 0 === a) return; - if (km.test(i)) return; - const o = this.callContexts.get(e), - l = null == o ? void 0 : o.getCallOnStack(t), - u = this.getRuntimeExpression(r, n), - c = this.splitPath(i); - return, null == l ? void 0 : l.varBag.callContext, c, s, null == u ? void 0 : u.dataType); - } - getRequestHeaders(e) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - const t = this.callContexts.get(e); - if (!t) return void Vm(`There is no callContext registered with Id '${e}'`); - const n = {}; - n[xm] = String(e); - const r = t.command; - return r && r.commandType === _m.StepInto ? n[Lm] = "true" : t.continueToBreakpoint && r.commandType === _m.ContinueToHere && (n[Om] = String(t.continueToBreakpoint)), n; - } - lookupCaseInsensitive(e, t) { - const n = t.toLowerCase(), - r = Object.keys(e).find(e => e.toLowerCase() === n); - return r ? e[r] : void 0; - } - processResponseHeaders(e, t) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - const n = this.getThreadState(e); - if (t && n) - if ("true" === (this.lookupCaseInsensitive(t, Lm) || "").toLowerCase()) n.stopImmediately = !0; - else if (this.lookupCaseInsensitive(t, Om)) { - const e = this.lookupCaseInsensitive(t, Om); - n.command.commandType = _m.ContinueToHere, n.continueToBreakpoint = Um.parse(e); - } else n.command.commandType === _m.StepInto && (n.command.commandType = _m.Continue); - } - getThreadStartName(e) { - var t; - return null === (t = this.getThreadState(e)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.threadStartName; - } - setThreadStartName(e, t) { - if (!this.isInSession) return; - if (!this.callContexts) return void Vm("No call context dictionary initialized yet"); - if (!this.callContexts.get(e)) return void Vm("No thread state for this context id"); - const n = this.callContexts.get(e); - n && (n.threadStartName = t); - } - } - var Hm; - ! function(e) { - function t(e, t) { - return void 0 === e && (e = null), { - value: e, - type: Po[t] - }; - } - = function e(n, r, i) { - let s = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : -1; - let a = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; - const o = Math.max(-1, (null != s ? s : 0) - 1); - if (n instanceof Zo) { - const a = n; - let l = a.getAttributes(); - if (i && i.length > 0) { - const t = i[0]; - if (i = i.slice(1), n instanceof df) { - const a = n; - if ("HasFetchError" === t) return e(a.hasFetchErrorAttr, r, i, s, Po.Boolean); - if ("IsDataFetched" === t) return e(a.isDataFetchedAttr, r, i, s, Po.Boolean); - } - if (l = l.filter(e => === t), 0 === l.length) return void Vm(`No attribute matching the given path '${t}'.`); { - const t = l[0]; - return e(a[t.attrName], r, i, s, t.dataType); - } - } - if (0 === s) return t(null, Po.Record); - const u = {}; - for (const t of l) u[] = e(a[t.attrName], r, i, o, t.dataType); - if (n instanceof df) { - const t = n; - delete u.DataFetchStatus, u.IsDataFetched = e(t.isDataFetchedAttr, r, i, s, Po.Boolean), u.HasFetchError = e(t.hasFetchErrorAttr, r, i, s, Po.Boolean); - } - return t(u, Po.Record); - } - if (n instanceof el) { - const a = n; - let l; - a.constructor.getItemType && (l = a.constructor.getItemType()); - const u = r.iterationContext.getCurrentRowNumber(a); - if (i && i.length > 0) { - const t = i[0]; - if (i = i.slice(1), "CurrentRowNumber" === t) return e(u, r, i, s, Po.Integer); - if ("Current" === t) return e(a.isEmpty ? a.emptyListItem : a.getItem(u), r, i, s, l); - if ("Empty" === t) return e(a.isEmpty, r, i, s, Po.Boolean); - if ("Length" === t) return e(a.length, r, i, s, Po.Integer); { - const n = Bm.exec(t); - if (n) { - const t = parseInt(n[1], 10); - return t >= 0 && t < a.length ? e(a.getItem(t), r, i, s, l) : void Vm(`Index out of bounds '${t}'.`); - } - return void Vm(`No '${t}' attribute on Type 'List'.`); - } - } - if (0 === s) return t(null, Po.RecordList); - const c = { - CurrentRowNumber: e(u, r, i, o, Po.Integer), - Current: e(a.isEmpty ? a.emptyListItem : a.getItem(u), r, i, o, l), - Empty: e(a.isEmpty, r, i, o, Po.Boolean), - Length: e(a.length, r, i, o, Po.Integer) - }; - for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t++) c["[" + t + "]"] = e(a.getItem(t), r, i, o, l); - return t(c, Po.RecordList); - } - if (n instanceof lf) { - if (0 === s) return t(null, Po.Record); - const a = n; - if (i && i.length > 0) { - const t = i[0]; - if (i = i.slice(1), "Id" === t) return e(a.idAttr, r, i, s, Po.Text); - if (a instanceof uf) { - if ("Valid" === t) return e(a.validAttr, r, i, s, Po.Boolean); - if ("ValidationMessage" === t) return e(a.validationMessageAttr, r, i, s, Po.Text); - } - return void Vm(`No attribute matching the given path '${t}'.`); - } - const l = { - Id: e(a.idAttr, r, i, o, Po.Text) - }; - return a instanceof uf && (l.Valid = e(a.validAttr, r, i, o, Po.Boolean), l.ValidationMessage = e(a.validationMessageAttr, r, i, o, Po.Text)), t(l, Po.Record); - } - return void 0 !== a ? i && i.length > 0 ? void Vm(`Cannot perform a inner evaluation to a Basic Type. Trying to evaluate '${i[0]}' for a variable of type '${Po[a]}'.`) : function(e, n) { - switch (n) { - case Po.Integer: - case Po.Text: - case Po.PhoneNumber: - case Po.Email: - case Po.Boolean: - return t(e, n); - case Po.LongInteger: - case Po.Decimal: - case Po.Currency: - return t(e.toString(), n); - case Po.Date: - return t(e.toISODate(), n); - case Po.DateTime: - return t(e.toString(), n); - case Po.Time: - return t(e.toISOTime(), n); - case Po.BinaryData: - return t(e.length, n); - case Po.Object: - return t(null, n); - case Po.Record: - return void Vm("Record is not a basic type"); - case Po.RecordList: - return void Vm("RecordList is not a basic type"); - default: - return void Vm(`Unknown data type ${n}`); - } - }(n, a) : void Vm("Variable Type didn't match any case. " + typeof n); - }; - }(Hm || (Hm = {})); - const jm = "6.20.3"; - Me("client-runtime-core", jm); - ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : global).OutSystemsDebugger = new class extends zm { - callDebugger(e) { - const t = Kt(), - n = t.callContextId; - try { - t.callContextId = e; - debugger; - } finally { - t.callContextId = n; - } - } - }(); - var qm = _exports.DebuggerBase = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BreakpointId: Um, - get CommandType() { - return _m; - }, - DebugCommand: Fm, - DebuggerBase: zm, - get DebuggerDataConverter() { - return Hm; - }, - get InitializationStatus() { - return Mm; - }, - LocalState: $m, - ThreadState: Pm, - Version: jm - }), - Gm = _exports.ClientVariables = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null - }), - Wm = _exports.DebuggerAPI = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null - }); - Ne(); - const Km = _exports.Version = "6.20.3"; - Me("client-runtime-core", Km); -}); \ No newline at end of file +..