- Main Modules
- Abstract Objects
- Core Functionality
- Object References
- accountClosure
- accountSecurity
- accountStatistics
- activeSymbols
- affiliateAccountAdd
- apiToken
- appDelete
- appGet
- appList
- appMarkupDetails
- appRegister
- appUpdate
- assetIndex
- authorize
- balance
- buy
- buyContractForMultipleAccounts
- cancel
- cashier
- cashierPayments
- cashierWithdrawalCancel
- changePassword
- contractUpdate
- contractUpdateHistory
- contractsFor
- copyStart
- copyStop
- copytradingList
- copytradingStatistics
- documentUpload
- economicCalendar
- exchangeRates
- forget
- forgetAll
- getAccountStatus
- getFinancialAssessment
- getLimits
- getSelfExclusion
- getSettings
- identityVerificationDocumentAdd
- landingCompany
- landingCompanyDetails
- linkWallet
- loginHistory
- logout
- mt5Deposit
- mt5GetSettings
- mt5LoginList
- mt5NewAccount
- mt5PasswordChange
- mt5PasswordCheck
- mt5PasswordReset
- mt5Withdrawal
- newAccountMaltainvest
- newAccountReal
- newAccountVirtual
- newAccountWallet
- notificationEvent
- oauthApps
- p2pAdvertCreate
- p2pAdvertInfo
- p2pAdvertList
- p2pAdvertUpdate
- p2pAdvertiserAdverts
- p2pAdvertiserCreate
- p2pAdvertiserInfo
- p2pAdvertiserPaymentMethods
- p2pAdvertiserRelations
- p2pAdvertiserUpdate
- p2pChatCreate
- p2pOrderCancel
- p2pOrderConfirm
- p2pOrderCreate
- p2pOrderDispute
- p2pOrderInfo
- p2pOrderList
- p2pPaymentMethods
- paymentMethods
- paymentagentCreate
- paymentagentDetails
- paymentagentList
- paymentagentTransfer
- paymentagentWithdraw
- payoutCurrencies
- ping
- portfolio
- profitTable
- proposal
- proposalOpenContract
- realityCheck
- requestReport
- resetPassword
- residenceList
- revokeOauthApp
- sell
- sellContractForMultipleAccounts
- sellExpired
- serviceToken
- setAccountCurrency
- setFinancialAssessment
- setSelfExclusion
- setSettings
- statement
- statesList
- ticks
- ticksHistory
- time
- tncApproval
- topupVirtual
- tradingDurations
- tradingPlatformAccounts
- tradingPlatformDeposit
- tradingPlatformInvestorPasswordChange
- tradingPlatformInvestorPasswordReset
- tradingPlatformNewAccount
- tradingPlatformPasswordChange
- tradingPlatformPasswordReset
- tradingPlatformWithdrawal
- tradingServers
- tradingTimes
- transaction
- transferBetweenAccounts
- verifyEmail
- websiteStatus
- InMemory
- TransactionParams
- Immutable
- ExpiryType
- ContractCategory
- Stream
The main class of the DerivAPI module. This class extends the minimum functionality provided by the DerivAPIBasic adding abstract objects that can be used to read data and interact with the API.
Object For options details see: DerivAPIBasic
DerivAPIBasic Basic API, used for making low-level calls to the API
// Returns an abstract ticks object
const ticks = api.ticks('R_100');
// Subscribe to updates on the ticks object
// Read the last ticks available in the default range
const ticks_history = ticks.list;
// Read the last 100 ticks until yesterday
const older_history = await ticks.history({ count: 100, end: new Date(yesterday) });
// Access to low-level API
const api_basic = api.basic;
Provides a ticks stream and a list of available ticks
(String | TicksParam) symbol or a ticks parameter object
Provides a list of available candles with the default granularity
(String | CandlesParam) symbol or a candles parameter object
A contract object with latest market values, cannot be bought or sold
ContractParam parameters defining the contract
An underlying object, including contract groups, pip size, etc.
String The underlying symbol
Returns Promise<Underlying>
An account object, including loginid, balance, contracts, etc.
String Token to create the account with
Trading assets including multiple underlyings and trading times
Website status stream
Returns Promise<WebsiteStatus>
Request contract options to display in UI
Returns Promise<ContractOptions>
Extends DerivAPICalls
The minimum functionality provided by DerivAPI, provides direct calls to the
is available if you want to use the cached data (see Cache)
Object (optional, default{}
Number Application ID of the API useroptions.connection
WebSocket? A ready to use connectionoptions.endpoint
String API server to connect to (optional, default'ws.derivws.com'
String Language of the API communication (optional, default'EN'
String Brand name (optional, default''
Object A middleware to call on certain API actions (optional, default{}
(optional, defaultnew InMemory()
Cache Temporary cache default to @link{InMemory}storage
Cache If specified, uses a more presistent cache (local storage, etc.)
const apiFromOpenConnection = new DerivAPI({ connection });
const apiFromEndpoint = new DerivAPI({ endpoint: 'ws.derivws.com', app_id: 1234 });
Reconnects to the API in case of connection error, unless connection is passed as an argument, in that case reconnecting should be handled in the API user side.
Clears previous connection keeplive ping timeout and connect & assign the handles
Returns Observable for close events
Returns Observable for open events
Returns Observable for new messages
String Expect these types to be received by the API
Returns (Promise<Object> | Promise<Array>) Resolves to a single response or an array
Abstract objects that provide static content and methods to make use of them, changing internal fields of these objects is blocked and they do not receive updates.
Extends Immutable
Abstract class for user accounts
const account = await api.accounts(your_token);
// Returns the open contracts of this account
const open_contracts = account.open_contracts;
const siblings = account.siblings;
// Switches the API account to the first sibling
// The existing account instance is not authorized anymore and should be discarded
const sibling = await api.account(loginidToToken(siblings[0].loginid));
Extends Immutable
Abstract class for trading assets
const assets = await api.assets();
// Get the current open markets
const open_markets = assets.open_markets;
const trading_times = assets.trading_times;
Extends Immutable
Abstract class for an underlying
const underlying = await api.underlying('R_100');
const pip_sized = underlying.pipSizedValue(123.1);
// Same as api.tickStream(symbol);
const tick_stream = underlying.tickStream();
if (underlying.is_open) await contract.buy();
Returns the pipSized display of the value in string
Shortcut for api.ticks(symbol)
Shortcut for api.candles(symbol)
Extends Immutable
A wrapper class for Tick
Object The raw data received from API
Extends Immutable
A wrapper class for Candle
CustomDate The current time of the candleopen_time
CustomDate The time that candle openedopen
Object The raw data received from API
Extends Immutable
A class for transaction objects
(String | Number)transaction.low_barrier
(String | Number)transaction.barrier
(String | Number)transaction.longcode
String Belongs to symboltransaction.transaction_id
Number transaction IDcontract_id
Object The raw data received from API
Extends Immutable
Wrapper around a Buy response
FullName contains short and long codelongcode
Extends Immutable
Wrapper around a Sell response
Extends Immutable
Abstract objects for options needed to create a contract
String Example
Live stream of data, plus some dynamically updated fields, you
can subscribe to changes using the onUpdate
method on all of
these classes.
Extends Stream
An abstract class for balance information
Number numeric balance valuecurrency
String currency of the amountdisplay
String display value of amount (decimal point)format
String formatted amount (decimal point, comma separated)
const balance = accounts.balance;
const formatted_balance = balance.format;
balance.onUpdate().subscribe(balance => console.log)
Extends Stream
An abstract class for Candles stream returned from DerivAPI#candleStream
Resolves to a list of candles given the range
const old_candles = await candle_stream.history({count: 10, end: yesterday})
Returns Promise<Array<Candle>>
Extends Stream
Abstract class for contracts
String 'proposal', 'open', 'expired', 'sold', 'won', 'lost'ask_price
Monetary Price to pay to buy a contracttype
String contract typepayout
Monetary Potential or realized payoutlongcode
CustomDate Start time of the contract (estimated for proposal)buy_price
Monetary? (After buy)bid_price
Monetary? (After buy)sell_price
Monetary? (After sell)profit
Profit? Potential or realized profit (After buy)proposal_id
Number? The proposal ID used to buyid
Number? The contract ID (After buy)purchase_time
CustomDate? (After buy)expiry_time
CustomDate? (After buy)sell_time
CustomDate? (After sell)barrier_count
Number? (For contracts with barrier)high_barrier
MarketValue? (For contracts with two barriers)low_barrier
MarketValue? (For contracts with two barriers)barrier
MarketValue? (For contracts with one barrier)tick_count
Number? (For tick contracts)ticks
Array<Tick>? (For tick contracts)multiplier
Number? (For loopback contracts)shortcode
Boolean? We still allow a sell call, let API handle the erroris_expired
Boolean? Is this contract still openentry_spot
FullName? only if both short and long codes are available
const contract = account.contract({ contract_type: 'CALL', ...options })
const buy = await contract.buy();
Buys this contract
BuyParam (optional, default{}
(optional, defaultthis.ask_price.value
Returns Buy
Sells this contract
SellParam zero price means sell at market (optional, default{}
(optional, default0
Returns Sell
Extends Stream
Abstract class for ticks stream returned by the DerivAPI#tickStream
Resolves to a list of Ticks using the given range
const old_ticks = await tickStream.history({count: 10, end: yesterday})
Extends Stream
A stream of transactions
Array<Transaction> An immutable list of transactions
const tx_stream = accounts.transaction_stream;
const tx_list = tx_stream.list;
Extends Stream
An abstract class for website status info
String 'up', 'down'is_website_up
const website_status = await api.websiteStatus();
const is_website_up = website_status.is_website_up;
website_status.onUpdate(s => console.log(`Site is ${s.status}`));
Container classes for data types, providing means to convert them to other types and represent them to the UI. These are mostly simpler objects used for representing data.
Extends MarketValue
A barrier info, either absolute or relative
Extends Immutable
An alternative date object
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
Returns Boolean
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
Returns Boolean
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
Returns Boolean
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
Returns Boolean
(CustomDate | Date | Number)
Returns Boolean
Adds a duration to the current date
Returns CustomDate
Extends Immutable
An abstract class for date range
Extends Immutable
Duration object
Adds this duration to a date object
Returns CustomDate
Extends Immutable
An abstract class for date range
Extends Immutable
A class for keeping short and full name of things
String alias forfull
String alias forshort
String alias forshort
const lc = account.landing_company;
console.log(`Landing Company: ${lc.full}, Short code: ${lc.short}`);
Extends Immutable
Keeps a market value and pip size
Extends Immutable
Keeps money related values
String decimal value based on currencyformat
String comma separated decimal value based on currency
Extends Monetary
Keeps money related values
Number Absolute value of the profitpercentage
Number 0: no profit, 1: positive profit, -1: lossis_win
Boolean True if the initial profit is positivecurrency
String decimal value based on currencyformat
String comma separated decimal value based on currency
Extends MarketValue
Keeps a market value at a time
Number the pipsized valuetime
CustomDate the spot time
Extends DerivAPICalls
Cache - A class for implementing in-memory and persistent cache
The real implementation of the underlying cache is delegated to the storage object (See the params).
The storage object needs to implement the API.
DerivAPIBasic API instance to get data that is not cachedstorage
Object A storage instance to use for caching
// Read the latest active symbols
const symbols = await api.activeSymbols();
// Read the data from cache if available
const cached_symbols = await api.cache.activeSymbols();
Subscription Manager - manage subscription channels
Makes sure there is always only one subscription channel for all requests of subscriptions, keeps a history of received values for the subscription of ticks and forgets channels that do not have subscribers. It also ensures that subscriptions are revived after connection drop/account changed.
// This one creates a new subscription assuming it is the first one for R_100
const subscriber1 = api.subscribe({ ticks: 'R_100' }, console.log);
// This one uses the existing subscription to R_100
const subscriber2 = api.subscribe({ ticks: 'R_100' }, console.log);
subscriber1.unsubscribe(); // no API forget yet
subscriber2.unsubscribe(); // Issues API forget
Subscribe to a given request, returns a stream of new responses, Errors should be handled by the user of the stream
Object A request object acceptable by the API
const ticks = api.subscribe({ ticks: 'R_100' });
ticks.subscribe(console.log) // Print every new tick
Returns Observable An RxJS Observable
These are plain JavaScript objects that are named to easily refer to them in this documentation, they don't physically exist as a class in this codebase.
Type: Object
Number Granularity in secondsrange
HistoryRange A chunk of history to return with start and end timesymbol
String Symbol of the candles
Type: Object
HistoryRange A chunk of history to return with start and end timesymbol
String The ticks symbol
Type: Object
Number? Maximum acceptable price for buying the contract
Type: Object
Number? Maximum acceptable price for selling the contract
Type: Object
(Number | Date) epoch in seconds or Datestart_time
(Number | Date) epoch in seconds or DateCurrency
String? Default is the account currencybasis
String stake or payoutduration
(Number | String) duration with unit or duration in numberduration_unit
String? duration unit, required if duration is numberproduct_type
String? 'multi_barrier' or 'basic'
Type: Object
(Number | Date) An epoch in seconds or a Date objectend
(Number | Date) An epoch in seconds or a Date objectcount
Number Number of ticks returned by history
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number Must be1
String [Optional] OTP (one-time passcode) generated by a 2FA application like Authy, Google Authenticator or Yubikey.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.totp_action
String [Optional] Action to be taken for managing TOTP (time-based one-time password, RFC6238). Generate will create a secret key which is then returned in the secret_key response field, you can then enable by using that code in a 2FA application.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String If you usebrief
, only a subset of fields will be returned.args.landing_company
String [Optional] If you specify this field, only symbols available for trading by that landing company will be returned. If you are logged in, only symbols available for trading by your landing company will be returned regardless of what you specify in this field.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.product_type
String [Optional] If you specify this field, only symbols that can be traded through that product type will be returned.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Purpose and reason for requesting the account opening.args.account_turnover
String [Optional] The anticipated account turnover.args.address_city
String [Optional] Within 100 characters.args.address_line_1
String Within 70 characters, with no leading whitespaces and may contain letters/numbers and/or any of following characters '.,:;()@#/-args.address_line_2
String [Optional] Within 70 characters.args.address_postcode
String [Optional] Within 20 characters and may not contain '+'.args.address_state
String [Optional] Possible value receive fromstates_list
Number Must be1
String The affiliate plan the account will subscribe toargs.affiliate_token
String [Optional] Affiliate token, within 32 characters.args.citizen
Any [Optional] Country of legal citizenship, 2-letter country code.args.client_type
String [Optional] Indicates whether this is for a client requesting an account with professional status.args.currency
String [Optional] To set currency of the account. List of supported currencies can be acquired withpayout_currencies
String Date of birth format:yyyy-mm-dd
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.last_name
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.non_pep_declaration
Number [Optional] Indicates client's self-declaration of not being a PEP/RCA (Politically Exposed Person/Relatives and Close Associates).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.phone
Any [Optional] Starting with+
followed by 9-35 digits, hyphens or space.args.place_of_birth
String [Optional] Place of birth, 2-letter country code.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.residence
String 2-letter country code, possible value receive fromresidence_list
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list.args.secret_answer
String [Optional] Answer to secret question, within 4-50 characters. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client open another account.args.secret_question
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client open another account.args.tax_identification_number
String [Optional] Tax identification number. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.args.tax_residence
String [Optional] Residence for tax purpose. Comma separated iso country code if multiple jurisdictions. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.
Object (optional, default{}
Number Must be1
String [Optional] The token to remove.args.new_token
String [Optional] The name of the created token.args.new_token_scopes
Any [Optional] List of permission scopes to provide with the token.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.valid_for_current_ip_only
Number [Optional] If you set this parameter during token creation, then the token created will only work for the IP address that was used to create the token
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Specific applicationapp_id
to report on.args.app_markup_details
Number Must be1
String [Optional] Specific client loginid to report on, like CR12345args.date_from
String Start date (epoch or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Results are inclusive of this time.args.date_to
String End date (epoch or YYYY-MM-DD HH::MM::SS). Results are inclusive of this time.args.description
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will returnapp_markup
transaction details.args.limit
Number [Optional] Apply upper limit to count of transactions received.args.offset
Number [Optional] Number of transactions to skip.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sort
String [Optional] Sort direction ontransaction_time
. Other fields sort order is ASC.args.sort_fields
Any [Optional] One or more of the specified fields to sort on. Default sort field is bytransaction_time
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Markup to be added to contract prices (as a percentage of contract payout).args.app_register
Number Must be1
String [Optional] Application's App Store URL (if applicable).args.github
String [Optional] Application's GitHub page (for open-source projects).args.googleplay
String [Optional] Application's Google Play URL (if applicable).args.homepage
String [Optional] Application's homepage URL.args.name
String Application name.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.redirect_uri
String [Optional] The URL to redirect to after a successful login. Required if charging markup percentageargs.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.scopes
Any List of permission scopes to grant the application.args.verification_uri
String [Optional] Used whenverify_email
called. If available, a URL containing the verification token will be sent to the client's email, otherwise only the token will be sent.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Markup to be added to contract prices (as a percentage of contract payout).args.app_update
Number Application app_id.args.appstore
String [Optional] Application's App Store URL (if applicable).args.github
String [Optional] Application's GitHub page (for open-source projects).args.googleplay
String [Optional] Application's Google Play URL (if applicable).args.homepage
String [Optional] Application's homepage URL.args.name
String Application name.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.redirect_uri
String [Optional] The URL to redirect to after a successful login. Required if charging markup percentage.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.scopes
Any Change scopes will revoke all user's grants and log them out.args.verification_uri
String [Optional] Used whenverify_email
called. If available, a URL containing the verification token will send to the client's email, otherwise only the token will be sent.
Object (optional, default{}
Number Must be1
String [Optional] If specified, will return only the underlyings for the specified landing company.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Send this when you use api tokens for authorization and want to track activity usinglogin_history
String Authentication token. May be retrieved from https://www.binary.com/en/user/security/api_tokenws.htmlargs.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] If set toall
, return the balances of all accounts one by one; if set tocurrent
, return the balance of current account; if set as an account id, return the balance of that account.args.balance
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever the balance changes.
Object (optional, default{}
String Either the ID received from a Price Proposal (proposal
call), or1
if contract buy parameters are passed in theparameters
Any -args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.price
Number Maximum price at which to purchase the contract.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional]1
to stream.
Object (optional, default{}
String Either the ID received from a Price Proposal (proposal
call), or1
if contract buy parameters are passed in theparameters
Any -args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.price
Number Maximum price at which to purchase the contract.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.tokens
Any List of API tokens identifying the accounts for which the contract is bought. Note: If the same token appears multiple times or if multiple tokens designate the same account, the contract is bought multiple times for this account.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Address for crypto withdrawal. Only applicable forapi
Number [Optional] Amount for crypto withdrawal. Only applicable forapi
String Operation which needs to be requested from cashierargs.dry_run
Number [Optional] If set to1
, only validation is performed. Only applicable forwithdraw
provider andapi
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.provider
String [Optional] Cashier provider.crypto
will be default option for crypto currency accounts.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.type
String [Optional] Data need to be returned from cashier.api
is supported only forcrypto
String [Optional] Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.provider
String [Optional] Cashier provider.crypto
will be default option for crypto currency accounts.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is update to crypto payments.args.transaction_type
String [Optional] Type of transactions to receive.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number Must be1
String New password (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address)args.old_password
String Old password for validation (non-empty string, accepts any printable ASCII character)args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Number Internal unique contract identifier.args.contract_update
Number Must be1
Any -args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Number Internal unique contract identifier.args.contract_update_history
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Maximum number of historical updates to receive.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String The short symbol name (obtained fromactive_symbols
String [Optional] Currency of the contract's stake and payout (obtained frompayout_currencies
String [Optional] Indicates which landing company to get a list of contracts for. If you are logged in, your account's landing company will override this field.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.product_type
String [Optional] If you specify this field, only contracts tradable through that contract type will be returned.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to set assets to be copied. E.x ["frxUSDJPY", "R_50"]args.copy_start
String API tokens identifying the accounts of trader which will be used to copy tradesargs.max_trade_stake
Number [Optional] Used to set maximum trade stake to be copied.args.min_trade_stake
Number [Optional] Used to set minimal trade stake to be copied.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trade_types
Any [Optional] Used to set trade types to be copied. E.x ["CALL", "PUT"]
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String Document file formatargs.document_id
String [Optional] Document ID (required for Passport, Proof of ID and Driver's License)args.document_issuing_country
String [Optional] 2-letter country codeargs.document_type
String Document typeargs.document_upload
Number Must be1
String The checksum of the file to be uploadedargs.expiration_date
String [Optional] Document expiration date (required for Passport, Proof of ID and Driver's License)args.file_size
Number Document size (should be less than 10MB)args.lifetime_valid
Number [Optional] Boolean value that indicates whether this document is lifetime valid (only applies to POI document types, cancels out the expiration_date given if any)args.page_type
String [Optional] To determine document sideargs.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Currency symbol.args.economic_calendar
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] End date.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.start_date
Number [Optional] Start date.
Object (optional, default{}
String Base currency (can be obtained frompayout_currencies
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Any Cancel all streams by type. The value can be either a single type e.g."ticks"
, or an array of multiple types e.g.["candles", "ticks"]
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String The identification number of the document.args.document_type
String The type of the document based on providedissuing_country
(can obtained fromresidence_list
Number Must be1
String 2-letter country code (can obtained fromresidence_list
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String The unique identifier for this trading account.args.link_wallet
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.wallet_id
String The unique identifier for this wallet.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Apply limit to count of login history records.args.login_history
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number Amount to deposit (in the currency of from_binary); min = $1 or an equivalent amount, max = $20000 or an equivalent amountargs.from_binary
String Binary account loginid to transfer money fromargs.mt5_deposit
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.to_mt5
String MT5 account login to deposit money to
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String Account type. If set to 'financial', setting 'mt5_account_type' is also required.args.address
String [Optional] The address of the user. The maximum length of this address field is 128 characters.args.city
String [Optional] User's city of residence.args.company
String [Optional] Name of the client's company. The maximum length of the company name is 64 characters.args.country
String [Optional] 2-letter country code (value received fromresidence_list
String [Optional] MT5 account currency, the default value will be the qualified account currency.args.dry_run
Number [Optional] If set to 1, only validation is performed.args.email
String Email addressargs.investPassword
String [Optional] The investor password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.leverage
Number Client leverage (from 1 to 1000).args.mainPassword
String The master password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address). This field is required.args.mt5_account_category
String [Optional] To choose whether account is conventional or swap_free. Unavailable for financial_stp MT5_account_typeargs.mt5_account_type
String [Optional] Financial: Variable spreads, High leverage. Financial STP: Variable spreads, Medium Leverage, more products. If 'account_type' set to 'financial', setting 'mt5_account_type' is also required.args.mt5_new_account
Number Must be1
String Client's name. The maximum length here is 101 characters.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.phone
String [Optional] User's phone number.args.phonePassword
String [Optional] The user's phone password.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.server
Any [Optional] Trade server.args.state
String [Optional] User's state (region) of residence.args.zipCode
String [Optional] User's zip code.
Object (optional, default{}
String MT5 user loginargs.mt5_password_change
Number Must be1
String New password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.old_password
String Old password for validation (non-empty string, accepts any printable ASCII character)args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.password_type
String [Optional] Type of the password to change.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String MT5 user loginargs.mt5_password_check
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.password
String The password of the account.args.password_type
String [Optional] Type of the password to check.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String MT5 user loginargs.mt5_password_reset
Number Must be1
String New password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.password_type
String [Optional] Type of the password to reset.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.verification_code
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
Number Amount to withdraw (in the currency of the MT5 account); min = $1 or an equivalent amount, max = $20000 or an equivalent amount.args.from_mt5
String MT5 account login to withdraw money fromargs.mt5_withdrawal
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.to_binary
String Binary account loginid to transfer money to
Object (optional, default{}
Number Show whether client has accepted risk disclaimer.args.account_opening_reason
String [Optional] Purpose and reason for requesting the account opening.args.account_turnover
String [Optional] The anticipated account turnover.args.address_city
String Within 100 charactersargs.address_line_1
String Within 70 characters, with no leading whitespaces and may contain letters/numbers and/or any of following characters '.,:;()@#/-args.address_line_2
String [Optional] Within 70 characters.args.address_postcode
String [Optional] Within 20 characters and may not contain '+'.args.address_state
String [Optional] Possible value receive fromstates_list
String [Optional] Affiliate token, within 32 characters.args.binary_options_trading_experience
String [Optional] Binary options trading experience.args.binary_options_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Binary options trading frequency.args.cfd_trading_experience
String [Optional] CFDs trading experience.args.cfd_trading_frequency
String [Optional] CFDs trading frequency.args.citizen
String [Optional] Country of legal citizenship, 2-letter country code. Possible value receive fromresidence_list
String [Optional] Indicates whether this is for a client requesting an account with professional status.args.date_of_birth
String Date of birth format: yyyy-mm-dd.args.education_level
String Level of Educationargs.employment_industry
String Industry of Employment.args.employment_status
String [Optional] Employment Status.args.estimated_worth
String Estimated Net Worth.args.first_name
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.forex_trading_experience
String [Optional] Forex trading experience.args.forex_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Forex trading frequency.args.income_source
String Income Source.args.last_name
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.net_income
String Net Annual Income.args.new_account_maltainvest
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Indicates client's self-declaration of not being a PEP/RCA.args.occupation
String Occupation.args.other_instruments_trading_experience
String [Optional] Trading experience in other financial instruments.args.other_instruments_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Trading frequency in other financial instruments.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.phone
Any [Optional] Starting with+
followed by 9-35 digits, hyphens or space.args.place_of_birth
String [Optional] Place of birth, 2-letter country code.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.residence
String 2-letter country code, possible value receive fromresidence_list
String Accept any value in enum list.args.secret_answer
String [Optional] Answer to secret question, within 4-50 characters.args.secret_question
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list.args.source_of_wealth
String [Optional] Source of wealth.args.tax_identification_number
String Tax identification number. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.args.tax_residence
String Residence for tax purpose. Comma separated iso country code if multiple jurisdictions. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Purpose and reason for requesting the account opening.args.account_turnover
String [Optional] The anticipated account turnover.args.address_city
String [Optional] Within 100 characters.args.address_line_1
String Within 70 characters, with no leading whitespaces and may contain letters/numbers and/or any of following characters '.,:;()@#/-args.address_line_2
String [Optional] Within 70 characters.args.address_postcode
String [Optional] Within 20 characters and may not contain '+'.args.address_state
String [Optional] Possible value receive fromstates_list
String [Optional] Affiliate token, within 32 characters.args.citizen
Any [Optional] Country of legal citizenship, 2-letter country code.args.client_type
String [Optional] Indicates whether this is for a client requesting an account with professional status.args.currency
String [Optional] To set currency of the account. List of supported currencies can be acquired withpayout_currencies
String Date of birth format:yyyy-mm-dd
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.last_name
String Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.new_account_real
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Indicates client's self-declaration of not being a PEP/RCA (Politically Exposed Person/Relatives and Close Associates).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.phone
Any [Optional] Starting with+
followed by 9-35 digits, hyphens or space.args.place_of_birth
String [Optional] Place of birth, 2-letter country code.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.residence
String 2-letter country code, possible value receive fromresidence_list
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list.args.secret_answer
String [Optional] Answer to secret question, within 4-50 characters. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client open another account.args.secret_question
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client open another account.args.tax_identification_number
String [Optional] Tax identification number. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.args.tax_residence
String [Optional] Residence for tax purpose. Comma separated iso country code if multiple jurisdictions. Only applicable for real money account. Required formaltainvest
landing company.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Affiliate token, within 32 characters.args.client_password
String Password (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.date_first_contact
String [Optional] Date of first contact, format:yyyy-mm-dd
in GMT timezone.args.email_consent
Number [Optional] Boolean value: 1 or 0, indicating whether the client has given consent for marketing emails.args.gclid_url
String [Optional] Google Click Identifier to track source.args.new_account_virtual
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.residence
String 2-letter country code (obtained fromresidence_list
String [Optional] Show whether user has used mobile or desktop.args.type
String Account typeargs.utm_ad_id
Any [Optional] Identifier of particular ad. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_adgroup_id
Any [Optional] Identifier of ad group in the campaign. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_adrollclk_id
Any [Optional] Unique identifier of click on AdRoll ads platform. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_campaign
Any [Optional] Identifies a specific product promotion or strategic campaign such as a spring sale or other promotions. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_campaign_id
Any [Optional] Identifier of paid ad campaign. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_content
Any [Optional] Used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_fbcl_id
Any [Optional] Unique identifier of click on Facebook ads platform. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_gl_client_id
Any [Optional] Unique visitor identifier on Google Ads platform. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_medium
Any [Optional] Identifies the medium the link was used upon such as: email, CPC, or other methods of sharing. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_msclk_id
Any [Optional] Unique click identifier on Microsoft Bing ads platform. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_source
Any [Optional] Identifies the source of traffic such as: search engine, newsletter, or other referral. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.utm_term
Any [Optional] Used to send information related to the campaign term like paid search keywords. Value must match Regex pattern to be recordedargs.verification_code
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first).
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Within 35 characters.args.address_line_1
String [Optional] Mailing address.args.address_line_2
String [Optional] Within 70 characters.args.address_postcode
String [Optional] Within 20 characters and may not contain '+'.args.address_state
String [Optional] Possible value receive fromstates_list
String [Optional] To set currency of the account. List of supported currencies can be acquired withpayout_currencies
String [Optional] Date of birth format:yyyy-mm-dd
String [Optional] Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.last_name
String [Optional] Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes.args.new_account_wallet
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Indicates client's self-declaration of not being a PEP/RCA (Politically Exposed Person/Relatives and Close Associates).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_method
String To set method which is used to transfer to/from wallet.args.phone
String [Optional] Starting with+
followed by 8-35 digits, allowing hyphens or space.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Any -args.category
String The category or nature of the event.args.event
String The name of the event.args.notification_event
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number The total amount of the advert, in advertiser's account currency.args.contact_info
String [Optional] Advertiser contact information. Only applicable for 'sell adverts'.args.description
String [Optional] General information about the advert.args.local_currency
String [Optional] Local currency for this advert. If not provided, will use the currency of client's residence by default.args.max_order_amount
Number Maximum allowed amount for the orders of this advert, in advertiser'saccount_currency
. Should be less than or equal to totalamount
of the advert.args.min_order_amount
Number Minimum allowed amount for the orders of this advert, in advertiser'saccount_currency
. Should be less thanmax_order_amount
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_info
String [Optional] Payment instructions. Only applicable for 'sell adverts'.args.payment_method
String Supported payment methods. Separate multiple values with a comma, maximum 3.args.payment_method_ids
Any IDs of payment methods, only applicable for sell ads.args.rate
Number Conversion rate from advertiser's account currency tolocal_currency
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.type
String Whether this is a buy or a sell.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] The unique identifier for this advert. Optional when subscribe is 1. If not provided, all advertiser adverts will be subscribed.args.p2p_advert_info
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates when changes occur. Optional when id is provided.args.use_client_limits
Number [Optional] If set to 1, the maximum order amount will be adjusted to the current balance and turnover limits of the account.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] ID of the advertiser to list adverts for.args.advertiser_name
String [Optional] Search for advertiser by name. Partial matches will be returned.args.amount
Number [Optional] How much to buy or sell, used to calculate prices.args.counterparty_type
String [Optional] Filter the adverts bycounterparty_type
Number [Optional] Only show adverts from favourite advertisers. Default is 0.args.limit
Number [Optional] Used for paging.args.local_currency
String [Optional] Currency to conduct payment transaction in, defaults to the main currency for the client's country.args.offset
Number [Optional] Used for paging.args.p2p_advert_list
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_method
Any [Optional] Search by supported payment methods.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sort_by
String [Optional] How the results are sorted: best rate, or advertiser completion rate.args.use_client_limits
Number [Optional] If set to 1, ads that exceed this account's balance or turnover limits will not be shown.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] If set to 1, permanently deletes the advert.args.id
String The unique identifier for this advert.args.is_active
Number [Optional] Activate or deactivate the advert.args.p2p_advert_update
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_method
String [Optional] Supported payment methods. Separate multiple values with a comma, maximum 3.args.payment_method_ids
Any [Optional] IDs of payment methods, only applicable for sell ads. Will replace exisiting methods.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Used for paging. This value will also apply to subsription responses.args.offset
Number [Optional] Used for paging. This value will also apply to subsription responses.args.p2p_advertiser_adverts
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Advertiser's contact information, to be used as a default for new sell adverts.args.default_advert_description
String [Optional] Default description that can be used every time an advert is created.args.name
String The advertiser's displayed name.args.p2p_advertiser_create
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_info
String [Optional] Advertiser's payment information, to be used as a default for new sell adverts.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is an update to advertiser
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] The unique identifier for this advertiser. If not provided, returns advertiser information about the current account.args.p2p_advertiser_info
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is an update to advertiser
Object (optional, default{}
Any Contains new payment method entries.args.delete
Any Contains payment methods to delete.args.p2p_advertiser_payment_methods
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.update
Any Contains payment methods to update.
Object (optional, default{}
Any IDs of advertisers to block.args.add_favourites
Any IDs of advertisers to add as favourites.args.p2p_advertiser_relations
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.remove_blocked
Any IDs of advertisers to remove from blocked.args.remove_favourites
Any IDs of advertisers to remove from favourites.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Advertiser's contact information, to be used as a default for new sell adverts.args.default_advert_description
String [Optional] Default description that can be used every time an advert is created.args.is_listed
Number [Optional] Used to set if the advertiser's adverts could be listed. When0
, adverts won't be listed regardless of they are active or not. This doesn't change theis_active
of each individual advert.args.p2p_advertiser_update
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_info
String [Optional] Advertiser's payment information, to be used as a default for new sell adverts.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.show_name
Number [Optional] When1
, the advertiser's real name will be displayed on to other users on adverts and orders.
Object (optional, default{}
String The unique identifier for the order to create the chat for.args.p2p_chat_create
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String The unique identifier for the advert to create an order against.args.amount
Number The amount of currency to be bought or sold.args.contact_info
String [Optional] Seller contact information. Only applicable for 'sell orders'.args.p2p_order_create
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_info
String [Optional] Payment instructions, only applicable for sell orders.args.payment_method_ids
Any IDs of payment methods, only applicable for sell orders.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is an update to the order.
Object (optional, default{}
String The predefined dispute reasonargs.id
String The unique identifier for this order.args.p2p_order_dispute
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
String The unique identifier for the order.args.p2p_order_info
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is an update to order
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Should be 1 to list active, 0 to list inactive (historical).args.advert_id
String [Optional] If present, lists orders applying to a specific advert.args.limit
Number [Optional] Used for paging.args.offset
Number [Optional] Used for paging.args.p2p_order_list
Number Must be 1args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is a change to any order belonging to you.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Client's My Affiliate id, if exists.args.code_of_conduct_approval
Number Indicates client's agreement with the Code of Conduct.args.commission_deposit
Number Commission (%) the agent wants to take on depositsargs.commission_withdrawal
Number Commission (%) the agent wants to take on withdrawalsargs.email
String Payment agent's email address.args.information
String [Optional] Information about payment agent and their proposed service.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.payment_agent_name
String The name with which the payment agent is going to be identified.args.paymentagent_create
Number Must be 1args.phone
String Payment agent's phone number with coutry code.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.supported_payment_methods
Any A list of supported payment methods.args.url
String The URL of payment agent's website.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] If specified, only payment agents that supports that currency will be returned (obtained frompayout_currencies
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.paymentagent_list
String Client's 2-letter country code (obtained fromresidence_list
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.
Object (optional, default{}
Number The amount to transfer.args.currency
String Currency code.args.description
String [Optional] Remarks about the transfer.args.dry_run
Number [Optional] If set to1
, just do validation.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.paymentagent_transfer
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.transfer_to
String The loginid of the recipient account.
Object (optional, default{}
Number The amount to withdraw to the payment agent.args.currency
String The currency code.args.description
String [Optional] Remarks about the withdraw. Only letters, numbers, space, period, comma, - ' are allowed.args.dry_run
Number [Optional] If set to 1, just do validation.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.paymentagent_loginid
String The payment agent loginid received from thepaymentagent_list
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.verification_code
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Any Return only contracts of the specified typesargs.date_from
String [Optional] Start date (epoch or YYYY-MM-DD)args.date_to
String [Optional] End date (epoch or YYYY-MM-DD)args.description
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will return full contracts description.args.limit
Number [Optional] Apply upper limit to count of transactions received.args.offset
Number [Optional] Number of transactions to skip.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.profit_table
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sort
String [Optional] Sort direction.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Proposed contract payout or stake, or multiplier (for lookbacks).args.barrier
String [Optional] Barrier for the contract (or last digit prediction for digit contracts). Contracts less than 24 hours in duration would need a relative barrier (barriers which need +/-), where entry spot would be adjusted accordingly with that amount to define a barrier, except for Synthetic Indices as they support both relative and absolute barriers. Not needed for lookbacks.args.barrier2
String [Optional] Low barrier for the contract (for contracts with two barriers). Contracts less than 24 hours in duration would need a relative barrier (barriers which need +/-), where entry spot would be adjusted accordingly with that amount to define a barrier, except for Synthetic Indices as they support both relative and absolute barriers. Not needed for lookbacks.args.basis
String [Optional] Indicates type of theamount
String Cancellation duration option (only forMULTUP
String The proposed contract typeargs.currency
String This can only be the account-holder's currency (obtained frompayout_currencies
Number [Optional] Epoch value of the expiry time of the contract. Either date_expiry or duration is required.args.date_start
Number [Optional] Indicates epoch value of the starting time of the contract. If left empty, the start time of the contract is now.args.duration
Number [Optional] Duration quantity. Either date_expiry or duration is required.args.duration_unit
String [Optional] Duration unit -s
: seconds,m
: minutes,h
: hours,d
: days,t
: ticks.args.limit_order
Any -args.multiplier
Number [Optional] The multiplier for non-binary options. E.g. lookbacks.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.product_type
String [Optional] The product type.args.proposal
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.selected_tick
Number [Optional] The tick that is predicted to have the highest/lowest value - forTICKHIGH
Number [Optional] 1 - to initiate a realtime stream of prices. Note that tick trades (without a user-defined barrier), digit trades and less than 24 hours at-the-money contracts for the following underlying symbols are not streamed:R_10
(this is because their price is constant).args.symbol
String The short symbol name (obtained fromactive_symbols
Number [Optional] Required only for multi-barrier trading. Defines the epoch value of the trading period start time.
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] Contract ID received from aportfolio
request. If not set, you will receive stream of all open contracts.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.proposal_open_contract
Number Must be1
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional]1
to stream.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number Start date of the reportargs.date_to
Number End date of the reportargs.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.report_type
String Type of report to be sent to client's registered e-mail addressargs.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.request_report
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Date of birth format:yyyy-mm-dd
. Only required for clients with real-money accounts.args.new_password
String New password. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.reset_password
Number Must be1
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.price
Number Minimum price at which to sell the contract, or0
for 'sell at market'.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sell
Number Pass contract_id received from theportfolio
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.price
Number Minimum price at which to sell the contract, or0
for 'sell at market'.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sell_contract_for_multiple_accounts
Number Must be1
String An internal ID used to identify the contract which was originally bought. This is returned from thebuy
Any Authorisation tokens which select the accounts to sell use for the affected accounts.
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] The 2-letter country code.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.referrer
String [Optional] The URL of the web page where the Web SDK will be used.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.server
String Server (dxtrade only).args.service
Any The service(s) to retrieve token(s) for.args.service_token
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.set_account_currency
String Currency of the account. List of supported currencies can be acquired withpayout_currencies
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] The anticipated account turnover.args.binary_options_trading_experience
String [Optional] Binary options trading experience.args.binary_options_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Binary options trading frequency.args.cfd_trading_experience
String [Optional] CFDs trading experience.args.cfd_trading_frequency
String [Optional] CFDs trading frequency.args.education_level
String Level of Education.args.employment_industry
String Industry of Employment.args.employment_status
String [Optional] Employment Status.args.estimated_worth
String Estimated Net Worth.args.forex_trading_experience
String [Optional] Forex trading experience.args.forex_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Forex trading frequency.args.income_source
String Income Source.args.net_income
String Net Annual Income.args.occupation
String Occupation.args.other_instruments_trading_experience
String [Optional] Trading experience in other financial instruments.args.other_instruments_trading_frequency
String [Optional] Trading frequency in other financial instruments.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.set_financial_assessment
Number Must be1
String [Optional] Source of wealth.
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Exclude me from the website (for a minimum of 6 months, up to a maximum of 5 years). Note: uplifting this self-exclusion may require contacting the company.args.max_30day_deposit
Any [Optional] 7-day limit on deposits.args.max_30day_losses
Any [Optional] 30-day limit on losses.args.max_30day_turnover
Any [Optional] 30-day turnover limit.args.max_7day_deposit
Any [Optional] 7-day limit on deposits.args.max_7day_losses
Any [Optional] 7-day limit on losses.args.max_7day_turnover
Any [Optional] 7-day turnover limit.args.max_balance
Any [Optional] Maximum account cash balance.args.max_deposit
Any [Optional] Daily deposit limit.args.max_losses
Any [Optional] Daily limit on losses.args.max_open_bets
Any [Optional] Maximum number of open positions.args.max_turnover
Any [Optional] Daily turnover limit.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.session_duration_limit
Any [Optional] Session duration limit, in minutes.args.set_self_exclusion
Number Must be1
Any [Optional] Exclude me from the website (for up to 6 weeks). Requires time in epoch format. Note: unlikeexclude_until
, this self-exclusion will be lifted automatically at the expiry of the timeout period.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Purpose and reason for requesting the account opening. Only applicable for real money account. Required for clients that have not set it yet. Can only be set once.args.address_city
String [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Required field for real money account.args.address_line_1
String [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Required field for real money account.args.address_line_2
Any [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Optional field for real money account.args.address_postcode
String [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Optional field for real money account.args.address_state
String [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Optional field for real money account.args.allow_copiers
Number [Optional] Boolean value 1 or 0, indicating permission to allow others to follow your trades. Note: not applicable for Virtual account. Only allow for real money account.args.citizen
Any [Optional] Country of legal citizenship, 2-letter country code.args.date_of_birth
String [Optional] Date of birth format: yyyy-mm-dd (can only be changed on unauthenticated svg accounts).args.email_consent
Number [Optional] Boolean value 1 or 0, indicating permission to use email address for any contact which may include marketingargs.feature_flag
Any -args.first_name
String [Optional] Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes (can only be changed on unauthenticated svg accounts).args.last_name
String [Optional] Within 2-50 characters, use only letters, spaces, hyphens, full-stops or apostrophes (can only be changed on unauthenticated svg accounts).args.non_pep_declaration
Number [Optional] Indicates client's self-declaration of not being a PEP/RCA (Politically Exposed Person/Relatives and Close Associates). Effective for real accounts only.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.phone
Any [Optional] Note: not applicable for virtual account. Starting with+
followed by 9-35 digits, hyphens or space.args.place_of_birth
String [Optional] Place of birth, 2-letter country code.args.preferred_language
Any [Optional] User's preferred language, ISO standard language codeargs.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.request_professional_status
Number [Optional] Required when client wants to be treated as professional. Applicable for financial accounts only.args.residence
Any [Optional] 2-letter country code. Note: not applicable for real money account. Only allow for Virtual account without residence set.args.salutation
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list (can only be changed on unauthenticated svg accounts).args.secret_answer
String [Optional] Answer to secret question, within 4-50 characters. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client opens another account.args.secret_question
String [Optional] Accept any value in enum list. Required for new account and existing client details will be used if client opens another account.args.set_settings
Number Must be1
String [Optional] Tax identification number. Only applicable for real money account. Required for maltainvest landing company.args.tax_residence
String [Optional] Residence for tax purpose. Comma separated iso country code if multiple jurisdictions. Only applicable for real money account. Required for maltainvest landing company.
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] To filter the statement according to the type of transaction.args.date_from
Number [Optional] Start date (epoch)args.date_to
Number [Optional] End date (epoch)args.description
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will return full contracts description.args.limit
Number [Optional] Maximum number of transactions to receive.args.offset
Number [Optional] Number of transactions to skip.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.statement
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] If set to 1, will send updates whenever a new tick is received.args.ticks
Any The short symbol name or array of symbols (obtained fromactive_symbols
Object (optional, default{}
Number [Optional] 1 - if the market is closed at the end time, or license limit is before end time, adjust interval backwards to compensate.args.count
Number [Optional] An upper limit on ticks to receive.args.end
String Epoch value representing the latest boundary of the returned ticks. Iflatest
is specified, this will be the latest available timestamp.args.granularity
Number [Optional] Only applicable for style:candles
. Candle time-dimension width setting. (default:60
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.start
Number [Optional] Epoch value representing the earliest boundary of the returned ticks.- For"style": "ticks"
: this will default to 1 day ago.- For
"style": "candles"
: it will default to 1 day ago if count or granularity is undefined.
- For
String [Optional] The tick-output style.args.subscribe
Number [Optional] 1 - to send updates whenever a new tick is received.args.ticks_history
String Short symbol name (obtained from theactive_symbols
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.tnc_approval
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] If specified, will return only the underlyings for the specified landing company.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_durations
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
Object (optional, default{}
Number Amount to deposit (in the currency of from_wallet).args.from_account
String Wallet account to transfer money from.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.to_account
String Trading account login to deposit money to.args.trading_platform_deposit
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String Trading account ID.args.new_password
String New investor password. Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address.args.old_password
String Old investor password for validation (non-empty string, accepts any printable ASCII character)args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_platform_investor_password_change
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String Trading account ID.args.new_password
String New password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_platform_investor_password_reset
Number Must be1
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
String Account type.args.currency
String [Optional] Trading account currency, the default value will be the qualified account currency.args.dry_run
Number [Optional] If set to 1, only validation is performed.args.market_type
String Market typeargs.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.password
String The master password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address). This field is required.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.sub_account_type
String [Optional] Sub account type.args.trading_platform_new_account
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String New trading password. Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address.args.old_password
String Old password for validation. Must be empty if a password has not been set yet.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_platform_password_change
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String New password of the account. For validation (Accepts any printable ASCII character. Must be within 8-25 characters, and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Must not be the same as the user's email address).args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_platform_password_reset
Number Must be1
String Email verification code (received from averify_email
call, which must be done first)
Object (optional, default{}
Number Amount to withdraw (in the currency of the Trading account).args.from_account
String Trading account login to withdraw money from.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String Name of trading platform.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.to_account
String Wallet account loginid to transfer money to.args.trading_platform_withdrawal
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] Trading account type.args.environment
String [Optional] Pass the environment (installation) instance. Currently, there are one demo and two real environments. Defaults to 'all'.args.market_type
String [Optional] Market type.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.platform
String [Optional] Pass the trading platform name, default to mt5args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_servers
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.trading_times
String Date to receive market opening times for. (yyyy-mm-dd
can also be specified).
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number If set to 1, will send updates whenever there is an update to transactions. If not to 1 then it will not return any records.args.transaction
Number Must be1
Object (optional, default{}
String [Optional] The loginid of the account to transfer funds from.args.account_to
String [Optional] The loginid of the account to transfer funds to.args.accounts
String [Optional] To control the list of accounts returned whenaccount_from
is not provided.brief
(default value) means that accounts withmt5
account_type will be excluded; it will run faster.all
means that all accounts with any account_type (includingmt5
) will be returned.args.amount
Number [Optional] The amount to transfer.args.currency
String [Optional] Currency code.args.passthrough
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.transfer_between_accounts
Number Ifaccount_from
is not provided, it just returns the available accounts.
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.type
String Purpose of the email verification call.args.url_parameters
Any -args.verify_email
String Email address to be verified.
Object (optional, default{}
Any [Optional] Used to pass data through the websocket, which may be retrieved via theecho_req
output field.args.req_id
Number [Optional] Used to map request to response.args.subscribe
Number [Optional]1
to stream the server/website status updates.args.website_status
Number Must be1
An in memory storage which can be used for caching
Type: Object
An abstract class for immutable objects
Object A list of properties to add for the immutable object (optional, default{}
Override to initialize an immutable object asynchronously
Type: Object
Type: Object
Boolean Is end time available for the contract (hardcoded X) )contract_types
Extends Immutable
An abstract class for stream objects
Listen on updates of a stream
const tick_stream = api.tickStream('R_100');
Returns Observable