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Using Helm

Installing helm

Install helm (not required for azure shell) on your own machine:

We are using Helm 3 - if you have helm2 installed please check the version before and upgrade to helm3.

Find and install helm charts from

Create your own helm chart

  1. Create helm chart manually and modify accordingly
helm create dummychart
  1. Validate template
helm lint ./dummychart
  1. Perform a dry run of an installation
helm upgrade dummyInstanceName ./dummychart --install --dry-run --debug

add helm stable repo to your helm instance

helm repo add stable

Check the output

Package your own helm chart

Create a tar from my helm chart

helm package dummychart --version 1.0.0 --app-version 1.0.12

List the azure container registry and configure it

ACR_NAME=$( az acr list --query "[].{Name:name}" -o tsv )
az configure --defaults acr=$ACR_NAME
az acr helm repo add

Push your local helm chart to your acr

az acr helm push dummychart-1.0.0.tgz --force

helm search

az acr helm list -o table

Deploy the existing multicalculator

  1. Dry run the chart and override parameters
cd /phoenix/charts
kubectl create ns $APP_NS
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --dry-run --debug

You should see the dry run yaml output that would have been sent to Kubernetes

  1. Now install the helm chart for real
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install
  1. verify
helm list -n $APP_NS
helm get values $APP_IN $APP_IN
  1. Change config and perform an upgrade (change the backend image to to the go version and/or add application insights)
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --set replicaCount=4  --set dependencies.useAppInsights=false --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true --set service.type=LoadBalancer 
  1. Change config and perform an upgrade (add application insights to your app)

helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install  --set replicaCount=4  --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true
  1. Check the values
helm get values $APP_IN $APP_IN

Examine the side car redis cache container and the performance impact.

Add azure redis cache to your calculator

  1. The performance might be better if you use an azure redis cache. Create a redis cache
az redis create --location $LOCATION --name myownredis --resource-group $KUBE_GROUP --sku Basic --enable-non-ssl-port
  1. If you have a redis secret you can turn on the redis cache
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install  --set replicaCount=4  --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true
--set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH
  1. You can introduce faults, delays and errors in the backend by using the following config:
helm upgrade $APP_IN multicalculator --install --set backendReplicaCount=3 --set frontendReplicaCount=3 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH --set introduceRandomResponseLag=false --set introduceRandomResponseLagValue=0 --namespace $APP_NS

helm upgrade $APP_IN multicalculator --install --set backendReplicaCount=3 --set frontendReplicaCount=3 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH --set introduceRandomResponseLag=true --set introduceRandomResponseLagValue=3 --namespace $APP_NS --dry-run --debug

Rollout history and rollbacks

  1. See rollout history
helm history $APP_IN -n $APP_NS
helm rollback $APP_IN 2 -n $APP_NS
  1. Cleanup
helm delete $APP_IN -n $APP_NS