Install helm (not required for azure shell) on your own machine:
We are using Helm 3 - if you have helm2 installed please check the version before and upgrade to helm3.
Find and install helm charts from
- Create helm chart manually and modify accordingly
helm create dummychart
- Validate template
helm lint ./dummychart
- Perform a dry run of an installation
helm upgrade dummyInstanceName ./dummychart --install --dry-run --debug
add helm stable repo to your helm instance
helm repo add stable
Check the output
Create a tar from my helm chart
helm package dummychart --version 1.0.0 --app-version 1.0.12
List the azure container registry and configure it
ACR_NAME=$( az acr list --query "[].{Name:name}" -o tsv )
az configure --defaults acr=$ACR_NAME
az acr helm repo add
Push your local helm chart to your acr
az acr helm push dummychart-1.0.0.tgz --force
helm search
az acr helm list -o table
- Dry run the chart and override parameters
cd /phoenix/charts
kubectl create ns $APP_NS
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --dry-run --debug
You should see the dry run yaml output that would have been sent to Kubernetes
- Now install the helm chart for real
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install
- verify
helm list -n $APP_NS
helm get values $APP_IN $APP_IN
- Change config and perform an upgrade (change the backend image to to the go version and/or add application insights)
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --set replicaCount=4 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=false --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true --set service.type=LoadBalancer
- Change config and perform an upgrade (add application insights to your app)
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --set replicaCount=4 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true
- Check the values
helm get values $APP_IN $APP_IN
Examine the side car redis cache container and the performance impact.
- The performance might be better if you use an azure redis cache. Create a redis cache
az redis create --location $LOCATION --name myownredis --resource-group $KUBE_GROUP --sku Basic --enable-non-ssl-port
- If you have a redis secret you can turn on the redis cache
helm upgrade $APP_IN ./multicalculator --namespace $APP_NS --install --set replicaCount=4 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.usePodRedis=true
--set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH
- You can introduce faults, delays and errors in the backend by using the following config:
helm upgrade $APP_IN multicalculator --install --set backendReplicaCount=3 --set frontendReplicaCount=3 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH --set introduceRandomResponseLag=false --set introduceRandomResponseLagValue=0 --namespace $APP_NS
helm upgrade $APP_IN multicalculator --install --set backendReplicaCount=3 --set frontendReplicaCount=3 --set dependencies.useAppInsights=true --set dependencies.appInsightsSecretValue=$APPINSIGHTS_KEY --set dependencies.useAzureRedis=true --set dependencies.redisHostValue=$REDIS_HOST --set dependencies.redisKeyValue=$REDIS_AUTH --set introduceRandomResponseLag=true --set introduceRandomResponseLagValue=3 --namespace $APP_NS --dry-run --debug
- See rollout history
helm history $APP_IN -n $APP_NS
helm rollback $APP_IN 2 -n $APP_NS
- Cleanup
helm delete $APP_IN -n $APP_NS