diff --git a/week_2_workflow_orchestration/homework/2023/homework.md b/week_2_workflow_orchestration/homework/2023/homework.md index 27af194..bed0521 100644 --- a/week_2_workflow_orchestration/homework/2023/homework.md +++ b/week_2_workflow_orchestration/homework/2023/homework.md @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Alternatively, use a Prefect Cloud Automation or a self-hosted Orion server Noti Join my temporary Slack workspace with [this link](https://join.slack.com/t/temp-notify/shared_invite/zt-1odklt4wh-hH~b89HN8MjMrPGEaOlxIw). 400 people can use this link and it expires in 90 days. -In the Prefect Cloud UI create an [Automation](https://docs.prefect.io/ui/automations) or in the Prefect Orion UI create a [Notification](https://docs.prefect.io/ui/notifications/) to send a Slack message when a flow run enters a Completed state. Here is the Webhook URL to use: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 +In the Prefect Cloud UI create an [Automation](https://docs.prefect.io/ui/automations) or in the Prefect Orion UI create a [Notification](https://docs.prefect.io/ui/notifications/) to send a Slack message when a flow run enters a Completed state. Here is the Webhook URL to use: s Test the functionality.