- Download the app source code, by cloning Git Repo
> mkdir DotNet-Core-SteelToe-Workshop
> cd DotNet-Core-SteelToe-Workshop
> git clone https://github.com/ddieruf/dotnet-core-fortuneteller
> cd dotnet-core-fortuneteller
- Open the source code directory /DotNet-Core-SteelToe-Workshop/FortuneTeller in your perferred IDE (all examples will use VS Code)
- Data storage - Notice in the services app /Services/Startup.cs, a data context of "InMemory" is created. This will (initially) be used to store the Fortunes.
2. Entity framework - The services app is utilizing EntityFrameworkCore /Services/models/Fortune.cs, with a single entity of Fortune.
3. Microservice endpoints - The services app has 6 endpoints /Services/Controllers/FortuneController.cs: GET /fortunes, GET /random, GET /{fortuneId}, POST fortune, PUT /{fortuneId}, DELETE /{fortuneId}
- To push the app to PCF, a configuration must be provided. The overall project has a /manifest.yml file with all needed values. Note there are two apps included in the manifest. We wil focus on the second, services app. [The app name to be used by PCF]
name: fortune-teller-services
[The url prefix to execute the microservice endpoints]
host: fortuneTellerService
[The number of instances]
instances: 1
[The amount of memory allocated to the app]
memory: 256M
[The amount of disk storage allocated to the app]
disk_quota: 512M
- Within the same manifest.yml, replace BOTH with your student information:
host: fortuneTeller_<STUDENT_X>
host: fortuneTellerService_<STUDENT_X>
**Remember to change host value for each app. A requirement of PCF is, no 2 apps can have the same host name.
- Save the file
- Edit the file /Www/js/constants.js, change the ApiUrl constant value to match the host name:
.constant('ApiUrl', 'https://fortuneTellerService_<STUDENT-X>.apps.xxxxx.xxx/')
- Save the file
- Open a Terminal (or command prompt) and navigate to the app directory.
> cd ~/DotNet-Core-SteelToe-Workshop/FortuneTeller
- Confirm the API target is set
> cf target
Org: Vantage
Space: <STUDENT-X>
- Push the app
> cf push
- The cf cli will provide feedback about each step it takes to create the App Container and deploy.
- Once successfully pushed, in AppManager click the 'student-x' space in the left box.
- Notice there are two apps running! Yeah!
- The column labeled 'Route' will offer a link to execute the app. Click the route for the 'fortune-teller-www' app.
- A new tab will be created, loading the FortuneTeller app web site.
- Horray! The app is running!
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