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Releases: dbt-labs/dbt-external-tables

dbt-external-tables 0.6.2

28 Jan 19:42
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This is a patch release that adds support for dbt v0.19.0, with backwards compatibility for v0.18.x.


  • Use response (v0.19) or status (v0.18) for CLI logging (#64)
  • Quote columns with quote: true on Snowflake (#67)

Quality of life

  • Print log line if no external sources are selected by --args '{"select": "..."}' (#68)

dbt-external-tables 0.6.1

06 Jan 11:25
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This is a patch release that fixes a bug in new behavior (Synapse / Azure DW support) introduced in v0.6.0.


  • Synapse / Azure SQL: Define all columns as nullable by default, unless a column has a not_null test defined (#61)


  • @swanderz (#61)

dbt-external-tables 0.6.0

03 Dec 19:54
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This is a significant release with no known breaking changes.


  • Added support for BigQuery (#49), Spark (#51), Synapse (#44), and Azure SQL (#60)


  • Generating Redshift partition paths with 3+ partition columns

Quality of life

  • Reorganized package (#57)
  • Added integration tests (#46)


Thanks to those who submitted code changes for this package:

And to everyone else who proposed, tested, or otherwise quality-checked the changes in this release: thank you!

dbt-external-tables 0.5.0

04 Sep 20:33
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🚨 Breaking change — this package now requires dbt v0.18.0

Quality of life:

  • Use 0.18.0 functionality, in particular the adapter.dispatch macro (#40)

dbt-external-tables 0.4.0

31 Jul 18:36
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🚨 There is a breaking change in this release — the lower bound of dbt-utils is now 0.4.0.

This won't affect most users, since a version of dbt-utils in this range is required to achieve 0.17.0 compatibility.

Quality of life:

  • Change dbt-utils dependencies to [>=0.4.0, <0.6.0] (#37)

dbt-external-tables 0.3.2

29 Jul 16:33
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  • Enable use of stage_external_sources as a hook (i.e. on-run-start) as well as an operation (#35)


  • Enable staging external tables on Snowflake with no columns specified (#36)

dbt-external-tables 0.3.1

07 Jul 19:31
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  • Wrap the aws_sns_topic argument in single quotes for snowpipes (#31). This reflects initial intended behavior, since Snowflake requires quoting.

Quality of life

  • Fixes and updates to sample data to reflect underlying changes (#29, #30).


dbt-external-tables 0.3.0

10 Jun 19:00
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This is a minor release that updates to config-version: 2 of dbt_project.yml.

Breaking changes

  • Requires dbt >= v0.17.0
  • Access source information from new graph.sources object, instead of graph.nodes

dbt-external-tables 0.2.0

07 May 20:10
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This is a minor release that significantly changes the behavior of the stage_external_sources macro to improve its flexibility and performance. Several of the features described below reflect breaking changes compared with the 0.1.x versions of this package.


  • On Snowflake, add support for staging external sources via snowpipes.
    • If external.snowpipe is configured, the stage_external_sources macro will create an empty table with all specified columns plus metadata fields, run a full historical backfill via copy statement, and finally create a pipe that wraps the same copy statement.
    • If no columns are specified, the pipe will instead pull all data into a single variant column. (This behavior does not work for CSV files.)
  • During standard runs, the stage_external_sources macro will attempt to "partially refresh" external assets. It will not drop, replace, or change any existing external tables or pipe targets. To fully rebuild all external assets, supply the CLI variable ext_full_refresh: true.
  • The stage_external_sources macro now accepts a select argument to stage only specific nodes, using similar syntax to dbt source snapshot-freshness.

Breaking changes

  • Properties of the external source config which previously accepted string or boolean values, such as auto_refresh, now expect boolean values in order for the refresh_external_table to infer whether it should be refreshed or ignored during partial refresh runs.
  • The refresh_external_table macro now returns a Jinja list [] instead of a string.

Quality of life

  • Improved info logging of the DDL/DML that the stage_external_sources macro is running. This is intended to provide more visibility into multistep operations, such as staging snowpipes.
  • Add sample analysis that, when copied to the root project's analysis folder, will print out a "dry run" version of all the SQL which stage_external_sources would run as an operation.
  • Add GitHub templates and codeowner

dbt-external-tables 0.1.3

01 Apr 21:22
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  • stage_external_sources macro logs the source it is staging as {schema}.{identifier} (#17)