diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DateTimeParserConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DateTimeParserConfig.scala index e1f89ac10b..9b3a0096ef 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DateTimeParserConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DateTimeParserConfig.scala @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ object DateTimeParserConfig "ga" -> Map("eanáir"->1,"feabhra"->2,"marta"->3,"aibreán"->4,"bealtaine"->5,"meitheamh"->6,"iúil"->7,"lúnasa"->8,"meán fómhair"->9,"deireadh fómhair"->10,"samhain"->11,"nollaig"->12), "gl" -> Map("xaneiro"->1,"febreiro"->2,"marzo"->3,"abril"->4,"maio"->5,"xuño"->6,"xullo"->7,"agosto"->8,"setembro"->9,"outubro"->10,"novembro"->11,"decembro"->12, "xan"->1,"feb"->2,"mar"->3,"abr"->4,"mai"->5,"xuñ"->6,"xul"->7,"ago"->8,"set"->9,"out"->10,"nov"->11,"dec"->12), + "hi" -> Map("जनवरी"->1, "फरवरी"->2, "मार्च"->3, "अप्रैल"->4, "मई"->5, "जून"->6, "जुलाई"->7, "अगस्त"->8, "सितम्बर"->9, "अक्टूबर"->10, "नवंबर"->11, "दिसंबर"->12) "hr" -> Map("siječanj"->1,"veljača"->2,"ožujak"->3,"travanj"->4,"svibanj"->5,"lipanj"->6,"srpanj"->7,"kolovoz"->8,"rujan"->9,"listopad"->10,"studeni"->11,"prosinac"->12), "id" -> Map("januari"->1,"februari"->2,"maret"->3,"april"->4,"mei"->5,"juni"->6,"juli"->7,"agustus"->8,"september"->9,"oktober"->10,"november"->11,"desember"->12), "it" -> Map("gennaio"->1,"febbraio"->2,"marzo"->3,"aprile"->4,"maggio"->5,"giugno"->6,"luglio"->7,"agosto"->8,"settembre"->9,"ottobre"->10,"novembre"->11,"dicembre"->12), @@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ object DateTimeParserConfig "fr" -> Map("av\\. J\\.-C\\."-> -1, "ap\\. J\\.-C\\." -> 1), "ga" -> Map("B\\.C\\." -> -1, "R\\.C\\." -> -1, "r\\. Chr\\." -> -1, "BC" -> -1, "RC" -> -1, "A\\.D\\." -> 1, "AD" -> 1, "I\\.C\\." -> 1, "IC" -> 1), "gl" -> Map("AC"-> -1, "A\\.C\\."-> -1, "DC"-> 1, "D\\.C\\."-> 1, "aC"-> -1, "a\\.C\\."-> -1, "dC"-> 1, "d\\.C\\."-> 1, "AEC"-> -1, "A\\.E\\.C\\."-> -1 , "EC"-> 1, "E\\.C\\."-> 1), + "hi" -> Map("ई\\.पू\\." -> -1, "BC" -> -1, "ई॰" -> 1, "CE"-> 1, "AD"-> 1, "AC"-> -1), "it" -> Map("AC"-> -1, "A\\.C\\."-> -1, "DC"-> 1, "D\\.C\\."-> 1, "AD"-> 1, "A\\.D\\."-> 1, "PEV"-> -1, "P\\.E\\.V\\."-> -1, "EV"-> 1, "E\\.V\\." -> 1), "ja" -> Map("前"-> -1, "B\\.C\\."-> -1, "西暦"-> 1), "nl" -> Map("v\\.Chr\\." -> -1, "n\\.C\\."-> 1, "v\\.C\\." -> -1, "n\\.Chr\\."-> 1, "voor Chr\\." -> -1, "na Chr\\."-> 1), @@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ object DateTimeParserConfig "fr" -> "er|nd|ème", "ga" -> "ú", "gl" -> "°|\\.°|°\\.|ª|\\.ª|ª\\.|º|\\.º|º\\.", + "hi" -> "वॉ" "it" -> "°|\\.°|°\\.", "nl" -> "ste|de|e", "pt" -> "°|\\.°|°\\.", diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DurationParserConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DurationParserConfig.scala index f91458058c..198bf6302d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DurationParserConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/dataparser/DurationParserConfig.scala @@ -328,6 +328,19 @@ object DurationParserConfig "año" -> "year", "años" -> "year" ), + "hi" -> Map( + "सेकेंड" -> "second", + "सेकेण्ड" -> "second", + "s" -> "second", + "\"" -> "second", + "मिनट" -> "minute", + "\’" -> "minute", + "m" -> "minute", + "घंटा" -> "hour", + "दिन" -> "day", + "महीना" -> "month", + "वर्ष" -> "year", + ), "it" -> Map( "secondo" -> "second", "secondi" -> "second", diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DateIntervalMappingConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DateIntervalMappingConfig.scala index 68a17c9409..fa8e251762 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DateIntervalMappingConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DateIntervalMappingConfig.scala @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ object DateIntervalMappingConfig "eu" -> Set("gaur egun", "gaur egun arte", "egun"), "fr" -> Set("aujourd'hui", "en cours"), "ga" -> Set("inniu"), + "hi" -> Set("अबतक"), "hr" -> Set("danas"), "hu" -> Set("napjainkig"), "id" -> Set("sekarang"), diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DisambiguationExtractorConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DisambiguationExtractorConfig.scala index 28328f6383..e2e7f44c7c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DisambiguationExtractorConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/DisambiguationExtractorConfig.scala @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ object DisambiguationExtractorConfig "ga" -> " (idirdhealáin)", "gl" -> " (homónimos)", "he" -> " (פירושונים)", + "hi" -> " (बहुविकल्पी)", // eg. https://hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/आयरलैण्ड_(बहुविकल्पी) "hu" -> " (egyértelműsítő lap)", "id" -> " (disambig)", "it" -> " (disambigua)", diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/HomepageExtractorConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/HomepageExtractorConfig.scala index e221e69af5..dfdd00d6b0 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/HomepageExtractorConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/HomepageExtractorConfig.scala @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ object HomepageExtractorConfig "eu" -> Set("webgunea"), "fr" -> Set("website", "homepage", "web", "site", "siteweb", "site web"),/*cleanup*/ "ga" -> Set("suíomh"), + "hi" -> Set("वेबसाइट"), "it" -> Set("homepage", "sito", "sito web"), "ja" -> Set("homepage", "website", "web", "siteweb", "HP", "ホームページ", "ウェブ", "サイト", "ウェブサイト", "公式サイト"), "mk" -> Set("Портал", "Мреж. место"), @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ object HomepageExtractorConfig "eu" -> "Kanpo loturak?", "fr" -> "(?:Lien externe|Liens externes|Liens et documents externes)", "ga" -> "(?:Naisc sheachtracha|Nasc sheachtrach)", + "hi" -> "बाहरी कड़ियाँ", "it" -> "Collegamenti esterni", "ja" -> "外部リンク", "mk" -> "Надворешни врски", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ object HomepageExtractorConfig "eu" -> "ofiziala?", "fr" -> "officiel", "ga" -> "oifigiúil", + "hi" -> "आधिकारिक", "it" -> "ufficiale", "ja" -> "(?:公式|オフィシャル)", "mk" -> "официјален", @@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ object HomepageExtractorConfig "es" -> Map("Página_web" -> "1"), "fr" -> Map("Site_officiel" -> "url"), "ga" -> Map("Páxina_web" -> "1"), + "hi" -> Map("आधिकारिक वेबसाइट" -> "1"), "ja" -> Map("Official website" -> "1"), "pt" -> Map("Oficial" -> "1"), "ru" -> Map("Официальный сайт" -> "1"), diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/ImageExtractorConfig.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/ImageExtractorConfig.scala index 37270d687b..47e1226aa9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/ImageExtractorConfig.scala +++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/config/mappings/ImageExtractorConfig.scala @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ object ImageExtractorConfig "eu" -> """(?i)\{\{\s?(Cc-by-nc-sa-2.5|Wikimedia_logoa|Copyrightdun_logoa|Lizentzia_gabea|Album_azala|Aldizkari_azala|Fair_use|Bideo-zinta_azala|Dirua|DVD_azala|Egunkari_azala|Film_pantaila_irudia|Film_posterra|HQFL_logotipoa|Ikonoa|Ikurra|Irrati_logotipoa|Jatetxe_logotipoa|Joku_azala|Joku_pantaila_irudia|Kirol_logotipoa|Komiki_azala|Liburu_azala|Logotipoa|Mahai-joku_azala|Olinpiada_logotipoa|Politika_posterra|Propaganda|Software_azala|Software_pantaila_irudia|Zigilua|TB_pantaila_irudia|Web_pantaila_irudia)\s?\}\}""".r, "fr" -> """(?iu)\{\{\s?(Copyright by Wikimedia|Copyvio|Logo|Screenshot|Ordnance Survey Copyright|Fairuse|Noncommercial|PolandGov|nonderivative|NZCrownCopyright|PD-IndiaGov|ADRM2|Marque déposée)\s?\}\}""".r, "gl" -> """(?iu)\{\{\s?(non-free|Copyright by Wikimedia|Copyvio|Logo|Screenshot|PD-CAGov|Fairuse|Noncommercial|Nonderivative|NZCrownCopyright|PolandGov|PD-IndiaGov|ADRM2)\s?\}\}""".r, + "hi" -> """(?i)\{\{\s?non-free""".r, "id" -> """(?i)\{\{\s?(non-free|Fairuse|Logo|LogoOlahraga|LogoTV|FotoHistoris|GambarKarakter|Promophoto|Smithsonian|TampilanFilm|TampilanVideo|TampilanSitus|TampilanPermainan|GambarUang|GambarPerangko|SampulVideo|SampulPermainan|SampulAlbum|SampulBuku|Poster|GambarBerhakTayangBersyarat)\s?\}\}""".r, "it" -> """(?iu)\{\{\s?(Sconosciuto|Riservato|NonCommerciale|Unknown|Noncommercial|Nonderivative|Copyrighted|Screenshot|Ordinance Survey Copyright|Fairuse|Cc-nc|cc-by-nc|cc-by-nc-2.0|cc-nc-sa|cc-by-nc-sa|Cc-by-nc-sa-1.0|cc-by-nc-sa-2.0|cc-nd-nc|cc-by-nd-nc|cc-by-nd-nc-2.0|cc-nd|cc-by-nd|cc-by-nd-2.0|TW-cc-by-nc-nd-2.0|TW-cc-by-nc-sa-2.0|Copyright by Wikimedia|CopyrightbyWikimedia)\s?\}\}""".r, "ja" -> """(?iu)\{\{\s?(Copyright by Wikimedia|Copyvio|Logo|Screenshot|PD-CAGov|Fair use|Noncommercial|PolandGov|Nonderivative|NZCrownCopyright|PD-IndiaGov|ADRM2|RomanianGovernmentCopyright|FrenchMinistryOfForeignAffairs|IRFCA|Members of the Riksdag|Attribution-Ubisoft)\s?\}\}""".r, diff --git a/dump/extraction.default.properties b/dump/extraction.default.properties index c38cb7dc1a..ca80ec95c2 100644 --- a/dump/extraction.default.properties +++ b/dump/extraction.default.properties @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ extractors.ga=.MappingExtractor,.HomepageExtractor extractors.gl=.MappingExtractor -extractors.hi=.MappingExtractor +extractors.hi=.MappingExtractor,.HomepageExtractor,.DisambiguationExtractor,.TopicalConceptsExtractor,.ImageExtractorNew,.AnchorTextExtractor,.CommonsResourceExtractor extractors.hr=.MappingExtractor diff --git a/dump/extraction.spark.properties b/dump/extraction.spark.properties index 97bb90bdb1..0ba15471d1 100644 --- a/dump/extraction.spark.properties +++ b/dump/extraction.spark.properties @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ extractors.ga=.HomepageExtractor extractors.gl= -extractors.hi= +extractors.hi=.HomepageExtractor,.DisambiguationExtractor,.TopicalConceptsExtractor,.AnchorTextExtractor,.CommonsResourceExtractor extractors.hr= diff --git a/mappings/Mapping_hi.xml b/mappings/Mapping_hi.xml index 73678c68bd..0691c83b93 100644 --- a/mappings/Mapping_hi.xml +++ b/mappings/Mapping_hi.xml @@ -1,37 +1,39 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><mediawiki xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.8/"><page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक क्रिकेट टीम</title><ns>230</ns><id>11829</id><revision><id>52037</id><timestamp>2017-05-01T07:02:11Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><mediawiki xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.8/"> + <page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक क्रिकेट टीम</title><ns>230</ns><id>11829</id><revision><id>52037</id><timestamp>2017-05-01T07:02:11Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CricketTeam | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = county | ontologyProperty = county }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ground | ontologyProperty = ground }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = captain | ontologyProperty = captain }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = captain | ontologyProperty = captain }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = founded | ontologyProperty = formationDate }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = coach | ontologyProperty = coach }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title1 | ontologyProperty = title }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title1wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title1wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = capacity | ontologyProperty = capacity }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = colors | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = colors | ontologyProperty = }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title2 | ontologyProperty = title }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title2wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutvenue | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title2wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutvenue | ontologyProperty = }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title3 | ontologyProperty = title }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title3wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutyr | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutvs | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title3wins | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutyr | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fcdebutvs | ontologyProperty = }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner | ontologyProperty = owner }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = oneday | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = overseas | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = overseas | ontologyProperty = }} --> {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city | ontologyProperty = city }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = manager | ontologyProperty = manager }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ceo | ontologyProperty = ceo }} - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = bowlingcoach | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = secondteam | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fieldingcoach | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = adviser | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = odcaptain | ontologyProperty = }} --> - <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = bowlingcoach | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = secondteam | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fieldingcoach | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = adviser | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = odcaptain | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = }} --> -}}</text></revision></page><page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक पुस्तक</title><ns>230</ns><id>12160</id><revision><id>53150</id><timestamp>2018-05-22T10:13:53Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping + }}</text></revision></page> + <page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक पुस्तक</title><ns>230</ns><id>12160</id><revision><id>53150</id><timestamp>2018-05-22T10:13:53Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Book | mappings = {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} @@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = congress | ontologyProperty = lcc}} {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded_by | ontologyProperty = previousWork }} {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = followed_by | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }} -}}</text></revision></page><page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक फ़िल्म</title><ns>230</ns><id>11765</id><revision><id>51781</id><timestamp>2016-12-20T13:42:16Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Film + }}</text></revision></page> + <page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक फ़िल्म</title><ns>230</ns><id>11765</id><revision><id>51781</id><timestamp>2016-12-20T13:42:16Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Film | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = starring | ontologyProperty = starring }} @@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = imdb_rating | ontologyProperty = }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mpaa_rating | ontologyProperty = }} ---></text></revision></page><page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक भारत के क्षेत्र</title><ns>230</ns><id>11764</id><revision><id>51796</id><timestamp>2017-01-03T18:23:25Z</timestamp><text>{{ConditionalMapping + --></text></revision></page> + <page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक भारत के क्षेत्र</title><ns>230</ns><id>11764</id><revision><id>51796</id><timestamp>2017-01-03T18:23:25Z</timestamp><text>{{ConditionalMapping | cases = {{Condition @@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ | mapToClass = metropolitan }} }} ---> +--> {{Condition | operator = otherwise @@ -499,32 +503,2954 @@ {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ऊँचाई_फुट | ontologyProperty = }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जनगणना_नगर | ontologyProperty = }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = शासन केन्द्र | ontologyProperty = }} ---></text></revision></page><page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक व्यक्ति</title><ns>230</ns><id>12161</id><revision><id>53151</id><timestamp>2018-05-22T10:15:57Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Film | mappings = -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = director | ontologyProperty = director }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = producer | ontologyProperty = producer }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = writer | ontologyProperty = writer }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = story | ontologyProperty = writer }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = narrator | ontologyProperty = narrator }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = starring | ontologyProperty = starring }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = music | ontologyProperty = musicComposer }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cinematography | ontologyProperty = cinematography }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = editing | ontologyProperty = editing }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = distributor | ontologyProperty = distributor }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = निवास| ontologyProperty = country }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = budget | ontologyProperty = budget | unit = Currency }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = पुरस्कार| ontologyProperty = gross | unit = Currency }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = amg_id | ontologyProperty = amgid }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = imdb_id | ontologyProperty = imdbId }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = नाम | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} - -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = released | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runtime | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = Time }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = शीर्षक | ontologyProperty = writer }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = based on | ontologyProperty = basedOn }} + --></text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox person</title><ns>230</ns><id>193</id><revision><id>26071</id><timestamp>2013-06-14T15:39:49Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Person +| mappings = +<!-- basic parameter --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthdate | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthYear }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthplace | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathdate | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathYear }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathplace | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = stateOfOrigin}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = othername | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known_for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | correspondingProperty = occupation + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + }} +<!-- end of basic parameters --> + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = restingPlacePosition | coordinates = resting_place_coordinates }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear| endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear| endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | correspondingProperty = personFunction + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = term | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = term | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = body_discovered | ontologyProperty = bodyDiscovered }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = resting_place | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnicity | ontologyProperty = ethnicity }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = citizenship | ontologyProperty = citizenship }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = employer | ontologyProperty = employer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = home_town | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = salary | ontologyProperty = salary | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = networth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = net_worth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = net worth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = height | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = weight | ontologyProperty = weight | unit = Mass }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponents | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = boards | ontologyProperty = board }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relations | ontologyProperty = relation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = callsign | ontologyProperty = callSign }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relative }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pseudonym | ontologyProperty = pseudonym }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = homepage | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक व्यक्ति</title><ns>230</ns><id>193</id><revision><id>26071</id><timestamp>2013-06-14T15:39:49Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Person +| mappings = +<!-- basic parameter --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthdate | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthYear }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthplace | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathdate | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathYear }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathplace | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = salary | ontologyProperty = salary }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = stateOfOrigin}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = othername | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known_for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | correspondingProperty = occupation + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + }} +<!-- end of basic parameters --> + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = restingPlacePosition | coordinates = resting_place_coordinates }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = years_active | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear| endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = yearsactive | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear| endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | correspondingProperty = personFunction + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = term | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndDate}} + {{DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = term | startDateOntologyProperty = functionStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = functionEndYear}} + }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = body_discovered | ontologyProperty = bodyDiscovered }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = resting_place | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnicity | ontologyProperty = ethnicity }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = citizenship | ontologyProperty = citizenship }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = employer | ontologyProperty = employer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = home_town | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = networth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = net_worth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = net worth | ontologyProperty = networth | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = height | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = weight | ontologyProperty = weight | unit = Mass }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponents | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = boards | ontologyProperty = board }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relations | ontologyProperty = relation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = callsign | ontologyProperty = callSign }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relative }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pseudonym | ontologyProperty = pseudonym }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = homepage | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक किताब</title><ns>230</ns><id>1696</id><revision><id>54921</id><timestamp>2021-09-06T14:32:42Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Book +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मुखपृष्ठ_शीर्षक | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = translator | ontologyProperty = translator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = रचयिता | ontologyProperty = author }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = illustrator | ontologyProperty = illustrator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cover_artist | ontologyProperty = coverArtist }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = देश | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = भाषा | ontologyProperty = language }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = series | ontologyProperty = series }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = विषय | ontologyProperty = nonFictionSubject }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = literaryGenre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = release_date | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + <!-- use dc:publisher instead --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रकाशक | ontologyProperty = dc:publisher }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रकाशक | ontologyProperty = publisher }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रकाशन_तिथि | ontologyProperty = publicationDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = english_pub_date | ontologyProperty = publicationDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मिडिया_प्रकार | ontologyProperty = mediaType }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = पृष्ठ | ontologyProperty = numberOfPages }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = isbn | ontologyProperty = isbn }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = oclc | ontologyProperty = oclc }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = dewey | ontologyProperty = dcc }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = congress | ontologyProperty = lcc}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded_by | ontologyProperty = previousWork }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = followed_by | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox Prepared Food</title><ns>230</ns><id>3934</id><revision><id>48770</id><timestamp>2015-08-13T10:20:59Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Food +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} <!-- TODO: name_lang --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alternate name | ontologyProperty = alias }} + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} <!-- origin --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = region | ontologyProperty = region }} <!-- origin --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = creator | ontologyProperty = creatorOfDish }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other | ontologyProperty = notes }} + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = course | ontologyProperty = type }} <!-- object --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = course | ontologyProperty = dc:type }} <!-- literal --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = type }} <!-- TODO: object or literal? --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = picture }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = main_ingredient | ontologyProperty = ingredient }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = main_ingredient | ontologyProperty = ingredientName }} + <!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minor_ingredient | ontologyProperty = ingredient }} : main_ingredient already includes several. Need to investigate minors --> + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = similar_dish | ontologyProperty = related }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = variations | ontologyProperty = hasVariant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cookbook | ontologyProperty = isPartOf }} + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = served | ontologyProperty = servingTemperature }} <!-- TODO and other details, eg Fries "Hot ... with vinegar and mayo sauce" --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = calories | ontologyProperty = approximateCalories | unit = Energy }} +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:IMDb name</title><ns>230</ns><id>3934</id><revision><id>48770</id><timestamp>2015-08-13T10:20:59Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = TelevisionShow +| mappings = +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = imdb_id | ontologyProperty = imdbId }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक कम्पनी</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ ConditionalMapping +| cases = + {{Condition + | templateProperty = industry + | operator = contains + | value = banking + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0 + | mapToClass = Bank + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = industry + | operator = contains + | value = financial + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0 + | mapToClass = Bank + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | operator = otherwise + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0 + | mapToClass = Company + }} + }} + +| defaultMappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = trading_name | ontologyProperty = tradingName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = originalName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = type }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fate | ontologyProperty = fate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessors | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successors | ontologyProperty = successor }} + <!-- mapped foundation into three different ontologyProperties --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = foundation | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = foundation | ontologyProperty = foundingYear }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = founder | ontologyProperty = foundedBy }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = defunct | ontologyProperty = dissolutionDate }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = locations | ontologyProperty = numberOfLocations }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_locations | ontologyProperty = numberOfLocations }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_served | ontologyProperty = regionServed }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = key_people | ontologyProperty = keyPerson }} + + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = industry | ontologyProperty = industry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = products | ontologyProperty = product }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = services | ontologyProperty = service }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = production | ontologyProperty = production }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = revenue | ontologyProperty = revenue | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = revenue_year | ontologyProperty = revenueYear }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = operating_income | ontologyProperty = operatingIncome | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = net_income | ontologyProperty = netIncome | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = aum | ontologyProperty = assetUnderManagement | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assets | ontologyProperty = assets | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = equity | ontologyProperty = equity | unit = Currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner | ontologyProperty = owner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner | ontologyProperty = owningCompany }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_employees | ontologyProperty = numberOfEmployees }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parent | ontologyProperty = parentCompany }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = divisions | ontologyProperty = division }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subsid | ontologyProperty = subsidiary }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = homepage | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = company_logo | ontologyProperty = foaf:logo }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = logo | ontologyProperty = foaf:logo }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = intl | ontologyProperty = internationally }} + <!-- not named in definition of Infobox company, but deliver sparql-results --> + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = company_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = company_type | ontologyProperty = type }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox television</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = TelevisionShow +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = show_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = show_name_2 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = creator | ontologyProperty = creator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = developer | ontologyProperty = developer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = writer | ontologyProperty = author }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = director | ontologyProperty = director }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = creative_director | ontologyProperty = creativeDirector }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = presenter | ontologyProperty = presenter }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = starring | ontologyProperty = starring }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = voices | ontologyProperty = voice }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = narrated | ontologyProperty = narrator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = judges | ontologyProperty = showJudge }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = theme_music_composer | ontologyProperty = composer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opentheme | ontologyProperty = openingTheme }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = endtheme | ontologyProperty = endingTheme }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = composer | ontologyProperty = composer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_seasons | ontologyProperty = numberOfSeasons }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_series | ontologyProperty = numberOfSeasons }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_episodes | ontologyProperty = numberOfEpisodes }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language }} +<!--- End of standard properties --> + +<!--- Start of production-specific properties --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = executive_producer | ontologyProperty = executiveProducer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = producer | ontologyProperty = producer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = editor | ontologyProperty = editor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cinematography | ontologyProperty = person }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runtime | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = Time }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = company | ontologyProperty = company }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = distributor | ontologyProperty = distributor }} +<!--- End of production-specific properties --> + +<!--- Start of broadcast-specific properties --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = channel | ontologyProperty = channel }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = network | ontologyProperty = network }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = picture_format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = audio_format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = first_run | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = first_aired | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = last_aired | ontologyProperty = completionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = status | ontologyProperty = status }} +<!--- end of broadcast-specific properties --> + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = related | ontologyProperty = related }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = distributor | ontologyProperty = distributor }} +<!--- start of chronological --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded_by | ontologyProperty = previousWork }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = followed_by | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }} +<!--- end of chronological --> +<!--- start of external links --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = production_website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + +}}</text></revision></page> +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक टेलीविजन</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = TelevisionShow +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = show_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = show_name_2 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = creator | ontologyProperty = creator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = developer | ontologyProperty = developer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = writer | ontologyProperty = author }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = director | ontologyProperty = director }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = creative_director | ontologyProperty = creativeDirector }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = presenter | ontologyProperty = presenter }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = starring | ontologyProperty = starring }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = voices | ontologyProperty = voice }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = narrated | ontologyProperty = narrator }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = judges | ontologyProperty = showJudge }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = theme_music_composer | ontologyProperty = composer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opentheme | ontologyProperty = openingTheme }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = endtheme | ontologyProperty = endingTheme }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = composer | ontologyProperty = composer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_seasons | ontologyProperty = numberOfSeasons }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_series | ontologyProperty = numberOfSeasons }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_episodes | ontologyProperty = numberOfEpisodes }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language }} +<!--- End of standard properties --> + +<!--- Start of production-specific properties --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = executive_producer | ontologyProperty = executiveProducer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = producer | ontologyProperty = producer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = editor | ontologyProperty = editor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cinematography | ontologyProperty = person }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runtime | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = Time }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = company | ontologyProperty = company }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = distributor | ontologyProperty = distributor }} +<!--- End of production-specific properties --> + +<!--- Start of broadcast-specific properties --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = channel | ontologyProperty = channel }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = network | ontologyProperty = network }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = picture_format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = audio_format | ontologyProperty = format }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = first_run | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = first_aired | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = last_aired | ontologyProperty = completionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = status | ontologyProperty = status }} +<!--- end of broadcast-specific properties --> + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = related | ontologyProperty = related }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = distributor | ontologyProperty = distributor }} +<!--- start of chronological --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded_by | ontologyProperty = previousWork }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = followed_by | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }} +<!--- end of chronological --> +<!--- start of external links --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = production_website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक बीमारी</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Disease +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = DiseasesDB | ontologyProperty = diseasesDb }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = DiseasesDB_mult | ontologyProperty = diseasesDb }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ICD10 | ontologyProperty = icd10 }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ICD9 | ontologyProperty = icd9 }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ICDO | ontologyProperty = icdo }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = OMIM | ontologyProperty = omim }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = OMIM_mult | ontologyProperty = omim }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MedlinePlus | ontologyProperty = medlinePlus }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MedlinePlus_mult | ontologyProperty = medlinePlus }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = eMedicineSubj | ontologyProperty = eMedicineSubject }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = eMedicineTopic | ontologyProperty = eMedicineTopic }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MeshID | ontologyProperty = meshId }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MeshName | ontologyProperty = meshId }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक ऐतिहासिक स्थल</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = HistoricPlace + | mappings = +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nrhp_type | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nrhp_type2 | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nrhp_type3 | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nrhp_type4 | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other1_name | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} + +<!-- extension of intermediate node mapping is needed --> +<!-- +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other1_date | ontologyProperty = }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other1_abbr | ontologyProperty = }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other1_link | ontologyProperty = }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other1_number | ontologyProperty = }} +--> + +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other2_name | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other3_name | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other4_name | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = designated_other4_name | ontologyProperty = nrhpType }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = picture }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nearest_city | ontologyProperty = nearestCity }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area | ontologyProperty = area }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = built | ontologyProperty = yearOfConstruction }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = architect | ontologyProperty = architect }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = architecture | ontologyProperty = architecturalStyle }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = visitation_num | ontologyProperty = numberOfVisitors }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = visitation_year | ontologyProperty = numberOfVisitorsAsOf }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = refnum | ontologyProperty = nrhpReferenceNumber }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governing_body | ontologyProperty = governingBody }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + +{{GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = lat_degrees | latitudeMinutes = lat_minutes | latitudeSeconds = lat_seconds | latitudeDirection = lat_direction | longitudeDegrees = long_degrees | longitudeMinutes = long_minutes | longitudeSeconds = long_seconds | longitudeDirection = long_direction }} +{{GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = film name | ontologyProperty = originalName }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = studio | ontologyProperty = productionCompany }} -{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = production companies | ontologyProperty = -productionCompany }} -}}</text></revision></page></mediawiki> \ No newline at end of file + }}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox actor</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Actor +| mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthdate | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = dateofbirth | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthplace | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = place of birth | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placeofbirth | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathdate | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = date of death | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = dateofdeath | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathplace | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = place of death | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = place_of_death | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placeofdeath | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = othername | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = domesticpartner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relative }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = homepage | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = movement | ontologyProperty = movement }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influenced | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influences | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known_for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnicity | ontologyProperty = ethnicity }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organization | ontologyProperty = owningOrganisation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organizations | ontologyProperty = owningOrganisation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = salary | ontologyProperty = salary | unit = currency }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = home town | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = home_town | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = picture }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = imagesize | ontologyProperty = imageSize }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image_size | ontologyProperty = imageSize }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक अभिनेता</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Actor +| mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthdate | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = dateofbirth | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthplace | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = place of birth | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placeofbirth | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathdate | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deathplace | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = place of death | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placeofdeath | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = othername | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_names | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = domesticpartner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relative }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = homepage | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = movement | ontologyProperty = movement }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influenced | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influences | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known_for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnicity | ontologyProperty = ethnicity }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organization | ontologyProperty = owningOrganisation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organizations | ontologyProperty = owningOrganisation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image | ontologyProperty = picture }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = imagesize | ontologyProperty = imageSize }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = image_size | ontologyProperty = imageSize }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक बस्ती सरल</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Town +| mappings = +<!-- {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = province_and_country | templateProperty = province }} --> +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = town_name | ontologyProperty = name }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = languages | ontologyProperty = language }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pop | ontologyProperty = population }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pop_year | ontologyProperty = populationAsOf }} +{{ GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = latd | latitudeMinutes = latm | latitudeSeconds = lats | latitudeDirection = latNS | longitudeDegrees = longd | longitudeMinutes = longm | longitudeSeconds = longs | longitudeDirection = longEW }} + }}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox scientist</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Scientist | mappings = +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = workplaces | ontologyProperty = institution }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = work_institution | ontologyProperty = institution }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = work_institutions | ontologyProperty = institution }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = doctoral_advisor | ontologyProperty = doctoralAdvisor }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = academic_advisors | ontologyProperty = academicAdvisor }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = doctoral_students | ontologyProperty = doctoralStudent }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = notable_students | ontologyProperty = notableStudent }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = citizenship | ontologyProperty = citizenship }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = field | ontologyProperty = academicDiscipline }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = fields | ontologyProperty = academicDiscipline }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = known_for | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influences | ontologyProperty = influencedBy }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influenced | ontologyProperty = influenced }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} +{{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = prizes | ontologyProperty = award }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक लेखक</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Writer | mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = कार्यक्षेत्र | ontologyProperty = notableWork }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रमुख कृति | ontologyProperty = notableWork }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मुख्य काम | ontologyProperty = notableWork }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = नाम | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = उपनाम | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जन्मतारीख़ | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जन्मस्थान | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मृत्युतारीख़ | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मृत्युस्थान | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = भाषा | ontologyProperty = language }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = राष्ट्रीयता | ontologyProperty = citizenship }} + {{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = काल | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = विधा | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = विषय | ontologyProperty = dc:subject }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = आन्दोलन | ontologyProperty = movement }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रभाव | ontologyProperty = influencedBy }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रभावित | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जालपृष्ठ | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox writer</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Writer | mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = notableworks | ontologyProperty = notableWork }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pseudonym | ontologyProperty = pseudonym }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = penname | ontologyProperty = pseudonym }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnicity | ontologyProperty = ethnicity }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = citizenship | ontologyProperty = citizenship }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = resting_place | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }} + {{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = period | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subject | ontologyProperty = dc:subject }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = movement | ontologyProperty = movement }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relative }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influences | ontologyProperty = influencedBy }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = influenced | ontologyProperty = influenced }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक विश्वविद्यालय</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = University +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = latin_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name | language = la }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = motto | ontologyProperty = motto }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = closed | ontologyProperty = closed }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = type }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = affiliation | ontologyProperty = affiliation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = endowment | ontologyProperty = endowment | unit = Currency }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = officer_in_charge | ontologyProperty = officerInCharge }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chairman | ontologyProperty = chairman }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vice-president | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = superintendent | ontologyProperty = superintendent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = provost | ontologyProperty = provost }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vice_chancellor | ontologyProperty = viceChancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rector | ontologyProperty = rector }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = principal | ontologyProperty = principal }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = dean | ontologyProperty = dean }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = director | ontologyProperty = director }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = head | ontologyProperty = head }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = faculty | ontologyProperty = facultySize }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = staff | ontologyProperty = staff }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = students | ontologyProperty = numberOfStudents }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = undergrad | ontologyProperty = numberOfUndergraduateStudents }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = postgrad | ontologyProperty = numberOfPostgraduateStudents }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = doctoral | ontologyProperty = numberOfDoctoralStudents }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other | ontologyProperty = other }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city | ontologyProperty = city }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = province | ontologyProperty = province }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = campus | ontologyProperty = campus }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = former_names | ontologyProperty = formerName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = sports | ontologyProperty = sport }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = colors | ontologyProperty = officialSchoolColour }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = colours | ontologyProperty = officialSchoolColour }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mascot | ontologyProperty = mascot }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = athletics | ontologyProperty = athletics }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = affiliations | ontologyProperty = affiliation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक टेनिस खिलाड़ी</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = TennisPlayer +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = plays | ontologyProperty = plays }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = careerprizemoney | ontologyProperty = careerPrizeMoney }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = playername | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = height | ontologyProperty = height }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = weight | ontologyProperty = weight }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = turnedpro | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = retired | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = datebirth | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placebirth | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = datedeath | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = placedeath | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + +<!-- Need to map them urgent --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = singlestitles | ontologyProperty = singlestitles }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = highestsinglesrankings | ontologyProperty = highestsinglesranking }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = AustralianOpenresult | ontologyProperty = australianopendoublesresult }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FrenchOpenDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = frenchopendoublesresult }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = USOpenresult | ontologyProperty = usopenresult }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = WimbeldonDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = wimbeldondoublesresult }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = doublestitles | ontologyProperty = doublestitles }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FrenchOpenresult | ontologyProperty =frenchopenresult }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Wimbeldonresult | ontologyProperty =wimbeldonresult }} --> + +<!-- Missing --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = width | ontologyProperty = width }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = careersinglesrecord | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MastersCupresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = WTAChampionshipresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Olympicsresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = doublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = highestdoubleranking | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = AustralianOpenDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = USOpenDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MastersCupDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = WTAChampionshipDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +<!-- {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = OlympicsDoublesresult | ontologyProperty = }} --> +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक वादक</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ ConditionalMapping +| cases = + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Current_members + | operator = isSet + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + {{Condition + | templateProperty = current_members + | operator = isSet + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Members + | operator = isSet + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Past_members + | operator = isSet + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + {{Condition + | templateProperty = past_members + | operator = isSet + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Background + | operator = equals + | value = group_or_band + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + {{Condition + | templateProperty = background + | operator = equals + | value = group_or_band + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Background + | operator = equals + | value = cover_band + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = background + | operator = equals + | value = cover_band + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | templateProperty = Background + | operator = equals + | value = classical_ensemble + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + {{Condition + | templateProperty = background + | operator = equals + | value = classical_ensemble + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = Band + }} + }} + + {{Condition + | operator = otherwise + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping + | mapToClass = MusicalArtist + }} + }} + +| defaultMappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Current_members | ontologyProperty = bandMember }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = current_members | ontologyProperty = bandMember }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Past_members | ontologyProperty = formerBandMember }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = past_members | ontologyProperty = formerBandMember }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Background | ontologyProperty = background }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = background | ontologyProperty = background }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Birth_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:givenName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:givenName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Alias | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alias | ontologyProperty = alias }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Born | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Born | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Died | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Died | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Origin | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = origin | ontologyProperty = hometown }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Instrument | ontologyProperty = instrument }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = instrument | ontologyProperty = instrument }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = Years_active + | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear + | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear + }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = years_active + | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear + | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear + }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = yearsactive + | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear + | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear + }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Label | ontologyProperty = recordLabel}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = label | ontologyProperty = recordLabel}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Associated_acts | ontologyProperty = associatedBand }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Associated_acts | ontologyProperty = associatedMusicalArtist }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = associated_acts | ontologyProperty = associatedBand }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = associated_acts | ontologyProperty = associatedMusicalArtist }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = URL | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = url | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Notable_instruments | ontologyProperty = instrument }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = notable_instruments | ontologyProperty = instrument }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक फ़िल्म संबंधित लोग</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Actor +| mappings = +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = नाम | ontologyProperty = name }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = शीर्षक | ontologyProperty = name }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = व्यवसाय | ontologyProperty = occupation }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जन्मस्थान | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जन्मतिथि | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जन्मनाम | ontologyProperty = birthName }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मृत्युतिथि | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जीवनसाथी | ontologyProperty = spouse }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = मृत्युस्थान | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} +{{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = सक्रिय वर्ष | startDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsStartYear | endDateOntologyProperty = activeYearsEndYear }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = निवास | ontologyProperty = residence }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = राष्ट्रीयता | ontologyProperty = nationality }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = सन्तान | ontologyProperty = child }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = अन्य नाम | ontologyProperty = alias }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = माता पिता | ontologyProperty = parent }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ऊँचाई | ontologyProperty = height }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = जालपृष्ठ | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = पुरस्कार | ontologyProperty = award }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रभाव डालने वाला | ontologyProperty = influenced }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रभावित | ontologyProperty = influencedBy }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = प्रसिद्ध कार्य | ontologyProperty = knownFor }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = वजन | ontologyProperty = weight }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = शिक्षा | ontologyProperty = education }} +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = साथी | ontologyProperty = partner }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक तत्व</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = ChemicalElement +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Density | ontologyProperty = density | unit = Density }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = English big | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox football match</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = FootballMatch +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = date | ontologyProperty = date }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = team1 | ontologyProperty = team }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = team2 | ontologyProperty = team }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = stadium | ontologyProperty = location }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city | ontologyProperty = city }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = previous | ontologyProperty = previousEvent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = next | ontologyProperty = followingEvent }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox church</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = HistoricBuilding | mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = architect | templateProperty = architect }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = architecturalStyle | templateProperty = architectural type }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = foaf:name | templateProperty = church name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = country | templateProperty = country }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = district | templateProperty = district }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = foaf:name | templateProperty = fullname }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = location | templateProperty = location }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = foaf:name | templateProperty = name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = pastor | templateProperty = pastor }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = architecturalStyle | templateProperty = style }} + {{ PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = foaf:page | templateProperty = website }} + {{ GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates | latitudeDegrees = latd | latitudeDirection = latNS | latitudeMinutes = latm | latitudeSeconds = lats | longitudeDegrees = longd | longitudeDirection = longEW | longitudeMinutes = longm | longitudeSeconds = longs }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक विमानक्षेत्र</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Airport | mappings = + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nativename | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nativename-a | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nativename-r | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + <!-- Airportidentifier --> + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = IATA | ontologyProperty = iataLocationIdentifier }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ICAO | ontologyProperty = icaoLocationIdentifier }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FAA | ontologyProperty = faaLocationIdentifier }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = LID | ontologyProperty = locationIdentifier }} + <!-- Airport summary --> + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = type }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner | ontologyProperty = owner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = operator | ontologyProperty = operator }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner-oper | ontologyProperty = owner }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = owner-oper | ontologyProperty = operator }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city-served | ontologyProperty = city }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation-f | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation-m | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r1-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r1-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r1-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r1-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r2-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r2-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r2-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r2-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r3-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r3-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r3-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r3-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r4-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r4-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r4-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r4-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r5-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r5-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r5-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r5-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r6-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r6-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r6-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r6-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r7-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r7-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r7-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r7-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r8-number | ontologyProperty = runwayDesignation }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r8-length-f | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r8-length-m | ontologyProperty = runwayLength | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = r8-surface | ontologyProperty = runwaySurface }} + {{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = built | startDateOntologyProperty = buildingStartDate | endDateOntologyProperty = buildingEndDate }} + {{ GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + <!-- Military airports --> + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = commander | ontologyProperty = commander }} + {{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = used | startDateOntologyProperty = openingDate | endDateOntologyProperty = dateOfAbandonment }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox album</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Album +| mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Longtype | ontologyProperty = longtype }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Director | ontologyProperty = director }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Producer | ontologyProperty = producer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Reviews | ontologyProperty = review }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Compiler | ontologyProperty = compiler }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Type | ontologyProperty = type }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Artist | ontologyProperty = artist }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Cover | ontologyProperty = picture }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Released | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Recorded | ontologyProperty = recordDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Recorded | ontologyProperty = recordedIn }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Genre | ontologyProperty = genre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Length | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = minute }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Language | ontologyProperty = language }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Label | ontologyProperty = recordLabel }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Last album | ontologyProperty = previousWork }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Next album | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Football kit</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = SoccerClub +| mappings = + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Association | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = shorts1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leftarm1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rightarm1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = socks1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = body1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rightarm2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = shorts2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leftarm2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = socks2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = body2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_b1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Largest loss | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA Trigramme | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Confederation | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_b2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Badge | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Largest win | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = First game | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_la1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_ra1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_la2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_ra2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Regional name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA Rank | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_sh1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_so1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Regional cup apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Regional cup best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_sh2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_so2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Captain | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Top scorer | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA max | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA min | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA max date | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA min date | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Regional cup first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Most caps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Badge_size | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo Rank | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Sub-confederation | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo max | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo max date | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo min | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo min date | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = World cup apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = World cup best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Asst Manager | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = World cup first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 2ndRegional cup apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 2ndRegional cup best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 2ndRegional name | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 2ndRegional cup first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = UEFAu21Champ apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = UEFAu21Champ best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = UEFAu21Champ first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = body3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leftarm3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rightarm3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = shorts3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = socks3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Confederations cup best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Confederations cup first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Confederations cup apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_b3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_la3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_ra3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_sh3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U20WC apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U20WC best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U20WC first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_so3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U17WC apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U17WC best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = U17WC first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Vice-captain | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_name1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_name2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = American | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Other-affiliation | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 3rdRegional cup apps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 3rdRegional cup best | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 3rdRegional cup first | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = 3rdRegional name | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo max year | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA max year | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = date | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Elo min year | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = FIFA min year | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Type | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Youngest caps | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = kit | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = kit_image1 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = kit_image2 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = kit_image3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = medaltemplates | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = medaltemplates-expand | ontologyProperty = }} --> + <!-- {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pattern_name3 | ontologyProperty = }} --> +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक अवस्थापन</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ +{{ ConditionalMapping | cases = + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = Metropolis | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = City }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = City | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = City }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = Town | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Town }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = Village | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Village }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = municipality | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Town }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = Administrative | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = region | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = neighbourhood | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = suburb | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = city district | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = neighborhood | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = borough | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = subdivision | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = residential | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = CityDistrict }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = commun | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Village }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = populated place | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = PopulatedPlace }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = municipal | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Town }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = tambon | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = district | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = province | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = county | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = parish | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = department | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = AdministrativeRegion }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = barrio | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Town }} }} + {{ Condition | templateProperty = settlement_type | operator = contains | value = former | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = FormerMunicipality }} }} + {{ Condition | operator = otherwise | mapping = + {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Settlement }} }} | defaultMappings = + + <!-- Base Info --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = settlement_type | ontologyProperty = type }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_name | ontologyProperty = synonym }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = originalName }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = motto | ontologyProperty = motto }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = postal_code | ontologyProperty = postalCode }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = postal2_code | ontologyProperty = postalCode }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_code | ontologyProperty = areaCode }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = iso_code | ontologyProperty = isoCodeRegion }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_demonym | ontologyProperty = demonym }} + + <!-- timezone --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone1 | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset1 | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone2 | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset2 | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone_DST | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset_DST | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone1_DST | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset1_DST | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = timezone2_DST | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset2_DST | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + + <!-- Establishment --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date1 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date2 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date3 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = extinct_date | ontologyProperty = dissolutionDate }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = founder | ontologyProperty = founder }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = named_for | ontologyProperty = namedAfter }} + + <!-- government --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = government_type | ontologyProperty = governmentType }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governing_body | ontologyProperty = governingBody }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = PoliticalFunction + | correspondingProperty = politicalLeader + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name | ontologyProperty = personName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name | ontologyProperty = politician }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_party | ontologyProperty = party }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = PoliticalFunction + | correspondingProperty = politicalLeader + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = personName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = politician }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title1 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_party1 | ontologyProperty = party }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = PoliticalFunction + | correspondingProperty = politicalLeader + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = personName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = politician }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title2 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_party2 | ontologyProperty = party }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = PoliticalFunction + | correspondingProperty = politicalLeader + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = personName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = politician }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title3 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_party3 | ontologyProperty = party }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = PoliticalFunction + | correspondingProperty = politicalLeader + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = personName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = politician }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title4 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_party4 | ontologyProperty = party }} + }} + + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin1 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin2 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin3 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin4 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin5 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin6 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin7 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin8 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin9 | ontologyProperty = twinTown }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin1_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin2_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin3_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin4_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin5_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin6_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin7_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin8_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = twin9_country | ontologyProperty = twinCountry }} + + <!-- area --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_magnitude | ontologyProperty = area | unit = squareMetre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_total_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_total_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_total_ha | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_total_acre | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = acre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = TotalArea_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_total | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = area}} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_land_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_land_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_land_ha | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_land | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = area }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = LandArea_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_land_acre | ontologyProperty = areaLand | unit = acre }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = WaterArea_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water_ha | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = area }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water_percent | ontologyProperty = percentageOfAreaWater }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_water_acre | ontologyProperty = areaWater | unit = acre }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_urban_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_urban_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_urban_ha | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = UrbanArea_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_urban | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = area }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_urban_acre | ontologyProperty = areaUrban | unit = acre }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_metro_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_metro_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_metro_ha | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = MetroArea_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_metro | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = area }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_metro_acre | ontologyProperty = areaMetro | unit = acre }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_rural_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaRural | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_rural_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaRural | unit = squareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_rural_ha | ontologyProperty = areaRural | unit = hectare }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_rural_acre | ontologyProperty = areaRural | unit = acre }} + + <!-- elevation --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_m | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_ft | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_max_m | ontologyProperty = maximumElevation | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_max_ft | ontologyProperty = maximumElevation | unit = foot }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_min_m | ontologyProperty = minimumElevation | unit = metre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_min_ft | ontologyProperty = minimumElevation | unit = foot }} + + <!-- dimensions --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_km | ontologyProperty = length | unit = kilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_mi | ontologyProperty = length | unit = mile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = width_km | ontologyProperty = width | unit = kilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = width_mi | ontologyProperty = width | unit = mile }} + + <!-- population --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_as_of | ontologyProperty = populationAsOf }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_total | ontologyProperty = populationTotal }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pop_est_as_of | ontologyProperty = populationAsOf }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pop_est | ontologyProperty = populationTotal }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_rank | ontologyProperty = populationTotalRanking }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = PopulationDensity }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_mi2 | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_metro | ontologyProperty = populationMetro }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_metro_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationMetroDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_metro_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationMetroDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_metro_mi2 | ontologyProperty = populationMetroDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_urban | ontologyProperty = populationUrban }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_urban_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationUrbanDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_urban_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationUrbanDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_urban_mi2 | ontologyProperty = populationUrbanDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_rural | ontologyProperty = populationRural }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_rural_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationRuralDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_rural_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationRuralDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_rural_mi2 | ontologyProperty = populationRuralDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + + <!-- Location --> + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates }} + {{ GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = latd | latitudeMinutes = latm | latitudeSeconds = lats | latitudeDirection = latNS | longitudeDegrees = longd | longitudeMinutes = longm | longitudeSeconds = longs | longitudeDirection = longEW }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_type | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_type1 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_type2 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name | ontologyProperty = country }} <!-- legacy reason see template description --> + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name1 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name2 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name3 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name4 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name5 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subdivision_name6 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p1 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p2 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p3 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p4 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p5 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p6 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p7 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p8 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p9 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p11 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p12 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p13 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p14 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p15 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p16 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p17 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p18 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p19 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p10 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p21 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p22 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p23 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p24 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p25 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p26 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p27 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p28 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p29 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p20 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p31 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p32 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p33 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p34 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p35 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p36 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p37 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p38 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p39 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p30 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p41 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p42 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p43 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p44 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p45 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p46 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p47 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p48 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p49 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p40 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = p50 | ontologyProperty = subdivision }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:ज्ञानसन्दूक देश</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ConditionalMapping +| cases = + {{Condition + | templateProperty = $TemplateName + | operator = equals + | value = Infobox geopolitical organisation + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0 + | mapToClass = GeopoliticalOrganisation + }} + }} + {{Condition + | operator = otherwise + | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0 + | mapToClass = Country + }} + }} +| defaultMappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = common_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = linking_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = originalName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = conventional_long_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = named_after | ontologyProperty = namedAfter }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = abbreviation | ontologyProperty = abbreviation}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = formerly | ontologyProperty = alternativeName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = affiliations | ontologyProperty = affiliation}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organization_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = motto | ontologyProperty = motto}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_motto | ontologyProperty = motto}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = englishmotto | ontologyProperty = motto}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = organization_motto | ontologyProperty = motto }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = slogan | ontologyProperty = motto }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = royal_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = capital | ontologyProperty = capital}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = admin_center | ontologyProperty = administrativeCenter}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = capital2 | ontologyProperty = capital}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = admin_center2 | ontologyProperty = administrativeCenter}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_city | ontologyProperty = largestCity}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_settlement | ontologyProperty = largestCity}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = headquarters | ontologyProperty = headquarter}} + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates }} + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = latd | latitudeMinutes = latm | latitudeDirection = latNS | longitudeDegrees = longd | longitudeMinutes = longm | longitudeDirection = longEW }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_languages | ontologyProperty = officialLanguage}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_languages | ontologyProperty = language}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = regional_languages | ontologyProperty = language}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = languages | ontologyProperty = language}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = languages2 | ontologyProperty = language}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = language | ontologyProperty = language}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic_groups | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroup }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = demonym | ontologyProperty = demonym }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = org_type | ontologyProperty = type}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = membership | ontologyProperty = membership}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = government_type | ontologyProperty = governmentType}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = legislature | ontologyProperty = legislature}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = upper_house | ontologyProperty = house}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lower_house | ontologyProperty = house}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion}} {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_km2 | ontologyProperty = area | unit = squareKilometre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = area | unit = squareMile }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = percent_water | ontologyProperty = percentageOfAreaWater }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = calling_code | ontologyProperty = countryCode}} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = time_zone | ontologyProperty = timeZone }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = utc_offset | ontologyProperty = utcOffset }} + {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = iso3166code | ontologyProperty = iso31661Code }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = currency | ontologyProperty = currency}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = currency_code | ontologyProperty = currencyCode}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = HDI | ontologyProperty = humanDevelopmentIndex}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Gini | ontologyProperty = giniCoefficient}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = GDP_nominal_per_capita | ontologyProperty = gdpPerCapita }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = GDP_nominal | ontologyProperty = grossDomesticProduct }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_estimate | ontologyProperty = populationTotal}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_estimate_rank | ontologyProperty = populationTotalRanking}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = extinction | ontologyProperty = dissolutionDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = extinction | ontologyProperty = dissolutionYear}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cctld | ontologyProperty = topLevelDomain }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = founder | ontologyProperty = foundedBy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = type | ontologyProperty = type}} + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = subsidiaries | ontologyProperty = subsidiary }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = staff | ontologyProperty = numberOfStaff }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_staff | ontologyProperty = numberOfStaff}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = num_volunteers | ontologyProperty = numberOfVolunteers}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = volunteers | ontologyProperty = numberOfVolunteers}} + + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event1 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date1 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date1 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event2 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date2 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date2 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event3 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date3 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date3 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event4 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date4 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date4 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event5 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date5 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date5 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event6 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date6 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date6 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event7 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date7 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date7 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event8 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date8 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date8 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event9 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date9 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date9 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event10 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date10 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date10 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event11 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date11 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date11 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = HistoricalEvent | + correspondingProperty = event | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_event12 | ontologyProperty = foaf:name}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date12 | ontologyProperty = startDate}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date12 | ontologyProperty = endDate}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title1 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title2 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title3 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title4 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name5 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name5 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title5 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name6 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name6 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title6 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name7 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name7 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title7 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name8 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name8 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title8 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name9 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name9 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title9 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name10 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name10 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title10 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name11 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name11 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title11 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name12 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name12 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title12 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name13 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name13 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title13 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = PersonFunction | + correspondingProperty = leaderFunction | mappings = + + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name14 | ontologyProperty = person}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name14 | ontologyProperty = personName}} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title1nq4 | ontologyProperty = title}} + }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<page><title>Mapping hi:Infobox officeholder</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping +| mapToClass = Politician +| mappings = +{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = originalName }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = restingplace | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = resting_place | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = height | ontologyProperty = height }} + {{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = restingPlacePosition | coordinates = restingplacecoordinates }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = award | ontologyProperty = award }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mawards | ontologyProperty = honours }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = maward | ontologyProperty = honours }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mother | ontologyProperty = mother }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = father | ontologyProperty = father }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parent | ontologyProperty = parent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relations | ontologyProperty = relation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = child | ontologyProperty = child }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = profession | ontologyProperty = profession }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = committees | ontologyProperty = committee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = portfolio | ontologyProperty = portfolio }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = signature | ontologyProperty = signature }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = otherparty | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = MilitaryService + | correspondingProperty = militaryService + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = branch | ontologyProperty = militaryBranch }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rank | ontologyProperty = militaryRank }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = unit | ontologyProperty = militaryUnit }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = commands | ontologyProperty = militaryCommand }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = battles | ontologyProperty = battle }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = allegiance | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = serviceyears + | startDateOntologyProperty = serviceStartYear + | endDateOntologyProperty = serviceEndYear + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title1 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start1 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end1 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart1 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend1 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office1 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside1 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president1 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general1 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach1 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor1 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister1 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier1 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister1 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister1 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor1 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident1 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister1 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier1 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy1 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant1 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor1 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded1 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding1 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr1 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state1 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer1 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe1 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date1 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate1 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent1 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent1 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee1 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election1 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from1 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from1 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country1 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker1 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader1 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader1 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader1 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term1 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title2 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start2 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end2 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart2 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend2 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office2 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside2 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president2 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general2 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach2 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor2 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister2 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier2 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister2 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister2 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor2 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident2 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister2 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier2 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy2 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant2 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor2 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded2 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding2 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr2 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state2 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer2 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe2 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date2 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate2 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent2 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent2 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee2 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election2 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from2 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from2 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country2 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker2 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader2 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader2 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader2 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term2 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title3 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start3 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end3 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart3 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend3 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office3 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside3 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president3 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general3 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach3 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor3 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister3 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier3 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister3 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister3 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor3 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident3 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister3 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier3 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy3 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant3 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor3 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded3 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding3 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr3 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state3 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer3 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe3 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date3 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate3 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent3 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent3 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee3 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election3 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from3 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from3 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country3 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker3 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader3 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader3 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader3 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term3 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title4 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start4 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end4 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart4 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend4 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office4 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside4 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president4 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general4 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach4 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor4 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister4 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier4 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister4 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister4 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor4 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident4 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister4 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier4 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy4 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant4 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor4 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded4 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding4 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr4 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state4 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer4 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe4 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date4 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate4 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent4 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent4 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee4 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election4 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from4 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from4 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country4 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker4 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader4 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader4 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader4 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term4 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title5 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start5 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end5 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart5 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend5 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office5 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside5 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president5 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general5 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach5 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor5 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister5 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier5 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister5 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister5 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor5 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident5 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister5 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier5 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy5 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant5 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor5 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded5 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding5 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr5 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state5 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer5 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe5 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date5 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate5 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent5 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent5 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee5 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election5 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from5 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from5 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country5 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker5 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader5 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader5 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader5 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term5 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title6 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start6 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end6 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart6 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend6 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office6 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside6 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president6 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general6 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach6 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor6 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister6 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier6 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister6 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister6 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor6 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident6 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister6 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier6 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy6 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant6 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor6 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded6 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding6 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr6 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state6 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer6 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe6 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date6 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate6 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent6 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent6 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee6 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election6 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from6 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from6 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country6 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker6 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader6 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader6 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader6 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term6 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title7 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start7 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end7 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart7 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend7 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office7 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside7 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president7 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general7 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach7 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor7 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister7 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier7 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister7 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister7 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor7 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident7 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister7 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier7 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy7 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant7 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor7 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded7 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding7 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr7 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state7 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer7 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe7 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date7 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate7 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent7 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent7 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee7 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election7 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from7 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from7 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country7 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker7 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader7 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader7 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader7 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term7 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title8 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start8 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end8 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart8 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend8 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office8 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside8 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president8 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general8 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach8 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor8 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister8 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier8 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister8 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister8 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor8 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident8 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister8 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier8 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy8 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant8 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor8 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded8 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding8 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr8 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state8 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer8 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe8 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date8 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate8 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent8 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent8 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee8 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election8 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from8 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from8 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country8 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker8 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader8 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader8 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader8 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term8 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title9 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start9 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end9 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart9 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend9 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office9 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside9 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president9 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general9 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach9 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor9 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister9 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier9 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister9 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister9 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor9 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident9 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister9 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier9 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy9 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant9 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor9 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded9 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding9 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr9 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state9 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer9 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe9 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date9 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate9 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent9 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent9 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee9 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election9 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from9 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from9 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country9 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker9 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader9 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader9 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term9 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title10 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start10 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end10 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart10 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend10 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office10 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside10 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president10 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general10 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach10 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor10 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister10 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier10 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister10 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister10 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor10 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident10 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister10 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier10 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy10 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant10 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor10 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded10 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding10 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr10 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state10 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer10 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe10 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date10 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate10 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent10 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent10 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee10 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election10 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from10 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from10 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country10 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker10 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader10 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader10 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader10 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader10 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader10 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader10 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term10 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title11 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start11 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end11 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart11 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend11 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office11 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside11 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president11 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general11 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach11 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor11 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister11 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier11 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister11 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister11 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor11 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident11 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister11 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier11 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy11 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant11 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor11 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded11 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding11 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr11 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state11 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer11 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe11 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date11 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate11 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent11 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent11 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee11 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election11 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from11 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from11 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country11 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker11 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader11 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader11 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader11 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader11 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader11 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader11 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term11 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title12 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start12 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end12 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart12 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend12 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office12 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside12 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president12 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general12 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach12 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor12 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister12 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier12 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister12 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister12 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor12 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident12 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister12 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier12 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy12 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant12 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor12 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded12 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding12 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr12 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state12 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer12 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe12 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date12 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate12 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent12 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent12 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee12 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election12 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from12 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from12 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country12 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker12 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader12 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader12 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader12 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader12 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader12 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader12 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term12 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title13 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start13 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end13 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart13 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend13 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office13 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside13 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president13 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general13 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach13 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor13 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister13 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier13 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister13 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister13 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor13 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident13 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister13 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier13 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy13 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant13 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor13 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded13 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding13 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr13 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state13 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer13 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe13 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date13 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate13 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent13 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent13 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee13 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election13 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from13 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from13 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country13 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker13 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader13 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader13 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader13 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader13 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader13 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader13 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term13 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title14 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start14 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end14 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart14 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend14 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office14 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside14 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president14 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general14 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach14 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor14 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister14 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier14 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister14 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister14 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor14 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident14 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister14 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier14 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy14 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant14 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor14 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded14 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding14 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr14 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state14 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer14 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe14 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date14 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate14 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent14 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent14 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee14 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election14 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from14 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from14 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country14 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker14 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader14 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader14 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader14 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader14 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader14 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader14 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term14 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} + {{IntermediateNodeMapping + | nodeClass = Tenure + | correspondingProperty = termPeriod + | nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number} + | mappings = + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title15 | ontologyProperty = title }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start15 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end15 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart15 | ontologyProperty = start }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend15 | ontologyProperty = end }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office15 | ontologyProperty = office }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside15 | ontologyProperty = alongside }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president15 | ontologyProperty = president }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general15 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach15 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor15 | ontologyProperty = governor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister15 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier15 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister15 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister15 | ontologyProperty = minister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor15 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident15 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister15 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier15 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy15 | ontologyProperty = deputy }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant15 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor15 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded15 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding15 | ontologyProperty = successor }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr15 | ontologyProperty = seniority }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state15 | ontologyProperty = state }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + <!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping --> + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer15 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe15 | ontologyProperty = appointer }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date15 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate15 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent15 | ontologyProperty = opponent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent15 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee15 | ontologyProperty = nominee }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election15 | ontologyProperty = party }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from15 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from15 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country15 | ontologyProperty = country }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker15 | ontologyProperty = speaker }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader15 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader15 | ontologyProperty = leader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader15 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader15 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader15 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }} + {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader15 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }} + {{DateIntervalMapping + | templateProperty = term15 + | startDateOntologyProperty = start + | endDateOntologyProperty = end + }} + }} +}}</text></revision></page> + +<!-- <page><title>Mapping hi:</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping --> +<!-- }}</text></revision></page> --> + +<!-- <page><title>Mapping hi:</title><ns>230</ns><id>75</id><revision><id>59585</id><timestamp>2023-06-16T10:30:22Z</timestamp><text>{{ TemplateMapping --> +<!-- }}</text></revision></page> --> +</mediawiki> +<!-- Not in any mapping --> +<!-- Quote_box -->