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313 lines (260 loc) · 12.7 KB

Video Frame Extractor

Performant and advanced Python library + CLI for video frame extraction and analysis. Provides adaptive key-frame analysis based on motion detection and multi-frame image differentials. Supports multiple Video input and Image output formats, and implements multi-threading and memory management to optimise resource utilisation. Designed to be particularly well suited to medical imagery or generic videos with incremental (but not necessarily smooth or consistent) movement - be they screen captures, panorama shots, presentations or any multitude of other things.


Core Capabilities

  • Highly configurable CLI tool ready to interact with the library
  • "Key-frame" detection (to identify the most significant high quality frames).
    • Motion and content analysis (from opencv library) over multiple previous frames compared to existing key-frame set.
    • Frame quality detection via contrast and sharpness detection, and additionally including Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) library from scikit-learn (sklearn) for scoring for comparing subsequent candidate frames with existing (sub)set of identified key-frames as needed.
  • Inference pre-computation mode to estimate the library parameters needed to generate a set of N key frames from the video
  • Concurrent frame processing with configurable thread pools, and a shared thread-safe frame cache and memory-efficient video frame buffering

Analysis Features

  • Motion detection using optical flow analysis
  • Frame Quality measurement signals:
    • Sharpness using Laplacian variance, really means looking for blurry low quality frame
    • Noise using denoising difference
    • Contrast using simple intensity distribution
    • Exposure using histogram analysis
  • Scene change detection
  • Temporal pattern recognition Almost all one of these are overkill in most scenarios; but they're fun.

Performance Features

  • Configurable thread pool for parallel processing of frames
  • Memory-optimized thread-safe frame buffer and recent frame cache
  • Minimal frame copying via efficient np view operations
  • Retry mechanims for failed frame extraction via exponential backoff with jitter (just because ;))

System Requirements

Software Requirements

  • Python 3.12+
  • OpenCV Python (opencv-python)
  • NumPy
  • scikit-learn (for SSIM)


Basic Usage

The video processor can be run from the command line with minimal configuration:

python input.mp4 output_dir/

Required Arguments

  • input_video: Path to input video file
  • output_dir: Directory for output frames

Advanced Usage Options

Expand for more advanced configuration examples including controlling format and quality of output, configuring key-frame selection, optimising system resource utilisation and thread concurrency, logging parameters and failure/retry handling

Output Format Configuration

Control the format and quality of extracted frames:

# Extract as JPEG with 85% quality
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --format jpeg \
    --quality 85

# Extract as PNG with maximum compression
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --format png \
    --quality 9

Frame Analysis Settings

Configure key-frame selection:

# Enable key frame detection with custom similarity threshold
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --enable-keyframes \
    --similarity 0.90

Performance Tuning

Optimize processing speed and resource usage:

# Configure threading and memory usage
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --threads 4 \
    --buffer-size 60 \
    --max-memory 1024 \

Error Handling Configuration

Adjust retry behavior and timeouts:

# Configure robust error handling
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --retries 5 \
    --retry-delay 1.0 \
    --frame-timeout 10.0 \
    --video-timeout 60.0

Logging Configuration

Control logging output and verbosity:

# Enable detailed logging to file
python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --log-level DEBUG \
    --log-file processing.log

Complete Usage Example

python input.mp4 output_dir/ \
    --format jpeg \
    --quality 85 \
    --enable-keyframes \
    --similarity 0.95 \
    --threads 4 \
    --buffer-size 60 \
    --max-memory 1024 \
    --retries 3 \
    --log-level INFO

Inference mode estimate threshold to generate specified number of key-frames

python ./ 
    --format png 
    --inference-tolerance 0.00001 
    --target-frames 8  input.mp4 output/
Expand to see a visual representation and sample execution outputs of the processing flow
This shows the processing flow, covering the three main scenarios and the flow through the cli tool to the library - - full-frame extraction - extraction of key-frames based on a fixed similarity threshold you provide - extraction of approximately _N_ key frames based on inferential estimation of the sensitivity threshold needed to produce the specific number of frames
flowchart LR
    A[Input Video File] --> B[Init,Metadata]
    B --> E[Inference]
    E --> F[Key Frame Threshold]
    F --> G[KeyFrames]
    B --> G[KeyFrames]
    B --> K[ALLFrames]
    K --> H[Save]
    G --> H[Save]

    style A font-size:10px
    style B font-size:10px
    style E font-size:10px
    style F font-size:10px
    style G font-size:10px
    style H font-size:10px
    style K font-size:10px

Sample output including inference mode

2024-10-27 13:44:13,490 - common - INFO - Logging configured at level 20
2024-10-27 13:44:13,490 - common - INFO - Video processing system initialized
2024-10-27 13:44:13,495 - __main__ - INFO - Created configuration: {'output_format': <OutputFormat.PNG: ('png', [16], False)>, 'compression_quality': 9, 'detect_key frames': True, 'similarity_threshold': 0.999620166015625, 'thread_count': 1, 'buffer_size': 60, 'cache_size': 60, 'enable_cache': True, 'max_memory_usage': None, 'retry_attempts': 3, 'retry_delay': 0.5, 'frame_timeout': 5.0, 'video_timeout': 30.0}
2024-10-27 13:44:13,495 - __main__ - INFO - Running inference mode to target 8 frames
Progress: 22%2024-10-27 13:44:15,657 - nframes - INFO - Found acceptable threshold 0.99829 producing 8 frames (target: 8)
2024-10-27 13:44:15,657 - __main__ - INFO - Inference complete: threshold=0.998, estimated frames=8

Inference Results:
Optimal similarity threshold: 0.998
Estimated frame count: 8
Search iterations: 12

Processing video with inferred threshold...
Progress: 100%
2024-10-27 13:44:15,973 - processor - INFO - Processed 180 frames, kept 35 key frames
2024-10-27 13:44:15,973 - __main__ - INFO - Processing complete. Extracted 35 frames.
Successfully extracted 35 frames to output
2024-10-27 13:44:15,974 - common - INFO - System cleanup completed

Note there is a discrepency between estimated and actual frames generated because the estimator uses a simplified method to estimate key frame thresholds, whilst the full extraction compares not just a frame with its preceding 2 frames but a configurable number typically much higher. If this is problematic you can adjust the target frames accordingly.

Expand to see a visual representations of the library and CLI tool's processing of a video file
The module interaction diagram shows how the main components communicate during the processing of a video file.
    participant CLI as Command Line (cli-script)
    participant Config as Configuration (
    participant Model as FrameExtractionModel (
    participant Buffer as FrameBuffer (
    participant Analyser as FrameAnalyser
    participant Output as Output Directory

    CLI->>Config: Load parameters
    CLI->>Model: Initialize FrameExtractionModel
    Model->>Buffer: Allocate FrameBuffer
    Model->>Analyser: Initialize Analyser

    CLI->>Model: Process video
    Model->>Buffer: Add frame to buffer
    Buffer-->>Analyser: Pass frame for analysis
    Analyser->>Model: Detect key frames
    Model->>Output: Save key frame to output directory

Parameters Reference

Output Format Options

  • --format: Output format for frames
    • png: Lossless compression (default)
    • jpeg: Lossy compression, smaller files
    • webp: Modern format with good compression
  • --quality: Quality/compression level
    • PNG: 0-9 (9 = max compression)
    • JPEG/WebP: 0-100 (100 = best quality)

Processing Options

  • --enable-keyframes: Enable key frame detection
  • --similarity: Similarity threshold (0.0-1.0, default: 0.95)
  • --target-frames: When specified enables automatic estimation of --similarity value so n frames are produced
  • --threads: Number of processing threads (default: CPU cores - 1)

Resource Management

  • --buffer-size: Frame buffer size (default: 30)
  • --cache-size: Frame cache size (default: 30)
  • --max-memory: Maximum memory usage in MB (unbound if not speciifed)
  • --disable-cache: Disable frame caching

Error Handling

  • --retries: Number of retry attempts (default: 3)
  • --retry-delay: Initial delay between retries in seconds (default: 0.5)
  • --frame-timeout: Frame operation timeout in seconds (default: 5.0)
  • --video-timeout: Video operation timeout in seconds (default: 30.0)

Logging Options

  • --log-level: Logging verbosity
    • DEBUG: Detailed debugging information
    • INFO: General operation information
    • WARNING: Warning messages
    • ERROR: Error messages
    • CRITICAL: Critical issues
  • --log-file: Path to log file (default: console output)

Performance Considerations

Memory Usage

  • Frame buffer size directly impacts memory usage
  • Monitor memory usage through built-in tracking

CPU Utilization

  • Thread count affects CPU usage and processing speed
  • Default thread count is (CPU cores - 1)

Storage I/O

  • Buffer size affects disk I/O patterns
  • Larger buffers reduce I/O frequency but increase memory usage
  • Output format affects storage requirements:
    • PNG: Lossless, larger files (but supports compression)
    • JPEG: Lossy, smaller files (depending on quality setting)
    • WebP: Modern format, good mix between compression and quality

Error Handling and Recovery

  • Configurable automatic retry of frame extraction operations with exponential-backoff
  • Comprehensive error logging
  • Transaction-like operations with cleanup handlers
  • As in any complex system of this nature, multi-thread concurrency, caching and frame buffering are likely to be the first thing you should try disabling if you do see errors.

Monitoring and Debugging


  • Available log levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
  • Performance metrics tracked via logs including:
    • Frame processing times
    • Memory usage statistics
    • Thread pool utilization
    • I/O operations monitoring
  • Error tracking includes:
    • Detailed error messages and stack traces
    • Operation context
    • Cleanup operation status
    • Resource management events

Todo / improvements

Build and integrate Unit tests
Have an option to resize the video before or after processing
Integrate it with my image-gridder so that the resulting images are auto-cropped and put against the backdrop of a semi-transparent grid, also compressed heavily for network transit.
Increase pylint score (around 0.9 at time of writing)
Properly package dependencies, including versions, and creaate package.toml. and other components, move source to src folder structure
SSIM should be optional :) It's expensive, might not even be that great.
Consolidate logging and code comments in some of the scripts
It would be nice to have a debug mode where e.g., particuar factors like weight of SSIM vs Frame histograms, parameters for quality detection such as blurring via method
Integrate the FrameData structure into classes like processor and nframes ( is the inference to solve for sensitivity parameter)
Dockerised deployment model and e.g., REST/HTTP API interface or expose the API via a container port/sshd to the container or such - this is not so relevant for my setup but I will do it because it enables some cloud deployments and fully controlling the runtime environment
Github Actions for running pylint, and running some end-to-end tests, potentially deploying to a cloud environment like GKE
I could see being useful for orchestrating larger workflows that involve video manipulation and then subsequent processing downstream, might try to create a basic workflow/worker/activity set for this.