diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index df2b6caa..06a23512 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
## [Unreleased]
+## [v2.2.2a](https://github.com/daveroverts/bmac/compare/v2.2.2...v2.2.2a) - 2021-10-24
+### Changed
+- README.md rewritten
+- Fix for send test email not working
+### Changed
+- Deployment package changed from ``lorisleiva/laravel-deployer`` to ``deployphp/deployer``
+ - This is temporary for PHP 8 support, I'll move the deployment script somewhere else later on.
+- PHP 8 support
+- `import_template.xlsx` now uses correct header values.
## [v2.2.2](https://github.com/daveroverts/bmac/compare/v2.2.1...v2.2.2) - 2021-10-09
### Changed
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 33d00af3..ea1596c2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,50 +1,121 @@
-# About this project
+# Book me a Cookie [BMAC]
-Book me a Cookie is a booking system created in Laravel. It's initial purpose was to be used for one event (The Holland - America Line), howerver, this system is already ready to be used for more events.
+Book me a Cookie [BMAC] is a Vatsim booking system created in Laravel. It's initial purpose was to be used for one event (The Holland - America Line), however, this system is already ready to be used for more events.
## Features
-- Uses [Vatsim Connect](https://vatsimnetwork.github.io/documentation/connect)
-- A option is available to use a different OAuth2 provider.
-## Installing
-Before you begin, make sure you have a server to run everything on. For local development, I use [Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/master/homestead).
-1. Clone the repository
-2. Copy `env-example` to `.env`. The following must be changed
- - APP_ENV:
- - `production` Vatsim SSO will be normally used, don't do this when testing.
- - Anything else will use the demo server
- - APP_URL: Be sure to set this, if you don't, SSO will redirect you incorrectly.
- - BUGSNAG_API_KEY: If you don't use Bugsnag, fill in a random string here, or else you might get errors when running `npm run prod`
- - DB\_\*: As required
- - If your database does not support long indexes, add `DB_LOWER_STRING_LENGTH=true`
- - QUEUE_DRIVER: I recommend either to use `database` or `redis`, but this depends on your setup.
- - MAIL_DRIVER: For testing, use something like [Mailtrap](https://mailtrap.io/) or [Mailhog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) (included with [Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/master/homestead))
- - MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: For testing, this can be anything.
- - MAIL_FROM_NAME: This will be used as the `From` name.
- - OAUTH\_\*: Fill in the required fields.
- - SITE\_\*: Feel free to edit these. They are used all over the place.
- - When adding a new redirect url, point to /login.
- - BOOTSTRAP_COLOR\*: By default, BMAC uses [Bootswatch Flatly](https://bootswatch.com/flatly/). If you wish to edit some colors, you can do so here.
-3. Run the following commands:
- - Production:
- - `composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev`
- - `php artisan key:generate`
- - `php artisan migrate`
- - `php artisan storage:link`
- - `npm install`
- - `npm run prod`
- - Development:
- - `composer install`
- - `php artisan key:generate`
- - `php artisan migrate`
- - `php artisan storage:link`
- - `npm install`
- - `npm run dev`
-4. Open the website, and login.
-5. Open the database, and make yourself admin by setting `isAdmin` to `1`.
-6. To import airports, open route `admin/airports/import`. Depending on your setup, this might take a little while, and you won't get a confirmation that import has been done. The script uses [this](https://github.com/jpatokal/openflights/blob/master/data/airports.dat) file as source.
+- Uses [Vatsim Connect](https://vatsimnetwork.github.io/documentation/connect) as default authentication provider
+- A different OAuth2 provider can also be used
+- Supports the following event types:
+ - One-way / Groupflight
+ - Citypair
+ - Fly-in
+ - Multiflights (limited to 2 flights per booking)
+- E-mail templates included
+- Bootstrap / Bootswatch colors are editable
+- Slots can be imported or added manually.
+- Airports and Events can have links for charts, briefing, scenery or something else. They are visible after pilots book a flight.
+## Tech Stack
+- Laravel
+- Bootstrap 4
+- Bootswatch 4 Flatly theme
+## Vatsim Connect
+In order to use Vatsim Connect as OAuth2 provider, you need to create a organization (or have somebody else do that for you).
+Once you have a Organization, Navigate to `OAUTH`, create `NEW SITE` and set the `Redirect URL` to the `APP_URL` + `/login`. For example: `https://example.org/login`.
+Save the `Client ID` and `Secret` somewhere, you will need this later.
+When testing or running this project locally, Vatsim wants your to use their Connect Development Environment. Details can be found here:
+## Installation
+Before you begin, make sure you have a server with PHP (at least 7.3, 8 recommended) to run everything on. For local development, I use [Laravel Valet](https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/valet), and before that I used [Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/master/homestead).
+1. Clone the project
+ git clone https://github.com/daveroverts/bmac.git
+2. Go to the project directory
+ cd bmac
+3. Copy `.env.example` to `.env`
+ cp .env.example .env
+Open `.env`. The following must be changed:
+- `APP_ENV`
+ - Set this to `production` when running this in a production environment.
+ - Set this to `local` when running this project locally to test things out.
+- `APP_URL`
+ - Be sure to set this to the URL the project will be running. For example: ``APP_URL=https://example.org``
+ - If you forget, you will have issues with Vatsim Connect (or any OAuth 2 provider)
+ - BMAC uses Bugsnag by default for error monitoring.
+ - If you have a key, you can put this here. There won't be problems if you leave it empty.
+- `DB_*`
+ - As required
+ - If you need to share a database with some other application, you can add in a prefix by setting `DB_TABLE_PREFIX=bmac_`
+ - If your database does not support long indexes, set `DB_LOWER_STRING_LENGTH=true`
+ - For local, you can use `sync` with no issues
+ - In a production environment, I recommend you use something else, like `database` or `redis`. More info can be found [here](https://laravel.com/docs/master/queues)
+ - When you use `database`, the `jobs` table is already migrated, no need to do that again.
+ - When you use `redis`, `predis` is already in the `composer.json` file, no need to require it again.
+- `MAIL_*`
+ - As required
+ - `MAIL_MAILER`: For testing, you can use something like [Mailtrap](https://mailtrap.io/) (online) or [Mailhog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) (local, included with [Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/master/homestead))
+ - `MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS`: This will be used as the `From` email. Don't forget to set this.
+ - `MAIL_FROM_NAME`: This will be used as the `From` name
+- `OAUTH_*`
+ - See [Vatsim Connect](#vatsim-connect) if you're not sure what to do at this point.
+- `SITE_*`
+ - Feel free to edit these. They are used all over the place.
+ - By default, BMAC uses [Bootswatch Flatly](https://bootswatch.com/flatly/). If you wish to edit some colors, you can do so here.
+4. Install dependencies
+ composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
+ php artisan key:generate # Only needed for first deployment
+ php artisan migrate
+ php artisan storage:link # Only needed for first deployment
+ npm ci
+ npm run prod
+ composer install
+ php artisan key:generate # Only needed for first deployment
+ php artisan migrate
+ php artisan storage:link # Only needed for first deployment
+ npm ci
+ npm run dev
+5. Open the website, and login.
+6. Open the database, and make yourself admin by setting `isAdmin` to `1`.
+7. If you want to include all airports to the database, navigate to `admin/airports/import` (be sure you're logged in as admin). Depending on your setup, this might take a little while, and you won't get a confirmation that import has been done.
+The script uses [this](https://github.com/jpatokal/openflights/blob/master/data/airports.dat) file as source. Note that at the time of writing, the file was last edited 13 May 2019.
diff --git a/resources/views/event/admin/sendEmail.blade.php b/resources/views/event/admin/sendEmail.blade.php
index 0d3b5ed5..63cc2ae7 100644
--- a/resources/views/event/admin/sendEmail.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/event/admin/sendEmail.blade.php
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
var url = '{{ route('admin.events.email', $event) }}';
axios.post(url, {
'subject': $('#subject').val(),
- 'message': tinymce.get('tinymce').getContent(),
+ 'message': tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(),
'testmode': 1,
'_method': 'PATCH',