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Researcher Contributed Eye Tracking Tools

Scott Huberty edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 122 revisions

This is a list of tools whose focus is post-acquisition summarization and analysis of eye movement data, and where the source code can be freely downloaded (i.e., you don't have to ask for it). Some of these packages also include facilities for ET data acquisition, but data acquisition alone is not sufficient to be on the list. Some of the stuff included here lacks an explicit License, and some of it is not open source, although it is freely downloadable. Watch for that if it's something that concerns you. Regardless, if you use any of these tools in your research, I'm sure the authors would appreciate being recognized for their work through an appropriate citation. I know I would.

The list is incomplete, no doubt. If you know of something that seems like it ought to be included, feel free to add it; this is a wiki, after all. What's more, I am not working much in this space any longer, so may not be aware of recent developments.

YOU can make any updates or corrections to existing entries that seem appropriate. Don't be shy. You will need a free github account to make edits.

R packages

Python packages

Matlab toolkits

Other languages

  • CARPE: on google code visualization and collection of gaze patterns over dynamic images. Project home page on wordpress Looks fairly polished, but no recent development (since 2010).
  • EyeAnalyzer: on github Visual Basic codebase. A tool for measuring fixations in studies where the subject views several different stimuli over the course of the recorded session. It works by parsing XML data from an eye-tracking device and measuring fixations that fall within specified areas of interest (AOIs) over the time interval specified by for each stimulus. Screen-capture video is used for the user to specify the intervals and the AOIs for each interval. Last update in March, 2013.
  • EyeMap: on sourceforge http:/ Java codebase. Looks like reasonably good tools for analysis of EM over print. Supports data from both SRR and Tobii systems. It's not clear to me that there are means to specify interest areas other than for single words. Last update in 2012.
  • EyePatterns: on sourceforge Looks for patterns/similarities in fixation sequences. Java codebase. Last update in 2013.
  • EyeTrack, EyeDoctor, EyeDry, Designed for reading studies and for use with SRR ET systems. Available from Staub lab at UMass C++ codebase, some Python. Seems current.
  • eyetracker: on github C++ codebase. Last update in 2012.
  • Eyetracker Output Utility: "a program to visualize, analyze and convert gaze data of eyetracking systems from SMI (e.g., RED, iView X Hi-Speed), Tobii (e.g., T60, T120, TX300), and SR Research (e.g., EyeLink 1000)." Available at Java codebase. Source not included. Contains a copyright notice, and the statement "All rights reserved", but no explicit license. Last update in July, 2016.
  • fixation-correction-vizmanip: On github Java codebase. This tool allows the user to visualize fixations and make changes to their locations using a simple drag and drop functionality to correct fixations manually. Last update in December, 2017.
  • Get Reading Measures (GRM): is a tool from a commercial vendor, SR Research. It's purpose is to extract conventional regional summary measures from studies of gaze behavior while reading. It is designed to work with Fixation Reports output by their proprietary Data Viewer software. But, I believe, the GRM tool itself is freely downloadable, although source code is not available, so I've included it on this list. It can be downloaded from the SRR support forum at Access requires login via free account. Source not included.
  • itrace-gaze-analysis: On github Java codebase. Analyses iTrace gaze data. Last update in December, 2014.
  • OGAMA: on github Data collection, fixation detection, scanpath analysis, statistics, saliency and heatmaps. Supports Tobii, Alea Tech ET, TheEyeTribe, SMI, SmartEye, Mirametrix, EyeTechVT2, gazepoint gp3, Haytham and ITU Gazetracker devices. Also does mouse tracking. C# codebase. Creator/author stopped development and support in 2016, but makes clear his hope that someone else will take over. Seems like a nice package; someone should step up.
  • on github Dashboard that provides some interesting looking interactive visualizations of ET data. Not clear what input formats are supported. Javascript codebase. Last updated in October 2016.
  • tobii_eyetracker_csv_reading: on github Read Tobii sourced csv files in the Processing language (<>). Last update in January 2014.
  • tobii_eyetracker_processing: on github Make plots and animations of Tobii ET data using the Processing language (<>). Last update in May 2014.
  • VizFix: A "tool for visualizing gaze fixations and other data from eye tracking experiments." Seems to be focussed on data from LC Tech devices. Objective-C codebase requires Mac OS X 10.5 or better. Download source at Google Code: Authors' web site is here: Last update in 2010.