- Сайт OpenMP ARB - Примеры на Github - Слайды Михаила Курносова [pdf] - Канал OpenMP ARB на youtube - Ливерморская национальная лаборатория(обучающие материалы) - Инструмент для работы с OpenMP.
Youtube lectures OpenMP - OpenMP ARB channel on youtube
LLNL OpenMP page - Introduction to Parallel Computing by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Getting started with OpenMP from Intel - A Quick Introduction to OpenMP
32 OpenMP Traps For C++ Developers - Errors which lead to incorrect behavior of parallel programs created with OpenMP.
OpenMPRTL - Intel OpenMP Runtime Library
Clang OpenMP - OpenMP subproject of LLVM
GNU GCC OpenMP - The GOMP project has developed an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection
OpenMPCon - annual gathering of developers focused on the practical application of the OpenMP API