diff --git a/docs/basics/101-109-rerun.rst b/docs/basics/101-109-rerun.rst index 97d3eed95..6a4c97a9c 100644 --- a/docs/basics/101-109-rerun.rst +++ b/docs/basics/101-109-rerun.rst @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ of the dataset and the previous commit (called "``HEAD~1``" in Git terminology [ datalad diff --from main --to HEAD~1 - The ``--from`` argument specifies a different starting point for the comparison - the ``main`` or :term:`main` :term:`branch`, which would be the starting point on most Unix-based systems. + The ``--from`` argument specifies a different starting point for the comparison - the ``main`` or :term:`master` :term:`branch`, which would be the starting point on most Unix-based systems. .. runrecord:: _examples/DL-101-109-108 :language: console