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DWX ZeroMQ Connector { Python 3 to MetaTrader 4 }

Changes in v2.0.2 compared to v2.0.1:

Table of Contents


With this version update, kindly contributed by the amazing Raul, several modifications have been made to both the Python and MQL4 scripts, to improve the overall capabilities provided by this project. All modifications have been deployed in subfolder v2.0.2.

Price feed

In version v2.0.1, clients could subscribe to price feeds (bid,ask prices) for different symbols. Those symbols were required to be previouly configured in the Expert Advisor.

However, if clients (in runtime) did a new subscription to other symbols (not configured previously in the Expert Advisor), their price feed could not be updated, because those symbols were not configured yet in the EA.

The modification proposed in v2.0.2 by the pull-request author Raul, required a modification be made to both the Expert Advisor code and ZMQ-Connector code, whereby symbols could be configured in the Expert Advisor (runing as a Server in MT4) and hence, enabling clients to change subscriptions to their price feeds during at any time.

Rates History

In version 2.0.1, clients could request historical prices for specific instruments (symbol & timeframe), and receive CLOSE prices for a period in time.

However, there wasn't a service to get RATE prices for those instruments, where a RATE as a data stream formed by these values: TIME,OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE,TICKVOL,SPREAD,REALVOL.

This has been implemented in v2.0.2, and includes a new service providing this functionality.

Rates feed

In version 2.0.1, there was no way to get a rates feed for specific instruments.

The modification proposed in v2.0.2, allowed clients to modify instruments configured in the Expert Advisor and hence get subscribed to their rates feed during runtime.

New Data Notifications in Real Time

In version 2.0.1, data received from the Server came through PULL or SUB ports.

Data feeds came through SUB ports and were registered in the client's dictionary self._Market_Data_DB. So, clients could check this dictionary periodically for new received data.

In v2.0.2 implements a change in the ZMQ-Connector code. Now a data processor is registered in the Connector, acting as an event handler. When new data is received through the PULL port, a callback is invoked dataHandler.onPullData(pull_port_data).

Similarly, when data is received through the SUB port, a callback dataHandler.onSubData(sub_port_data) is invoked.

With the addition of these callbacks, clients may now execute in a more efficient way, via this event-driven framework.

List of changes

This section describes changes to source code and newly added functionalities.


This request is intended to change symbols configured in the Expert Advisor at runtime. The request is formed using a command and a list of symbols that must be managed by the Expert Advisor:


Example 1: to start receiving bid-ask prices for EURUSD, GDAXI and EURGBP, clients can send this PUSH request to the Server:


Example 2: At any given time, clients can cancel e.g. the EURUSD price feed, updating that list with this new PUSH request:


Example 3: Also, clients can clears the symbol list managed by the EA, sending a request without symbols:


To enable this new functionality, a new method was added:


The MQL4 Server EA was also modified to accept this new command request, to provide an associated response and update the list of symbols managed by itself. The response to this request <TRACK_PRICES;GDAXI;EURGBP> is as follows:

  '_action': 'TRACK_PRICES',
  '_data': {
    '_symbol_count': 2


This request is intended to change instruments configured in the Expert Advisor at runtime, so that clients could get subscribed to rate price feeds.

It is identified by the command: TRACK_RATES followed by a list of symbols and timeframes:


Example 1: to start receiving Rates(time-open-high-low-close-tickvol-spread-realvol) from EURUSD at timeframe M1, and from GDAXI at timeframe H4, clients can send this PUSH request to the Server:


Note: H4 = 4hours = 4*60mins = 240mins (timeframe = 240)

Example 2: instrument list can be changed at any given time. It can also be cleared by a command without symbols-timeframes:


To enable this new functionality, a new method was added:

def _DWX_MTX_SEND_TRACKRATES_REQUEST_(self,_instruments=[('EURUSD_M1','EURUSD',1)]):

Note: Instruments are tuples of 3 parameters (name, symbol, timeframe). In this case, name is formatted as: SYMBOL_TIMEFRAME, where TIMEFRAME holds values from one of the standard MQL4 timeframes: M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1,W1,MN1

The Expert Advisor was modified to process this new request properly. The response to this request <TRACK_RATES;GDAXI;1> is as follows:

  '_action': 'TRACK_RATES',
  '_data': {
    '_instrument_count': 1

When a client is subscribed to a rate feed, it will receive the response through the SUB port and the message will be in this format TOPIC MESSAGE where TOPIC is the instrument name and MESSAGE is the rate price.

+-- TOPIC------+ +----------- Message -------------------------+


EURUSD_H1  1556523690;1.15115;1.15155;1.15105;1.15125;30;0;0

Note: field TIME is the unix timestamp in integer format (1556523690 = 2019/04/29 at 7:41am UTC)

HIST command

This request is intended to request a historic of rates from an specific instrument. Similar to DATA request, its format is as follows:


This functionality was added as a new method:

                                 _start='2019.01.04 17:00:00',
                       '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:00')):

Additionally, the Expert Advisor was modified to provide the requested historic data.

Received data handlers

The Python script was modified to accept the registration of two event handlers, that will be invoked when new data is received through the PULL or SUB ports.

To enable this, the constructor of the Python class DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector in v2.0.2 was modified as follows:

class DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector():

    Setup ZeroMQ -> MetaTrader Connector
    def __init__(self, 
                 _ClientID='DLabs_Python',  # Unique ID for this client
                 _host='localhost',         # Host to connect to
                 _protocol='tcp',           # Connection protocol
                 _PUSH_PORT=32768,           # Port for Sending commands
                 _PULL_PORT=32769,           # Port for Receiving responses
                 _SUB_PORT=32770,            # Port for Subscribing for prices
                 _pulldata_handlers = [],    # Handlers to process data received through PULL port.
                 _subdata_handlers = [],     # Handlers to process data received through SUB port.
                 _verbose=False):           # String delimiter    
  • _pulldata_handlers: is a list of handlers that will be notified when new data arrives through the PULL port, calling the public method handler.onPullData(new_data).

  • _subdata_handlers: is a list of handlers that will be notified when new data arrives through the SUB port, calling the public method handler.onSubData(new_data).

An example implementation of a handler that can get notifications from both sockets could be:

class Handler():
    """ Handles PULL socket data """
    def onPullData(self, new_data):
        print('Received new data on PULL socket ={}'.format(new_data))

    """ Handles SUB socket data """
    def onSubData(self, new_data):
        print('Received new data on SUB socket ={}'.format(new_data))   

And then a Client, could start the ZMQ connector installing these handlers, as follows:

hnd = Handler()
zmq = DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector(_pulldata_handlers=[hnd], _subdata_handlers=[hnd])

Rate prices streaming

As stated before, rates are also streamed through the SUB port when a client is subscribed to them. In this case, they are also streamed into the _zmq._Market_Data_DB dictionary using the instrument's name.

In similar fashion, for a rate stream for instrument EURUSD_H1, data inserted into the dictionary will be formatted as follows:

{'EURUSD_H1': {
  '2019-01-08 10:00:49.157431': (1546952449;1.15115;1.15155;1.15105;1.15125;30;0;0),
  '2019-01-08 11:00:50.673151': (1546956050;1.15116;1.15146;1.15107;1.15122;50;5;0),
  '2019-01-08 12:00:51.010993': (1546959651;1.15114;1.15153;1.15106;1.15121;10;10;0),


In folder /v2.0.2/python/examples/template/strategies we've provided a few different examples, showing these new features:

  • in this example a Client modifies a symbol list configured in the EA to get bid-ask prices from EURUSD and GDAXI. When it receives 10 prices from each feed, it will cancel the GDAXI feed and only receives 10 more prices from EURUSD. Once those next 10 prices are received, it cancels all price feeds and terminates.
Loading example...
[INIT] Ready to send commands to METATRADER (PUSH): 32768
[INIT] Listening for responses from METATRADER (PULL): 32769
\Running example...
[KERNEL] Subscribed to EURUSD MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to EURUSD price feed
[KERNEL] Subscribed to GDAXI MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to GDAXI price feed
Configuring price feed for 2 symbols
Response from ExpertAdvisor={'_action': 'TRACK_PRICES', '_data': {'symbol_count': 2}}
Waiting example termination...
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116400;1.116430
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12311.300000;12312.000000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116400;1.116400
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12310.300000;12311.000000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116370;1.116380
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116360;1.116380
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116370;1.116400
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116360;1.116400
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116370;1.116410
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116380;1.116410
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.800000;12310.500000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116370;1.116390
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.300000;12310.000000
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116360;1.116390
Data on Topic=GDAXI with Message=12309.300000;12310.000000
[KERNEL] Subscribed to EURUSD MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to EURUSD price feed
Configuring price feed for 1 symbols
Response from ExpertAdvisor={'_action': 'TRACK_PRICES', '_data': {'symbol_count': 1}}
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116370;1.116390
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116390;1.116420
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116380;1.116400
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116380;1.116420
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116390;1.116420
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116350;1.116350
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116310;1.116330
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116320;1.116340
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116320;1.116350
Data on Topic=EURUSD with Message=1.116310;1.116340
[KERNEL] Setting Status to False - Deactivating Threads.. please wait a bit.
Unsubscribing from all topics
Removing symbols list
Removing instruments list
  • in this example a Client modifies the instrument list configured in the EA to get rate prices for EURUSD in M1 and GDAXI in M5 precision. After receiving 5 rates for EURUSD_M1 it cancels its feed and waits for another 2 rates from GDAXI. At this point it cancels all rate feeds and waits for 2 minutes. Then it prints the contents of the _zmq._Market_Data_DB dictionary and finishes.
Loading example...
[INIT] Ready to send commands to METATRADER (PUSH): 32768
[INIT] Listening for responses from METATRADER (PULL): 32769
\Running example...
[KERNEL] Subscribed to EURUSD_M1 MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to ('EURUSD_M1', 'EURUSD', 1) rate feed
[KERNEL] Subscribed to GDAXI_M5 MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to ('GDAXI_M5', 'GDAXI', 5) rate feed
Configuring rate feed for 2 instruments
Response from ExpertAdvisor={'_action': 'TRACK_RATES', '_data': {'instrument_count': 2}}
Waiting example termination...
Data on Topic=EURUSD_M1 with Message=1556542800;1.116190;1.116190;1.116110;1.116140;45;0;0
Data on Topic=GDAXI_M5 with Message=1556542800;12289.400000;12289.900000;12285.900000;12289.400000;47;0;0
Data on Topic=EURUSD_M1 with Message=1556542860;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1;0;0
Data on Topic=EURUSD_M1 with Message=1556542920;1.116150;1.116150;1.116150;1.116150;1;0;0
Data on Topic=EURUSD_M1 with Message=1556542980;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1;0;0
Data on Topic=EURUSD_M1 with Message=1556543040;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1.116170;1;0;0
[KERNEL] Subscribed to GDAXI_M5 MARKET updates. See self._Market_Data_DB.
Subscribed to ('GDAXI_M5', 'GDAXI', 5) rate feed
Configuring rate feed for 1 instruments
Response from ExpertAdvisor={'_action': 'TRACK_RATES', '_data': {'instrument_count': 1}}
Data on Topic=GDAXI_M5 with Message=1556542800;12289.400000;12294.900000;12285.900000;12292.400000;117;0;0
Data on Topic=GDAXI_M5 with Message=1556543100;12293.400000;12293.400000;12291.900000;12291.900000;2;0;0
[KERNEL] Setting Status to False - Deactivating Threads.. please wait a bit.
Unsubscribing from all topics
Removing symbols list
Removing instruments list

self._Market_Data_DB = {
 'EURUSD_M1': {
  '2019-04-29 10:00:51.219693': (1556542800, 1.11619, 1.11619, 1.11611, 1.11614, 45, 0, 0), 
  '2019-04-29 10:01:01.597655': (1556542860, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1, 0, 0), 
  '2019-04-29 10:02:03.343480': (1556542920, 1.11615, 1.11615, 1.11615, 1.11615, 1, 0, 0), 
  '2019-04-29 10:03:03.720442': (1556542980, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1, 0, 0), 
  '2019-04-29 10:04:04.212392': (1556543040, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1.11617, 1, 0, 0)}, 
 'GDAXI_M5': {
   '2019-04-29 10:00:51.220693': (1556542800, 12289.4, 12289.9, 12285.9, 12289.4, 47, 0, 0), 
   '2019-04-29 10:04:05.019311': (1556542800, 12289.4, 12294.9, 12285.9, 12292.4, 117, 0, 0), 
   '2019-04-29 10:05:10.458767': (1556543100, 12293.4, 12293.4, 12291.9, 12291.9, 2, 0, 0)}

  • in this example a Client request a rate historic from EURGBP Daily from the last 5 days.
Loading example...
[INIT] Ready to send commands to METATRADER (PUSH): 32768
[INIT] Listening for responses from METATRADER (PULL): 32769
\Running example...
Requesting Daily Rates from EURGBP
Waiting example termination...
Historic from ExpertAdvisor={
  '_action': 'HIST', 
  '_data': [
    {'time': '2019.01.04 00:00', 'open': 0.90111, 'high': 0.90294, 'low': 0.89437, 'close': 0.89531, 'tick_volume': 139109, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.07 00:00', 'open': 0.89476, 'high': 0.89914, 'low': 0.89476, 'close': 0.89762, 'tick_volume': 111123, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.08 00:00', 'open': 0.89728, 'high': 0.9006, 'low': 0.89477, 'close': 0.89976, 'tick_volume': 112238, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.09 00:00', 'open': 0.89878, 'high': 0.90411, 'low': 0.89749, 'close': 0.90236, 'tick_volume': 140615, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.10 00:00', 'open': 0.90081, 'high': 0.90594, 'low': 0.90081, 'close': 0.90171, 'tick_volume': 136389, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.11 00:00', 'open': 0.90143, 'high': 0.90618, 'low': 0.89221, 'close': 0.89281, 'tick_volume': 138047, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}, 
    {'time': '2019.01.14 00:00', 'open': 0.89115, 'high': 0.89521, 'low': 0.88751, 'close': 0.89093, 'tick_volume': 121669, 'spread': 0, 'real_volume': 0}

[KERNEL] Setting Status to False - Deactivating Threads.. please wait a bit.
Unsubscribing from all topics