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Scala crash course


Scala is not a pure functional language, so it is possible to use mutable variables.

var v = 5
// v: Int = 5
v = v + 1
// res1: Int = 6

But use of these is strongly discouraged in favour of immutable values.

val x = 5
x = x + 1
// error:
// Reassignment to val x
// def linFun(m: Double, c: Double)(x: Double): Double =
//                                    ^

Immutable collections

We often want to work with collections of values of given type, and these are also immutable.

val vi = Vector(2, 4, 6, 3)
// vi: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 6, 3)
// now update value at position 2 to be 7
val viu = vi.updated(2, 7)
// viu: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 7, 3)
// original vector unchanged
// res3: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 6, 3)
// res4: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 7, 3)

The new vector is effectively an updated copy, but that doesn't mean that all of the data has been copied. We can point to data in the original vector safely, since it is immutable.

Manipulating collections

Since collections are functors, we can map them. => x*2)
// res5: Vector[Int] = Vector(4, 8, 12, 6)
vi map (x => x*2)
// res6: Vector[Int] = Vector(4, 8, 12, 6)
vi map (_*2)
// res7: Vector[Int] = Vector(4, 8, 12, 6)

We can also reduce them.

// res8: Int = 15
// res9: Int = 15
// res10: Int = 15

Note that map and reduce are higher-order functions (HoFs), since they accept a function as an argument.

Writing functions

Here's a simple definition of a log-factorial function.

def logFact(n: Int): Double =
  (1 to n).map(_.toDouble).map(math.log).sum
// res11: Double = 1.791759469228055
// res12: Double = 15.104412573075518
// res13: Double = 1051299.2218991187

This requires creating a collection of size n, which might not be desirable.

We will use the log-factorial function to explore the use of recursion instead of more imperative looping constructs.

Recursive functions

def logFactR(n: Int): Double =
  if (n <= 1) 0.0 else
  math.log(n) + logFactR(n - 1)

// res14: Double = 1.791759469228055
// res15: Double = 15.104412573075518

This function is recursive, but not tail-recursive since the result of the recursive call (logFactR(n - 1)) is modified before the correct value is returned. So, although it doesn't consume heap space, it consumes stack space, which is worse. That is, this function will stack-overflow if evaluated at a large enough input value.

// java.lang.StackOverflowError

Tail-recursive functions

final def logFactTR(n: Int, acc: Double = 0.0): Double =
  if (n <= 1) acc else
  logFactTR(n - 1, math.log(n) + acc)
// res16: Double = 1.791759469228055
// res17: Double = 15.104412573075514
// res18: Double = 1051299.221899134

This version consumes neither heap nor stack space. The tailrec annotation is optional, but is useful, since it forces the compiler to flag an error if there is some reason why the tail call elimination can not be performed (eg. here, the method needed to be decalared final so it could not be over-ridden).

Helper functions

The previous example made use of the fact that Scala has optional arguments with default values. Even if this wasn't the case, we could acheive the same thing by embedding the two-argument version as a private function inside the one-argument version.

def logFactTRH(n: Int): Double =
  def go(n: Int, acc: Double): Double =
    if (n <= 1) acc else
    go(n - 1, math.log(n) + acc)
  go(n, 0.0)
// res19: Double = 1.791759469228055
// res20: Double = 15.104412573075514
// res21: Double = 1051299.221899134

Curried functions

Sometimes we want to partially apply a function by providing some of the arguments. We can flag this by grouping them.

def linFun(m: Double, c: Double)(x: Double): Double =
  m*x + c

val f = linFun(2, 3)
// f: Function1[Double, Double] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda$8192/0x0000000802165e08@36ff03be

// res22: Double = 3.0
// res23: Double = 5.0
// res24: Double = 7.0

Since the output of the partial call is a function, this is another example of a HoF.