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Scala parallel programming crash course

Parallel collections

This simplest (but by no means the only) way to get started with parallel programming in Scala is using parallel collections.

Let's create some random data:

val rng = scala.util.Random(42)
// rng: Random = scala.util.Random@4fbdbb7
val v = Vector.fill(10)(rng.nextGaussian)
// v: Vector[Double] = Vector(
//   1.1419053154730547,
//   0.9194079489827879,
//   -0.9498666368908959,
//   -1.1069902863993377,
//   0.2809776380727795,
//   0.6846227956326554,
//   -0.8172214073987268,
//   -1.3966434026780434,
//   -0.19094451307087512,
//   1.4862133923906502
// )

and pretend that we don't know the true mean. We can define a simple log likelihood function as

def ll0(mu: Double)(x: Double): Double = -(x - mu)*(x - mu)/2.0

But now to mimic the computation of a very expensive likelihood, we can artificially slow it down.

def ll(mu: Double)(x: Double): Double =

So now the likelihood evaluation associated with every observation will take at least half a second.

We can evaluate the likelihood for our vector of observations (at 0) as follows:

(v map ll(0.0)) reduce (_+_)
// res0: Double = -4.844171665682075

and this will take at least 5 seconds. However, if we convert the vector to a parallel collection

import scala.collection.parallel.CollectionConverters.*
val vp = v.par // convert v to a ParVector
// vp: ParVector[Double] = ParVector(1.1419053154730547, 0.9194079489827879, -0.9498666368908959, -1.1069902863993377, 0.2809776380727795, 0.6846227956326554, -0.8172214073987268, -1.3966434026780434, -0.19094451307087512, 1.4862133923906502) // convert v to a ParVector
(vp map ll(0.0)) reduce (_+_)
// res1: Double = -4.844171665682075

the likelihood evaluation will be much quicker, since the map operation parallelises "perfectly", and the reduce operation can be evaluated in parallel with tree reduction. Scala automatically implements these parallelisations on parallel collections. Note that no change is required to the code - you just switch a regular (serial) collection to a parallel collection, and the library takes care of the rest.


Many, if not most, parallel computation operations that arise in statistical computing and machine learning can be formulated in terms of operations on parallel collections. However, we sometimes need more control over the way that computations are evaluated and combined in parallel. A standard approach to this problem in many functional programming languages is to use some kind of Future monad. Here we will illustrate how to use Scala's built-in Future to do the same parallel computation as above, but without relying on parallel collections.

We start with a few imports.

import cats.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import scala.concurrent.*
import scala.util.Success
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

A Future evaluates a computation on another thread while returning immediately with a "wrapper" that will eventually contain the desired value (when the computation is finished). So while

// res2: Double = -0.5

will take at least half a second to return a value,

// res3: Future[Double] = Future(Success(-0.5))

will return immediately, but the return type will be Future[Double], not Double. The Future object has many methods, including those to map another computation over the result, and to ask whether the computation is completed. Futures make it easy to run many computations concurrently. For example

val vf = v map (x => Future(ll(0.0)(x)))
// vf: Vector[Future[Double]] = Vector(
//   Future(Success(-0.6519738747528083)),
//   Future(Success(-0.42265548832636834)),
//   Future(Success(-0.4511233139392105)),
//   Future(Success(-0.6127137470912438)),
//   Future(Success(-0.03947421654847893)),
//   Future(Success(-0.2343541861499363)),
//   Future(Success(-0.3339254143553779)),
//   Future(Success(-0.9753063971220517)),
//   Future(Success(-0.0182299035359368)),
//   Future(Success(-1.1044151238606623))
// )

will return immediately, with type Vector[Future[Double]]. Each of the Futures inside the vector will run concurrently. We can use sequence to change the Vector[Future[Double]] into a Future[Vector[Double]] and then map a reduce operation to get a Future[Double]. We can then extract the value we want from this.

val lf = vf.sequence map (_ reduce (_+_))
// lf: Future[Double] = Future(Success(-4.844171665682075))
val l = Await.result(lf, 2.seconds)
// l: Double = -4.844171665682075
// -4.844171665682075

Crucially, this runs much faster than the corresponding sequential code. However, it's still not as good as using parallel collections, since map and reduce are still the standard sequential versions, which are still $\mathcal{O}(n)$ operations. We could write our own parMap and parReduce methods, which use binary splitting to evaluate in parallel, but this is a bit beyond the scope of this very short course.


Futures are a powerful and flexible way to construct parallel and concurrent applications. However, they aren't a perfect fit to a pure functional approach to programming. The fact that futures "fire" as soon as they are created means that they have a side-effect (such as creating a thread), and that is potentially problematic. People have developed more principled functional effects systems for Scala, such as Cats effect with its IO monad. These provide better mechanisms for parallel and concurrent programming in Scala. They are, however, (well) beyond the scope of this course.