These scripts are meant to be copied and paste into the MongoDB shell in an interface such as Robo3T. Do remember to change the arguments of the functions.
- Unlisting from examples tab
Do note that the scripts are only meant to be used in NoSQL Booster.
* Unlist a form from the examples page
* @param {String} id of the form
function unlistFormFromExamples(id) {
//Check if id provided is valid
if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) throw new Error('Id is not valid')
const formId = ObjectId(id)
const result = db.forms.update(
{ _id: formId },
{ $set: { isListed: false } }
if (result.nMatched === 0) throw new Error(`Form ${formId} not found`)
return db.forms.find({ _id: formId })
// unlistFormFromExamples("form id")
* Unlist an array of forms from the examples page
* @param {String[]} ids of the forms. These can be any string
* where the first sequence of 24 consecutive alphanumerics is the
* form ID, e.g. the form link.
function unlistFormArrayFromExamples(ids) {
const formIdRegex = /[0-9a-fA-F]{24}/
// Wrap all ids in ObjectId
const objectIds = []
for (let id of ids) {
const parsed = formIdRegex.exec(id)
if (parsed) {
} else {
throw new Error(`${id} does not contain a valid form ID.`)
const result = db
.updateMany({ _id: { $in: objectIds } }, { $set: { isListed: false } })
return `${ids.length} forms given, ${result.matchedCount} matched, ${result.modifiedCount} modified`
// const ids = ['https://some.url/5f8817b7bde9d4002a800d78', 'some.url/#!/5f9a587b119c07002b56124f']
// unlistFormArrayFromExamples(ids)
- Manually archive forms
* Set an array of forms to status ARCHIVED
* @param {String[]} ids of the forms. These can be any string
* where the first sequence of 24 consecutive alphanumerics is the
* form ID, e.g. the form link.
function archiveFormArray(ids) {
const formIdRegex = /[0-9a-fA-F]{24}/
// Wrap all ids in ObjectId
const objectIds = []
for (let id of ids) {
const parsed = formIdRegex.exec(id)
if (parsed) {
} else {
throw new Error(`${id} does not contain a valid form ID.`)
const result = db
.updateMany({ _id: { $in: objectIds } }, { $set: { status: 'ARCHIVED' } })
return `${ids.length} forms given, ${result.matchedCount} matched, ${result.modifiedCount} modified`
// const ids = ['https://some.url/5ea8de1c73e4c00014059071', 'some.url/#!/5e868570a2c4d3001124dfff']
// archiveFormArray(ids)
- Create new agency
* Unlist a form from the examples page
* @param {String} shortName of the agency
* @param {String} fullName of the agency
* @param {String} logoUrl url of the agency's logo
* @param {String[]} emailDomains array of domains that the agency uses
function createAgency(shortName, fullName, logoUrl, emailDomains) {
if (!(emailDomains instanceof Array))
throw new Error(`Email domains not in an array, emailDomains: ${emailDomains}`)
return db.agencies.insert([
shortName: shortName,
fullName: fullName,
logo: logoUrl,
emailDomain: emailDomains
// createAgency("shortName", "fullName", "logoUrl", [""])
- Migration of form admin
* Transfers all forms owned by a form admin to the new admin
* @param {String} oldAdminEmail email address of the current admin
* @param {String} newAdminEmail email address of the new admin
function migrateAllForms(oldAdminEmail, newAdminEmail) {
const oldAdmin = db.users.findOne({ email: oldAdminEmail })
if (oldAdmin === null)
throw new Error(`Could not find any user with the email address: ${oldAdminEmail}`)
const newAdmin = db.users.findOne({ email: newAdminEmail })
if (newAdmin === null)
throw new Error(`Could not find any user with the email address: ${newAdminEmail}`)
return db.forms.update(
{ admin: oldAdmin._id },
{ $set: { admin: newAdmin._id } },
{ multi: true }
// migrateAllForms("oldAdmin", "newAdmin")
* Change a form's admin
* @param {String} oldAdminEmail email address of the current admin
* @param {String} newAdminEmail email address of the new admin
* @param {String} formId id of the form that needs to be transferred
function migrateOneForm(id, oldAdminEmail, newAdminEmail) {
//Check if id provided is valid
if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) throw new Error(`Could not find form, id : ${id}`)
const formId = ObjectId(id)
const oldAdmin = db.users.findOne({ email: oldAdminEmail })
if (oldAdmin === null)
throw new Error(`Could not find any user with the email address: ${oldAdminEmail}`)
const newAdmin = db.users.findOne({ email: newAdminEmail })
if (newAdmin === null)
throw new Error(`Could not find any user with the email address: ${newAdminEmail}`)
let form = db.forms.findOne({ _id: formId, admin: oldAdmin._id })
if (form === null)
throw new Error(`Could not find form ${id} that belongs to ${oldAdminEmail}`)
{ _id: formId, admin: oldAdmin._id },
{ $set: { admin: newAdmin._id } }
return db.forms.find({ _id: formId })
// migrateOneForm("form id", "oldAdmin", "newAdmin")