Oxend p2p port for where the blockchain messages etc are shared between nodes
inline constexpr uint16_t P2P_DEFAULT_PORT = 22022;
Oxend RPC Port for sending RPC requests including remote nodes for wallets (oxend status)
inline constexpr uint16_t RPC_DEFAULT_PORT = 22023;
ZMQ usage
inline constexpr uint16_t ZMQ_RPC_DEFAULT_PORT = 22024;
QNET port used by LokiMQ to send quorum messages between SNs quorums
inline constexpr uint16_t QNET_DEFAULT_PORT = 22025;
inline constexpr uint16_t P2P_DEFAULT_PORT = 38156;
inline constexpr uint16_t RPC_DEFAULT_PORT = 38157;
inline constexpr uint16_t ZMQ_RPC_DEFAULT_PORT = 38158;
inline constexpr uint16_t QNET_DEFAULT_PORT = 38159;
public.loki.foundation -> has both mainnet and testnet endpoints for wallets running remote nodes
--daemon-address public-na.optf.ngo:22023