is a webcomponent that enhances the functionality of the native form
component. It is designed to interact with (instances of) the form controls.
- data synchronization with models
- easy retrieval of form data based on field names
- advanced validation possibilities
- advanced user interaction scenarios via interaction states
- registration mechanism for form controls.
- accessible out of the box
npm i --save @lion/form
import '@lion/form/lion-form.js';
<lion-fieldset name="fullName">
<lion-input label="First Name" name="firstName" .modelValue=${model.firstName}></lion-input>
<lion-input label="Last Name" name="lastName" .modelValue=${model.lastName}></lion-input>
<lion-textarea label="Description" name="description" .modelValue=${model.description}></lion-textarea>
Note that the example above is rendered using lit-html
For more information about fields that are designed for lion-form, please read Forms.