- make sure nothing loads unless current user has loaded!!!
- alternative if there is no project photo
- Profile detail page
- save date when project completed
- don't let user submit address without completing all three parts
- move address, client etc to top so that it does not move page back to top when navigating back
- make sure all ng-shows and ng-hides are setup
- required phone input
- get rid of stupid highlight when clicked thing
- add animation on login
- currentDate to function
- navigation helper
- change new project to only account for new photos
- animations between pages
- strip messages so they are formatted correctly
- does not remember page when opening app again?
- Highlight overdue dates
- Create template from project summary (used on three separate pages)
- convert everything to state
- do file upload without Parse javascript API for consistency. Pass data: {base64: base64}. Not url param
- scrolling for sideways views??