Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel Kanczuk
Easy to implement alghoritm creating a game with interface:
type State interface {
Simulate() SimulationResult
Expand(Iteration) State
Iterations() []Iteration
Copy() State
ID() string
Simulate: Play a random game based on current state.
Iterations: Total iterations of current state.
Expand: Node expansion based on an previews Iteration sent
Copy: Deep copy of State. When implementing this interface, take care of copying objets in a way that doesn't carry any reference from the other one
ID: State identifier.It's a way to prevent duplicated instances
An example of implement:
game := yourCustomGame{}
tree := mcts.NewMonteCarloTree(mcts.MonteCarloTreeConfig{MaxIterations: 256})
// the command start will block until process end
node, err := tree.Start(game)
if err != nil {
// the new state of game, is the result of tree processing
newGameState := node.NodeScore[0].State.(yourCustomGame)
// you can use the newGameState again in monte carlo tree
// inner loop may be necessary to do it!
This implementation is based on example of tic-tac-toe AI and it was implemented with one expasion per iteration instead of expand all, to prevent memory overhead.
Check some examples here: