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File metadata and controls

125 lines (104 loc) · 2.97 KB

Working notes on docker containers

Basic container creation/running

Pull and start a docker container in the background

docker run -d maintainer/container:version

Pull and start a container with extra settings

docker run -d \ # Pull and start a vouch-proxy, background it after start
    -p 9090:9090 \ # Map ports Host:Container
    --name vouch-proxy \ # Set its running name be vouch-proxy
    -v ${PWD}/config:/config \ # map config/*:/config/*
    -v ${PWD}/data:/data \
    --restart unless-stopped \ # Make this container come back at reboot.
    voucher/vouch-proxy:alpine # Name of image to pull from docker hub, or run if its already local

filestash example from git repo

git clone
cd filestash/
docker build -t filestash ./docker/
cp config/config.json config/config.json.example
nano config/config.json
# enable write by all users so that the container can write to the config file on the host
chmod 666 config/config.json

docker run -d \
  -p 8334:8334 \
  --name filestash \
  -v ${PWD}/config/config.json:/app/data/state/config/config.json \
  --restart unless-stopped \

monstaftp example dropping a folder into nginx+php for it to serve up

curl -L -O
nano mftp/settings/settings.json

docker run -d \
  --name monstaftp \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v ${PWD}/mftp:/var/www/html \
  --restart unless-stopped \

vouch-proxy example building from git repo

git clone
cd vouch-proxy
cp config/config.yml_example_google config/config.yml
nano config/config.yml

# -f to specify alternate Dockerfile in directory
# -t for container name to reference when running
docker build -t vouch-alpine -f Dockerfile.alpine .

# Run the build we just created
docker run -d \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    --name vouch-alpine \
    -v ${PWD}/config:/config \
    -v ${PWD}/data:/data \
    --restart unless-stopped \

Container maintenence/management

See running containers

docker container ls

See all containers

docker container ls -a

Enter bash terminal within a container

docker exec -it vouch-proxy /bin/bash

See logs for a container

docker logs vouch-proxy

Stop, Remove container

docker container stop vouch-proxy
docker container rm vouch-proxy

Clear all non-running docker assets

docker system prune

Cleanup EVERYTHING not currently in use

docker system prune -a

Show container mount points

docker inspect vouch-proxy | jq -c '.[0].Mounts'

Show restart policy of a container

docker inspect vouch-proxy | jq -c '.[0].HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name'

Set/Update restart policy of a container

docker update --restart=unless-stopped vouch-proxy