check_sql is a nagios plugin to check SQL queries using perl DBI.
check_sql is database agnostic and the support depends only on what DBI can support.
I've personally tested check_sql with the following:
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
It should support also:
- Oracle databases
- Many other databases I've never used :)
check_sql is based on work done by Nagios Plugin Development Team and Thomas Guyot-Sionnest, I've decided to inherit it and add generic DBI support. I promise to do my best to maintain it...
check_sql features the following:
- Support any database supported by DBI
- Run any query you'd like
- Compare values returned in queries
- Regular expression matching on returned queries
- Return warning or critical based on thresholds (numeric results only)
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -q "select count(*) from some_table"
DSN is the DBI connection string to connect to the database. Some examples:
# mysql database at localhost:3306
# postgresql database at localhost:5432
# SQL server at
# sqlite3 database located at /var/db/sqlite.db
Refer to the specific tutorial to find the right DSN for your DB.
Expecting "Awesome" at the result (-e):
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -e "Awesome" -q "select 'Awesome'"
Expect a regular expression (-r and -e):
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -r -e "Awesome" -q "select 'Awesome yiiiiiiiiiiha'"
Show a warning if larger than 10 (-W 10) and critical if larger than 100 (-C 100):
# will show an OK
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -W 10 -C 100 -q "select 9"
# will show a warning
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -W 10 -C 100 -q "select 11"
# will show an error
./check_sql -v -s -d DSN -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -W 10 -C 100 -q "select 101"
Things you'll need:
- perl DBD::MySQL
./check_sql -v -s -d "DBI:mysql:database=DB_NAME;host=DB_HOSTNAME;port=DB_PORT" -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -q "select count(*) from some_table"
Things you'll need:
- perl DBD::Pg
./check_sql -v -s -d "DBI:Pg:dbname=DB_NAME" -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -q "select count(*) from some_table"
Things you'll need:
- perl DBD::Sybase
- FreeTDS (compiled with --with-tdsver=8.0)
./check_sql -v -s -d DBI:Sybase:server=SERVER_NAME:PORT -U DB_USERNAME -P DB_PASSWORD -q "select count(*) from some_table"
Things you'll need:
- perl DBD-SQLite
./check_sql -v -s -d DBI:SQLite:dbname=/var/db/sqlite.db -q "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_table"
Please open me issues if you find any. I promise to address them as soon as I can.