diff --git a/Software/Software.ino b/Software/Software.ino
index df20927a..c038af2f 100644
--- a/Software/Software.ino
+++ b/Software/Software.ino
@@ -130,9 +130,7 @@ void setup() {
diff --git a/Software/USER_SETTINGS.cpp b/Software/USER_SETTINGS.cpp
index 9ef1f9d5..bcc2a677 100644
--- a/Software/USER_SETTINGS.cpp
+++ b/Software/USER_SETTINGS.cpp
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@ volatile uint16_t MAXDISCHARGEAMP =
     300;  //30.0A , BYD CAN specific setting, Max discharge speed in Amp (Some inverters needs to be artificially limited)
 /* Charger settings (Optional, when generator charging) */
-// MQTT
-#ifdef MQTT
-const char* mqtt_user = "REDACTED";
-const char* mqtt_password = "REDACTED";
-#endif  // USE_MQTT
 /* Charger settings */
 volatile float CHARGER_SET_HV = 384;      // Reasonably appropriate 4.0v per cell charging of a 96s pack
 volatile float CHARGER_MAX_HV = 420;      // Max permissible output (VDC) of charger
@@ -37,4 +32,11 @@ const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";  // Minimum of 8 characters
 const char* ssidAP = "Battery Emulator";              // Maximum of 63 characters;
 const char* passwordAP = "123456789";  // Minimum of 8 characters; set to NULL if you want the access point to be open
 const uint8_t wifi_channel = 0;        // set to 0 for automatic channel selection
+// MQTT
+#ifdef MQTT
+const char* mqtt_user = "REDACTED";
+const char* mqtt_password = "REDACTED";
+#endif  // USE_MQTT
diff --git a/Software/USER_SETTINGS.h b/Software/USER_SETTINGS.h
index 4b69ef06..4ba402a6 100644
--- a/Software/USER_SETTINGS.h
+++ b/Software/USER_SETTINGS.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 //#define SERIAL_LINK_RECEIVER  //Enable this line to receive battery data over RS485 pins from another Lilygo (This LilyGo interfaces with inverter)
 //#define SERIAL_LINK_TRANSMITTER  //Enable this line to send battery data over RS485 pins to another Lilygo (This LilyGo interfaces with battery)
 #define WEBSERVER  //Enable this line to enable WiFi, and to run the webserver. See USER_SETTINGS.cpp for the Wifi settings.
-//#define LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS_ON_BOOT  //Enable this line to read settings stored via the webserver on boot
+#define LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS_ON_BOOT  //Enable this line to read settings stored via the webserver on boot
 /* MQTT options */
 //#define MQTT  // Enable this line to enable MQTT
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
 #define MQTT_PORT 1883
 /* Event options*/
-#define EVENTLOGGING               //Enable this line to log events to the event log
 #define DUMMY_EVENT_ENABLED false  //Enable this line to have a dummy event that gets logged to test the interface
 /* Select charger used (Optional) */
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/utils/events.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/utils/events.cpp
index ee2d79f5..3bf9035b 100644
--- a/Software/src/devboard/utils/events.cpp
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/utils/events.cpp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ void init_events(void) {
     entries[i].timestamp = 0;
     entries[i].data = 0;
     entries[i].occurences = 0;
-    entries[i].led_color = RED;  // Most events are RED
+    entries[i].led_color = RED;  // Most events are RED, critical errors
-  // YELLOW events below
+  // YELLOW warning events below
   entries[EVENT_12V_LOW].led_color = YELLOW;
   entries[EVENT_CAN_WARNING].led_color = YELLOW;
   entries[EVENT_CELL_DEVIATION_HIGH].led_color = YELLOW;
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ void init_events(void) {
 void set_event(EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE event, uint8_t data) {
   if (event >= EVENT_NOF_EVENTS) {
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ void set_event(EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE event, uint8_t data) {
   Serial.println("Set event: " + String(get_event_enum_string(event)) + ". Has occured " +
                  String(entries[event].occurences) + " times");
 void update_event_timestamps(void) {
@@ -61,13 +59,13 @@ static void update_led_color(EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE event) {
 const char* get_led_color_display_text(u_int8_t led_color) {
   switch (led_color) {
     case RED:
-      return "RED";
+      return "Error";
     case YELLOW:
-      return "YELLOW";
+      return "Warning";
     case GREEN:
-      return "GREEN";
+      return "Info";
     case BLUE:
-      return "BLUE";
+      return "Debug";
       return "UNKNOWN";
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/README.md b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/README.md
index 4965a784..b3027538 100644
--- a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/README.md
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/README.md
@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ This section lists a number of features that can be implemented as part of the w
 - TODO: list all available ssids: scan WiFi Networks https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-useful-wi-fi-functions-arduino/
 - TODO: add option to add/change ssid and password and save, connect to the new ssid (Option: save ssid and password using Preferences.h library https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/)
-- TODO: display WiFi connection strength (https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-useful-wi-fi-functions-arduino/)
-- TODO: display CAN state (indicate if there is a communication error)
-- TODO: display battery errors in battery diagnosis tab
-- TODO: display inverter errors in battery diagnosis tab
 - TODO: add functionality to turn WiFi AP off
 - TODO: fix IP address on home network (https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-static-fixed-ip-address-arduino-ide/)
 - TODO: set hostname (https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-set-custom-hostname-arduino/)
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1051e87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "cellmonitor_html.h"
+#include <Arduino.h>
+String cellmonitor_processor(const String& var) {
+  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
+    String content = "";
+    // Page format
+    content += "<style>";
+    content += "body { background-color: black; color: white; }";
+    content += ".container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; }";
+    content += ".cell { width: 48%; margin: 1%; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid white; text-align: center; }";
+    content += ".low-voltage { color: red; }";              // Style for low voltage text
+    content += ".voltage-values { margin-bottom: 10px; }";  // Style for voltage values section
+    content += "</style>";
+    // Start a new block with a specific background color
+    content += "<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-radius: 50px'>";
+    // Display max, min, and deviation voltage values
+    content += "<div class='voltage-values'>";
+    content += "Max Voltage: " + String(cell_max_voltage) + " mV<br>";
+    content += "Min Voltage: " + String(cell_min_voltage) + " mV<br>";
+    int deviation = cell_max_voltage - cell_min_voltage;
+    content += "Voltage Deviation: " + String(deviation) + " mV";
+    content += "</div>";
+    // Visualize the populated cells in forward order using flexbox with conditional text color
+    content += "<div class='container'>";
+    for (int i = 0; i < 120; ++i) {
+      // Skip empty values
+      if (cellvoltages[i] == 0) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      String cellContent = "Cell " + String(i + 1) + "<br>" + String(cellvoltages[i]) + " mV";
+      // Check if the cell voltage is below 3000, apply red color
+      if (cellvoltages[i] < 3000) {
+        cellContent = "<span class='low-voltage'>" + cellContent + "</span>";
+      }
+      content += "<div class='cell'>" + cellContent + "</div>";
+    }
+    content += "</div>";
+    // Close the block
+    content += "</div>";
+    content += "<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>";
+    content += "<script>";
+    content += "function goToMainPage() { window.location.href = '/'; }";
+    content += "</script>";
+    return content;
+  }
+  return String();
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.h b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a3d4aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/cellmonitor_html.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+extern uint16_t cell_max_voltage;   //mV,   0-4350
+extern uint16_t cell_min_voltage;   //mV,   0-4350
+extern uint16_t cellvoltages[120];  //mV    0-4350 per cell
+ * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
+ *
+ * @param[in] var
+ *
+ * @return String
+ */
+String cellmonitor_processor(const String& var);
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..597245e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "events_html.h"
+#include <Arduino.h>
+const char EVENTS_HTML_START[] = R"=====(
+    body { background-color: black; color: white; }
+    .event-log { display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
+    .event { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; border: 1px solid white; padding: 10px; }
+    .event > div { flex: 1; min-width: 100px; max-width: 90%; word-break: break-word; }
+<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>
+<div class="event-log">
+<div class="event">
+<div>Event Type</div><div>Severity</div><div>Last Event</div><div>Count</div><div>Data</div><div>Message</div>
+const char EVENTS_HTML_END[] = R"=====(
+<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>
+<script>function displayEventLog(){document.querySelector(".event-log");var i=(new Date).getTime()/1e3;document.querySelectorAll(".event").forEach(function(e){var n=e.querySelector(".last-event-seconds-ago"),t=e.querySelector(".timestamp");if(n&&t){var o=parseInt(n.innerText,10),a=parseFloat(t.innerText),r=new Date(1e3*(i-a+o)).toLocaleString();n.innerText=r}})}function goToMainPage(){window.location.href="/"}window.onload=function(){displayEventLog()}</script>
+/* The above <script> section is minified to save storage and increase performance, here is the full function: 
+function displayEventLog() {
+    var eventLogElement = document.querySelector('.event-log');
+    // Get the current time on the client side
+    var currentTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; // Convert milliseconds to seconds
+    // Loop through the events and update the "Last Event" column
+    var events = document.querySelectorAll('.event');
+    events.forEach(function(event) {
+        var secondsAgoElement = event.querySelector('.last-event-seconds-ago');
+        var timestampElement = event.querySelector('.timestamp');
+        if (secondsAgoElement && timestampElement) {
+            var secondsAgo = parseInt(secondsAgoElement.innerText, 10);
+            var uptimeTimestamp = parseFloat(timestampElement.innerText); // Parse as float to handle seconds with decimal parts
+            // Calculate the actual system time based on the client-side current time
+            var actualTime = new Date((currentTime - uptimeTimestamp + secondsAgo) * 1000);
+            // Format the date and time
+            var formattedTime = actualTime.toLocaleString();
+            // Update the "Last Event" column with the formatted time
+            secondsAgoElement.innerText = formattedTime;
+        }
+    });
+// Call the displayEventLog function when the page is loaded
+window.onload = function() {
+    displayEventLog();
+function goToMainPage() {
+    window.location.href = '/';
+String events_processor(const String& var) {
+  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
+    String content = "";
+    content.reserve(5000);
+    // Page format
+    content.concat(FPSTR(EVENTS_HTML_START));
+    for (int i = 0; i < EVENT_NOF_EVENTS; i++) {
+      Serial.println("Event: " + String(get_event_enum_string(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) +
+                     " count: " + String(entries[i].occurences) + " seconds: " + String(entries[i].timestamp) +
+                     " data: " + String(entries[i].data));
+      if (entries[i].occurences > 0) {
+        content.concat("<div class='event'>");
+        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_event_enum_string(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_led_color_display_text(entries[i].led_color)) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div class='last-event-seconds-ago'>" + String((millis() / 1000) - entries[i].timestamp) +
+                       "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div>" + String(entries[i].occurences) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div>" + String(entries[i].data) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_event_message(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("<div class='timestamp'>" + String(entries[i].timestamp) + "</div>");
+        content.concat("</div>");  // End of event row
+      }
+    }
+    content.concat(FPSTR(EVENTS_HTML_END));
+    return content;
+  }
+  return String();
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.h b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a13f9b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/events_html.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef EVENTS_H
+#define EVENTS_H
+#include "../utils/events.h"
+ * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
+ *
+ * @param[in] var
+ *
+ * @return String
+ */
+String events_processor(const String& var);
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/index_html.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/index_html.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7a11e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/index_html.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+const char index_html[] = R"rawliteral(
+<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>Battery Emulator</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><style>html{font-family:Arial;display:inline-block;text-align:center}h2{font-size:3rem}p{font-size:3rem}body{max-width:600px;margin:0 auto;padding-bottom:25px}.switch{position:relative;display:inline-block;width:120px;height:68px}.switch input{display:none}.slider{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;background-color:#ccc;border-radius:6px}.slider:before{position:absolute;content:"";height:52px;width:52px;left:8px;bottom:8px;background-color:#fff;-webkit-transition:.4s;transition:.4s;border-radius:3px}input:checked+.slider{background-color:#b30000}input:checked+.slider:before{-webkit-transform:translateX(52px);-ms-transform:translateX(52px);transform:translateX(52px)}</style></head><body><h2>Battery Emulator</h2>%PLACEHOLDER%</body></html>
+/* The above code is minified to increase performance. Here is the full HTML function:
+<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>
+  <title>Battery Emulator</title>
+  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+  <style>
+    html {font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; text-align: center;}
+    h2 {font-size: 3.0rem;}
+    p {font-size: 3.0rem;}
+    body {max-width: 600px; margin:0px auto; padding-bottom: 25px;}
+    .switch {position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 120px; height: 68px} 
+    .switch input {display: none}
+    .slider {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; border-radius: 6px}
+    .slider:before {position: absolute; content: ""; height: 52px; width: 52px; left: 8px; bottom: 8px; background-color: #fff; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; border-radius: 3px}
+    input:checked+.slider {background-color: #b30000}
+    input:checked+.slider:before {-webkit-transform: translateX(52px); -ms-transform: translateX(52px); transform: translateX(52px)}
+  </style>
+  <h2>Battery Emulator</h2>
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35cbd113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#include "settings_html.h"
+#include <Arduino.h>
+String settings_processor(const String& var) {
+  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
+    String content = "";
+    //Page format
+    content += "<style>";
+    content += "body { background-color: black; color: white; }";
+    content += "</style>";
+    // Start a new block with a specific background color
+    content += "<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
+    // Show current settings with edit buttons and input fields
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Battery capacity: <span id='BATTERY_WH_MAX'>" + String(BATTERY_WH_MAX) +
+               " Wh </span> <button onclick='editWh()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>SOC max percentage: " + String(MAXPERCENTAGE / 10.0, 1) +
+               " </span> <button onclick='editSocMax()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>SOC min percentage: " + String(MINPERCENTAGE / 10.0, 1) +
+               " </span> <button onclick='editSocMin()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Max charge speed: " + String(MAXCHARGEAMP / 10.0, 1) +
+               " A </span> <button onclick='editMaxChargeA()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Max discharge speed: " + String(MAXDISCHARGEAMP / 10.0, 1) +
+               " A </span> <button onclick='editMaxDischargeA()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    // Close the block
+    content += "</div>";
+    // Start a new block with blue background color
+    content += "<div style='background-color: #2E37AD; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
+    float voltageFloat = static_cast<float>(battery_voltage) / 10.0;  // Convert to float and divide by 10
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Fake battery voltage: " + String(voltageFloat, 1) +
+               " V </span> <button onclick='editFakeBatteryVoltage()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    // Close the block
+    content += "</div>";
+    // Start a new block with orange background color
+    content += "<div style='background-color: #FF6E00; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger HVDC Enabled: ";
+    if (charger_HV_enabled) {
+      content += "<span>&#10003;</span>";
+    } else {
+      content += "<span style='color: red;'>&#10005;</span>";
+    }
+    content += " <button onclick='editChargerHVDCEnabled()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Aux12VDC Enabled: ";
+    if (charger_aux12V_enabled) {
+      content += "<span>&#10003;</span>";
+    } else {
+      content += "<span style='color: red;'>&#10005;</span>";
+    }
+    content += " <button onclick='editChargerAux12vEnabled()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Voltage Setpoint: " + String(charger_setpoint_HV_VDC, 1) +
+               " V </span> <button onclick='editChargerSetpointVDC()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Current Setpoint: " + String(charger_setpoint_HV_IDC, 1) +
+               " A </span> <button onclick='editChargerSetpointIDC()'>Edit</button></h4>";
+    // Close the block
+    content += "</div>";
+    content += "<script>";
+    content += "function editWh() {";
+    content += "var value = prompt('How much energy the battery can store. Enter new Wh value (1-65000):');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 1 && value <= 65000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateBatterySize?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 1 and 65000.');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editSocMax() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Inverter will see fully charged (100pct)SOC when this value is reached. Enter new maximum "
+        "SOC value that battery will charge to (50.0-100.0):');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 50 && value <= 100) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateSocMax?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 50.0 and 100.0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editSocMin() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Inverter will see completely discharged (0pct)SOC when this value is reached. Enter new "
+        "minimum SOC value that battery will discharge to (0-50.0):');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 50) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateSocMin?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 50.0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editMaxChargeA() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('BYD CAN specific setting, some inverters needs to be artificially limited. Enter new "
+        "maximum charge current in A (0-1000.0):');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateMaxChargeA?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000.0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editMaxDischargeA() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('BYD CAN specific setting, some inverters needs to be artificially limited. Enter new "
+        "maximum discharge current in A (0-1000.0):');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateMaxDischargeA?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000.0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editFakeBatteryVoltage() {";
+    content += "  var value = prompt('Enter new fake battery voltage');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 5000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateFakeBatteryVoltage?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editChargerHVDCEnabled() {";
+    content += "  var value = prompt('Enable or disable HV DC output. Enter 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled');";
+    content += "  if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "    if (value == 0 || value == 1) {";
+    content += "      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "      xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargerHvEnabled?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "      xhr.send();";
+    content += "    }";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter 1 or 0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editChargerAux12vEnabled() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Enable or disable low voltage 12v auxiliary DC output. Enter 1 for enabled, 0 for "
+        "disabled');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value == 0 || value == 1) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargerAux12vEnabled?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter 1 or 0');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editChargerSetpointVDC() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Set charging voltage. Input will be validated against inverter and/or charger "
+        "configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 200 to 420.');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeSetpointV?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editChargerSetpointIDC() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Set charging amperage. Input will be validated against inverter and/or charger "
+        "configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 6 to 48.');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeSetpointA?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 100');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "function editChargerSetpointEndI() {";
+    content +=
+        "var value = prompt('Set amperage that terminates charge as being sufficiently complete. Input will be "
+        "validated against inverter and/or charger configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 1-5.');";
+    content += "if (value !== null) {";
+    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
+    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
+    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeEndA?value=' + value, true);";
+    content += "    xhr.send();";
+    content += "  } else {";
+    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 100');";
+    content += "  }";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "}";
+    content += "</script>";
+    content += "<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>";
+    content += "<script>";
+    content += "function goToMainPage() { window.location.href = '/'; }";
+    content += "</script>";
+    return content;
+  }
+  return String();
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.h b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e7f47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/settings_html.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef SETTINGS_H
+#define SETTINGS_H
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include "../../../USER_SETTINGS.h"  // Needed for WiFi ssid and password
+extern uint16_t battery_voltage;     //V+1,  0-500.0 (0-5000)
+ * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
+ *
+ * @param[in] var
+ *
+ * @return String
+ */
+String settings_processor(const String& var);
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.cpp b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.cpp
index 8d7aa1ab..16bd556b 100644
--- a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.cpp
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.cpp
@@ -1,40 +1,16 @@
 #include "webserver.h"
 #include <Preferences.h>
-Preferences preferences3;
 // Create AsyncWebServer object on port 80
 AsyncWebServer server(80);
 // Measure OTA progress
 unsigned long ota_progress_millis = 0;
-const char index_html[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(
-<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>
-  <title>Battery Emulator</title>
-  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
-  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">
-  <style>
-    html {font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; text-align: center;}
-    h2 {font-size: 3.0rem;}
-    p {font-size: 3.0rem;}
-    body {max-width: 600px; margin:0px auto; padding-bottom: 25px;}
-    .switch {position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 120px; height: 68px} 
-    .switch input {display: none}
-    .slider {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; border-radius: 6px}
-    .slider:before {position: absolute; content: ""; height: 52px; width: 52px; left: 8px; bottom: 8px; background-color: #fff; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; border-radius: 3px}
-    input:checked+.slider {background-color: #b30000}
-    input:checked+.slider:before {-webkit-transform: translateX(52px); -ms-transform: translateX(52px); transform: translateX(52px)}
-  </style>
-  <h2>Battery Emulator</h2>
+#include "cellmonitor_html.h"
+#include "events_html.h"
+#include "index_html.cpp"
+#include "settings_html.h"
 enum WifiState {
   INIT,          //before connecting first time
@@ -62,6 +38,8 @@ void init_webserver() {
   init_WiFi_STA(ssid, password, wifi_channel);
+  String content = index_html;
   // Route for root / web page
   server.on("/", HTTP_GET,
             [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html, processor); });
@@ -75,10 +53,9 @@ void init_webserver() {
     request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html, cellmonitor_processor);
+  // Route for going to event log web page
   server.on("/events", HTTP_GET,
             [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html, events_processor); });
   // Route for editing Wh
   server.on("/updateBatterySize", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
@@ -629,9 +606,7 @@ String processor(const String& var) {
     content += "function goToUpdatePage() { window.location.href = '/update'; }";
     content += "function goToCellmonitorPage() { window.location.href = '/cellmonitor'; }";
     content += "function goToSettingsPage() { window.location.href = '/settings'; }";
     content += "function goToEventsPage() { window.location.href = '/events'; }";
     content +=
         "function promptToReboot() { if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to reboot the emulator? NOTE: If "
         "emulator is handling contactors, they will open during reboot!')) { "
@@ -653,348 +628,6 @@ String processor(const String& var) {
   return String();
-String settings_processor(const String& var) {
-  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
-    String content = "";
-    //Page format
-    content += "<style>";
-    content += "body { background-color: black; color: white; }";
-    content += "</style>";
-    // Start a new block with a specific background color
-    content += "<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
-    // Show current settings with edit buttons and input fields
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Battery capacity: <span id='BATTERY_WH_MAX'>" + String(BATTERY_WH_MAX) +
-               " Wh </span> <button onclick='editWh()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>SOC max percentage: " + String(MAXPERCENTAGE / 10.0, 1) +
-               " </span> <button onclick='editSocMax()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>SOC min percentage: " + String(MINPERCENTAGE / 10.0, 1) +
-               " </span> <button onclick='editSocMin()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Max charge speed: " + String(MAXCHARGEAMP / 10.0, 1) +
-               " A </span> <button onclick='editMaxChargeA()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Max discharge speed: " + String(MAXDISCHARGEAMP / 10.0, 1) +
-               " A </span> <button onclick='editMaxDischargeA()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    // Close the block
-    content += "</div>";
-    // Start a new block with blue background color
-    content += "<div style='background-color: #2E37AD; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
-    float voltageFloat = static_cast<float>(battery_voltage) / 10.0;  // Convert to float and divide by 10
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Fake battery voltage: " + String(voltageFloat, 1) +
-               " V </span> <button onclick='editFakeBatteryVoltage()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    // Close the block
-    content += "</div>";
-    // Start a new block with orange background color
-    content += "<div style='background-color: #FF6E00; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger HVDC Enabled: ";
-    if (charger_HV_enabled) {
-      content += "<span>&#10003;</span>";
-    } else {
-      content += "<span style='color: red;'>&#10005;</span>";
-    }
-    content += " <button onclick='editChargerHVDCEnabled()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Aux12VDC Enabled: ";
-    if (charger_aux12V_enabled) {
-      content += "<span>&#10003;</span>";
-    } else {
-      content += "<span style='color: red;'>&#10005;</span>";
-    }
-    content += " <button onclick='editChargerAux12vEnabled()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Voltage Setpoint: " + String(charger_setpoint_HV_VDC, 1) +
-               " V </span> <button onclick='editChargerSetpointVDC()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    content += "<h4 style='color: white;'>Charger Current Setpoint: " + String(charger_setpoint_HV_IDC, 1) +
-               " A </span> <button onclick='editChargerSetpointIDC()'>Edit</button></h4>";
-    // Close the block
-    content += "</div>";
-    content += "<script>";
-    content += "function editWh() {";
-    content += "var value = prompt('How much energy the battery can store. Enter new Wh value (1-65000):');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 1 && value <= 65000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateBatterySize?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 1 and 65000.');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editSocMax() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Inverter will see fully charged (100pct)SOC when this value is reached. Enter new maximum "
-        "SOC value that battery will charge to (50.0-100.0):');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 50 && value <= 100) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateSocMax?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 50.0 and 100.0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editSocMin() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Inverter will see completely discharged (0pct)SOC when this value is reached. Enter new "
-        "minimum SOC value that battery will discharge to (0-50.0):');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 50) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateSocMin?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 50.0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editMaxChargeA() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('BYD CAN specific setting, some inverters needs to be artificially limited. Enter new "
-        "maximum charge current in A (0-1000.0):');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateMaxChargeA?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000.0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editMaxDischargeA() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('BYD CAN specific setting, some inverters needs to be artificially limited. Enter new "
-        "maximum discharge current in A (0-1000.0):');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateMaxDischargeA?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000.0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editFakeBatteryVoltage() {";
-    content += "  var value = prompt('Enter new fake battery voltage');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 5000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateFakeBatteryVoltage?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editChargerHVDCEnabled() {";
-    content += "  var value = prompt('Enable or disable HV DC output. Enter 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled');";
-    content += "  if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "    if (value == 0 || value == 1) {";
-    content += "      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "      xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargerHvEnabled?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "      xhr.send();";
-    content += "    }";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter 1 or 0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editChargerAux12vEnabled() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Enable or disable low voltage 12v auxiliary DC output. Enter 1 for enabled, 0 for "
-        "disabled');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value == 0 || value == 1) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargerAux12vEnabled?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter 1 or 0');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editChargerSetpointVDC() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Set charging voltage. Input will be validated against inverter and/or charger "
-        "configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 200 to 420.');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeSetpointV?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 1000');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editChargerSetpointIDC() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Set charging amperage. Input will be validated against inverter and/or charger "
-        "configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 6 to 48.');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeSetpointA?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 100');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "function editChargerSetpointEndI() {";
-    content +=
-        "var value = prompt('Set amperage that terminates charge as being sufficiently complete. Input will be "
-        "validated against inverter and/or charger configuration parameters, but use sensible values like 1-5.');";
-    content += "if (value !== null) {";
-    content += "  if (value >= 0 && value <= 1000) {";
-    content += "    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();";
-    content += "    xhr.open('GET', '/updateChargeEndA?value=' + value, true);";
-    content += "    xhr.send();";
-    content += "  } else {";
-    content += "    alert('Invalid value. Please enter a value between 0 and 100');";
-    content += "  }";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "}";
-    content += "</script>";
-    content += "<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>";
-    content += "<script>";
-    content += "function goToMainPage() { window.location.href = '/'; }";
-    content += "</script>";
-    return content;
-  }
-  return String();
-String cellmonitor_processor(const String& var) {
-  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
-    String content = "";
-    // Page format
-    content += "<style>";
-    content += "body { background-color: black; color: white; }";
-    content += ".container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; }";
-    content += ".cell { width: 48%; margin: 1%; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid white; text-align: center; }";
-    content += ".low-voltage { color: red; }";              // Style for low voltage text
-    content += ".voltage-values { margin-bottom: 10px; }";  // Style for voltage values section
-    content += "</style>";
-    // Start a new block with a specific background color
-    content += "<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-radius: 50px'>";
-    // Display max, min, and deviation voltage values
-    content += "<div class='voltage-values'>";
-    content += "Max Voltage: " + String(cell_max_voltage) + " mV<br>";
-    content += "Min Voltage: " + String(cell_min_voltage) + " mV<br>";
-    int deviation = cell_max_voltage - cell_min_voltage;
-    content += "Voltage Deviation: " + String(deviation) + " mV";
-    content += "</div>";
-    // Visualize the populated cells in forward order using flexbox with conditional text color
-    content += "<div class='container'>";
-    for (int i = 0; i < 120; ++i) {
-      // Skip empty values
-      if (cellvoltages[i] == 0) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      String cellContent = "Cell " + String(i + 1) + "<br>" + String(cellvoltages[i]) + " mV";
-      // Check if the cell voltage is below 3000, apply red color
-      if (cellvoltages[i] < 3000) {
-        cellContent = "<span class='low-voltage'>" + cellContent + "</span>";
-      }
-      content += "<div class='cell'>" + cellContent + "</div>";
-    }
-    content += "</div>";
-    // Close the block
-    content += "</div>";
-    content += "<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>";
-    content += "<script>";
-    content += "function goToMainPage() { window.location.href = '/'; }";
-    content += "</script>";
-    return content;
-  }
-  return String();
-const char EVENTS_HTML_START[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
-    body { background-color: black; color: white; }
-    .event-log { display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
-    .event { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; border: 1px solid white; padding: 10px; }
-    .event > div { flex: 1; min-width: 100px; max-width: 90%; word-break: break-word; }
-<div style='background-color: #303E47; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;border-radius: 50px'>
-<h4 style='color: white;'>Event log:</h4>
-<div class="event-log">
-<div class="event">
-<div>Event Type</div><div>LED Color</div><div>Last Event (seconds ago)</div><div>Count</div><div>Data</div><div>Message</div>
-const char EVENTS_HTML_END[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
-<button onclick='goToMainPage()'>Back to main page</button>
-function goToMainPage() {
-    window.location.href = '/';
-String events_processor(const String& var) {
-  if (var == "PLACEHOLDER") {
-    String content = "";
-    content.reserve(5000);
-    // Page format
-    content.concat(FPSTR(EVENTS_HTML_START));
-    for (int i = 0; i < EVENT_NOF_EVENTS; i++) {
-      Serial.println("Event: " + String(get_event_enum_string(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) +
-                     " count: " + String(entries[i].occurences) + " seconds: " + String(entries[i].timestamp) +
-                     " data: " + String(entries[i].data));
-      if (entries[i].occurences > 0) {
-        content.concat("<div class='event'>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_event_enum_string(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_led_color_display_text(entries[i].led_color)) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String((millis() / 1000) - entries[i].timestamp) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String(entries[i].occurences) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String(entries[i].data) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("<div>" + String(get_event_message(static_cast<EVENTS_ENUM_TYPE>(i))) + "</div>");
-        content.concat("</div>");  // End of event row
-      }
-    }
-    content.concat(FPSTR(EVENTS_HTML_END));
-    return content;
-  }
-  return String();
 void onOTAStart() {
   // Log when OTA has started
   Serial.println("OTA update started!");
diff --git a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.h b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.h
index c874b728..23b65278 100644
--- a/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.h
+++ b/Software/src/devboard/webserver/webserver.h
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include "../../lib/me-no-dev-ESPAsyncWebServer/src/ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
 #include "../../lib/miwagner-ESP32-Arduino-CAN/ESP32CAN.h"
 #include "../config.h"  // Needed for LED defines
-#include "../utils/events.h"
 #ifdef MQTT
 #include "../mqtt/mqtt.h"
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ extern uint16_t cellvoltages[120];  //mV    0-4350 per cell
 extern uint8_t LEDcolor;            //Enum, 0-10
 extern bool batteryAllowsContactorClosing;   //Bool, 1=true, 0=false
 extern bool inverterAllowsContactorClosing;  //Bool, 1=true, 0=false
 extern const char* ssid;
 extern const char* password;
@@ -120,33 +118,6 @@ void init_ElegantOTA();
 String processor(const String& var);
- * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
- *
- * @param[in] var
- *
- * @return String
- */
-String settings_processor(const String& var);
- * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
- *
- * @param[in] var
- *
- * @return String
- */
-String cellmonitor_processor(const String& var);
- * @brief Replaces placeholder with content section in web page
- *
- * @param[in] var
- *
- * @return String
- */
-String events_processor(const String& var);
  * @brief Executes on OTA start 