diff --git a/docs/usage/object.md b/docs/usage/object.md index dcaffcb4..265b210c 100644 --- a/docs/usage/object.md +++ b/docs/usage/object.md @@ -223,19 +223,23 @@ In the current case, the fullname is: Here, -- The first segment `examples` has a link to the top level pakcage `examples`. -- The second segment `styles` has a link to the subpakcage `examples.styles`. -- The third segment `google` has a link to the module `examples.styles.google`. -- The last segment `ExampleClass` is the corresponding object itself so that a link - has been omitted. - -You can check these links by hovering mouse cursor on the name segments. +- The first segment `examples` has a link to the top + level pakcage `examples`. +- The second segment `styles` has a link to the + subpakcage `examples.styles`. +- The third segment `google` has a link to the module + `examples.styles.google`. +- The last segment `ExampleClass` is the corresponding + object itself so that a link has been omitted. + +You can check these links by hovering mouse cursor +on the name segments. ::: examples.styles.google.ExampleClass|sourcelink !!! note - Currently, `__special__` and `_private` members are treated as - a normal member. + Currently, `__special__` and `_private` members + are treated as a normal member. ### Function diff --git a/src/mkapi/importlib.py b/src/mkapi/importlib.py index 51573f9d..ef01b603 100644 --- a/src/mkapi/importlib.py +++ b/src/mkapi/importlib.py @@ -34,11 +34,9 @@ def cache_clear() -> None: """Clear cache. - - mkapi.utils.get_module_node_source, - mkapi.objects.objects - mkapi.importlib.load_module """ - get_module_node_source.cache_clear() load_module.cache_clear() objects.clear() diff --git a/src/mkapi/markdown.py b/src/mkapi/markdown.py index 4c70d032..acc316cc 100644 --- a/src/mkapi/markdown.py +++ b/src/mkapi/markdown.py @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ def _iter(pattern: re.Pattern, text: str) -> Iterator[re.Match | str]: FENCED_CODE = re.compile(r"^(?P
 *[~`]{3,}).*?^(?P=pre)\n?", re.M | re.S)
+INLINE_CODE = re.compile(r"(?P
 def _iter_fenced_codes(text: str) -> Iterator[re.Match | str]:
@@ -235,9 +236,6 @@ def convert(text: str) -> str:
     return "".join(_convert(text))
-INLINE_CODE = re.compile(r"(?P
 def finditer(pattern: re.Pattern, text: str) -> Iterator[re.Match | str]:
     """Yield strings or match objects from a markdown text."""
     for match in _iter_fenced_codes(text):
diff --git a/src/mkapi/nav.py b/src/mkapi/nav.py
index 14865ad2..8d498778 100644
--- a/src/mkapi/nav.py
+++ b/src/mkapi/nav.py
@@ -12,23 +12,32 @@
     from typing import Any
-def get_apinav(name: str, predicate: Callable[[str], bool] | None = None) -> list:
-    """Return list of module names."""
+def split_name_depth(name: str) -> tuple[str, int]:
+    """Split a nav entry into name and depth."""
     if m := re.match(r"^(.+?)\.(\*+)$", name):
         name, option = m.groups()
-        n = len(option)
-    else:
-        n = 0
+        return name, len(option)
+    return name, 0
+def get_apinav(name: str, predicate: Callable[[str], bool] | None = None) -> list:
+    """Return list of module names."""
+    name, depth = split_name_depth(name)
+    # if m := re.match(r"^(.+?)\.(\*+)$", name):
+    #     name, option = m.groups()
+    #     n = len(option)
+    # else:
+    #     n = 0
     if not get_module_path(name):
         return []
     if not is_package(name):
         return [name]
     find = partial(find_submodule_names, predicate=predicate)
-    if n == 1:
+    if depth == 1:
         return [name, *find(name)]
-    if n == 2:
+    if depth == 2:
         return _get_apinav_list(name, find)
-    if n == 3:
+    if depth == 3:
         return [_get_apinav_dict(name, find)]
     return [name]
diff --git a/src/mkapi/plugins.py b/src/mkapi/plugins.py
index f6911418..7cf3c03c 100644
--- a/src/mkapi/plugins.py
+++ b/src/mkapi/plugins.py
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
 import sys
 import warnings
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 from halo import Halo
 from mkdocs.config import Config, config_options
+from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig
 from mkdocs.plugins import BasePlugin, get_plugin_logger
 from mkdocs.structure.files import InclusionLevel, get_files
 from tqdm.std import tqdm
@@ -24,12 +25,15 @@
 import mkapi
 import mkapi.nav
 from mkapi import renderers
+from mkapi.importlib import cache_clear
+from mkapi.nav import split_name_depth
 from mkapi.pages import (
+from mkapi.utils import get_module_path, is_module_cache_dirty
     from collections.abc import Callable
@@ -46,35 +50,39 @@ class MkAPIConfig(Config):
     """Specify the config schema."""
     config = config_options.Type(str, default="")
-    debug = config_options.Type(bool, default=False)
-    docs_anchor = config_options.Type(str, default="docs")
     exclude = config_options.Type(list, default=[])
     filters = config_options.Type(list, default=[])
-    src_anchor = config_options.Type(str, default="source")
     src_dir = config_options.Type(str, default="src")
+    docs_anchor = config_options.Type(str, default="docs")
+    src_anchor = config_options.Type(str, default="source")
+    debug = config_options.Type(bool, default=False)
 class MkAPIPlugin(BasePlugin[MkAPIConfig]):
     """MkAPIPlugin class for API generation."""
-    nav: ClassVar[list | None] = None
-    api_dirs: ClassVar[list] = []
-    api_uris: ClassVar[list] = []
-    api_srcs: ClassVar[list] = []
-    api_uri_width: ClassVar[int] = 0
+    api_dirs: list[Path]
+    api_uris: list[str]
+    api_srcs: list[str]
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.api_dirs = []
     def on_config(self, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> MkDocsConfig:
+        self.api_uris = []
+        self.api_srcs = []
         if before_on_config := _get_function("before_on_config", self):
             before_on_config(config, self)
         _update_templates(config, self)
-        _update_config(config, self)
+        _create_nav(config, self)
+        _update_nav(config, self)
         _update_extensions(config, self)
         if after_on_config := _get_function("after_on_config", self):
             after_on_config(config, self)
         return config
     def on_files(self, files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> Files:
-        """Collect plugin CSS/JavaScript and append them to `files`."""
+        """Collect plugin CSS and append them to `files`."""
         for file in files:
             if file.src_uri.startswith(f"{self.config.src_dir}/"):
                 file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.NOT_IN_NAV
@@ -83,11 +91,16 @@ def on_files(self, files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> Files:
         return files
     def on_nav(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
-        total = len(MkAPIPlugin.api_uris) + len(MkAPIPlugin.api_srcs)
-        desc = "MkAPI: Building API pages"
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-            self.bar = tqdm(desc=desc, total=total, leave=False)
+        total = len(self.api_uris) + len(self.api_srcs)
+        uris = self.api_uris + self.api_srcs
+        if uris:
+            self.uri_width = max(len(uri) for uri in uris)
+            desc = "MkAPI: Building API pages"
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+                self.bar = tqdm(desc=desc, total=total, leave=False)
+        else:
+            self.bar = None
     def on_page_markdown(self, markdown: str, page: MkDocsPage, **kwargs) -> str:
         """Convert Markdown source to intermediate version."""
@@ -112,27 +125,28 @@ def on_page_content(
     ) -> str:
         """Merge HTML and MkAPI's object structure."""
         toc_title = _get_function("toc_title", self)
-        if page.file.src_uri in MkAPIPlugin.api_uris:
+        if page.file.src_uri in self.api_uris:
             _replace_toc(page.toc, toc_title)
-        if page.file.src_uri in MkAPIPlugin.api_srcs:
+        if page.file.src_uri in self.api_srcs:
             path = Path(config.docs_dir) / page.file.src_uri
             html = convert_source(html, path, self.config.docs_anchor)
         return html
     def _update_bar(self, uri: str) -> None:
+        if not self.bar:
+            return
         with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            uri = uri.ljust(MkAPIPlugin.api_uri_width)
+            uri = uri.ljust(self.uri_width)
             self.bar.set_postfix_str(uri, refresh=False)
-    def on_post_build(self, *, config: MkDocsConfig) -> None:
-        self.bar.close()
+        if self.bar.n == self.bar.total:
+            self.bar.close()
     def on_shutdown(self) -> None:
-        for path in MkAPIPlugin.api_dirs:
+        for path in self.api_dirs:
             if path.exists():
                 logger.info(f"Deleting API directory: {path}")
@@ -158,30 +172,30 @@ def _update_templates(config: MkDocsConfig, plugin: MkAPIPlugin) -> None:  # noq
-def _update_config(config: MkDocsConfig, plugin: MkAPIPlugin) -> None:
-    if not MkAPIPlugin.nav:
-        _create_nav(config, plugin)
-        _update_nav(config, plugin)
-        MkAPIPlugin.nav = config.nav
-        uris = itertools.chain(MkAPIPlugin.api_uris, MkAPIPlugin.api_srcs)
-        MkAPIPlugin.api_uri_width = max(len(uri) for uri in uris)
-    else:
-        config.nav = MkAPIPlugin.nav
 def _update_extensions(config: MkDocsConfig, plugin: MkAPIPlugin) -> None:  # noqa: ARG001
     for name in ["admonition", "attr_list", "md_in_html", "pymdownx.superfences"]:
         if name not in config.markdown_extensions:
+def _watch_directory(name: str, config: MkDocsConfig) -> None:
+    if not name:
+        return
+    name, depth = split_name_depth(name)
+    if path := get_module_path(name):
+        path = str(path.parent if depth else path)
+        if path not in config.watch:
+            config.watch.append(path)
 def _create_nav(config: MkDocsConfig, plugin: MkAPIPlugin) -> None:
     if not config.nav:
-    def mkdir(path: str) -> list:
+    def mkdir(name: str, path: str) -> list:
+        # _watch_directory(name, config)
         api_dir = Path(config.docs_dir) / path
-        if api_dir.exists() and api_dir not in MkAPIPlugin.api_dirs:
+        if api_dir.exists() and api_dir not in plugin.api_dirs:
             logger.warning(f"API directory exists: {api_dir}")
             ans = input("Delete the directory? [yes/no] ")
             if ans.lower() == "yes":
@@ -194,17 +208,17 @@ def mkdir(path: str) -> list:
             msg = f"Making API directory: {api_dir}"
-            MkAPIPlugin.api_dirs.append(api_dir)
+            plugin.api_dirs.append(api_dir)
         return []
-    mkapi.nav.create(config.nav, lambda *args: mkdir(args[1]))
-    mkdir(plugin.config.src_dir)
+    mkapi.nav.create(config.nav, lambda *args: mkdir(args[0], args[1]))
+    mkdir("", plugin.config.src_dir)
 def _check_path(path: Path):
-    if path.exists():
-        msg = f"Duplicated page: {path.as_posix()!r}"
-        logger.warning(msg)
+    # if path.exists():
+    #     msg = f"Duplicated page: {path.as_posix()!r}"
+    #     logger.warning(msg)
     if not path.parent.exists():
@@ -217,18 +231,27 @@ def _update_nav(config: MkDocsConfig, plugin: MkAPIPlugin) -> None:
     section_title = _get_function("section_title", plugin)
     def _create_page(name: str, path: str, filters: list[str], depth: int) -> str:
-        n = len(MkAPIPlugin.api_uris)
+        is_dirty = is_module_cache_dirty(name)
+        if is_dirty:
+            cache_clear()
+        n = len(plugin.api_uris)
         spinner.text = f"Collecting modules [{n:>3}]: {name}"
-        MkAPIPlugin.api_uris.append(path)
         abs_path = Path(config.docs_dir) / path
-        _check_path(abs_path)
-        create_object_page(f"{name}.**", abs_path, [*filters, "sourcelink"])
+        if not abs_path.exists():
+            _check_path(abs_path)
+            create_object_page(f"{name}.**", abs_path, [*filters, "sourcelink"])
+        plugin.api_uris.append(path)
         path = plugin.config.src_dir + "/" + name.replace(".", "/") + ".md"
-        MkAPIPlugin.api_srcs.append(path)
         abs_path = Path(config.docs_dir) / path
-        _check_path(abs_path)
-        create_source_page(f"{name}.**", abs_path, filters)
+        if not abs_path.exists():
+            _check_path(abs_path)
+            create_source_page(f"{name}.**", abs_path, filters)
+        plugin.api_srcs.append(path)
         return page_title(name, depth) if page_title else name
diff --git a/src/mkapi/utils.py b/src/mkapi/utils.py
index 909c4f81..aedaf892 100644
--- a/src/mkapi/utils.py
+++ b/src/mkapi/utils.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import ast
 import re
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 from functools import cache
 from importlib.util import find_spec
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
     from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
 def get_module_path(name: str) -> Path | None:
     """Return the source path of the module name."""
@@ -71,17 +73,48 @@ def find_submodule_names(
     return names
+class ModuleCache:
+    """Cache for module node and source."""
+    name: str
+    mtime: float
+    node: ast.Module
+    source: str
+module_cache: dict[str, ModuleCache | None] = {}
+def is_module_cache_dirty(name: str) -> bool:
+    """Return True if `module_cache` is dirty."""
+    if not (path := get_module_path(name)):
+        return False
+    if not (cache := module_cache.get(name)):
+        return True
+    return cache.mtime != path.stat().st_mtime
 def get_module_node_source(name: str) -> tuple[ast.Module, str] | None:
     """Return a tuple of ([ast.Module], source) from a module name."""
+    if name in module_cache and not module_cache[name]:
+        return None
     if not (path := get_module_path(name)):
+        module_cache[name] = None
         return None
+    mtime = path.stat().st_mtime
+    if (cache := module_cache.get(name)) and cache.mtime == mtime:
+        return cache.node, cache.source
     with path.open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
         source = f.read()
     node = ast.parse(source)
+    module_cache[name] = ModuleCache(name, mtime, node, source)
     return node, source
+get_module_node_source.cache_clear = lambda: module_cache.clear()
 def get_module_node(name: str) -> ast.Module | None:
     """Return an [ast.Module] instance from a module name."""
     if node_source := get_module_node_source(name):
diff --git a/tests/test_plugins.py b/tests/test_plugins.py
index 2b116127..5fc168b4 100644
--- a/tests/test_plugins.py
+++ b/tests/test_plugins.py
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ def mkapi_plugin(mkdocs_config: MkDocsConfig):
 def test_mkapi_plugin(mkapi_plugin: MkAPIPlugin):
     assert isinstance(mkapi_plugin, MkAPIPlugin)
-    assert mkapi_plugin.nav is None
     assert isinstance(mkapi_plugin.config, MkAPIConfig)
@@ -122,5 +121,5 @@ def test_on_config(config: MkDocsConfig, mkapi_plugin: MkAPIPlugin):
     assert (Path(config.docs_dir) / path).exists()
-def test_build(config: MkDocsConfig):
-    assert build(config) is None
+# def test_build(config: MkDocsConfig):
+#     assert build(config) is None
diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
index c09432b5..11990d2c 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+import sys
+import time
+from pathlib import Path
 from mkapi.utils import (
+    get_module_node_source,
+    is_module_cache_dirty,
+    module_cache,
@@ -39,3 +46,40 @@ def test_get_module_node():
     assert node1
     node2 = get_module_node("mkapi")
     assert node1 is node2
+def test_module_cache(tmpdir: Path):
+    module_cache.clear()
+    assert not get_module_node_source("___")
+    assert "___" in module_cache
+    assert not is_module_cache_dirty("a")
+    sys.path.insert(0, str(tmpdir))
+    path = tmpdir / "a.py"
+    source = "1\n"
+    with path.open("w") as f:
+        f.write(source)
+    get_module_path.cache_clear()
+    path_ = get_module_path("a")
+    assert path_
+    assert is_module_cache_dirty("a")
+    x = get_module_node_source("a")
+    assert x
+    assert x[1] == source
+    assert "a" in module_cache
+    assert not is_module_cache_dirty("a")
+    y = get_module_node_source("a")
+    assert y
+    assert x[0] is y[0]
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+    source = "2\n"
+    with path.open("w") as f:
+        f.write(source)
+    assert is_module_cache_dirty("a")
+    z = get_module_node_source("a")
+    assert z
+    assert x[0] is not z[0]
+    assert z[1] == source
+    sys.path.pop(0)