Author: David Beazley (@dabeaz)
Date: March 3, 2023
There's a popular programming trope that if the solution to your problem involves parsing text with a regular expression, you now have two problems. Some programmers read this and think to try a different approach. Perhaps you don't actually need a regex. Maybe the problem can be solved with a simple string split or something. However, others might think a bit harder and wonder "what if I did something so audacious that it resulted in three problems?" This post is in the spirit of that!
The code that follows is Python, but it could be adapted to any language with support for higher-order functions.
"Yarko suggests you read all the way through--there's a story in this." -- Yarko
If you wander out into the forest and think hard about parsing, you'll realize that a big part of it involves consuming input. Let's write a function to do that:
def shift(inp):
return bool(inp) and (inp[0], inp[1:])
Given an input sequence inp
, this returns the first item inp[0]
and all of
the remaining items inp[1:]
. Alternatively, it returns False
if there's no
input at all. It looks weird, but here's how it works to step through the
characters of a string:
>>> shift('bar')
('b', 'ar')
>>> shift('ar') # Applied to the remaining characters 'ar'
('a', 'r')
>>> shift('r')
('r', '')
>>> shift('')
For every function, it's always a good idea to have some kind of opposing function. At least, that's what I learned working on physics software. What is the opposite of consuming input? Not consuming input of course. Let's write that:
def nothing(inp):
return (None, inp)
doesn't advance. It returns None
any input. It also returns the same input as it received (unmodified).
>>> nothing('bar')
(None, 'bar')
is different than having no input available. It just
means that you're choosing NOT to do anything with the input
that's there.
Both of these functions are instances of what I'll call a "parser." A
parser is a function defined by its calling signature and return
convention. Specifically, a parser is any function that accepts some
input (inp
) and on success, returns a tuple (value, remaining)
where value
is some value of interest and remaining
represents all
of the remaining input still to be parsed. On failure, a parser
returns False
Although both of these functions are already short, you can make them
even shorter using lambda
shift = lambda inp: bool(inp) and (inp[0], inp[1:])
nothing = lambda inp: (None, inp)
has the benefit of making the code compact and foreboding.
Plus, it prevents people from trying to add meaningful names,
documentation or type-hints to the thing that is about to unfold.
By the way, lambda
is the third problem. Shifting nothingness and
lambda--the three problems. Let's proceed.
What we have here is a system for parsing. As with any system, there are
rules. In this system, you are only allowed to use the two parsers
provided (shift
and nothing
). You are also allowed to use
to create new parsers from existing parsers. That's it.
Let's write a rule that applies a predicate to the result of a parser:
filt = lambda predicate: (
lambda parser:
lambda inp: (m:=parser(inp)) and predicate(m[0]) and m)
Three lambdas?!? The walrus operator? Short-circuit evaluation? What fresh hell? Yes, I could have used four lambdas instead:
filt = lambda predicate: (
lambda parser:
lambda inp:
(lambda m: m and predicate(m[0]) and m)(parser(inp)))
However, readability is important. Besides, good things come in threes. Three problems. Three lambdas. Three tusks. Not four lambdas and no tusks.
The filt()
function takes a predicate and a parser as input and
combines them together to form a new parser. It looks a little weird,
but it works kind of like a decorator. Here's an example of how you use
>>> digit = filt(str.isdigit)(shift)
>>> letter = filt(str.isalpha)(shift)
>>> digit('456')
('4', '56')
>>> letter('456')
The return value of False
in this case means that a parse didn't
work. Just as shift()
returns False
when there is no more input, the
parser created by filt()
returns False
if the value produced
doesn't match the given predicate.
The funny formulation of filt()
allows you to easily make other
kinds of useful filters by only supplying custom predicates. Here's a
filter for exactly matching a literal:
literal = lambda value: filt(lambda v: v == value)
Here's a filter where values must come from a predefined set of acceptable values:
memberof = lambda values: filt(lambda v: v in values)
Here's are some examples of applying these filters to an existing parser:
>>> dot = literal('.')(shift)
>>> even = memberof('02468')(digit) # Yes, digit, not shift.
>>> dot('.456')
('.', '456')
>>> dot('45.6')
>>> even('456')
('4', '56')
>>> even('345')
Naturally, you can continue to simplify things. To match individual characters, you could write a helper like this:
char = lambda v: literal(v)(shift)
>>> dot = char('.')
>>> dot('.456')
('.', '456')
Just as the purpose of filt()
is to ignore things, the opposite of
ignoring something is to do something. Hence, we need an
opposing force to keep the code balanced. Let's call that
operation fmap()
fmap = lambda func: (
lambda parser:
lambda inp: (m:=parser(inp)) and (func(m[0]), m[1]))
takes a function and parser as input and creates a new parser
wherein the supplied function is applied to a successful parse. You
use fmap()
to transform values. For example:
>>> ndigit = fmap(int)(digit)
>>> ndigit('456')
(4, '56')
>>> tenx = fmap(lambda x: 10*x)
>>> tenx(ndigit)('456')
(40, '56')
>>> tenx(digit)('456')
('4444444444', '56')
Digression: map
and filter
are the names of built-in functions
that Python uses to operate on iterables. I would have used those,
if not for the resulting naming confusion. Hence, I've chosen fmap
and filt
instead. Conceptually, our functions serve a
semantically similar purpose.
So far, our parsers only work with a single input. To do more interesting things, you would want to match multiple inputs. For example, multiple digits or multiple letters. It would be great to be able to define something like this:
digits = one_or_more(digit)
To do this, we could dive into some functional techniques involving recursion. However, let's have some straight talk--Python sucks at recursion for various "reasons", the least of which is its internal recursion limit. You don't want to do that. So, we're going take a bit of inspiration from theater and "break the fourth wall" where we turn to the audience, wink, and acknowledge that we're still actually coding in Python. Ok, fine:
def one_or_more(parser):
def parse(inp):
result = [ ]
while (m:=parser(inp)):
value, inp = m
return bool(result) and (result, inp)
return parse
Yes, a while
loop doesn't fit into our whole system of
lambdas. However, one could argue that it's "pythonic" solely for the
fact that it doesn't blow the recursion limit. So, let's roll with
it. Like our other functions, one_or_more()
accepts a parser as
input and creates a new parser as output. It calls the supplied parser
repeatedly until no more matches can be made. A list is produced.
>>> digit = filt(str.isdigit)(shift)
>>> digits = one_or_more(digit)
>>> digits('456')
(['4','5','6'], '')
>>> digits('1abc')
(['1'], 'abc')
>>> digits('abc')
If you don't like the digits separated into a list, use fmap
combine them back together:
>>> digits = fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(digit))
>>> digits('456')
('456', '')
If you want a numeric value instead, add one more fmap
>>> value = fmap(int)(digits)
>>> value('456')
(456, '')
Digression: Upon showing your coworkers the one_or_more()
function, they're likely to get angry about you not following the
style guide. "Lambda. You were supposed to use lambda" they'll say.
Fixing this is not so easy, but you might be able to fool them using
like this:
from functools import wraps
@wraps(lambda parser:_)
def one_or_more(parser):
@wraps(lambda inp:_)
def parse(inp):
return parse
At least this way, the function will look like it came from a lambda until someone takes the time to actually go digging for its definition.
Exercise: Alternatively, you could just rewrite one_or_more()
using nothing more than lambda and recursion.
Sometimes you want to parse one thing after another. You can write a sequencing operator like this:
def seq(*parsers):
def parse(inp):
result = [ ]
for p in parsers:
if not (m:=p(inp)):
return False
value, inp = m
return (result, inp)
return parse
takes an arbitrary number of parsers as input. It then creates
a new parser where they are sequenced, one after the other. All parsers must
succeed to have a successful parse. Here's an example:
>>> seq(letter, digit, letter)('a4x')
(['a', '4', 'x'], '')
>>> seq(letter, digit, letter)('abc')
>>> seq(letter, fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(digit)))('x12345')
(['x', '12345'], '')
Once you have sequencing, you can write some useful variants. For example, sometimes it's useful to select just the left or right part of a pair.
left = lambda p1, p2: fmap(lambda p: p[0])(seq(p1, p2))
right = lambda p1, p2: fmap(lambda p: p[1])(seq(p1, p2))
Here's an example:
>>> left(letter, digit)('a4')
('a', '')
>>> right(letter, digit)('a4')
('4', '')
Exercise: Write a version of seq()
that uses lambda.
Sequencing requires all parsers to match. What is the opposing operation?
Perhaps it's a function that only requires one of the given parsers to
match. Let's call this operation either()
either = lambda p1, p2: (lambda inp: p1(inp) or p2(inp))
Here is an example:
>>> alnum = either(letter, digit)
>>> alnum('4a')
('4', 'a')
>>> alnum('a4')
('a', '4')
>>> alnum('$4')
allows you to build optionals and finally gives you a
chance to use nothing
. For example:
maybe = lambda parser: either(parser, nothing)
For example:
>>> maybe(digit)('456')
('4', '56')
>>> maybe(digit)('abc')
(None, 'abc')
You can also use it to implement zero_or_more()
zero_or_more = lambda parser: either(one_or_more(parser), seq())
>>> zero_or_more(digit)('456')
(['4','5','6'], '')
>>> zero_or_more(digit)('abc')
([], 'abc')
Last, but not least, you can use either()
to build a more capable
function that allows you to choose between any number
of supplied parsers.
choice = lambda parser, *parsers: (
either(parser, choice(*parsers)) if parsers else parser)
Exercise: Rewrite choice()
to not use recursion.
Exercise: Do you actually need nothing
? Can you build nothing
from something?
Let's look at the problem of parsing numbers. Suppose that numbers
come in 2 different varieties. Integers such as 1234
and decimals
such as 12.34
. Decimals, however, are a bit more complicated
because they can be written with a trailing decimal like 12.
or with
a leading decimal like .34
. Suppose that you want to convert
integers to a Python integer and decimals to a Python float. How
would you parse any number? Here's how you might do it:
dot = char('.')
digit = filt(str.isdigit)(shift)
digits = fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(digit))
decdigits = fmap(''.join)(choice(
seq(digits, dot, digits),
seq(digits, dot),
seq(dot, digits)))
integer = fmap(int)(digits)
decimal = fmap(float)(decdigits)
number = choice(decimal, integer)
Let's try our number()
>>> number('1234')
(1234, '')
>>> number('12.3')
(12.3, '')
>>> number('.123')
(0.123, '')
>>> number('123.')
(123.0, '')
>>> number('.xyz')
Suppose you want to parse key-value pairs of the form name=value;
consists of letters and value
is any numeric value. Further
suppose that there could be arbitrary whitespace around any of the
parts (which should be ignored). Here's how you might do it:
letter = filt(str.isalpha)(shift)
letters = fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(letter))
ws = zero_or_more(filt(str.isspace)(shift))
token = lambda p: right(ws, p)
eq = token(char('='))
semi = token(char(';'))
name = token(letters)
value = token(number)
keyvalue = seq(left(name, eq), left(value, semi))
Let's try it out:
>>> keyvalue('xyz=123;')
(['xyz', 123], '')
>>> keyvalue(' pi = 3.14 ;')
(['pi', 3.14], '')
The handling of whitespace might require a bit of study. The key is
the use of a special token()
function to discard leading whitespace.
Suppose you want to extend your parser so that it converts an
arbitrary number of key-pair pairs written as key1=value1; key2=value2; key3=value3;
into a Python dictionary with the same keys
and values. Here's how to do it:
keyvalues = fmap(dict)(zero_or_more(keyvalue))
>>> keyvalues('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;')
({'x': 2, 'y': 3.4, 'z': 0.789}, '')
>>> keyvalues('')
({}, '')
Suppose you want to write a parser that only accepts dicts with keys x
and y
You can use filt()
to check like this:
xydict = filt(lambda d: d.keys() == {'x', 'y'})(keyvalues)
>>> xydict('x=4;y=5;')
({'x': 4, 'y': 5}, '')
>>> xydict('y=5;x=4;')
({'y': 5, 'x': 4}, '')
>>> xydict('x=4;y=5;z=6;')
This example illustrates how features compose together in interesting
ways. Earlier, the filt()
function was used to filter individual
characters, but now it's being applied to dictionaries.
The essential feature that makes everything work is an attention to composability. At the core, this is the interface to a parser:
def parser(inp):
if success:
return (value, remaining)
return False
Everything else builds around this. All of the different functions
such as filt()
, fmap()
, zero_or_more()
, seq()
, and choice()
create new parsers that have an identical interface. As such,
everything works with everything everywhere all at once. Perhaps the main
area of concern would be fmap()
. Since that applies a user-defined function
to the parsed value, the supplied function would obviously have to be
compatible with that.
Consider the formulation of filt()
for a moment. When you used
, you probably thought that it looked a little funny. Like this:
digit = filt(str.isdigit)(shift)
Why is shift
on the outside like that? Besides, isn't that more
of an internal implementation detail? Couldn't we just hide
it like this:
filt = lambda predicate: (
lambda inp: (m:=shift(inp)) and predicate(m[0]) and m)
digit = filt(str.isdigit)
Yes, this could be done, but moving it inside limits the utility of
to single characters. I'd much prefer a filt()
dangerously flexible. The original formulation allows a predicate to
be applied to ANY parser whatsoever--even more complex ones that are
returning data structures. That's cool. You can't do that if the
choice of parser is pulled inside.
Another question about filt()
(and related functions) relates to its
strange calling convention. Why are the input predicate and parser
arguments handled via separate function calls instead of being passed
together to a single function? For example, why not this?
filt = lambda predicate, parser: (
lambda inp: (m:=parser(inp)) and predicate(m[0]) and m)
digit = filt(str.isdigit, shift)
Formulating the function in this way makes it more clunky to define
useful variants such as literal
. Previously, literal
defined by only concerning itself with the predicate part. Like this:
literal = lambda value: filt(lambda v: v == value)
This is focused and elegant. However, if filt()
required an
additional argument, that argument spills into outer functions,
forcing you to write code like this:
literal = lambda value, parser: filt(lambda v: v == value, parser)
That's ugly. The original approach doesn't require us to know any
further details about filt()
Let's discuss the shift()
function for a moment. As originally
formulated, it splits the input string into its first character and
all of the remaining text. Here's the original code again:
shift = lambda inp: bool(inp) and (inp[0], inp[1:])
And here's how it worked:
>>> shift('hello world')
('h', 'ello world')
This is not an efficient way to process text in Python. In fact, it's probably the worst way to process text that you could devise. When running a test on my machine, parsing a string with 100000 key-value pairs into a dictionary takes almost 2.5 minutes! Alas!
The central problem is the memory copy that takes place when computing
. In fact, every call to shift()
makes a nearly
complete copy of the input text. Is it possible to avoid that?
An astute observer will note that in all of the code presented,
nothing is ever done with the input value inp
except for passing it
along elsewhere. The only code that ever looks at it is the shift()
function! Moreover, no code ever looks at the value of the remaining
text either. As such, we could choose to change the data
representation of these parts to something else entirely. Instead of
representing the input as a string, perhaps we could use a tuple
(text, n)
where n
is an integer representing the current position.
Let's try rewriting shift()
like this:
def shift(inp):
text, n = inp
return n < len(text) and (text[n], (text, n+1))
Here's how this new version works:
>>> shift(('abc', 0)) # Note the use a tuple now
('a', ('abc', 1))
>>> shift(('abc', 1))
('b', ('abc', 2))
>>> shift(('abc', 2))
('c', ('abc' 3))
>>> shift(('abc', 3))
Notice how the input string never changes from step-to-step. There is no copying and no slicing. Python will efficiently pass the string around as a reference. The only changing value is the integer index.
It is not necessary to change ANY other code. You can verify that everything still works perfectly--as long as you provide your input in the expected format.
>>> keyvalues(('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;', 0)) # Note: tuple here
({'x': 2, 'y': 3.4, 'z': 0.789}, ('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;', 19))
To hide some of the input details, I might prefer to introduce a special
function to convert the user-supplied input into my internal
format. For example:
Input = lambda inp: (inp, 0)
# Example
result = keyvalues(Input('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789'))
I've upper-cased Input
to keep my options open. Maybe it's something
that I would later change into class. Maybe I'm just doing that
as a way to say "Phffffft!!!" to PEP-8. Who is to say?
Nevertheless, when tested on the same 100000 key-value pair input as before, the parsing time drops from more than 2.5 minutes to about 2.3 seconds. That's pretty amazing. We solved our performance problem by changing the input representation and adjusting only one line of code.
Why did this work? I think it works because all of the of functionality we wrote is based not on direct manipulation of input data, but on function composition. Changing the data representation had no effect on the composition of parts.
Although we made a great improvement in performance, we're still performing a lot of low-level single-character manipulation. Perhaps it would make sense to use a more proper tokenizer. For example, maybe we could use my SLY tool to write a lexer like this:
from sly import Lexer
class KVLexer(Lexer):
ignore = ' \t\n'
FLOAT = r'(\d+\.\d+)|(\d+\.)|(\.\d+)'
INTEGER = r'\d+'
NAME = r'[a-zA-Z]+'
EQ = r'='
SEMI = r';'
A lexer produces tokens, not characters. For example:
>>> lexer = KVLexer()
>>> list(lexer.tokenize("x=2;"))
[Token(type='NAME', value='x', lineno=1, index=0, end=1),
Token(type='EQ', value='=', lineno=1, index=1, end=2),
Token(type='INTEGER', value='2', lineno=1, index=2, end=3),
Token(type='SEMI', value=';', lineno=1, index=3, end=4)]
Could we use our parsing framework with such a tokenizer? Certainly! To do this, you'll replace the low-level character handling to use tokens, but other keep the rest of the parser intact. Here's a new parser:
expect = lambda ty:\
fmap(lambda tok: tok.value)(filt(lambda tok: tok.type == ty)(shift))
name = expect('NAME')
integer = fmap(int)(expect('INTEGER'))
decimal = fmap(float)(expect('FLOAT'))
value = choice(decimal, integer)
keyvalue = seq(left(name, expect('EQ')), left(value, expect('SEMI')))
keyvalues = fmap(dict)(zero_or_more(keyvalue))
Input = lambda inp: (list(KVLexer().tokenize(inp)), 0)
Let's verify that it works:
>>> r = keyvalues(Input('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;'))
>>> r[0]
{'x': 2, 'y': 3.4, 'z': 0.789}
When run on my large test input, this version runs in about 0.9 seconds, about 2.5 times faster than it did before.
I got to thinking about the countless hours I spent micro-optimizing the LALR(1) parser in some of my other tools like PLY and SLY. Seriously, I spent a LOT of time staring at that code trying to remove every last bit of performance overhead I could identify. As such, these tools have long been one of the fastest pure-Python parser implementations around. How would this new approach compare to THAT?
To test it out, I specified a similiar KV-pair parser in SLY:
from sly import Parser
class KVParser(Parser):
tokens = KVLexer.tokens
@_('{ keyvalue }')
def keyvalues(self, p):
return dict(p.keyvalue)
@_('NAME EQ value SEMI')
def keyvalue(self, p):
return (p.NAME, p.value)
def value(self, p):
return int(p.INTEGER)
def value(self, p):
return float(p.FLOAT)
Here's how you use it to parse our little example:
>>> lexer = KVLexer()
>>> parser = KVParser()
>>> tokens = lexer.tokenize('x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;')
>>> parser.parse(tokens)
{'x': 2, 'y': 3.4, 'z': 0.789}
I'll now try it with my input of 100000 key-value pairs. It takes 2.3 seconds. It's three times slower than the last test--which used the exact same token stream! It's even slightly slower than the original "magic" version that simply worked with individual characters. How can this be?
This was not a result I was expecting. An LALR(1) parser is driven entirely by table-lookup and a state machine. There is no backtracking nor does it involve a deep stack of composed functions.
As a last resort, I decided to reimplement the whole parser using PLY which has a more optimized implementation. That runs in about 1.2 seconds. It loses as well.
Stepping back, it's not my goal to perform a detailed performance analysis here--there are many pathological corner cases where this new approach can run into trouble. The main takeaway is that it's a lot faster than I thought it would be.
In Python, the concept of iteration is well defined. It is reasonable
to ask why not use an iterator or a generator function for this? Could
be rewritten like this instead?
shift = lambda inp: (x:=next(inp, False)) and (x, inp)
An experiment seems to suggest that it might work:
>>> inp = iter('abc')
>>> shift(inp)
('a', <str_iterator object at 0x10983e140>)
>>> shift(inp)
('b', <str_iterator object at 0x10983e140>)
>>> shift(inp)
('c', <str_iterator object at 0x10983e140>)
>>> shift(inp)
Unfortunately, it doesn't actually work because our parsing approach
involves backtracking--especially when making decisions in the
, maybe()
, and choice()
functions. When processing
, parsing may proceed succesfully for some time and then
suddenly fail. When this happens, everything rewinds and a different
parsing branch is attempted.
There's no mechanism to rewind a generic Python iterator. Although it
is sometimes possible to copy an iterator or to use some magic from
, doing so seems tricky. Worse, making it work requires
fiddly changes throughout the implementation as opposed to being isolated
to a single location. For now, I'll leave this as an exercise.
Here's the complete implementation of the basic parsing framework written in this post. I thought it'd be interesting just to see it all in one place.
# -- Parsing framework
def shift(inp):
text, n = inp
return n < len(text) and (text[n], (text, n+1))
nothing = lambda inp: (None, inp)
filt = lambda predicate: (
lambda parser:
lambda inp: (m:=parser(inp)) and predicate(m[0]) and m)
literal = lambda value: filt(lambda v: v==value)
char = lambda value: literal(value)(shift)
fmap = lambda func: (
lambda parser:
lambda inp: (m:=parser(inp)) and (func(m[0]), m[1]))
either = lambda p1, p2: (lambda inp: p1(inp) or p2(inp))
maybe = lambda parser: either(parser, nothing)
choice = lambda parser, *parsers: either(parser, choice(*parsers)) if parsers else parser
def seq(*parsers):
def parse(inp):
result = [ ]
for p in parsers:
if not (m:=p(inp)):
return False
value, inp = m
return (result, inp)
return parse
left = lambda p1, p2: fmap(lambda p: p[0])(seq(p1, p2))
right = lambda p1, p2: fmap(lambda p: p[1])(seq(p1, p2))
def one_or_more(parser):
def parse(inp):
result = [ ]
while (m:=parser(inp)):
value, inp = m
return bool(result) and (result, inp)
return parse
zero_or_more = lambda parser: either(one_or_more(parser), seq())
Input = lambda inp: (inp, 0)
# -- Example: Convert "key1=value1; key2=value2; ..." into a dict
# numbers and values
dot = char('.')
digit = filt(str.isdigit)(shift)
digits = fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(digit))
decdigits = fmap(''.join)(choice(
seq(digits, dot, digits),
seq(digits, dot),
seq(dot, digits)))
integer = fmap(int)(digits)
decimal = fmap(float)(decdigits)
number = choice(decimal, integer)
# names
letter = filt(str.isalpha)(shift)
letters = fmap(''.join)(one_or_more(letter))
# Whitespace
ws = zero_or_more(filt(str.isspace)(shift))
token = lambda p: right(ws, p)
# Tokens (removed whitespace)
eq = token(char('='))
semi = token(char(';'))
name = token(letters)
value = token(number)
# Single key=value; pair
keyvalue = seq(left(name, eq), left(value, semi))
# Multiple key-values
keyvalues = fmap(dict)(zero_or_more(keyvalue))
# Example
result, remaining = keyvalues(Input("x=2; y=3.4; z=.789;"))
If you're looking at this whole thing with a blown mind--you should look further into parser combinators. Programming with combinators is not the most common thing in Python, but it can be interesting way to achieve an unusual kind of extreme flexibility.
Back in the Python world, there are a number of parsing-related tools built on similar concepts. Most of these provide more bells and whistles, but may be worth a look:
- PyParsing
- parsy
- reparsec
- parsita
- Hypothesis strategies are combinators
- (Add more to the list... submit a PR).
Over the last twenty years, I've done a lot with parsing in Python. This has included the development of several LALR(1) parser generator packages and the teaching of a compilers course where I usually have students write a recursive descent parser. Although I had heard the words "parser combinator" uttered before, it's not something I had any first-hand experience with until recently.
This past January (2023), I decided that I'd try to implement my compilers class project in Haskell as a side project. Having never programmed Haskell before, I had to entirely rewire part of my brain. To help, I started working from the "Programming in Haskell" book by Graham Hutton. As it turns out, Graham has significant experience with monadic parser combinators (see this paper for instance) and many of the examples in his book were focused on this technique.
It had never occurred to me to write a parser in this way. Thus, most of what you see in this post is a Python "remix" of those ideas. To be sure, I've taken wide liberty in utilizing Python idioms and have put things together in a slightly different way. However, the code still embodies the general big idea. I've also written the Python code in a largely "equational style" that reflects the emphasis on function composition as opposed to function implementation.
I'm struck by the raw minimalism and expressiveness of the code. There is no advanced metaprogramming, operator overloading, or even any classes. If you want to see how everything works, the code is right there to look at. Most of the functions are tiny. The way that they compose together is pretty awesome.
As an aside, sometimes people ask me "what can I do to improve my Python skills?" Much to their surprise, I often suggest doing a project in a completely different language or outside of their area of expertise. I think the main benefit of doing this is that you'll often see a completely different way of thinking about a problem that you can bring home to your own projects.
As noted, I learned of this technique by way of Haskell. However, I later went on to apply it to the Python implementation of my compiler class project. The resulting parser was about half the size of a hand-written recursive descent parser and involved fewer concepts. The resulting code also directly reflected the language grammar which had been specified using a PEG. Last, but not least, the new implementation turned out to have a number of desirable properties related to error handling and error messages. In the end, I liked it a lot more.
A more complete discussion of writing a full programming language parser using combinators will have to wait until another time. However, in closing--yes, I think I might actually use a technique like this to build a parser for something real.
Feel free to leave a comment by submitting a pull request. If you want to learn something completely different, consider taking one of my courses.
-- Dave