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Alice Minotto edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 8 revisions

The core of the CyVerse UK infrastructure revolves around the Agave API ( There are two levels to using this API: As an end user submitting jobs and as a developer creating apps. Most of the initial setup e.g. creating tokens etc are the same for both of these use cases. In this document, I will focus on using Agave as a developer (e.g. for app creation).

App creation FAQ

General questions

What do I need to create an Agave app?

You will need an app description file (JSON), a wrapper script, a test script and a template submission file for HTCondor (optional). See the renseq app repository for examples.

What should the app description file contain?

The app description file contains JSON describing the app. It is documented in detail here. This is an example app description file, containing the minimum fields that are needed:

  "name"          : "example",
  "label"         : "Example app",
  "version"       : "0.1.1",
  "executionType" : "CLI",
  "executionSystem"  : "cyverseUK-Batch2",
  "deploymentSystem" : "cyverseUK-Storage2",
  "deploymentPath"  : "yourdirectory/app",
  "templatePath"    : "",
  "testPath"        : "",
  "parallelism"     : "SERIAL",
  "shortDescription" : "A simple example app",
  "longDescription"  : "A simple example app",
  "helpURI" : "",
  "datePublished": "23rd Aug 2016",
  "author" : "John Doe",
  "tags": [ "testing", "example"],
  "ontology": [ ],
  "inputs" : [ {
      "id": "input1",
      "details" : {
        "label": "An example input file",
        "description": "As simple example input
      "value": {
        "required" : "true",
        "default" : "agave://yourstoragesystem/yourdirectory/file",
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
    "maxCardinality": -1
  "parameters" : [
      "id": "param1",
      "details" : {
        "label": "An example parameter" ,
        "description": "This parameter is a number value"
      "value": {
        "required" : "true",
        "type": "number",
        "default": 7000000,
      "id": "param2",
      "details" : {
        "label": "Another example parameter",
        "description": "This parameter is a string"
      "value": {
        "required" : "false",