Flight_Ticket_Checker | Start Chat
Get Flight Ticket details
Please perform the following steps to produce a table of the cheapest airline tickets for a range of departure dates: 1. For each
departure day between 17 dec 2023 and 21 jan 2024
go to @Google Flights and find the 2 lowest price round-trip flights for the following criteria:
Dep Airport:SFO
Arr Airport: AMD
Return Date: Set this to Departure day + 5 weeks
Travelers: 4
Class: Economy
Dep Time: Any Ret Time:
Any Bags: 0 Emissions:
Any Stops:Any 1.
Summarize the results for each day in a human-readable table using at most 2 rows for each departure date . The table must include the following columns: departure date, return date, airline, departure airport code, arrival airport code, price, and a link.