diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase.txt b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a92186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_closed.txt b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_closed.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6920184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_closed.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+closed #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_flux.txt b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_flux.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6256e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_flux.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+flux #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_open.txt b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_open.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe532c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_open.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+free #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_porvproj.txt b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_porvproj.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000967e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/basecase_porvproj.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+porvproj #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case1/run_simulations.py b/examples/newcases/Case1/run_simulations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a4e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case1/run_simulations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 NORCE
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+Script to run Flow
+import os
+NAMES = [
+ "basecase",
+os.system("rm -rf compare")
+nsimulations = len(NAMES)
+command = ""
+for i, name in enumerate(NAMES):
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}.txt -o Case_1 -m all -p no & "
+command += "wait"
+command = ""
+for i, name in enumerate(NAMES):
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}_flux.txt -o Case_1 -m site -p no & "
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}_porvproj.txt -o Case_1 -m site -p no & "
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}_closed.txt -o Case_1 -m site -p no & "
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}_open.txt -o Case_1 -m site -p no & "
+command += "wait"
+command = f"expreccs -i {name}_open.txt -o Case_1 -m none -p yes"
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_0_40m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_0_40m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a92186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_0_40m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_1_120m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_1_120m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe5c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_1_120m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+125 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+125 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_2_200m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_2_200m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1958680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_2_200m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+75 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+75 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_3_600m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_3_600m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f851d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_3_600m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+25 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+25 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_4_1000m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_4_1000m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a886a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_4_1000m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+15 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+15 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_5_5000m.txt b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_5_5000m.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf75170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/Grid_5_5000m.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+3 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+3 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case2/run_simulations.py b/examples/newcases/Case2/run_simulations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7261db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case2/run_simulations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 NORCE
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+Script to run Flow
+import os
+NAMES = [
+ "Grid_0_40m",
+ "Grid_1_120m",
+ "Grid_2_200m",
+ "Grid_3_600m",
+ "Grid_4_1000m",
+ "Grid_5_5000m",
+os.system("rm -rf compare")
+nsimulations = len(NAMES)
+command = ""
+for i, name in enumerate(NAMES):
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}.txt -o {name} -m none -p yes & "
+command += "wait"
+os.system("expreccs -c compare")
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case3/Everyday.txt b/examples/newcases/Case3/Everyday.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1958680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case3/Everyday.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+75 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+75 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+180 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+180 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case3/Interpolation_in_time.txt b/examples/newcases/Case3/Interpolation_in_time.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54bfffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case3/Interpolation_in_time.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+75 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+75 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres interp #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+ 10 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+120 120 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+120 120 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+120 120 10 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 10 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+120 120 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case3/On_report_steps.txt b/examples/newcases/Case3/On_report_steps.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d191bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case3/On_report_steps.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+75 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+75 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 1e9 1e9 1e9 1e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1 1 0 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 1 1 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+9 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+6700 7500 4.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+0 #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 0 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.2
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7500 7500 0 9 #Well 0
+11500 11500 0 9 #Well 1
+11500 3500 0 9 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+ 10 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+120 120 120 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+120 120 120 1 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+120 120 120 1 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 10 1 1 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+120 120 120 1 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case3/run_simulations.py b/examples/newcases/Case3/run_simulations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..238168d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case3/run_simulations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 NORCE
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+Script to run Flow
+import os
+NAMES = [
+ "Everyday",
+ "On_report_steps",
+ "Interpolation_in_time",
+os.system("rm -rf compare")
+nsimulations = len(NAMES)
+command = ""
+for i, name in enumerate(NAMES):
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}.txt -o {name} -m all -p yes & "
+command += "wait"
+os.system("expreccs -c compare")
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case4/complexity.txt b/examples/newcases/Case4/complexity.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc36e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case4/complexity.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+flow --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --linear-solver=cprw --newton-min-iterations=1 --enable-tuning=true
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+15000 15000 9 #Reginonal aquifer length, width, and depth [m]
+1,2,2,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 #Variable array of x-refinment (Regional)
+1,2,2,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 #Variable array of y-refinment (Regional)
+1,1,1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Regional)
+375 #Variable array of x-refinment (Reference)
+375 #Variable array of y-refinment (Reference)
+3,2,1 #Variable array of z-refinment (Reference)
+5000 5000 10000 10000 #Site xi, yi, xf, and yf box positions [m]
+porv 2e9 2e9 2e9 2e9 #Use free/closed/porv for the Regional aquifer (if porv, enter the bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e8 1e7 1e6 1e5))
+pres interp #Use free/closed/porv/porvproj/flux/pres/pres2p/wells for the BC site (if porv; bottom, right, top, and left values (e.g, porv 1e4 1e3 1e2 1e1)); for pres/flux, add 'interp' to use linear interpolation in time
+11000 11000 1E5 0 4.5 #Regional fault x, and y positions [m], x and y multipliers for the trans, and height of the fault jump [m]
+6666 7075 7885 8450 0 0 #Site fault x, and y positions [m] (initial and final) and x and y multipliers for the trans
+3,3,3 #Thicknes of the layers
+3E7 105 105 4.934e-10 #Pressure on the reservoir top [Pa], top and bottom temperatures [C], and rock compressibility [1/Pa]
+7895 8430 0.5 #Sensor position x, y, and z to assess the error over time w.r.t the reference solution [m]
+(20-20*mt.cos((2*mt.pi*(x+y)/15000))) #The function for the reservoir surface
+1 2.92 #Add hysteresis (1/0) and salinity (value [1E-3 kg-M/kg])
+0 #Number of interations for back-coupling
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+krw * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - sni -swi)) ** nkrw #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+krn * ((1.0 - sw - sni) / (1.0 - sni - swi)) ** nkrn #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+pec * ((sw - swi) / (1.0 - swi)) ** (-(1.0 / npe)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], krw [-], krn [-], pec [Pa], nkrw [-], nkrn [-], npe [-], threshold cP evaluation"""
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 61237. NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 5E4 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0. KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 49029 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 61237. NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 5E4 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+SWI5 0.478 SNI5 0.312 KRW5 1. KRN5 .3 PRE4 49029 NKRW1 3 NKRN1 3 NPE1 2 THRE1 1e-5
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""Kxy [mD], Kz [mD], phi [-]"""
+PERMXY5 500 PERMZ5 50 PORO5 0.15
+PERMXY5 1000 PERMZ5 100 PORO5 0.20
+PERMXY5 1300 PERMZ5 130 PORO5 0.25
+"""Wells position"""
+"""x, y, zi, and zf positions [m]"""
+7180 7180 0 9 #Well 0
+7970 7970 0 9 #Well 1
+6660 8333 0 9 #Well 2
+11300 11300 0 9 #Well 3
+11300 4800 0 9 #Well 4
+5333 11666 0 9 #Well 5
+"""Define the injection values"""
+"""injection time [d], time step size to write results regional [d], time step size to write results site/reference [d], maximum time step [d], fluid (0 wetting, 1 non-wetting) well 0, injection rates [kg/day] well 0, fluid ... well n, injection, ...well n, (if 'wells' for BC in site (Line 14); bottom, right, top, and left values (0(prod)/1(inj), pressure [Pa]))"""
+ 10 1 1 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 0 1 0
+ 50 10 10 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 0 1 0
+120 120 10 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 0 1 0
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+120 120 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18
+ 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 50 10 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+120 120 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4106776.18 1 0
+ 10 1 1 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+ 50 10 10 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
+120 120 10 1 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 1368925.4 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18 1 4106776.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Case4/run_simulations.py b/examples/newcases/Case4/run_simulations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3a2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Case4/run_simulations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 NORCE
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+Script to run Flow
+import os
+NAMES = [
+ "complexity",
+os.system("rm -rf compare")
+nsimulations = len(NAMES)
+command = ""
+for i, name in enumerate(NAMES):
+ command += f"expreccs -i {name}.txt -o Case_4 -m all -p yes & "
+command += "wait"
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_1.ipe b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_1.ipe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d82a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_1.ipe
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.5 -0.5 m
+0.5 -0.5 l
+0.5 0.5 l
+-0.5 0.5 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.43 -0.57 m
+0.57 0.43 l
+0.43 0.57 l
+-0.57 -0.43 l
+-0.43 0.57 m
+0.57 -0.43 l
+0.43 -0.57 l
+-0.57 0.43 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0.333 m
+0 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+144 640 m
+144 400 l
+384 400 l
+384 640 l
+224 560 m
+224 480 l
+304 480 l
+304 560 l
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+(0,0) [km]
+(15,15) [km]
+dx=dy=40 [m], dz= 9 [m]
+nz= 1
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_regional.ipe b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_regional.ipe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac075e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_regional.ipe
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.5 -0.5 m
+0.5 -0.5 l
+0.5 0.5 l
+-0.5 0.5 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.43 -0.57 m
+0.57 0.43 l
+0.43 0.57 l
+-0.57 -0.43 l
+-0.43 0.57 m
+0.57 -0.43 l
+0.43 -0.57 l
+-0.57 0.43 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0.333 m
+0 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+144 640 m
+144 400 l
+384 400 l
+384 640 l
+224 560 m
+224 480 l
+304 480 l
+304 560 l
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+(0,0) [km]
+(15,15) [km]
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+324 640 m
+324 580 l
+384 580 l
diff --git a/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_site.ipe b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_site.ipe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73fbe93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/newcases/Locations_figures/Case_4_site.ipe
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 e
+0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
+0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.5 -0.5 m
+0.5 -0.5 l
+0.5 0.5 l
+-0.5 0.5 l
+-0.6 -0.6 m
+0.6 -0.6 l
+0.6 0.6 l
+-0.6 0.6 l
+-0.4 -0.4 m
+0.4 -0.4 l
+0.4 0.4 l
+-0.4 0.4 l
+-0.43 -0.57 m
+0.57 0.43 l
+0.43 0.57 l
+-0.57 -0.43 l
+-0.43 0.57 m
+0.57 -0.43 l
+0.43 -0.57 l
+-0.57 0.43 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-0.8 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0.333 m
+0 0 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+-1 0 m
+-2 0.333 l
+-2 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+0.5 0 m
+-0.5 0.333 l
+-0.3 0 l
+-0.5 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+1 0 m
+0 0.333 l
+0 -0.333 l
+0 0 m
+-1 0.333 l
+-1 -0.333 l
+188 504 m
+228 540
+240 544
+252 548
+256 548 c
+4 0 0 4 432 560 e
+Sealing fault
diff --git a/src/expreccs/templates/decks/site.mako b/src/expreccs/templates/decks/site.mako
index cb7308f..c4e4dfb 100644
--- a/src/expreccs/templates/decks/site.mako
+++ b/src/expreccs/templates/decks/site.mako
@@ -311,14 +311,10 @@ ${i+1} DIRICHLET ${dic["lin"]} 1* ${dic['PRESSURE_left'][n+k+1][0][i]} /
${i+1+len(dic['PRESSURE_left'][0][0])} DIRICHLET ${dic["lin"]} 1* ${dic['PRESSURE_right'][n+k+1][0][i]} /
% endfor
% for i in range(len(dic['PRESSURE_bottom'][0][0])):
-% if ((i%dic["bottom_noCells"]+1)*mt.floor(dic['site_noCells'][0]/dic["bottom_noCells"]) != 1 and 1+(i%dic["bottom_noCells"])*mt.floor(dic['site_noCells'][0]/dic["bottom_noCells"])!=dic['site_noCells'][0]) and dic["bottom_noCells"]>2:
${i+1+len(dic['PRESSURE_left'][0][0])+len(dic['PRESSURE_right'][0][0])} DIRICHLET ${dic["lin"]} 1* ${dic['PRESSURE_bottom'][n+k+1][0][i]} /
-% endif
% endfor
% for i in range(len(dic['PRESSURE_top'][0][0])):
-% if ((i%dic["top_noCells"]+1)*mt.floor(dic['site_noCells'][0]/dic["top_noCells"]) != 1 and 1+(i%dic["top_noCells"])*mt.floor(dic['site_noCells'][0]/dic["top_noCells"])!=dic['site_noCells'][0]) and dic["top_noCells"]>2:
${i+1+len(dic['PRESSURE_left'][0][0])+len(dic['PRESSURE_right'][0][0])+len(dic['PRESSURE_bottom'][0][0])} DIRICHLET ${dic["lin"]} 1* ${dic['PRESSURE_top'][n+k+1][0][i]} /
-% endif
% endfor
%elif dic['site_bctype'] == "free":
diff --git a/src/expreccs/visualization/maps2d.py b/src/expreccs/visualization/maps2d.py
index b1d82b6..169dff4 100644
--- a/src/expreccs/visualization/maps2d.py
+++ b/src/expreccs/visualization/maps2d.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def final_time_maps(dic):
for nfol, fol in enumerate(dic["folders"]):
for res in dic[f"{fol}_decks"]:
dic = manage_name(dic, res)
- for j, quantity in enumerate(dic["quantity"]):
+ for j, quantity in enumerate(dic["quantity"][0:2]):
dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_plot"] = np.zeros(
len(dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_ymy"]) - 1,
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ def final_time_maps(dic):
axis.set_title(dic[f"l{res}"] + f" ({dic['lfolders'][nfol]})")
+ # axis.set_title(f"REF (Case 4)")
maxp = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_plot"].max()
minp = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_plot"].min()
- # minp, maxp = -0.09, 0.14
+ # minp, maxp = 305, 359
axis.set_xlabel("Easting [km]")
axis.set_ylabel("Northing [km]")
@@ -118,23 +119,23 @@ def final_time_maps_difference(dic):
- dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"][-1]
- if quantity == "FLOWATI+":
+ if quantity in ["FLOWATI+", "FLOGASI+"]:
for k in range(len(dic[f"{fol}/site_ymy"]) - 1):
(k + 1) * (len(dic[f"{fol}/site_xmx"]) - 1) - 1
] = 0
- if quantity == "FLOWATJ-":
+ if quantity in ["FLOWATJ-", "FLOGASJ-"]:
for k in range(len(dic[f"{fol}/site_xmx"]) - 1):
dic[f"{fol}/{res}_difference_{quantity}"][k] = 0
dic[f"{fol}/{res}_difference_{quantity}_plot"] = np.zeros(
[len(dic[f"{fol}/site_ymy"]) - 1, len(dic[f"{fol}/site_xmx"]) - 1]
- if quantity == "FLOWATI-":
+ if quantity in ["FLOWATI-", "FLOGASI-"]:
for k in range(len(dic[f"{fol}/site_ymy"]) - 1):
k * (len(dic[f"{fol}/site_xmx"]) - 1)
] = 0
- if quantity == "FLOWATJ+":
+ if quantity in ["FLOWATJ+", "FLOGASJ+"]:
for k in range(len(dic[f"{fol}/site_xmx"]) - 1):
(len(dic[f"{fol}/site_ymy"]) - 2)
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ def final_time_maps_difference(dic):
dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_ycor"] / 1000.0,
- cmap=dic["cmaps"][j],
+ cmap="seismic",
@@ -183,7 +184,8 @@ def final_time_maps_difference(dic):
axis.set_xlabel("Easting [km]")
axis.set_ylabel("Northing [km]")
- r"$\sum$|REF-"
+ "SITE "
+ + r"$\sum$|REF-"
+ f"{dic[f'l{res}']}"
+ f"|={abs(dic[f'{fol}/{res}_difference_{quantity}_plot']).sum():.2E}"
@@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ def final_time_maps_difference(dic):
# axis.tick_params(axis='y', colors='white')
maxp = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_difference_{quantity}_plot"].max()
minp = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_difference_{quantity}_plot"].min()
- # minp, maxp = -.016, .016
+ # minp, maxp = -1.53, 1.53
divider = make_axes_locatable(axis)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=1e-3)
vect = np.linspace(
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ def final_time_maps_difference(dic):
- format=lambda x, _: f"{x:.3f}",
+ format=lambda x, _: f"{x:.2f}",
@@ -255,19 +257,24 @@ def geological_maps(dic):
axis.set_title(dic[f"l{res}"] + f" ({dic['lfolders'][nfol]})")
+ # axis.set_title("REG/REF (Case 1)")
name = dic["name"]
- f"L = {dic[f'{fol}/{name}_xmx'][-1]/1000. - dic[f'{fol}/{name}_xmx'][0]/1000.} [km]"
+ f"L={(dic[f'{fol}/{name}_xmx'][-1] - dic[f'{fol}/{name}_xmx'][0])/1000.:.0f}"
+ + f" [km], dx={dic[f'{fol}/{name}_xmx'][1]:.0f} [m]"
- f"W = {dic[f'{fol}/{name}_ymy'][-1]/1000. - dic[f'{fol}/{name}_ymy'][0]/1000.} [km]"
+ f"W={(dic[f'{fol}/{name}_ymy'][-1] - dic[f'{fol}/{name}_ymy'][0])/1000.:.0f}"
+ + f" [km], dy={dic[f'{fol}/{name}_ymy'][1]:.0f} [m]"
- axis.set_xticks(dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_xcor"][0] / 1000.0)
- axis.set_yticks(dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_ymy"] / 1000.0)
- axis.grid(True, color="k", lw=1)
- plt.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
- plt.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
+ # axis.set_xticks(dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_xcor"][0] / 1000.0)
+ # axis.set_yticks(dic[f"{fol}/{dic['name']}_ymy"] / 1000.0)
+ axis.set_xticks([])
+ axis.set_yticks([])
+ # axis.grid(True, color="k", lw=1)
+ # plt.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
+ # plt.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
f"{dic['where']}/{dic['id']}{res}_fipnum.png", bbox_inches="tight"
diff --git a/src/expreccs/visualization/plotting.py b/src/expreccs/visualization/plotting.py
index 0f1e4fb..f4f4121 100644
--- a/src/expreccs/visualization/plotting.py
+++ b/src/expreccs/visualization/plotting.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 NORCE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+# pylint: disable=R0914
Script to plot the top surface for the reference, regional, and site reservoirs.
@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@
GAS_DEN_REF = 1.86843 # kg/sm3
WAT_DEN_REF = 998.108 # kg/sm3
-KG_TO_T = 1e-3
KG_TO_KT = 1e-6
KG_TO_MT = 1e-9
@@ -162,8 +162,9 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
- "k",
+ "#17becf",
+ "k",
@@ -190,12 +191,13 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
(0, (5, 1)),
(0, (3, 10, 1, 10)),
(0, (3, 5, 1, 5)),
- (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)),
(0, (3, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5)),
- (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)),
+ ":",
+ "-.",
- (0, ()),
- "-",
+ (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)),
+ (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)),
+ "solid",
dic["lreference"] = r"REF"
dic["lregional"] = r"REG"
@@ -211,7 +213,11 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
dic["lsite_free"] = r"SITE$_o$"
dic["cmaps"] = [
- "seismic",
+ "brg",
+ "coolwarm",
+ "coolwarm",
+ "coolwarm",
+ "coolwarm",
@@ -227,6 +233,10 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
@@ -238,6 +248,10 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
+ "gasfluxi+",
+ "gasfluxj+",
+ "gasfluxi-",
+ "gasfluxj-",
"CO$_2$ total",
"CO$_2$ dissolved",
"CO$_2$ gas",
@@ -245,10 +259,14 @@ def plotting_settings(dic):
dic["units"] = [
"Saturation [-]",
"Pressure [bar]",
- "Mass flux x+ direction [t m$^{-2}$ day$^{-1}$]",
- "Mass flux y+ direction [t m$^{-2}$ day$^{-1}$]",
- "Mass flux x- direction [t m$^{-2}$ day$^{-1}$]",
- "Mass flux y- direction [t m$^{-2}$ day$^{-1}$]",
+ "H$_2$O velocity x+ direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "H$_2$O velocity y+ direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "H$_2$O velocity x- direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "H$_2$O velocity y- direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "CO$_2$ velocity x+ direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "CO$_2$ velocity y+ direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "CO$_2$ velocity x- direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
+ "CO$_2$ velocity y- direction [m day$^{-1}$]",
"CO$_2$ in-place [kt]",
"CO$_2$ in-place (liquid phase) [kt]",
"CO$_2$ in-place (gas phase) [kt]",
@@ -341,10 +359,10 @@ def summary_site(dic, nfol, ndeck, opmn):
dic (dict): Global dictionary with required parameters
- if dic["compare"]:
- marker = dic["markers"][nfol]
- else:
- marker = ""
+ # if dic["compare"]:
+ # marker = dic["markers"][nfol]
+ # else:
+ # marker = ""
fol = dic["folders"][nfol]
res = dic[f"{fol}_decks"][ndeck]
if dic["reading"] == "resdata":
@@ -357,12 +375,12 @@ def summary_site(dic, nfol, ndeck, opmn):
dy = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dy"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
dz = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
poro = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
- yvalues = [KG_TO_T * WAT_DEN_REF * val / (poro * dy * dz) for val in yvalues]
+ yvalues = [val / (poro * dy * dz) for val in yvalues]
if opmn[:6] == "BFLOWJ":
dx = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dx"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
dz = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
poro = dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"][dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor"]]
- yvalues = [KG_TO_T * WAT_DEN_REF * val / (poro * dx * dz) for val in yvalues]
+ yvalues = [val / (poro * dx * dz) for val in yvalues]
if ndeck == 0 and nfol > 0:
return dic
if ndeck == 0:
@@ -371,7 +389,6 @@ def summary_site(dic, nfol, ndeck, opmn):
color=dic["colors"][-ndeck - 1],
- lw=3,
@@ -379,11 +396,8 @@ def summary_site(dic, nfol, ndeck, opmn):
+ f"{' ('+dic['lfolders'][nfol]+')' if dic['compare'] else ''}",
- color=dic["colors"][-ndeck],
- linestyle=dic["linestyle"][-ndeck],
- lw=3,
- marker=marker,
- markersize=3,
+ color=dic["colors"][-ndeck - 1],
+ linestyle=dic["linestyle"][-nfol - 2],
return dic
@@ -570,7 +584,11 @@ def over_time_distance(dic):
dic["axis"][-1].set_ylabel("Distance [km]")
- dic["axis"][-1].legend()
+ handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
+ order = np.argsort(labels)
+ dic["axis"][-1].legend(
+ [handles[idx] for idx in order], [labels[idx] for idx in order]
+ )
f"{dic['where']}/{dic['id']}distance_from_border.png", bbox_inches="tight"
@@ -764,14 +782,15 @@ def handle_labels_distance(dic, nfol, res, fol, j):
if j == 0:
j_j = 0
+ nfol = 1
- j_j = j
+ j_j = j + 1
label = dic[f"l{res}"]
color=dic["colors"][-1 - j_j],
- linestyle=dic["linestyle"][-1 - j_j],
+ linestyle=dic["linestyle"][-nfol - 2],
return dic
@@ -873,7 +892,7 @@ def over_time_sensor(dic, nqua, quantity):
- label=label, # +" (Grid 0 50m)"
+ label=label, # +" (Grid 0 40m)"
# referror = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor_{quantity}"])
if res != "reference":
@@ -887,9 +906,10 @@ def over_time_sensor(dic, nqua, quantity):
dic["nmarker"] += 1
# quanti = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_sensor_{quantity}"])
- # error = np.max(np.abs(referror - quanti))
- # if quantity == "pressure":
- # print(fol, res, quantity, f"{error:.2f}")
+ # #error = np.max(np.abs(referror - quanti))
+ # error = np.linalg.norm(referror - quanti)
+ # #if quantity == "pressure":
+ # print(fol, res, quantity, f"{error:.2f}")
@@ -901,7 +921,7 @@ def over_time_sensor(dic, nqua, quantity):
location = f"({dic[f'{fol}/{res}_sensor_location'][0]/1000.}, "
location += f"{dic[f'{fol}/{res}_sensor_location'][1]/1000.}, "
location += f"{dic[f'{fol}/{res}_sensor_location'][2]/1000.})"
- dic["axiss"][nqua].set_title(f"Sensor location {location} [km]")
+ dic["axiss"][nqua].set_title(f"Sensor location {location} [km] (Case 4)")
# if quantity != "pressure":
@@ -930,7 +950,12 @@ def handle_labels_difference(dic, res, j, nqua, nfol):
quantity = dic["quantity"][nqua]
fol = dic["folders"][nfol]
if dic["compare"]:
- label = dic[f"l{res}"] + f" ({dic['lfolders'][nfol]})"
+ label = (
+ dic[f"l{res}"]
+ + f" ({dic['lfolders'][nfol]})"
+ + r", $\max$="
+ + f"{np.array(dic[f'{fol}/{res}_maximum_{quantity}']).max():.2E}"
+ )
diff --git a/src/expreccs/visualization/reading.py b/src/expreccs/visualization/reading.py
index 15d7d5e..d3ebaf9 100644
--- a/src/expreccs/visualization/reading.py
+++ b/src/expreccs/visualization/reading.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 NORCE
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+# pylint: disable=R0912
Script to read OPM Flow output files
@@ -26,7 +27,6 @@
GAS_DEN_REF = 1.86843
WAT_DEN_REF = 998.108
-KG_TO_T = 1e-3
KG_TO_KT = 1e-6
@@ -123,14 +123,10 @@ def resdata_arrays(dic, fol, res):
elif quantity == "gas":
dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(co2_g * KG_TO_KT)
elif quantity in ["FLOWATI+", "FLOWATI-"]:
- flow = (
- * np.array(
- dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
- f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}"
- ][i]
- )
+ flow = np.array(
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
+ f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}"
+ ][i]
@@ -141,15 +137,31 @@ def resdata_arrays(dic, fol, res):
elif quantity in ["FLOWATJ+", "FLOWATJ-"]:
- flow = (
- * np.array(
- dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
- f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}"
- ][i]
+ flow = np.array(
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
+ f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}"
+ ][i]
+ )
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(
+ np.divide(
+ flow,
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dx"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"],
+ )
+ )
+ elif quantity in ["FLOGASI+", "FLOGASI-"]:
+ flow = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][f"FLOGAS{quantity[-2:]}"][i])
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(
+ np.divide(
+ flow,
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dy"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"],
+ elif quantity in ["FLOGASJ+", "FLOGASJ-"]:
+ flow = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][f"FLOGAS{quantity[-2:]}"][i])
@@ -356,14 +368,10 @@ def opm_arrays(dic, fol, res, loadnpy):
elif quantity == "gas":
dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(co2_g * KG_TO_KT)
elif quantity in ["FLOWATI+", "FLOWATI-"]:
- flow = (
- * np.array(
- dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
- f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}", i
- ]
- )
+ flow = np.array(
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
+ f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}", i
+ ]
@@ -374,15 +382,31 @@ def opm_arrays(dic, fol, res, loadnpy):
elif quantity in ["FLOWATJ+", "FLOWATJ-"]:
- flow = (
- * np.array(
- dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
- f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}", i
- ]
+ flow = np.array(
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][
+ f"FLO{dic[f'{fol}/{res}liq']}{quantity[-2:]}", i
+ ]
+ )
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(
+ np.divide(
+ flow,
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dx"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"],
+ )
+ )
+ elif quantity in ["FLOGASI+", "FLOGASI-"]:
+ flow = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][f"FLOGAS{quantity[-2:]}", i])
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_{quantity}_array"].append(
+ np.divide(
+ flow,
+ dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dy"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_dz"]
+ * dic[f"{fol}/{res}_poro"],
+ elif quantity in ["FLOGASJ+", "FLOGASJ-"]:
+ flow = np.array(dic[f"{fol}/{res}_rst"][f"FLOGAS{quantity[-2:]}", i])