In this exercise you can investigate with simple programs scalability aspects of different type of problems. Heat equation solver here is extremely memory bound, whereas the N-body simulation is largely compute bound.
Build the code under heat-equation with the provided Makefile.
Run the code with different number of MPI tasks and OpenMP threads within a single node and investigate the performance.
AMD CPUs in LUMI are divided into so called "Core Complex Die"s (CCDs), where each CCD has 8 cores. CPU cores within a CCD share L3 cache and memory controller, which means that when fewer cores per CCD are used, single core may have more memory bandwidth and L3 cache available.
Slurm places the MPI process
cores apart, so when running with less MPI tasks than there are cores, the option can be used for spreading the MPI tasks apart.Compare the performance e.g. with the following Slurm settings:
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
Placement of OpenMP threads (when having less threads than cores) can be affected by setting environment variable
. OpenMP runtime can also print out information about mapping of processes/threads to cores by setting the environment variableOMP_DISPLAY_AFFINITY
.At the end, you should observe that with this memory bound problem best performance with a single node is obtained when using only 1-2 cores per CCD, i.e. 16-32 cores per node in total.
Pick some
setting, and investigate the scalability with multiple nodes, use e.g. one, two, or four nodes. How does the scalability look in comparison to the scalability within a node? Can you explain the results?
At the end you should have learned that for memory bound problems the way MPI processes / OpenMP threads of the program are distributed within a node can have huge impact on the perfomance. Also, number of MPI tasks or number of cores is necessarily not meaningful variable when discussing scalability. In modern CPUs like AMD EPYCs performance e.g. with 128 cores can vary drastically depending on whether. they are distributed to one, two or four nodes.
Run the code with different number of MPI tasks and OpenMP threads within a single node, as well as with few nodes and investigate the performance and scalability. With single core the calculation takes over 10 minutes, so you might want to start e.g. with four cores.
You should observe that here the placement of process/threads either to same CCD or different CCDs has only a minor effect, i.e. available memory bandwidth per core is not major performance aspect.
You should observe also that OpenMP threading is more beneficial here than with the heat equation.
Try to utilize simultaneous multithreading (SMT) by setting in your Slurm batch job script
#SBATCH --hint=multithread
Note that there are now 256 logical cores, so you should have
ntasks-per-node * cpus-per-task = 256
. Does SMT benefit this application? (You may try SMT also with the heat equation).
Try to do some simple performance and scalability experiments with some DFT code. Remember that scalability depends always a lot the input case and type of calculation (number of atoms / basis functions, LDA/GGA vs. hybrid functionals vs. GW), so one should always carry out at least some scalability testing before starting production runs.
In terms of memory bound / compute bound behaviour DFT codes are typically somewhere between the heat equation and N-body problem. Parts of the DFT problem are more memory bound (e.g. FFTs) and parts more compute bound (dense linear algebra). The main bottleneck depends on the system size and type of calculation, e.g. few tens of atoms with GGA might spent most time in FFTs, whereas large GW calculation may be more compute bound.