netid: mhe8
ghid: mengling-he
ssh: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMrGv6Ud3dgu+K7Cx1Ly8LtWb6pOMZ2hvp/8UL25uxfz [email protected]
I'm Mengling He, and I am a first year Ph.D. student majored in Data Science and Engineering. I have a master's degree of Statistics, my previous background is mostly data and statistics, so I choose this course to gain knowledge about software engineering. My coding is not as good as other C.S. students since I had a hard time last semester in the Machine Learning class, but I learnt it hard and got a good results. I hope in this class we don't need to do too many big projects, but can learn the pipeline through the projects.