- you should have write permission, but create a PR if not
- Due: May 14
- weight: 35% of the total grade (project presentation is 10%, paper presentation 25%: the rest is for the assignments)
- Format: 4-6 pages in overleaf template
- Evaluation criteria:
- Soundness: The extent to which the paper’s contributions and/or innovations address its research questions and are supported by rigorous application of appropriate research methods
- Significance: The extent to which the paper’s contributions can impact the field of software engineering, and under which assumptions (if any)
- Novelty: The extent to which the contributions are sufficiently original with respect to the state-of-the-art
- Verifiability and Transparency: The extent to which the paper includes sufficient information to understand how an innovation works; to understand how data was obtained, analyzed, and interpreted; and how the paper supports independent verification or replication of the paper’s claimed contributions
- Presentation: clear descriptions, as well as adequate use of the English language, absence of major ambiguity, and clearly readable figures and tables.
- If more than one person: explain contributions of each author
- Due May 14
- Please make sure your presentation is uploaded to you project repo
- Chatbot
- Covid
- TermiView
- Verification Workflow For Neuromorphic Digital Hardware On FPGAs
- Signed Commits
- DocBot
- Commits Fixing Vulnerabilities
- Explore Seurat: an R package used to analyze single-cell data
- DocuMint
- Phishing Detector
- canvas-api-discord-bot
- CVE Identification
- World of Code Storage Architecture Upgrade
- ISAAC cluster job and storage reporting
- Optimizing Code Using LLMs
- Deceptive-Review-Detection
- Project-Manager
- Style-analysis
- Introducing the final assignment on projects citing publications
- work on final projects
- Licence assignment is due
- Semantic Web Applications
- Project updates (termi-view, detecting-covid-related-topics, Chatbot_International-Students, optimized-code-llms, canvas-api-discord-bot, CVE-Identification)
- updates
- facebookNews.pdf
- BigDataVideo
- BigDataPipeline.pdf
- Start 2min scrum-like updates on class projects
- CCTest
- ThetaNetworks.pdf
- BigDataPerspectives.pdf
- A ConvNet for the 2020s (https://github.com/cs540-24/papers/blob/master/ConvNet_2020s.pdf)
- ChaosMonkey
- LLM Clone Survey
- DevOps
- netflixRecommenders.pdf
- LLMSecurityUser2208.09727.pdf
- TestingInUncertainty.pdf
- futureSoftwareEngineering.pdf
- Data-driven Software Security: Models and Methods
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.18279.pdf
- SkillSpace
- OrphanVuln
- WoC
- pime
- When_Code_Completion_Fails_A_Case_Study_on_Real-World_Completions
- VCSBigData
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.09043.pdf
- Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale
- Prototype software assurance framework (SAF): Introduction and overview
- Selecting projects
- Please accept invite to the cs540-24 org on github
- If you have not done so register at https://github.com/woc-hack/tutorial
- Also, please get login at formerly known ACF (https://portal.acf.utk.edu/user_requests/new_user/netid/)
- Pick a paper to present and note at cs540-24/papers#1
- We will go over WoC tutorial today
- Please fill a form at https://github.com/woc-hack/tutorial
- Please describe who you are, your interests, and what you expect from the class and submit it as a file yournetid.md in a pull request to repo cs540-24/students
- Course: [COSCS-540]
- ** MWF 11:30AM-12:20 mk524 and online Zoom bridge https://tennessee.zoom.us/j/81105897325 ** ** recordings
- Instructor: Audris Mockus, [email protected] office hours - on request
- TA Oktay Ozturk [email protected] office hours - on request
The primary purpose of the course is to learn-by-doing advanced software engineering techniques including:
- Big Data
- Text analysis, e.g., LLMs, Word2Vec, GloVe, NMF, LDA, LSTM
- Image analysis, e.g., RCNN, Mask-RCNN, CAM, ...
- Network analysis, network databases (neo4j), ...
Each of the techniques will be learned through work on a real project.
Tthree outcomes for this class:
- present an existing research paper on any SE topic (prepared with a team)
- produce and present an innovative software project (a tool, paper, dataset as an outcome) also prepared with a team
- complete a set of tasks