# Cristián Vergara Fernández Portfolio
Project data science
[Project 1: Finding patterns in spanish cities based on land use and spatial configuration. (https://github.com/cristianvergaraf/Location-factors-of-tree-plantation-expansion-)
- We used hierarchical clustering model to find group of cities based on land use, spatial congifuguration and
- Statistics model using logistic regression to assess relative importance of location factors in the expansion of forest plantations in south-central Chile.
- Relative importance of variables was performed using a multimodel inference approach in R.
[Project 2: Finding patterns in spanish cities based on land use and spatial configuration. (https://github.com/cristianvergaraf/Location-factors-of-tree-plantation-expansion-)
We used hierarchical clustering model to find group of cities based on land use, spatial congifuguration and
Statistics model using logistic regression to assess relative importance of location factors in the expansion of forest plantations in south-central Chile.
Relative importance of variables was performed using a multimodel inference approach in R.
[Project 3: Land use cover classification using landsat images for the lingue basin in south central Chile (https://github.com/cristianvergaraf/Location-factors-of-tree-plantation-expansion-)
Download landsat images using google earth engine
Classify land use cover applying machine learning algorthms as random forest, sopport vector machine,
- Statistics model using logistic regression to assess relative importance of location factors in the expansion of forest plantations in south-central Chile.
- Relative importance of variables was performed using a multimodel inference approach in R.