This library hosts functions which operate on text. It tries to operate on unicode as well as ascii.
use re
use str
use math
use ./base
use ./test
use ./fun
fn is-unicode {|s|
!= (count $s) (wcswidth $s)
fn is-ascii {|s|
== (count $s) (wcswidth $s)
fn substr {|s &from=(num 0) &to=$nil|
var c = (all $s | count)
set to = (or $to $c)
if (is-ascii $s) {
put {$s}[{$from}..{$to}]
} else {
if (< $from 0) {
set from = (+ $c $from)
if (< $to 0) {
set to = (+ $c $to)
set to = (- $to $from)
drop $from $s | take $to | str:join ''
is not an index. It’s a target screen width.
fn trunc {|n s|
if (<= (wcswidth $s) $n) {
put $s
} elif (>= (wcswidth $s[0]) $n) {
put …
} elif (is-ascii $s) {
set n = (base:dec $n)
put {$s[..{$n}]}'…'
} else {
set n = (base:dec $n)
set s = (
fun:reduce-while ^
{|a b|
<= (+ $a[0] (wcswidth $b)) $n
} ^
{|a b|
put [(+ $a[0] (wcswidth $b)) {$a[1]}{$b}]
} [0 ''] (all $s))
put {$s[1]}'…'
is assumed to be single-width
fn lpad {|n s &char=' '|
var l = (- $n (wcswidth $s) | exact-num (one))
if (> $l 0) {
var pad = (repeat $l $char | str:join '')
put {$pad}{$s}
} else {
put $s
fn rpad {|n s &char=' '|
var l = (- $n (wcswidth $s) | exact-num (one))
if (> $l 0) {
var pad = (repeat $l $char | str:join '')
put {$s}{$pad}
} else {
put $s
fn center {|n s &char=' '|
var l = (- $n (wcswidth $s) | exact-num (one))
if (> $l 0) {
var front = (/ $l 2 | math:trunc (one) | exact-num (one))
var rear = (- $l $front)
set front = (repeat $front $char | str:join '')
set rear = (repeat $rear $char | str:join '')
put {$front}{$s}{$rear}
} else {
put $s
var tests = [rune.elv
'Hosts functions which operate on text. Tries to behave sanely with variable-width characters.'
'predicates which tell you whether or not the string uses wide characters.'
(test:assert-one $true)
{ is-ascii hello }
{ is-unicode '你好,世界' }
(test:assert-one $false)
{ is-unicode hello }
{ is-ascii '你好,世界' }]
'produces a substring.'
'returns the string with no options.'
(test:assert-one hello)
{ substr hello }
(test:assert-one '你好,世界')
{ substr '你好,世界' }
'starts at 0 when `from` is not provided'
(test:assert-one he)
{ substr hello &to=2 }
(test:assert-one '你好')
{ substr '你好,世界' &to=2 }
'goes to the end of the string when `to` is not provided.'
(test:assert-one ello)
{ substr hello &from=1 }
(test:assert-one '好,世界')
{ substr '你好,世界' &from=1 }
'feel free to mix them.'
(test:assert-one el)
{ substr hello &from=1 &to=3 }
(test:assert-one '好,')
{ substr '你好,世界' &from=1 &to=3 }
'negative indices can be provided.'
(test:assert-one ello)
{ substr hello &from=-4 }
(test:assert-one '好,世界')
{ substr '你好,世界' &from=-4 }
'positive and negative indices can be mixed.'
(test:assert-one ell)
{ substr hello &from=1 &to=-1}
(test:assert-one '好,世')
{ substr '你好,世界' &from=1 &to=-1 }]
'truncates a string to a specified screen width.'
(test:assert-one 'hello, w…')
{ trunc 9 'hello, world' }
(test:assert-one '你好,世…')
{ trunc 9 '你好,世界' }
'a sufficient width will return the whole string.'
(test:assert-one 'hello, world')
{ trunc 12 'hello, world' }
(test:assert-one '你好,世界')
{ trunc 10 '你好,世界' }
'a width too small will just return the elipsis.'
(test:assert-one …)
{ trunc 1 'hello, world' }
{ trunc 2 '你好,世界' }]
'Pads a string to width `n`. By default, the padding char is a space.'
'Only works if the padding char is single-width.'
(test:assert-one 'hello..........')
{ rpad 15 hello &char=. }
(test:assert-one '你好,世界.....')
{ rpad 15 '你好,世界' &char=. }
(test:assert-one '..........hello')
{ lpad 15 hello &char=. }
(test:assert-one '.....你好,世界')
{ lpad 15 '你好,世界' &char=. }]
'Pads a string on both sides, to width `n`. If the string is odd width, offsets to the left.'
'By default, the padding char is a space.'
'Only works if the padding char is single-width.'
(test:assert-one '..你好,世界...')
{ center 15 '你好,世界' &char=. }
(test:assert-one '.....world.....')
{ center 15 'world' &char=. }]]