Author: Desp
Let’s see how creative you can be in coming up with shellcodes!
Connect with nc 1337 and provide the payload you designed.
We are given a binary in which you are stuck in the function run
with the ability to run arbitrary shellcode. The goal is to escape the run
function and return to main
int main() {
printf("How\'d you get here???\nWell I guess I can give you an easter egg then: ");
void run() {
uchar shellcode [25];
while(true) {
printf("Enter your shellcode in hex (invalid hexits will be replaced with 0s): ");
(*(code *)shellcode)();
puts("Hm, that doesn\'t seem to do anything much does it? (Hint: think about how functions are se t up in memory)");
To return, you have to correctly clean up the stack and return from the function.
add rsp, 0x48
pop rbp
Thanks to my teammate Ayna who was looking over my shoulder and pointed out I was using esp
, forgot rbp
, and introduced me to the leave
x86 instruction lol. It had been a long day of travel to New York.