FMU Driver for Control Web and .NET
Documentation for ControlWeb integration
Header files
Third party libraries - FMI library from Modelon
project files to compile under MS VS2010
C source files
Test project of ControlWeb, Modelica model and FMI driver
Sources of thirdparty library
- CW2FMIGenerator.exe - generator of PAR file from FMU package
- CW2FMIDriver.dll - driver for ControlWeb 3+, .NET
- fmilib_shared.dll - fmilibrary redistribution package from
unzip the zip package into your folder e.g. C:\CW2FMIHummod
export FMO from model
- for Dymola version 2012 needs to be for co-simulation and ImplementationTag=true.
- Advanced.FMI.IncludeImplementationTag = true;
- menu -> Simulation -> Translate -> FMU translateModelFMU("HumMod.HumMod_GolemEdition", false);
copy FMU into the installation folder of CW2FMIDriver
generate PAR file for FMU
- in commandline (cmd.exe) cd c:\CW2FMIHummod
- CW2FMIGenerator.exe [mymodel.fmu] [mymodel.par]
- where mymodel.fmu is name of the FMU package file, mymodel.par is name of newly created PAR file
- e.g.: CW2FMIGenerator.exe HumMod_Hummod_GolemEdition.fmu hummod.par
workaround for the is issue #107, copy DLL from tempfmu/binaries/win32/ to c:\windows\system32
launch ControlWeb, install driver CW2FMIDriver.DLL, load PAR file generated previously and DMF file (manually edited before)