- 14/10/19 - 8~10 - 2h
Studying the problem, planning software architecture, creating the project using QT Example project ChartThemes as template, setting repo on github, making GUI changes, creating this log file and cleaning methods that won't be used.
- 15/10/19 - 17~20 - 3h
Setting the sin(t) function, also creating a timer and a method to include new points in an automated way. Also the x-Axis is updated to give the feeling of motion.
- 16/10/19 - 18~19 - 1h
Setting noise function, also implementation of functions that changes the behaviour of the sin(t) and gaussian noise signals based on buttons.
- 16/10/19 - 19~21 - 2h
Developing last functionalities, cleaning and optimizing code, also creating documentation and updating the repository.
Documentation about STL Normal Distribution