Releases: crashtech/torque-postgresql
Multiple schema patches
- Fix and add tests to revert the creation of a table that has a schema
- Fix the table name where the parent module is the one providing the schema
Fix for serial columns
v3.2.1 Move test to the correct place
Fix for serial columns
v2.4.1 Fix sequecen name generation to remove schema from the table name
Recursive CTEs
- Add support for recursive auxiliary statements
- Fix problem with table creation for Rails 7
Recursive CTEs
- Add support for recursive auxiliary statements
Support for multiple schemas
Added a new feature to facilitate the management of multiple schemas.
Support for multiple schemas
Added a new feature to facilitate the management of multiple schemas.
Add support to array associations using UUID
This version removes the assumption that associations are made using an integer type. It now does not take much into consideration the type, leaving PG to figure the type out or raise errors.
Add support to array associations using UUID
This version removes the assumption that associations are made using an integer type. It now does not take much into consideration the type, leaving PG to figure the type out or raise errors.
Add support to Rails 7.0
Add support to Rails 7.
Adapted super for enums since Rails 7 includes its own method to create enums.
IMPORTANT! A lot has changed in the associations' area, so beware that it may contain issues, even though all tests here are green.