- You Don't Know JavaScript - A nice series of books introducing JavaScript and all the core components of the language
- Node JS Docs - Official documentation for Node
- Mozilla Developer Network - Tutorials, guides, and manuals on JS from Mozilla Developer Network.
- Vim tutorial - guide to the editor used by Codeanywhere to edit your merge and commit messages.
- MDN documentation on promises - Describes the main object methods and prototype methods for using promises correctly
- HTML5Rocks Promises Tutorial - an excellent primer on promises, including motivation and construction of a working example, all on one page
- Mashape API Marketplace - a large collection of (free and paid) external API services
- Restify - node module for creating REST APIs
- Unirest - module for HTTP client requests (an alternative to Request) that is used in Node code examples on Mashape
- Mongoose - NPM package to interface with MongoDB databases
- node-persist - NPM package to persist data using the filesystem
- ESLint Quick Start - set up consistent rules for code formatting
- JSDoc Quick Start - document your modules and functions
- Istanbul - test coverage report generator
- Jasmine - documentation for the core node test runner
- Frisby - documentation for the API testing framework