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Guild Girl Bot

Second generation of a "Discord Guild Girl Bot" built using Spring & JDA

Steps To Launch The Bot :

  • Clone project

  • Set up

    • Run ./gradle build
  • Configure main/resources/

    • bot.token= your bot token (discord apps)
    • bot.prefix= any prefix (e.g. !)
    • bot.activity= any watching activity (e.g. Netflix)
    In case you want to use Yandex Speech Kit add followings:
    • your token from Yandex.OAuth
    • your Yandex cloud folder id
    In case you want to use AWS S3 add followings:
    • aws.access_key_id= your IAM User's access key id
    • aws.secret_key_id= your IAM User's secret key id
  • Launch the app!

    • Run ./gradle bootRun

Contribution info :

Commands adding:

For example let's implement ping command.

  • Create new branch and checkout
  • Go to commands package
  • Create new ping package inside
  • Create class PingCommand
    class PingCommand(val messageBuilder: PingMessage) : Command {
      override val caller: String = "ping" //NOTE! val caller is representing how will you call command (e.g. !ping)
      override val description: String = "Ping command description"
      override lateinit var event: GuildMessageReceivedEvent
        args - are everything you pass after your command
        e.g. !ping kek lol
          args[0] == kek
          args[1] == lol
      override fun invoke(args: List<String>) {
        // Calculating latency.
  • Create object PingMessage
    final object PingMessage : MessageBuilder() {
         Use your property you want to pass to message.
      private var latency = 0L
      fun latency(latency: Long) = apply { this.latency = latency }
      override fun send(event: GuildMessageReceivedEvent) {
         Inside this method you can customize your message.
         Example below.
      override fun createMessage(): MessageEmbed {
        return super
          .setTitle("$latency ms")
  • Open pull request
  • You are done!